#should i make a tag for this??? idk how often i'll post about the game again
paskariu · 1 year
playing the lego skywalker saga with no knowledge of star wars is incredible.
i know that darth vader is important and that luke skywalker is the chosen one to bring him down or smth and that apparently luke is vader's son. obi wan exists. as does master (to)yoda, and r2-d2 (aka the only valid time to say "zwo" instead of "zwei")
i'm pretty sure some scenes are just for fans to go "I KNOW THAT CHARACTER HIIIIIIIIII" though. it kept cutting to some guys during some cutscenes and just... lingered on them existing??? sorry man those people mean nothing to me.
this jarjar guy keeps on getting hit by shit in the background. i don't mind i find his way of speaking incredibly grating
lil anakin is honestly adorable i'll adopt him but the whole "we're literally buying a child" thingy is a lil hmmmmmmmmmmmmm
also the entering a LITERALL CHILD into a pod race seems a little illegal. child safety laws or smth. then again he's literally a slave i guess. rip to his mom who we're leaving behind i guess. this probably won't have any negative consequences
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nerves-nebula · 7 months
i dont usually do tag games but i liked this one, tagged by @alighted-willow
20 questions for writers
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
4 (technically 5 but i abandoned and privated one of them) on my main account and 9 on my smut account
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
37,751 on my main, around 47,000 on the porn account
3. What fandoms do you write for?
uhhhh dimension 20 (not really but it was my first posted fanfic) and tmnt. i write mainly about one other fandom on my smut account tho.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
well i've only got about 5 of them so i'll just put them in order
caracal carousel
show me already
time to think
a modest comparison
it's my turn on the Being Abusive
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
most of the time. i do it to encourage people to comment, because really really like comments. but if i get a comment i SUPER like i put off answering it because i wanna give it the time it deserves. ironically that means i have yet to respond to some of my favorite comments. oops.
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
idk i think they're all pretty equally angsty. like a lot of them end with the implication that more abuse is going to happen after the story's been concluded, lol.
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
definitely Show Me Already, it's the only one that doesn't end with someone feeling like garbage or implying some kind of abuse is about to happen. just an alien brain slug excited to make his boyfriend happy.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i dont think so? I think someone commented something rude once on one of my smut fics but im not great at telling tone so idk.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yup, the fucked up kinky kind that could get me harassed by ppl who's opinions i dont care about but who would prolly be really fucking annoying to deal with
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
not to my knowledge
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no, that sounds stressful
14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
thats like asking what my favorite song is like how da hell should i know they all serve different purposes.
15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
GOD. on my smut account i have an outline for a 2 chapter fic and i posted the first chapter and never the second one. it haunts me. idk if i WONT do it but it wont get done any time soon.
16. What are your writing strengths?
i can write ok and people like it :)
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
i dont know enough about writing as an art form to properly assess my weaknesses :(
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
too complex a question for this kind of game. if i were to do it i'd want to get the input of someone who like, actually speaks it or something. but idk. i'd try my best on my own, cuz im unlikely to find someone willing to do that kind of beta reading for me, and though i'd want to compensate them somehow i'm so fuckin broke.
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Dimension 20 Starstruck Odyssey. i think it was the first fanfic i ever wrote and posted and i have no idea what drove me to it.
20. Favourite fic you've ever written?
hhhhhhhhhhh this really depends. I have a lot of fun writing about abuse and since that's what basically all of my fics are about in one way or another it's like. idk. i've re-read my smut ones more often than my non-smut ones tho so uh, maybe one of those.
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nessietessie · 7 months
RULES: answer all questions, add one question of your own and tag as many people as there are questions.
thanks for the tag, @menkhu!
coke or pepsi: i don't like soda lol
disney or dreamworks: disney i GUESS but like specifically pixar just because as a kid i watched both toy stories and also the incredibles over and over again
coffee or tea: i don't like either. i'll take milk though
books or movies: i guess movies, though i should read more.
windows or mac: unfortunately i'm a mac guy. it's what my family used when i was growing up and it's what i know how to use.
dc or marvel: neither lol. though i guess gun to my head i'd choose dc. i liked shazam.
x-box or playstation: playstation of the two of these, but i'm more of a nintendo guy
dragon age or mass effect: i haven't played either of them, nor do i have any desire to
night owl or early riser: kinda neither? i'm at peak power midday. but i do like to stay up kinda late sometimes. if 11:30 counts as late lol
cards or chess: cards. i'm not smart enough for chess, but i LOVE me some solitaire
chocolate or vanilla: tough choice. kinda depends on how i'm feeling but i do tend to lean vanilla more often
vans or converse: chacos. i love sandals
Lavellan, Trevelyan, Cadash, or Adaar: idk what this is lol
fluff or angst: i don't really have a strong opinion on this one
beach or forest: maybe beach, if only for the novelty of it. landlocked gang rise up!
