#shiera ice age
the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
My ranking of the Ice Age Movies
I recently rewatched the Ice Age movies for nostalgia purposes and I thought I'll give my thoughts on them.
Before you read! This is just my opinion! All of these films have a place in my heart and I love them all!
5. The Meltdown
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Okay, I know that people will not like this but to me this movie just isn't special. Don't get me wrong! All of the Ice Age movies hold a place in heart but this one just has no special place in it. The only thing in this movie that stuck out to me was Ellie, Ed and Crash's first appearance, but aside from that, nothing much else. In fact, before I rewatched the film I couldn't even remember what it was about (besides Ellie and the brothers first appearance, of course).
Yeah, it's good, it's got a place in my heart, just not a special one.
4. Continental Drift
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Now, this one was difficult!
The reason this one ranks above 2 is because, for me, it's more enjoyable and easy to watch and the introduction of Granny and Shiera makes it worth while. The reason it was so difficult to rank is because of nostalgia. I remember every fortnight going over to my nans house and watching this film on repeat and replaying my favourite parts. So that kinda made it more difficult to place it. But after thinking about it, it takes the 4th place for me.
Besides from the nostalgia and the new characters and its enjoyability, there was nothing else that catches my eye with this film.
3. Collision Course
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Okay, hear me out.
I know this one isn't most people's favourite but I think it's good. The main reason it's as high as it is, is because of Buck and Granny, they are my favourite characters so their constant presence in the movie made it soo much better. Scrat having more appearances in this film also does it favours. (And the relationship between Buck and that Pumpkin made me realise something about myself that I never realised before).
The family also feels more put together. I don't know why but it feels like an actual family now, not just a bunch of people (mammals) forced to hang out, like in the earlier movies.
Yeah, so it's not my favourite but it's up there.
2. Ice Age
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And the runer up; the og itself!
Again, not everyone's favourite but something about that found family gets me. Especially considering, most of the movie had only 3 constant reoccurring characters (not including the sabers, the humans and those two rhinos). It just felt more homely and familia and nostalgic.
And in top spot....
1. Dawn of the Dinosaurs
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The nostalgia!
Oh, the nostalgia!
I was so excited to rewatch this one, for multiple reasons. One of them being the introduction of Buck but the other being its nostalgia and its familiar feel.
Not to be dramatic but at some points I was on the verge of tears at the familiarity of the film. Particularly the part where Sid drew the faces on the eggs, that part I remember so well and it still makes me happy when I watch it. Very few times have I rewatched a childhood movie and felt the same way as when I was a child, usually I'm just disappointed and wishing I hadn't rewatched the film so I could have the same image as when I was a kid. But not this one! This one is just as great as I remember.
So, do you agree with me or do you think my list is bad? Juat remember, it's just an opinion nothing serious.
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Relationships of Ice and Fire: Incest and Inseparability
Morever, Alysanne was only two years younger than her brother, and the two children had always been close and strong in their affection and regard for one another.
“As you command, Mother.” King Jaehaerys pulled his sister closer and put his arm around her. “But do not think that you shall unmake this marriage. We are one now, and neither gods nor men shall part us.”
“Never,” his bride affirmed. ��Send me to the ends of the earth and wed me to the King of Mossovy or the Lord of the Grey Waste, Silverwing will always bring me back to Jaehaerys.” And with that she raised herself onto her toes and lifted her face to the king, and he kissed her full upon the lips whilst all looked on. (The Year of the Three Brides—49 AC, Fire and Blood)
The likeness faded as the princess grew older, however; long-faced and skinny, Alyssa had little of her sister’s beauty. Her hair was a dirty blond tangle with no hint of silver to evoke the dragonlords of old, and she had been born with mismatched eyes, one violet, the other a startling green. Her ears were too big and her smile lopsided, and when she was six playing in the yard a whack across the face from a wooden sword broke her nose. It healed crooked, but Alyssa did not seem to care. By that age, her mother had come to realize that it was not Daenerys that she took after, but Baelon. Just as Baelon had once followed Aemon everywhere, Alyssa trailed after Baelon. “Like a puppy,” the Spring Prince complained. Baelon was two years younger than Aemon, Alyssa nearly four years younger than him…
There had been some thought, after the tragic death of Princess Daenerys, that Aemon should wed Princess Alyssa, the eldest of his remaining sisters, but Queen Alysanne firmly put the thought aside. “Alyssa is for Baelon,” she declared. “She has been following him around since she could walk. They are as close as you and I were at their age.”
Their older siblings Baelon and Alyssa had become inseparable, and plans were already being made for them to wed.
Prince Baelon had not ceased smiling since his marriage. When not aloft, Baelon and Alyssa spent every hour together, most oft in their bedchamber. (The Long Reign—Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain, Fire and Blood)
Prince Aemon was seven years of age, a boy as tall and handsome as he was modest. He still trained every morning in the yard with Prince Baelon; the two brothers were fast friends, and evenly matched. Aemon was taller and stronger, Baelon quicker and fiercer. Their contests were so spirited that they oft drew crowds of onlookers. Serving men and washerwomen, household knights and squires, maesters and septons and stableboys, they would gather in the yard to cheer on one prince or the other. One of those who came to watch was Jocelyn Baratheon, the late Queen Alyssa’s dark-haired daughter, who grew taller and more beautiful with every passing day. At the feast that followed Aemon’s investiture as Prince of Dragonstone, the queen sat Lady Jocelyn next to him, and the two young people were observed talking and laughing together through the evening, to the exclusion of all others. (The Long Reign—Jaehaerys and Alysanne: Policy, Progeny, and Pain, Fire and Blood)
Bittersteel and Bloodraven both loved Shiera Seastar, and the Seven Kingdoms bled. (The Kingbreaker, ADwD)
[Serenei] died giving birth to the last of the king's bastard children, a girl called Shiera Seastar who became the greatest beauty in the Seven Kingdoms, beloved of both her half brothers, Bittersteel and Bloodraven, whose rivalry would ripen to hatred. (The Nine Mistresses of Aegon IV, the Unworthy, The World of Ice and Fire)
"He heard a whisper on the wind, a rustling amongst the leaves. You cannot speak to him, try as you might. I know. I have my own ghosts, Bran. A brother that I loved, a brother that I hated, a woman I desired. Through the trees, I see them still, but no word of mine has ever reached them. The past remains the past. We can learn from it, but we cannot change it." (Bran III, ADwD)
Though she never wed, she had many offers, and several lovers through the years. Duels were fought over the right to sit beside her, men killed themselves after falling from her favor, poets outdid each other writing songs about her beauty. Her most ardent admirer was her half-brother, Bloodraven, who proposed marriage to her half a hundred times. Shiera gave him her bed, but never her hand. It amused her more to make him jealous.
