#ships are tentative but there's def tension there
juliaswickcrs · 1 year
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EAT YOUR YOUNG :: ↳ yellowjackets s1 - ??
I’m starving, darling let me put my lips to something let me wrap my teeth around the world
tag list: @bisexualterror​ @foxesandmagic​ @iron-parkr​ @jvstjewels​ @camiemendess @a-song-of-quill-and-feather​ @arrthurpendragon​ @villain-connoisseur​ @starcrossedjedis​ @drbobbimorse​ @noratilney​ @stanshollaand​ @kingsmakers​ @elmunson​ @darth-caillic @mystic-scripture @aliverse​ @misshiraeth98​ @chrissymunson​ @asirensrage​ @eddiemunscns
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jaynovz · 3 years
Jay’s Home and Away Liveblog Masterpost
All of my late night H&A liveblogs in one spot~ Aka the Luke Arnold episode guide. 
Also I’m including which eps (with links!) you absolutely Must Watch and which you can prob skip if you’re not committed to watching all twenty-seven of them. (Though imo the whole beautiful descent is worth and it’s only 9 hours of content overall.)
Episode numbers link to the show itself
Live blog for 1.7475-1.7481
1.7475: This is the finale of last season, his first introduction. Can prob skip if you want. 
1.7476: I think this is good to watch for context. First meeting of Doc Green and Lewis, the tension Begins
1.7480: The real beginning of the Jasmine-Lewis romance I feel. Also, he wears a great outfit in this one. Also this ep provides some good emotional context for Tori and Christian which raises the stakes for later. Watch this one.
1.7481: Here’s where Lewis Mean Mugging in the Background starts, my favorite thing. We learn why he doesn’t like Doc Green. Watch.
Live blog for 1.7482-1.7491
1.7482: More mean mugging and he starts to push Jaz on how he believes Doc Green is incompetent. Couple good moments (and a good outfit) but you can prob skip.
1.7488: Some very cute Jaz-Lewis moments (and another good outfit), and they have a moment at the end of ep doing a Flirt. Unless you’re really on this ship tho, can skip.
1.7489: Jaz and Lewis hold hands and talk about how they Like each other but want to take it slow. That’s about it. Can skip.
1.7491: This is the Tori and Christian engagement party ep. Lewis is mostly in the background of this one, though there is a very cute scene with him, Jaz and a baby. The real shit starts at the very end, but can skip if you like b/c the big drama happens next ep.
Live blog for 1.7492, 1.7499-1.7500, 1.7501
1.7492: First big catfight between Lewis and Doc Green and subsequent fallout. Def watch.
1.7499: Lewis is head of nurse department now and continues to undermine Doc Green, tension building. Watch.
1.7500: Lewis catfights with Doc Green in front of the entire hospital, airing the dirty laundry. Watch.
1.7501: Doc Green and Lewis have a very heavy convo that seems to work things out (spoiler alert, it doesn’t) and Jaz and Lewis finally have their kiss~ Watch.
Live blog for 1.7502-1.7509, 1.7510-1.7511
1.7502: The cuties (Jaz-Lewis) are being cute, but nothing much else. Can skip.
1.7509: This ep has my Favorite Shirt and an adorable picnic with toes and ankles out. Watch.
1.7510: The tentative peace between Lewis and Doc Green shatters again. Angy boi. Lewis and Jaz about to have The Sex. Watch.
1.7511: My tiny nurses have the Sex, shirtless Luke, very good things. Oh and Doc Green starts to doubt himself b/c of what Lewis said. Watch.
Live blog for 1.7512-1.7517, 1.7518-1.7524
1.7512: Little bit of tension building, but not much big happens yet. Can skip.
1.7517: Lewis is starting mad shit with Doc Green, and Tori, and the babs are being cute AND MOST IMPORTANTLY he starts to get Real Unhinged. Must watch.
1.7518: This is it, the Murder Boi comes out. Big ol sociopath energy. Must watch.
1.7524: This is the Punch episode. Lewis taunts Doc Green like a little shit and gets decked. Also it’s heavily implied that Lewis is murdering Doc Green’s patients. Must watch.
Live blog for 1.7525-1.7529, 1.7530-1.7531
1.7525: Jaz tries to convince Lewis not to file a report against Doc Green but he ain’t havin’ it. Not much else. Can skip if you really want.
