#so I’ve never actually played it before
ikissjude · 2 days
funny bunny?¿ nrk.
in which bf!riki plays a prank on you for tiktok | tiktok series
riki x gn!reader, fluff, crack-ish, warnings: cursing, pet names, riki is a little shit (when is he never)
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riki giggled to himself as he set up the camera. one day, while mindlessly scrolling through tiktok on his phone, a particular video piqued his interest. a couple had gotten into a big argument over the boyfriend having a lot more knowledge on nails than his girlfriend expected. he immediately knew he had to make it with you. 
you weren’t too interested in tiktok, but you also loved to get your nails done. riki would often pay for your nails, even though you told him countless times he didn’t have to. he loved paying for your nails, and seeing what you got whenever you came back home. this seemed like the perfect prank to play on you.
it took riki two days to research more information about nails. he memorized the different shapes, some of the common polish colors, he even asked sunoo the difference between gel x and acrylic nails a couple times. today, riki offered to take you to get your nails done after having such a busy week, saying he wanted to “treat you as usual”. but this time, he wanted to give a suggestion.
riki pressed record and straightened his face after seeing you approach the car.  “hey baby,” he greets you as you settle into the car. “you ready to go?”
“yes, thank you for taking me ki.” he grabs your hand and kisses your knuckles. “are you gonna get your nails done with me this time?”
“aha, absolutely not.” he laughs off your request. you’ve practically begged him endlessly to get your nails done together, but there’s no way he would budge anytime soon. “i was actually thinking though, you should get something different this time.”
“really? what should i get?” you smile at your boyfriend. the sparkle in your eyes almost caused him to falter in the moment. he took your hand and spread your fingers apart, pretending to get a good look at them.
“i know you like simple styles, maybe try a short tapered square with a french tip?” he could see your head twitch slightly in his peripheral vision, and it took everything in him to not smile and blow his cover.
“or you could get that funny bunny and bubble bath combo? i saw that and it was really cute, it would suit you well.” this time you snatched your hand away from his grasp. 
“riki, what the fuck are you talking about?” you shrieked. he looked up at your wide eyes, which were astonished at his recommendations. he let a giggle slip, just before pulling it together and feigning innocence.
“what? i’m giving you recommendations.”
“and where exactly have you seen these nails? and how do you know what they are?” you said in shock. riki was right, you liked simpler nail styles; however you didn’t expect him to know anything about nail shapes and designs. “who have you been hanging around?” you asked, squinting your eyes at him.
“baby this is, like, common knowledge.”
“no it’s not? are you seriously trying to gaslight me right now?” you laughed incredulously. 
almost comically, you looked around the vehicle to check for cameras when you caught a red light peeking from your boyfriend’s side. riki knew he had been caught when you turned to him with a smile and flushed cheeks from embarrassment. 
riki couldn’t help himself and busted out laughing, pointing at your sheepish face, and back to his phone. he stopped recording and saved the video to edit and upload later.
“i got you so good, y/n, you gotta admit i did pretty good with this one.”
“i can’t believe you did, i’ve seen this trend on tiktok too!” you groaned, hiding your face behind your hands. “still, how’d you even know about any of that?”
“tons of research, and sunoo helped me a bit.”
“can’t believe you got sunoo to help swindle me as well.” you said as you leaned back in the seat and crossed your arms, a pout present on your lips.
“aw, it’s just a tiny prank, baby. besides, i’m still taking you to get your nails done.” riki said, leaving a peck on your cheek and pulling out of the driveway.
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lily-fics-11 · 1 day
I Can See You (Ellie Williams, TLOU)
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I Can See You
Fic master post here
Maybe check out my Ellie Cosplay here?
*Not beta read
Ellie Williams is a player, on and off the lacrosse field. You begin tutoring her so that she can get her grades up and stay on the team. You try to keep things professional, however, your affection is a great motivator. Ellie wouldn't be caught dead with you so you become her secret mission. 
Chapter 1
You’ve started tutoring Ellie and things don’t go as expected. She’s trying to convince you to kiss her to keep her doing her work. But not to kiss and tell.
Word count: 2.4k
CW: No use of y/n, profanities
The first time you kissed Ellie Williams was right in the middle of your 3rd tutoring session during the first week of March. 
She is the star of the girl's lacrosse team and they threatened to bench her if she didn’t improve her grades. 
Truth be told, Ellie has far greater academic aptitude than you expected. However, she spends most of her time in class flirting with the popular girls and cracking jokes instead of paying attention.
All you really have to do is go over the material and make sure she pays attention. Once she actually got to work, she would fly through everything, but keeping her focused was a far greater challenge than you had anticipated
The first meeting Ellie told you all about lacrosse, and you wouldn’t understand what she was talking about even if you wanted to. “You won’t get to play lacrosse if you don’t get any work done,” you reminded her. 
The second meeting you found out that Ellie is secretly a nerd, when she ranted about comic books. You had brought it up and it turns out you like some of the same ones. Ellie couldn't contain herself, but she made you swear not to tell anyone about it. 
Meeting three was when Ellie found out how to keep you distracted. She noticed the little pride pin on your backpack and started using her charm on you. 
You meet 2 times a class cycle because you were helping her with calculus and English on A days and chem and Spanish on C. You both have the same study hall so they assigned you to her. Can’t take away from the superstar’s practice time after school. 
“That rainbow pin on your bag,” Ellie smirks. “Are you…?”
“Rainbow in a women are hot way? Yes, I’ve been out for a while, so I thought everyone knew. I guess it’s only the people who pay attention.”
“I pay attention!” She actually looks offended. 
You sigh. “To cheerleaders, in short skirts. And popular girls in expensive clothes. Any girl with a couple thousand followers on Instagram.” Although you suspect that there is more to Ellie than there seems to be, there is no ignoring her taste in women.
“Not very feminist of you, judging those girls, I see that pin too.” She shakes her head in sarcastic disapproval.
“I would never judge anyone for anything like that. I admire anyone who is brave enough to express themselves in the way they want to. I’m judging you. For having such a narrow gaze.” Your smile is so sickeningly sweet it could rot her teeth. 
Ellie’s jaw drops, she really thought she had you there. “Come on now, I pay attention to all sorts of girls.”
You cover your face with your hands. “All right then, you’ve spent enough time sitting across from me, what color are my eyes, Ellie?”
“I… uh…” she stutters, at a loss for words. 
You uncover your face and comically bulge your eyes. 
Ellie raises her eyebrows and nods. “Now that I see them, that is exactly the color I was going to say.” 
“Bull shit.”
“Fine,” Ellie rolls her eyes, “ask me another question. If I get it wrong you will get 15 minutes of uninterrupted work from me.”
“What’s my last name?”
“That’s easy… you sit next to Carly in calculus, so your last name must start with R or S.”
You cut her off before she can continue, you'd be here all day. “I’ll stop you right there. We are not in the same calculus class.”
She purses her lips and squints her eyes. “Then why are you tutoring me in calculus?”
“Well, I am in honors, so I’m a year ahead. I got an A in it last year.”
Ellie scratches the back of her head. “That does actually make sense.”
You slide a worksheet over to her. “How about we start that uninterrupted work.”
She doesn’t even look down at the pieces of paper. 
“Just one more question? If I get it wrong, I will shut up for the rest of the period.”
She leans forward and gives you a charming smile, which you ignore to the best of your ability. 
“I love watching you bet against yourself,” you admit, leaning back in your chair with a smirk.
“I’m not done. If I get it right…” mischief flickers in those enchanting green eyes. “… I get a kiss.” 
Her smile would melt most girls' hearts, and you are no exception. You’d be lying if you said you’ve never watched her walk down the hallway before. Ellie swaggers through the crowds, that part for her like the red sea, with a shit eating grin and her chin turned up. She’s drop dead gorgeous, and her gravitational field is strong, all eyes are always on her. The girl practically oozes charisma. 
But you know how to play it cool.
“A kiss? Seriously? That’s what you want?” You scoff, though you certainly wouldn't’ mind.
“Yeah.” She says as if it’s obvious. 
“Why?” You are very suspicious. “I don’t fit any of your criteria.”
“I wouldn’t say that.” Ellie leans over and rests her elbows on the table, folds her hands together. “Now that I’m paying attention, your eyes are really pretty.”
“You’re fucking with me, Williams,” you huff, annoyed by her wasting your time. 
She smirks at you. “I’m serious. You’re actually way prettier than half the girls I’ve hooked up with.
“I’m so flattered.” You say sarcastically and start to organize the things spread out on the table. 
“I’m being serious!” She says and playfully slams her hands down on the table. 
“Only half?” You chuckle.
“I just… I… I guess not.” That makes your eyebrows raise and your nose scrunch in disgust. You run your tongue along the inside of your mouth.
“Actually, more than most.,.” Ellie stutters, her eyes darting around. 
You cross your arms over your chest and bite back a smile. “What’s my favorite song?”
“What’s your favorite song?” She echos back. 
“Guess it right and you can have a kiss.”
You’ve never seen Ellie concentrate so hard. You can only assume that this is her game day face.
“Its… it’s…” and she guesses… correctly?
You gasp, totally flabbergasted. “How the hell did you know that?”
She looks like she just won jeopardy. “You requested it in gym the other day.”
You blink rapidly in shock. “And you remembered?”
Ellie sits back and crosses her arms confidently. “Believe it or not we have a similar taste in music”
“You’re right. I don’t believe it.”
“Either way, I still won my prize,” she winks at you.
“Prize? Oh, yeah,” you laugh and roll your eyes. 
You lean over and give her a quick peck on the lips
She looks disgusted.
If looks could kill Ellie Williams would have been slaughtered right there in the school library. 
“Fucking hell, am I really that bad of a kisser?”
She squints her eyes and shakes her head no. “I wouldn’t know, that wasn’t a real kiss.” You run your hand through your hair. “What the hell are you talking about?”
Ellie looks deep into your eyes, like she’s staring right at your soul, and licks her lips. She slowly moves her hand to your face and cups your chin. She tilts your face up and smirks before pulling your lips into hers. Ellie does not hold back. 
Though you’ve never kissed each other before, it feels like you’ve kissed a thousand times. You don’t have to find a rhythm; you just fall in sync. Something about the way she tastes is so familiar. Who were you to deny yourself a good kiss with an attractive girl?
Ellie pulls away but leaves her hand on your chin. “That is a kiss.”
You lightly grab her by the wrist and place her hand on the table. “You still owe me 15 minutes of work.”
