#slams down the post challenge drabble five days earlier
hopeled · 3 years
    the first thing she notices when her eyes open is the quiet hum of a fan.
 the room is covered in darkness, the only light coming from the moon peeking through half-drawn curtains. everything is blanketed in a gentle quiet, one of comfort, and as Ritsuka slowly blinks the sleep from her eyes and turns her head, gaze searching for that familiar clock in her room at Chaldea, what she sees is.....quite different.
  a peach-colored lamp, turned off. a neckles hangs crooked from the switch, the charm twirling in the air from the fan. a few items were tossed haphazardly on the bedside table-- her scrunchie rest propped against a water bottle, some pens scattered about, a granola bar atop a book. a phone (her phone?) blinks to life with a notification, illuminating the date and time as it vibrates once to catch her attention. 
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     3:43 AM. MAY 8TH, 2021. 
     though just awoken, she knows that is not right. wasn’t it...April 23rd....?
 something shifts next to her side atop her blankets, stretching before settling back into peace. her hands lift to touch whatever it is. ( it’s so hard. she feels weak. why? ) fingers curl against soft fur and she knows in an instant; it was Fou. Fou, curled against her side and sleeping, as he always did when he was not with Mashu. the creature doesn’t stir at her touch and she lets the full weight of her hand rest against Fou’s back, finding herself unable to draw upon the strength to let it settle back against her blankets. he was warm. it was comforting and she finds herself sinking further agaisnt the mattress as the haze of sleep slowly began to lift.
     as her eyes adjust to the darkness, her mind too begins to clear in slow succession. this.....this was her room. that much she was sure of, despite the confusion looking at her nightstand gave. but something wasn’t right. yes, this was her room but.....not at Chaldea. the walls were not that stark white like that of a hospital. she didn’t recall having a window either and it looked too...well, too much like an image from one of those home and gardening magazines. no, her room at Chaldea didn’t look like this at all. but it was hers. there was this intrinsic feeling that she belonged there. belonged here at....Mashu’s house. house? yes...yes that’s right. she had a house, where they lived together, in...... Spirale.
     like the walls of the dam barring her recollection broke, it all rushes back in a flood. it was April last she remembered. and then there was the Tree of Emptiness. it, it tood where the hole was. Spirale was a Lostbelt. it had been a Lostbelt all along and she had been too blind, too content, to see it. that was enough to turn her blood cold once more and have her shooting up in bed, the blanket tucked across her chest falling to rest in her lap. no sooner had she done so did a wave of dizziness hit her and back she fell once more, to the safety of her pillows.
     this shouldn’t be possible. she-- she had destroyed it. she made sure that Tree of Emptiness was no more. she didn’t stop until it collapsed before her own eyes. Spirale should not continue to exist. it should be gone, a world vanished from Proper Human History.
                 and yet--
    though her head throbs in pained, she forces herself to leave her bed, shoving the covers off of her. she barely takes one half of a step before she stumbles forward. after so long ( how long? it was the 8th....a week? two weeks? ) without using her legs, they give out on her when she needs them most. if not for the carpet and herself doing all she could in a split second to minimize the sound she made ( she can’t wake anyone up. she can’t. ), her fall would have been louder. but at best, it’s a muted thud, one that causes her to wince as her back presses against the floor.  “ Haa....ow.” comes a whisper. she doesn’t stay down for long, rolling over to push herself up. she had to see. she needed to see. so with hands using her dresser as a support, she makes her way to the window, pushing the curtains away to get a clear view,
     the moon hung high and shone bright, as it always did. the city was mostly quiet, save for the sounds one would expect. a car horn honking here and there, muted traffic in the streets beyond. instinctively, her gaze turns to where the hole in the center of it all was and she expects to see that Tree there, still standing. she braces herself for it, but all she finds is.......
   there’s no tree. it is the same sight as it always was; the buildings that reach up and the lights shining from within. no unearthly glows of power, no branches extending far beyond into the night sky. it was the same midnight blue as always, a color that would soon give way to the light of morning. it was all normal. nothing....nothing was different.
        there was no tree. 
               which means there was no Lostbelt.
