#shtf plan
preppers-will · 5 months
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Edible (and Non-edible) Plants & Flowers Throughout the United States [Part 1]
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The following plants, flowers and mushrooms can be found throughout the United States, so identifying and harvesting, as well as being able to identify their edible parts, is undoubtedly priceless information in the event of a SHTF situation. You should discuss the safety of ingesting these plants and flowers if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
Go to Part 2.
Acorns (Quercus)
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How to identify it: There are two basic types of acorn -- red acorns and white acorns; their color depends on the type of oak they come from. Acorns can generally be identified by their cups, shape, color, and size. Overall, acorns are ball-shaped or oval or some have ridges on them; and the woody cup of acorns can be hairy, scaly or smooth. Mature acorns are brown, black or red.
Where to find it: Acorns are the nuts of oak trees, and so naturally the best place to find acorns is in the drip-line of oak trees.
Edibility & flavor: Acorns taste bitter if they're not leached; however, when roasted, they have a sweetish, nutty flavor. Acorns must be boiled or soaked in water to remove the tannin, which will turn the water a brownish color. This water should be thrown out and replaced and the process repeated until the water no longer turns brown.
Benefits: Effectively controls blood sugar levels; rich in complex carbs, minerals & vitamins; lower fat content than other nuts; good source of fiber.
Caution: Acorns contain tannins, which can be toxic in large amounts and can prevent you from absorbing nutrients. Too much tannin has been linked to cancer and liver disease.
Burdock (Arctium lappa)
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How to identify it: Has large, wavy-edged leaves that are light-colored, woolly on the underside and darker and smoother on the top side. Stalks can grow 4 to 5 feet; flowers are pink and purple with hooked bracts that can adhere to fur and clothes.
Where to find it: Found in pastures, fencelines, and disturbed areas with little competition from surrounding foliage.
Edibility & flavor: Peel the outer layer before eating; can be eaten raw or cooked. Raw burdock is earthy and kind of bittersweet like an artichoke.
Benefits: Contains tons of antioxidants, purifies the blood, may serve as an aphrodisiac, and can treat skin issues (such as acne and eczema).
Caution: Burdock can grow alongside and closely resemble belladonna nightshade, which is toxic. Burdock is also a natural diuretic, so don't ingest it if you're dehydrated.
Catnip (Nepeta cataria)
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How to identify it: Catnip is a member of the mint family and, aside from a characteristic minty scent, can also be identified by its square stems and its green to gray-green foliage covered in fine hairs.
Where to find it: Catnip thrives in poor soil conditions, so look for it along railroad tracks, open meadows and fields, along fences and near old houses, near streams and in other areas you'd also expect to find weeds.
Edibility & flavor: Catnip can be eaten raw but has a strong mint flavor; the ideal way of ingesting it is as a tea.
Benefits: Contains antioxidants and other medicinal compounds such as nepetalactone (sedative), thymol (anti-inflammatory), and pinene (antioxidants, antimicrobial, neuroprotective). Catnip also contains calming qualities that promote relaxation.
Caution: Can cause headaches and vomiting in high doses.
Chanterelle Mushrooms (Cantharellus cibarius)
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How to identify it: Vary in color from almost white to deep yellow to almost orange. Their caps begin flat-shaped, then become funnel-shaped. The edges curl with age and become wavy or lobed. The stems are solid and smooth and paler at the base.
Where to find it: The best places to find Chanterelles are in mixed hardwood forests, especially around oaks, maples, beeches, poplars and birches. In Southern regions, they can be found beneath blueberry bushes.
Edibility & flavor: Chanterelles can be eaten raw, but caution is advised. If possible, eating them cooked is preferable. They have a slightly fruity taste, sometimes with a hint of apricot or peach flavor, minus the sweetness.
Benefits: Rich in Vitamin D, boosts immunity, and strengthens bones.
Caution: Somewhat similar to jack-o-lantern mushrooms, which are toxic and can cause intense cramps and digestive issues.
