#shiny lillie
itzahk123 · 2 years
Lusamine and her Shiny ultra beast, Lillie (Shiny Nihilego)
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shima-draws · 4 months
Dream alt for pokemas? Even if you don't play
It’s been YEARS and they STILL haven’t released a Gladion alt. Please Nintendo I need my boy give him SOMETHING. A sygna suit a holiday alt a Neo Champion outfit, ANYTHING
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ty-39 · 4 months
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“Who are you?”
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sobashahzadi · 6 months
this is so funny
I cant breath
I love draw
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stephaniepenguin · 1 year
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It's been a whole year since Journeys aired the conclusion to Lillie’s search for her father, Mohn. So I did a little piece of art to celebrate.
Nihilillie is still adorbs. 🥰
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violetjedisylveon · 21 days
The Moon Finds A Flower
moonlilyshipping Pokémer AU chapter 1
Summary: Lillie crashes her boat out at sea while trying to take Nebby away from the Aether foundation, she thinks it's all over for them. She doesn't know that she just so happened to crash in the territory of a Pokémer.
Word count: 2.5k
Warnings: angst/torture at the beginning, Lusamine is a bad parent, injury, life and death situations
A/N: I saw really cute Moonlily MerMay art where Moon/Selene (I call her Moon) was a Lumineon based mermaid and I ran with it. So Moon is technically a Pokémon here.
Ages are different, Moon, Lillie and Hau are 14, Gladion is 16, and Nebby is pew years old.
Pokémer AU Masterpost
All she wanted to do was help.
She had just wanted to help Nebby.
She didn't want anyone to get hurt.
She wanted to cover her ears, the screams were unbearable, but she couldn't move.
She couldn't look away from the torturous sight in front of her.
The deep blue, almost black, and shimmering white fins spasmed out.
The sleek, scale covered body convulsed involuntarily, writhing in pain.
She screamed into the water as Lillie just stood there and watched.
The vice grip on her shoulder tightened, making her aware of the chilling presence behind her.
A cold hand grabbed her face, forcing her to keep looking forward. A poisoned, honey sweet voice cooed behind her.
“See? This is what happens when you step out of line.” The cold hissed.
The cold left her, staring at the pain she caused. It was all her fault.
I never should have become her friend. I should have stayed away and told her to go back where she belonged.
It was all over for her.
All the risk she took in stealing Nebby from the labs was going to be for nothing, they were both going to drown.
Though drowning is probably a better date than whatever awaited Nebby. Lillie thought as she frantically tried to maintain control of the boat in the stormy seas. Nebby wriggled in her bag, panicked and in pain from the experiments.
Tears filled her eyes, she grabbed the bag and held it close to her, sinking to the floor with the knowledge that it was hopeless.
She squeezed her eyes shut and prayed to Arceus that their deaths would be painless.
Her boat collided with a large rock.
Everything went dark.
Moon jolted awake at a loud noise traveling through the water. Cautiously, she peaked out of her cave, looking up towards the dark, stormy sky.
Maybe a human got caught in the storm. She thought.
Humans got caught in storms all the time, they were quite dumb despite everything they could do.
Her hip fins fluttered anxiously at the thought of more humans showing up near her territory.
Her cave was situated in a narrow ravine surrounded by rocky and coral filled waters on all sides for miles, humans didn't come here often, and they never came down far enough to reach her cave. The rocks and coral stretched over the ravine opening, interlocking in a complex maze of sharp, fragile stone and coral, making it far too risky to reach.
A panicked, weak cry reached her fin like ears.
A Pokémon was in trouble.
The cry came from the same direction as the crash… She frowned, biting her lower lip.
It was a risk, a human could see her, if they did she could sick an allied Pokémon on them, but it was still a risky move.
Mom always warned her against going near crashes or anything human related. It was always too dangerous for her.
The Pokémon’s cries grew more panicked.
It sounded like a little, scared thing, not made for the seas, not ready to die.
This is going to end badly. Moon thought as she swam out of her cave.
She swam up, twisting through the maze of coral and stone easily, her slime coat allowed her to slide between the tight spots without getting scratched.
Once she was above the coral maze, she scanned the rock spires for signs of where the boat had crashed.
