lilbittymonster · 2 years
23. carrying the other one in their arms :3c
"Of all the fucking times to actually fall asleep, Moonblade," he growled, though even he could hear the worry in his own voice.
Crouching down behind a pile of scrapped magitek machines, he tore off a gauntlet and felt for a pulse, relief flooding through him at the reassurance beneath his fingertips. He let his forehead rest against hers for a moment, the faint exhales brushing across his face, before putting his gauntlet back on.
"Let's get you somewhere safe," he said under his breath as he gathered her close once more, taking to the skies.
The last remnants of battle passed beneath him in clouds of smoke and ruin. Small skirmishes still waged in pockets between blasted earth and blasted machines. The stench of blood and hot metal filled the air. Keeping an eye out as small bands of Garleans moved about, keeping as low and hidden as possible, Estinien slowly worked his way with his precious cargo back towards where the Alliance had staked a claim.
A familiar flash of blue caught his eye and he pivoted towards it without thinking. Estinien landed with a crouch, glancing down again at Kitali in his arms, still breathing. Thankfully.
Aymeric turned at the sight of him, his expression morphing from relief to horror in an instant.
"Kitali!" he bellowed, dropping Naegling in the soil and charging towards them at full tilt. "No no no nonono, Fury no-" he chanted under his breath as he approached.
"Peace, friend, she yet breathes," Estinien forestalled.
Aymeric scooped Kitali into his arms, cradling her close. Much the same as Estinien had, he rested his forehead against hers, tears slipping down his nose. Estinien, thus relieved of his burden, stepped back awkwardly, feeling as if he were intruding on a moment not meant for him to witness. As he turned away to leap back into the fray, Aymeric called after him.
"And you're to just leave again, with not even a word of farewell?"
Estinien turned back around. Aymeric's gaze met his, anger and pain naked on his face.
"You know as well as I do that this war is not yet won," Estinien said. "I'm of no more use to you here. My talents lie elsewhere." His gaze fell back to Kitali's face, still in slumber. "At least now I know she's safe."
Aymeric closed his eyes, several emotions flashing across his face in rapid succession. When his eyes reopened, they were steeled with a familiar mix of resignation and resolve.
"Fury keep and watch over you, my friend," was all he said.
"Fury keep us all," Estinien replied, and with that he was gone.
"Who was that man?" Lord Hien asked as Aymeric approached.
"A dear friend and a trusted ally," Aymeric said distractedly, eyes still on Kitali. She had not stirred one bit, even as he had taken her from Estinien's arms, and he prayed that she had not fallen to the same strange malady that her fellow Scions had. The lord fell into step alongside him as he continued back to the Alliance's encampment.
"Not one for pleasantries, I see."
"He speaks with his actions, and that's always been more than enough," Aymeric responded, a bit defensive. Old habits.
If Lord Hien had any further observations, he kept them to himself.
"Kami willing, she will wake no more worse for wear," he said instead as they continued walking.
"I've seen her come back from worse," Aymeric said.
"My Lord," Lucia said, saluting, before noticing Kitali in his arms. Her expression was stricken. "Is she-"
Aymeric interrupted her with a curt shake of his head. "Lucia, I am leaving you in command of the remaining Ishgardian forces. I'm taking her home."
Thank you for the prompt, @smadvil this gave me a great excuse to write out this scene that's been tormenting me for weeks now lol
Touching Prompts
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49. 'holding onto the other’s shoulders for support' for the touch prompts? :3c
(also how was I not following you yet hwouhiqughKJG FIXED)
Thank you so much for the ask, @smadvil !
Thancred takes a ragged breath and staggers on. Blood trickles down his face from a cut on his brow, forcing him to squint. His body aches, every step another battle that he is barely winning. The fighting never ends. His hand is numb from the impacts against his gunblade, the blood running along the steel a mirror of his own crimson-stained features. He would've fallen to his knees long ago, with the last of his strength naught but a fleeting memory were it not for...
"This is why I told you not to fight by yourself, you dumbass," Match chides him, his voice a blend of anger and concern. Thancred's free arm is strung across his shoulders, with Match's arm around his waist. Hardly the first time they've found each other tangled in each-other's arms, though at least back then there were soft sheets, cheap wine and a warm desert wind through the blinds to add to the occasion. "Keep charging in like that and you're gonna end up dead, and then..."
