#smtm 10
va-an-couver · 1 year
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i-nabi · 2 years
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ㅤㅤ⠀⠀⠀˚ ⁎ (📀 +) ⁺ ˳ ★ ⋆ 🪦 ࣪. ☆
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f-ngrl · 1 year
Under Seongsu Bridge
... is a Korean music crew. Their name refers to Seongsu bridge in Seongsu-dong, which is the neighborhood they’re from. They have 6 members, are part of FLOCC and have Paloalto (who also lives in the area) as their biggest supporter. They released a collab album in 2021 which is hiphop and r&b (song recs at the bottom of the post).
It is said that they met in middle school where 365lit was bullied by the other members and then they became friends (?) - however, the crew wasn’t founded until 2019.
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From left to right: 356lit, BIRTHDAYCAKEiii, Jupiter Kim, Ray Shin, web., toigo
They have a crew youtube channel where they post vlogs and MVs. If you spreak Korean, you can watch the vlogs and find out more about them.
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김민성 (Kim Min-seong) | 1998.04.09 | ig, soundcloud
he is a rapper and his style is energetic rap/hiphop
he participated in smtm 9 and 10
he has many connections and friends in khh and features often with other rappers
jupiter kim is his older brother
song example
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이정빈 (Lee Jung-bin) | ig, soundcloud
his music style is indie pop and indie rock, example mv
he mostly works with the other crew members or alone
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Jupiter Kim
김목성 (Kim Mok-sung) | 1996.07.10 | ig, soundcloud, youtube
(on the right in the photo - left is 365lit)
he is a rapper, singer (?) and producer
he recently changed his rap name. his old name was (just) jupiter
he does different styles, you could call it an experimental/artsy kind of hiphop?
he was briefly on smtm9
apart from the crew members, he often works with zene the zilla
he was in the military 2021-2022 and missed dearly esp. by 365lit
365lit is his younger brother
song example
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Ray Shin
신준현 (Shin Joon-hyun) | 1998.12.14 | ig
he is a rapper
he is relatively new as a solo artist
he released his first EP “Denim Dream” 5 months ago and only collaborated with crew members on it
song example
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ig, (no info? :()
he is a singer and his songs are r&b and ballad style
he usually works with the other crew members only
he has quite a few MVs and visualizers on usb’s yt channel, example
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toigo (토이고)
주병우 (Joo Byung-woo) | 1998.07.24 | ig, soundcloud, twitter
he is a rapper, his style is active & fast hiphop, example
it’s very hard to find him not wearing a hat
he’s a bit of a comedian and very active on twitter
he was on smtm9, 10, and 11 and like 365lit is relatively active in the khh scene
The crew will release their new collab album “UNDER SEONGSU BRIDGE II” in May. The song “Seongsu Freestyle” by Jupiter Kim, toigo, 365lit was already pre-released recently.
If you don’t know where to start, here 2 song recs:
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AOMG Profiles
Hey everyone! So, I finally wrote the AOMG profiles. If I missed anyone, it’s because I don’t know much about them yet. I only really know about Sogumm from Sign Here and I’ve seen her live. We went to the AOMG tour in Dallas, so we saw Wonjae, Coogie, DeVita, and Sogumm. As always, send me a request of whatever you wanna see! Also, be forewarned, these are just bullet points of dumb shit, tbh.
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1. Jay Park
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-        Fukboi Extraordinaire
-        Workaholic
-        Probably addicted to sex, tbh
-        Definitely projects his sex life to the world
-        Has some big name friends, he literally works for Jay-Z and that’s weird
-        Probably has a secret softboi side but is mostly fukboi
-        Has so many freaking tattoos
2. Simon Dominic
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-        The world’s softest Uncle
-        Used to sleep in his studio
-        Is in the weirdest group when you consider people like The Quiett and Yumdda. Great song but a concerning group of individuals. He also literally had a broken leg in the video. Why? What did he do?