1.7529: Lewis starting a bit of shit with Doc Green, stirring the pot, obsessing over him. Could skip tho if you’re really pressed for time.
1.7530: Lewis really starting to unravel, some great trembling with rage shots of Luke. Must watch.
1.7531: Lewis escalates shit yet again, calls the cops on Doc Green. Must watch.
Live blog for 1.7535, 1.7536, 1.7537
These next three are the culmination and end of Lewis’ arc, this is what you’ve been waiting for. Must watch all.
1.7535: Plotting
1.7536: Bondage and murder
1.7537: Total sobbing breakdown and end of arc
Okay yall, I did it! Let me know if any of the links don’t work 😘😘
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lizicia · 4 years
Top 5 fics by kudos
Nobody tagged me but I have been staring at my archives anyway, trying to get inspiration. So here we are.
And yes, my kudos counts are low because I do obscure fandoms and ships. We’re great in our tiny fandom, thank you very much.
Top 5 fics by me, by kudos
1. Now you see it (now you don’t) (The Blacklist, Keen/Ressler, futurefic of silliness, def AU by now)
Kudos: 276
Honestly, very surprised by this being the top 1. I wrote it as a throwaway, silly fic, based off one small thing in one episode. But people apparently love it! Also, there is romance.
"The swiping things, the pick-pocketing, the lock-picking, the hot-wiring...you never did tell me whether you have ever had a criminal record, Agent Keen, or were you just never caught?"
2. I can’t sleep (I can still taste you in my mouth) (Bourne series, Jason/Nicky, post-last movie bc Nicky’s fate can kiss my ass)
Kudos: 179
I love Jason and Nicky, the tentative, beautiful moment in the third movie, which set off the ships. And because the last movie gave us one of the worst endings one can give to an awesome female character, I wrote the ending Nicky really deserved. No apologies. Also, extra Pam Landy because she deserved it.
There is a pause before Landy continues, as if she’s not sure if she wants to say the next part. “I knew you cared for her.”
He doesn’t respond to that; such knowledge is dangerous enough without him saying anything.
3. Of Everyone I Ever Knew (I'm Giving It All To You) (The Blacklist, Keen/Ressler, future weddingfic)
Kudos: 173
This is the happy ending they deserved and I gave it to them. Something which was set off by one picture on tumblr became my one and only wedding fic on AO3, something I promised never to write after FF (no you may not ask!) 
“Why now?” She’s bewildered, to say the least; it is a dingy hotel room in Phoenix, Arizona, and there’s been no forewarning, no hint of what he’s been thinking, not even a ring. Just him, on one knee, looking up at her, with a smile so warm it flames her heart.
4. I've got the Midas touch (let me touch your body and your soul) (The Flash, snowells, S2 chemistry hello!)
Kudos: 155
Not my first snowells fic by a long shot but I do love this first look at S2 snowells, with Harry Wells, my one true version of Harrison Wells (do not talk to me anoit eowells). There is talking, there is tension, there is confusion, there is a tease. Also, possibly my favourite fic title ever.
She hasn’t been able to turn her eyes away from his and so she doesn’t miss the quick moment he takes to flick his gaze to her lips and she knows this is not a great idea. She should say something reasonable, like remind him that her husband just died, again, or remind herself that she was just about to do this with Jay Garrick a very short while ago, and that she cannot let herself fall for another Harrison Wells because it almost broke her once before.
5. You of All Things (The Blacklist, Keen/Ressler, first character study of Ressler, really)
Kudos: 142
A few episodes into this show, I knew that the grumpy one was soft for the sunshine one. And that was all it took for me to write this fic. Honestly, I remember composing this in my head on my way to work one morning and writing it while at work. Kids, you should be working while at work.
"Be careful, Donald, you're a bit too obvious," Red tells him at a crime scene and he keeps his face straight and refuses to rise to the bait, feigning ignorance over whatever he's implying. But Red's smirk and his smug face make something turn and twist inside of him and he knows that he knows. 
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henqiguai · 7 years
klance fic rec
❤ = favorite
❤ ❤ ❤ = god-tier
All In by cheshireree (7k, T)
As far as Lance's teenage heart was concerned, apparently everything started and ended with him cradled in Keith's arms. Or something equally as embarrassing that Lance didn't really want to think about.
or, 5 times Keith carries Lance and 1 time Lance carries Keith.
all we have to do by aknightley (19k, T)
Keith gets hurt during a mission, and Lance is not sure how to handle that.