Then what do I do? The question hangs unsaid in the air between them, like so many others these days. Too many. But that long Ul'Dah summer where perfect messes were made were even longer ago now. Long enough that the discomfort clings to them as tight as Thancred's fingers on the gunblade's handle. As tight as Match's hand on his waist.
"My apologies, Matchstick," Thancred murmurs, throat parched from exhaustion. Match rankles, but he won't decry his use of that awful nickname, not at a time like this. "What can I say," Thancred continues, that old teasing tone still managing to creep into his voice, "even now... You inspire me to acts of folly and bravery in equal measure..."
Under the grime of battle, Match's face flushes, his long ears twitching in embarrassment. Thancred's arm settles a little tighter across his shoulders, and for just a moment they're back on a balcony in Ul'Dah... The sun's just set. Thancred puts a playful arm across Match's shoulders. Says a joke, a tease, who could even remember what. Then, after the laughter, a long moment. Eyes locked. A tension, unspoken. A bad idea full of too many kept secrets. And then Thancred's eyes closing, his lips moving closer, and Match more than willing to jump right into whatever this mistake might be.
And back in the present, back on the edge of another bloody battlefield, another fight hard-won, shoulder to shoulder, arms in arms, both of them think maybe. Just maybe...
This was a lot of fun to write! Match and Thancred's relationship is really important to me, it's defined by so much heartache and ultimate reconciliation into a really beautiful friendship, so it's always fun to tease a little at the bigger story there. Thank you so much for the ask and sorry it took so long to get to, I've been away from my computer all week DX
Touch prompts!
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karakuuls · 2 months
Hey! I hope you are doing ok! I just wanted yo tell you seems someone else has taken control over your blog Smadvil, because the links in your splatoon blogs take you to a blog that seems a little bot like
I hope you still have access to your art! Have a nice day!
oh, yes I do. no worries. someone took the 'smadvil' name when i changed my main over to 'karakuuls'. i forgot to claim it myself. that's all. ^^
thank you for checking in. i hope you're doing well too anon. <3
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mythandral · 2 years
❛ isn’t this amazing? ❜
From the prompts!
Inspired strongly by that knife-thrower video going around! Joda belongs to @azure-dragonsinger & feat. a mention of @smadvil's Osiris
"Hey! Myth, hey, look at this!"
Myth had barely made it through the doors of the Manufactory when a ream of paper was shoved into his face by a very excited garlean engineer.
"Isn't this amazing?" Joda exclaimed giddily. Myth could not tell one way or the other, since the shorter man was currently waving them around wildly, but he successfully managed to grab the pages so he could have a look at the drawings which covered them.
"I'm sure it will be - let me have a read."
The plans looked to have been drawn up in a fit of creativity, the end result technically sound but a right mess, covered in rough scribbles and crossed through half-baked ideas that hadn't worked out. As he scanned the pages, Myth decided his highlight was the crudely drawn schematic of a flamethrower in one of the corners with several lines aggressively drawn through it. The end result appeared to be an impressively over-engineered device for throwing knives with great accuracy over long distances. Myth nodded appreciatively - despite the lack of polish, Joda definitely knew how to captivate Myth's sense of flair.
"Fantastic!" he mused, still poring over the sheets, before lifting his gaze to look at the other man. "Though I must ask - what inspired this?"
"It's for Osiris," Joda said, as though it explained everything.
Myth raised an eyebrow as he mentally questioned the wisdom of letting the viera loose with such a dangerous device, not least because the design seemed to be lacking any safety features whatsoever, but he couldn't deny that he was itching to have a go at putting it together. As long as it didn't come across as criticism of the design itself Myth knew Joda would accept his suggestions for 'upgrades' - at least then the risk of Osiris stabbing someone accidentally would be greatly reduced. Deliberately was another matter, but hey- they could worry about that later.
"... Alright," he replied, happy to accept the explanation for now. "Oh, and one more thing: what have you decided to call it?" he asked.
Judging by the amount of scribbles on the plans this appeared to be the sole thing Joda hadn't thought about, and Myth couldn't help but chuckle inwardly as he scrabbled to come up with something on the fly.