-        Loves to harass Jay
-        When listening to the song Simon Dominic, you can stop spelling his last name and just spell Simon Dom
3. Gray (He’s so hot)
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-        Incredible producer and rapper. The originally 119 is fire and I will take no criticism
-        A soft boi who sometimes gets really awkward
-        Somehow way more pretty than most women that exist
-        Has threatened to take We Are back from Wonjae on more than one occasion
-        Listen to his album, it’s fire
4. Loco
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-        The most awkward boi
-        If you haven’t watched It’s Dangerous Beyond the Blankets, please do. He’s ridiculous and his mom likes to buy him As Seen on Tv products
-        The cutest bean and must be protected at all costs
-        Was not here for Sign Here but they did have a large cardboard cutout of him
5. Woo Wonjae
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-        A small, soft bean who is also depressed
-        I’m not sure he leaves his house that much
-        Definitely a drink at home kind of guy
-        Is best friends with Cokun, for some reason?
-        Is glad he’s no the youngest anymore
-        Is as tiny live as he appears on tv but he’s freaking amazing live. I have video evidence after seeing him in concert
6. Code Kunst
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-        Dedicated Cat Mom
-        Kind of looks like a drunk aunt
-        Has now gotten super buff and I’m concerned about it
-        Wakes up and chooses violence most days
Likes to be an asshole for absolutely no reason
7. punchnello
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-        Is a giggly little baby. My source is SMTM 8
-        At one point, his shaved head with bright yellow hair looked like a tennis ball
-        He’s really just a tiny e-boi and I mean, tiny
-        Is proof that violent rap comes in all sizes
-        Disappeared off the face of the planet for a while
8. sogumm
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-        Tiny, weird, and pretty. She’s quite confusing
-        I’m concerned by the existence of Balming Tiger
-        She sings like she’s been drunk her entire life but her live vocals are freaking insane
-        All I ever think of is her versus Sokodomo and them being labeled as Psycho versus Pyscho
-        Her fashion sense is strange and I don’t understand it
9. Yugyeom
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-        Hey, look, Got7!
-        Has transformed into a large fukboi under the tutelage of Jay Park
-        Has some of the most concerning friends. Especially if you consider that he is friends with both BamBam and Jungkook and Jaehyun from NCT. The 97 line is concerning
-        I think Jay wanted another dancer since he spends all of his time forcing other members of AOMG to dance. He then just hired Yugyeom
-        I think he might be the tallest person in AOMG
10. Coogie
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-        Look at that soft boi go
-        I think The Quiett might be jealous that AOMG got him. He was obsessed with him in SMTM 777
-        He’s super excitable and listening to him try to speak English makes me giggle
-        He’s also phenomenal live and is ridiculously pretty
-        His music is fun and he is adorable
Thanks for reading, I hope you enjoyed! Send me any requests you might have!
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khiphop-discussions · 6 months
Cj E&M rejected the copyright claim disputes for both videos for SMTM11 episode 10 so no final SMTM reaction video! :(
Maybe I'll just post my final thoughts on the winner + runners up + final thought on SMTM without the extra reaction videos and all of that.
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gaogrotesque · 1 year
source. WKorea
對KPOP粉絲們來說,不認識製作人R.Tee就可惜了。 BLACKPINK的〈玩火(불장난)〉、BIGBANG的〈FXXK IT(에라 모르겠다)〉、太陽的〈Wake Me Up〉等等,過去數年來,他所製作的歌曲已經在世界上冉冉升起。既然已經證明了自身的存在,那麼透過出演2022年Mnet的SHOW ME THE MONEY 11,又再一次地要證明什麼呢? R.Tee講述了與SMTM11一起度過的這特別的一年、以及一切都通過「真心」而得的R.Tee獨有的方程式。
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雖然優勝的Rapper出自其他隊伍,但這一季實際上的勝利者應該非你本人與JUSTHIS組成的「魚子醬(알젓;R.JUS)」隊莫屬 從DON MALIK到許成炫為止,有兩名隊員晉升到了現場直播的總決賽舞台
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透過BLACKPINK的〈玩火(불장난)〉、BIGBANG的〈FXXK IT(에라 모르겠다)〉等多首HIT曲,不管怎麼說都已經是證明了自身實力的製作人了;在這次SMTM11中有什麼想要展現出來的樣貌嗎?