dogs or cats: dogs! i haven't had many good experiences with cats
clear skies or rain: clear skies these days
cooking or eating out: depends on the mood. oftentimes i'm too lazy to cook lol
spicy food or mild food: i'm kind of a weenie when it comes to spice, so mild. but i'm getting better!
halloween/samhain or solstice/yule/christmas: christmas, just because i have the opportunity to hang out with my fam and not be at work for a little while
would you rather forever be a little too cold or a little too hot: a little too hot
if you could have a superpower, what would it be: like. shapeshifting. or teleportation.
animation or live action: animation for the most part, HOWEVER the live action one piece slaps so. points for that i think.
paragon or renegade: assuming this is one of those games i didn't play. so idk
baths or showers: showers
team cap or team ironman: don't care. i don't like marvel
fantasy or sci-fi: fantasy
do you have three or four favourite quotes, if so what are they: i have no idea at the moment. trying to think of what i frequently quote. a lot of opla these days. one of my faves is luffy's little "mutiny..." in the beginning of episode one lol.
youtube or netflix: well. i'm pretty selective either way. so both and neither i guess.
harry potter or percy jackson: percy jackson, though i only read like. the original five books and half of the first book in heroes of olympus
when do you feel accomplished: uuuuh don't ask me that lol. felt pretty good about getting 100 notes on a drawing i posted a few days back lol
star wars or star trek: don't care really
paperback books or hardcover books: prob hardcover because of my careless ass. harder to ruin a hardcover
to live in a world without literature or without music?: writing and reading are neat and all, but i think i would literally lose my mind if i had to drive the 5 hours to my parents house without music.
who was the last person to make you laugh? probably kat
city or countryside? small city? does that count?
favorite chips? sour cream and onion lays
pants or dresses? shorts, but also pants.
libraries or museums? libraries, because i respect what they do but also museums are really neato
character driven stories or plot driven stories? character driven
bookmarks or folding pages? bookmarks
Dream job? voice actor. i would also love to get paid to play video games, which i guess can happen if you're a letsplayer or a twitch streamer or something
What gives you comfort? recently, watching one piece lmao. also sorry i guess for all the one piece on this blog but it's my house.
what are some of your favorite song lyrics? i don't often listen to songs with lyrics so this is kind of a hard question lol. but how about all of the lyrics in "We Can" which is team Sonic's theme in Sonic Heroes. Love that. lol
favorite video game?
Tagging: lol. uh. anyone who wants to do this? i don't actually interact with people much on here, but if you see this on your dash and would like to take part, i say go for it!
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Piandao for the ask game?
First impression
cool swordmaster who appreciates sokka <3
Impression now
old gay man who has a hard time letting people in because of his abandonment issues & years spent hiding his true (gay, anti-war) self, but who sees his struggles as a nonbender in sokka and decides to open up his heart and give him the support and love he wishes he'd received as a young man. a victim of his nation and a perpetrator of its atrocities, a good honest man and also a practiced liar blending in with the upper classes he was not born into. a minor character i am totally normal about <3
Favorite moment
"you messed things up in a very special way" is such a good description of sokka, because as much as i hate people painting him as an incompetant funny guy, part of his character is that he often throws himself at new things and fails hilariously. "why would you lick the wall of a cave?" "i have a scientific curiosity" curiosity and creativity are good things! messing up because you're doing something new and creative is something to be praised, a good quality. sokka throws shit at the wall to see if it sticks, and not all of it does, but if you keep throwing something will, and more and more over the course of the show sokka succeeds at what he tries. piandao is smart enough to see this and praise him for it.
i guess that moment's more about sokka. but all of piandao's great moments are. "you added a rainbow" "creativity, versatility, and intelligence", etc.
oh and there's this screenshot i found while looking for art references:
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[screenshot of atla. piandao looks down at sokka with a warm smile]
look at him. look at how fond he is of his son. instant serotonin
Idea for a story
i've been working for a while on a story where sokka comes to train with piandao post-war. piandao keeps giving him artistic projects because he feels uncomfortable teaching swordplay in peacetime, but sokka was hoping for action as a distraction from his thoughts and is annoyed and confused that piandao's making him think and process his feelings. meanwhile, zuko keeps trying to get him to come to the palace as an advisor and sokka wants to help but doesn't know if he wants to stay in the fire nation long term. also jeong jeong is there.
