#silly ship chatter
eek-a-tron · 3 months
10 Reasons to Ship Loki/Catwoman
A Nondefinitive & Cracky GodCat Rundown
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1. He’s a god of thieves. Loki’s a Norse god with a long ancient list of patronage areas: mischief, tricks, lies, chaos, outcasts, the devil, death, and more … including, sometimes, thieves. THIEVES. It’s not mentioned often, but it’s around. Besides, mischief, chaos, and trickery tend to involve crime. Be Loki. Wear helmets. Do crimes. And consider hanging out with an anti-hero who still kinda gets it, because:
2. She’s a master cat burglar. Catwoman’s one of the most-recognizable cat burglars on Earth/Midgard, so that's kismet on the thieves thing. But she also vibes with the mischief thing, and sometimes with lies and tricks, too. Even with the outcasts thing. Definitely the anti-heroes thing. Plus, neither Selina nor Loki is an expert on trust, or family, or How to Feelings™ — and there’s nothing shippier than mutual angst!
3. Oops! All banter. Loki and Catwoman can banter for days. Weeks. Years. Loki plays with everybody, but not many characters really mischief him back. Catwoman would, though; it’s like, her thing. She’s sassy (*cue rando yelling from offscreen* feisty, eh?!), full of nicknames, and although she can’t exactly kick a god’s ass twelve days from Sunday, Loki might ask her to try anyway. (The old Batman rule applies there: did Catwoman have time to plan ahead, or have the element of surprise?! Heists require planning and improv, after all.) As such:
4. MatuRe CoNteNt. These two might never leave the bedroom to steal anything, possibly because of the aforementioned ass-kicking. If anybody can make Loki kneel and say thank you ma’am may I have another, probably while he’s laughing about it alllllllmost the entire time, it’s Catwoman. (Strangely wholesome mature content, right front of my anti-hero sandwich?! I ain’t mad at it.)
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Loki's ye-olde-eyebrow gif from abby118!
5. Just two pros being pros. Erm, how do I put this delicately? Loki and Catwoman are, generally-speaking, both highly-sexualized, often-objectified characters. (More so for Catwoman in a way, sigh, but … that’s a whole ‘nuther topic.) Give ‘em a break, y’all: let the oversexualized bunnies get it on together! They’re both adults. They’ve both been around (comics) forever. And look, maybe a woman shouldn’t have to constantly chase a bat who doesn’t want to be caught — and vice-versa, frankly! Cats have needs, okay? Maybe magical, complicated, industry-crossing needs! (Did Loki write this one himself?! I wouldn’t put it past him.)
6. The nine lives thing. A word about the god/mortal power imbalance here: yeah, I don’t love that. But aside from Loki just sorta letting Catwoman hang around because they amuse each other, or because there are plenty of uh, other aforementioned reasons to level their playing-field *snort*, there are also plenty of Catwoman canons floating around in which she’s not entirely mortal. Sometimes she has nine lives, which puts her in the venn diagram hinterlands of magical comic characters with an extended lifespan. Interesting! (This concept was even brought back recently, comics-wise.)
7. Representation? (This one’s thorny because it’s never treated well in canon. The world is poorly-formed. :/ I hope we can form it better.) Loki and Catwoman may also vibe, perhaps, because they both have a canonic bi history. (I mean … Loki is canonically everything so it depends on the canon one’s talking about, but nevertheless.) I’m not really the appropriate person to bring Bi!GodCat content into the world, but it does make sense! Love them however they identify!
8. The Wonder connection. But what about Batman, you ask? What about his dark little heartstrings, you inquire? Well, hear me out here: if Loki/Catwoman, then maybe … Batman/Wonder Woman? (Why yes, I do like things about BatCat, and WonderBat, and GodCat! There are infinite ships in my ancient harbor, mes amis; I’m quite unbothered by multiple ship options. My skin is clear. My crops are watered and rotated.)
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9. Knife mates. Both of these anti-hero tricksters are stabby. (Meaning: they sometimes favor the short blades.) Together, they make a dagger duo. Stib-stabs. Pointy sharpersons. WOMEN MADE OF KNIVES/MEN ALSO MADE OF KNIVES.
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Loki stab-gif from youlackconviction!
