#simon strong
kataraavatara · 4 months
F&B is so vague about the end of House Strong, just relaying the gruesome details of Aemond’s slaughter. Nobody gets a name or reaction other than poor Simon Strong. Do you think they prayed when the elderly Simon went out to face Aemond, hoping against hope that the Warrior would bless him? Do you think bastards who had proudly proclaimed the name “Rivers” tried to take it back once the killings started? Did a mother of a bastard too young to speak for himself insist that she had been lying about his paternity to gain her lord’s favor? Did they stare at the ever growing pile of heads in abject horror? Surely they did. Did they hold hands? Did they try to run? “One by one, every man and boy with Strong blood in his veins was dragged forth and put to death…” Who went first, men or boys? Did fathers have to watch their sons be murdered or did the sons have to watch their fathers? Did Aemond think of the irony that Blood and Cheese was a moral rallying cry for the Greens, but he was now making a dozen mothers watch their sons be beheaded? I need to know more about the last moments of House Strong.
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mejcinta · 4 months
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Harrenhal courtyard set.
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twoiafart · 2 years
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First to suffer for it was Ser Simon Strong. Prince Aemond had no love for any of that ilk, and the haste with which the castellan had yielded Harrenhal to Daemon Targaryen convinced him the old man was a traitor. Ser Simon protested his innocence, insisting that he was a true and loyal servant of the Crown. His own great nephew, Larys Strong, was Lord of Harrenhal and King Aegon’s master of whisperers, he reminded the Prince Regent. These denials only inflamed Aemond’s suspicions. The Clubfoot was a traitor as well, he decided. How else would Daemon and Rhaenyra have known when King’s Landing was most vulnerable? Someone on the small council had sent word to them…and Larys Clubfoot was Breakbones’s brother, and thus an uncle to Rhaenyra’s bastards.
Aemond commanded that Ser Simon be given a sword. “Let the gods decide if you speak truly,” he said. “If you are innocent, the Warrior will give you the strength to defeat me.” The duel that followed was utterly one-sided, all the accounts agree; the prince cut the old man to pieces, then fed his corpse to Vhagar. Nor did Ser Simon’s grandsons long outlive him. One by one, every man and boy with Strong blood in his veins was dragged forth and put to death, until the heap made of their heads stood three feet tall.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Stormbreak House Strong Family Tree
Hello all! I thought I'd post the below graphic for your reference since it'll be relevant in Chapter 32. Fun fact: Every single character within this family tree exists within ASoIaF canon, so they're not quite OCs. Most of them were never explicitly named, though, so it was basically a big game of fill-in-the-blank.
I know this introduces a ton of new characters, but don't worry; they're only going to be in one-third of this chapter when Jace first arrives at Harrenhal and most of them won't be referenced in plot-dependent ways beyond that within the fic. This counts as very slight spoilers, so if you want to go into this chapter blind as to what Harwin's side of the family looks like, hold on until after you've read the chapter, which should be up sometime tomorrow.
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(Pink and blue correspond to gender. Pastel colors mean that the person is dead. This tree would also be a lot simpler if Lyonel Strong, Harwin's father, hadn't fathered children on four different women.)
Here's a breakdown of these unnamed-but-canon characters:
Jace's great-grandmother (Edeline) and great-grandfather (Tobas)
Lyonel's three wives (Laisa, Miranna, and Katlyn) and his baby mama (Camille)
Lyonel's two daughters (Clarysse and Celesse)
Simon's wife (Helna)
Simon's son (Erac) and daughter-in-law (Roslyn)
Simon's grandsons (Dorran and Derrock)
As we'll see in Chapter 32 and can see in the family tree above, I'm going a bit rogue with my depiction of Alys. I planned this fic back in October, and I was really interested in this idea that Fire and Blood was super inaccurate and misogynistic in its portrayal of women, especially when they were flouting societal norms (so think Rhaenyra, Alys, Nettles, etc.). It made me decide that most of the information about book Alys was probably wildly inaccurate and designed to paint her as crazy and evil. So instead of writing Alys as she was depicted in the book I wanted to write Alys as a woman whose story could conceivably be bastardized and twisted into her book depiction.
I also had to fill in the blanks for a bunch of birth and death dates, so most of these ages aren't canon. I'm setting the fire that killed Harwin and Lyonel in about 123 AC. I decided that Simon's son (Erac) died in that fire as well for reasons. I also decided that Larys and Alys's mothers both died giving birth to them.
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gotham-at-nightfall · 2 years
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Prince Aemond had kept Vhagar with the main column throughout the march, thinking that his uncle might attempt to attack them on Caraxes. He reached Harrenhal a day after Cole, and that night celebrated a great victory; Daemon and "his river scum" had fled rather than face his wroth, Aemond proclaimed. Small wonder then that when word of the fall of King's Landing reached him, the prince felt thrice the fool. His fury was fearsome to behold.
First to suffer for it was Ser Simon Strong. Prince Aemond had no love for any of that ilk, and the haste with which the castellan had yielded Harrenhal to Daemon Targaryen convinced him the old man was a traitor. Ser Simon protested his innocence, insisting that he was a true and loyal servant of the Crown. His own great nephew, Larys Strong, was Lord of Harrenhal and King Aegon's master of whisperers, he reminded the Prince Regent. These denials only inflamed Aemond's suspicions. The Clubfoot was a traitor as well, he decided. How else would Daemon and Rhaenyra have known when King's Landing was most vulnerable? Someone on the small council had sent word to them...and Larys Clubfoot was Breakbones's brother, and thus an uncle to Rhaenyra's bastards.