Common Mullein (Verbascum thapsus)
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How to identify it: Mullein's defining features emerge in its second year, when it develops a tall, erect stem, growing up to 2 to 7 feet tall. It has soft leaves and yellow flowers.
Where to find it: Common mullein is found in neglected meadows and pasture lands, especially along fence roads, railroad tracks, in vacant lots, wood edges, forest openings, and industrial areas.
Edibility & flavor:
Benefits: Includes beneficial compounds such as saponins, flavonoids, phenylethanoid, iridoids, which are antioxidants, antibacterials, antivirals, and anti-inflammatories.
Caution: Skin contact with mullein can cause skin conditions, such as contact dermatitis.
Common Sheep Sorrel (Rumex acetosella)
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How to identify it: Grows as a rosette of arrow-shaped leaves joined by a creeping root system. Every spring, its rosettes blossom into reddish upright flowers.
Where to find it: Located in open, disturbed areas, such as pastures, meadows, roadsides, and rights-of-way. Prefers gravelly and/or sandy soils and doesn't tolerate shade.
Edibility & flavor: The leaves and roots are edible raw or cooked. It has a slightly sour, tangy flavor due to its levels of oxalic acid.
Benefits: Historically used to treat inflammation, scurvy, diarrhea and, according to some limited research, heart issues and cancer. Contains antioxidants and nutrients like Vitamin C, fiber and magnesium.
Caution: Can cause kidney stones in large amounts, as well as damage to the kidneys, liver, and digestive organs.
Common Yarrow (Achillea millefolium)
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How to identify it: Wild Yarrow typically has white or, rarely, pink flowers; cultivated, it can have yellow, orange, pink or red flowers. The stems are grooved and have small, woolly hairs. Smells distinctly of pine needles.
Where to find it: Prefers sunny locations on thin, sandy soils, such as along roadsides or in fields, waste areas, canyon bottoms, subalpine zones, and even on lawns.
Edibility & flavor: Can be eaten raw or cooked, and has a somewhat bitter flavor.
Benefits: Treats digestive issues, such as ulcers and IBS, bloating, diarrhea, stomach pain, and constipation. Contains compounds that aid in digestion.
Caution: Can slow blood clotting, so avoid ingesting if you're bleeding or have a bleeding disorder. Yarrow can also cause an allergic reaction in people allergic to ragweed and other plants in the Asteraceae / Compositae family.
Dandelions (Taraxacum)
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How to identify it: Both flowers in the above photo are dandelions. The white puffball upon which many people blow to scatter its seeds into the wind is what the yellow flowers mature into. These yellow flowers grow on single, unbranching, hollow stems and the leaves are lobed and produce a milky sap.
Where to find it: Dandelions can generally be found anywhere -- in lawns, gardens, parks, meadows, pastures, and disturbed areas. They prefer shade but they still thrive in hotter locations with direct sunlight.
Edibility & flavor: Both flower and stem are edible and can be eaten raw or cooked. The best time to harvest the leaves is when they're still young and tender, before they begin to flower.
Benefits: There are many health benefits of eating dandelions -- they're highly nutritious, contain potent antioxidants, are anti-inflammatories, aid in managing blood sugar, may reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels, may lower blood pressure, may promote liver health, may aid in weight loss, may support healthy digestion and treat constipation, may boost immunity, may treat skin conditions, support health bones, and may have some cancer-fighting effects.
Caution: Dandelions can increase stomach acid and heartburn in some people, as well as cause skin irritation. People with kidney problems, gallbladder problems, and gallstones should check with their doctors before ingesting dandelions.
Field Chickweed (Stellaria media)
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How to identify it: Chickweed is tender, stringy, and rarely grows more than a few inches off the ground. The leaves are small, grow opposite each other along the stem, and are small and teardrop- or egg-shaped with pointed tips.
Where to find it: Generally found in open, grassy areas and lawns.
Edibility & flavor: Chickweed can be eaten raw or cooked. It has a fresh, grassy flavor many compare to corn silk.
Benefits: Reduces inflammation, fights germs, promotes weight maintenance, and boosts immunity.