10. Multiple AU fix-it options. When canon inevitably disappoints, one can always go to the headcanon mountain. Catwoman steals Loki from a prisondungeon. Catwoman steals Loki from the TVA. Catwoman keeps Loki alive and he feels acidically/obnoxiously grateful about it, plus other things. Loki vibes with Selina's trust issues and (complainingly) assists her heists with magic; maybe they even grow to be friends, or learn what love is like is between two similar souls. Perhaps their team-up helps get other Marvel/DC types out of a few high-powered jams. (Or else they just steal from them, heh; the options are many.) *steeples fingers* And so disappointment was solved forever, by expecting nothing from official channels. And also AUs.
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segasys · 6 months
I saw you taking ship requests. If you don't mund, might I request Artificer and Spearmaster if you haven't done them already? :]
I love the idea of Spears being Arti's weapon dispenser because it keeps them full <3
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The duo ever!
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daipeanutsaiban · 9 months
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A Victorian couple. (Leyendecker redraw)
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candyheartedchy · 2 months
Trying to decide on what to draw for my ship with Scartch/Todd, so if there’s any AUs I done or stuff y’all want to see that I haven’t done in awhile, feel free to request! I’m kinda drawing a blank rn.
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dreamwinged · 4 months
i feel sick
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do you like speedingbullet
Sure! I'm not particularly big on ships in general but the fanarts are pretty cool and also really sweet, people are really creative :)
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mossy-paws · 2 months
sending a box filled with a singular plush in it, what phighting char do u want (This is a joke, But if you did ever have the choice to get one, what would you take?)
OHHHHHHH this is a difficult question,,,, if there was a phighting plushie that I wanted then i think it would be tied between Biograft, icedagger, and broker since I love all of them equally
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edith-is-a-cat · 3 months
looks at astro,,, looks at slay the princess
writes something down
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voided-selfships · 7 months
Time to move the nightmare blunt rotation to my main f/o list
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foxxfaggotry · 2 years
The absolute cackle I had last night when I saw the notification that someone had responded to a discourse post I made 4 Years ago ahhhh let me tell u that shit funny as fuck
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im-no-jedi · 1 year
gonna get real mushy about my own selfship for a minute, just gimme a sec
cause idk if I did this on purpose or not, I literally can’t remember
but rereading through the MLWTBB series and realizing how many times characters have called me “sweetheart”, and also realizing most of them were an antagonist of some kind
other than with Dasha, one could argue that by all accords, I should hate the moniker and get angry whenever someone calls me that
but also
this is the pet name Hunter specifically chose for me. idk why, but he does. yes, he calls me “love” and “Solar Flare” and various other sweet things. but one could argue that the one he uses most for me is “sweetheart”. the name that some of the most disgusting people in the galaxy have called me.
I should hate it. I should ask him to not call me that anymore. but I don’t.
cause guess what?
I am his sweetheart. I’m his sweetheart. and screw everyone else who tries to call me that 😤
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happilychee · 6 months
how fairy tail takes care of you when you're sick
cw: descriptions of being sick
I have covid and I wanted to cheer myself up :(
♡ it's a normal day at the fairy tail guild. the job board is crowded with papers, drinks and food are flowing, someone's starting a fight (natsu), and the air is filled with lively chatter. there's only one thing off: you're not there.
♡ gray is the first one to notice. he's at a table with lucy, cana, and erza. he and erza just got back from a stealth mission that paid them well, and he's looking forward to relaxing. except... "where's [name]?" he asks. lucy furrows her brow. "they weren't in yesterday... should we check on them?" gray nods, and the four of them leave the guild hall.
♡ you feel like someone threw you through a wall. your nose is clogged, feeling stuffy and congested. your throat itches and every time you cough it feels like you're hacking away at your lungs. there's a building pressure in your head, a pulsing pain that signals the onset of a migraine. you think that you'd be able to handle the usual symptoms of a cold, except for the burning aches in your lower back. your coughs shake your entire body as your muscles scream in protest, and you curse whatever virus decided to infect you.
