#simply plural tem
bucketofbrainworms · 2 months
I made a simply plural templates! they work with my screen reader and i had one other person who it also worked for, but if you run into any issues let me know and i will make adjustments!
it should work width wise on both desktop and phone
Note: it doesnt align properly when in discord, but in SP it should work out. i may post an adjusted version for discord/PK at some point
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(if anyone knows/wants to help with the description of these that would be a huge help, i struggle a lot with descriptions/gen)
text below the cut. credit isnt needed, but you can add it if you want
System Intro Below
╔═════════╗ │ Introducing │ ╚═════════╝
╔╡⋆。˚⊙〔 System name 〕⊙˚。⋆ ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ "Quote prt 1, ╨ │ Quote prt 2" - author ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Basics 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ Collective Names: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Collective Pronouns: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Body Age: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Member count: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ System tag: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Frequent fronters 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ╨ ┣ ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Misc. Info 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Bounderies 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣DMs: ║ ┣Frqs: ╨ ┣Pings: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╚╡⋆。˚⊙〔 Last updated: Date 〕⊙˚。⋆
System intro end
Alter intro below
╔═════════╗ │ *Introducing* │ ╚═════════╝
╔╡⋆。˚⊙〔 **Name** 〕⊙˚。⋆ ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ *"Quote prt 1,* ╨ │ *Quote prt 2"* - author ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Basics*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ Names: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Pronouns: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Age: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Birthday: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ Relationship status: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Roles*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ║ ┣ ╨ ┣ ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Misc. Info*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ │ Activity: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ║ │ Source: ║ ┣━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╨ │ Species: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╠╡⋆。˚⊙〔 ***Bounderies*** 〕 ╨ ┏━━━━⇀⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╥ ┣Nicknames: ║ ┣Touch: ║ ┣RP: ╨ ┣Tone Tags: ╥ ┗━━━━⇁⋅⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ╚╡⋆。˚⊙〔 **Fin** 〕⊙˚。⋆
Alter intro end
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absent-minded-capital · 2 months
I had a dream and it was where I was looking through simply plural and saw a new plural account....
AND I SWEAR every time I have these dreams I ALWAYS end up finding said alter from dream 😭😭😭
- tem?
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a-go-ni-a · 1 year
My opinion on the Brazilian version of VADD
It will be a long, long post. I’ll talk about the grammar mistakes I’ve found while reading, some things I like and my opnions on some words used. And please remember we, Brazilians, speak Portuguese. I’ll try my best to explain how our language works.
[for Brazilians] se você ver algum erro nos meus apontamentos, fique à vontade pra falar, afinal, todo o mundo está sujeito a erro. Eu não sou formado em Letras nem nada, mas os erros são coisas simples que uma editora que está no mercado desde 2007 não deveria deixar passar.
First things first: the cover
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I don’t like the letter font and the golden color. I don’t think they match the art and the story.
Now, the first page of this story. The sentence that starts it sounds odd, in my opinion.
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It reads, word for word: “Currently the topic of the moment is the new dating sim game:”. It sounds redundant.
While I was reading the manhwa, something caught my attention: the large amount of -mente.
In Portuguese, adverbs can end with -mente, (-ly in English), usually they are adverbs of manner. I used bookmarks everytime I saw a grammar mistake or a -mente. I’m going to use pages 88 and 89 to show what I want to say.
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In page 88, there are, in red: finalmente (finally), simplesmente (simply) and definitivamente (definitely)
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In page 89: independentemente (independently) and definitivamente (definitely) again.
I’ve written each -mente I saw: 29. Some of them were used more than one time. I’ve started to add notes like “this one is an adverb of manner, this one is an adverb of time”, but there were too many and I got tired.
Please ignore my bad handwriting.
[for Brazilians] quem conseguir ler meu garrancho vai ganhar minha eterna admiração. E um pão de queijo.
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It isn’t wrong to use adverbs that end with -mente, but a Brazilian person wouldn’t use so many on their speech or writing. While reading, it was easy to think about other ways to right some sentences.
Also, as a result of using them mindlessly, we got some awful sentences.