Caution: Though the potential for poisoning is low, large amounts of chickweed can cause diarrhea and vomiting.
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Thousands of you lost cell phone coverage yesterday, including 911 service; some had intermittent losses that persisted into this afternoon.
I was unable to trade mutual funds online yesterday and had to call in my transaction - which, strangely, worked perfectly.
But I am certain there’s nothing to worry about.
My consistent and cranky admonitions to always have a full tank of gas, $300 in small bills, and a loaded SIG with one in the pipe and some extra mags will be written off as the rantings of a clueless old man.
Wanna buy a bottle of water? Fifty bucks. Cash only.
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prep4tomoro · 6 months
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Take the Disaster Preparedness Quiz
Disasters come in a variety of forms and can strike anytime, anywhere. People of all ages should have a documented plan of action in place and in their heads. Are You Prepared for a Disaster? Take These Quizzes to Find Out and get your preparation juices flowing. They will reinforce what you already know while educating you on things you may not know. It's educational. It's fun.
[Reference Link] Things I Wish I Had Known Before I Started Prepping Practice Your Plan Brain Prepping for Your Worst-Case Scenario
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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mealbetixlifestyle · 9 months
What is a clean eating recipe
Clean Eating Recipe: by The Food Guru
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People are increasingly looking for methods to improve their lives and well-being as society becomes more concerned with health and wellbeing. These days so many are searching for the best Clean eating recipe are catching on and are gaining momentum. We're going to discuss what "clean food" is and how it could improve your life. We believe the heathiest clean eating lifestyle is The MealBetix Lifestyle.
What is Clean Eating?
The Clean eating recipe of course focuses on consuming only Certified Clean foods that are also raw. It is more than simply another fad diet. The core tenet of clean eating is to fuel your body with nutrient-dense, never processed meals, while avoiding all the highly processed and of course artificial flavors, artificial dyes, artificial nutrition and fake food out there.
The Basis for Easy Meal Prep
Choose whole foods: And not that big health food store, rather food that has not been saturated with artificial contaminants, including none of that toxic coating they now dip all their fruits and vegetables in, including the organic fruits and vegetables.
Carefully read the labels: As you read labels more closely, you will find everything sold at the supermarkets and health food stores either contain a lot of toxic ingredients or some toxic ingredients - it's enough to depress you, but don’t give up, because this is really a very easy meal prep anyone can do!
Keep Hydrated: A key component of clean eating is water. Choose water or organic herbal teas. Why not juice? Because everything is contaminated out there, even the organic fruits and vegetables, and you definitely would not want to eat or drink raw pesticides or raw glyphosate.
  It doesn't matter how much you eat: We live in a world where everyone on a diet wants to control how much they eat and how much they drink, because let's face it, everything out there is straight-up toxic, so who could blame them? But when you eat clean, you can never eat too much or drink too much, because let's face it, have you ever seen someone too healthy before? So, go ahead and eat clean all you want.
Mindful Eating: Eat mindfully by taking your time and enjoying the truly health experience. Consider the flavor, feel, and scent of the food you eat to have a more enjoyable clean meal experience.
The Advantages of a truly Clean Diet
-          Higher Energy Levels
-          Weight Control
-          Much Better Digestion
-          Increased Immunity
-          Mental Sharpness
-          Easy Meal Prep
Contact MealBetix.com Right Away
Are you prepared to start your path to a better version of yourself? Discover the benefits of a healthy lifestyle by contacting The MealBetix Lifestyle right away. We are glad to help you improve your lifestyle for the better.
The MealBetix Lifestyle is the last 100% Clean Food Lifestyle, for all ages! Start living the truly clean lifestyle right away and enjoy all the powerful benefits only The MealBetix Lifestyle can give you.
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mealbetix1 · 8 months
The MealBetix high-protein vegan meal prep guide will feed your week.
It may be difficult to find time to cook healthy meals in today's bustling world. high protein vegan meal prep choices that are convenient and high in protein are in demand as more people go plant-based. MealBetix has delicious, protein-packed meals for the week for vegans of all levels. Vegan or trying to eat more plants? MealBetix has you covered.