♡ you manage to get yourself out of bed and into your kitchen, hoping to make yourself some rice or hot tea with honey. instead, you start seeing black spots swim across your vision, and the world starts tilting like you're swaying on the prow of a ship. you lower yourself onto the cool tile floor, relishing in the soothing temperature against your burning skin. you're so out of it that you don't register the knocks at your door turning into insistent bangs.
♡ finding you half passed out on your kitchen floor was not on gray's to-do list for the day. his worried hands hover over your shivering form, unsure what to check first. erza settles the matter by scooping you into her arms, Requiping out of her armor as she carries you to the couch.
♡ gray takes charge of the kitchen, your favorite recipes coming to kind. he settles on a warm and hearty soup, sure to soothe your hunger and your aches. he starts chopping vegetables, turns on the stove, and soon enough, the kitchen is filled with a delicious and appetizing aroma.
♡ erza is the one who takes your temperature, gets you back to enough coherency to explain your symptoms, and then finds the right medicine for you. she props your back up with pillows, tucks a blanket around you, and feeds you the disgusting cold medicine that porlyusica and wendy swear by.
♡ cana would love to help you and take care of you, except lucy looks pale as a sheet and a little green. she helps the blonde sit at the kitchen table, patting her arm soothingly. lucy mumbles that her mom passed from an illness, and seeing you so sick makes bad memories come back. cana soothes her, reassuring her that you'll be fine. lucy only relents when your eyes crack open, and you direct a gooey smile at her.
♡ you fade in and out of consciousness, snippets of sound and touch registering in your brain. someone is petting your hair while singing, their soft hands braiding and unbraiding your locks. a hand trails over your back, warm and calloused fingers digging into the knots in your shoulders. you purr under the sensation, leaning into the comforting touch. a soft arm, usually covered in armor, wraps around you to sit you up as a chilly hand brings a spoonful of something warm and delicious to your chapped lips. cold bangles brush against your skin as someone lifts you up, carrying you to the land of dreams.
♡ when you regain consciousness, your friends don't let you lift a single finger. gray cooks every meal for you with cana as his sous chef, erza is on top of your medication, natsu distracts you by telling silly stories, and wendy casts pain-relieving spells to help you recover faster. lucy refuses to leave your side until you're fully healed, so she's always fluffing your pillows, bringing you hot tea with honey, and feeding you snacks. the only time she calms down is when you ask her to read for you. her calming voice lulls you in and out of sleep as you listen to her read about a fairy tale princess's adventure.
♡ levy drops off books at your place so you can occupy your mind. most are either your favorites or her recommendations, but gajeel manages to sneak in a spicy book or two, which has you laughing so hard you start coughing.
♡ mira cooks up a storm in the guild hall, partially out of a desire to help you and partially out of worry. there's enough soup to feed fairy tail ten times over, and she insists that half of it be sent to you. lisanna ans juvia also stop by with some homemade baked goods. juvia gives you a steaming hot loaf of banana bread, some cookies and muffins, and a bunch of pastry buns. "it's just a cold, you didn't have to do all this." you try to reason, but no one listens to you when you look nauseous and your shoulders are shaking.
♡ there's someone at your place every day while you're recovering. it could be natsu and happy raiding your pantry and making a mess, it could be lucy and gray cleaning up their mess while erza yells at them, it could be wendy with balms and salves and a story to tell you, it could be the strauss siblings with more food and cheer than you'd ever seen before, it could be juvia with gajeel, lily, and a basket of your favorite buns. point being, fairy tail doesn't take their eyes off you for a moment while you're under the weather.
♡ when you feel well enough to come to the guild hall, everyone starts cheering. laxus fires up the grill, mira pours drinks in a flurry, and cana drags you into some drinking game. the entire guild hall roars to life, partying the night away, because what better reason is there to celebrate than the return of a dear friend?
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cyborg-franky · 5 months
In honour of Ace's birthday.
Ace x GN Reader SFW WC:
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You hated the cold weather and every morning out in the middle of the ocean you were greeted with cold breeze as the wind wafted over the deck and curled around you. You loved when you were near a summer island, the only time you didn’t feel the bite of cold on your skin no matter how warmly you’d bundle yourself up.
So when the Moby was trudging slowly through a cold sea, surrounded by winter islands you were in hell. Everyone playfully teased you when you struggled to do your duties because of just how many layers you’d wear. 