Lance wakes up on the floor outside of the medical bay, jerking wildly, body a mess of aches and twinges.
As If by surveycorpsjean (6k, M)
The five times Lance was his impulse control, and the one time he wasn't.
Ascension by Gigapoodle (11k, Not Rated)
Four times where Lance feels insecure, and one time where Keith has had enough.
Bright Ideas by ceiland (19k, G)
After a mission meant to be routine goes awry, Keith and the Red Lion crash-land on an ice planet in the rim of an obscure solar system. Except—Lance, in the course of risking his life to save Keith's, winds up stranded on the surface with him. Comms down and Lions out of order, together, they've got to avoid extraterrestrial weather conditions, Galra patrols, and the tension that happens when you're on a time limit to confess your feelings. 
Cut to the Feeling by usernicole (15k, T)
“Let’s do it again,” Keith says breathlessly. “Here and on every planet we come across. Let’s get married on every planet we can.” “Are you joking?” Lance asks, incredulous. “You really want to get married to me on every planet we land on?” “Yes,” Keith says, voice high pitched and shaky with residual adrenaline. “Yes. Every planet. If it feels like this every time, let’s get married ten, twenty, a hundred times.”
“Let’s break records. I want the universe to see us and be jealous.”
Or: Five times Keith and Lance get married, and one time they don't.
Rest of the fics under the cut!
electromagnetic by seabear (25k, T)
Lance spends a lot of time wondering about his place in the universe. And his place with Keith. Oh, also there’s a heist and some fake dating.
Entangled by Purpleneutrino (101k, M)
When Keith found himself mentally linked to Lance of all people, he never thought that it would end in anything but irritation and misery on both sides. He certainly never imagined that it would be a useful asset in team Voltron's fight against the Galra Empire. Now if he can just keep his feelings in check, they might actually have a chance at defeating Zarkon.
Needless to say, when he'd wished for a 'bonding moment' with Lance, this wasn't exactly what he'd had in mind.
(Eventual romance and mature content for later chapters).
excelsior by warmth (4k, Not Rated)  ❤
“Onward and upward,” Lance says. “to greater glory.”
A Fish and a Bird by Methoxyethane (13k, T)
Lance has a boyfriend. Lance does not realize he has a boyfriend. Keith, understandably, does not react well.
got got got it bad by kairiolette (10k, T)
"He leans in to hook his arm around Keith’s shoulders in full. It’s right in Keith ear, when he speaks. “I have a crush on someone new, like, every week.”
“No—it's not someone.” Keith brings his head up, and it feels as heavy on his neck as if it were his center of gravity, and he meets Lance’s eyes with his own. Keith doesn’t mean to communicate something through their silence, he just kind of gets caught up in staring at Lance’s face, which tends to happen lately. Sharp features, cheekbones and chin. Impossible eyes and a loud mouth as expressive as his eyebrows. But Lance seems to come to some understanding on his own. He sits back in a rare, rare moment of speechlessness, that mouth of his slightly pursed and twitching in its search for words in what can only be, though Keith doesn’t know much about body language, immense confusion on the brink of realization."
Or: Keith acknowledges his feelings for Lance and promptly goes through the five stages of grief.
Homesick at Space Camp by Kobot (74k, T)
Lance realizes he's been an asshole to Keith, and on a diplomatic mission to a key planet for the Voltron alliance he... overcompensates.
i want your heaven and your oceans too by mothpoem (11k, T)  ❤
“Not—not that you’d be my rebound! I mean, you’d be helping me take my mind off of this guy, but to be a rebound, I’d have to have dated him first, I think, and he doesn’t even know I like him, so. You wouldn’t be a rebound. At worst, we become badass partners-in-crime with a grudging respect for each other, at best, we’re soulmates for life and this is fate trying to help us find happiness. So. Um.” Lance swallows and looks up at the Blade of Marmora soldier through his lashes. “What say you?”
They look down at their hands for a moment, fingers twisting together in deep thought. Then they’re pulling their gloves off, revealing pale, half-bruised knuckles of the human variation, and their mask is dissolving, giving way to big blue-purple eyes and an achingly familiar jet-black cowlick. “Who,” says Keith Kogane, in that low-pitched rumble that makes Lance’s stomach roil in the good way—holy fuck—“is this guy you’re trying to get over?”