The boat was already below the tumultuous waves. That made her job easier.
She approached the boat cautiously, there wasn't any blood or bodies yet, either it had a smaller crew or everyone drowned and the bodies were stuck.
Her ears flicked at the annoyed, worried squeaks from her friend, quickly coming up behind her.
The little Popplio swam over to her, angrily chittering about how she shouldn't have left the cave without him. He tucked his snout into her side, she patted his head soothingly, Poppy was an anxious little fella.
“Someone needs help.” She whispered.
Poppy glanced at the boat, he glared and shook his head aggressively. Moon rubbed his head sympathetically, Poppy really didn't like humans, he never elaborated on why, maybe it was his coloring.
Her little friend looked different from other Popplio she had seen, his fur was a deeper, more purple blue, and his neck frill was a light pink.
“It's a little Pokémon that needs help, like you did when I found you.” She said.
Poppy frowned at her, crossing his flippers. She rolled her eyes.
“I'm going to help them.” she announced, swimming towards the boat.
Poppy stayed out for all of three seconds, the little guy was a bit of a scaredy cat. He stuck close to her side, brushing against her hip fins as they swam into the ship.
It had the mark of those boats others said were constantly coming and going from the fake island. Those humans were bad news, they kept poking around the various reefs she hunted at.
A flash of light caught her attention.
A part of the boat was sealed, air bubbles were leaking from it at a rapid pace, the weak flashing came from there.
Moon peered into the space through the dark glass, a long cylinder bag was where the light came from. It sat inside a perfectly round air bubble, and a human girl was holding tightly onto it.
“Hello?” She called through the water.
The light flashed rapidly in response, the patterns didn't make any sense to her, it was a whole bunch of gibberish.
“Do you need help?” She asked.
“Yes!” The Pokémon in the bag squeaked.
Moon glanced at the girl holding the bag.
“What about the human?”
“Yes! Friend! Safe!” they squealed.
“If you insist.”
Moon slammed her tail against the glass, bracing herself against the sudden pressure release. She swam into the cramped space, hesitating at the edge of the of air bubble.
“Can you make the bubble smaller?” She requested.
“Mom can't breathe!” They responded.
“The human is your mother?” Moon wondered.
“Help! Can't teleport in the water!” They shouted.
“Okay, I'll get you to the surface.” She told them.
She reached her hands into the bubble, snatching the girl by her waist and pulling her out of the bubble, dragging the bag with her.
Moon shot for the surface with rapid, strong flaps of her fins. She broke the water's surface, holding the girl's head above the water. 
Her gills shut as her body adjusted to being out of water, instinctively, she started drawing air from her mouth. She thrust herself out of the water and onto the rock the boat had crashed on for their collective safety.
She set the girl down on the least jagged part of the rock she could find, humans, she was fairly certain, didn't have a slime coat to protect them. 
Out of curiosity, she removed the girl's large hat. She wanted to see the face of the girl this Pokémon considered a mother.
Thick, straight blonde hair framed her pale face, her skin was soft and smooth, she didn't have a scratch or a scar on her.
Moon smiled to herself.
She's very pretty.
The bag rustled, bringing Moon’s attention away from the cute girl.
“Are you alright little friend?” She asked, reaching to open the bag, somehow.
The little Pokémon let out a weak ‘pew’ type sound, and the bag started to glow again.
Moon yelped in alarm as the glow turned blindingly bright, she squeezed her eyes shut, it felt like she was flying.
The light suddenly faded, she opened her eyes long enough to see that she was falling through the air, with the girl and her bag.
She grabbed onto the girl, curling her tail around her, spread her hip fins out and braced for the impact of their fall.
Her body slammed into the water with a loud smack. She couldn't feel her tail but the sight of her fins twitching out of the corner of her eye was enough to signify she wasn't paralyzed.
Her back brushed against soft sand, her face was still above the water.
We're on a beach. She realized.
As the feeling came back to her tail, she unwrapped it from around the girl.
She heard a small sound, felt the girl shift from her place curled against her body.
Looking down, brilliantly vibrant emerald green eyes met her own pink ones. The girl stared at her with wide eyes.