Unpopular opinion
i never know how to answer this type of question for minor characters. there isn't enough discussion to create a majority opinion to disagree with. if i disagree with a minor character opinion, i'm probably just disagreeing with one person. every opinion is unpopular.
so i'll just take this space to once again lament the sad state of the sokka&piandao tag on ao3. my true unpopular opinion is that fandom should shut up about zuko and stop giving him sokka's father figures
Favorite relationship
in canon he only has one meaningful relationship, and that's with sokka (NOT zuko). and i love it, and have already elaborated on it.
noncanonically, jeong jeong. y'all know this. heartbreaking divorce despite never being married. the dynamic of nonbender who wanted to be a firebender and a firebender who hates his firebending. a bickering old married couple. implied/referenced homophobia ao3 tag. you know.
Favorite headcanon
idk if it's my fave exactly but just recently i was working on the ofmd au and i decided that the way i'm going to deal with him being more competant than stede is to make him bad at sailing. he's really skilled at other things but the only reason they haven't capsized is sokka and katara's water tribe know-how and he's also gotten seasick multiple times. meanwhile jeong jeong, ex-admiral of the fire nation navy, is an extremely skilled sailor and becoming a pirate when he left his nation actually made sense and piandao you're a fucking idiot. basically he thinks piandao is stede (clueless rich idiot) while ed thinks stede is piandao (elegant wealthy Artist). but of course piandao decided piracy was going to be his rebellion because he suspected that's what jeong jeong did so really coming on his ship and insisting on staying because "you'll get yourself killed" is actually playing right into piandao's hands. haha you WILL fall back in love with your ex
but even outside the au i DO think it's funny to imagine that piandao has something he's shitty at. he's the perfect skilled master in canon so if i'm going to develop him more i have to give him some flaws, right?
anyway sorry this took so long i am not normal about this man
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asgardwinter · 3 years
tag game!!
thank you for the tag @barnesafterglow !! 💕 (doing it on a separate post because is getting really long lol)
1 - Why did you choose your url?
my fist was @/habisbi (I was only here to read) but once I decided to write for marvel I chose it @/asgardwinter because I mainly write for Loki and Bucky (and winter is also my favourite season lol)
2 - Any side blogs?
I have I library blog (more for me than my followers because my own reblog makes me feel more confident when I post lol) and a fic rec blog I'm still working on
3 - How long have you been on Tumblr?
I created this acount a bit more than a year ago but only started to really use it on april/may
4 - Do you have a queue tag?
I did but I don't use it anymore
5 - Why did you start your blog in the first place?
at first I was curious about it and than when I returned this year I saw a lot of people writing here and it souded like a fun thing to do (I'm not a native speaker so it was a way to test if I really knew english lol)
6 - Why did you choose your icon/pfp
I liked it and that's it ? (I wish I had a better explanation)
7 - Why did you choose your header?
again, I just found it pretty
8 - What’s your post with the most notes?
my Loki fic Silly Wooden Box I'm so proud of this little oneshot
9 - How many mutuals do you have?
i don't know exactly but love every single one of them (I also know I don't have many but it's just because I'm afraid of talking to people)
10 - How many followers do you have?
244 (I still have no idea how)
11 - How many people do you follow?
about 161 but it increases every day 🙃
12 - Have you ever made a shitpost?
idk maybe?
13 - How often do you use Tumblr each day?
more than I should, for sure
14 - Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once?
no, the only thing I ever got into was some people translating tumblr works without permission
15 - How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
I just ignore most of the time? idk I fell like not reblogging is my protest lol
16 - Do you like tag games?
I love them!! (I'm just really afraid of tagging people and upsetting them, but I love to see that someone thought of me)
17 - Do you like ask games?
yes yes yes!!
18 - Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous?
idk about famous but I'll say about people that I freaked out a bit when they followed me. @buckysbiota (Ari's so talented I was shocked lol), also @poetic-fiasco (I read her stuff on ao3 and was like "you?? here?? on my page??really??")
19 - Do you have a crush on a mutual?
i need to confess that i fall for everyone who is even a bit decent to me... so more than one 🥰
💕 no pressure tags: @/buckysbiota + @janetsnakehole02 + @writing-for-marvel + @/poetic-fiasco + whoever wants to do!
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twisted-desires · 3 years
Pollinic Ashton Brainrot
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Because I might as well
Again I'll be splitting this into two separate categories, Ashton as a Pollen and Ashton as a member of staff for the NRC greenhouse. The AU was made by @zackcarrion-key it's linked in her intro post.