I’d Tap That by VulpesVulpes713 (37k, T)
Keith has never really been good with words. He says what he means, and more often than not, what he doesn't mean, leading to several uncomfortable situations. One of said occasions happens on a planet during a mission, where Keith's attempt at complimenting the blue paladin is entirely misinterpreted, but Keith isn't able to properly apologize before the mission goes south, resulting in Lance being subjected to the 'gifts' the locals possess. So now Keith is at an impasse, with his communication skills severely lacking in the comforting department, and his growing feelings towards Lance making everything so much more difficult than it needs to be. If only there were a way to talk to the blue paladin without using words...
.. ..-. / --- -. .-.. -.-- / .... . / .... .- -.. / -.- -. --- .-- -. / .-.. .- -. -.-. . / -.- -. . .-- / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . / ... --- --- -. . .-. .-.-.-
i’ll be waiting right here by queenfrog (20k, G)
Keith sighs and runs a hand through his already tousled hair. “I mean, we’ll just take the rings off and that’ll be it. No big deal.”
“No big deal?” Lance squawks, sounding slightly hysterical now. “No big deal?” He stands up quickly and waves his ring finger in front of Keith’s face. “Keith, we said vows. I’m pretty sure that’s the very definition of a big deal.”
Keith and Lance get married. Accidentally.
if we all die young then we won’t get hurt by nikkiRA (8k, G)
“We need him,” Keith says, as much to Matt as to Lance.
“And we need you, too, idiot! Keith, fucking listen to me, you are going to shut up and stop wasting your strength by talking useless nonsense and wait for me and Hunk to get there, all right, because I am not going to let you die, it is not happening, you do not get to kiss me and then die!”
Silence. He hears Pidge say, tentatively, “Excuse me?”
Ignorance is Bliss by YouAreInAComaWakeUp (172k, T)
As it turns out, learning that your house is haunted makes the ghosts a lot more aggressive. Who knew?
Ah, well. At least one of them is hot. And he's the less-evil one, too, so that's always a plus.
in stasis by ilgaksu (26k, T)
The story starts like this: with a story where you think you know the end, until it turns out you don’t, until it turns out you didn’t have a clue.
In which for three months of Lance McClain's life, he lives as an AI, waiting for his prosthetics to come online. It goes about as well as expected.
it’s all in my head by aknightley (7k, T)
"Uh," Pidge said, "Lance? Buddy? What's the deal?"
"That's Lance?" Hunk shouted, somehow still ramming ships away from the castle; Keith felt like bubbles were bursting in his head, effervescent pops of giddy fear mixed with conviction. Lance, he thought, Lance feels like this."Thank God, I thought I was going crazy for a second."
Keith Kogane and the Hufflepuff Enigma by arifail (30k, T)
The highlights of Keith's sixth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Featuring Quidditch, dick jokes, denial, and an inordinate amount of Lance Sanchez-McClain.
(Hunk and Pidge are there too.)
A Kiss is a Kiss (But it’s never like this) by GibbousLunation (25k, T)  ❤❤❤
“How does this keep happening to us, every time.” Lance grumbled.
“You’d think they’d stop sending us on away missions,” he agreed. Honestly, between the poisonous plants of their last planet, and Lance’s tendency to always end up on the business end of every blaster or pointy ended stick, Allura was just being inefficient at this point.
Or, five times Keith kissed Lance but the situation was less than ideal, and one time Lance finally kissed him back.
ladies and gentlemen we are rocking in space by mayerwien (2k, T)
LANCE do u like the taste of spam, van kieu because thats what ull get 1 glorious terabyte of def-not-garrison-approved viewing matl every hour on d hour
KEITH And now you’re blackmailing me. Wonderful. Look, I’ll tell you, alright? Not because your threat scares me, but because I’d like to cut this conversation as short as humanly possible.
LANCE glad ur being so cooperative ;) ;)
Lance gets a new flight simulation partner. Lance makes a bunch of mixtapes. Lance falls in love?
Galaxy Garrison + texting au. For the Klance Zine!
let me melt under the heat of your sun by akaeijis, esbis (24k, T)  ❤❤❤
He begins to seek Keith out in a crowd without meaning to. Eyes occasionally following him like they were magnetized, looking for the familiar waves that barely brush the high uniform collars. He looks for dark hair and dark eyes, crossed arms and a silent frown, stark against the sea of enthusiastic, starry-eyed cadets.
He feels drawn to him.
(Or, Lance falls in love with Keith during the time they spent together at the Garrison.)