Why Vegan High-Protein Meal Prep?
Let's learn why planning high-protein vegan meals ahead of time is so important before enjoying the tasty recipes. Protein helps repair tissue, increase muscles, and satisfy the body. MealBetix proves vegans can get enough protein.
The protein in beans, lentils, tofu, tempeh, quinoa, and almonds is easily met. These protein-rich sources contain fiber, vitamins, and minerals, improving health.
Tofu scramble with vegetables for breakfast.
Start your day with a protein-rich breakfast to stay focused. Our Tempeh and Veggie Scramble with sautéed tempeh, colorful bell peppers, onions, and spinach is delicious. This nutritious meal tastes excellent.
Make a high protein vegan meal prep excellent breakfast meal by crumbling tempeh and frying in olive oil till golden brown. Diced bell peppers and onions should be fork-tender before continuing. Warm a bunch of spinach in the pan. Add turmeric, cumin, and black salt to taste for egg-like flavor. Eat your scramble with whole grain toast or avocado slices for extra nutrition.
Chikpea-Quinoa Power Bowls Make a Heavy Lunch
For noon energy, try a Chickpea and Quinoa Power Bowl. This colorful recipe includes quinoa, chickpeas, and vegetables.
This bowl starts with cooking and cooling quinoa according to the box. Cooked chickpeas, diced cucumbers, cherry tomatoes, and chopped parsley in a bowl. Garlic powder and spicy lemon juice, olive oil, and garlic powder dressing. After cooking, stir in quinoa. This nutritious dish is gorgeous and delightful.
Stuffed Bell Peppers with Lentils and Spinach—A Delicious Dinner
End the day with healthful and filling Stuffed Bell Peppers with Lentils and Spinach. Protein-packed lentils and nutrient-rich spinach transcend the simple bell pepper in this dinner.
Lentils are cooked till soft but not mushy for this delectable dish. Chop onions, garlic, and spinach and cook over medium heat until spinach wilts. Add your favorite herbs and spices to cooked lentils and sautéed vegetables. Carefully fill half-bell peppers with mixture and bake until tender. The result? A filling, protein-packed dinner.
Excellent peanut butter and banana rice cakes.
Nut Butter and Banana Rice Cakes are a simple, nutritious snack. This snack can be enjoyed between meals or on the go.
Almond or peanut butter go well with rice cakes. Sprinkle honey and banana slices on each serving for sweetness. This snack contains natural carbohydrates, healthy fats, and plant-based protein for energy maintenance.
Making high protein vegan meal prep is simple and fast. You can cook a week of excellent, plant-based protein-rich meals with MealBetix.com's imaginative and simple recipes. Tempeh, chickpeas, lentils, and nuts provide nutrition and a new world of flavors and nutrients that fit your diet. MealBetix.com eliminates mealtime stress and provides a week of protein-packed vegan meals.
Read More: Clean Eating Meal Prep Ideas, Easy Backpacking Meals, Clean Eating Recipe, Shtf Plans
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Day and Luna are going to have a hard time convincing Blue Moon to not kill runaway shtf Sun. Blue Moon sees them as entirely evil. Someone who in every scenario has no reason to defend themselves. Blue Moon wants to kill them. And if not kill them, treat them like dying fire.
Day compromises that if blue moon has ideas for rules to add to make having lord shtf around safer, and day agrees to them he’ll add them to the current list. He understands the urge to murder, and he’s not planning on letting shtf sun off easy whatsoever. But he wants him to learn a lesson, and just killing them won’t make him learn anything. Plus if they want shtf sun to improve himself giving him more trauma isn’t going to help and will just complicate things more.
Day refuses to stoop as low as shtf sun has in the past, because torture isn’t how you handle people you don’t like. Clearly this sun doesn’t know how to be a humane fucking person so if he has to lead by example he will. He will hammer that into the smaller lords head, and torturing him while justified would make the point invalid.