Also I think this version of Ashton is more fanon because idk much about him in canon except people seem to dislike him very much and I just think he's a himbo if himbos could be narcissists and eat an unholy number of eggs. (although admittedly they could probably do the latter)
(Kronk is better though)
Ill refer to him with they/them pronouns as pollinics can have whatever sex they... 'spawn' with, I suppose.
Content warning for dubcon/noncon in the second part of the post, along with mentions of milking and overstimulation. Let me know if anything else should be tagged.
Anyways, spice under the cut! Minors DNI
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1 - Ashton as a Pollinic
I can see Ashton pollinics coming from some hardier/larger plants such as trees, particularly pine trees as I think some sort of chemical for testosterone can be sourced from them (and Ashton is muscular af) along with the fact that I like how they smell and that's pretty much it. I can also see Ashton pollen coming along with various vegetable plants. Specially eggplants. Simply because this musclehead eats an unholy amount of eggs and I think its a funny reference.
(Also look at them and tell me that the male/futanari pollens wouldnt have monster cocks. If you do then you are lying to me, you are lying to yourself, and you are lying to whatever poor God is forced to look down upon us and see what the fuck we're doing.)
(shut up, the dick thing definitely didn't occur to me an hour after making the egg reference shhhh)
Yet another reason why I can see them coming from vegetable plants is their urge to keep their partners strong and, as a result, feeding them during some sessions if there are fresh, edible plants available. Of course, if there aren't any available then he'd simply resort to giving their partners plenty of their nectar seeing as they have a particularly high honey output.
These pollinics have a preference for more muscular or athletic people who seem to have taken good care of their physique. Along with that, anyone who's exercising nearby or doing some hard work (such as tilling soil on a farm) can be especially prone to their attention. Pine pollen just can't help but want to praise someone who works hard on physical activities - and what better way than to show them how much pleasure they can give them with their strength?
If you end up attracting the attention of this pollen, then be prepared for more physically demanding sex positions (for either partner!) they're particularly interested in standing sex positions where they can lift up their partner, or having their partner ride them/riding their partner, and can go on for multiple rounds with one pollen (often leading to overstimulation by the end of it.)
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2 - Ashton as NRC greenhouse staff
If I remember correctly, Ashton is known to have tended to some of the grounds in the game, so perhaps he has a similar job in this AU. He works on watering the plants and making sure the fields on the NRC property are well maintained, sometimes taking the time to help some more rowdy pollens calm down by holding them down face-first in the bushes and pounding into them until they're too tired to cause too much trouble.
That's another one of his jobs. The peacekeeper in the greenhouse. Although rare, there's a chance that pollens that are less than fond of one another (an example being poinsettia/Malleus and Plumeria/Leona) may cross paths, and if that's the case then Ashton's the one to call. Either to separate them and wrangle them into the proper areas to be milked until they're more docile, or even handle the issue with his own two hands. After all, there's nothing more effective in calming down these troublesome pollinics than a good dicking down.
He's also often the one to help with more strength-focused milking jobs, either wrangling less cooperative pollens (such as apple blossom/Epel or hell's bell/Jamil on a bad day) into the harnesses/restraints used for milking them, carrying large containers brimming with honey from the pollinics still moaning and gasping for more as they're continuously milked, and working on hand-milking some of the pollen particles that have particular preferences (he's the best man to call to manhandle a dandelion/Ruggie. After all, the more turned on and happy they are as they're milked, the better tasting their nectar becomes.)
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muselin · 2 years
This is strange asks anon
I have gotten a bunch but I delete most so here are two recent ones. I Made a post about intimate piercings (basically a MLT post) and someone ranted about *the germs* even followed it up with another ask that I didn’t publish where they tried to guilt trip me because I said something like “aren’t there more bacterial cells in your body right now than there are you cells?”, saying that I find them weird and made fun of them? Idk it was odd. Like, this was totally hypocritical but they took it why to serious 😔
Then someone send an ask announcing that they will no longer follow me bc I made realize that they are a sex repulsed Ace person and this was on anon so I have no idea why they would tell me?? My blog has like 450+ followers how would I know who unfollowed?? ^^;;;;
To answer some questions. We are not moots but we both share a moot so I see your posts on my dashboard sometimes.
As for audience and content, I write for stray kids and some of my stories did do pretty well (two of them even have like 500 notes with is a insane number for someone like me who used to write for smaller fandoms). I’m at university so I have time and do hang out on here (probably more than I should lol).