Moon realized she hadn't let go of her yet, she was still holding her in a tight, protective grip.
She'll feel my scales!
Thinking quickly, Moon shifted, turning her singular tail into two human legs.
Moon didn't like to transform much, she didn't have any trouble doing it, it was pretty easy to change and maintain, she just didn't have much reason to risk everything by pretending to be a human. That's what got her mother killed, she got too close to humans.
Silently, she hoped the girl wouldn't try speaking to her, she couldn't speak to humans.
Thankfully, her eyes slipped shut again and her head slumped against Moon's chest.
Moon let out a sigh of relief.
That's a bullet dodged.
She sat up, using one hand to prop herself up, the other securing the girl, she looked around.
Her initial thought was correct, they were on a beach.
A familiar beach.
Mom lives on this island.
That was as good a place as any to go for help. Mom could speak to other humans.
Moon rose out of the water unsteadily, she hadn't used her legs in a long time. She held the girl bridal style, tucking her bag and hat between their bodies, then she began to make her way out of the water.
It's good the storm chased all the humans inside. Moon thought.
She glanced around the beach, it had changed since she'd last been here. There was a lot more stuff now, she didn't know the exact direction to go to get to Mom’s house.
It was much brighter too, a big shift from light being filtered through the water.
The moment Moon stepped out of the water, she felt different.
Her powers had a limit now, they had always had one but she was always being recharged by the ocean. She was still close enough to recharge her powers, only far slower than she was accustomed too.
Just don't get cut off, as long as I can get back I'll be fine. She thought.
She walked unsteadily towards the darker part of the beach, Mom lived on a darker side of the island, close to the water and temple, she remembered that much.
The sand stuck to her legs, she scrunched her nose at the hated sensation, she wanted her slime coat back.
The beach had a strange path in it now, stacked stones leading up to what was once a cliff that Mom had her own way down. At least she was close to Mom’s now.
She heard something, sound was weird out of water. Her hearing wasn't as good either. She turned in the direction she thought it was coming from.
A human woman was approaching her, she started waving once she realized she'd turned around.
“Hey! Are you alright over there?! Did that blast hurt you?!” The woman shouted to her.
Moon walked in the woman's direction, passing the girl off to this human would wash her clean of this entire situation, she wouldn't need to visit Mom, she could get back to Poppy faster. Her little friend was probably worried out of his mind by now.
She stopped a few feet away from the human woman, her hair was white but she wasn't old. The woman looked her over, like she was sizing her up. Moon fought the urge to growl, humans were different from Pokémon, they showed aggression differently.
“Are you okay? Do you need a towel?” the woman asked, pulling folded fabric out of her bag.
Moon stared at it, glancing at the woman in confusion.
“To cover up? Aren't you cold?” The woman explained awkwardly.
Moon didn't think she was too exposed, she had the flowy piece of black and white patterned fabric that she tied around her waist to use as a sack, that was currently covering her leg area, and she always covered her chest with something, though what she was wearing was likely somewhat see through. Maybe that was the problem.
She shook her head and held the girl out to the woman.
“Oh my! What happened to you two?” The woman gasped.
Moon shook her head, she didn't know anything other than the boat crashed in her territory. She gestured towards the girl in her arms, silently begging for this woman to take her.
The woman gave her a concerned look.
“Do you know her?” She asked.
Moon shook her head again.
“So you don't know what happened to her and you don't know her?” The woman prompted.
Moon nodded.
“Is she hurt?” The woman asked, shifting her focus to the girl in her arms.
Moon nodded, holding the girl out to her again. This time, the woman took her from her outstretched arms, she ignored the weird feeling telling her to grab the girl she didn't know back, instead handing the bag to the woman.
She gave the woman a smile, humans liked those, right?, and turned to leave.
“Wait, are you hurt? Do you have anywhere to go?” The woman asked, taking a step towards her.
Moon shook her head, smiling in what she hoped was a reassuring way. She racked her brain for the signs Mom taught her so they could talk way back all those years ago.
She remembered quickly, smiling as she tapped the side of her nose with her pointing finger three times*.
The woman frowned, brow furrowed in deep thought, then her face lit up with understanding.