Daemon Blackfyre loved the first Daenerys, and rose in rebellion when denied her. (The Kingbreaker, ADwD)
"Cool breezes, sparkling water, and the laughter of children. The Water Gardens are my favorite place in this world, ser. One of my ancestors had them built to please his Targaryen bride and free her from the dust and heat of Sunspear. Daenerys was her name. She was sister to King Daeron the Good, and it was her marriage that made Dorne part of the Seven Kingdoms. The whole realm knew that the girl loved Daeron's bastard brother Daemon Blackfyre, and was loved by him in turn, but the king was wise enough to see that the good of thousands must come before the desires of two, even if those two were dear to him." (The Watcher, ADwD)
Could you tell us something of what happened in the relationship between the first Daenerys, Daemon Blackfyre, and the prince of Dorne? Despite Daemon and Daenerys being in love, her brother the king, Daeron the Good, was more concerned with matters of state than matters of love. There had been many years of fighting with Dorne, and failure to bring them into the Seven Kingdoms while not being able to keep them from harassing the Seven Kingdoms. So he realized that where violence failed, perhaps marriage could bring an end to hostilites and so he uses his sister to make an alliance with the prince of Dorne. It's a political marriage, pure and simple, a convenient marriage to guarantee a union between Dorne and the Seven Kingdoms. And also, he prefers to give his sister to the prince of Dorne over a bastard bother with whom he'd already had a few clashes and whom too many people were looking one as a legitimate claimant to the throne or rightful king. That was the straw that broke the camel's back, and helps lead to Daemon becoming the first Blackfyre Pretender.
It has been said in the years after Daemon Blackfyre proved a traitor that his hatred of Daeron began to grow early. It was Aegon's desire—not Daemon's—that he be wed to Rohanne of Tyrosh. Instead, Daemon had developed a passion for Daeron's sister, young Princess Daenerys. Only two years younger than Daemon, the princess supposedly loved the bastard prince in turn, if the singers can be believed, but neither Aegon IV nor Daeron II were willing to let such feelings rule in matters of state. (The Targaryen Kings: Daeron II, The World of Ice and Fire)
Though King Aegon had acquired a distaste for the Valyrian custom of incestuous marriage during his years amongst the smallfolk, Prince Jaehaerys was of a more traditional bent, for from a very early age he had loved his sister Shaera and dreamed of wedding her in the old Targaryen fashion. Once aware of his desires, King Aegon and Queen Betha had done their best to separate the two, yet somehow distance only seemed to inflame the mutual passion of this prince and princess.
Prince Jaehaerys was not as forceful as his brother, but when Duncan defied his father to follow his own heart, and the king and court yielded to his desire, the younger prince did not fail to take note. In 240 AC, a year after Prince Duncan's marriage, Prince Jaehaerys and Princess Shaera each eluded their guardians and were secretly married. Jaehaerys was fifteen and Shaera fourteen at the time of their wedding. (The Targaryen Kings: Aegon V, The World of Ice and Fire)
"My father was Maekar, the First of his Name, and my brother Aegon reigned after him in my stead. My grandfather named me for Prince Aemon the Dragonknight, who was his uncle, or his father, depending on which tale you believe. Aemon, he called me…" (Jon VIII, AGoT)
She loved Aemon best of her brothers, for he knew how to make her laugh—and he had something of the same piety that she possessed, while Aegon did not. She loved the Seven as dearly as she loved her brother, if not more so, and might have been a septa if her lord father had allowed it. But he did not, and Viserys instead wed her to his son Aegon in 153 AC, with King Aegon III's blessing. The singers say that Aemon and Naerys both wept during the ceremony, though the histories tell us Aemon quarreled with Aegon at the wedding feast, and that Naerys wept during the bedding rather than the wedding. (The Targaryen Kings: Viserys II, The World of Ice and Fire)
Matters between them were inflamed further by Prince Aemon, their brother, who had been inseparable from Naerys when they were young. Aegon's resentment of his noble, celebrated brother was plain to all, for the king delighted in slighting Aemon and Naerys both at every turn. (The Targaryen Kings: Aegon IV, The World of Ice and Fire)
He could never bear to be long apart from his twin. Even as children, they would creep into each other's beds and sleep with their arms entwined. Even in the womb. Long before his sister's flowering or the advent of his own manhood, they had seen mares and stallions in the fields and dogs and bitches in the kennels and played at doing the same. Once their mother's maid had caught them at it...he did not recall just what they had been doing, but whatever it was had horrified Lady Joanna. (Jaime III, ASoS)
Hounded by Lannister riders, they will seek refuge at the Wall, but the men of the Night's Watch give up their families when they take the black, and Jon and Benjen will not be able to help, to Jon's anguish. It will lead to a bitter estrangement between Jon and Bran. Arya will be more forgiving...until she realizes, with terror, that she has fallen in love with Jon, who is not only her half-brother but a man of the Night's Watch, sworn to celibacy. Their passion will continue to torment Jon and Arya throughout the trilogy, until the secret of Jon's true parentage is finally revealed in the last book. (Original outline, page two)
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ao3feed-tywin · 1 year
Wolf of the Hightower
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gjoLzAa
by Louen_Leoncoeur
Jon Hightower, the son of the Eddard Stark and Lynesse Hightower for some three years, he has tarried in the eastern lands learning all that could be learned from the mysterious people, yet for all his adventures in him is a yearning for hearth and home, alas even he could not imagine what awaited him after so long away but it shall be an adventure to remember.
Words: 4467, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Game of Thrones (TV), A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/M
Characters: Jon Snow, Ghost | Jon Snow's Direwolf, Daenerys Targaryen, Tyrion Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Arianne Martell, Tywin Lannister, Robert Baratheon, Renly Baratheon, Stannis Baratheon, Robb Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ned Stark, Lysa Tully Arryn, Sansa Stark, Arya Stark, Bloodstone Emperor (A Song of Ice and Fire), Myrcella Baratheon, Loras Tyrell, Garlan Tyrell, Mace Tyrell, Olenna Tyrell, Tommen Baratheon, Joffrey Baratheon, Theon Greyjoy, Gregor Clegane, Sandor Clegane, Doran Martell, Brienne of Tarth, Davos Seaworth, Samwell Tarly, Randyll Tarly, Melisandre (A Song of Ice and Fire), Asha Greyjoy | Yara Greyjoy, Euron Greyjoy, Jon Connington, Young Griff (ASoIaF), Harry Strickland, Shiera Seastar, Ashara Dayne, Alerie Tyrell, Desmera Redwyne, Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon, Sand Snakes (ASoIaF), Oberyn Martell, Baelor Hightower, Leyton Hightower, Garth Hightower, Paxter Redwyne, Mina Tyrell
Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Margaery Tyrell, Shiera Seastar/Jon Snow, Arianne Martell/Jon Snow, Desmera Redwyne/Jon Snow, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Ashara Dayne/Jon Snow, Jon Snow/Rhaenys Targaryen Velaryon, Myrcella Baratheon/Jon Snow, Jon Snow/Alerie Tyrell
Additional Tags: N Plus L Equals J, Jon Snow Deserves Better, Daenerys Targaryen Deserves Better, Incest, Drama, Betrayal, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Dragons, R Plus L Does Not Equal J | Lyanna Stark and Rhaegar Targaryen are Not Jon Snow's Parents, Canon Divergence - War of The Five Kings, Aged-Up Character(s)
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/gjoLzAa
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forginglace · 2 years
39 with baby Hec and one of his parents
Museum Trip
Hector used both of his hands to pull on his mother’s larger hand. Shiera couldn’t help but smile. Her little son was excited to spend the day with his mom, just the two of them.
The museum had been set up differently than the one his parents worked at. It was a bit disorienting for him, but he was determined to map it out.
It was really too bad he wasn’t a few years older. He would have found the map Shiera had been given at the front very useful.
Still smiling, Shiera lets herself be dragged to the next exhibit. Supposedly a magical necklace. If it really is she suspects she will see it on a villain within the next couple of days. That was the way her luck seemed to be most days.