Last year I posted something every week but now I have a bit less time but more stress :( the other thing is most of my stories are pretty long (usually over 3k words) so they take a lot of time to edit. I keep track of my wips and I have like 80 k of unpublished, unfinished wips. rip me lol
Haha strange asks anon! I'll tag you as that then.
Tell you what, those people sound like some tumblr trolls. My policy with everything is: 1. Don't kinkshame 2. don't be abusive 3. don't be moral police over people's fantasies because what gives you the right over somebody else and 4. if you don't like something then don't read it and move on. I haven't experienced weird asks like that, just occasional hate ones that make no sense, usually when I've stood up for someone who's written something controversial and is getting kinkshamed or abused.
You have so much content waiting to go!! That's insane! That's a very different writing process to what I have, I post a finished fic maybe once or twice a month and usually only have one or two things in WIPs. I keep saying this, I don't believe I'm that creative as a person really, and if I had that many fics all going at once they would just get crappier.
I'm not being very useful again, I just don't know what the actual secret is to good content. I just do what I know, which is put out fics, do some ask games (like confessional monday) but not too often, read other people's stories and share what I like about them.
I'm curious who you are now, I might have read your stuff! If you feel like it, send me a message and we can talk some more. Or anon asks are also fine if you don't feel comfortable ❤
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fandom-hoarder · 3 years
I was tagged by @kalutyka and @starrose17 for the 20 questions game. Thank you both 💗
I did this recently, but it's buried on my blog, so I'll copy/paste the note I typed it in.
1. Why did you choose your url? I was wanting to rebrand and fandom-hoarder seemed apt. I didn't follow through, though; I'm still ladygizarme everywhere else.
2. Any side blogs? Nope. All my mess is here.
3. How long have you been on Tumblr? I made my account in 2013 I think, but there was a large gap of years where I wasn't on cuz life was too hectic. Until 2020 happened.
4. Do you have a queue tag? No. Most of my queue is non fandom and set for when I should be asleep, but I don't organize it. (I hardly organize anything. My tags are mostly feels.😓)
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place? I resisted for 2 years, according to my first tumblr post on pg 2350 of my blog (currently)! (That pg # is definitely higher now.) Kept finding myself here through Young Justice and Teen Wolf posts on lj and finally caved on having a place to reblog. Everyone was migrating from lj and I stopped procrastinating.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp? It was/is my main account icon on lj and I wanted to be recognizable. Also I love dragonflies and the palette of the icon evokes a dark ethereal feeling to me. (That hairy, alien body, one eye bulb, gossamer wings, stark background. Love.)
7. Why did you choose your header? I started getting followers that weren't bots and wanted my blog to look a little more cohesive. It's non fandom because I'm lazy and have a tendency to keep the same header/wallpaper for AGES so wanted something...neutral but my aesthetic. It's just a pic I took of a tree I like.
8. What's your post with the most notes? Err... I'm gonna have to get on desktop to see... Okay, in the last month my most popular post is the twist on daddy kink. If there's a way to find my all-time top post, I don't know it. 😓
Edit: thank you for this link, @kalutyka
It's now confirmed: my post linked above IS the one with the most notes rn. 93
9. How many mutuals do you have? Is there a way to know? I think desktop has a special symbol on the followers page but I'm not counting that. I have a lot of mutuals now. It's nice. 😁
10. How many followers do you have? 156 and finally more real ones than bots lol (that number is still the same, so I've lost as many followers as I've gained this week lol.)
11. How many people do you follow? 249 252 at the moment
12. Have you made a shitpost? Surely.
13. How often do you use Tumblr each day? All day in between RL things. Tumblr replaced fb as my sm fixation so this is actually not as unhealthy as it sounds. Notifications on tumblr actually make me happy instead of anxious.
14. Did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? No
15. How do you feel about "you need to reblog this" posts? Immediate, full-bodied rebellion, typically.
16. Do you like tag games? Yes!! I take awhile to do them sometimes, but I save the link so I can find it when I need to. I get nervous about tagging people, though lol.
17. Do you like ask games? Yes!! See above❤
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is Tumblr famous? All of them? Idk.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual? Every one 🥰😘
20. Tag: I'm too foggy to list names rn. If you see this and want to play, I tag you!
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clandestine-rabbit · 3 years
I was tagged by @ybcpatrick, thank you hubby <3
1. why did you choose your URL
it was inspired by one of the arma albums, arma pete is my pfp
2. any side blogs?
yes! rainbowmatic-stumpomatic, my moodboard blog.