The night was the worst though when the world was blanketed in darkness and the ship was slowly maneuvering through chunks of ice you felt so cold. You couldn’t stop yourself from shaking, teeth chattering to the point of pain. 
You held yourself so tightly, blankets one after another stacked on top of you. Your body was shaking, you felt sick from how much you were shivering. You couldn’t take this anymore. Grabbing a blanket and wrapping it around yourself you pitifully shuffled down the corridor towards the commaners sleeping quarters.
Knocking on the door and trying to stop your teeth chattering so loudly you pulled the blanket tighter. The door opened and a very confused and tired-looking Ace stood there, his hair messy and sticking out at all angles. You couldn’t help but think how cute he looked.
“Ace, I’m sorry to wake you up,” You mumbled looking at your commander as he yawned. 
You couldn't help but notice all he wore was sleeping shorts, his chest bare and he didn’t even seem phased by the cold weather. He blinked a few times, you thought he was going to fall asleep while standing there and waiting for you to spit it out.
“I’m so cold that I can’t sleep, everything hurts, I was hoping I could… stay with you?” after all his power meant he was a human heater.
Ace blinked and looked you over, seeing the clothes you wore and how tightly you clung to the blanket around you. He let out a sleepy sigh and nodded, holding the door open for you. He climbed into bed and just patted the space for you.
In you climbed, feeling silly and shy and just plain ridiculous for asking for something like this from someone as strong as Ace. He didn’t seem to care though, he was fast to wrap arms around you, bury his freckled face against your neck, and mumble what sounded like goodnight against your skin before you could hear the gentle snores.
You snuggled against him and smiled, feeling his warmth, feeling like you could finally get some sleep. Pushing away how embarrassed you felt you simply melted in his strong arms, listening to his breathing, feeling the rise and fall of his chest.
Feeling yourself getting tired, finally, your body is at ease and comfortable enough, you start to drift off. As you fell asleep you thought how nice this was, how much you liked Ace, and wondered if maybe you could make this a regular thing…
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astroboots · 1 year
Hamster Days: A Moon Knight Tale
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Pairing: Steven Grant x female reader
Summary: You come home to Steven's empty flat only to be greeted by a furry visitor and no sign of Steven. AKA Hamsteven.
Word Count: 2,050
Moon Knight Masterlist | Astroboot’s Masterlist | Thirstworldproblemss’ Masterlist
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Shit. shit. shit. shit!
Any Londoner will know that there are no lack of rodents in the city. Anyone who has taken two steps inside the tube will tell you that. Still that doesn't mean that the sight of one of those furry critters scurrying across the tiled floor of the kitchen isn't a shock and horror all the same.
Your heart was not prepared. It's pounding hard and fast, galloping against the inside of your chest until you swear you can feel it trying to stampede its way out of your throat.
You need to catch it. Get rid of it before any of the three of them comes home. Because Marc will throw a fit. He's already constantly whinging about the state of cleanliness in this flat as it is. If he finds out about this, the man is going to be scrubbing every inch of space with bleach. Then there's Jake with his rodent phobia, who will most likely try to torch down the place. Poor man is never going to sleep again. And Steven? Knowing him and his big bleeding heart and penchant for animals, Steven will try to keep the rat as a pet.
None of these options sounds ideal to you.
Problem is you have no idea how to go about catching a rat. So you do what you always do when faced with the unknown. You google it.
What follows is what always happens when you do. You get very unhelpful results.
According to google you should get a glue trap, a snap trap or live traps. All of which will require several shipping days and you need the rat to be gone now.
Especially with how brazen it is. Racing in circles around your feet. Slinking from the kitchen to the living area and onto Steven's workspace and up his desk.
It's not even trying to hide from you. In fact it's the opposite, calling full attention to itself as it's perched on top of one of Steven's thick books, standing on its hind legs to make itself appear bigger. More visible, as it watches you. Like it doesn't even view you as a threat. Then it starts squeaking loudly as it stands there, not moving from the spot, as if it's calling out to you in challenge.