                          which means.......--
   it cannot have been a dream. it felt too damn real to just be a ‘ dream ‘. and she never had a normal dream-- not since becoming a Master. her dreams were never normal anymore, never just hers. she refuses to believe it was all something conjured up by her mind to play some cruel and twisted joke. even that is not so merciless...so then--? ah. she gets it now. it’s a moment of clarity amid the confusion which quickly turns to anger.
   the Stars. of course. how could she not have known? they do this, don’t they? for whatever reasons Ritsuka never understood, they did things like this to those that were here for a long time. she had always thought those were rumours-- that it was only the city at large that got affected. that wasn’t the case. she’s sure of it now. it was not a dream, but a test. a cruel test to see if she was still...what? capable of doing her job? no matter what, or who, would suffer for it? she could spend hours upon hours upon hours trying to figure out the reasoning and it would be pointless. she’ll never know. there was a chance she could be wrong, but everything points to the opposite. it had to be them. she would accept no other option.
                     they were the only ones to blame.
     after what feels like an eternity of staring into the distance of where the tree once was, she turns her back to the window, slowly sliding down the wall until she was seated on the floor. by now, Fou had already awoken, fluffy ears peeking out from underneath the messed up covers when he noticed the lack of the mage in bed. a gentle ‘kyuu?’ ehcoes throughout her room, to which Ritsuka simply shakes her head in response. the former Beast breaks free of his blanket cocoon, shaking out his fur before leaping off the bed and into her lap. her walks across her thighs in a circle once, twice, before settling down once more. Ritsuka sighs quietly, finding it easier to lift her hand this time to let it sit between the space of Fou’s ears. the white noise of the fan is the only sound in the room. it’s comforting. it lets her knew that she is indeed awake now-- truly awake.
        soon, the city will be coming to life once more as everyone wakes from their slumber. they’ll go to work or school, go about their daily routines, as if nothing is wrong. for two weeks, she asleep to the world. it continued to turn and days passed by without incident. there will be questions when others learn she’s awake.  what happened? are you okay? why were you sleeping for so long? she can give no truthful answers. she cannot say what happened, nor what she did. not yet and perhaps not for awhile. for even if it was a dream, to her, it was all real. and she made those decisions. there is no escaping that fact. those from Chaldea would already know it was no simple mysterious coma-- keeping it from them will be difficult. but for now....it’s necessary. at least until she can come to an understanding of all that transpired and what it means for her now.
    ( because if Spirale really is a Lostbelt.....then she needs to be careful. the Stars can’t be trusted. not anymore. )
             Ritsuka leans her head back to rest against the wall, staring up at the ceiling. the first light of dawn is already beginning to stream into her room and she can feel it where the light hits her legs. after so long, it sends a chill down her spine. ah, she’s still exhausted. it was always like that, after this sort of thing. it’ll take a couple of days for her to get back into the habits she has built here. no one will tell her to rush-- in fact, they’d all tell her to slow down. she scoffs at the thought. 
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           “ They always worry too much......”
   however, it was something she must do. she cannot stay idle for long for it will drive her mad. for now, she would fall back into that routine, but with more awareness than before. she cannot be complacent. she cannot afford to grow ignorant. if there was any facet of truth to that ‘dream’, then she needs to prepare.
   but for now, she’s fine like this. here, on the floor, resting against the wall with a ball of fur in her lap and the sunlight covering her room in a beautiful glow. perhaps she should have stayed in bed. whoever finds her like this would have a fit, but that’s a problem for future her. she doesn’t want to move. ( she’s not sure she can.) she’s comfortable. and as her eyes begin to close once more, sleep deciding it wanted her for a few more hours, she thinks of nothing. for the first time in quite a long time, she simply lets her brain go silent. call it a response to the stress, the emotional fatigue taking its toll-- call it whichever, but it is a reprieve. however fleeting of one, it still was.
            and she welcomes it before she falls asleep once more.