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
I can't even remember now, I became a lot more active when I was 17 but I made one when I was 12 but never really used that one
4. do you have a que tag?
no, I don't know how to do ques and I'm okay with not learning
5.Why did you start your blog in the first place?
I love FOB, my boys
6. why did you choose your pfp?
I like to change the aesthetics every now and then, I had arma Pete lying around and thought "yeah sure why not"
7. why did you choose your header?
I like to keep aesthetically coloured coordination on my blogs
8. what's your post with the most notes?
honestly I have no idea, I'd garner maybe the one with dad pete vibes? if anyone knows i'd love to hear
9. how many mutuals do you have
idk man
10. how many followers do you have atm?
460, hasn't changed for sevearl years now
11. how many people do you follow
99, im not sure who's active anymore tho
12. have you ever made a shitpost
no actually, I probably should
13. how often do you use tumblr
every day
14. did you ever have a fight with another blog
not really? I'm sure some of you might remember when my college stalkers started making blogs, but otherwise no
15. how do you feel about "you need to reblog this post"
don't guilt people, seriously. you'll either get what you want or they'll ignore your posts out of annoyance and then your post will die
16.do you like tag games?
yeah! I think theyre super fun and I love doing them
17. do you like ask games?
yeeessss I love answering them, I always try to reblog in hopes someone will just send me something
18. which of your mutuals are tumblr famous?
all of them are imo in the fob community.
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
I did uwu now we are married and they tagged me (please be aware im joking, Kell and I aren't actualy together kajsdf;lka)
I'll tag @bbulbasaurus-rex @glitterandrocketfuel and @nuketowncryptid and however else wants to do this
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fapamir · 3 years
one more tag game yaaaaaaay thank you @sirkaywrites for tagging me!
why did you choose your url?
I love LOTR and this is just a play on Faramir's name and the word fap. It was funny back then... It's also a sister url with my bf @bonermir so it's special 💜
any side-blogs? If you have them, name them and why you have them
I have @koalawoozi which is a blog for kpop stuff... that's it!
how long have you been on tumblr?
I got on tumblr on 2009 omg, so like 12 years?
why did you start your blog in the first place?
I was an edgy teen who wanted to post music lyrics with aesthetic pictures connected to them. Eventually I got into fandom more and more and the liveblogging phase stared.
why did you choose you icon/pfp?
This is my baby boy, I-would-die-for-this-gremlin problem child, Wei Wuxian! It's the same icon I have on my stan twitter and AO3, because I like consistency ~~
why did you choose you header?
Lowkey had to check what my header was. And it's just... Bilbo Baggin's door. Because I'm a LOTR fangirl. Honestly I don't even know.
what’s your post with the most notes?
This one about fanfiction that I made while drunk one night like 7 years ago and TO THIS DAY people tell me in the notes that I should reduce my fractions... I refuse. It still gets notes.
how many people do you follow?
I cleaned up recently from all the blogs that have been inactive for like 6 years, and right now I follow only around 90 people. But I've been looking for some blogs to follow!
have you ever made a shitpost?
Obviously. Like I said, I had a Liveblogging phase, and those were pretty much 100% shitposts. I'm proud to announce that I've never hit post limit though!
how often do you use tumblr?
I check it pretty much every day. I've been on and off in these 12 years but I always end up coming back.
did you have a fight/argument with a blog once? who won?
Probably A LOT. I don't remember all of them. I used to get into pretty serious fights with people who shipped Wincest, and I once got anon hate for shipping Klaine... I just answered it with "omg my first anon hate!"... Ah. Those were fun days. Idk about "winning" though.
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this post’?
I try to never reblog posts like that. If it's something that I want to have on my blog, I'll look in the notes for a version of it without the guilt trip, and reblog that one.
do you like tag games?
I'm so happy tag games are making a come back!!! It's like tumblr reviving, I love it. I feel like a teenager again.
do you like ask games?
I never participated because I never think people are gonna ask me things! Even way back then when I had a lot of active followers I was too scared of being ignored.
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
I don't know, and tbh it doesn't really matter to me. There's no real way of knowing since follower count is hidden (thank god). Also for some reason my sideblog gets a lot of attention? Figures.
do you have a crush on a mutual?
Not really. I was never a person to get many online crushes. But I do have people I wish I had the courage to interact with more.