Though she might also see it on a villain if it isn’t actually magical. That was her luck on the other days.
Hector lets go of her and stands on his tip toes to try and get a better look. Muscles strong from years of weapon use easily pick him up to let him see still better.
It clearly fascinates him for a minute while Shiera reads the plaque out to him. Then he starts squirming to be put down so he can see the next thing.
As they go from exhibit to exhibit Shiera hopes her son is always this curious about things.
Though at his age it is likely he will tire himself out before he learns very much. But that is okay. They can always come back another time.
Maybe after his nap they could get ice cream? Something to think about. For now Shiera lets herself be tugged around and prodded into reading the plaques.
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roleplayacc2020-blog · 5 months
The Big Dc Request Thread!
Hello all! I hope anyone and everyone reading this is having a good day in our crazy reality. Below you can find a little about me, my writing style, and how I approach writing. Feel free to peruse, and if you think we'd be a good match, let me know!
You can call me T! I go by he/him pronouns. I prefer Discord (Or Here) as the platform we write on, and my availability is at least once a week and more. I'm always open to communicating with my partners and letting them reply when possible. I typically aim for 200-300 words in a reply. I usually don't go lower than two hundred. Unless it's more of a back of forth dialogue type thing. Details are super important to me from my partner, so I do my best to give them myself.
I run my replies through Grammarly before I post them (including these request posts!), so at the very least, I hope my post is grammatically correct (*chuckle*). I write in the third person/past tense style and ask that my partner does the same; this is a requirement for writing with me. What I look for regarding my partner is someone that gets invested in a story, likes putting details in, and is open to the idea of adult themes and content enhancing a story and romance and not being a detriment to the work. I enjoy writing erotica and feel it enhances the narrative.
I'm looking for someone who feels the same way. In return, I put a lot into my stories and ideas to make them as thrilling and engaging as possible.
I can't stress that enough. I'm looking for partners interested in crafting a long-term story, world-building, and don't shy away from the adult aspects.I put a lot of work into my writing, and this is both a hobby and a passion for me. Even if I primarily do fandom writing, these characters are significant to me. If you're the type to ghost more often than not, please think twice about messaging me and wasting my time.
Please note this story will have adult content and be NSFW. I don't do Fade To black and I do want romance in these stories.
All Characters Are Eighteen Years Of Age Or Older
Popular Pairings
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Selina Kyle (Cat Woman)
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)/Koriand’r (Starfire)
Dick Grayson (Robin/Nightwing)/Barbara Gordon (Batgirl/Oracle)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Lois Lane
Olliver Queen (Green Arrow)/Dinah Lance (Black Canary)
Siggy/Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Steve Trevor/Diana Prince (Wonder Woman)
Barry Allen (the Flash)/Iris West
Arthur Curry (Aquaman)/Mera Of Xebel
Hal Jordan (Green Lantern)/Carol Ferris (Star Sapphire)
Shiera Hall (Hawkgirl)/Carter (Hawkman)
Garfield Logan (Beast Boy)/Rachel Roth (Raven)
Joker/Harley Quinn
Lesser Known
Roy Harper/Jade Nguyen (Cheshire)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Talia Al Ghul
Roy Harper/Donna Troy (Wonder Girl/Troia)
Wally West (Kid Flash/The Flash)/Artemis Crock
Scott Free (Mr. Miracle)/Big Barda
Tim Drake (Robin/Red Robin)/Stephanie Brown (Batgirl/Spoiler)
Jaime Reyes (Blue Beetle)/Traci Thirteen
Wild Cards
Jon Kent (Superboy/Superman)/Mary Marvel (Shazam)
Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Harley Quinn
Waylon (Killer Croc)/June (Enchantress)
Kate Kane (Bat Woman)/Renee Montoya (The Question)
Kyle Rayner (Green Lantern)/Soranik Natu (Green Lantern)
Ted Grant (Wildcat)/Hippolyta
David Cain/Sandra Wu-San (Lady Shiva)
Teth-Adam (Black Atom)/Isis
Rex (Metamorpho)/Sapphire Stagg
Tatsu Yamashiro(Katana)/Jefferson
Question/Helena Wayne Or Bertinelli (Huntress)
Adam Strange/Alanna
Emiko (Red Arrow)/Damian Wayne-Al Ghul (Robin)
Doctor Freeze/Nora
Kent Nelson (Doctor Fate)/Inza
Kara Kent-Danvers (Supergirl)/Querl Dox (Braniac Five)
Billy Bastion (Shazam)/Courtney Whitmore (Stargirl)
Nathaniel Adam (Captain Atom)/Bette Souci (Plastique)
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)/ Lisa Snart (Golden Glider) [Incest]
Hank Hall (Hawk)/Dawn Granger (Dove)
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)/ Caitlin Snow (Killer Frost)
John Stewart (Green Lantern)/Mari Jiwe McCabe (Vixen)
Guy Gardner (Green Lantern)/Tora Olafsdotter (Ice)
Clark Kent (Superman)/Maxima
Jason Todd (Red Hood)/Artemis (Amazon)
Cisco Ramone (Vibe)/Cynthia (Gypsy)
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)/Alec Holland (Swamp Thing)
Fem Lex Luthor/Clark Kent (Superman)
Fem Clark (Super Woman)/Lex Luthor
Fem Bruce Wayne (Batman)/Clark Kent (Superman)
Fem Clark Kent (Superwoman)/Bruce Wayne (Batman)
Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)/Fem Micheal Carter (Booster Gold)
Micheal Carter (Booster Gold)/ Fem Ted Kord (Blue Beetle)
Open Pairings (No Specific Person)
Vic Stone (Cyborg)/Open
John Henry Irons (Steel)/Open
Nubia (Wonder Woman)/Open
Leonard Snart (Captain Cold)/Open
Komand’r (Blackfire)/Open
Kara Danvers (Power Girl)/Open
Pamela Isley (Poison Ivy)/Open
M’Gann M’orzz (Miss Martian)/Open
Cassandra Cain (Batgirl)/Open
Floyd Lawton (Deadshot)/Open
Digger Harkness (Captain Boomerang)/Open
J’onn J’onzz (Martian Manhunter)/Open
Jason Todd (Red Hood)/Open
Jim Gordon (Batman)/Open
Beatriz da Costa (Fire)/Open
Ronnie Raymond (Firestorm)/Open
Jessica Cruz (Green Lantern)/Open
Eel O'Brian (Plastic Man)/Open
Natasha Irons (Steel 2)/Open
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tanoshiren · 3 years
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Women of House Targaryen
Daena and Naerys as both being queen consort and mothers to kings who were born to the same father.
Daenerys Stormborn and Visenya Targaryen as both being dragonriders and conquerors.
Daenerys Targaryen Martell and Shiera Seastar as both being sisters and both loving a half brother they never married.