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Minor Detail: Hanging On [Wacky Drabble #31]
Pairing: Athena x Liam; past Athena x Percy; Olivia Nevrakis
Word count: 1,072
Warnings: angst; evil Liam; hospital setting
Summary: Things go wrong.
A/N: Hoping to be able to wrap this up in the next two chapters. Thank you so much for graping and bouncing ideas for this shit show with me @sirbeepsalot love you boo!
A/N2: this is my submission to @emceesynonymroll wacky drabble challenge(and it’s on time!) 31- You should’ve told me earlier -- I could have helped you. prompt will be bolded.
A/N3: part five is started but as I said when I posted three we suffered a family loss earlier this week. I’ve been trying to write but between being strong for my son and husband I need something more mindless and find myself just blindly scrolling through tumblr, replaying books, or playing emoji blitz. Hope to get back to it soon. Thank you so much for your patience.
I only own Percy, the rest I’m borrowing from PB.
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Her heels clicked loudly against the cool disinfected linoleum, the sound reverberating in the still hall. The sounds of humming machines blocked by closed doors that lined the hallway.
She stopped in front of the door, stealing herself for what she was about to see. She quietly slipped into the room, the steady rhythmic beeping of the machines doing nothing to calm her nerves.
Her eyes fell on him slumped in the chair next to the hospital bed, he held her hand as though he could transfer his own life into her by sheer will. She shook her head, none of this should have happened.
“How is she?”
He looked up in surprise at his company. “She’s hanging on, the doctors said we just have to wait.”
“Go, be with your daughter, get some rest, I’ll sit with her.”
“Oh please, it was obvious to anyone who paid attention. Hunter looks like you, Athena even gave her your name, only a fool wouldn’t know.”
Perceval turned back towards Athena, his thumb rubbing circles over the back of her hand. Sitting vigil for the last twenty-four hours had left him completely drained, as much as he needed sleep he couldn’t leave her side. “I’m good here.”
“I’ll keep you company then.” Olivia stated as she sat in the other chair.
He looked up at her with tears in his hazel eyes. “How did this even happen?”
Thirty six hours earlier …
Athena stared at her phone, Hana’s text making her heart clench in her chest. I knew I should have stayed with Hunter. She looked up at Liam, panic written across her face. “Hana said she’s refusing the bottle and her fever spiked. I need to go back NOW.” She spat the last word out through clenched teeth, intent on Liam seeing that it was non negotiable.
“My queen, I’m afraid that’s impossible, what with the storm coming —”
“No!” Her body shook with barely contained rage. “I told you I needed to stay with Hunter but you wouldn’t listen! All you care about is your goddamn self! Well I’m not letting you sacrifice my daughter because you can’t fucking listen.”
Olivia smirked, about damn time. “The storm is still hours out, if you leave now you should be fine.”
“See? Olivia said it’s safe. I’m going with or without you, I really don’t care either way.”
Athena squeezed her eyes shut, her fingers curling into the leather upholstery as the car slid on the icy roads. She didn’t need to turn to Liam to know what he was thinking: this is why I said we should wait.
The storm came on much faster than anyone had expected as they left the Keep. As the snow started to softly fall Liam tried to convince Athena they needed to turn back. She refused, her daughter was sick and needed her, they had to risk it, they had to make it.
The snow steadily picked up as they continued down the winding roads leading them out of Lythikos. Even as the tires slipped on the icy roads Athena refused to admit defeat. Her daughter needed her, that was all that mattered at that moment.
She bit back a scream as the car spun out crashing into the guardrail. Her body lurched forward, head slamming back into the glass. Her body felt numb as her vision blurred, let me get back to Hunter.
Percy jumped up with a start as the shrill ring of his phone jolted him awake. He quickly pulled it from his pocket bringing it to his ear. “Hello?”
He held up a finger and shook his head as Olivia gave him a quizzical look.