I tag @bonermir @itsthenerdwonder @babblebuzz @jingyismom @shypotatowedge !!! No pressure to do it of course, I just thought it seemed cute ~~
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michin--yeoja · 6 years
Hi again ^^ Sorry I'm still anon and haven't been responding. I got hit with a huge wave of work and have barely slept the last few days. But it's all over now and I'll get your gift to you soon!! Biotech is essentially trying to make a biological product! It's a huge field so there's a lot of things from like pharmaceuticals, cell therapy, to things like bio-remediation and environmental stuff. Your genetics teacher might be thinking about bioinformatics which is biotech and a lot of coding XD
But good luck with applying to med school! If that’s your dream there are always ways to make it work! I believe in you ^^ Oh I’m from around the New England area. I did my undergrad in New Jersey and now I’m doing my master’s in Rhode Island. Yes I studied in Stockholm! I traveled to the more touristy areas of Europe because I’ve never been to Europe, but I really wanna just take a backpacking trip around one day. There’s so many different places to go TT And so much foooooood      
I have been to Taiwan a few times! It’s been a while though. Most of my mom’s side of the family is back there, but my dad’s side of the family is in the US. I have a younger sister! Haha I know what you mean about being asked where you’re from though. When I was abroad I’d get asked where I’m from and I’d say the US, but then one person was like “but where are you REALLY from”. Honestly I also feel pretty out of touch with Taiwanese culture even though I have some habits. I really feel American       
I saw True Love but I haven’t had time to hear the whole thing! That’s my weekend goal. But I believe City of Angels (lol laser) was the one he sang at the fanmeet so I’m already in love with that one. So good TT And he wrote that one himself
It was only Myung in the Winter Olympics one! It’s understandable though, there were so many groups in the summer competition one and Infinite was a little neglected imo. But they still managed to get me with hamster gyu and like 5 seconds of Destiny lol. Actually MBLAQ was in this ep too! Lee Joon and Kwangsoo make the most amazing combo ever omg. I def miss the name tag eliminations though. They hardly do them anymore. I really liked the time period when they did creative versions of the game.   
Ohhhh I think I’ve heard of MBLAQ Goes to School. I should look into it haha. I’m always up for a laugh. Sesame player was amazing. Lol and those pranks XD I remember (I think it was Dongwoo) was like “when did this become a prank house” after that salt prank and I’m like lol only infinite. Can’t even safely eat food in their own home. These dorks.       
Ahhh tell me was so good. I like Infinie’s old style of music but I like this kind of softer edm music too. It’s like the stuff I usually like to listen to lol. Idk if that was a good description of the song but that’s kinda how I see it lol. And Sunggyu and Dongwoo were so good that comeback. Like that second verse was a Donggyu attack. I don’t know if I have a favorite concept from them really? They kind of have everything for every mood. But I have a running play list of their upbeat music.     
The stuff like Julia, Amazing, Lately, etc. I keep that playlist around when I’m having a hard time studying and stuff. It brightens my mood. As for english songs I kinda just….turn on the radio and find something I like haha. I don’t really have a preference with those. Ahhh I feel like I did a really bad job of getting to know you, I always just talk about myself haha. Tell me 5 random things that make you like or make you happy that you haven’t talked about!
Oh my goodness, I’m so sorry for taking forever and an age to reply back to you!!! I’m so sorry, and I don’t even have a good excuse like being busy with work, it’s just honest to goodness pure laziness on my part and not going on my laptop for forever. I hope you haven’t forgotten me and that you’ll reveal yourself!!
I hope you haven’t gotten busy again (you’re graduating this year right?). What are you focusing on in biotech? And I think you may be right about my professor meaning bioinformatics… I vaguely remember that term ^^;
You’ve certainly hopped around during your university years ^^ What countries did you visit in Europe? My parents surprised me by sending me to the UK for 2 weeks after my exams to join my sister there… It was amazing and I’ve always wanted to go there, but we ran out of time to hit everything we wanted to do. We couldn’t go to Ireland, which was my biggest disappointment. What is your most favourite memory from exchange? And what place did you like best?
I actually feel like a complete stranger… I don’t feel Canadian, Singaporean or Indian. I don’t really fit in any place completely, I’m a bit too traditional in Canada, too modern in India and Singapore… Well, I’m not exposed to the culture at all really. Funny thing… Singapore used to be not as well known when I was younger and I remember a kid trying to convince me it was part of the US. Even now, some people think it’s in India. The funniest is actually when I met Chinese international students, so many think that Singapore has only people of Chinese descent. When I explained that my dad’s family is from there and my mother from India, they thought my dad was Chinese.