((note: this is my favorite fic in this fandom it’s so beautifully written oh my gdo))
A Light in the Dark by usernicole (19k, T)  ❤❤❤
Far away from his friends at the castle, Keith's only way of communicating with them is a battered old phone. This is maybe going to be harder than he thought.
A long-distance, friends-to-lovers fic, set during season four.
Love and Other Questions by squirenonny (113k, T)
One week after news of the Kerberos disaster broke, Pidge receives a new Mark--proof that Matt is still alive. She breaks into the Garrison to find him, only to find herself caught up in the fight for the fate of the universe.
Keith keeps his arms covered so he doesn't have to watch Shiro's scars compounding on his skin--but doing so means cutting off contact with his romantic soulmate, who greets him each morning with a new (and terrible) pickup line.
Shiro and Matt thought they were the luckiest people alive when they found out they were going to Kerberos together. But Shiro hasn't seen Matt's untidy scrawl on his arm in almost a year, and he has no idea if his soulmate is even still alive.
[Canonverse Soulmate AU with romantic and platonic soulmates (and some gray areas in between)]
the meaning of donuts by Katranga (14k, T)
The next few days were filled with Lance informing everyone, multiple times, of their “new” friendship. “We’re friends now, did you hear? Keith and I are friends.” Over and over, big smile, loud voice. Looking between Keith and whoever he was telling like he expected a round of applause. Or confetti. Or a parade. What he usually got was somebody making a crack about bonding moments, which prompted a tight, put-upon sigh on Keith’s end. And Lance would look at him fondly, and Keith would have to bite his cheek to distract himself from how much he wanted Lance to lean over and kiss him. --
Keith realizes he may, potentially, possibly have some feelings for a certain blue paladin and he is Not Thrilled about it.
A Memory Like a Snapshot by MemeKonVLD (10k, T)
Pidge is still close —closer than is entirely comfortable if he has to be honest— giving him an evaluating glance. Lance doesn’t really know where to look, other than up her nose— but that grows old pretty fast. So he looks at himself in the reflection of her glasses. And squints.
He touches his own face for the first time since waking up— and feels the roughness of his chin.
“I have stubble,” he says, and the words are as alarmed as they can be even though they still sound slightly slurred, slightly off.
Pidge blinks a couple of times at him, and finally retracts into a more comfortable distance.
“Well, yeah,” she says. “You are like, what? 22? 23 in a couple of months?”
“I’m feeling— I’m feeling a little queasy,” he says then, with bright spots of color dancing in front of his eyes as he thinks 22.
Suddenly, a bucket gets shoved against his face. He takes hold of it with clammy fingers and he leans on his side so he can... use it. Thoroughly.
“I’m having Garrison flashbacks,” he hears Pidge say.
(Or: Lance is stung by an alien bug, loses his memories temporarily and makes assumptions about his and Keith's relationship. Also, Pidge cheats at Uno.)
My Youth is Yours by MilkTeaMiku (29k, G)
An unforseen blast in the middle of a battle de-ages Lance into a child for a week.
Keith does not understand babies.
No Greater Gift by usernicole (20k, T)  ❤
Keith gets a cat, learns the True Meaning of Family, and falls in love. In that order.
Of Escorts and Espionage by hisboywriter (95k, Not Rated)  ❤
Lance preened. Escort? That sounded kind of sexy and badass. “Why, of course, Princess,” he said, standing up to offer his hand at Allura. “I would escort you to the most Galra-infested reaches of the galaxy if you asked.”
Allura’s arm rose but the hand she placed in Lance’s palm was not hers.
It was Keith’s. ~
AKA I just really wanted klance blossoming through an adventure
open your arms to me by aknightley (17k, T)  ❤
Lance quickly finds Keith’s communication signal and hits call.
A few seconds later, he realizes what he’s just done, panics, and immediately slams the 'end call' button.
“Shit!” he hisses through his teeth, throwing the tablet on the bed and recoiling away from it like it’s a poisonous snake rather than innocent alien technology. Its screen goes blank again, wiped clean the way he wishes his impulsive action could be. “What am I doing?”
Premonition by CamelotQueen (22k, T)
It starts with a strange message from Lance, then goes downhill from there.
Keith finds himself trapped between two realities: one where Lance is alive, and one where he is not.