“Your mother lives around here?” she asked.
Moon nodded, pointing in the general direction of Mom’s house. She smiled, waved then headed off in the direction of Mom's.
She felt the woman's eyes on her even as she began to climb the slope, the feeling only faded once she was over the hill.
Moon dropped into the tall grass on the cliff’s edge, peering down at the woman on the beach, the other Pokémon didn't bother her, she was too tough for them.
The woman was staring after her, considering following her, humans were too nosey sometimes. Luckily, the woman didn't follow her, instead turning away to take care of the girl. Moon breathed out a sigh of relief, resting her chin on the ground.
She waited a while longer, just to be sure the woman didn't come back and the beach remained empty, then she slipped back down to the beach, into the water. She swam out in her human body, checking for any sign of recording, before diving down, allowing herself to change back to her natural form as she swam against the seafloor.
Poppy must be so worried. She sighed, the little guy wouldn't let go of her for weeks after this.
Moon swam faster, trying to leave her questions about the strange girl and strange Pokémon with the island.
*I believe that three taps with a pointer finger to the side of the nose is the sign for mother in Hawaiian Sign Language(HSL), I got that from this website https://www.listenandlearnusa.com/blog/hawaiian-sign-language/Cause I wanted to have Moon use HSL whenever she does communicate with people outside of the more vague gestures, but it's an endangered language and so finding sources on it is pretty hard, that really sucks.
Pokémer have the ability to change their forms, as long as they are close enough to the ocean to maintain their power, and have human legs/lower halves; they don't speak any human languages, but they can speak to Pokémon, they stay mute even in their human forms.
Moon's Mom and mother are different characters here, Mom is the mom character in the games, she's not Moon's biological mother, her bio mother is dead
I hope you all have a good day, whatever that is for you!
VJS Out!
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pokemonpowergirl · 2 years
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They've developed a bond with the animal that they used to hate the most.
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jellyfishmoon72 · 1 year
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It’s my favourite blinding ray of sunshine
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beep-boop-not-bot · 11 months
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Tears laced with cyanide flow through the cracks of a mirror shattered long ago
(The lyrics don't exactly fit her without twisting the meanings a fair bit, but come on- they both destroy mirrors!)
her debut episode! ^
and a link to the reference song which gave me inspiration ^
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itzahk123 · 2 years
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A Family Reunion on the Tundra
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senseiwu · 2 years
They could very easily go to a professional to get their hair dyed, but they thought it would be fun to do it themselves
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mineko-mairhiel · 2 years
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Still playing with my colorsgift watercolor paint. This one shift between green and blue ^^
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kombuuuu · 1 year
hii i really enjoyed ur miles 42 fic, was wondering if u could write something about reader and miles meeting for the first time? who was interested first🤭?
For the Soul (and the Heart)
Miles!42 x Fem!Reader
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, i’d say”. “Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
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AHHH meet cute x simpy miles we LOVE
Miles getting comfy w reader and reader getting progressively more combative the more time they spend together bc they luvvvvvvv each other? perfection
please don’t read if you get uncomfy with suggestive content, nothing too bad but still suggestive!
The morning was still. An odd occurrence for a Saturday. The winter chill had settled the night prior and seeped into ever cracked windowsill.
Streets coating in a thin layer of snow and trees dusted with the same. And acknowledging this freezing weather, obviously you decided to go for a walk. Snow crunched under your feet as you followed street signs, the only thing telling you where you were going was which street looked prettier.
Eventually you stopped, hugging your scarf closer to your nose and looking for a stall or shop that caught your eye.
Eventually it did, a quaint cafe stationed between two clothing stores, relatively small and pretty empty. The outside was decorated with white Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers, flower beds filled with the pretty things. Contrasting to the deep Mahogany of the wooden shop. Which looking into the wide window, seemed relatively the same. Deep furniture with white accents and a soft yellow light dancing along shiny hardwood floors.
Swirling cursive words cut into the wooden headboard swinging from a chain outside the door. “Morales Coffee.”
There looked to be seven or eight people in there currently, for how inconspicuous it tried to look, the amount of patrons at such an odd time (10:42 AM, not morning but not afternoon either.), You’d assume that coffee has to be amazing.