Ellie fake pouts. “Is that all you have to say to me? Was that not the best kiss of your life?”
Your palm meets your forehead. “You really are full of yourself. It’s time to get this stuff done.”
“All I’ll say is that maybe this could be a method of keeping me motivated.”
“You’re ridiculous!” 
She’s got a wide grin on her face; she’s waiting to prove you wrong. “You say that now, but I’m sure you’ll find yourself offering up bigger and bigger prizes, and not just to shut me up. But let’s keep this between us.”
It’s your next meeting and you are supposed to work on her chem homework and edit her English essay. 
“How about we work on your essay first?”
She nods and opens her notebook… to an empty page. She looks over at you expectantly and you gesture at it with confusion. 
“That doesn’t look like an essay to me,” you sigh. 
“I just wasn’t feeling motivated. So, I thought maybe, just maybe, you could kiss me after every paragraph. It would help me write.” Ellie licks her lips and tries to seduce you with her alluring eyes. 
“I think it’s best, for the both of us, to keep things professional.”
“Not best for me, it’s a proven method!” She exclaims as if it’s obvious. 
“You’d have to run the experiment more than once to prove something.”
“Fine, you can be the x axis and I can be the y axis.”
You fold your hands together. “I’m proud of you for that even if it doesn’t make sense. Do you know how many people have caught feelings for me while I tutor them?”
“First of all, I don’t catch feelings. Second of all, it can't be that many. 
“Underestimating is a dangerous game, Williams, a star athlete like you know that. 4 of 7 straight guys, 2 of 2 queer girls and 1 of 4 straight girls.
Ellie brings her hand to her chin and nods in approval. “I have to say, I’m impressed. Game recognizes game. That’s why you don’t have to worry about me catching feelings.”
“We can use that as a last resort. Can we please try and be professional?” You are borderline begging her. 
“Ughhhhh,” she groans and pouts her lips, trying to get you to look at them. You can neither confirm nor deny that it worked.
“I don’t care who you are, Ellie, you won’t be getting any special treatment from me.”
“We will see about that.”
Ellie was surprisingly cooperative while you outlined the essay theme. She even stayed focused while writing the intro.
But while working on the outlines for the body paragraphs she would hit you with a pickup line as often as she could. Somehow, she knew exactly where the sweet spot was, enough to satisfy herself, but not too many that you would get fed up with her and tell her to stop. 
“I finished the intro, how about we work on the intro of me and you?”
“I think this paragraph proves I know how to handle a beautiful body.”
Ellie kept holding the eraser side of the pencil to her lips and glancing over to see if it had you looking where she wanted you to. It's painful to admit, but you couldn’t look away.
After mapping out all of the paragraphs you switch over to chemistry. 
“Let’s go over the basics for this topic. What can you tell me about entropy without looking at your notes?” You ask her this very hesitantly, you don’t want to put too much pressure on her.
“Chaos and disorder.” Ellie smiles like an evil villain, as if those are her two favorite things. 
You give her a nod of approval. “That’s a good start, do you remember how the amount of disorder correlates to the amount of entropy?”
Her face scrunches up while she thinks. “More disorder is more entropy.”
“Perfect.” That puts a devilish grin on Ellie’s face. “If you kissed me I would have less entropy.”
You roll your eyes. “Oh, I'm sure you would.” You are completely monotone. “If the reaction is positive do the reactants or the products have higher entropy.”
Ellie straightens up her posture. “The products. So, if kissing was the product there may be a lot of entropy, but it would also be positive.”
“Ellie, if you found some internal motivation you would excel. Not just pass these classes and be able to play lacrosse but do really well. You are smart and I don’t think you give yourself enough credit.” You made sure that your tone was soft and reassuring. You really mean it and don’t want to sound condescending.
If you didn’t know any better, you would say that Ellie was on the verge of tearing up. “Really?”
“Yes of course.”
“Nobody ever expects more of me than playing well in lacrosse.” She’s looking anywhere but at you and playing with the pencil in her hand.
“I don’t know you well, but I can tell there is much more to you.”
Ellie looks so lost. “Of course,” she mutters. “I seduce every girl I see.”
That is absolutely not what you meant, even if it had been in the back of your mind. 
You softly give Ellie your opinion on the situation, whether it’s your place or not. This girl obviously doesn’t talk about things like this very much and you want her to know it’s ok to be vulnerable and communicate. 
“If the way you are with me is any indication of the way you are with other girls, and I don’t want to step out of line here- but I feel like you can handle honesty- it’s a defense mechanism. Deflection specifically.”
Ellie’s eyes shoot wide open and her jaw drops. “Fuck! You are smart.” 
You shake your head and smile. “I wouldn’t say that makes me smart, I’m just not shallow like everyone else in this godforsaken town.”
Ellie leans back in her chair so far that it looks like it’s about to tip over. She is staring up at the ceiling when she mumbles. “I think you’re the only one.”
“I don’t think you are either; I think you pretend to be. In order to survive.”
“What are you, some sort of therapist?”
“I’d be lying if I said I haven’t spent hours researching this type of thing because I find it interesting.”
“You can’t tell anyone about this.”
“Under one condition, we keep things professional.”
*if anyone is interested in a tag list lmk!
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Illicit Arrangement- Joel Miller
Part 2 of Forbidden From You
Word count: 2,762
Warnings: anal play, threats of anal, bondage, clothed cock riding, cockwarming, p in v, creampie, breeding kink, degradation, praise, hard sex, reader is able to be picked up!
Authors Note: So many people asked for a part 2, so I delivered. Thank you!! Tags: @emisprocrastinating @macaroni676 @sunsfrend
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"Whoops." Joel muttered, gesturing to the front door where his younger brother had finally come to the realisation.
A year had passed since Tommy had found out about your secret arrangement with his older brother. He had successfully avoided you for two weeks in what you assumed was anger but had later found out was actually mortification.
You had cornered Tommy in his own house, almost in tears, as you demanded an explanation and begged for approval. After a long, awkward conversation, Tommy agreed that he was in no place to be upset and that he did support you; it was just not in his cards to find out the way he did.
The secret had come out; practically everyone knew now about the relationship you had with Joel, or lack of thereof. You weren’t an official couple, yet you might’ve well have been. Joel refused to label what you had- a decision he made that drove you to insanity. One night, he had come home visibly annoyed, mumbling under his breath about his brother.
“You see, Joel.” Tommy slurred, slapping his hand on his brothers’ back. “I’ve known her for years, she’s like my little sister, like my little chick.”
Joel frowned, leaning away from Tommy to look at him, “Your… Chick?”
“It’s a baby bird,” Tommy clarified before continuing, “I told ya to keep away from her, your broody self compared to her sweet self… didn’t want you breaking her heart. But you’re together now-“
“Uh, we’re not-“ Joel tried to argue.
Tommy held up his hand, silencing an angry looking Joel, “You’re together now, and I have to accept it. Don’t break her heart, Joel.” His tone, previously lighthearted and slurred, now changed into a more serious tone, “I’ll never forgive you if you hurt her.”
Guilt had seemed to become an overwhelming part of your days, always questioning Joel's moves, wondering whether or not he wanted you for sex or something deeper. You confided in Maria about it but felt even guiltier when you questioned whether or not she'd tell Tommy about it as well.
You were sitting outside with Joel, a glass of rich wine in your hand, as the sun started setting, the final colours of the day painted across the darkening sky, a mixture of orange, pink, and light reds. Not many people came out this time of day; everyone in their houses were eating, or debriefing after a day of patrols. A picture-perfect environment for you.
Joel was silent next to you, his breath coming in slowly, his eyes closing for a few seconds longer every time he blinked, pure serenity. "What are we?" You break the silence, asking the question you had yearned to ask for months- a question you knew he'd try his best to avoid.
He sighed deeply, finishing his drink in one go, electing to stay staring at the sky. "Must we label it?" He finally answered, glancing at you from the corner of his eye.
You lean back, closing your eyes for a moment. "I want there to be a label. I don't know how to... be around you, what to refer to you as."
Joel listened to you, watching as the painted colours slowly started to fade, a dark new colour instead enveloping the sky. "Honey, I just don't understand the label thing." He admitted, "Why can't we just be what we are and leave it at that?"
"I wanna be more." You say, clutching onto the glass a little tighter, "It'll be just like how we are right now, but I'd get to call you my boyfriend. Flaunt you a little, I don't know." You mumble, sighing.
Joel chuckled quietly, "That's what you wanna do? Flaunt me? How entertaining, a young woman flaunting about her old boyfriend. Bet Jackson would be delighted."
You furrow your eyebrows, turning to face him. "Is that why you haven't wanted to be official? Because you're embarrassed you're with someone younger than you?"
The air around you was stale, your question lingered in the silent air for a few seconds. Joel shook his head slowly. "More so embarrassed for you. You don't wanna be stuck with me. Plenty of fellas here younger, more agile."
You stand up suddenly, needing to move only a step until you were right by his side. Your nails brushed against his beard, the usual deep brown now tainted with little grey streaks. "Don't want them. You're only a few years older than me, Joel... I don't want anyone else."
Joel looked up at you, his fingers stretching out from where they lay on his lap, "Just me?"
"Just you." You nod, leaning down to kiss him. Your noses brushed against each other for a second, before you twisted your face, connecting with him as your lips met. One kiss, then two, then three. The soft touches slowly turning into something more desperate.
He stood up, his lips never leaving yours as he wrapped his hands around your ass, lifting you up. "Yep," He chuckled, walking you into the house, "Definitely gettin' old."
He took you up into the bedroom, a place you were familiar with now. You were imprinted in everything, your scent on the pillows, your books on the bedside tables, bits of décor from your house (that you still technically lived in). Joel placed you down onto his bed, standing up straight as you began stripping your clothes, pushing yourself up onto your knees as Joel stood at the foot of the mattress, watching you. Bare and vulnerable, you knelt in front of him, your hands cautiously reaching out to his belt.
He grabbed your hands when you were close enough, shaking his head. With his free hand, he loosened it himself, pulling it out of the loopholes all whilst holding steady eye contact with you. With his belt in one hand and your hands in his other, he stepped a little closer, wrapping the belt around your wrists, effectively tying your hands together.
"Tight?" He asked, looking at you softly.
You shake your head, "Perfect."
"I'm gonna have you, little girl. All for myself, you understand?" He asked, pushing you back so you lay looking up at him. You could only nod, his words sending a spark down to your already aching cunt, a wave of arousal accumulating near your entrance. His shirt was taken off first, haphazardly thrown onto the floor beside him, followed by his jeans and eventually his boxers. His cock was already hard, the tip red and glistening with pre-come.