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This is straight out of the Timothy McVeigh/Turner Diaries playbook. These acts of sabotage are designed to disrupt our infrastructure, power grid, and communications to throw the country into chaos and ignite “the spark” anti-government racists hope will lead to a civil/race war. For decades the KKK and neo-Nazis having been writing about and planning “the spark” that will cause the downfall of American society as we know it. The militias and gun nuts refer to it as when the SHTF (sh-t hits the fan). They all keep “bug out” bags in their trucks filled with guns, ammo, tactical and survival gear and rations. They’re hoping to create a post-apocalyptic Wild West world where they will exterminate the rest of us while they return to a simpler late 1800’s gunslinger lifestyle.
This is not my opinion or me being dramatic. This is well documented and you can research it. Amazon and nook stores are filled with books detailing this very fantasy. Various right wing watch groups have noted this as well. Some Republikkkan media personalities have even written books about how they will do this and carry on a guerrilla war against the government, military, and police until society collapses. The tactics they cite are those used by the Iraqi and Afghan insurgents, Al Qaeda/ISIS, and the Viet Cong.
*The Turner Diaries was a right wing nut job book about a fictional rebellion against the government that inspired Timothy McVeigh to blow up a Federal Building in the deluded hopes of provoking a general uprising.
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preppers-will · 4 months
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Edible (and Non-edible) Plants & Flowers Throughout the United States [Part 2]
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The following plants, flowers and mushrooms can be found throughout the United States, so identifying and harvesting, as well as being able to identify their edible parts, is undoubtedly priceless information in the event of a SHTF situation. You should discuss the safety of ingesting these plants and flowers if you are pregnant and/or breastfeeding.
Go to Part 1.
Jerusalem Artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus)
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How to identify it: This sunflower species has ovate leaves and can grow up to eight inches long and three inches wide. budding with many yellow disk flowers. Both leaves and stems have a rough, sandpapery texture.
Where to find it: Found in every state, but becomes more scarce in drier regions.
Edibility & flavor: Can be eaten raw or cooked. The white flesh is nutty, sweet and crunchy like chestnuts when raw. However, when baked in their skins, they more resemble potatoes with a mild taste of artichoke hearts.
Benefits: Rich in iron, potassium, Vitamin B1; regulates blood sugar levels; low in fats.
Caution: Has reportedly caused anaphylaxis in some people; otherwise, no other toxic or negative side-effects have been reported.
Lamb Quarters (Chenopodium album)
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How to identify it: Also called wild spinach, fat hen, goosefoot, pigweed, etc., this edible weed is found nationwide all year long.
Where to find it: It's often found in agricultural fields, especially in low and wet areas that have been recently disturbed.
Edibility & flavor: Most of the plant -- flowers, leaves, and stems -- is edible. The seeds are also edible, but contain high levels of saponin and so shouldn't be eaten in excess.
Benefits: High in fiber, protein, Vitamin A, Vitamin C, manganese, calcium, copper, iron, omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids.
Caution: Due to pesticides and other chemicals, Lamb's Quartrers can contain high levels of nitrates, oxalates, and sulfates.
Purslane (Portulaca oleracea)
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How to identify it: The stems are thick and succulent, reddish in color, and spread into dense mats up to 20 inches across. The leaves are also succulent and may be crowded enough to appear whorled or opposite.
Where to find it: Purslane grows just about anywhere, including gravel, sidewalk cracks, disturbed soil, and other "waste spaces."
Edibility & flavor: Best eaten raw and fresh, the way you'd eat spinach; however, it can also be cooked. It has a tart and slightly salty taste.
Benefits: Rich in omega-3 fatty acids; supports healthy arteries; helps prevent strokes, heart attacks, and other forms of heart disease.
Caution: Contains oxalates, which have been linked to kidney stones. Seeds have higher levels of oxalates than the rest of the plant. People prone to kidney problems should use caution.