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Reading them hurts me.
Let’s continue.
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It says the HARD mood stars when Ivonne returns.
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Here there is a singular subject: família (family), and plural verb: tivessem (had). It should be written tivesse.
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Singular subject: criança (child). “Elas gritem” (they scream) refer to criança, but both words are plural. It should be written ela grite.
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The first phare reads “the second son of the dukes.” But there is only one duke.  Does Reynold have two fathers?
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There should also be a coma between A heroína (the heroine) and que esqueceu seu status e viveu na pobreza because it is a sentence that explains a previous word. It gives a explanation about a heroína. The grammar says this kind of sentences always needs to be followed by comas.
[for Brazilians] se tiver batido a curiosidade, essa oração é chamada oração subordinada adjetiva explicativa.
Oração é uma frase que tem um verbo ou locução verbal (2 verbos). Pode ser de tipos diferentes.
Oração subordinada é uma oração que não tem sentido completo sozinha, assim, precisa estar acompanhada de outras. Também pode ser de vários tipos.
Um deles é a oração subordinada adjetiva, que serve como adjetivo. Um adjetivo é uma característica, uma qualidade que é dada a um substantivo. Essa oração pode ser de 2 tipos. Quando é explicativa, precisa ser separada por vírgulas. Ela explica um termo visto antes. Quando é restritiva, não deve ser separada. Ela restringe, limita um termo visto antes. Exemplos das duas, respectivamente:
- Minha irmã, que só tira 10 em matemática, ganhou uma medalha numa competição.
Nessa frase, você tem só uma irmã e está falando uma característica dela: ela é boa em matemática.
- Minha irmã que só tira 10 em matemática ganhou uma medalha numa competição.
Nessa frase, você tem mais de uma irmã e está falando só daquela que é boa em matemática.
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Here we see an example of passive voice. In Portuguese, there are two forms of passive voice. The one used here is called voz passiva sintética. The compound subjects are cabelos (hair) and olhos (eyes), but there is a singular verb: achava (was found). The plural verb is achavam. Even if there was a simple subject, cabelos and olhos are plural nouns, so the only right way to write this sentence is using achavam.
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The verb is ver (to see), mim means “me”. In the way this sentence is written, mim is the one who sees. It is like saying “me saw a cat” or “me am a good person”.
Correcting it is simple: Acho que, para mim, será desagradável ver o seu rosto por um tempo, mordomo-chefe.
(There is another way to write it, just take out para mim: acho que será desagradável ver o seu rosto por um tempo, mordomo-chefe.)
Using mim to conjugate verbs is commom in informal speech when the sentence is like the one in this example. It is gramatically wrong, but is commom and it’s ok when we are talking about informal speech. To understang the reason we should focus on the word para.
Let’s take the sentence “do you have a gift for me?” and translate it to Portuguese. We get “você tem um presente para mim?”
Para means “for”, “to” or “at”. It is a preposition that can also be seen as pra, in informal speech. After prepositions, we must use mim, so most people may remember “after para always use mim” and may forget mim shouldn’t be used to conjugate verbs.
My problem with its use is: we are talking about a printed book, made by a publisher who is working since 2007, not about a group of friends on a bar. I don’t think it was intentional, I don’t think the publisher wanted to show informal speech.
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Let’s think about the verb “to invite”. Someone is invited for a event, right? The propostion used is “for”. In Portuguese, for the verb convidar (to invite) the preoposition used is para. On the sentence above, it was used another preposition: de. And it’s wrong. Instead of “da qual” (preposition de + relative pronoun a qual) it should be written “para a qual” (preposition para + relative pronoun a qual).
[for Brazilians] também dá pra usar a preposição “a”, porém o significado do verbo muda. Se você quer usar “convidar” no sentido de “chamar alguém, solicitar sua presença” a preposição é “para”. Se você quer usar no sentido de “fazer um pedido” ou “mandar alguém fazer algo”, mas de forma educada, a preposição é “a”. Por exemplo: “convidar alguém a se retirar da festa”.
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Another sentence that gives me physical pain. No one says “que desapontante”.