Your legs automatically spread as he knelt between them, the wide length of him causing your legs to part in a way that had your muscles struggling. He carefully moved your bound hands above your head, pressing down on them to indicate not to move them before his hand moved to gently grasp your thigh, squeezing it before he dragged his cock down the slit of your pussy.
The stretch was something you had gotten used to, every time he filled you up there was still some slight discomfort that lingered for a moment before he started moving. He talked you through it every time, whispering in your ear and massaging your skin as he praised you. Tonight the air was different. Once he was settled deep inside of you, he began fucking you, his hips connecting to your skin roughly, the power behind it shoving you further up the bed.
His hands met your tied ones, using them to keep himself up, his grunts reaching your ears over your loud moans. "Don't know what I was thinkin'." Joel muttered, looking down at where you were connected, his balls now slapping against your ass. "I've ruined you, couldn't take another dick after mine, could ya?"
"No." You moan, your eyes shutting closed as his hand moved from your hip down to your clit, circling it gently. Joel watched you intently, his thrusts not ceasing as he grunted above you. Suddenly he grabbed your legs, pushing them up to your chest, sliding deeper inside you.
He looked down again, suddenly groaning out. "Look at ya takin' me," He whispered, "Think you could take me in here?" His fingers circled your asshole, gently pushing the tip of his thumb inside. "I won't do it, not yet."
His consistent thrusts and the slow drawl in your ear set you off, your orgasm hitting you without warning. Your clenched around his cock, your arms straining above your head as you came, words of approval spilling out of your mouth. Joel slowed his thrusts down, slowly fucking into you now as he grew closer to his own orgasm.
"So good." Joel whispered, pulling your legs to wrap around his waist as he came, pushing himself into you as far as he could, moving down so he could kiss you. After untying your hands and cleaning you up, you lay side by side. Similar thoughts running through your minds as the still environment around you calmed you down.
The new arrangement between you and Joel was noticeable, you were the main talk of the town. You now held his hand and kissed him in public, and apart from the overdramatic gagging that came from Tommy, no one had a problem with it.
One evening, you were sitting at Jackson's lively bar, waiting for Joel to meet you after his patrol. You were drinking your drink when you heard someone clear their throat behind you.
"Mikey." You say, praying that you got his name right.
Mikey nodded, gesturing to the seat next to you, "Good to see you again. Could I sit?"
You slowly nod, watching him as he sat down, "You can until Joel gets here, just waiting for him."
"Yes, I'm kinda here to talk about him... And you," Mikey said, "You guys are dating, right?"
His question didn't surprise you, whilst no one seemed to care you were dating Joel, people still went out of their way to ask, usually a neutral expression on their face. A judgemental expression was instead plastered across the mans' across you, "Yep." You nod.
Mikey hummed, looking away for a moment. "Isn't he a bit old?
You smile, "Only a few years older than you and I. Don't really see the issue."
In a room full of people you really felt alone, you looked around, trying to find a face that was familiar enough to go to. Mikey hummed beside you, tapping his fingers against the wood for a few seconds. "Guess I'm just wondering why you chose him and not me. As in, did I do anything?
Your lips pull into a thin line, "It has nothing to do with you. Tommy set up that date not knowing that... I wasn't interested."
Just as Mikey was about to reply, a warm hand was placed on your shoulder, "Mikey." Joel greeted, squeezing your flesh gently. "Gonna go home, honey?'
"Yes, "You quickly say, taking Joel's hand as you stand up, "Bye, Mikey." With Joel hanging onto you, you quickly walk out the bar, mumbling under your breath as you navigate your way back to his house.
"What did he want?" Joel asked from behind you, pulling on your hand slightly in an attempt to slow down your fast paced strives.
You shake your head, "I didn't want to go on that date in the first place with him. Just wanted to get Tommy off my back."
Within a few minutes you were at his front steps, and you made your way inside, finally letting go of Joel's hand as you shrugged off your coat and boots. Then, you were being steered into the living room, where the embers of last nights fire were still glowing. "Was he botherin' you?" Joel asked, sitting down beside you on the couch.
You look over at him, his jeans straining against his thighs as he leant back against the soft material behind him. "Asked if we were dating," You start, "Asked why I chose you instead of him."
Joel nodded slowly, holding his gaze with yours, "And?" He asked, elaborating when you stayed quiet, "Why did you choose me instead of him?"
You started thinking about him; really thinking about the things that made him, him. Innocent thoughts at first, as simple as the crease in his forehead as he laughed, or the way he fiddled with his fingers when he was anxious. But naturally, you started thinking about the dirtier thoughts. The way his fingers curled inside you, how just one of his fingers were the equivalent to two of yours. How he moaned when you were taking him in your mouth. The thoughts had you tightening your thighs together, something he picked up on quickly.
"C'mere." He muttered, spreading his legs a little wider and angling his pelvis up slightly, patting his lap.
Your cheeks flushed pink, hesitantly kneeling up before you brought one of your legs over his furthest thigh. Impatient at your slow pace, Joel's large hands grabbed your hips and suddenly pulled you so you were sat flush against him, effectively straddling him. The contact alone felt heavenly, the feeling of his growing cock below your cunt. Your hands reach out to grab his broad shoulders, shifting up gently before moving back down on him.
“Yeah? You wanna ride my cock like this?” Joel asked gruffly, leaning up and wrapping his arms around your back. With this new angle, he nuzzled his face in the crook of your neck, pressing his lips against your soft skin gently. You moan, tilting your head to the side to allow him more access, all while starting to move your hips against him. 
“Want to feel you inside me.” You sighed, leaning your chest against his. Joel’s hands moved up and down your body, squeezing the flesh of your ass before coming to palm your clothed breasts, his lips leaving small kisses anywhere he could reach in his position. You lifted your hands, tugging your shirt off, soon followed by your bra.
You grinded against him, the rough material of his denim mixed with his hard cock hitting your clit with every thrust. Joel's hands moved to your hips, rocking you harder against him. He groaned into your ear, his hips moving upwards in their own accord. You sat up straight, leaning back onto his knees as he moved you.
Your orgasm was creeping up on you, your legs beginning to shake as you freely moaned, desperate to come. Then you were being pulled up away from him, your orgasm gone as quick as it had started, you groan in frustration, "Joel! What're you doing?"
He sat up and helped you stand up, undoeing your jeans, shoving them down your legs. You moved his hands away, taking off your own underwear as you watched you. "Please." You begged.
Joel looked at you calmly, pushing his jeans down to his ankles and pulling himself out of his boxers, gesturing for you to straddle him again. "Wanna see how long you can sit-" He gripped your hips and pulled you down, dragging his cock through your slick before pushing inside of you, "Still." He finished, allowing you to sit down on him as slow as you needed.
Once you were sitting down, completely filled with him, Joel squeezed your flesh, flexing his hips into you for a moment, "Don't move." He ordered, slapping the side of your thigh gently as he leant back, exhaling deeply. You looked at him unamused, resting your hands on your thighs. Joel smiled beneath you, opening his eyes slightly, "'S okay, baby. Doin' good." He praised you, moving his hands up your thighs, lingering on your hands for a second before moving up, and squeezing your breasts.
Joel slowly started moving, flexing his hips into you, the sensation almost becoming unbearable. Yet, you stayed still, instead choosing to clench around him, a wicked smile on your face. He groaned loudly, thrusting up into you roughly as he opened his eyes fully, shaking his head at you, "Little minx."
"Please." You beg again, despite everything, you continued to be still on top of him. Joel shifted, placing his feet square onto the ground and putting his hands under your ass before he started fucking up into you, setting an unforgiving pace instantly. The change from nothing to this, took you by surprise, and you reached out to grab his shoulders to balance yourself as Joel maneuvered you to meet his thrusts, bouncing you on his cock.
Given the fact that Joel had denied you an orgasm already, you were close to another in a record time, your thighs clenching around his. You were moaning in his ear as you came, your pussy clenching down on him. Joel followed soon after, pushing into you weakly, "Good girl." He groaned, rubbing your back gently. "That why you chose me?"
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zwedexx · 3 days
Day 1 - Evelyne Viens x Italian Roma Reader
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Summary: After Ev signs for Roma, she wants to discover the city so you offer to take her around.
WC: 1,574
A/N: The Italian is all from my brain so if there are any mistakes let me know. And all the locations actually exist and I've been to them
“Qualcuno ha qualcosa stasera? (Anyone have anything tonight)” Lucia asked the group.
“Non stasera, (Not tonight)” Giada shrugged, shaking her head.
“Stasera faccio i gamberetti con aglio e olio. Venite? (“Tonight I'm making shrimp with garlic and oil pasta. Are you coming?)” Lucia offered, a teasing smile playing on her lips.
“Va be (OK)” You reply with a grin.
“Manu. Vieni? (Manu, you coming)”
“Si, Si (Yes, Yes)”
“Perché sei così distratto? (Why you so distracted?)” Giada teased, nudging Manuela with her elbow.
“Ma quella laggiù chi è? (But that one there, who is she?)” Manuela asked, her eyes fixed on a group of people across the gym.
Everyone turned to look. There stood a few staff members, your captain, and an unfamiliar face. You’d seen rumors on social media about Roma signing a new player, but nothing had been confirmed yet. A wave of curiosity washed over you as you took in the new face.
“Here are some of your new teammates,” Elisa announced, motioning to your group. “That’s Lucia, Manuela, Giada, Elena, Moeka, Valentina, Camelia, Emilie, and y/n.”
“Ciao,” you all greeted.
“Hi, I’m Evelyne,” the new player introduced herself.
You couldn't help but notice the way her eyes sparkled with excitement. She seemed both nervous and eager, and you found her energy contagious. There was something about her that piqued your interest. During training, you found yourself stealing glances at Evelyne. She was clearly talented, her footwork precise and her passes sharp. Her speed and agility on the field were impressive, but it was her smile that really caught your attention. Lucia noticed your distraction and smirked.
“But you like uh Pasta and uh. Come si dice gamberetti in inglese?(How do you say shrimp in English)." Lucia asked Evelyne during a break.
"Shrimp." Emilie interjected.
“Yes, shrimp. Do you like?” Lucia repeated.
“Yes, I do,” Evelyne replied, laughing lightly.
“Okay, then you should come over for supper,” Lucia invited.