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「高中、大學時我都是主修韓國畫的。高二時開始下定決心要成為音樂人。真的是因為很單純的理由。沒有比我更熱愛音樂的人了,所以因為這樣我認為自己可以脫穎而出。現在也還是會對後輩製作人們說:『我比你更熱愛音樂。在這點上是不會輸的。』然後對美術大學就只是想沾個醬油路過就好。我的父親和姐姐都是畫家。我從小就是受著藝術的薰陶長大。特別是我的父親,什麼種類的藝術都相當精通,真的是天才般的人物呢。美術歸美術,音樂歸音樂。托父親的福,我在6歲的時候用徐太志與孩子們的音樂跳舞、初中1年級時開始聽Micheal Jackson。我想我是在這樣那樣的諸多祝福中長大的。」
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「到現在為止製作過的所有曲子中,浮現在我腦海中的就兩首歌。首先是2020年作曲的BLACKPINK的〈How You Like That〉。這首歌代表了我。曲子的氛圍、演出、力量、進行(的方式),這些就是金重九。(笑)另一首則是出乎預料地、在SMTM11中誕生的。DON MALIK的〈눈(EYE)〉。包括作曲、作詞都參與了,歌名也是親自定的。這首歌中눈(EYE 眼睛/ SNOW 雪)的靈感來自於我相當喜歡的電影之一,《I型起源(I ORIGINS)》。〈눈(EYE)〉這首歌乘載了我一直以來想說的話、想要呈現的音效等全部的一切。」
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你曾經在2014年發表了〈We Got the World〉以及2019年的〈What You Waiting For(뭘 기다리고 있어)〉這兩首solo曲 想必也有不少粉絲期待著你個人的專輯吧
「更多地看著我所愛的人們。對於去年通過SMTM11而相遇的隊員們,我很高興得以完全地向他們傳達我的喜愛之情。在慶功宴當時,DON MALIK和許成炫對我說了這些話:『(一開始)完全不知道(哥)是怎樣的人。一直以來每個人都是為自己打算,沒有像哥這樣以真心相待來拉近距離的。』所以說儘管一開始不熟悉,但之後就感受到了『啊,這哥是超級真心的啊。』(笑)結果好像還是愛和真心才是上上策呢。」
雖然對於製作人R.Tee已經增加了不少了解,但是一般人金重九卻還是籠罩著一層神秘的面紗呢 請告訴我們一般人金重九的3個秘密
「首先,我超級懶散的。由於人們總是只看見了我忙碌的樣子,可能會因此而以為我是個很有計畫性的人,但其實只要一關掉那個開關,我就會變得無限懶散。第二,我是個心懷人間之愛(인류애:大愛、人道主義、和平主義、心中充滿愛)的人。(笑)雖然有點難為情,但是因為這份愛意真的非常巨大的緣故,於是我試著從身邊少數的人開始給予這份心意。第三,我是每天每天都想像著死亡而活著的人。手臂上也刺了“THE END”的刺青。因為總是想像著死亡的緣故,對於現在所愛的會變得更加真心。在我自身必須採取的行動與表現方面,也變得更加地明確。」
패션 에디터  김민지 피쳐 에디터  전여울 포토그래퍼  박배 헤어     박내주(빗앤붓) 메이크업   정유정 (빗앤붓) 어시스턴트  이유림 출처     W website
R.Tee official Instagram 1 · 2
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galaxymagick · 1 year
221231 빅스(VIXX) - 빇망진창 Balance Game❤️💚💙 | @realvixx 
video translation under cut
translation credit @deenakahara
Q1 Basics of bungeoppang (fish-shaped bread)? Choux one vs red bean paste one. (1/2)
Q1 Basics of bungeoppang (fish-shaped bread)? Choux one vs red bean paste one. (2/2)
K: *wiggles* OH. THE SAME QUESTION??? I— RED BEAN! L: What are you doing??? H: *relaxed* Red bean!
Q2 Which one’s better happy 7.1 billion or happy memories?* (1/2)
L: What kind of question is this…? H: I think this guy cannot see (the Q) well because he’s old. K: Ah, seriously…
*It’s a pun because 7.1억 (7.1B) and 기억 (memory) is written similarly in KR --- Q2 Happy 7.1 billion or happy memories?* (2/2)
L: (Both choices) are the same??? K: One is money and one is memory! L: *scoffs* 7.1B! K: Of course 7.1B! H: *pretends to hesitate* L: Yah!! H: …7.1B.
*It’s a pun because 7.1억 (7.1B) and 기억 (memory) is written similarly in KR Q3 Which one’s better, actual show me the money (on my bank account) vs appearing on SMTM?