Your eye roams the space for anything useful. But all you can see are books, books and more books. As badly as you want to get rid of the rat, you're not heartless. You're not going to smack it with one of Steven's books. Instead your eyes settle on one of the mixing bowls Marc used to make pancakes this morning that's been left to dry on the dishrack. It looks large enough to comfortably trap a rat.
You grab the bowl, holding it behind your back, out of the rat's view (why you don't know, because you doubt a rat would understand what you intend to do with it). Then you start to approach the desk, slowly, as not to spook it.
The rodent remain standing on the desk, tiny paws clutched close to its chest as it continues to incessantly squeak excitedly at you the closer you get. It almost sounds like chatter.
You're standing next to the edge of the desk now, and the thing is staring right up at you. For some unfathomable reason it doesn't seem to be making any move to escape from you.
Slowly. Cautiously. You try your best to not make any jerky movements as the hand behind your back slips forward, still gripping on tightly to the bowl. Then in one fell swoop, you slam down the bowl onto the desk.
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Steven is late home from work today.
It's not an altogether unusual occurrence, and you figure that he must've managed to piss of his manager Donna and earned himself overtime with inventory.
What is unusual is that he hasn't texted you to let you know about it. In fact he hasn't texted you since this morning. No photos of his lunch or an endearing selfie, no silly puns, no nothing.
You sent him a text about the rodent trapped on his desk but he hasn't responded and that is unusual.
Even if Marc or Jake are fronting today, both would check their messages and send you a text in reply. Neither of them have.
With a sigh, you walk up to the rodent trapped inside the clear glass bowl.
Poor little thing looks distraught. It runs up to the barrier trapping it, pushing its pink nose and tiny paws up against the glass, as it stares up at you with big pleading eyes that feels oddly familiar to you and makes your chest tighten.
Up close like this, with the thing safely trapped behind glass, you realise that the little creature isn't actually a rat.
It doesn't have the signature long tail, just a stumpy little thing, the size of a rice corn on its rear. Its fur isn't black or brown, but an umbrous golden shade that shines sleek and soft.
It's a hamster.
Probably someone's pet. Which explains why it wasn't scared and didn't try to run from you. It must've escaped from one of the other flats. Must've mistaken you for its owner.
You can still hear the thing squeaking through the glass. It's been at it all this time, as if pleading its case with you.
It must be hungry.
There is an assortment of suitable foods for a hamster in this flat, considering that Steven is vegan. You grab a handful of pumpkin seeds and almonds, as you carefully tilt the bowl ajar (in case the critter makes a run for it).
To your surprise, the hamster doesn't even try to escape, and you smile in excitement. It pads its little feet right up to the palm of your hand, climbing into it and settles there as he stares up at you and you're so elated by it that you almost want to squeal back at the hamster.
You remove the bowl the rest of the way and scoop it up with both hands closer to you.
The little fella is still squeaking animatedly, even though it's literally sitting on its food. You grab a large pumpkin seed from your hand and push it to the hamster's pink little nose. It sniffs it hesitantly, finally quieting down for a second, as if considering it, then it grabs the offering with both its adorable little paws and shoves it down its mouth and cheeks.
It squeaks again, and you offer it another seed that's immediately stuffed down its cheek again. Then another, and another. Before you decide that it's enough of food, its cheeks stuffed so full that it's a choking hazard and settle it back down on the desk again.
The moment its paws settles against the wooden surface, it immediately rushes back into your palm again, refusing to be parted from you. You try a second time, only for it to run back into your hand.
It's so cute.
Its tiny front paws are raised and it almost looks like it's waving at you as it squeaks at you. Its fur is ridiculously soft to the touch. You've always wanted a hamster as a kid but your parents were allergic and now that you're an adult you have a different obstacle. Whenever you've brought up the prospect of pets, Marc will look at you drolly and point at Gus as he deadpans that "we can't have more pets. Goldfishes gets jealous."
But Marc isn't here now, and this hamster has obviously taken a liking to you. Marc will have to pry this cutie off your cold dead hands.
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Jake would never forgive you if he found out that you let a rodent roam free in the flat. But in your defence you needed to catch up on work and you couldn't get anything done with a hamster perched in your hand. What were you supposed to do? Put it back under the glass bowl? You tried that all of once and it looked up at you with such sad big eyes that you caved in less than a handful of seconds and immediately picked it up again.