At dinner, the group gathered around Lucia’s cozy dining table, the smell of pasta and shrimp filling the air. Evelyne sat between you and Camelia, looking more relaxed than she had earlier.
“So, Evelyne, where are you from?” Emilie asked, curiosity evident in her voice.
“I’m from Canada,” Evelyne answered. “Québec, to be exact.”
“How do you like Roma so far?” Elisa inquired, passing the bread dish around.
“It’s beautiful, and everyone’s been really welcoming,” Evelyne replied, smiling gratefully at each of you.
“What do you miss most about home?” Valentina asked. "Probably my family and friends"
As the conversation flowed, you learned more about Evelyne’s journey to Roma, her love for the game, and her excitement about this new chapter. There was a warmth in her presence that made you feel at ease. The way she spoke, with such passion and enthusiasm, drew you in.
“Ok, ciao, ciao,” everyone called out as the evening wound down.
Evelyne turned to you as you walked her to your car. “Thank you for driving me back.”
“Oh, no problem. Where are you staying?” you asked.
“The club got me a room at the Cardo Roma,” she replied.
The drive was filled with a comfortable silence, broken occasionally by soft conversations about the city. It felt natural, as if you had known her longer than just a day.
“Have you lived in Rome your whole life?” Evelyne asked, turning to you.
“Well, not in the city center. I grew up in Fiano Romano but I’ve lived here in the city since I started my professional career,” you explained. “Have you ever been to Rome before?”
“No, I’ve always wanted to come but never got the chance,” Evelyne admitted.
“We have a day off tomorrow. I could take you around. I’ll be your own personal tour guide,” you offered, excitement bubbling in your voice.
“I would love that,” she responded, her eyes lighting up.
The next day, you took Evelyne to all your favorite spots in Rome. You started at the Colosseum, marveling at its grandeur.
From there, you made your way to the Trevi Fountain, one of Rome's most iconic landmarks. The sound of cascading water and the sight of the grand fountain took Evelyne's breath away. You walked closer, weaving through the crowd until you found a perfect spot.
“You have to throw a coin in,” you said, guiding her to the edge of the fountain. Gently, you placed your hands on her shoulders, turning her so her back was to the fountain.
“Close your eyes and make a wish,” you instructed softly, your hands lingering a moment longer than necessary.
Evelyne's eyes fluttered shut, and for a brief second, you found yourself mesmerized by her serene expression. She took a deep breath, her lips curling into a small, hopeful smile before she tossed the coin over her shoulder. The coin arced gracefully through the air before splashing into the water.
You quickly snapped a photo, capturing the moment. Her laughter, bright and infectious, filled the air as she opened her eyes.
“What did you wish for?” you asked playfully, a teasing grin spreading across your face.
“Can’t tell you,” she replied with a wink, her smile mysterious. “Or it won’t come true.”
You chuckled, "Fair enough"
The two of you stood there for a moment longer, basking in the magical atmosphere of the Trevi Fountain. The bustling energy of the crowd seemed to fade into the background, leaving just the two of you in a world of your own.
“This restaurant here,” you said as you pointed out a charming little eatery nearby, “has the best gelato, cannoli, and arancini in the city.”
Inside the quaint restaurant, the aroma of freshly baked pastries and rich coffee beans greeted you. You ordered a variety of treats, and the two of you found a cozy corner to sit in. You handed Evelyne a cannoli, and as she took a bite, her eyes widened in delight.
“This is amazing!” she exclaimed, a bit of powdered sugar dusting her lips.
You laughed, reaching out to gently wipe the sugar away with your thumb. “Told you. This place is a hidden gem.”
As you shared bites of arancini and sips of espresso, your fingers brushed occasionally, each touch sending a thrill through you. Evelyne's laughter and the way she savored each bite made the moment feel intimate and special.
Later, you took her to the Aventine Keyhole. “Look through here,” you said, guiding her gently. “You’re actually looking at three countries at once: Italy, Malta, and Vatican City.”
“That’s incredible,” Evelyne murmured, her breath catching at the sight. You stood close behind her, your hand resting on her back as she looked through the keyhole. The warmth of her body against yours was intoxicating.
Afterward, you headed to the Vatican City. You climbed to the top of the dome together, the breathtaking view of the city below making the effort worthwhile. Standing there, shoulder to shoulder, you felt a connection that went beyond words. Evelyne leaned into you slightly, her arm brushing against yours. The closeness made your heart race.
“You know,” you began, your voice soft and intimate, “I never get tired of this view.”
Evelyne turned to look at you, her eyes searching yours. “It’s incredible. Thank you for showing me the city.”
“I have one more surprise for you,” you said softly, your lips close to her ear. “Can I take you somewhere special?”
“Absolutely,” she replied, curiosity sparkling in her eyes.
The car ride was filled with anticipation. Evelyne looked out the window, taking in the sights as the city disappeared. You drove out to a secluded forest area where a hidden river flowed. The forest wasn't too dense, and the sound of the river grew louder as you approached.
“This is my secret spot,” you confessed. “Whenever I need to clear my head, I come here.”
“It’s beautiful,” Evelyne said softly, her eyes reflecting the tranquil water.
You both sat down on the rocky bank, the closeness of your bodies sending a thrill through you. The air was filled with the scent of pine and the gentle rush of the river. “I’m really glad you came to Roma,” you said, your voice barely above a whisper.
“Me too,” she replied, her gaze locking onto yours.
As you sat there, the conversation became more personal, more intimate. The chemistry between you was undeniable, and you found yourself leaning in closer. The evening was filled with laughter, shared secrets, and the promise of something more. The air was charged with electricity, every touch sending shivers down your spine.
Finally, you couldn’t resist any longer. You leaned in, your heart pounding in your chest. Evelyne’s eyes closed as you softly pressed your lips to hers. The kiss was gentle, tender, and filled with unspoken promises. When you finally pulled away, Evelyne's eyes fluttered open, a soft smile playing on her lips.
“I’ve wanted to do that all day,” you admitted, your voice barely more than a whisper.
“Me too,” she replied, her cheeks flushed.
You sat there by the river, hands intertwined, the world around you fading away. It felt like the beginning of something beautiful, something special, and you couldn’t wait to see where this journey would take you both.
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sorceresssundries · 9 hours
The Light in the Shadows
Anon writing request -
BG3 pride prompt! This game helped me realize I'm bi. Perhaps Tav didn't realize either? And one of the tadfools who normally wouldn't have caught their attention is suddenly occupying every other thought?
Anon, i'm so sorry your ask fell into the void so i'm having to do it as a separate post! This is for you, my friend. Happy pride month!
Pairing: Shadowheart x Fem Tav
Warnings: Female masturbation, smut.
Word Count: 1.5k
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Tav had been tasked with keeping the campfire alight, which basically meant she could keep angrily prodding at it and snapping pieces of dry wood to throw with more enthusiasm than necessary. Her gaze kept flicking through the dancing flames to the cleric sitting on the other side of camp.
Stubborn, standoffish, uncooperative—how could someone with practically no memory be so distant and unwilling to accept any kind of help? Surely, she must feel lonely. Surely, it must get cold in her self-imposed darkness. And why were her clothes always so tight?
Has she always been like this? Tav wondered. Before the nautiloid, before the tadpole. Which parts of herself had she sacrificed at Shar’s altar? Which soft, delicate traits had the Goddess carved from her with a ritual knife and deemed a worthy loss?
How light had her heart been before the shadows settled there?
Shadowheart was tough; Tav knew that. Yet despite that devout toughness, there were times when uncertainty flecked her green eyes and softened the hard jade into moss. Moments when the sharp bite of her laugh loosened, and Tav could hear bright, unfiltered joy seep through the cracks.
Tav tried to list the things she had learned about Shadowheart so far:
She was scared of wolves. She loved night orchids. She couldn’t swim. She read silly, smutty novels, and she had a rare smile that could part clouds.
Tav watched her now, reading a book outside her tent, sitting cross-legged with Scratch’s head in her lap, fingers fussing his fur absentmindedly.
She was very, very frustrating.
“Are you about to fuck her, or fight her?”
Tav hadn’t even heard Karlach sit herself down next to her; she was so lost in her exasperation.
“Fight,” Tav grumbled, prodding the fire.
“Huh.” Karlach stretched her muscles out and threw some wood at the flame. “I would have placed money on the other option.”
“It’s not like that.” Tav huffed. “She’s closed off and distant, and never accepts any help.”
“Yeah, and she’s got a stupid fringe.” Karlach snorted.
“I like her fringe, actually,” Tav mumbled, playing with her own hair. “It frames her eyes.”
Karlach tutted at her and shook her head. “Man. You must have it bad.”
Tav looked over at Shadowheart once more and felt her breath catch. Her lips were slightly darker than usual from her wine, and as she drank without thinking, a small trickle escaped her mouth and ran down her chin. She wiped it with her wrist and then sucked away the drop before licking her lips with just a delicate flash of her tongue.
Fuck. Maybe she did have it bad.
‘I don’t... I’m not...’ Tav struggled to get the words out, to express the feelings which seemed all knotted and tangled. “I’ve never been with a... a...”
“Cleric?” Karlach tilted her head at Tav in mock confusion. “Elf? Amnesiac with a bit of a bitchy personality?” She winked knowingly.
“Erm, yes. All of those.” A woman, Tav wanted to add. 
“Well... Does that matter, really? That’s all just... boring stuff. Superficial bits and pieces.” Karlach waved her hand dismissively.
Tav held her head in her hands. “It’s just all new. Like there isn’t enough going on. And she’s so annoying!”
“I think you’re overthinking things, soldier.” Karlach laughed. “Fight who you want to fight, fuck who you want to fuck.” Her smile was wide, full of the beautiful, optimistic simplicity of someone who had suffered unimaginable cruelty and still held tight to the kindness she was built of. She was a wonder.
Karlach looked up at the cloudless night sky and massaged her chest, as though in pain. “In the end, we’re all the same really - just hope and stardust”.
Tav moved her hand towards Karlach’s, not able to touch her, but close enough to feel some of the heat radiating off her poor, scarred skin. Karlach’s voice became wistful, “We all just want to be touched, so... let yourself. One day, you may not be able to.” In that moment, Tav would have gladly taken any of the pain from holding Karlach’s hand, just for a second, just long enough for Karlach to know the feel of another person. But she jumped up before Tav had a chance. 
“Oi, Gale!” She yelled at the wizard’s tent, dusting off the mournful moment with her usual iron resilience  “Are you going to teach me some magic or what?! I want to learn how to smush things from really far away.” 