The door bell chimed sweetly at your entry, Barista turning to greet you.
The sweet woman gleamed over at you for a moment, turning back to her current customer while he pulled out his wallet. You lined up, looking at the pastries lining the glass displays. The ones catching your eye a Raspberry Danish and a cute baby blue Lunch-Box cake.
The man had moved away, leaving it your turn to order. The woman smiled at you and for once, approaching someone in costumer service didn’t feel as scary as it should’ve.
“Hi, What can I get for you today?” The curly haired woman had a twang of an accent curving her words. And a motherly vibe about her.
“Hey,” You smiled back at her “,Could I get a regular Mocha—.” You paused to let her punch it in. “.—A raspberry Danish and your blue cake.”
You pointed vaguely towards where the blue cake would be to her side of the display. “Yes, of course! That’ll be $18.40, thank you.”
Whilst you pulled out your purse to pay and she began to retrieve the items. She spoke up again. “Someone’s birthday?”
You laughed, not expecting her to speak so suddenly.
“Oh, no!” A chuckle left your lungs “Just want some cake recently. Saw your shop and its cakes. Thought may as well get it while i’m here.”
She laughed along with you, snorting a little as she boxed the small cake in the cardboard lunchbox. “Seems reasonable.”
“Thank you.”
She grabbed your danish and placed it on the counter, putting the cake in a bag and handing it to you.
“Thank you, again.”
“No worries, your mocha will be out shortly!” The bouncy lady turned around, going close to the back of the counter and opened a door you hadn’t realised was there, talking into it.
“Bebé, hay una chica linda ahí afuera que quiere un Mocha. Ve a hacerlo para ella. Y no la riegues.”
"Baby, there's a cute girl out there who wants a Mocha. Go do it for her. And don't mess it up."
Miles glanced up in confusion.
“¿Pero porqué me dices a mi?”
“Why me?”
“Pues es linda, y parece de tu edad.”
“She’s pretty, and around your age.”
“Ma, porfavor.”
“Ma, please.”
“Fine, fine.” He raised his hands in defeat and Rio kissed his cheek on the way out.
You found a seat with a cute view of the street outside and waited patiently for your coffee, people watching to pass time.
There was always a fear of crime in your neighbourhood. The lack of supposed ‘good guys’ coupled with the city being run down by anyone who wanted to escape trouble. Once news broke out of the first robbery in Brooklyn, where no one was caught. It was immediately put on the radar for any criminal looking to live somewhere safe.
The Prowler had been changing that. Little by little the Panther-esc.. Anti-Villain was scraping through the streets of Brooklyn and letting his blood stained claws drag over those in his way.
People feared him, the violence he brought with him.
You thought he was the closest thing to a hero you were getting, so who’s got room to complain?
If he’s not going to do the dirty work, who will?
The chatter of other people in the cafe had gotten slightly louder, four more people walking in while you sat.
“Miles, la chica linda de ahí.”
“Miles, That sweet girl over there.”
“Sí mamá, ya sé.”
“Yeah mama, I know.”
The smooth baritones accent of a boy around your age caught your attention. The way his letters curled giving you a rush of something down your spine. You looked up when you heard feet approaching, seeing probably the most ridiculously handsome man you have ever met bring you your coffee.
The way his jawline sharpened at a point, braids lying on his shoulders just below it. His lips that seemed awfully soft for someone who probably doesn’t even know what chapstick is. Lashes fluttering prettily over his high genes cheekbones, accenting his golden eyes. Jesus christ he’s pretty. His lips curled into a smirk at your face, your doe’d eyes gleaming up at him. He had some sharp canines.
“‘S one’s yours, Miss.” He placed the steaming mug on your table and you smiled. “Thank you!”
“No worries, Hermosa.” He looked at you a moment longer before the sweet lady called him back to make another order.
“Coming, Momma.” He called back to her, turning back to you for a second time and adding.
“I’m Miles, by the way.”
“Miles.. that’s a cute name.”
His lips upturned again at the compliment.
You gave him your name, which he hummed at, repeating it and rolling it around his tongue. His accent was gorgeous.