“It is? She is? Okay thank you for letting me know Bas.” He nodded as he listened to his friend speak. “No, there’s been no change. We’ll let you know if there is.” He nodded as they made a few more exchanges before finally hanging up.
He let out a breath he’d been holding for days. “Bas says Hunter’s fever broke and she’s doing much better.” His heart felt lighter as he spoke the words. He looked to Athena, she’d be so relieved but she was still fighting her own battle. Come back to her, please come back to her.
He took her hand in his, squeezing it tightly. “Hunter is fine, she just needs you to come back to her …” he trailed off unable to say the words he longed to; come back to me.
He ran his hand through his already disheveled hair. “I just don’t understand why she didn’t tell me.” It’d been a question that burned in him since he learned of Hunter’s paternity. “God Athena, you should have told me you didn’t want to marry him.” He sighed, maybe she did in her own way and he’d been so lost in his own grief that he’d missed it. He gave her hand another gentle squeeze. “You should’ve told me earlier — I could have helped you.” He hung his head. “I would have helped you.”
“I think she did tell you, or she wanted to but couldn’t so she did what she could to let you know.”
Percy looked up, raising his brow at Olivia in question.
“Hunter.” She said simply as if it were obvious. “You obviously were with her before the wedding, I think that might have been the only way she felt she could tell you.”
Percy looked up as he felt Athena’s fingers twitch in his hand. “Doll?”
Athena let out a low groan, her head felt like she’d been hit by a mallet. Her eyes sprung open as her memory filtered back. Hunter, oh god! Please let her be okay! She pushed herself up, wincing as pain shot through her skull and abdomen simultaneously.
“Easy now Doll, you’ve been through a lot.” Percy said quickly jumping to his feet helping her sit up.
“H—Hunter … how’s Hunter?” She croaked as her eyes quickly filled with tears.
“She’s fine, she’s fine. Bas called me, I was able to get her to eat and her fever has broken, I promise she’s fine.”
Athena gave a relieved sigh knowing her daughter was safe. Her eyes drifted around the room, Percy and Olivia sitting on either side, she noticed the absence of the one face she would have expected to see, confusion and worry twisted in her gut. “Where’s Liam?”
Feedback fuels me, please like, comment reblog or send an ask. Feel free to scream, I promise I can take it.
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jafndaegur · 4 years
As Real as the Sound of Your Name on His Lips
Zen x MC/ 2nd POV MC?/ 2nd POV You???
a/n: oh my gosh. oh my gosh. IT IS 2AM. this is literally all @mrs-han and @anon-drabble‘s fault. I have never written s m u t before...at least not posted publicly ^^” Ever. But then we just had to talk about my beloved Hyun Ryu. And the rest is history.
N👏S👏F👏W papapapapas~ after the break. Enjoy??? I’m sorry if it’s bad ROFL OTL
✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧ ✧・゚: *✧・゚:* *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Soft light from fairy-lights gleamed in the garden patio, and the stars winking pleasantly from the other side of the wooden awning helped the already warm aura. Ivy and magnolias draped along the rafters and down the sides, surrounding everyone in soft greens and pale cremes. Even as you buried your nose into the knit of your turtle neck, you couldn’t help your hidden smile. Your hands fiddled with a bottle of beer, one of Zen’s favorite craft brews, while you stared out with a watery gaze.
All of the RFA was there. Jaehee sat towards the back of the pavillion, chatting pleasantly with Yoosung while gingerly sipping at her can of beer. Likewise, the sunshine college student was nursing a soda, his smile radiant and proud as he gestured towards the decorations on the tables. 
The two had worked together with you, trucking through weeks of preparation to make sure all of the adornments for your special night looked beautiful. There were thin waxy petals, which mirrored the hanging magnolias, scattered along picnic tables. While delicate table runners, lace made, stretched the length of the three tables underneath the awning. Lanterns had been hung in the spaces unoccupied by the foliage,  chasing away what little darkness had been neglected by the strands of fragile lights. Everything glowed in a blanched yellow light, pale and fleeting. Yet the flickering bloom created a tender atmosphere that caused a stutter in your heart and a catch of breath in your chest because everything glittered – surreal and yet as tangible as your friends around you.