Something I thought was interesting while reading was the use of the adverb quão (how). It isn’t used a lot in informal speech and I like the publisher chose to use it in the translation. Most phrases with quão are good. But there was a exception.
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This phrase sounds odd. I don’t think I can translate it in a way that shows it. Using quão was a bad choice.
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What you see here is a serious issue: the use of denegrir, a verb that means “to make something darker” or “to damage someone’s reputation”.
It’s important to know anti-blackness is a serious problem in Brazil. Some years ago, black people started to point out words and expressions that shouldn’t be used anymore because they have anti-black connotations. And this verb is one of those words. It isn’t a issue that appeared yesterday. The publisher should have known about this verb. There is no excuse for using it.
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It reads “the duke is looking for you”. A is “for you”. It is in the wrong place. I have no clue how this mistake happened. It’s a simple sentence. It should be written: o duque A está procurando.
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The verb used in these examples is encontrar. It has different meanings, the one used is “to meet with someone”. In the second pic, the verb can also be read as “to run into”.
After the verb there is the preposition com (with). When com is used the verb encontrar becomes a verbo pronominal, a verb that is followed by a pronoun. Penelope is talking about herself, for eu (I) the equivalent pronoun is me. There were 2 more sentences with encontrar and they were correct, me was used. But it was forgotten in these examples.
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“Don’t make repeat the same thing twice” is redundant.
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I sign my art as “agony” and it was what I feel when I read this sentence.
It looks like a literal translation from a sentence originally written in English.
I guess people consume too many media in English (like series and music), get used to English grammar rules and see a phrase like “this is the book I talked to you about.” Then they decide to translate it to Portuguese and think: “well, if about goes at the end, then sobre (about) must also be in the end.” BUT.IT.IS.WRONG. In Portuguese, sobre must goes in the middle and you need to say what it refers to.
The issue is: each language works in its own way, has its own rules, for example, the way a phrase must be structured. When you apply some rule from a specific language to another, you may make mistakes.
I really want to emphasize what I’m trying to say, so I’ll give another example using Spanish.
Ok, so, in English we say: “I like strawberries.”
In Spanish we say: a mí me gusta la fresa or me gusta la fresa
If you take the sentences above and do a literal translation to Portuguese, you get: a mim me gosta o morango and me gosta o morango.
Congrats, you translated them and you would also make my high school Portuguese teacher, sora Vera, cry! Why, you ask? Because, in Spanish, the verb gustar isn’t conjugated the same way gostar is, because, guess what, each language has its own rules, and one must know it when a tranlation is done. You can’t just do a literal translation and call it a day. You must know how BOTH languages work and also how to adapt the text.
The right phrase in Portuguese is: eu gosto de morango. (The literal English translation is “I like of strawberry.”)
Now, the book. Again, the phrase is “this is the book I talked to you about.”
In Portuguese, it reads: este é o livro SOBRE O QUAL eu te falei.
Sobre is “about” and o qual is a relative pronoun that refers to “the book”.
The way I wrote the sentence is how the one in the pic should have been written: durante a festa do chá SOBRE A QUAL eu te falei...
BUT there are also other ways to write it. You see, using sobre and a qual takes the sentence close to formal speech. If your intention is to use informal speech, you can write:
Durante a festa do chá DE QUE eu te falei or durante a festa do chá QUE eu te falei.
The mistakes are over =D
But wait, there’s more!
Now I’d like to talk about my opinion about some things.
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I like what was done with Reynold’s speech. Using “essazinha” and similar words when you talk about a person is a great way to show you despise them. You are saying said person is insignificant, worthless.
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I think “personagem de interesse” sounds odd. Other words used were “paquera” and “interesse amoroso”. They are better options. 
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Apenas means “just” or “only”. There are ocasions when I think the use of apenas is also a influence of consuming too many media in English. If on a sentence in English the use of just or only is necessary, sometimes, in Portuguese, apenas isn’t necessary, or the sentence would sound better if the translator used só (it’s the same as apenas). I also people may forget the word só, because I always see apenas.