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lothris · 3 years
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源 姫波 | Hinami Minamoto 
hinami’s old crs audition (deleting the page, lol) 
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❀ Introduction ❀
❝ Why do the gods make kings and queens, if not to protect the ones who can't protect themselves? ❞
Crazy Rich ❀ Year 2  ❀ Mizuchi/Mei House 
Full Name: Minamoto Hinami Nickname(s): Hinamihime, Hinami-hime-sama, Hime-sama, Hinami-sama, Minamoto-Sama, Ojou-sama, Hinami-Ojou-sama, Hi-chan, Hinamin  Age: 20 Date of Birth: February 17, 1999 Zodiac Animal: Usagi (Rabbit) Hometown: Nagoya, Aichi Prefecture, Japan Faceclaim: Dilireba aka Dilraba Dilmurat
❀ Personality ❀
ENFP-T ❀ Chaotic Good ❀ Sanguine ❀ Aquarius
Likes: Tolkien, shoujo-manga, manga in general, anime, SpyXFamily, Gekkan Shoujo Nozaki-kun, Ouran High School Host Club, Inuyasha, Psycho-Pass, Dark (tv series), the moon, flowers, sakura (cherry blossoms), higanbana, poetry, van gogh, the stars, Varda Elentári, Yavanna Kementári, Vána, the lay of Leithian, the witcher (books, not a gamer), tolstoy, dostoevsky, war and peace, winter, a song of ice and fire, daenerys targaryen, shiera seastar, the sea, blue, pink, purple, onii-chans, ichigo daifuku
Dislikes: summer, bugs, cicadas, mosquitos, her father, jon snow, the people who make game of thrones, the hobbit movies, pushy people, people who invade her personal space, people who act all "buddy-buddy" with her even though she doesn't particularly know them all that well, abuses of power, the patriarchy, american imperialism, america, akechi mitsuhide, poor parenting/bad parents, the worldwide epidemic of sexual abusers, the catholic church (for that reason), the fact that it's 2019 and people still have to fight for basic human rights like freedom to marry whomever (within appropriate age gaps, and, of course, consent) they like, society in general, people who somehow are ignoring the massive injustices in society, the uselessness of the UN, north korea have missiles, north korea's government, the japanese government and their history of rewriting history, rise of facism and nazism sweeping across the world, again, ANTI-VAXXERS!! how fucking stupid exactly do you have to be to not understand how vaccination works in the fucking 21st century????
lmao, yeah, she's angry about a lot of stuff, basically why I put her in house mizuchi instead of toyotomi. I wonder where she gets it from, we'll never know will we? (jk, it's C, her anger comes from C, who also passes it all onto me)
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Hinami has a somewhat dual personality, though both encompass who she is, and don't act independently of each other, nor is she unaware of both sides of her personality (in essence, a long winded way of me saying she does not have DID). Really, it's more like layers, so basically like all people who adult, I'm not sure what the fuck I'm going with here, but whatever. Oh wait, a better analogy would be levels. Level one Hinami; classy, kind, friendly, she's easy to get along with, and polite and charming, can hold her tongue where needed, and speak out where appropriate. Typical high born lady with that "fuck the genxers and baby boomers, they ruined society" millennial/gen-z attitude, zillienial attitude if you will. Level two, she's dorky and nerdy, so nerdy. "You've never heard of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien? Let me change your LIFE!" This is more common Hinami, Hinami with the common folk. Level three is just a slightly more amped up version of that reserved for friends and Onii-chan's. Will also feature "petulant" Hinami, the baby who wants something and onii-chan will get for it/besties will do it with her. "You don't want to spend the next 11 and a half hours watching the director's cut of the Lord of the Rings trilogy with me? *chokes up* I thought we were friends!?!?" But level three is for Onii-chan and close friends only, easy way to find out if you're a level three; have you ever sat through an LoTR trilogy with her? If you have, you're at least a level three. Level four, aka "I'm sorry, you must be at least a level four friend to unlock my tragic backstory". These are the people she's most open with, there's generally a lot of crossover with level three friends here. Honestly, I just wanted to reference the meme. Anyway, basically, at this level of personality, she lets out all the "the world is a nightmare, I'm kind of with the sun on the whole heat death thing, humanity should be wiped out" type stuff. Also the "I hate my dad and can't wait till someone kills him" stuff.
Hinami's inherent duality is at she at once yearns for fairytale lands; once upon a dream, a dream is a wish the heart makes, a song so sad one can move the heart of Mandos himself, but, at the opposite end, she also fervently burns with desire to burn the world to ashes and remake it anew, to pass righteous justice upon all those whom have made the world the nightmare it is. This duality bleeds through all her friendship levels; but the two opposite points are strongest at level one and four, respectively. Because of her position, she is forced to refrain from stating her most extreme viewpoints in public, particularly at events, and thus when in private, can't help, but spill it all out. When she does express more extreme points in a public setting, she focuses on justice, which doesn't exactly upset the social setting in Japan, they are amongst one of few countries to not only have the death penalty, but also use it. Though, no where nearly as frequently as the United States and other countries.
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Hinami can be impatient, particularly amongst her own generation/age group. She can't comprehend others in her own generation not also burning with anger, maybe not "let's tear down these walls and feast upon the flesh of the king" type rage, but how can they not burn with zeal to change the world when everywhere in the world they rape little girls and boys. Teenagers, maybe, she can understand just wanting to "yeet" or whatever, but as a person over 18, with the power to vote and change things in society, she can't handle young adults who are "disaffected". Disenchanted, sure, upset, great, but "yeah, I'm just going to ignore reality and live in my own little fairytale", she can't stand that attitude and will give an impassioned speech/shout. Everyone's experiences are different, sure, but you don't have to suffer to empathize with the innocent migrants being kept in concentration camps by the most powerful country in the world. You don't have to have been raped not to feel rage for all the people in the world who were sexually assaulted. It's called empathy, if cats can express it, so can you.
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She's also got a somewhat contradictory sense of entitlement. While she has socialist-communist views, and thus, technically doesn't even believe that there should be "divine ruler" at all, she is a royalist. She is the daughter of the Crown Prince, the blood of the Emperor, and the direct descendent of Emperor Suinin and Yamatohime-no-mikoto. She can't change that about herself, nor the value it has in the world. Thus, despite it all being ceremonial, a show in essence, Hinami places great importance on the Chrysanthemum Throne, and as someone privileged enough to stand in close proximity to it, she does not allow anyone beneath her social rank to command her nor coerce her into doing anything she does not want to. For better or for worse, Japan has a divine throne, thus it is the absolute duty of whomever occupies to always place the peoples' happiness and well-being above all else. The only reason the gods made kings and queens was to protect those whom cannot protect themselves, so if you call yourself Prince by any name, fulfill your purpose (outo-sama). She doesn't necessarily act high and mighty 100% of the time, but it is part of her personality, and one of her main motivators, as well as moral centres.
Character tropes:
The Baby of the Bunch: The youngest of four children, and younger than her friend group, the majority of whom are a year or two older than her. She is the cutest of the bunch (sorry guys), and definitely could get away with anything when it comes to her onii-chan's, the at home dynamic, however, is nowhere near as cute as this trope.
Abusive Parents: I mean, pretty straightforward here, well, I guess not since the personality section is above biography, lol, oops. Well, anyway, her parents suck; surprise. Her father is, of course, the physically abusive one, definitely crosses over into the Break the Cutie trope - which applies not only to Hinami, but her elder brothers as well. Mummy dearest is more psychological abusive, because moms cut deep.
Hollywood Nerd: She's massively dorky and taught herself how to speak quenya, sindarin, and write in the tengwar and cirth scripts, plus she's a massive nerd for space and philosophy, shewill talk your ear off about wormholes and black holes and futility of time, but, she's also mega hot, no thick rimmed glasses are gonna take that away.