L: Eh, of course (actual one). K: (Appearing on) SMTM! L: Actual show me the money.
--- Q4 On 10 degree weather, choose your airport fashion. Wear a coat even if freezing to death or wear a padded winter jacket?
L: Why do I think about— Ah, coat. H: From now on, please dress Leo hyung in coat when it’s cold!! K: Padded winter jacket. H: Of course winter jacket. Q5 For 24h not talking at all or talking non-stop?
L: Not talking. K: Talking non-stop~ *wiggles* H: Not saying even a word.
Q6 If you were re-born, getting a body you want or getting a face you want?
L: Body. K: *dances* H: (To K) You take too long. Eliminated. I choose body.
Q7 Going back or forward for 5s?
L: Of course future. K: To the past & I’ll keep going back 5s, 5s, 5s until I reach the point I want. H: For me.. Go back 5s.
Q8 Choose your power: Urine turns into gold or tears turn into diamond?
L: Well— Gold. K: Diamond. H: Me too, diamond. --- Q9 Going to amusement park alone or buffet restaurant alone?
L: Amusement park. K: Buffet buffet buffet! H: For me……. *hesitates* L: Failed~~~!! H: Buffet!!
Q10 Live without coffee or without soda?
L: *sigh* Soda’s good too.. I’ll choose coffee. K: I don’t really care— L: WAIT I DIDN’T MEAN TO CHOOSE WITHOUT COFFEE— H: HYUNG IT IS TOO LATE FROM NOW ON YOU HAVE TO LIVE WITHOUT COFFEE! K: w/o soda H: w/o coffee
Q11 Which one makes you feel worse? Left unread or read but not replied?
L: Left unread. H: That makes you feel bad? K: Worse? Of course not replied. L: Wait— ME TOO. H: *tired of his hyungs keep misunderstanding the Qs* L: (To K) Yah, let’s let Hyuk start. H: 😑 Not replied.
Q12 If you can choose, all of your problems solved or a chance to do whatever you want?
H: A chance to do whatever I want. L: Me too— H: WHAT IF YOU’RE HAVING SUCH A BIG PROBLEM THO? K: Do what I want— H: WHAT DO YOU WANNA DO? K: *panics* Huh? H: What you want? K: Dunno. 🤷‍♂️
Q13 If you won lottery will tell the members about it or no?
H: I will. K: Ooohh— L: I also will. K: I won’t. H: ?!?!?? But I thought— L: *cackles*
Q14 Wash the members or being washed by the members?
H: Wash the members. L: Me too. K: Being washed by them~ *wiggles*
Q15 If you had to do it again, laser eyes (On&On) or black lips (Hyde)?
H: Laser eyes. L: Same. K: Laser— H: No, you have to do black lips again.
Q16 The secret of your popularity? Body or face?
H: I think face? L: *hesitates* H: I know you think body. L: Aish… K: FACE!
Q17 Dancing to Chained Up, alone in practice room or together in Apgu-jeong (public place)?
H: Alone. L: Of course alone. K: Together.
Q18 If the members turned into zombie, I’d.. turn into zombie too or live on my own?
H: Live on my own. L: Me too. K: I’ll turn into a zombie. (Skipped Q19 bcs I don’t get it.)
Q20 The day before the concert.. Sleep late or early?
H: Early. It’s a must. L: Of course early. K: *pretends to use PC* H: Are you imagining it? K: Nah— sleep early of course.
Q21 If I were a Starlight, what should I pack on the D-day of the concert? Travel light (only ticket & LS) or pack everything including water, spare battery, and snacks.
H: Pack everything. *turned to the wrong side* Ooops that way. L: Me too. H: Water is important. K: SNACKS!!
Q22 The moment with Starlights you’ve been waiting for the most, having fun during encore or hearing their scream during opening?
H: Opening! L: Encore! K: Can I go towards the middle??? H: We might need to split you into two then.
Q23 My better side of face? H: Left! L: Mine is right. K: *dances to Shangri-La* Right! L: Then let’s say goodbye while showing our better side! H: Hyung, you said yours is right side? L: This is MY right side. H: It’s on my left though. L: *confused* H: No, no, you can’t show that side of your face. L: I can’t? H: No. L: You’re gonna be this extreme until the end, huh.