"Ah - I will call it the, uh… the 'Shootyslicer'?" he answered, not fully able to mask his uncertainty.
Myth, still not fully used to goblin naming conventions, covered his mouth in an unsuccessful attempt not to laugh as he broke into an amused grin. "Sure. The 'Shootyslicer' - let's go with that."
He took a deep breath as he managed to collect himself, fledgling tears of laughter adding to the newfound twinkle in his eye. "So - when do we begin?"
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incorrect-splatoon · 1 year
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Rain and Sheep from the @rewind-comic. Since the project is stopped, I like to believe Incorrect and Quotes (our OC who chill at the plaza all the time) Saw them enter the metro but never leave and believe they will never be back. Sheep and Rain belong to @smadvil.
Incorrect and Quotes talking about their disapearence:
Quotes: You remember the enthousiast octoling, you was so fucking high 24/7 and the weirdly polite squid with the scar ? Well, I saw his sister the other day.
Incorrect: Of who ?
Quotes: The shy squid, I saw his is sister. I think she was looking for them.
Incorrect: I did not seen them in a while.
Quotes: Me neither. It's been month maybe a years since we saw them going into the deep sea metro.
Incorrect: Yes...
Quotes: ...
Incorrect: I really don't feel good about that.
Quotes: Me neither, Even I would not dare to go into deep sea metro.
Incorrect: We should have prevented that, quotes !
Quores: I-I know, we should have tell thoses 2 kiddos to not go there, it is not worth it, whatever they where looking for.
Incorrect: do you think they are... do you think they die down there ?
Quotes: Whatever happen to them, I believe they still are together and has long has they have each other they'd be fine.
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
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The Stained Glass God
This God is a creature of keeping, whose face is only ever seen in precious fragments, the edges of broken mirrors and the crag of fractured gems. They are the deity of lost things, days made gold in haze. Panels of light where the glass has fallen, photos without faces. The memories of the aching, secreted in silver bottles where they cannot harm. Do not burn the past, but leave it where you will forget, and one day your prayers will wash up, seabeaten and soft-edged, for you to hang in the window.
Quiz Here
Tagged by: @hermits-hovel / @smadvil​ open tag
Tagging: Anyone who wants a tag!
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morganaux · 2 years
💕 anybody you like!
💕: how does my muse express their feelings? do they do through small but meaningful gestures, or through bold declarations?
Morganaux, Phoebus, and Apollo all tend to lean toward small, but meaningful gestures to varying degrees!
Morgy, being a lover of faerietales and epic romance novels, is the most likely to do anything on the bolder side, but only when he's alone with his partner(s). He doesn't want to make a spectacle out of of his relationships, but at the same time, he loves putting in the time and effort for those magical, faerietale moments.
He'll do things like using the Dzemael manor's ballrooms for a private evening of dancing, fussing for months on end to make a handmade gift, and plenty of other over the top things, so long as his partner(s) won't be overwhelmed by it. And, he has no problem with dipping into his family coffers to spoil someone he loves.
But day by day, he likes to be consistent and do little things here and there to show his affection— things like leaving notes for his lover(s), offering to help them out with things, etc.
Never being a fan of anything over the top, Phoebus isn't likely to make any bold declarations. ...Aside from declaring (privately, of course) his undying devotion to his partner and how he'd protect him with his life, and then proceeding to do exactly that, if given the opportunity to do so.
But, beyond that, he doesn't like making a big deal out of showing his love for someone and feels that it'd ruin the authenticity of it if he were to do so. That being said, he's not emotionally withdrawn in a relationship and is actually the complete opposite of that. He just prefers the quieter, more subtle ways of showing affection.
By Apollo's own standards, his displays of affection are small! Sending letters and gifts back home while traveling is a near daily thing for him, so while it might seem like a grand gesture for most relationships, this is a perfectly normal everyday thing for him.
He likes constantly giving small gifts as an endless reminder of his love and that his partner(s) are always in his thoughts. To him, it's the equivalent of wordlessly sending friends/loved ones memes that remind you of them. But, when he's back home in Amaurot, he mostly just wants to keep it simple with cuddling and spending time together.
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ryukodragon · 3 years
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fawnshy · 6 years
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Also a headshot commission for my awesome friend @smadvil!!! give her blog a peek, she is genuinely wonderful!!