[seeking] A "True" Hero: Hinami herself is not a "true" hero, but rather is seeking one, though she doesn't completely believe in the concept either. It falls into her inner (sometimes outer) debates about morality and humanity; there is no one who is a true hero, who has done no wrong, will do no wrong, and will always appear to save anyone in distress. She displays a sliding scale of idealism and cynicism, she wants a better world, with true knights, and great heroes like All Might, but also believes that so long as humans rule the world, that will never come to be. She also tends to fall into hero worshipping, particularly of the fictional variety, but as well as her oldest brother. As he's not done anything "unheroic" nor "bad" thus far, she tends to view him as a real life one true hero, despite her awareness of the disappointing nature of humanity.
Scars are Forever: Presents from daddio, also psychological ones, which also are forever, but, physically, she has
Tranquil Fury: Hinami, when angry, like truly, deeply angry, when it goes beyond superficial annoyance, is cold. When it's clear that words are pointless, and debate is meaningless, she is stoic and attacks without mercy until the opponent physically goes down. Or leaves when it comes to arguments with her parents. Over the years, she and her siblings have learned it's pointless to fight back, so they maintain silent fury (and of course, their broken little hearts). However, it is possible to set her on the emotional opposite, triggering Berserker Tears as well as Unstoppable Rage.
❀ Skills & Abilities ❀
Strengths & Skills
Weaknesses & Flaws
reading: Hinami is a fan of a wide range of things, but her favourite genres are shoujo manga, high fantasy, and philosophy, as well as theoretical astrophysics. Her favourite writers are J R R Tolkien, Friedrich Nietzsche, and Akira Amano.
flower arranging
art "freeing":  She detests the whole concept of privately collecting art, it should always be free for everyone to enjoy. A favoured hobby of hers is to buy up expensive artwork at private auctions before donating it to museums for public consumption.
learning new languages: There are roughly 6,500 spoken tongues in the world and Hinami craves to speak them all! Of course, she doesn't, but it's also part of why she watches so much netflix. There are so many great shows in so many beautiful and different tongues, she must learn them all!
book collecting: This sort of contradicts her stance on art collections, but she loves collecting first, collectors, and special editions of her favourite authors and stories throughout history. Listen, what's the point of a diamond headpiece if you don't also own a leather-bound copy of the Silmarillion translated in Quenya?
book translating:  Sometimes (usually), one has to translate Nietzche into Quenya oneself, because no one else would waste their time on that. (Yes, she has done that)
maxing out daddys' credit cards with the onii-chan's out of pure spite
Languages: Japanese (obviously), English, Korean, Mandarin Chinese, Jeju, Javanese, Rukai (primarily the Tanan dialect), German, French, Dutch, Russian, Serbian, Turkish, Hebrew, Latin, Arabic, Romanian, Sindarin (fictional elvish tongue created by J R R Tolkien), Quenya (fictional elvish tongue created by J R R Tolkien), Tengwar Script (the writing system invented by fictional Tolkien Elf Fëanor, used for a variety of languages in Arda - the world, Hinami uses it for both Quenya and Sindarin), Cirth (another elvish writing system, but specifically for Sindarin, it was later adopted by the dwarves, while the Sindarin elves took on Tengwar), Dothraki (fictional language from George R R Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire, created for the shitty tv show), High Valyrian (fictional language from ASOIAF, but fully created for the shitty tv show). aside from her native Japanese, Hinami's favourite languages are German and Sindarin (though she favours the Tengwar script over Cirth)
Can drive a car
❀ Family ❀
Hinami is a member of the Minamoto Clan, an Imperial branch family founded in the Heian period, and with claimed ties to Emperors of Legend. As of the Royal Tragedy in 1994, Hinami's immediate family is considered part of the main Imperial family, with both her father and brother having been adopted into the Royal Household, and are first and second-in-line, respectively, to succeed Emperor Seijuro. Should her father or brother succeed Emperor Seijuro, it will mark the first time a magical person has ruled japan since the ancient days of Yamatai.
Minamoto wealth originates from investments and ownership of various shares, as they used their various stipends from their Kuge and Kazoku days wisely (those terms are explained below, but essentially different versions of aristocrat). They have since purchased numerous luxury hotels and resorts, all maintained under the family owned "Kazoku Corporation", often shortened to "KC" (taken from the first Romanji Letters), and a reference to their high born past. The current CEO of KC is Minamoto Reina (mother of Minamoto Hinami).
Clan History
The present day Minamoto Clan have a long, glorious, and arguably rather embellished history. The modern day clan claims their bloodline can be traced back to Yamatohime-no-mikoto, a legendary princess said to have founded Ise Shrine, which enshrines the goddess Amaterasu. According to Legend, about 2000 years ago, during the Princess Yamatohime-no-mikoto's 20 year long journey from Mount Miwa through the regions of Ōmi and Mino in search of a suitable location for the worship of Amaterasu Ōmikami, Yamatohime-no-mikoto encountered Miroku-no-Mino, a sorcerer of Yamatai, wandering the lands of Wa (Japan) in search of yokai (demons) and such to slay. They fell in love for a time, but all record of him disappears by the time Yamatohime-no-mikoto reached Ise, however, with her was a daughter, Tsukihime-no-Ise, who was raised as a shrine priestess. Tsukihime-no-Ise was said to be touched by the moon and Tsukiyomi (the brother-husband of Amaterasu) as she had silver hair and matching eyes. According to the Minamoto's, Tsukihime-no-Ise later departed Ise shrine to study sorcery under Empress Himiko of Yamatai, taking Kusanagi (the legendary sword of the god Susanoo, brother of Amaterasu and Tsukiyomi, and one of the Three Imperial Regalia of Japan), but legend states that Yamatohime-no-mikoto gave the sword to her nephew, Yamato Takeru, lost at sea, and then later recovered as detailed in
The Tale of the Heike
, and maintained by the royal family. Publically, the Minamoto family state that the sword was lost at sea by a descendent of Tsukihime-no-Ise, and recovered as stated in the tale, and currently in the keeping of the Monks at Atsuta Shrine in Nagoya. However, privately, they state that the sword kept in the shrine is a cursed fake, and the family has the true sword in their keeping within Nagoya Castle. As the public are not permitted to look upon the Imperial Regalia, it is impossible to determine the truth.
The Minamoto Clan, in origin, was in effect numerous branch families of the Imperial Family, as the name was granted by Emperors to members of the imperial family who were excluded from the line of succession. Also called the Genji (with the on'yomi reading of the kanji of the name - 源), the Minamoto were amongst the four most powerful Imperial Branch families during the Heian period; the other three being the Fujiwara, Taira, and Tachibana clans. The present day Minamoto Clan trace their lineage to the Seiwa Genji branch of the Minamoto Clan, founded by Minamoto no Tsunemoto (894–961), a samurai and Imperial Prince, the grandson of Emperor Seiwa, and named the branch after his grandfather. The Seiwa Genji was the most successful branch of the Minamoto's, and numerous samurai clans of the later famous Sengoku Period (also known as the Warring States Era) claimed descendent from it, and used the Minamoto name in official records. Notable Seiwa Genji descended clans include; the Tokugawa Clan (who, with Tokugawa Ieyasu, succeeded in unifying Japan), as well as the Hatakeyama and Takeda clans, who participated in the founding of Amaterasu Gakuen, while the Takeda clan also had Takeda Shingen, the famed Tiger of Kai as it's lord during the late Sengoku era. Other famed names include the Imagawa, Mori, Ogasawara, Shiba, and numerous others.