“Hope to see you ‘round, [Name].”
You choked out a pathetic affirmation, “Mhmma.— Yeah, yep.”
He laughed lightly and dragged his fingers along the table as he left.
Like claws.
Two days later you were back. It was some of the best coffee you’d ever had. And the desserts were the same, most of the cake still sitting boxed in the fridge.
Also there was an added bonus, being the coffee house owner, and her son.
The boy was interesting enough to keep your attention, sweet to you but held a sort of curiosity about him. Like he was hiding something but felt no shame in doing it, that it was righteously excused.
And to be real, you were dying to hear his voice again. Two days and all that had been playing in your head was the way he’d said your name, let the word travel down to his lungs and breathed life into it. A longing into it.
Miles was about the same, probably worse.
You saying his name was cute was probably his new lifeline. The way you had said it so innocently, sweetly to the likes of him. A twisted, wretched man. You had him swooning faster than he deemed safe, his body was going into overdrive. He had watched you while in their cafe, having never met someone so.. untainted by the world. Someone so sweet who carried nothing but a childlike innocence in their curios nature. Nothing done out of bad faith or in vain. You were nothing like him, he adored that.
So when you came wandering back into his Mommas cafe, he hoped to every universe it would be something you didn’t stop doing.
“Ah! Miss, You’re back!” His Ma greeted her, watching as the girl told Rio her name, and his Mom in return.
You guys chatted idly for a moment, your expressions clear as day. He could read you like a grown man could read a picture book, so easy it would be insulting to present him with it, if the content wasn’t you. The brightness and easy nature of you was something refreshing, he would say his Momma was easy-going, but times had been hard lately and his family needed a cheering up. You seemed like the perfect candidate.
Sweet, bubbly and looking at him right now- Oh. He waved at you, shivering at the eye contact and watching as you smiled at him and waved back, hands shaking. He likes how nervous he makes you.
You sniffled a little from the cold, dripping your hand as his Mom room your attention again. She handed you a cinnamon scroll and you paid quickly, dropping twenty bucks in the tip jar and quickly finding your way back to your seat.
“Miles! Un Mocha regular porfavor.”“Miles, regular Mocha please.”
He nodded to his mom, like he hadn’t remembered from last time. Like he hasn’t watched as you enjoyed something he made you.
“Bienvenida de nuevo, Chiquita.”“Welcome back, Chiquita.”
Sitting in the same spot as last time, staring at the idling passer-by’s, the light of a Winter morning danced off the snowy ground and highlighted your face, leaving a soft glow in your eyes.
You turned to him, paying him your whole mind.
“Thank you, Miles.” He placed your coffee in front of you, slightly leaning over you. He raised his eyebrows and hummed. You inhaled quickly, breath caught in your throat. Now realising the proximity between the two of you. Not only that, but there was a sweet smell that followed him around, coffee and cinnamon. How fitting.
His voice had gone deeper, smoother.
“I’m glad to see you back here—,” He leaned back again, hand dragging the same way it had two days prior. Your slow blink and parted lips made a deep rooted part of him begin to blossom once more.
He wanted to protect you the way he knew no one else could, wanted to lay his Soul down for you. Let you trace the veins imbedded in his skin with your teeth and take as much from him as you could. Run him dry, let him owe you his life so he can die protecting yours.
The speed his infatuation was growing probably wasn’t healthy.
“Really?” Your sweet, breathless inquiry silenced that though.
“Of course, Mami.”
“I—,” You paused, picking at you fingernails for a moment “,—I like it here, a lot.”
You leaned a little forward in your seat. Pressing your forearms against the wooden tabletop and leaning on them. He watched your back drop into a small arch, and for his own health, decided to ignore it. “‘S very cozy.” You glanced towards the window again. Watching another lad and her dog pass. He watched you.
“Mm, it is.”
“And you’re here.”
He sucked in a breath, fingers twitching.
Your gaze flickered to him once more and he held it.
He let his hand drift to your shoulder, rubbing it slowly while he peeled himself away from the table.
“I gotta go, Mami, but enjoy your time.”
“You too, Miles.”
“I’ll be working,” He smiled at you, a small thing.