Queen Anne's Lace (Daucus carota)
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How to identify it: Also known as wild carrot, Queen Anne's Lace is a perennial that grows 1 to 4 feet tall and smells like carrots. It appears as a rosette in its first year. Umbrella-shaped flower clusters top one or several hairy hollow stems. Feathery, lacy leaves start immediately beneath the flower and increase in size as they descend. The flowers are actually tiny white individual flowers arranged in a flat-top umbel. The flowers bloom from May through October. The seeds are small, barbed, brown, oval and flat.
Where to find it: Commonly found in dry fields, roadside ditches and other open areas.
Edibility & flavor: The white flower heads and seeds are edible; if you catch them early enough, the roots and leaves are also edible. The roots, otherwise, are suitable only for flavoring. The flowers themselves taste vaguely fresh and carroty.
Benefits: The seeds have been historically used as contraceptives. The roots are used as a diuretic and prevent kidney stones and worms.
Caution: People with sensitive skin may develop irritation and blistering after contact with Queen Anne's Lace. Queen Anne's Lace also closely resembles hemlock, which is highly poisonous.
Self-Heal (Prunella vulgaris)
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How to identify it: This perennial has a solitary or clustered upright stem and typically grows from 10 to 50 centimeters in height. The flowers are box-shaped and usually oblong in side-view; they're usually purple, but sometimes pink or white.
Where to find it:
Edibility & flavor: The entire flower tastes slightly bitter and slightly sweet like romaine lettuce, and can be eaten raw or cooked.
Benefits: Draws out infection; stimulates the healing of wounds, burns, and ulcers; has styptic effects and can staunch the flow of blood.
Caution: None noted.
Stinging Nettles (Urtica dioica)
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How to identify it: Grows in dense clusters of stalks 5 to 8 feet tall. The leaves are heart-shaped, pointed at the tips, have indented veins, and get about 2 to 5 inches long.
Where to find it: Can be found everywhere nationwide beginning in early spring; the best places to find them are sunny areas with rich, moist soil, such as along rivers, streams, lakes, ditches, fencerows and the edges of cultivated fields.
Edibility & flavor: Stinging nettles can be eaten raw or cooked; if being eaten raw, however, make sure to neutralize the nettle leaves by cooking or drying them, or crushing them with your teeth or tools (like a mortar and pestle) so they cannot sting you with formic acid. The leaves are edible at any stage of growth -- if they've already grown flowers and seeds, though, the smaller leaves at the top are still safely edible. Nettles have a rich, earthy, spinach-like flavor with a slight tang.
Benefits: They contain many nutrients; reduce inflammation; treat enlarged prostates; treat hay fever; lowers blood pressure; and helps regulate blood sugar.
Caution: Handle with care, as the barbs of stinging nettles can inject not just formic acid, but also possibly an array of other chemicals, such as serotonin, acetylcholine, histamine, and/or leukotrines -- these can cause skin irritation, such as itchiness, rash, bumps, and/or hives. If processed correctly before ingesting, these chemicals will be neutralized and shouldn't cause intestinal distress. Consult with a physician before ingesting if you take certain medications, such as blood thinners, blood pressure medication, diuretics (or water pills), diabetes medication, or lithium.
Watercress (Nasturtium officinale)
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How to identify it: The flowers of watercress are small, white, and grow in long clusters similar to mustard. Watercress is glossy-looking, mostly hairless, medium-sized, and can be aquatic or sub-aquatic. It is sometimes confused for garden cress (or mustard cress), fool's watercress, land cress (or pepper cress), nasturtium, and pea shoots.
Where to find it: Commonly found in cold, alkaline waters, such as those of springs, spring runs, and streams.
Edibility & flavor: Can be eaten raw or cooked, though raw is best. How it is eaten will also determine its taste -- raw, it will have a peppery taste similar to mustards or wasabi. Cooked, it will lose the pepperiness, leaving a distinctively vegetable flavor.
Benefits: Rich in potassium and is considered a "superfood" with 49 other rich nutrients believed to lower one's risk of cancer; improve heart health, and support bone health.