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
15 and/or 22 for the soft asks ? :>c
15. Is there a type of music relaxes your muse?
Anything with a steady rhythm, really. Something she can latch onto and drift with. Tavern/drinking songs are great for this bc they can become easy background noise.
22. What does your muse love about their crush / love?
alsfhalhloehqhroqhwt I can and have written essays on what Kitali loves about her partners lmao BUT for brevity's sake I will tl;dr them here.
Aymeric: She loves his optimism and steadfastness. He's her anchor in many ways. He's home to return to. He reminds her that there is, in fact, still good worth fighting for.
Estinien: She loves his brutal honesty and decisiveness. He doesn't waste time mincing words, he simply does what needs to be done. He lets his actions speak for him, and they speak volumes.
Soft asks
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huntinghare · 2 years
20. When in the story was their highest point? When were they at their lowest?
(question also asked by @smadvil! quick disclaimer: i'm only in 5.1 rn, having just finished main shadowbringers. this takes into account neither endwalker nor whatever the fuck goes down in 5.3, which i have been told to brace for but am otherwise clueless about)
His highest point was the end of the Dragonsong war. After losing Haurchefant and Ysayle, getting Estinien back in one piece (more or less) was so much more than he ever could have expected, the relief was intense. The period of calm right after, before Stormblood properly kicked up, he remembers as some of the best weeks of his life. Getting the Scions back together, helping Aymeric stabilize things... He felt helpful and proud of his role as the Warrior of Light, but also like things were still manageable and the burden was one he could carry.
Second highest point was getting G'raha back after the climax of Shadowbringers. He's gotten so used to losing friends at that point that just once, just this once, everyone making it out alive.... It was more than he could have asked for. Unlike Dragonsong, though, he wasn't in much of a celebratory mood.
Lowest point was most definitely that bit where he was struggling against light corruption at the end of Shadowbringers. The whole incident with Estinien gave him some massive fears about losing himself, and he's been slowly developing a fear that like... If anything happens to him, Eorzea might just be fucked. And that's an awful lot of pressure. It Was Bad.
Honorable mention for second lowest point is Zenos's suicide in Stormblood. He'd started seeing Zenos as his foil in a lot of ways and it just really messed him up, especially because he felt the need to conceal his bad mood from his friends, over the guilt and shame of his conflicted feelings.
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akiragatr · 3 years
Tagged by @mookybear12404
favorite color: Every shade of blue out there, babes
currently reading: Emma by Jane Austen
last song: Uhhhhh, I think it was “Hold the Line” by Toto as I was driving home from work.
last movie: Gonna be real, my mind is a buffering wheel, and I cannot remember what the last movie I watched was, or when. I wanna say Wall-E
last series: Fruits Basket
sweet, savory, or spicy?  Right now it’s savory because it’s getting close to dinnertime.
craving: Ah man, sushi would be great, but the menu for today is cold pizza.
tea or coffee: Tea.
currently working on: In a bit of a creative dry spell right now, oop.
Tagging: @bee-friend @distance-does-not-matter @msburgundy @smadvil @under-the-arch @that-catholic-shinobi
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
☀️ SUN and 🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL and 🌌 MILKY WAY ? :3c
☀️ SUN - are they a morning person? what is the first thing they do in the morning?
This implies that Kitali sleeps lmao. But she likes the quiet hours of dusk and dawn when there's hardly any sunlight and most everything is asleep. If she's with company she might be making breakfast for them.
🙉 HEAR-NO-EVIL - what is the worse thing your oc could hear from someone?
I think being told that she isn't wanted. Especially if it was from someone she had deemed close to her. Her trust and love is extremely hard won so if she were to hear that from someone she trusted that bond would be forever shattered.
🌌 MILKY WAY - what was the inspiration behind your oc? what was the first thing you decided about them?
Kitali is a remade version of an old tiefling horizon walker ranger I had made for a DnD campaign that collapsed after less than a year. I had poured a lot of time and effort into her and I was devastated that all the work would be wasted. So when I decided to finally give XIV a try I knew I was going to be making her again. A lot of her backstory is salvaged from the homebrew setting, though I had to Xacto knife her out and away from all the interparty connections that had been built into the original campaign.