“I’ll be here. So pretty fun, I’d say.”
He hummed.
“Guess you’re right, Chiquita.”
It had been around four Months since Miles had met you. And he was in over his damn head, not that he wasn’t at your first meeting. But progressively, over time, he’d fallen deeper and deeper for you.
Everything you did had him in a chokehold. The way you were so sweet with his Mom, or how even uncle Aaron liked you when he’d stopped by the cafe.
How you offered to help around with no pay, generosity basically leaking from your heart. When you would come over just to see him because you “missed his voice”.
Or would sit in his room and wait for him. If he ever came home late, injured from things you had no business knowing, you wouldn’t ask a thing. You stayed quiet, and patched him up. Let him rest his head on your collarbone while you softly rubbed his shoulders. Trying to lighten the weight of the world off of them.
Every little thing.
He was done pretending like it didn’t affect him. He could barely go a single day without you on his mind constantly, as if.
He knew you felt the same.
Still just as readable as your first meeting. He knew the frequent outings between the two of you were more than just friendly meet-ups to you. To him.
And when your gazes would catch one another, he’d try and tell you. Express without so much as a word how you were the only person he could do this with. The only one he felt comfortable to walk down the street with, and let you chat his ear off about any new movies you’d seen, books you’d have read.
He would let you sleep in his bed, bring little things into his room and give the bland walls life.
You had made a home in him. Cracked chips in his walls on by one until you’d found a single loose stone and happily let everything he’d built up fall just for you.
Miles had texted you around mid-day that he’d wanted to see you, in which you’d giggled at your phone dreamily.
Laying on your bed with your stomach down, kicking your legs like a girl gone stupid.
It hadn’t even been much to fret over, just a simple:
Can you come over later?
He had phrased it rather questioningly, but for no good reason. He’d known full well the moment he even insinuated you being with him, you’d jump at the chance.
And you did, swiftly replying;
okayyyy !!
I’ll pick you up at 7.
7, [Name].
Don’t be childish.
i’m nvr childish, see u at 6 C:
You got up, threw your phone somewhere on the bed and checked your, admittedly already-packed, overnight bag. Making sure nothing was missing before putting it at your door.
Your phone pinged again.
See you at six.
You smiled.
You spent the rest of that afternoon anxiously waiting for him to pick you up.
He showed up at your door five minutes late, greeting you at the door with a soft apology about the tardiness.
“Sorry, Mami. Took a wrong turn.”
“Don’t apologise, Miles.”
You smiled at him, stars in your eyes. He looked away for a second, a bit guilty for lying to you, but he feels it’s worth it.
“Grab your bag, ma. Let’s go.”
You hummed an affirmation, rushing to your room to grab the pink duffel bag.
You grabbed your phone off your night stand and did a double check for everything.
You walked out again, closing the door behind you. Miles was leant up against your doorframe. Forearm pressed on the wood and his torso stretched. A small sliver of his skin had peeked from under the fabric, you thanked the warming weather. Quickly averting your gaze, you noticed him watching your stare in intent, a curious smile playing at the corner of his lips.
“You good, Chiquita?”
“Uhuh—, yep. Fine.”
You huffed out, pouting and pressing your palm to his chest, his very toned chest, and pushed back lightly.
“Get outta my way, lame-o, I gotta lock the door.”
He resisted for a moment longer, gazing down at you in humour. He trailed his hand up your arm slyly and pried your hand off his chest by sliding his thumb up from under your wrist onto your palm. Slowly pulling you off him.
“Maybe ask politely.”
You gave him an unimpressed stare and flipped him off.
“Oh my god.”
“It’s just a ‘please’.”
“..-Please, get the fuck outta my way.”
“Of course, Hermosa.” He snorted as he did.
You turned around, Miles still close to you in the cramped hallway, and locked your door.
You turned around, noticing his eyes glance up from where they were before and shot him a questioning look. He turned around and led you through you hallway, dismissing the look.
He opened the steel door to the cafe. The scenery of a rooftop garden with the same Lilly-of-the-Valley flowers up here as there were out front of the store.
Shrubbery lined the rooftop edge and the string lights hung from the veranda created an atmosphere that seemed almost cinematic.