Aemond commanded that Ser Simon be given a sword. "Let the gods decide if you speak truly," he said. "If you are innocent, the Warrior will give you the strength to defeat me." The duel that followed was utterly one-sided all the accounts agree; the prince cut the old man to pieces, then fed his corpse to Vhagar. Nor did Ser Simon's grandsons long outlive him. One by one, every man and boy with Strong blood in his veins was dragged forth and put to death, until the heap made of their heads stood three feet tall.
Aemond Targaryen unleashes his wrath on House Strong!
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deadlymaelstrom · 3 months
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westeroswisdom · 1 year
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New cast for House of the Dragon – Season 2 
Several new cast members were named; nothing yet on Cregan Stark. 🗡
‘House Of The Dragon’ Adds Simon Russell Beale, Freddie Fox, Gayle Rankin & Abubakar Salim To Season 2
Simon Russell Beale, Freddie Fox, Gayle Rankin & Abubakar Salim have joined the cast of HBO’s House of the Dragon for Season 2.
Based on George R.R. Martin’s Fire & Blood, the series, set 200 years before the events of Game of Thrones, tells the story of House Targaryen.
Beale will portray Ser Simon Strong, Castellan of Harrenhal and great-uncle to Lord Larys; Fox will portray Ser Gwayne Hightower, son of Otto Hightower, brother to Queen Alicent, and uncle to King Aegon, Queen Helaena, and Prince Aemond; Rankin will portray Alys Rivers, a healer and resident of Harrenhal; Salim will portray Alyn of Hull, a sailor in the Velaryon fleet who served in the Stepstones campaign.
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consistentsquash · 1 year
Fic Rec - Zen and the Art of Dragon Maintenance
ASOIAF Fridays!
Gen fic rec!
Fic - Zen and the Art of Dragon Maintenance
Author - eldritcher
Length - 13000 words. Rated G. No pairings.
TL;DR - Minor character POV done brilliantly with a really interesting structure of metaphors and debate. I think it's called a conceit? Don't quote me on it. I have totally fallen in love with The Outsider Witness archetype because the level of batshit just registers different when it's an outsider POV. Zero heroes here and that really hits home in this one. This is from the POV of Simon Strong who is in charge of Harrenhal. His resume is essentially surrendering the castle to Daemon and then getting eaten by Vhagar when Aemond goes on his killing spree. But this fic goes deep into the type of trauma/confusion/WTF an outsider gets because the Dance doesn't have anything to do with them personally but it wipes out their whole family.
Vibe quote
That had been before cyvasse and war's cohabitation, before they had contemplated virtue and value and the make of man. That had been before Simon had met a man and his wyrm wreathed in song. "Now I know."
Also! I haven't actually read Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance. So totally not qualified to say anything about that. But going to update the rec after I read the book. Gosh. Reccing gets homework now.
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horizon-verizon · 1 year
First to suffer for it was Ser Simon Strong. Prince Aemond had love for any of that ilk, and the haste with which the castellan had yielded Harrenhal to Daemon Targaryen convinced him the old man was a traitor. Ser Simon protested his innocence, insisting that he was a true and loyal servant of the Crown. His own great nephew, Larys Strong, was Lord of Harrenhal and King Aegon’s master of whisperers, he reminded the Prince Regent. These denials only inflamed Aemond’s suspicions. The Clubfoot was a traitor as well, he decided. How else would Daemon and Rhaenyra have known when King’s Landing was most vulnerable? Someone on the small council had sent word to them…and Larys Clubfoot was Breakbones’s brother, and thus an uncle to Rhaenyra’s bastards. Aemond commanded that Ser Simon be given a sword. “Let the gods decide if you speak truly,” he said. “If you are innocent, the Warrior will give you the strength to defeat me.” The duel that followed was utterly one-sided, all the accounts agree; the prince cut the old man to pieces, then fed his corpse to Vhagar. Nor did Ser Simon’s grandsons long outlive him. One by one, every man and boy with Strong blood in his veins was dragged forth and put to death, until the heap made of their heads stood three feet tall. Thus did the flower of House Strong, an ancient line of noble warriors boasting descent from the First Men, come to an ignoble end  in the ward at Harrenhal. No trueborn Strong was spared, nor any bastard save...oddly...Alys Rivers. Though the wet nurse was twice his age (thrice, if we put our trust in Mushroom), Prince Aemond had taken her into his bed as a prize of war soon after taking Harrenhal, seemingly preferring her to all the other women of the castle, including many pretty maids of his own years.
Fire and Blood, by George R.R. Martin, pg 459-460
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amikoroyaiart · 8 months
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'Take a break, I've got you.'
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furiosophie · 10 months
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mejcinta · 10 months
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"We have news that this week saw the filming of Prince Aemond Targaryen (Ewan Mitchell) and Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) in Harrenhal. According to our sources, one of the scenes filmed was that of the green soldiers presumably executing members of House Strong on Prince Aemond Targaryen’s command.
The other scene was that of Larys Strong (Matthew Needham) at the top of the tower looking down. Our source also informs us of a third character, an old man with a gray beard in a black cloak, who we presume could be Simon Strong (Simon Russell Beale), who is the castellan of Harrenhal under Lord Larys Strong and his uncle."
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Ooooooh, it's happening.
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stankworth · 8 months
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after many years of being strong // may you have the chance to be gentle again
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
Chapter 33 Spoilers Without Context
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deadlymaelstrom · 9 months
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loren91 · 4 months
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You're just like a drug that I need, when I'm with you I feel high as can be
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