Tav heard Gale sigh from inside, followed by the sound of a book snapping shut.
His head poked out from the flap, wearing a frown. “The Weave is a delicate, intricate coalescence of energies which surrounds us all and breathes arcane intention into existence. It is not about smushing.”
Karlach stood with her hands on her hips. “If it isn’t something you’re skilled enough to teach, then no worries! I’ll just go find Halsin…”
He placed his fingers on the bridge of his nose and inhaled sharply. “Okay. Fine, this lesson we’ll cover the basics of smushing, but next time…”
“Fuck yes!” Karlach punched the air in well-earned victory before turning to Tav to give a pair of farewell finger guns. “Taters, soldier! Stop thinking about things so much. You’ll get brainache.”
Tav smiled as the two of them walked off together. In the lasting glow of Karlach’s hopefulness, she nearly mustered the courage to approach Shadowheart. But a persistent inner voice cautioned her, whispering that now wasn't the right time. Confused and exhausted, Tav retired to bed.
Sleep did not come as easily as hoped that night. Hours had passed, and Tav lay wide awake, thoughts of Shadowheart still clouding her mind. The cleric had spent most of the day's journey complaining about her aching feet. She had groaned and sighed. Tav could have helped her if she weren’t so stubborn and hard-headed. She could have kneaded her fingers into the soft arch of Shadowheart's soles, working out the discomfort, listening for the sounds of relief as she massaged and caressed, waiting for Shadowheart to throw her head back and grant her one of those rare, soft smiles.
Without realising it, Tav's hand had settled under her shirt, resting on the skin below her belly button. As her eyes closed and her thoughts drifted, so did her hand, lower and lower, until she was absentmindedly running her fingers through the hair between her legs. She thought of the way Shadowheart’s glossy braid swung in the sunshine, how the silver metal caught the light. She pictured the firm set of her jaw when she was determined or annoyed, how she offered barbed jabs with a sly smile and a glint in her eye.
Her hand moved lower still, caressing herself with no real purpose—just playing, just exploring, just touching her own body and thinking of the woman who had burned through her thoughts all day. Shadowheart's skin was always so soft, silken and unblemished, cool as velvet despite the harsh conditions and the relentless sun. Earlier, when Tav had grabbed her arm to stop her from stumbling, her thumb had swept against the delicate skin of her wrist. Shadowheart had gasped, breathy and quiet, and the sound had made Tav’s mouth dry.
Tav gasped now as she brought the memory into clear focus and stroked herself. She was wet, and there was now purpose where before there had been only curious, easy exploration. She wondered how Shadowheart’s skin felt in the cool places the sun didn’t reach. She wondered how she tasted.
Her hip bones, the shell of her ear, her wine-stained lips. Tav imagined each part of her body as though they were delicacies to be savoured. Sugared treats you would hold against your tongue to prolong that first, craved tang of sweetness before licking off every bead of sugar and swallowing. Her wrists, each finger, her cunt. Tav flicked through each body part she had imagined like beads on a prayer chain. She wanted to worship each of them.
She fell further, chasing the thought of her mouth against Shadowheart’s cunt, imagining her noises from earlier and how she wanted to hear her make them again. Louder and longer. More of them. Until the breath was stolen from her lungs and all she could do was gasp and shudder.
Tav wanted to taste all her hidden colours. She wanted to lick out her secrets and savour them sharp on her tongue, make her call out prayers she thought she had forgotten to gods she did not even worship. In desperation and in total ecstasy.
The thought of it sent Tav over the edge. Fucking herself to the image of Shadowheart coming undone against her tongue, she unraveled completely.
She was totally unaware that the lust-filled sighs she had been imagining were now filling Shadowheart’s tent not far away, ignited by the very same thoughts.
It didn’t take long for Tav to drift off, finally peaceful. Her dreams were full of night orchids, and warm days, and green eyes creased with laughter. 
Full of hope and stardust.
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nalyra-dreaming · 18 hours
I like your theory of Louis bringing Daniel specifically to Dubai to interview him because he’s “the one tool to crack” Armand. It seems more likely now after hearing Louis in the new trailer saying he will never forgive Armand/Armand saying he will try to earn Louis’ forgiveness for his whole life. This exchange makes sense if Louis knows something of Armand’s part in Claudia’s death. Also especially so if one remembers Armand’s line in the trailer of how he betrayed Louis once (“…and it wasn’t in San Francisco”). I’m also very curious however of what happened in San Francisco which Armand is referring to here…? So Louis remembering how Daniel was even at that time able to help him process his story - in addition to being somewhat of a weakness for Armand makes sense with him inviting Daniel now.
What will be cleared up and is unknown to Louis is, as speculated before, probably the extent of the betrayal. This has been stated before but Louis probably at first believes that the extent of the betrayal is Armand seemingly (or actually) chooses to sacrifice her to the coven to save Louis? The revelation for Louis at the end of the season could then be that Armand played a bigger part in her demise. It makes sense to me that after the upcoming episode five Daniel will be even more suspicious of Armand and be open about these suspicions with Louis. Especially since Louis will realize that there are things he outright doesn’t remember (as revealed in trailers). This is probably the beginning of his and Daniel’s alliance, as mentioned in interviews. And is what will lead into the last three episodes.
So I like the theory but I’ve become more doubtful if Louis knows of Armand’s previous relationship with Daniel (if Devil’s Minion happened). I’m basically going back and forth about it. Louis did believe for a second that Armand meant Louis should kill Daniel in their bedroom scene in the opening episode. But the reason for my doubt is mostly because we know from screeners that no romantic relationship between Armand and Daniel has been revealed by the sixth episode. Which means that if Louis and Daniel get on more or less the same page by the end of the next episode Louis still decides not to reveal this to Daniel? Which is not necessarily fully improbable to be fair. Could be related to why Daniel’s memories are missing, or Louis might be respecting Armand’s wishes not to reveal this to Daniel. It does also feel somewhat unlikely to me that Armand would be having a secret affair with Daniel while together with Louis. Maybe a bit more likely if after San Francisco and the first interview they go through an emotionally cold period… Or as suggested Daniel becomes their ‘third’ for a while. If it’s the latter however, I feel that Louis would have revealed that to Daniel by the next episode’s end? I mean Daniel’s request is to remember what happened between them... The show has made a thing about Armand and Louis picking up guys and Louis picking up Daniel is a part of that pattern. What do you think? Given that there doesn’t seem to be any footage filmed of Luke and Assad together outside of Prague I’m inclined to believe we won’t see a DM “chase” this season. If DM happened and will be revealed by the season finale, which I desperately hope, I think it might just be a single memory Daniel suddenly recalls. I’m incredibly curious to how such a revelation will impact the dynamics in Dubai, though I’m confident that the truth about Paris will already do that to a much bigger extent. Would really appreciate to hear what you think! And what @cbrownjc thinks as well if you’d like to share. Thank you!
Louis canonically knows. And tells Armand, too. Which seems to be exactly what is happening there.
As per what is being hidden from Louis - I think it is the cut out Merrick pages, because the content of those pages canonically break the proverbial camel's back. But yes, there are things wrt Armand's actions that both Daniel and Louis will remember, and that will have them form an alliance.
I... doubt all the screeners/reviewers caught the "Devil's Minion" vibes. I wouldn't go by that, because most don't seem to get the implications here at all (as with other things as well).
The relationships between vampires work differently. Armand and Daniel would not be having an "affair", even if Louis would have been around and/or even part of it. It's not like that for them. They are immortal. Why would they care for flings? And when it became more... then it would be seen as something precious, because their relationships are coveted things, ultimately, because there's, relatively seen, a handful of vampires out there - the options are limited, and their existence very lonely.
And Louis... can only reveal what he remembers. And I think there's quite a few gaps there wrt San Francisco.
I think ep5 will be the horror beginnings of DM and the beginning of the chase... and in ep8 Daniel will remember that he "loved this thing". Which will open all that up to the future seasons.
As per their impact... while I do think it has huge impact - I am not sure we will see all that impact this season - because this is still Louis' story. Oh, there's more to it all, of course. But Louis' big arc needs to be resolved first, and Rolin said we shouldn't jump too far ahead for DM.
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sxcret-garden · 18 hours
ღ NCT Dream Jaemin x gn!reader ღ words: ~800 ღ genre: smut (sub!Jaemin, edging, some body worship, nipple play, praise, marking, handjob, oral (all idol receiving)) ღ warnings: none ღ prompt: “You look so good beneath me.”
Author’s note: I’ve actually never thought of him taking on a submissive role, but now I don’t think I’ll be able to stop thinking about it anytime soon…
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You can’t take your eyes off of him. The way he’s throwing his head back, lips parted to make way for the sweetest moans that escape him with every single one of your touches. His hands grappling the sheets, because you didn’t give him permission to touch you and he desperately needs something to hold onto. The muscles dancing under his skin with every time he squirms underneath you or shifts his position - to meet your touch when he needs more, or to try to escape it when it’s getting too much.
“You’re so pretty…” you coo over your boyfriend, and the desperate look in his eyes as he meets your gaze makes you gasp. You’re straddling him, one hand stroking his length at an unhurried pace, while the other finds its way up to his chest. Jaemin lets out a pained groan as he throws his head back into the pillow, and you send him a fond smile. “Not yet, baby,” you whisper, and the broken sound coming out of his mouth when you take your hand away from where he needs it the most only makes you want to torture him some more. You’ve been edging him for a while - it’s evident in the way he’s panting, hair sticking to his forehead, and he’s watching you with tired eyes. And yet he doesn’t disobey, he hasn’t tried even once to flip your positions around, taking what he wants. Instead he’s taking what you want, remaining patient.
“Such a good boy,” you praise, and he furrows his eyebrows at your words before you lean in to place a kiss to his sternum. Working your way up as you scatter little nips and kisses all over his skin, you add, “You look so good beneath me.” Jaemin moans in response, letting you do to him whatever you want. You reach his face eventually, and the fucked out expression he’s wearing has heat rushing through your veins. “Fuck, you’re so perfect…” you breathe, and then you lean in to capture his quivering lips in a deep kiss. He lets you lead, and as you move your lips against his, you reach for his hands, intertwining your fingers with his and bringing them up so you could pin him against the bed. You break the kiss, gently, and in the way he follows you as you move away you can tell he wants more. However, you shake your head ever so slightly, and then you let your lips wander from the corner of his mouth to his throat. He leans his head back to make space for you, and as a reward you linger, sucking a mark into the skin at the side of his neck.