You justify it by telling yourself that there's no real risk of the hamster escaping. To your delight, the hamster follows you everywhere like a little duckling. And everytime you put down your hand next to it, it would immediately climb in and snuggle into your palm. It's the cutest thing.
It's your hamster now, whether the boys like it or not.
Besides Jake is hardly blameless in this situation. It's almost 10pm and there's not a sign of communication from any of the three of them. If they have any objections to you adopting a stray hamster, then they should've come home earlier and none of this would have taken place.
You type away at your laptop, sipping at your tea as the adorable ball of fur is curled up in your lap sleeping.
His (... her??) little whisker twitches in its sleep, feet jerking ever so slightly and you're enamoured with the sight.
How does one determine if a hamster is a boy or a girl? And for that matter, should you maybe name the hamster? You can't just keep referring it as "it" after all. What's a good hamster name?
Hammie? Ham-Ham? Ham-ilton? No, Marc will hate all of those puns and refuse to let you keep the hamster out of sheer stubborn principle if you named it that.
You tilt your head observing your newly adopted hamster, its long lashes and pink little nose. You think of how big and sweet its eyes are when it looks up at you and how, strangely enough, it reminds you of Steven somehow.
Maybe you should name it Hamsteven? You smile at the thought of Steven's reaction at hearing the name as you put down your teamug to your protesting bladder, and damn you really need to pee.
Carefully, you scoop it up with both hands and perch it on the mousemat placed on the desk, figuring that's soft enough that it shouldn't wake him (her?) And somehow, luckily enough, it's still fast asleep as you get up and quickly run to the loo.
In the silence of the cramped toilet, you squat down over the toilet seat and check your phone again for the umpteenth time. You know it's silly to be worried, because this isn't the first nor the last time the trio disappears on you (not with the nature of their work), even if the lack of head's up is out of character. Still you can't help but worry regardless.
You know your only choice is to wait and ride it out, you can't exactly file a missing person's report under the circumstances. With a sigh you wash your hands, before venturing back out into the living room and towards the desk.
From afar, you spot little Hamsteven scurrying around the keyboard. It shouldn't be too peculiar of a sight, except, Hamsteven keeps stopping and looking up at the screen only to carefully walk around the keyboard, sniffing and looking over the layout before it tentatively settles on a key and seemingly pushes it down with one of its paw and walks away again, only to repeat the behaviour with a different key.
If you didn't know better, you'd say that it almost looks like Hamsteven is trying to type. Which-- you realize how absurd and crazy that sounds even as you think it.
You shake your head as you approach the desk, and at the sight of you Hamsteven excitedly squeaks and squeal again as it runs up to the bright laptop screen, standing up on its hindlegs. Its nose and front paws are pushing up against the screen as if to show you something.
Your eyebrows narrow and you lean down closer to see words that weren't there before greeting you on the screen.
'help im steven'
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A/N: This is dedicated to @guruan and Steven Hamster Pinterest Nonny who asked for this crazy thing.
This is what happens when Kevin Feige refuses to announce season 2. This is the depths to which I've gone to in my desperation for new content. I had a blast writing it. Let me know if you guys liked it. because I would be lying if I said I didn't have ideas for a sequel. Especially since Hamsteven didn't get to sleep on tiddies in this installation.
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ghcstao3 · 7 months
based on the addition of this because i think it’s silly
It didn’t look my different from the other tapes, and that’s about as far as Ghost’s defence goes.
Dated and labelled accordingly as is every other tape in the box Ghost had unearthed while digging through his old things, he hardly thinks to be deterred by something titled Tommy’s wedding—it sounds perfectly normal, a happy glimpse into a life Ghost misses dearly from time to time, and he doesn’t see why he shouldn’t show Soap what had been recorded of a great memory.
The tapes were the only way Soap would ever get to know the Riley family, and Ghost supposes the wedding would be the perfect captured moment.
Except, whoever penned the label on the VHS thought it’d be real funny to betray the organization system just to play some practical joke on whoever decided to put the tape into the player more than a decade down the line.
Normally, Ghost might blame Tommy—but once the incriminating footage begins to play, the fault is obviously on Beth, because no one else would have ever had the need to see this tape in particular.