Seven and Jumin were working diligently by the side wall, stirring and prepping the food for the dinner tonight. Your smile widened as you watched Zen nag them, his eyes narrowed as he barked out something inaudible toward the very impassive Jumin. But you watched with a fond note to remember this moment as Zen’s brother stood behind him, nodding in agreement as if to punctuate his sibling’s every word. 
It seemed strange.
Zen’s older brother, standing next to your beloved. But the two, while stiff at first, seemed to work excellently against the shenanigans of magic agent 707 and cat mom CEO-in-line. Which resulted somehow in a great combination of forces towards meal preparation. With Jumin’s attention to detail and Seven’s enthusiasm, the two Hyuns had planned the next direction of work to go to.
And you felt a sense of pride blossom in your chest. There was no look of chagrin or malice in Zen’s expression, despite everything. His crimson eyes glittered with life and despite the annoyed facade, there were no worry lines in his brow or at the sides of his mouth. His acting was excellent, almost unidentifiable from his real self. But this wasn’t an act. He was as true in his actions as the day he was when he rescued you from Unknown.
Despite it all, he’d gained the confidence to reunite with his family. Despite it all, he had gone for their approval once more. Despite it all, they’d sent his brother with their blessing as an envoy, a step in the right direction. Despite it all, here you both were.
In the evening light, Zen finally made his way back to you. His smile bright and excited, while he took your hand in his. The both of you made it to the front, everyone having found their seats at the tables. A small group, a party of five. But that’s all you both needed, because in your hearts you knew this was your family. By blood or not. And they looked up at you both, ready and eager to hear the words.
Zen spoke first. “I’d like to firstly thank you all for helping us set up this little party tonight. Something where all of us can be ourselves.”
A light squeeze to your hand from the sidelong glance he gave you sent a bubble of mirth into your throat as you tried not to giggle out loud.
“Secondly,” he continued, his voice edging closer to an enthusiastic outburst. “I’m very grateful for you guys to join me and MC for our wedding dinner. Tomorrow will be a day to remember – so let’s celebrate the amazing times to come!”
- O -
The air during the walk home is crisp and breezy. It causes you to burrow closer against Zen’s side as the two of you make it back to the apartment. Footsteps fall in line with one another, the faint padding of shoes against the concrete hardly audible. Not with the pleasant and confident singing coming from your soon-to-be husband’s voice. All the noises in the city – cars honking, urban nightlife, animals and general ambiance – could not drown him out. His voice lilted along your path, providing an invisible tether to guide you while leaving a ribbon of mirth in your wake. 
You smiled, gazing up at him from your hidden nook tucked against his side. 
Something in his song changed.
His voice deepened, and the tune rocked with a slower rhythm. It’s beat caught the tempo of your heart and bounced it against your rib cage in slow tantalizing beats. For one quick moment, Zen’s eyes met yours. The crimson glance was coy and sultry, contrasting the innocent and almost shy smile he flashed. 
But his footsteps hurried, and he guided you along with a more urgent hold around your waist.
“Did you know, jagi,” he murmured, lashes fluttering along the high arch of his cheeks as he gazed down at you, “that we would end up like this?”
“End up like how?” You cooed, your arms wrapping around his torso to draw yourself closer.
His embrace spun you around and your back was pressed up against the door. “A prince and a princess making their last walk home before their big day. One last night,” his nose nuzzled up against your cheek while his hands sought out the curves of your face. “One last night before we are as entwined as ivy, in both life and fate.”
“Hyun,” your voice whispered against the soft swell of his lips as you flicked your tongue along the part of his mouth. “Our fates have always been tangled. From day one.”
He laughed, dipping his head down further to allow for hungry kisses. His fingers gently curled into the strands of your hair while your hands found the hollow of his back by his waist. Heat encompassed you as he pressed closer, form towering and protecting you from sight. His lips eagerly seeking yours with every touch and every press and every taste.