Tsunemoto had ten children, four sons with his wife, and an additional four sons and two daughters with an unknown mother. Hinami's clan claim descendent from Minamoto no Mitsumasa, Tsunemoto's second son with his wife, who married Isewara no Shirohime, the descendant of Tsukihime-no-Ise. Raised in the Ise Province (modern day Mie Prefecture), Shirohime was a talented sorceresses and shinto priestess, later teaching at Tsukuyomi-Kō, and ultimately becoming one of it's early headmistresses.
As the Sengoku era raged on, Mitsumasa and Shirohime's line of the Minamoto Clans; continued by their children Shiroyuki, Izayoi, and Yoshinobu retreated further and further into magical society, slowly distancing themselves from the quabbling warlords, many of whom used a mix of both sorcerers and hunters. Initially utilizing Tsukiyomi-Kō as their primary stronghold, they tried to turn Owari into a safehaven for the magical, as well as militarize their students to protect and fight back against the hunters, not to mention survive the general time period. After the destruction of Tsukiyomi-Kō, the Minamoto's relocated to Mikawa under the protection of the Tokugawa clan, ultimately moving to Nagoya Castle with the Owari branch after the establishment of the Tokugawa Shogunate.
What they lacked in true power, the Minamoto had name and friends, and were able to create a small magical community in Nagoya with the Owari-branch Tokugawa, despite the removal of sorcery from the central courts, Nagoya and slowly all of Owari was almost able to experience the widespread sorcery and mystical arts pre-Sengoku era. As the Tokugawa Shogunate grew ever more absolute, the Minamoto's grew ever more isolated in Nagoya, keeping to their magical peers, and handful of Tokugawa friends and family. From their time with the Owari branch, the Minamoto claim descent from Tokugawa Ieyasu by Tokguawa Yoshinao, the ninth son of Tokugawa Ieyasu and founder of the Owari branch. However, the Minamoto ultimately turned on the Tokugawa, seizing control of Nagoya Castle and Owari in the name of Emperor Meiji and the Meiji Revolution/Restoration. After the revolution, the Owari-Minamoto branch became part of the "new" social class the 華族 (Kazoku) (lit. "Magnificent/Exalted lineage"); a hereditary peerage of Imperial Japan, formed by merging the two former social classes of the 公家 (Kuge), the ancient court nobility of Kyoto, and the former 大名 (Daimyōs), the feudal lords who lost their power after the Meiji Restoration. As one of only 3 Minamoto Clans to survive past the Sengoku and Edo periods, the Owari-Minamoto were given the Kazoku rank of 公爵 (Kōshaku), ie Princes, the equivalent to a western Duke. Due to this title, the Head of the family and their consort automatically became members of the House of Peers in the Diet of Japan.
Under the new Meiji government, the Minamoto's found renewed relations with their parent House, and claim descent from Emperor Meiji, by way of Imperial Princess Sada-no-miya Tokiko, tenth daughter of the Emperor, who married Minamoto Kauzhito. However, these relations ultimately soured during the reign of Emperor Shōwa, given the various coups and conversion of the government serving the Emperor into a military one. The (then) permanent split between the Minamoto Clan and the Imperial government came with the Mukden Incident, when the Japanese Army staged an attack on the Japan-owned South Manchuria Railway near Mukden (now modern day Shenyang), and used this supposed attack as a pretext to launch a full scale invasion and the subsequent occupation of Manchuria. The truth was ultimately exposed to the world in 1932 by the Lytton Report, but the Minamoto's were aware of the truth as early as November 1931 (approximately 2 months after the explosion at the Railway), which was followed by their complete withdrawal from all government offices and return to Nagoya Castle. They attempted a coup, to remove Emperor Shōwa, and install Imperial Princess Teru (Shōwa's oldest child, then about 6 years old) on the throne, with one of their own as Sesshō (Regent) until she came of age. The aim was to demilitarize the government, while rehabiliting the image of Japan to the League of Nations, as well as bring magic back into the heart of the government. Their coup failed however, and a few Minamoto's were executed, while the rest were silently exiled from the capital, and forbidden from returning to Tokyo until his Imperial Majesty decided otherwise. This exile ultimately worked in their favour, as they were related to the Imperial Family, but without the taint of war crimes on their name.
Even after the 1946 Constitution abolished the Kazoku, the Minamoto's retained their use and style of the title Kōshaku (Prince), but did not have any of the privileges the title used to come with. However, as they did not participate in the war, the Minamoto's were able to work with the occupying government to reestablish Taishō Era democracy and build on it, though they ultimately began to despise the Pro-America government they were installing. To the day, the Minamoto maintain roles and influence in the Diet, as well as various other roles in the government, though as of 1994, the Main branch (ie Hinami, her siblings and parents) has removed itself from current and future positions, given their rise to Imperial family. In 1994, the main branch of the Minamoto's (once known as the Owari branch, and further back by other branch names) became part of the Imperial family after the Royal Incident of 1994, when members of the terrorist group, Hangyaku, placed a series of bombs in Akasaka Palace and succeeded in assassinating the immediate family of the Emperor, and many of his close relatives through the line of his father, Emperor Shōwa, though the Emperor himself escaped. While other descendents through the line of his father, and even his grandfather, Emperor Taishō, remain, Emperor Seijuro surprisingly chose Minamoto Masaomi, a somewhat distant cousin born through the line of Emperor Meiji. In the subsequent law of succession passed, both Masaomi and his eldest son, and therefore heir, were immediately adopted into the Imperial Family, aka the Yamato Dynasty, thereby dropping their surnames of Minamoto, as well as formally changing Japan's law of succestion from agnatic to absolute primogeniture, including the provision that should Prince Kousei die prematurely, the line of succession would move onto to his younger siblings, and could not skip over any females.
Immediate Family
Masaomi, Crown Prince of Japan (Kōshi Masaomi Shinnō) Father | 52 | FC: Arnold Chun
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Father of Kousei, Chihiro, Kyoya, and Hinami, and the current Crown Prince of Japan, Masaomi is a talented opportunist and manipulator. Having coveted the Chrysanthemum throne since he was child, he would do and has done anything to achieve his goal. Working with Hunters and Hangyaku (an Anti-Imperial terrorist organization, more info here), he orchestrated the Royal Tragedy in 1994, leading to the deaths of nearly all the members of the Main Imperial family. Utilizing documents found by Hangyaku, which explicitly proved the Emperor and other Imperial Family members involvement and culpability for Japanese War Crimes, he blackmailed Emperor Seijuro into naming himself the heir to the throne, and his eldest son after him should Masaomi die before the Emperor.
Minamoto Reina Mother | 50 | FC: Tamlyn Tomita
Prince Kousei Elder Brother | 26 | FC: Hayashida Kohei
Chihiro Elder Brother | 22 | FC: Deng Lun
Kyoya Elder Brother | 22 | FC: Ryoma Takeuchi
Extended Family (Paternal)
Emperor Seijuro Great-Uncle | 68 | FC: Tzi Ma
The reigning Emperor of Japan, his reign began on January 8, 1989, the day after the death of his father, Emperor Shōwa (known as Emperor Hirohito during his lifetime), and beginning the current Heisei era of Japan.
Minamoto Kurumi Paternal Cousin | 21 | FC: Hayashida Miyu
Extended Family (Maternal)
Yagi Hiroyuki
Hinami's maternal grandfather, Hiroyuki was a salaryman in Tokyo, where he met his eventual wife, before the pair moved to Hokkaido to raise Reina and takeover the family business; a small osen in the town of Shikabe. An only child with no other family, the onsen was eventually sold and ultimately shut down after his and his wife's deaths. The Yagi's were not magical.