Soap immediately curls back into Ghost’s side as he returns to the couch, content to watch as he had all the other tapes Ghost had decided to show—a gentle fondness is inscribed into his expression as grainy chatter fills the space, a soft smile on his lips as a camera is shakily—and stealthily—set up in one of Tommy’s old mate’s living rooms.
Ghost frowns. Because distantly he recognizes the scene as Tommy’s stag, and not at all the wedding.
Though, he supposes, to lend credit—the precursor, ceremony, and reception could very well all just be mashed onto one tape. It’s what Ghost presumes, anyway, until he hears playful jeering and the clunky click of someone pressing play on a CD player.
It happens too fast, and realization comes much too slow as Tommy and a younger Simon appear just off-centre of the screen, entirely unaware of the camera pointed at them. Simon hears the first notes of the song and scrambles for the remote—only to find that Soap is holding it out of his reach, a mischievous glint in his eyes as he seems to come to some sort of revelation, too.
Ghost narrows his eyes. Commands, voice low, “Pause it, Johnny.”
Soap grins. “Don’t think so.”
It’s too late, anyhow.
Ghost is well and truly fucked as the Spice Girls’ Wannabe filters through his TV’s speakers. He’s never been so mortified.
He wishes he could melt into the couch along with his shame, watching his brother and younger self dance to the song in the same way they’d choreographed when the thing first came out. As stupidly drunk as they were at the time of the video playing on screen, Ghost is surprised they remembered any of it at all.
Any being too much, of course.
Soap only pauses when the song comes to an end, looking to Ghost expectantly, biting his cheek to surely keep from bursting into laughter then and there.
Ghost refuses to look him in the eye.
“We were pissed,” Ghost grumbles. “Bachelor party.”
“You still remember the dance?” Soap goads.
Ghost turns to glare at him. “Johnny.”
“What?” Soap’s face twitches. “Just a question. Of which you didn’t answer.”
Ghost folds his arms petulantly across his chest. How he wishes Beth were still around so he could get revenge for this embarrassing incident. Beyond embarrassing, really.
“No, I don’t.” Yes, he does. “A word of this to anyone and you’re dead, Tav.”
“Aw.” Soap folds back into Ghost’s side, and Ghost could never deny the way he softens, even if just a bit. Soap trails a palm from Ghost’s bicep to his forearm, almost soothing if his only intention wasn’t to tease. “You don’t mean tha’.”
“I do,” Ghost insists, but really, he’s always been a bad liar.
Soap shakes his head. “Nah,” he sighs. “But… I won’t tell anyone, swear. So long as I get to see you do that dance—otherwise this tape is getting rewound and shipped to Gaz with the VCR.”
“Are you blackmailing me?”
“Mhm,” Soap hums. “But only out of love, see.”
Ghost rolls his eyes. He plucks the remote from Soap’s hand and presses stop, not wanting to risk any more condemning footage appear. Perhaps he’ll have to start going through these tapes by himself first, from now on.
“Well, out of love I’ll let you live. How’s that?”
Soap smiles up at him, reaching up an arm to pat Ghost’s cheek twice. “Might be able to convince me.”
Ghost huffs. Convince he must, then.
He knows Beth and Tommy would’ve found this hilarious, the pricks.
In another life, he supposes.
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thatmooncake · 9 months
(EDIT: Updated to a permanent link in case anyone else wants to hop in!)
Okay the platonic/aroace DCA discord server is finally ready and you are welcome to join!
The server link can be found here: https://discord.gg/UctMQFY2XA
Star Bench (name kindly volunteered by the wonderful @melanirana ) is a server made by me and @flinxypie for platonic DCA chatter and fun times - for those of us who enjoy them more as silly little guys getting up to their own sorts of mischief, those of us who do self-ship with them or ship them with y/ns or OCs/other characters and would prefer to focus less on the romantic or spicy aspects of that, those of us who love that type of content but just want an excuse to gush about the jesters platonically, and every one of us who wants to be besties or partners in crime with them, or simply face them in combat! Simply put, if the DCA is your blorbo and you want to share your enjoyment of them without the romance and the spice, this is the place for you, please make yourselves at home!
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