Purple Sky by AmbitiousSkyChild (72k, Not Rated)
Fondly, Keith shook his head. “So,” Keith started, laughter dying down as he leaned over Lance. “Cuba together?”
And Lance beamed – outright beamed – up at him as he pulled him down against his chest. “You bet your sweet ass, Cuba together.”
Keith, rash as he could often be, understood that his responsibility as a paladin of Voltron was to the universe. So, he understood that despite what they felt, he and Lance couldn't be anything other than paladins, at least until the war was over.
After nine years of rivalry, turned pining, turned something just shy of lovers, the war is over. The paladins are headed to Earth, Lance isn't wasting any time, and Keith, as much as he loves a challenge, just tries to keep up.
Run into the Bright Lights by peanutbutterapple (36k, T)
Keith was pretty sure his heart was going to explode out of his chest and if he didn’t do something about it, things were going to get bloodier than they already were.
Keith accidentally tells Lance his feelings on April Fool's Day, and Lance really knows how to take a joke.
‘Shiro and Keith’s Kickass Fighting Techniques’ by Lance MClain by skystiel (11k, T)
'And, really, it’s a pretty brilliant idea. Until Shiro’s Kickass Fighting Techniques quickly becomes Shiro and Keith’s Kickass Fighting Techniques.
That’s when things start going downhill.
Because soon enough, the bulleted list consists of more than just fighting techniques.'
or: Lance starts with one role model and ends up with two, a myriad of confusing emotions, and a notebook filled with condemning evidence which Hunk must never see
so what are you waiting for by saltylances (6k, T)
Lance swallows. He tries to refocus his attention on the slight prickling of his wound instead of the proximity of Keith’s face.
“Y’know. The suit. It doesn’t look like you ever get out of it. What do you wear to bed when you’re at the base, anyway? Some purple Marmorian jammies with little blades printed on them?”
Keith pulls a face. “What does my outfit when I go to bed there have to do with anything?”
“Holy quiznak!” Lance barks out a laugh. “You totally go to sleep in the suit, don’t you?”
“What? No – I – Lance, shut up!”
so why don’t we fall by aknightley (8k, E)
Five times Lance used a pet name for Keith, and one time Keith used one for Lance.
Keith has no basis for having a relationship with someone, so he's trying to follow Lance's lead.
something slow, something good by hiuythn (9k, T)
They fall together in increments, like the shifting of glaciers, of mountains strong and true. They fall in together, and it's inevitable.
--- Keith lands half on him and half on Red, laughing unrestrainedly. There’s fruit stains all over his mouth and chin and more on his hands and shirt, and Lance can feel the stickiness catch on his hair where Keith’s buried his fingers into.
the stars are bound to change by angstinspace (50k, T)  ❤
Both paladins turned to their new, small alien companion. She lifted her head to look at each of them in turn, her eyes round. Keith laid a gentle hand on her shoulder.
“How about you, Zola?” he said. “Are you ready to go?”
She didn’t answer right away. Then she hesitantly asked, “Where are we going?”
As he made eye contact with Lance over her head, Keith could have sworn he felt something electric in the air: a simultaneous resurgence of determination.
“We’re going to take you home.”
Keith and Lance rescue a little alien girl from a hostage situation and bring her home ... and learn a few things about themselves and each other along the way.
Sweet Quiznak by CheckeredCloth (6k, T)
"You're really into him," Hunk mutters, and wow, Lance's face is on fire. Hunk is killing him.
"Look, read into how you like, Freud, just make sure that if I die Keith knows I totally would've mowed his ass like grass. That way, I can laugh hysterically at his emotionally-constipated expression from the afterlife."
Or: Lance is badly injured and has a few skeletons in his closet. Or maybe just the one.
time out of mind by aknightley (27k, T)
Keith and Lance wake up married. In the future.
He lays there a moment, processing the faint throbbing in his head, a strange bitter taste like lemons in his mouth. When he opens his eyes, the room spins wildly into a kaleidoscope of colors, so he closes them again, breathing in and out until he feels less like he might throw up. He suddenly registers a warm weight over his waist, and lifts his head to see a brown arm thrown over him. It looks startlingly familiar, but different, bigger than he remembers, more toned.
Keith turns all the way around and comes face to face with Lance sleepily blinking his own eyes open.
Today, anew by MemeKonVLD (5k, M)
Lance’s eyebrows furrow in concern for a second before his whole face goes gentle and open.
“Hey buddy, everything okay?”