“You’ve been practicing your vows,” he chuckled.
You huffed out a giggle. “So have you!”
“I’ll still have a few surprises for tomorrow.”
“Like what?”
Zen hummed before pulling away and unlocking the door. You stared at him in confusion. The mood had been sparked and yet, he stopped. Was he trying to reign in the beast to save it for tomorrow? The questions dug lightly into your thoughts, but before you had the chance to ask, his arms swept up under your legs and behind your shoulders.
He carried you over the threshold. 
“Jagi, I have to practice all of this too – ” He closed the door with a bit of a slam, before fumbling to lock it and carrying your through the dark apartment. His nose brushed along the juncture of your neck and the hot stroke of a tongue against your collarbone had you gasping in surprise. He chided in a singsong voice, “I want to make sure it’s perfect for you.”
He made it to the bedroom, easing you onto the bed with reverence and gentleness. 
Slipping his coat off his shoulders and letting it fall onto the floor – he crawled over you, his body naturally caging yours against the soft comforter and sheets. “Jagi, can I?”
The expression on his face, even in the dark, looked so tender and so sincere. His eyes closed as you grazed your fingertips along the line of his jaw and over the fringes of his bangs. A soft sigh escaped your lips before you wrapped your arms around his shoulders. 
“Please, Ryu.”
His shoulders trembled and his gaze returned to you. His glance looked up up and down before he hooked a finger under your chin and pulled your lips to his. He made quick and practiced work of the kiss. Easily sliding his tongue along the curve of your mouth before delving in to taste you. Your breath hitched and you opened to him, gliding your tongue alongside his as a challenge to explore more. 
Zen did not protest.
His hands by now pulled up at the hem of your shirt, distancing himself for just a moment to tug your garment over your head and away. In an instant he returned to you, his hands leaving trails of goosebumps along your belly as his touch slowly made their way up towards the swell of your breasts. Your own fingers wound into his hair, tugging lightly at the long and silken strands. The grin that snuck its way to his mouth, interrupting the brush of lips, told you everything you needed to know on how to approach next.
You returned the favor from earlier, eagerly helping him out of his shirt while enjoying the sensation of his bunched shoulders beneath your palms. A shudder. Was that you or him? It didn’t matter.
His lips left a path from the arch of your jaw to the rise of your throat. Teeth grazed your skin, and you squeaked as he bit you and sucked lightly at the skin caught. Your hips arched up as you tilted your head back to give him better access to which he readily accepted. A sweep at his tongue laved at the raised skin, each bite mark followed by a soothing swirl of warm breath and Zen’s impatient adoration. Your mouth found his ear, and you whispered little things. His shoulders beneath your touch clenched and his knee ground between the part of your legs to keep your hip to the bed. Although that proved difficult. The more you promised him, whispers full of heady and carnal words, the more you found yourself slowly grinding onto his thigh – thrilled when his ministrations began to quicken with a sense of urgency. Every skim of his lips left a burning tendril along your body while his hands made quick work of your bra and pants. Most of your skin was now covered with gooseflesh as the cold air and your fiancé’s embrace continued to explore you. The entire time his voice rumbled out his encouragements, praising you and urging you on. 
Something in your stomach began to coil, tight and wanting to snap, you found yourself looking for harder friction as you shamelessly grinded onto him. The flutter in your stomach though, matched the strained clench of his chest. He lowered his head and brushed a warm kiss against your puckered nipple. He lapped fervently at the rosy bud before sucking at it, a rumble reverberating in his chest.
You moaned.
Zen’s hand found your free breast, his thumb circling your other nipple in rhythm to match every lick and every tug of his mouth. When you whined at the sensation, body trembling because now the undeniable heat and wetness that came from his caress pooled from your abdomen downwards, he chuckled and traded sides, his fingers pinching and tugging at now wet skin while he attended the latter breast.