“Jesus, Miles. This is beautiful.”
“Mm, thought you’d like it.”
“I do, so much.”
You stated in awe at the mural painted on a buildings wall behind the door. A man who stroke a resemblance to Miles painted surrounded by colours of any.
The moonlight basked against the neon colours, accenting the man’s features.
“My dad.”
Your gaze snapped up to him beside you, brows furrowing in a frown.
“I’m sorry.”
“‘S cool. Nothin’ you coulda known, Ma.”
He sighed at the image of his father, wishing him well rest.
Turning to you, he wasn’t surprised to see the greif in your eyes. He was, though, surprised at the lack of pity.
He was so used to having his far family whisper behind his back at how his soul had died with his fathers. How the light in his eyes had gone missing the day his hand had been forced, unable to get to his dad in time.
There was no escaping his death.
So to feel the understanding coming from you—. The confidence in your sorry but knowledge that pity would do no one any good, it was refreshing. Everything about you was.
He turned away from your watchful eyes, the intensity being unusual for him.
“Come sit, vida mía.”
You followed him dutifully, loyally. Like you had since the last Winter. Like you would continue for the next to come.
A set of pillows had been placed in the middle of the veranda. White wood covered in lively vines and the aforementioned string lights.
There was a layout of his pastries (which you had learned he was the baker of) laid out on a cotton blanket.
You sat on one of the pillows, legs crossed. Miles following short after.
“Oooh,” You begun to tease him “,This a romantic dinner date?” The tone of your voice was in jest, but when he had failed to answer— Your heart rate sped up and your face went hot to the touch.
“Miles? Y’know I— I was just jokin’—“ “If you want it to be.”
You stood stupidly for a moment, not quite reeling in his words like any other person would.
It was his turn for unsurity now, eyes dancing nervously between you and the skyline.
“No pressure, though. Just think it’d be nice.”
“It would.”
He refocused on you again, finding you already watching him owlishly. “Yeah?”
“Mm, we could—,”
He anxiously started picking at the blanket. Who knew someone usually so calm could be this nervous asking out the most harmless girl he knew.
“Try. We could try that, together.” You mumbled a bit, seemingly playing it off. “If you want, or something..”
“I do.” He gained some leg to stand on, finding it easier and easier as you spoke, your nerves somehow calming his own.
“I’ve wanted that for a while.”
“Oh good, cause—“ You placed your hand in your lap, cracking your knuckles. “—Me too, so. That’s good.”
He grinned at your awkwardness, knowing your lack of experience in the relationship aspect of life, this mutual agreement, instead of one asking the other out, probably hasn’t been an experience of yours yet. He liked he was the first.
“Don’t get all shy on me now.”
You puffed at him, punching his arm lightly.
“I’m never shy, that’s for dumb stupid lame people. And I am none of those.” “Oh, sure.”
“Wh— Sure?! Which one are you ‘sure’-ing? Dumb, stupid or lame?!”
“Keep saying my name like that, mami.”
“Oh my goodness!”
And when you both finally got into his bed, you’d slept tangled together like you had dozens of times before. But this time, Miles would grab your waist and pull you closer. Settle his face in your neck and trace his nose down the length of your shoulder, peppering a kiss on every inch of skin he could find, and you’d both finally felt sure.
Maybe people were right, maybe Miles’s soul had died with his father.
But meeting you, something new, something rejuvenating—.
It left him with a light he could search for, a new soul. A whisp of a being you’d taken from your own heart and placed in his. It left him breathless with life.
YIPEEE!!!!! another one 🗣️‼️
thank you to my translation helpers (bbgs) @kissmxcheek and @millyswife
(oh, wrong Miles! oops! 🤗⬇️)
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dogkin · 2 years
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And also hugging u
DJDIDJDJjjdiddj*\*|*]€\€|€,€\€{£\£,!<€>,!,£,£,€|€&:&282$$:,&,&/&$;$:&,$,,$ THANKIESS *hughughughughughughug*
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stephaniepenguin · 2 years
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It's been a while since I've posted fanart on Tumblr.
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pokemonpowergirl · 2 years
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Aether Siblings in JN111.
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