Keith nods. Then shakes his head, then opens his mouth to let out a noisy sob before he’s hugging the air out of Lance, grip vise tight.
Lance hugs him back. That’s one of the great things about him— he doesn’t— he doesn’t need explanations for things like this. He doesn’t make Keith jump through hoops, the way other people might— he’s just— he just knows what Keith needs in times like this. No façades, no posturing.
(Or: the one where Keith is trapped in a time loop. A time loop from hell.)
you anchor me back down by aknightley (5k, T)
Five missing moments, and a moment that hasn't happened yet.
"Okay," Lance says doubtfully, "Just wanted to check. This has been..." He pauses, looking deeply at Keith for a moment. Keith stares back, trying to fit this boy into his memory, trying to figure out why the curve of his mouth is so familiar, why his voice leaves something itching at the back of Keith's throat. "A really weird day," Lance finishes finally, and looks away from Keith at the moon.
Antidote by salineshots (53k (8/?), E)
Based very loosely off of @eyugho's lovebug AU, which I love more than anything?? Thanks to them for starting this wonderful AU!
Keith's bitten by a lovebug, but this one doesn't make him all cuddly. Instead, every moment he spends away from Lance is physically painful for him, and every moment he spends touching him is really, really nice. That's frustrating enough already without Keith having to hide his massive crush.
Lance just wants to help, but he knows that Keith doesn't like to be touched. Also hiding a massive crush, because these two are horrible at communication.
I Was Born a Lion by spectralPHOBIA (15/?, G)
After Keith discovers he is part Galra and Red lion rejects him, there's only one way he can make himself useful: to join Galra and try to wreck them from the inside, while figuring out a relationship with a guy who turns out to be his biological father.
A comic about one stubborn man’s self-discovery, the challenges of spying, everyone in team Voltron being BAMF, and the universe that needs saving, as usual.
((note: this is a (brilliant and beautiful) comic! it’s tagged as klance, but as of now, it’s keith-centric))
in your shoes by lydiamartin (42k (10/?), T)
Hollywood did not prepare him for waking up in the body of a complete stranger.
Keith tried not to stare at this person’s junk in the full-body mirror. He did not know them, and no matter what Pidge might say, just because he’s Texan it doesn’t mean he was raised in a fucking barn like a savage. He would not act like a savage.
(Or, the one where Keith and Lance live in different cities but swap bodies – and angry love notes – multiple times a week.)
Live. Die. Repeat. by greenteafiend (42k (5/?), M)
On the day of the arrival Keith is forced to watch as a mysterious monster slaughters first Shiro, and then his classmates from the Garrison, one by one. It kills him too, but not before he manages to wound it grievously.
And then he wakes up back in bed that morning, alive and unharmed.
aka Keith is stuck in a time-loop and every time he dies, the day resets.
Moonset Deep by MilkTeaMiku (72k (29/?), T)
All his life he’d been told to make sure he was never seen – it was what all the children were taught from the moment they were born. Never let a human see you, never fall in love with a human, and most importantly, never kiss one.
For Lance, humans were a mystery. He'd lived beneath the surface of the ocean with his shoal his entire life, and had intended to remain there. He knew the danger humans posed to his kind, and what would happen if he came close to one. That's why, when he found one drowning, his first instinct was to save him.
He'd never been good at following the rules anyway.
red skies by angstinspace (18k (2/?), T)
Lance clambered up the sliding pile of garbage––scraps of metal and glass that cut into his palms and crunched underneath his boots.
A strange, inescapable feeling pulsed in his chest. Maybe he was imagining it, but he could have sworn his talisman was burning hot against his skin beneath his shirt, tugging him forward with a magnetic force.
Lance doesn't know where he comes from––only that he was found in a forest on a distant planet when he was an infant, with no sign of his origin except a blue talisman around his neck. Nowadays he's content to travel the universe with his best friend Hunk, scavenging and selling goods. But that all changes when a girl named Pidge hitches a ride with them, and in the same day the trio finds a crashed ship carrying nothing but a boy with no memory of who he is ... and a red talisman that matches Lance's.
The Shattering of Altea by YouAreInAComaWakeUp (100k (22/?), T)
Altea is a world of dragons, magic, and, until recently, war.
It's also entirely fictional.
When Lance put on his VR headset, he fully expected everything he experienced from that point on to be false.
But his feelings for the kill-stealing jerk in red armor couldn't be more real.
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