“Y/N…” he mewls your name, and when you roll your hips against his once, he lets out yet another desperate sound. He sucks in a shaky breath, but he doesn’t say anything. You know he’s at his limit, and still a part of you wants to drag this out even longer. Still, you continue to make your way south, mapping out every inch of his body with your mouth, just like you have done so many times before. His painfully hard cock rubbing against your stomach as you lean in to wrap your lips around his nipple finally draws a quiet “please” from him. As much as you love how obedient he can get, sometimes you just want to hear him beg, and so you continue. Your tongue drawing circles around the sensitive bud, alternating with sucking gently on it to be sure to drive him absolutely mad, you grind your hips against his thigh, causing your stomach to move against the tip of his weeping cock, and the friction has him shuddering underneath you.
“Shit…” A curse escapes him, his eyes are squeezed tightly shut.
“You’re gonna cum just like that?” you ask him, your tone somewhat mocking, and as you glance up at his face you can see him blush. “I know something better…” Jaemin is clenching his teeth now, you can tell he was about to fall apart when you sit up to move further down, and the pathetic whine he lets out makes you smirk. Wrapping your hand around his length, you mutter, “Cum in my mouth, pretty boy.” And as you take him in, he bucks his hips, fists tearing at the bedsheets, and he moans when his tip hits the back of your mouth. You swallow around him, your free hand holding his hips in place, and it takes but a few times of you bobbing your head up and down until he comes undone underneath you. A delicious moan slipping past his lips accompanies him releasing in your mouth, and you swallow every last drop of his cum before you sit up, now drawing soothing circles onto his thigh.
“You did well, baby,” you mutter, scattering soft kisses up his abdomen, while he’s still catching his breath. “So, so well.”
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sugoi-and-spice · 2 days
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Chapter Twenty-Nine - Nice While it Lasted
Summary: Tomura Shigaraki was her dad’s boss’s son. He was the creep that stole girls’ underwear and tried to grope her in his room. But it’s not like he could get her Dad fired just because she wouldn’t sleep with him, right? …right?
CW: Quirkless!AU, Explicit Smut, Dub-Con, Coercion, Blackmail, Cheating, Sexual Guilt, Humiliation, Unhealthy Relationships, Power Play, Hate to Love, Emotional Manipulation, Emotional/Psychological Abuse, Self-Harm, Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Slow Burn
A/N: Manga readers.... I... I'm so sorry for this chapter.
Read Full on AO3
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Tomura Shigaraki didn’t dream.
Or at least, he didn’t consider the series of thoughts, images, and sensations that he experienced in his rare stints with sleep to be dreams. Dreams in his mind were fantasies. Visions of a hopeful future or irrational exercises in imagination. Dreams were nonsensical, removed from corporeality and truth. The things that happened in dreams weren’t real.
This is not what Shigaraki experienced when he slept.  
While the flashes in his mind always felt nonsensical at the time, coming in and out of his mind in orderless bits and pieces like a corrupted stream, whenever he came to his senses, he was always able to sort them out. He knew that they weren’t his imagination. These were memories, things that truly happened to him. Even if they didn’t stick with him for long after, he knew that much. Everything he saw when he slept was a horrible, undeniable truth.
Which is why when he shot up in bed around three in the morning with visions of her fresh on his mind he felt particularly unsettled.
He wasn’t sure where they were exactly, somewhere unfamiliar. Somewhere endless. The light around them was too blindingly bright to see it clearly. A city sidewalk maybe, he could faintly recognize the hum of conversation and commuters walking past him in all directions, minding their own business.
They stood facing each other, a considerable distance between them, just staring. She wore an expression that should’ve comforted him (and in many cases had) a small smile and a soft, relaxed gaze. She looked content, completely satisfied with everything around them. 
But it unnerved him here, considering the fact that she was just watching him, ragged, desperate and tearing at his own throat with reckless abandon in the middle of the street. She should’ve been horrified by the sight, worried about him. She always had been, even in the beginning of all this, she never wanted to see him hurt.
So why did she look so happy watching it now?
“You told me everything. Gave up everything,” she repeated words he didn’t recall saying, “No… More like that creepy Sensei gave up on you, right?”
He couldn’t speak anymore, didn’t know if ever could actually. His voice was gone, trapped by a burning closure in his throat. He couldn’t even nod. All he could do was stare at her, stuck in a shell-shocked muck of despair.
“You have nothing…” she clapped her hands together happily, “ Finally, you have nothing!”
He couldn’t breathe. The weight of the world, of her horrible joy crashing down around him was too heavy. 
“Oh come on… Don’t look at me like that,” she tilted her head, a taunting little pout on her lips, “There’s no way this can be a surprise. After everything you did to me, did you honestly think that I’d forgive you? That I’d love you?”
The completely shattered expression on his face was answer enough. She couldn’t help but laugh.
“What an idiot…”
Finally, horribly, she started walking towards him.
“It’s a shitty feeling isn’t it? Having nothing. You’ve felt it before. I’ve felt it…” 
She planted her hands on his shoulders, tight. Painfully tight, like they were breaking him to pieces.
“And you deserve to feel that way for the rest of your life.”
He wasn’t imagining the pain. It was a searing, cracking feeling surging through his muscles and neck, his joints and very being. He snapped down to look at his shoulders as it intensified, as he began to crack and crumble under her fingers, his entire body decaying away into dust. It hurt and it emptied him, which only served to destroy him further, faster. The feeling of having nothing, of turning into nothing, all while she stood smiling in front of him, happy he was gone. And as his eyes started to go, he could see everyone around them suddenly stop to stare at him, to watch the wind sweep his remains up away into the blinding, parting clouds above.
They were happy to see him disappear too.
Before the last of him faded away was when he finally woke up, body lurching forward, sending the game controller abandoned on his chest clattering onto the floor. 
Lit only by the Game Over screen of whatever he’d fallen asleep playing, he couldn’t remember. It didn’t ultimately matter. Right now all that mattered was the tightness in his chest, the burning in his lungs as he gasped for breath like he hadn’t taken one in hours. It certainly felt like he hadn’t. He definitely hadn’t breathed that entire dream.
No… Not a dream, he reminded himself. After all, Tomura Shigaraki didn’t dream. In his sleep, he only ever saw the truth — horrible and desolate as it was. But this was strange. That interaction between them, he knew that it wasn’t something that had happened between them before.
Which meant it was going to happen in the future.
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salamanderst · 1 day
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Heaven <matt Sturniolo>
Warnings: smut, giving head (m receiving), use of y/n (I tried to use it as little as possible.) praising?, first time, pet names (baby), idk what else lemme know if I should add something else
A/n: my first post on This acc 🥳🥳 definitely not my first smut but I hope you guys like it!
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“Hi baby!!” I say as I hear the front door of my apartment open.
No reply. That’s weird, he always is excited when he comes over, especially if it’s a surprise and not planned.
I see him walk over to me plopping on the couch with his arms crossed not even looking at me.
“Matt what’s wrong?”
“Chris, he keeps pissing me off. Like anything I do he mocks me and makes fun of me it’s so fucking annoying.”
“I’m sorry baby I know he’s a hard on you. You can stay here as long as you want!” I say giving him a kiss on his head.
“Mh.” He gives a slight smile, clearly not in the mood to talk, I leave him be and put on one of our favourite movies.
I snuggled up next to him wanting to feel his touch since he I haven’t seen him in awhile and won’t talk to me.
“Matt? Do you wanna talk about what happened?” I say looking up at him, I mean there’s no way he’s this mad at his brother.
“It’s nothing.”
“Matt, it’s not nothing tell me.”
“Fine, I was in the kitchen I was just making some toast for breakfast. Chris was on the couch and Nick was upstairs in his room. Then Chris just started saying how I need to lighten up more and I’m so boring and never fun to be around. I was like what the fuck. you know, I didn’t even do anything. So I said that and he said ‘well you know you’re just always grumpy I’m surprised you have a girlfriend.’ And then I went off on him and left.”
“Oh, I’m sorry baby that’s so fucking dumb of him to say, but I don’t think he meant any harm Matt. And you’re not boring you’re great to be around.”
“Yea.” He said with a smile giving me a kiss on the cheek.
Matts pov
After she said that I swear I lost it, I don’t even know why, like she didn’t even do anything but my pants immediately grew tight.
“Hey pass the blanket it’s a little chilly in here.” I said with a small laugh.
“Are you joking it’s so hot today you’re gonna be way to hot with a blanket.”
“Yea I guess but I don’t know I’m like so cold.”
“Well uh it’s warmer in my bedroom if you wanna go in there and besides the only blanket I have in here is super small.” She said getting up and laughing.
I followed her to the bedroom, thank god my dick was only semi hard you could barely tell, at least I hope so.
End of Matt’s pov
When he asked for the blanket I immediately saw, he’s not too sneaky. Asking for a blanket well it’s literally boiling in here? So as anyone would I took him to my bedroom.
Me and Matt have been together for 5 months I’ve never done anything with anyone other than kissing and holding hands. Me and Matt have gotten close to doing things but never actually did.
And today was a great day to feel ready, I mean he’s in a mad mood and got hard to me comforting him? I should at least help.
“Matt.. why’d you lie?”
“Uh lie about what?” He knew what I don’t know why he’s playing dumb.
He was sitting on the edge of the bed I kneeled down in between his legs.
“Matt you know what.” I said making sure to keep eye contact.
“I’m s-sorry you know I can’t control that..” he replied looking away.
“No it’s okay.” I said having a smile on my face. “Actually I had an idea.”
“Mmh and what’s that?” He remarked.
I didn’t reply I gave him a smile and started to unzip his jeans.
“Y/n you sure I don’t wanna pressure you.”
Again I didn’t respond I just gave a nod and a smile.
I put his pants down to his jeans and pulled down his boxers his dick immediately springing out.
Holy shit, I just stared.
“Somethings wrong?” He laughed.
“No, no it’s nothing.”
I kissed his tip leaking percum. I jerked him off before doing anything, I mean I didn’t really know what to do.
I slowly put my head down letting his length in my month, jerking off what I couldn’t fit. bopping my head up and down but not too fast.
“Mmh so good baby.” He whimpered putting his hand in my hair.
I started going a little faster but Matt started pushing my head down almost face fucking me.
“Oh f-fuck you feel so good.” He moaned bopping my head up and down faster, making me gag.