Last part: VIXXMESS’ closing
L: We’re prepping for our concert, I hope many of you will come. K: Please give us lotsa love H: Let’s have a high spirit towards 2023! K: VIXX fighting! Our concert too, fighting! All: *uncoordinatedly* Real V! V-I-X-X! This has been VIXX! K: 🫶
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kwkiyong · 2 years
i am a dreamer
lyrics from bewhy - fake pt. 2 (smtm 5 final) 
he’s tired. with figure skating being an individual centric sport, he’s always known that he is his best fan, and that the road to the top will be lonely. axel knows his one track mindset where he’s relentless in his pursuit for the olympic podium will set him apart from people around him but he didn’t know it would mean leaving behind his family, training mates and childhood friends.
studies show that athletes tend to spend more time with their coaches and managers over their own family and friends, and in axel’s case, the statistic applies to him as well. so when his coach announces out of nowhere he’s leaving for a different national association due to management politics, it feels like his world is crumbling down. axel idolises his coach even though he tries not to base his entire personality and skating style on his coach’s, having realised that he wants to be the axel nam and not the second XX. 
but whenever he wants to give up on himself, it was his coach that believed in him, no matter how stupid the mistakes he made on the rink were. when the media was writing scathing articles about his performance, when the pundits were lashing out on his social media ‘antics’, when his ‘fans’ were tweeting tweet after tweet on how dismal his performances were, his coach was the one who said “so? you get up and try again. if i didn’t want you, you wouldn’t be here. you’re here for a reason.”
his rivals that ‘mean well’ had checked on him since the announcement but he refused to give them any reasons to spread further rumours. the other coach which he was to be re-assigned to was the coach that he had told the union long ago that he refused to work with again, after the traumatising methods that were inflicted on him. so what if he’s a gen z snowflake who can’t tolerate the traditional coaching method of psychologically negative scoldings? just because he’s younger doesn’t mean he has to tolerate boomers’ strict ways, even if they have multiple olympic and world championship accolades to their names.
every time he tried to challenge the system, he would get reprimanded to just shut up and go along with the flow as it’s how it’s always been. but if the old system is so great, why has his generation yet to medal first place for worlds and olympics? if the system is so great, why is he the only one in the top 10 world ranking? why aren’t the rest of his friends who train as hard as him under the old system not doing well as him, who’s opted to train independently?
people tell him he’s being delusional, he’s being reckless, he’s too young to be making important decisions, that he’s letting sponsorship and social media get to his head. he won’t be able to win or even qualify for the 2026 winter olympics at this rate.
너에겐 미안하지만 난 꿈의 콩깍지를 절대 벗지 않아
I’m sorry towards you but I’ll never be disillusioned by my dreams
well, fuck the haters, fuck the naysayers. they’re not the ones that can call themselves olympians and even if they can, they’re not the ones living his life. he doesn’t care, cause it’s his dream and he can dream whatever he wants.
내가 원하는 길을 갈 권리가 있어
I have the right to go on the path I want
the boomers can stay in the dinosaur era for all he cares, but not him. no, axel nam will move into the future. fuck the traditional system, he’s going to pave his own path to success. the sky is the limit and even then, he wants to cross into space.
난 꿈을 꾸는 자 이게 바로 나의 정체성
I am a dreamer, this is my identity
the main reason he’s even reached to where he is because of his unwavering belief that he’d make it this far. and he knows deep down he can go further. after all, to be the best of the best, you have to be crazy enough to challenge the system. 
불가능한 꿈을 꾸지만 가능하다 믿어 누가 뭐라건
I dream the impossible but I believe it’s possible no matter what anybody says
he will reach that damn olympics podium and he will have that gold medal around his neck one day. it doesn’t matter if no one believes in him, if his family, friends, coach, union don’t believe in him. because he believes in himself and that’s already half the battle won. 
after all, winning is 40% physical training, 10% luck and 50% mental strength.
he’ll win cause that’s who he is. he’ll create his own path.
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kuroul · 1 year
Younha Masih Dominasi, Tim R.Jus SMTM 11 Susul di TOP 5 Kpop Chart Weekly Pekan Ini!
Younha Masih Dominasi, Tim R.Jus SMTM 11 Susul di TOP 5 Kpop Chart Weekly Pekan Ini!