Krüger Amalie Hinami maternal grandmother, also known as "Ami" (pr. ah-me), called such by her Japanese family and friends, she was originally from Belgium, born in the city of Verviers in the Belgian province of Liège, she came to japan to study in the Daigaku program at Amaterasu, ultimately falling in love with the country, and later Hiroyuki, and thus moving to Japan. The Krüger's were and are magical, and are a rather well-off family, but while influential in Verviers, and possibly a tiny bit with the Belgian government, they're no heavy hitters. Low ranking bourgoisie, in essence.
Krüger Martha und Albert Amalie's parents, and Reina's grandparents, thereby the great-grandparents of Kousei, Chihiro, Kyoya, and Hinami. They died by the time Chihiro and Kyoya were born.
Krüger Aleksander The younger brother of Albert, Reina's great-uncle.
Krüger Edgard The only son and child of Aleksander, cousin of Amalie, and uncle to Reina, thus great-uncle of the Minamoto children.
Krüger Alois und Alain The sons of Edgard, thus cousins of Reina, and uncles of the Minamoto Children.
Krüger Leon
Maternal Cousin | 30 | FC: Andreas Pietschmann
Eldest son of Alois Krüger, and elder brother of Gisa und Engel, he's a magical archaeologist.
Krüger Giselle "Gisa" Maternal Cousin | 19 | FC: Natalia Dyer Middle child, and only daughter of Alois Krüger, younger sister of Leon, and older sister of Engel.
Krüger Engel Maternal Cousin | 17 | FC: Louis Hofmann Youngest son and child of Alois Krüger, younger brother of Leon und Gisa.
Krüger Hanna Maternal Cousin | 17 | FC: Lisa Vicari The only daughter and child of Alain Krüger,
❀ Biography ❀
Having been born after the 1994 Tragedy, Hinami was born a Prince du Sang (Prince of the Blood), though one could argue that she was born a literal Princess, but the law of succession specifically adopted Masaomi and Kousei into the royal family, with provisions for the throne to pass on to another Minamoto if necessary, but not explicitly, in order to preserve the Minamoto name, which Hinami, and her elder brothers Chihiro and Kyoya, are expected to continue. All four Minamoto children were raised with the express goal of helping their father realize his dream of obtaining the throne.
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aegor-bamfsteel · 4 years
Why do people say that Aegor raped Calla when she was a child? Daemon betrothing his oldest daughter to Aegor does not mean the marriage was consummated when she was a child. Sadly, Daemon himself was betrothed as a child. His grandmother Daenaera was married when she was 6 and his grandfather Viserys II was 12 when he wed and 13 when he had his first child, only a year younger than Daemon when he had his. Usually, it is custom to wait to consummate if the bride is a child.
Furthermore, the people who hate the Blackfyres try to frame it as Daemon selling his daughter to be raped, but I doubt that is why he betrothed her to Aegor since he already has Aegor’s unconditional support. Calla and Aegor never had children, per GRRM, so Aegor championed his nephews and nieces, essentially dedicating his life to his brother and his family. Daemon didn’t need to sell his daughter to Aegor for support, so that was not the reason for the betrothal. (2/3)
My point is that GRRM is wildly inconsistent with his child brides (and grooms). He uses Unwin Peake’s nameless daughter dying in childbirth at the age of 12 as a reason for why he is so despicable (and that is despicable). But then has Aemma Arryn consummate her marriage at age 13 and paints her father, grandparents, uncle, and husband as decent people. Daenaera is then married at age 6 but doesn’t consummate until age 15 or 16. It’s due to Aegon’s depression instead of custom. (3/3)
Thank you for the very thorough ask, tiger. I hope that I have successfully responded to all of your questions. Calla, as with all Blackfyres (and many non-Targaryen women), has certainly gotten a raw deal when it comes to page time/character depth; her only mention is in twoiaf: “Whatever the case may be (for Aegor’s anger at the Targaryens and Bl00draven), Aegor Rivers soon began to press Daemon Blackfyre to proclaim for the throne, and all the more so after Daemon agreed to wed his eldest daughter, Calla, to Aegor.” As Yandel doesn’t make any further comments, I assume the people who believe Calla was raped as a child exist in fandom rather than on page. Rape is a very sensitive subject, and I’m trying to keep the fanwank a bit quieter, so my response will be under the cut.
Why do people say Aegor raped Calla as a child? This actually involves several leaps in logic I don’t find convincing, so I’ll try to break it down:
We are first introduced to Aegor in the Dunk and Egg novellas via mention by some Blackfyre supporters, who are the natural antagonists of the Targaryens; the protagonist, Dunk, is best friends with the Targaryen prince Egg. Many of the Blackfyre supporters are minor antagonists to Dunk, especially in The Mystery Knight when they attempt to kill him (Alyn Cockshaw) or kidnap Egg (Tommard Heddle). Meanwhile, Bittersteel is a legendary hero to Blackfyre admirers (such as Osgrey), at least an important hoped-for ally to the Whitewalls conspirators (Gormon Peake needed some quick victories so Aegor would have faith in his and Daemon II’s rebellion), and a threat Bl00draven takes as seriously as the Blackfyre sons themselves. As an important member of a faction which has members that tried to harm the protagonist Dunk, people see Aegor as a villain. 
The problem with seeing him as a villain (as opposed to simply an antagonist, which he undoubtedly is if you consider the Targaryens protagonists of the story) is that, due to lack of page-time and because he’s not that bad, he never actually does anything too villainous. Urging someone to rebel is at the end of the day just words. He took Bl00draven eye out in battle, but that appears to be an accident and doesn’t seem to have slowed him down. Leading the Golden Company to sack Qohor for failing to honor a contract is severe, but its only mention is in a non-canonical app that few people read. When his chief rival Bl00draven is a canonical child-murderer, child-crippler, kinslayer, deserter, head of a secret police organization, tyrannical overlord, etc...Aegor’s “evil deeds” don’t appear to add up to much. He might even seem more sympathetic than Bl00draven! But that cannot be, so fandom has to headcanon villainous behavior for him, because he must be a villain antagonist.
But what sort of villainous behavior should he do? In order to root for Bl00draven against him, it must be something terrible. GRRM often uses rape to signal how terrible a male character is (and how awful Westeros can be). The most evil villains in the main series are serial rapists: Gregor Clegane, Ramsay Bolton, Euron Greyjoy, Craster; even Tywin Lannister, Roose Bolton, and Petyr Baelish have raped or enabled the rape of young women and girls. When the age of the victim is specified, she is often a preteen/young teenager to make her rape even more evil. The lone exception is Joffrey Baratheon, and that is only because he is 12 (he still molests Sansa repeatedly). Fandom rightly criticizes GRRM using sexualized violence against women as shorthand for “irredeemably evil” or window dressing for a dark fantasy. Yet when Aegor, a character who shows no sign of being a sexual predator (look at Shiera’s SSM, the Dunk and Egg books, and Yandel’s commentary on Aegor’s anger at Bl00draven: one-sided Aegor/Shiera has even less evidence of being real than Daemon/Daenerys), needs to commit villainous actions, some in fandom fall into the same trap as GRRM and imagine him raping women.