He gripped any hair using me as a fuck toy making tears form in my eyes. Was it to much? Yea, but for Matt I didn’t mind I knew he felt good.
“Fuck, I’m gonna cum.” His dick twitched in my month making shivers go down my spine.
“You gonna take it mmh?” He said looking down at me.
I looked up and him nodding my head. He started bobbing my head up and down faster and faster.
“Oh S-shit I’m close.”
Tears pouring down my face at this point as he shot his load into my mouth, swallowing it.
He pushed my head to the base of his dick, him filling my mouth not letting me get up, whispering curse words.
He finally let go of his grip on my hair looking at me, his face having and extremely worried look.
I started laughing.
“Oh my god I’m so sorry baby was that to much are you okay??” He said rubbing my cheek and putting my hair behind my ear.
“Matt no, no it’s okay I loved it.” I gave him a smile wiping his cum still on my mouth.
“Are you sure you have tears??”
“Matt it’s okay really I’m fine.” I laugh again giving him a kiss on the forehead. “Let’s go get cleaned up and then watch a movie?”
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Let me know what you guys think!! And tell me if you wanna be on the tag list 🥳🎀
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girlboybug · 12 hours
daddy issues
“you ask me what i'm thinkin' about, i tell you that i'm thinking about whatever you're thinking about."
or the one where your boyfriend reminds you that you’re all he could ever want.
what’s playing 🎧: daddy issues by the neighbourhood
pairing : dilf!farleigh start x fem!reader (afab bodied)
word count : 3k
CONTENT WARNINGS : SMUT, age gap, dilf farleigh au mmm can you tell i’m ovulating, un protected sex, breeding kink, light impact play (he slaps reader a few times but nothing crazy), spitting, brief mentions of an exhibitionistic fantasy, size kink if you squint, cervix kissing yum, slight manhandling :3
TRIGGER WARNINGS : light slapping but nothing harsh and it’s all consensual, ermmm age gap with a power imbalance both professionally and morally but it’s all legal and reader is of age. if i’ve missed anything pls lmk.
a/n : hi guys! i know it's been a while since i've posted any work and i'm so sorry to anyone who has been wanting any updates. i missed you all, but life has been not the best. i won't share whats been going on, as tumblr is a safe space for me and id rather not bring my real life troubles onto here. i hope you guys enjoy this and forgive me for my absence <3
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“you’re staring.” he says, not bothering to meet your eyes. you clear your throat, feeling flushed when you look away. “sorry.” you mumble, holding your legs close to your chest. farleigh sighs, shutting down his laptop and swiveling around in his chair before making his way towards you on the bed. your body lights up the second his proximity to you gets a little closer, and he sees it. 
it’s hard to not see it. 
he knows you try to hide it, to not seem like such an eager little girl, but your internal excitement when it comes to him is just so visibly external. it’s cute, it’s honest and it’s sweet, it’s one of the reasons why he likes you so much. 
you welcome him in with open arms, parting your legs for him to climb in between and nestle himself into. he picks you up from the mattress with ease, his large hands supporting you by the hips and the bottom of your ass to reposition you on top of him. 
he rests his hands on your thighs, watching as you rest yours on his broad chest, gently smoothing down the material of his white button up, the small embroidered dior catching your eye on the inside of his collar. 
“you’ve been quiet today.” he states, his warm hands bringing life to your skin beneath your silk slip. “because you told me to be,” you frown, slumping. he laughs, twiddling with the lace hem at the bottom of your short little slip. “yeah, but you never actually listen.” his thumb guides your chin upwards, pulling your gaze back up to his eyes. “so what’s making you actually listen today?” he asks softly, his hand engulfing your cheek. you lean into his palm, sighing to yourself. 
“i dunno,” you shrug, feeling small under his stare. “you dunno?” he repeats back, semi mockingly, but mostly full of endearment. you huff, glaring at him. he laughs again, and it makes something stir in your stomach. everything about him is so attractive, it can be upsetting at times. sometimes inconvenient.
there’s been more times you can count where you’ve sat on the sidelines while he conducts business meetings, strikes deals, makes compromises that are really more so situations that fully benefit him but worded to make it seem like they benefit the other person as well — and other business-y jargon you can hardly keep up with. but it doesn’t matter if you understand what’s going on or not, every time you sit and watch him in his element it lights a desire to stick your hand under your skirt and take care of the ache beginning to build. 
it’s just so hot seeing him be ahead of every single one of his colleagues, running circles around them with ease. his intelligence and capability is just so alluring. you think that it comes with his age too, the experience, the knowledge on life. you’ve always thought older men were the standard for attractiveness, and when you met farleigh, he somehow managed to raise the standard you had set in the stars and bring it to a level far beyond that. 
but with that, comes a sense of competitiveness with other women in his field. all closer to his age, more experienced than you are in almost every important aspect. it makes you a little insecure from time to time. you’re the first woman in her mid twenties he’s been with since he was in his mid twenties. he’s now approaching his early forties and it makes you nervous that maybe one day your company will bore him and he’ll crave someone else who can keep up with him. 
this morning at the bright and early hour of 7am, that fear was reignited in you. you watched from your desk, as your boss, your boyfriend, discussed things you didn’t even want to fathom, with a beautiful woman in his office. 
you watched as he laughed with her, as he let her run her hand down his forearm, watching as he let her hug him before she exited. to wrap a neat bow around the shit filled box, she made it a point to send a condescending smile to you on her way out, almost like she just knew. 
but, you know she’s just a coworker, she’s not even in the same department as he is, and is usually located in another location across the state but it felt horrible to see them interact. and it felt even worse knowing they would look good together, complementing one another with a high sense of class and elegance. 
farleigh anchors you back to him, squeezing your hip and gently patting your cheek. “what’s going on in that head of yours?” he murmurs, looking at you intently. “hmm?” 
“do you think i’m too young for you?” you suddenly ask, eyes already lined with tears. he’s a bit taken aback, not expecting the line of questioning. he takes a moment, swiping away your fallen tears. “no, i don’t. if i did, this—we wouldn’t be happening.” he says clearly, matter of factly, but there’s gentleness in his words, he wants to wipe away any doubt that might linger in your mind about you two. “why? do you think i’m too old for you?” he questions further, sitting up and pulling you along with him, making sure with every movement you remain close. you shake your head, sniffling.
“no,” you huff. “but i was watching you with…that woman in your office and i just…” you trail off, looking down at his button up again, smoothing down invisible wrinkles. 
“got a little jealous?” he can’t help the smile that grows on his face and raises his tone, it’s embarrassing and you return his inflating ego with a silencing glare. “yes.” you admit, somewhat annoyed, but you know it stems from your insecurity and fear that he’ll confirm it. 
“baby,” he sighs playfully, shaking his head. “i’m far from interested in her. i’ve got my eye on a new girl,” he grins, his tongue poking his cheek. “yeah?” you ask, folding your arms across your chest, suppressing your smile. “who is she?” 
he looks off to the side wistfully, exhaling with desire. “ohh i don’t think you’d know her,” he waves you off, sighing when he leans back into the headboard. “she’s my secretary. she wears these tight little pencil skirts, and she has a habit of bending over often. i think she does it on purpose.” he adds, his hands running up and down your thighs. your efforts in keeping a straight face fall flat, your smile betraying them and perking the corners of your lips. 
“oh really?” you giggle, leaning forward. “why don’t you make a move on her?” you tilt your head, wondering what his answer will be. “i’m thinking about it. i’m thinking about telling her how i watch her from my office when she thinks i can’t see her, how i think about bending her over her own desk and fucking her in front of all the little boys in their cubicles who think they have a chance with her.” 
warmth floods your cheeks like a tide pool, dragging you into the depths of nervousness. his smart tongue and dirty mouth still manage to catch you off guard, never failing in making you flustered and shy. he loves it, he loves how easy it is to play with you.
you can feel him getting hard under you, and it excites you, it makes that familiar ache trickle all over. “i don’t think she’d be against that.” you reply, trying to hide the shakiness in your words, but he hears it. he can always see through you and your little acts. 
“oh you think so?” he hums, squeezing your hips. you nod, leaning in closer, nudging your nose with his. “i think so.” you whisper, your lips brushing against his.
“you feel that?” he murmurs, lightly grinding his bulge against your panty clad cunt. you whimper softly, nodding. “it’s only ever for you,” he breathes out, pressing his lips to your lovingly with a chaste kiss. he peppers kisses to your lips over and over until he sinks into you, pulling you in with a hand behind your head. 
he moans into your mouth, gripping your hips and planting you firmly on his cock, rocking into you with haste. the pressure and friction ripples through your cunt, nudging your clit just the way you need. you cup his cheeks while you kiss farleigh, melting into him and sighing with content when he migrates from your lips, sucking hot bruises into the side of your neck. 
“i need you,” you whimper, meaning the sentiment in more ways than one. farleigh is the only man who’s ever made you feel the way that you do, emotionally and physically. you’ll always need him, whether it be a strong shoulder to cry on, or a strong shoulder to bite into when he’s got you nearly folded in half, fucking you stupid. 
“how bad?” he breathes out, bringing his hand between your grinding hips, pressing his long fingers firmly against your cunt. he can feel the dampness seep through the material, laughing smugly when you gasp. “real bad huh?” he adds, humming in agreement when you nod dumbly. “i know baby,” he coos, kissing the space beneath your ear. 
you shrug off the spaghetti straps of your slip, a breath of a shock being pulled from your lips when he acts faster than you, eagerly tugging down the white silk material to expose your bare chest. he groans to himself, lurching forward and taking your soft flesh in his mouth. 
you arch your back closer to him, eyes fluttering shut and mouth agape with soft moans trickling out into the dimly lit room. he plays with you, rutting his hips into yours, hands and tongue lapping up and groping your breasts, hungrily squeezing, licking and nipping at your flesh. 
your hands play with the curls at the back of his neck, tugging with a gasp when you feel his teeth graze your nipples. “farleigh,” you whine, throwing your head back, trying to grind harder on his cock. “need you,” he kisses your sternum, looking up at you with his hands far beneath your slip, wrapped around your sides, fingers gently skimming across your ribs. “i’m right here baby,” his voice cascading around you like caramel, enveloping you in its golden hue, rich and sweet. 
he pushes your dampened panties to the side, groaning to himself at the sight of your cunt glistening. he thumbs at your lips, sighing lowly and spreading you apart. 
his thumb rubs over your clit, chuckling when your lips part and a shaky moan escapes out. he rescinds his warm touch faster than you would’ve appreciated, softly cooing away your sounds of disappointment. he lifts you off of his lap, laying you gently down on your back. his large hand cradles the back of your head, lowering you down onto the pillow below you. 
he unties his tie, discarding it somewhere to be found by the maids in the morning, a shaky sigh fluttering from your lips at the view of him above you. the soft glow of the lamp on your shared nightstand wafts all around him, tracing the outline of his full curls, highlighting his cheekbones and drawing a line down the bridge of his nose. his lips tempt you without having to move at all, no movements in forming words, he just stares at you and with that alone, you’re a perfect malleable thing ready for whatever he has planned. 