Caution: Eaten raw can infest one with parasitic liver flukes, which can enlarge the liver within the first stages of infestation and later lead to severe pain in the upper abdomen, jaundice, and sometimes skin inflammation.
Wild Strawberries (Fragaria virginiana)
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How to identify it: These are easy to spot because their leaves have toothed edges and hairy undersides, and of course, the distinctive red, seeded fruit. Sometimes can be misidentified because they look just like "mock strawberries" -- however, mock strawberries aren't poisonous, so misidentification of these two plants will not be fatal.
Where to find it: Prefer dry locales with rich, loamy soil, such as wood edges, yards and along roadsides.
Edibility & flavor: Can be eaten raw or cooked. Wild strawberries have the same sweet, aromatic, slightly floral, gently acidic taste as those you can buy in grocery stores.
Benefits: Excellent sources of potassium and fiber; helps lower blood pressure and reduce risks of developing osteoporosis.
Caution: None noted.
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Bob Beckwith died last month. He was 91.
These days we talk about the need to prepare; the need for a Shit Hits The Fan (SHTF) plan.
Beckwith had a SHTF plan of his own. When terrorists devastated lower Manhattan, Bob put on his gear. He knew his city needed him and he didn't let his having been retired seven years stop him from serving, searching the rubble for survivors.
There’s no record of how Beckwith felt about his image and his noble service being co-opted by a politician for their own purposes.
But, in my mind he paid no attention to the attempt by the Administration to snatch a public relations victory from their stunning, inglorious failure to protect our nation.
Bob had work to do.
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prep4tomoro · 1 year
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Realistic Reasons to Have an Emergency Plan:
"There is no such thing as luck, merely opportunity meeting preparedness." ― George S. Patton Jr. Preparing for an Emergency, long before one is actually realized, is not only a good idea, it's the responsible and mature thing to do for oneself, family, friends and community. A common misunderstanding to preparing is for some end of the world situation or Hollywood doomsday scenario. Truth is, it's not about preparing for some statistical anomaly, but for the real life challenges that we are all going to face at some point in our lives; the kind of situations that feel like the end of your world if you're not prepared. The platitude "Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance" will manifest itself, in a good or bad way, depending on how well you have planned and read the signs (cascade of events) of a coming crisis. By the time a potential disaster event is announced, panic has already set in to the general public. Pre-planning (not just gathering stuff) is the key to preparation. It will keep a cool head when others have lost theirs. Information, below and throughout this web site, will help to make a plan and prepare for nearly any emergency situation. In modern day we have prepared for everything from earthquakes and floods, to super volcanoes and nuclear weapons. The host of problems that people prepare for could be anything from a simple loss of income, to the end of the world. For several years, Hawaii was warning their population of the threat of North Korea, yet, when a False Alarm Sounded In Hawaii in January 2018, "Primal fear" set in. Why? They were not prepared emotionally and with the necessary supplies. Don't be "that guy". Plan ahead and keep your composure. Consider these reasons to prepare and have a real, documented plan:
Long-term Power Outages / Grid-Down Event
Loss of Income
Natural Disasters (Hurricane, Earthquake, Tornado, Flood, Severe Storm, Wildfire, Drought, Landslide, Volcano, Heat or Cold Wave)
Fire, Explosion, Hazardous Materials
Crime, Assaults, Home Invasions, Shootings
Pandemics and Health Emergencies
Space Weather (solar flares, EMPS)
Social Unrest, Civil War
Terrorist, Cyber or Nuclear Attacks, Bombings, Chemical Attacks, Radiation Dispersal & Emitting Devices
National Economic Disasters
The Aftermath: Post-Disaster Threats
In the end, what is the "goal" of being prepared; what's the purpose for all this stuff? Isn't the government going to be there for me and take care of this? I believe that those who ask these questions have never gone through a crisis and those who are able to answer the questions have lived through a crisis and learned from it. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of an adult to take care of their family, community and themselves to reduce the impact of an emergency event. Being prepared reduces fear, anxiety, and losses that accompany disasters. Yes, there may be public resources available if an emergency occurs but those resources will need to be shared (rationed - possibly thin) between everyone who is impacted by that same emergency. There is no guarantee you will be able to get exactly what you need to deal with the emergency. Don't take that risk. To what end do we survive? Survive to the end. Then start preparing for the next emergency with the knowledge gained from the last emergency. It's said that if you can survive the first 72 hours of a crisis situation, it's highly likely you'll survive the entire crisis. Read REALITY PREPPING. [Reference Link]
[14-Point Emergency Preps Checklist] [11-Cs Basic Emergency Kit] [Learn to be More Self-Sufficient] [The Ultimate Preparation] [5six7 Menu]
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vterun · 1 year
The Top 5 Prepper Websites You Need to Follow
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Prepping, short for “preparing,” is a lifestyle that many individuals adopt to be better equipped for potential emergencies, disasters, or crisis situations. Whether you're a seasoned prepper or a newcomer to the prepping community, there's no denying the value of staying informed and up-to-date on the latest techniques, tools, and resources available to you. In this blog post, we'll take a look at the top 5 prepper websites you need to follow to stay in the know and well-prepared.