Kpop Chart Weekly kembali dirilis untuk pekan ini, menghadirkan 5 lagu Korea Selatan yang paling banyak didengarkan satu pekan terakhir. Younha masih mempertahankan posisinya untuk Kpop Chart Weekly edisi 10 Desember 2022, sementara itu lagu salah satu tim program survival rapper, Show Me The Money 11 telah menyusul dalam TOP 5 pekan ini. 1. Younha – Event Horizon Younha tetap mempertahankan…
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jwooyoung · 2 years
Would love to hear who you don’t wanna see as contestants and/or producers now 👀
😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐😐 these are all my opinions so no one get mad at me 😶
the number one answer is fuckin jay park lmao. like I THINK he was kidding about going back on (as a CONTESTANT ???) but I wouldn't put it past him to actually do it 🙄🙄🙄 either as a contestant or producer I don't want it. also yumdda I personally think he's not very good and his obsession with bitcoin is irritating. unfortunately I also don't want to see gray 😔 his beats have been very same-y lately I need him back in his forever by behwy era if he's gonna come back again (don't get me wrong I still think he's AMAZING definitely top 10). and producers who think you can't go on smtm if you sing rap lmao like please
as far as contestants there's really not many but I was mainly thinking of simon damini and hwang jisang. i find their tone really grating (just my personal opinion). and honestly?? no more contestants who've previously made it into the top 3 (or even top 5) of any smtm season like you already did well so why are you back 🙄
there's probably more but I can't think of specifics I just think there's a lot of newer rappers who try to be similar to gwangil jo and outsider (speed rapping) and it sounds bad cause it takes SO MUCH practice and effort to do that. good on them to try it just doesn't work 99% of the time. or there's a lot of people who try the "yelling" kind of rap which CAN work and sound amazing but they don't do it well and end up all sounding the same 😕 and that may mainly just be my personal preference but I DO love both these I just think some people are way more skilled at it
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khhsh-t · 3 years
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SMTM 10 EP 1 in a nutshell
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fanficgirl444 · 2 years
with care 🐻
Loco x fem reader 
Genre: fluff 
Word count: 285
Reader is just in love with Loco, literally obsessed
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Hyuk-woo was on stage performing with BE’O and Coogie for smtm 10 as you watched in awe from backstage. 
His stage presence was so attractive to you and you could bet his female fans felt the same way. The way he moved through the stage his mannerisms, everything about him was so perfect to you. As you watched him, you fell in love with him all over again, he never failed to amaze you. 
Sometimes you doubted yourself, doubted that you were enough for him or if you deserved him. He was so pure, he did everything to make you smile and never disrespected your relationship in any way, shape or form. He rapped about rough stuff sometimes and to those that didnt know him, he was probably intimidating but to you he was softie Hyuk-woo. 
As he came off stage, he looked for you in the crowd of managers and fellow contestants as they ran to praise him on his performance, although he appreciated it, it was you he wanted. He wanted to see his y/n. You gazed at him knowing he was looking at you, but he just looked too adorable. It's as if you froze.  
His eyes twinkled, he found his y/n,
“ how was the performance ?” he asked with curious eyes
“ you were perfect hyuk, I loved the whole thing but your part was my favorite for sure,” you giggled as you whispered the last part
He held your face and kissed your lips softly as if you were a pretty little vase, something he had to take particular care with. He always treated you that way,
With care. 
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ronjunnie · 3 years
: who does sokodomo think is the weakest rapper of this team
sokodomo: Zion.T
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f-ngrl · 1 year
pls reblog :)
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cokun · 3 years
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211106 code_kunst Instagram Post (1/3)
참 착하고 고마운 우리 팀! 사랑한다! 정말 말은 못했지만 고마워 병웅이는 곧 보자! @ourealgoat @since______ @_quddnd0823_ @honjowolf @jogwangil_ @gaekogeem
Our team is so sweet/kindhearted, I'm so grateful for you! I love you! I wasn't able to say it to you but thank you. As for you Byungwoong, see you soon! @ourealgoat @since______ @_quddnd0823_ @honjowolf @jogwangil_ @gaekogeem
Trans. cr. 🐰 @ cokun.tumblr.com
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khiphop-discussions · 6 months
hi sorry was wondering if you know where i cant watch smtm 10 online ? 🥺
Nah it's cool
I watched it from showmethesubs.carrd.co from the okru link
They have a lot of subbed khh things there!
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