“you’re beautiful,” he states in a breath of admiration, leaning back down towards you. “my girl,” he sighs, kissing your neck, breathing in the dainty vanilla, floral scent from the dolce & gabbana perfume you begged him for. but beneath the expensive perfume is your scent. your sweet natural scent he can never seem to get enough of, always crouching down to hug you from the back and bury his nose in the crook of your neck, sniffing right at the sweet spot. and now, it just turns him on further, fishing out his cock from his dress slacks, too bothered to take the extra steps in sliding them off his hips, too eager, too desperate to feel you, to be close to you, to be in you. 
he pushes in, tugging a deep gasp from the depths of your chest. he groans the second your cunt envelopes him in, gripping him in and squeezing. your walls pulse around the girth of him, trying to adjust to the intrusion. he grinds his hips, shuddering above you. “fuck baby,” he chuckles in disbelief, kissing your collarbone. 
“god,” you choke out, swallowing thickly, dragging your fingertips down his back. he starts pivoting his hips deeper in you, slowly pumping in and out, wanting to take his time with you, relishing in being able to savor your cunt. it’s been a few weeks since you both have had sex, he’s just been so busy with work, he hasn’t had the time to fuck you like you deserve, but now he has all the time in the world, and he intends to use it until the very last second. 
you feel so full of him and you find yourself somehow wanting more, wishing you could be with him deeper, but in the same breath as that thought, he knocks whatever you have left in your lungs right out, pushing into you deeper as if he could sense what you wanted. your calves rest on his lower back, keeping him flush inside you.
gentleness starts to shed, and an eager pace takes its place, his hips moving faster and his cock hitting harder. your clit brushes against his trimmed bristle of pubic hair, whimpering at the friction, tears already brimming your pretty eyes as he fucks you. 
and then you say something you’ve never said before, never even really thought of or fantasized about, but as you stare at him, watching him fuck you like he owns you, you can’t help it from coming out. “hit me,” you whimper pathetically, hardened nipples pressed to his chest with desperation. he stills inside you for a moment, panting with a look of confusion, unsure if you really just said what you said. 
“what baby?” he asks breathlessly, swallowing thickly. “hit me, touch me, please farleigh,” you plead, fisting at his button up, grinding your hips down to try and regain some friction. he’s ashamed with the way his cock twitches inside of you at your desperation. so unadulterated and unfiltered in the act of something so filthy. 
his hips start moving again, and he’s grabbing at your face, squeezing your cheeks until your lips pucker. “open.” he commands, and like a dutiful believer, you obey, parting your mouth for him. he spits and you swallow without being told to, moaning with a gasp when his hand lands on your cheek afterwards with zero infliction of pain, but enough heaviness to remind you his strength is there. it’s simply withheld to avoid hurting you and bruising your pretty face. 
your cunt squeezes around him, arching your back into his chest as his hips pivot harder into yours. he takes notice, landing another firm but lovingly smack across your cheek. before your moan gains sound, his large palm covers your mouth, his lips finding your ear. “be quiet and listen,” he murmurs, leaving the air silent. all you can hear is him fucking you, how wet and loud you are. “you’re so fucking wet,” he chuckles in your ear, and the moan that follows behind his palm just proves his point further. 
“do you hear that?” he shoves his hips in, pinning yours down with his available hand, giving more access for him to push in deeper. the fat tip of his cock nudges at your cervix, filling you out more than anyone ever has. “making a mess all over my slacks baby.” he grunts, but there’s no complaints to be found. 
when he finally removes his hand from your lips, he’s greeted with your heavenly moans, rendering him weak with his face in your neck, mouth baring hot kisses, groaning your name. 
his hand that nearly dwarfs your face comes back down, slapping the side of your cheek, his warm palm cradling it after the impact, his thumb running along your pouring waterline. “my little crybaby,” he grunts with humor, his hand sliding from your cheek to the nape of your neck, his other hand following suit. he presses down, forcing you to crane your neck downward, focusing your gaze on the sight of his cock disappearing in and out of your puffy cunt. “watch.” he utters in your ear, his teeth catching your earlobe before he pulls away. 
and you do. 
you watch him take you over and over, his hips slamming into yours, occasionally stilling in you to let the weight of his cock buried deep inside you hang heavy.
your legs tremble around him, unable to soothe them from the adrenaline that comes with getting fucked. “touch yourself.” he exhales, bringing his lips to your forehead. “wanna feel you cum,” and that alone could have made you finish. you bring your fingers to your aching clit, moaning a drawn out whimper at the stimulation. he watches himself fuck you, how he stretches you out and how your cunt accommodates him every time. 
“fuck,” you sob, panting heavily, sweat starting to collect around your neck and trickle between your breasts. “can i cum?” you plead through a choked moan, clit throbbing in excitement when he nods, picking up the pace in his thrusts. he releases your neck, traveling up to your jaw and bringing you closer to his mouth. his lips are pressed to your’s in milliseconds, drinking in every little sound you let out as he fucks you through your orgasm.
a bruising grip rests on your jaw and hip, like a wordless statement of how much of you belongs to him. which is everything. you can’t think of a single thing about you that you could say isn’t apart of farleigh; hell, you can’t think at all right now, not when your poor cunt is getting pounded into and your shaky fingers can’t seem to stop rubbing circles over your clit. the feelings that deluge through your body are addictive, it feels so good that it trickles into a delicious type of hurt. 
you’ve already cum, its existence proven by the white ring around the base of his cock, the sight has your hole weakly tightening around him. with no forewarning, he pulls out, leaving you hollow and empty, wincing from the loss.
before you can voice your confusion and protests, he’s flipping you around, guiding your hips back up, large hand pressing your cheek into the pillows below you. he’s back in you as soon as he exited you, groaning lowly to himself. “fuckin’ perfect.” he grunts mostly to himself, his cock twitching at the sweet little gasp you let out from the new angle. he travels into you deeper this way, nudging your cervix with every other thrust. 
he curls behind your back, his chest pressed flush against your shoulder blades, his lips nipping and sucking bruises into the crook of your neck, breathing in your earthy dulcet scent. he brings your wrists to the small of your back, keeping them in place while his thrusts start to become more and more sporadic. “gonna cum, tell me how bad you want it,” he grits, feeling his climax fast approaching, eager to finish to the sweet sound of you begging for his cum. 
begging for him to cum inside of you is as easy as breathing, if not easier, since he always manages to take your breath away, whether that be by his charming smile or with his hand wrapped firmly around your throat. “please cum in me,” you sob, tears staining the white silk pillowcases. “wanna be full of you, please farleigh, i need it, need it so bad,” you babble mindlessly, trying to fuck your over sensitive cunt onto him, your ass meeting him with every pivot he sends into you. 
normally, he’d push you a little more, too indulgent in his desires to let you have it that easily. but the way you fuck yourself onto him and cry for him is enough to make any man give in. his pants come out sharp, his thrusts matching the tempo of his thumping pulse, spilling into you with a loud groan of your name, his hips fused firmly to your ass. he pumps into a few more times, swallowing hard at the sight of his and your sticky cum and the mess it's made. “gonna pull out now baby,” he murmurs softly in your shoulder blade, kissing the skin lovingly. you wince, squeezing your eyes shut, collapsing back into the bed with your legs tucked close to you.
he crawls over on top of you, running his hands across your clammy forehead and temple. he peppers gentle kisses over your warm skin, humming quietly. “you okay?” he asks, laying beside you, pulling you into him after tucking himself back into his slacks. “mhm,” you nod lazily, shuffling around to face him. he chuckles, kissing your nose. 
his arm wraps around you, securing you into his chest, rubbing your back in relaxing circles. his hand sneaks between your legs, scooping his cum with his fingers, shushing you playfully when you whimper, your hips shying away from his touch. “behave,” he chastises lightly, bringing his fingers to your lips. “open.” you open your bitten lips, tongue darting out along his digits, licking him clean. you hum something of approval, kissing the pads of his fingers before he pulls them away. “good?” he mumbles against your cheek. “good.” you confirm, kissing his hair.
he snakes his arms around your waist, unsatisfied with how far you feel from him wanting to be as close as humanly possible. you’ve always loved how touchy he remained after sex, used to the two pump and dump cycle you’ve had with past guys.
unlike them, farleigh isn’t just some guy, he’s a man – granted a man old enough to be your father, but that never bothered you, if anything it added to the appeal. but regardless of all of that, he loves you, loves being near you even in non-sexual contexts. he proves it every day, like he is now, whispering about how pretty you look right now. “i love you,” he says softly, and it sounds like the first time he said it, gentle and nervous. it makes you smile, opening your heavy eyes to peer into his. “i love you.” you repeat back with just as much truth and confirmation. “i love you,” you kiss him, sealing your promise with your lips pressed together.
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katsco · 1 year
I’m so tempted to play night in the woods but it’s currently 2am and I know damn well I’ll play the whole thing.
I’m fully blaming aimsey for bringing me back into my night in the woods phase.
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1driedpersimmon · 4 months
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Let it not be said that magic users are not physically strong 💪☺️
(In other words I’ve made Kaiien a summoner hehe)
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g0nta-g0kuhara · 11 months
Was anyone gonna tell me Celeste had SEVEN FTES?? Kyoko only had 5 like a normal person!! Which one is the standard here?
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dooxliss · 10 months
Geno 1c? -🌕 (moonknightproductions)
ask meme
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what coming down from star road does to a ♡♪!? mf
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infestedguest · 10 months
If the writers of Friends (1994) weren’t cowards Chandler Bing would’ve been bisexual and there would’ve been at least one gag where Joey thought it was specifically because he was the genetic offspring of a straight woman and a gay man, and that’s how all bisexual people are created.
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boomerang109 · 14 days
yeah maybe you’re a great music fan but actually i think you should be jealous of the joy and whimsy that my audio processing issues bring into my life
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