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Take ddlc* as a example. It was translated from English. “Apenas Monika” doesn’t sound good. I think “Só a Monika” would be a better translation.
*Doki Doki Literature Club. It’s a psychological horror game.
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I don’t like the text in these three panels, they don’t sound natural, like the way a Brazilian person would speak.
The first: I think bom or bem sound better.
The second: just take agora out. Maybe it can be difficult to see the problem with a single panel, but if you read the whole page, you can see the agora is odd.
The third: to tell you the truth, I don’t know how to rewrite these sentences.
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I didn’t understand this phrase. It makes no sense. I don’t know what it is supossed to mean.
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Why do you choose to use English words in your life when Portuguese has better words???
Yeah, everyone says “cringe” now, but it will be over someday. And there is something even more important: speaking English should’t be seen as a obligation. There are lots and lots of Brazilians who don’t speak English and there is nothing wrong about it.
And nobody will convince me “cringe” is better than cafona, brega, pagar mico, vergonha alheia and Ó DO BOROGODÓ.
Now I’ll finally finish my review!
So, my last thoughts: the publisher, Newpop, is known for its bad proofreading work. When Newpop announced it would release the manhwa, I wasn’t so happy, I knew there were be grammar mistakes, but I hoped there would be just one or two. But there was a lot, as you could see. I usually don’t buy the comics Newpop releases and that’s one reason. Newpop said it is working on the novel. I won’t buy it.
The manhwa is pretty, the colors are good, but the mistakes made the experience of reading it being bad. I’ll probably still buy the whole collection, because it’s my favorite manhwa, but I hope Newpop see the mistakes and do a better job on volume 2.
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performingparts · 10 months
hi! we're the evil monastery! tem for short :)
body age: 18
collective prns: he/him
headcount: ~120
active: ~20
dni: sysmeds, exclus, proship, nsfw, and other typical dni criteria 🎉
more general info under the cut :)
frequent fronters
🎠/no emoji - mar, 18, he/him
🖼 - soph, 18, he/it/zomb
🫐 - milo, 19, he/they/veil
each headmate will make a small intro if they want to post on here, but these are our most frequent fronters :)
🛝 - jordi, 18, he/she
🌼 - rancho, teen, he/they
🪶 - incus, 19, he/it
no flirting! we are very happily taken and also thats just weird w someone u dont know :)
we are kinda bad at replying to dms so be patient w us!
we are autistic so again. pls be patient w us LOL
if we r mutuals u can ask for our discord and our simply plural <3
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absent-minded-capital · 3 months
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Welcome to our blog!! We are the Absent Minded System!
- We are a collective system of [insert number] discovered alters
- We are self-diagnosed OSDD-1B! We have done now 3+ years of research
HOSTS; Wrath (He/Him), Blue (He/him), Tem (They/it/bite)
CO-HOST; Temperance (She/Her) + Scourge (He/him)
Tone tags are appreciated!!
We are Prosecutor/Anger holder heavy so be careful about that..but most of them are actually pretty chill
OUR SYSTEM BFF; @thehivebodysystem
Alter side blogs!
@warden-sam Warren/Bane
@cat-cult-clan 💉🥀☯️❄️🍁🪶🌟
@wrath-bakugofictive Wrath
@blues-art-corner Blue
@stormyday-calm-rain Rain
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What will we do on this blog?
We will mainly be reblogging or talking about our own experiences! We might show some drawings and other things like that. Answer questions ECT!
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Simply plural will only be shared to friends/mutuals
Some alters are placed on a 'Trusted friends only', This isn't because they are a danger, they decided that themselves or they are a little. So if you see a folder with 'no one' in it that might be why
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We are also free to help others but remember that Google is your best bet!! Wanna know what helped me?
Asking systems themselves about their experiences and just listen, play it like an interview and not a diagnostic for yourself
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Weirdos, Pedos, Basic DNI criteria, Endo's (we don't think you are fake, just misinformed)
(IDC if you are neutral, not my problem)
Transphobic, Anti-Furry (damn mascot haters/s Zoo's
Basically anyone that isn't a straight asshole, we are pretty chill but we do block freely oh
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