What’s this whole City of Angels/Laser thing? I’ve seen mention of it, but I don’t get it… Did Sunggyu think the song was called Laser? (This shows up much I keep up with them, except for their music ^^;). You must have heard the album by now… So what’s your favourite? (Also, I didn’t know Sunggyu wrote that… Good to know and it makes me love it even more!)
Um… I think I started giffing around 2013 ish? Then I stopped while in uni, in fact my blog was basically inactive, and only just recently started fooling around on Photoshop again. I was quite atrocious in the beginning and am much fonder of my new stuff. But… I’m also quite lazy so I tend to not gif as much as I want to.
I 100% recommend MBLAQ goes to school. Joon and Mir are such jokesters. Sesame Player is still my favourite variety show to watch, all that screaming and backstabbing… And Sungyeol? He’s just too awesome. I would never have thought of injecting vinegar into bananas the way he did, that was a true genius move. Myungsoo’s, that was predictable, but that banana prank was just first class.
Do you prefer their upbeat songs more or is that just better to run to? My favourite upbeat song is Cover Girl… Have you heard the concert version where Sungyeol raps? I wish he would get a chance to do that in their songs, I think he raps pretty well.
I think we got to know each other pretty well? In fact, I too often think I wrote too much about myself.
5 things I like/make me happy… Hmm…
1. Being with my family - yes, we fight a lot, but we’re also really close and really stupid… My mother is crazy, my father is bullied… They’re what I missed most in uni.
2. I love airports/airplanes! As a child, I used to wish I could live in one ^^
3. Good books and movies… I love reading, but it’s so rare for me to find writing and plot that suits my taste. When I do, I devour the author’s entire works.
4. This is dorky… But I love learning ^^ Maybe it has to do with feeling smart? I love watching Jeopardy, especially if I get the answers right, but also to learn new facts.
5. I love puns… I quite literally cry with laughing over some of them.
Also, last post, but I saw your rant and I hope you’re feeling better :( I get the being introverted thing too. I’m pretty reserved and I like my alone time–there’s nothing wrong with it! I’m sorry you had to listen to all of it TT Please be happy!
Thank you for this! Ahh… Tumblr is my place to rant, but I tend to get over my anger quickly.                 
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ueyyuey · 3 years
Tagged by @dee--eer
1. Why did you choose your URL?
I'm a weird person who likes to text with weird words. Uey and Yuey are two of them that I like to use. Plus, I'm awfully dumb in picking username so I remember the two words and BOOOMMM! So, as you can see, I mixed it.
2. Any side blogs?
Nope, this is my main and only account here.
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
One year because I started using this app in last year May
4. Do you have a queue tag?
Well let's me be honest here.... What is a queue tag?! I'm sorry but really what's that?
5. What did you originally start this blog for?
At first I didn't thought to post anything here because I made this blog to feed my hunger of Kaishin... As you know, there are some Kaishin translators... And also my fav villain deku au here... Plus, all those dcmk au... Yup I made this blog just to read all those things... Then, I thought 'maybe I should share something here' and BOOM I shared my bkdk comic because I wanted to try living here... Idk but that times Insta just made me feeling worse..Then, I got some bnha idea and dcmk idea. So, here I'm sharing my stupid art, comic, fanfic, incorrect and thoughts...
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
Isn't obvious? We rarely see him blush purely like tomato and he was so cuteeeee... Remember that scene just make my day better...
7. Why did you choose your header?
Because he's currently my first interest right now. Yup thanks to his smirk, I keep smirking like him now. Creepily if I should describe it...
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
Well it's the Lupin vs Conan... I don't know what happen but mannnnnn.. It was so random and yet... it reached 100 too... I CANT ITS SO FUNNY TO THINK ABOUT IT and all of those reblogs... PERFECT
9. How many followers do you have?
30... well tbh I didn't expect that...
10. How many blogs do you follow?
51... of course most of it is DCMK contain
11. Have you ever made a shit post?
My shit post is all those stupid thoughts.. that's it
12. How often do you use tumblr every day?
Not sure... Because I never pay attention to time but maybe 2-3 hours...
13. Have you ever had a fight with another blog?
14. How do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
Depends.. If it's important, I'll do it or else I won't
15. Opinion on tag games?
It's great! I got to see some people here on tumblr
16. Opinion on ask games?
The same as tag games but maybe can know better the person?
17. Which of your mutuals is more tumblr famous?
Look.... I don't have that many mutuals here... Heck, I only have one so I don't know... But you can called that person quite famous..I think.. Kekeke
18. Do you have a crush on any of your mutuals?
So thank you! Well I'm not sure who to tag, so how about anyone and @legit-a-queen... Well if you want to:3
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