Survival Blog - www.survivalblog.com
Survival Blog is one of the most comprehensive and well-respected prepping websites on the internet. It covers a wide range of topics, including food storage, self-defense, and emergency medical care, among others. The website's founder, James Wesley Rawles, is a former US Army Intelligence Officer and has authored several books on prepping and survival. The website is updated daily with informative articles and is an excellent resource for preppers of all levels.
The Prepper Journal - www.theprepperjournal.com
The Prepper Journal is another popular prepping website that offers a wealth of information on various prepping topics. The website features articles, product reviews, and survival tips, and is updated regularly. It covers everything from basic prepping skills to advanced techniques for surviving in extreme conditions. The Prepper Journal also has an active community forum where preppers can connect with each other and share their experiences.
SHTF Plan - www.shtfplan.com
SHTF Plan is a prepping website that focuses on news and current events related to prepping and survival. The website covers topics such as geopolitics, financial collapse, and natural disasters, among others. SHTF Plan provides a unique perspective on prepping by analyzing how current events can affect the prepper community and offers advice on how to prepare for them. The website also has an active community forum where preppers can discuss and share their views.
The Prepared - www.theprepared.com
The Prepared is a prepping website that offers practical advice and resources for preppers of all levels. The website covers topics such as food storage, water purification, and bug out bags, among others. The Prepared offers a step-by-step approach to prepping, with detailed guides on how to prepare for specific emergencies and situations. The website also has a community forum where preppers can share their experiences and ask for advice.
Graywolf Survival - www.graywolfsurvival.com
Graywolf Survival is a prepping website run by a former Special Forces operator, who goes by the name of Graywolf. The website offers a unique perspective on prepping, with a focus on practical skills and techniques. Graywolf Survival covers topics such as survival gear, bushcraft, and self-defense, among others. The website also offers courses and training programs for preppers who want to improve their skills.
These top 5 prepper websites offer a wealth of information, resources, and community support for preppers of all levels. Whether you're just getting started with prepping or you're a seasoned veteran, following these websites can help you stay informed, up-to-date, and well-prepared for whatever challenges come your way. Remember, being prepared is not just a hobby or a lifestyle, it's a mindset that can help you and your loved ones stay safe and secure in times of crisis.
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amphiptere-art · 9 months
Shtf moon arguing that they can’t just let void leave because who knows what he’ll plan to get back at them and reclaim the throne
Meanwhile virulent is in cat form playing excitedly playing the piano
The only ones they got to worry about is Butler and werewolves need for revenge. Not that they can do much. Then again they might just call rle crew. So maybe they do.
They're just playing a random piano in the pizza plex. Just causing a big loud ruckus. But at least it sounds half good. A little bit. Mostly because of Butler.
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deltamusings · 9 months
We're hated. We've always been hated. Now those who hate us are coming for us. With our government's out of control spending and their love of sanctions, they could do it. This is where arrogance gets you.
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