You left trails of your touch all over his skin, tracing patterns along his sides and back. Your hands stretched the span of his chest and you murmured his name over and over again. It was his name, and like this, it was only yours to say. 
He broke away, brushing his lips down the bridge of your torso and belly, before he leaned back up to kiss you. “Princess, we can do whatever you’d like tomorrow. But tonight. Tonight I just want to feel you.”
You cupped his cheek and swept the pad of your thumb across his smooth skin.
“I want to know that you won’t disappear in the morning, that you’ll still be right here. That I’ll be right here with you,” his mouth moved slowly against yours, words and taste a sensuous and slow dance as he emphasized each word. “That this dream is our reality.”
You smiled into the kiss. “Forever now, Zen.”
“That’s all I want,” he murmured. 
You gave your utterance of approval, helping him with the last of both your clothes.
This wasn’t the first time you’d done this together. As much as he’d tried to reel in the beast when you had first moved in with him, after a year into your relationship when you approached him first – there were no qualms on his part for being physical. You both laced together and completed each other, a timeless rhythm rocked you that had neither a start nor an end, just a comprehensible cadence that you both knew the dance to.
Zen gave a few lazy strokes to his length, kneeling between your legs with languid and flirting look to you. 
His free hand helped raise your hips to meet his as he teased, sliding along your slick folds, watching as you shivered. He pressed his tip to your entrance, once and then twice, enjoying the groan of exasperation and the pout that curled onto your expression. Once he had your attention though, you noticed that glint in his eyes. That telltale glimmer of excitement and awe.
“Jagi, say my name,” he murmured.
He slipped into you, moving in slow and paced strokes, hands keeping your hips raised to meet each thrust. You arched and your hands twisted the bedsheets. His name tumbled easily through your voice, your body almost knowingly addicted and memorized to each movement he gave. You clenched around his length, relishing the low groan elicited. Matching every roll of his body with your own, you braced your hands on his abdomen. Zen’s brow furrowed and his eyes squeezed shut. By now his hair had been loosened from his normal tie, instead messily strewn over his shoulder and down his back. His teeth worried his bottom lip as his fingers clenched your hips tighter, pulling you closer as he began to thrust faster – pace changing into something more erratic and desperate. The coil in your stomach wound itself tighter. And when you wrapped your legs around his waist, trying to find an angle for him to push deeper, your thoughts thickened and you breathed heavily. 
The world around you was fuzzy like a blurred image, and everything except for Zen seemed dull. You were hardly aware of anything else. But Zen – your Hyun, your Ryu – stood as crisp and stark as a freshly made picture. The glisten of his sweaty skin barely visible in the dark, the faint glimpses of his silver hair as he pushed you both closer, the hefty rise and fall of his chest as he moved faster. All of it was as bright and clear and real as the sound of your name on his lips.
You cried out, a strong and deft thrust sending an overwhelming wave of pleasure crashing over you. Stars glittered in your eyes and for a moment, you lost sight of him. Your body shook, a tremor following in a delicious aftershock of your release. Floating high above for just a moment, you basked in the quavering euphoria. By the time you opened your eyes, vision finally clear and sensation of your surroundings, warmth blossomed inside you while Zen gave a staggered moan as his he tilted back. 
His touch slowly left your waist, traveling up your body and sides, tenderly tracing a route up.
For a moment he was content to just feel and to just touch. Your fingertips brushed along his forearms, and you whispered his name. Finally he met your gaze. He smiled and drew you slowly into his lap. 
Zen buried his face into the crook of your neck, arms around your waist holding you close as he breathed in your scent. You combed slowly through his hair, lightly peppering kisses along his jaw as he rocked back and forth. Together your breathing began to match, inhales and exhales slow and timed.
“Tomorrow will be even better,” he whispered. “Because tomorrow, princess, you’ll be mine.”
“Zenny,” you chided with a soft kiss to the side of his mouth. “I’ve always been yours. ”
You felt him smile – though hidden, still  vivid as the sun in the sky or the moon in the night. Real and constant.
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