OC Emoji Asks
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yloiseconeillants · 2 years
17 and/or 19 for the thematic asks? :3c
Thank you for the asks, @smadvil!
What instrument would be used in their leitmotif (essentially their character song in this context)? Hurdy-gurdy? Xylophone? Panpipes? Zither? HARPSICHORD? No. Omnichord.
Which of the four temperaments (sanguine, choleric, melancholic, or phlegmatic) are they? According to four separate uquizzes of varying quality (i'm joking, they were all bad), she's melancholic? Surprise!
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
bandaging each other up and sharing a tender moment, grabbing your lover's face and not being able to let go <3
"That was quite a nasty tumble you took, friend," Haurchefant said as they both walked back into the hall. "You might want to see one of the chirurgeons."
Kitali waved off the suggestion. "I'm fine, I've suffered worse."
"I'm afraid I must insist. 'Twould not do for you to come to harm whilst under my protection."
"I said it's fine, Haurche," she repeated as she disentangled her hair from the spikes on her back. "I'll be healed up by the end of the week, no doubt."
He sighed. "If you will not see to the healers then may I, at least, inspect your wounds?"
Kitali looked at him intently, head slightly tilted. "Will you let it go if I do?"
He crossed an arm over his chest. "On my honor," he promised.
She paused for another moment, then held out her arm for his inspection. With gentle fingers, he pried the gauntlet from her arm and set it down on the table by the fire. Now that her arm was bare, he could see rivulets of drying blood running from several small cuts in her arm just above the elbow, the sticky liquid matted in the outline of the armor and running into her scales.
"This needs washing, come, let us find somewhere more suitable."
Haurchefant gently took her by the hand and led them across the plaza to one of the smaller kitchens, sitting her down and filling a bowl with water and grabbing a cloth. Kitali dutifully lifted her arm once more as he approached, the fainest hint of an exasperated smile on her face as he worked.
As gently as he could, Haurchefant wiped the blood away from her skin, careful around the edges of the cuts themselves as he worked. Wringing out the soiled cloth and dampening it once more he continued over the scales on her forearm, tracing along the edge of the patterns.
"You can touch them, if you want," Kitali remarked mildly. "I can tell you're curious."
Haurchefant paused in his ministrations. "I must admit, I have been curious, though I did not want to overstep my bounds in such an egregious fashion," he replied slowly.
"I'm offering, it's okay."
He nodded, and continued on cleaning the blood from her arm, noticeably less hesitant over the deep blue scales now. Once clean, he discarded the cloth onto the table and traced the slightly damp latticework of scale crawling along her arm from the back of her hand to her elbow. Unlike the flat planes of dragon scales he was used to seeing, there were whorls and branches and valleys to Kitali's, unique as a man's handprint.
"May I ask you something?" he said into the silence, moving to instead simply clasp her hand between his.
Kitali raised a brow. "Sure."
"Why is it that you fight so...intensely for the Ishgardian cause? You have no obligations to, as you are not of Ishgard and have sworn no allegiances to her protection. At least," he looked meaningfully at the suit of drachen mail, "none that I am as yet aware of."
"I owe you a great debt," she said simply. "If it weren't for your aid, I'd still be out in the cold along with Alphinaud and Tataru with the entire Alliance on our heels."
Haurchefant's heart skipped a beat. He took her face gently in his hands, forcing her to meet his gaze.
"You owe me no such debts, Kitali Moonblade, do you hear me?" he said fiercely. "You are my friend, and to me that is enough. I wish only to see you hale and happy."
Kitali's eyes began to well with tears, but she blinked them away. "You're a good man, Haurche," she said softly. "You are worth fighting for. And for me, that's enough."
Send me a prompt!
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lilbittymonster · 2 years
15. trembling hands :3c
The morning light slowly crept in through the open window of the room, painting the planes of Kitali's face with a gentle rose tint.
With trembling hands, still half-fearful that this was all a miraculous dream, Estinien brushed back the loose hair from her face and traced over the patches of new scales along her spine.
Kitali hummed softly under his touch.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you," he whispered.
"Mm, there's worse ways to be woken," she replied, sleepily blinking up at him with a smile. "Good morning."
He couldn't help but smile back. "Good morning."
Send me a number!
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