Forse ci sarà il giorno in cui penserò a noi senza provare più dolore. Forse, quel giorno, mi verrà anche da sorridere nel pensare alla prima volta in cui mi hai salutata. E forse non ci saranno lacrime a bagnare i miei occhi pensando a tutte le belle parole che mi hai dedicato, sottovalutandole.
Ci saranno volte in cui, svegliandomi nel cuore della notte, mi riaddormenterò serena, senza pensare al perché le cose sono andate diversamente da come avrei voluto.
E credimi, aspetto quel giorno almeno tanto quanto aspetto il giorno in cui cambi idea. Il giorno in cui corri al mio portone, ti attacchi al campanello fino a quando non scendo, per dirmi che ti sei sbagliato. Che meritiamo una possibilità, che la merito. Che ti sei accorto che senza di me non ci puoi stare. Che baciare le altre ha un altro sapore, che non ti piace. Che il mio profumo ti manca tanto e il mio sorriso non l’hai rivisto in nessun altra. Che non sei più riuscito a guardare nessuna come guardavi me. Che non ti è più battuto il cuore così tanto, a baciare qualcuna; perché me lo ricordo come ti batteva forte la prima volta che le nostre labbra si sono sfiorate.
Aspetto quel giorno con tutta me stessa. Non chiedermi quale dei due, perché la risposta mi sembra scontata.
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speak-with-passion · 10 years
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I don’t even know what to say.
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caught-in-my-fantasy · 10 years
A bit late, but I would like to say MERRY CHRISTMAS to all my followers! I love you all so much and you're all the best :)
I'd also like to say a HUGE thank you to some people from tumblr. These people are some people who have helped me so so so much and they're amazing, so you should definitely check out their blogs. :)
Hailey (Smile-youre-amazing & suphailes)
Jerry (Cursedblood)
Pat (Pattrickery)
Emily (Stars-shine-above)
Aniee (0thersideofdown)
Ray (Upperclass-corruption)
Adam (Timeforfaith)
Arynn (Speak-with-passion)
Jonathan (Justbehappy18)
If I'm missing anyone, wow I'm so so so sorry and I feel so bad and would just die ok. I love all of you so much. I would just like to say THANK YOU to these people AND my followers. MERRY CHRISTMAS, or if you don't celebrate Christmas, Happy Holidays!!! <3
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sweetlove2b-mine · 11 years
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sighlyra · 11 years
i was tagged by erica
1. What is one thing you love about yourself? 
My eyes and hair. 
2. If you could visit any place in the world, where would you go and why?
London, England because i've always wanted to. 
3. If you could choose to have any ONE thing in the world, what would it be and why? 
Any concert tickets would be fab. 
4. Role model?
Demi Lovato. 
5. What’s your idea of a perfect date?
A picnic and watching the sunset together. (i'm so lame omfg)
6. Who is one person on tumblr that you would want to meet in real life?
 HAILEY, DANIELLE, JAMIE, ISABELLE, KATE & VY. and you bc you is perrr - fect 
7. If you could meet ANYBODY in this world at all, who would it be?
The people I listed above. 
8. What is one thing that you’re really into?
Tumblr .
9. Do you play any sports? 
Do you count eating as a sport
10. If you could help a single group in this world who would it be? (Kids fighting cancer, hurricane survivors, the homeless, etc.) 
Helping kids fighting cancer. 
11. Have you helped anybody become happy today? (:
I made them smile because my video so yes (:
My questions yo 
1. Fave songs atm?  2. Fave tumblrs?  3. One place you would love to go to and bring 3 people with you?  4. Who do you love? (ahem you love me right??)  5. What do you think about gay marriage?  6. If you could pick a blogtype, besides, inspirational, which could you be?  7. If you were q guest star in a tv show, which show? 8. One celebrity you;re dying to meet. 
that is all 
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kittensandlove · 11 years
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Ci deve essere un’altra vita, per forza. Perché certi amori un’occasione la devono avere. E qui non sempre le cose vanno come vorremmo, ma certe persone sono destinate, ci deve essere per forza un tempo per loro. Un tempo in cui non dovranno più guardarsi da lontano, desiderarsi di nascosto, un tempo in cui non si accontenteranno dell’amore di un altro ma avranno accanto la loro persona, quella per cui il loro cuore batte sin dal primo istante. Ci deve essere un’occasione per loro. Per noi.
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thisforsakenworld · 11 years
If anyone needs someone to talk to or just randomly talk to about anything to keep your mind of things, just message me any time :)
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7people · 11 years
I've gained about 20 followers in the past two days. I believe it was thanks to Hailey and Danielle. I don't have that many followers, so I'm not really sure what will happen with this post, but I would like to return the favor in a way. So if you're not already following them, please go check them out and consider it because they both run incredible blogs and are some of the nicest people on here :)
Thank you that is all bye for now <3
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forqiveness · 11 years
check out my blog? c:
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helpfvl · 11 years
check out my blog? c: 
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theglassis-full · 11 years
I love your blog so much and the inspiration and comfort it provides! I would really appreciate if you could check my blog out(: also, even if you don't follow me, I would really love it if you watched the video I posted recently. it's wonderful and beautiful and uplifting and I think it's something everyone should watch, so I think a signal boost on it would be great. if not, that's completely fine, I'd just really appreciate it(:
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without-scars-blog · 11 years
Okay so I think we should be added to People Who Care because we're trying to help ourselves and others stay positive and happy. This blog isn't triggering in any way and we only post positive things because we care c:
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7people · 11 years
People Who Care
(Under a Read More so I don't take up too much space on people's dashboards)
I would like to be on the People Who Care page because I always do my best to put others ahead of myself. Also I don't really have a life so I have more time to devote to helping people on tumblr yay. If I see someone is having a bad day, I won't just wonder what's wrong. I'll ask them to see if they need someone to listen to them. I've been told that I give useful advice and that I'm a great listener. This probably sounds really cheesy, but I don't know exactly what to say in this. I try to use my best judgement whenever helping someone out and take emotions into consideration as well as "the right thing to do," which is still important. I always try my best to be fair and honest without being rude about it. I won't sugarcoat the truth, though I might not always give straight up fact.
This was probably lengthy and contradictory, and I apologize for that. I just want to get my point across that I would like to spend most of my life helping people in whatever way I can. :)
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extricationism · 11 years
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I love conversations with Hailey. Like omg this made my night. c:
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