Then Yandel tells us that Daemon “agreed to wed his eldest daughter Calla” to Aegor shortly before the Rebellion. As Calla was not a triplet of his eldest sons Aegon and Aemon, the oldest she could possibly be was 11, still a child even by later GRRM standards. The phrase “agreed to wed” is at most a promise; it’s not an official betrothal, it’s certainly not an actual wedding, and it’s absolutely not a consummation. If it had been a consummation, that certainly would have been mentioned, as Yandel has repeatedly recorded rumors just for the purpose of making Daemon look bad (the 14 year old newly acknowledged landless natural son petitioned the king for a polygamous marriage with a princess and an Essosi noblewoman? sure...) Considering Daemon died at the end of the Rebellion and Aegor was now a landless, penniless rebel dependent on his goodsister Rohanne’s mercy, and how the Blackfyres needed to find more allies, I think any talks of marrying Calla was silenced. She married someone else, whereas he remained a bachelor for life and championed the cause of Haegon and his son Daemon III (not necessarily the others, as seen with Daemon II and Aenys, and he did not crown any of Daemon III’s brothers). 
Whatever I headcanon, 2018 GRRM’s comment that he doesn’t think Aegor had any offspring pretty much puts the nail in the coffin of Aegor having consummated any wedded relationship, let alone with Calla. If a male character is promiscuous, GRRM raises the possibility of them having sired natural children; with Aerion Brightflame in Lys, and Brandon Stark in the North, and even Tywin Lannister, he says, “I suppose they could’ve sired bastards” (or in Tywin’s case, gives a non-answer). That he gave a straightforward NO regarding Aegor’s potential children indicates that he feels it would be out of character for Aegor to have a sexual relationship, whether in marriage or outside of it. I hope that when people headcanon Aegor as a serial rapist, they take GRRM’s comments and fandom criticism of sexual violence to heart.
My point is that GRRM is wildly inconsistent with the ages of his child brides (and grooms): I would disagree to the point that in his earlier works, underaged girls forced to wed old men was universally portrayed as terrible and a feature of a corrupt character. Hoster regretted his actions toward Lysa on his deathbed, but it led to their estrangement and her susceptibility to Littlefinger’s manipulation; Sansa Stark’s marriage to Tyrion showed the breakdown of societal norms under Lannister rule; Jeyne’s forced marriage and immediate consummation to Ramsay moves Theon to try to rescue her. Although the marriage wasn’t consummated, GRRM found it difficult to write the Tyrion/Sansa scene because of her horrific abuse. But then The World of Ice and Fire and Fire and Blood are published and older man/younger woman marriages and relationships are outright romanticized by the authors themselves (Elio Garcia said 37 year old Daemon Targaryen’s relationship with the 16 year old Nettles was a true romance; GRRM said that 56-year-old Alyn Velaryon was the great love of 21-year-old Elaena Targaryen’s life) Perhaps the lack of PoV in these works distanced the male writers from the female characters’ emotions and allowed them to envision Rhaenys (16)/Corlys (37), Corlys (61)/Marilda (17), Thaddeus (56)/Floris (14), and Aemma (11-13)/Viserys (16-18) as mutually romantic couples with sympathetic men; but then in the same works the authors use forced relationships with young girls to villainize other men Unwin Peake (daughter died in childbirth at age 12) and Aegon II (was receiving a blowjob from a 12 year old when his father died). The double standard seems to imply that a teenage girl can consent to a relationship with a man old enough to be her father/grandfather if she is genuinely in love with him, which is disturbingly close to real-life defenses of statutory rape. I hate the way that the supplemental material has suddenly decided to defend these couples with “the girls wanted it”, and I can only hope this doesn’t start appearing in the main series that people actually care about.
One type of underaged pairing seems to have a consistent portrayal: child grooms don’t seem to be granted the same mutually happy relationship as child brides. Both Viserys (12) and Larra’s (19) and Androw (17) and Rhaena’s (25) marriages ended in tragedy (and death, in the case of the latter). This makes me...unsettled when thinking about how the authors will write Daemon (14)/Rohanne (older). But to stay within the bounds of your question, I don’t think they will depict an Aegor/Calla marriage due to it making little political or characterization-based sense; so fortunately it will neither villainize nor romanticize Aegor. Although an antagonist to the Targaryens, he has consistently took the higher road over Bl00draven and has the potential to be a tragic and multifaceted character.
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munadaria · 4 years
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So I mentioned the other day I’m going to start working on my mumu blog and I decided to share a list of muses coming to that blog. Some of those I’ve written before and I’m migrating from their own blogs, others are new for me. Not all will be included at launch, and I will possibly include even more in the future but this is a good list so far - and some of you will know what to expect, and also see if any characters spark your interest to follow me over there once I have it all ready.
* still undecided
** FC pending
Kingsman franchise
Poppy Adams
Seventh Son
Mother Malkin
Alysanne Targaryen **
Shiera Seastar
Helen Magnus
Carmen Sandiego
Marvel / MCU & Comics
Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel
Aldrif Odinsdottir aka Angela **
Jean Grey aka Phoenix
Lady Deadpool **
Virginia ‘Pepper’ Potts
DC / Movies & Comics & TV
Diana Prince aka Wonder Woman
Harleen Quinzel aka Harley Quinn
Queen Hippolyta
Kara Danvers aka Supergirl
God of War
Freya ** (might only use game footage only)
The Huntsman franchise
Freya aka Ice Queen
Star Wars
Satele Shan
Leia Organa
Kreia/Darth Traya
In Darkness
Alexandra ‘Alex’ Gordon
Edge of Tomorrow / All You Need Is Kill
Rita Vrataski
Emerald City
Vampire Academy
Tatiana Ivashkov *
Rose Hathaway *
Harry Potter
Minerva McGonagall
Sybill Trelawney
Hermione Granger
Bellatrix Lestrange
Jeanine Matthews *
Ocean’s 8
Deborah ‘Debbie’ Ocean
Lou Miller
The Checquy Files
Myfawny Thomas
Sir Henry Wattleman
The Devil Wears Prada
Miranda Priestly
Andrea ‘Andy’ Sachs
Carol Aird
Dragon Age
Flemeth **
Robin Hood (2010)
Marion Loxley
Van Helsing
Anna Valerious *
Madam Satan/Lilith
Doctor Who
The Mummy franchise
Evelyn Carnahan / Nefertiri
Original Characters
Loreley aka Lady Death | angel of death
Tatyana Romanova + Family & Others related to this universe | au fantasy earth based with vampires and witches, possibly more to be incldued, with its own lore created by me
Olympia Gordon * | water manipulator
Livia/Julia | witch / spy
Thirteen * ** | government experiment 
Elizabeth 'Liz' Byrne | witch
Moira Byrne | witch
Dayla * | human & fae hybrid
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alittlebitluna · 5 years
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Battle of the Fandom OC's // Audition
I started reading a song of ice and fire, and I am obsessed, it's so vast and well-built. I love it. mostly, could do without so much ra-pe though. 
[Sept. 2019 addition: lmao, I believe I meant “rereading” ?? I don’t know what my brain was doing, but I’d been making asoiaf sets long before I joined this group? I don’t know, I can’t remember my time on polyvore, but that description just made me go what the fuck are you talking about me? ]
________________________ Battle of the Fandom OCs! audition template Name: Luna
OC Name: Shiera Velaryon
OCs age: about 19 (b. 281 AC, present ASOIAF time being 300 AC)
Fandom: A Song of Ice and Fire
Who your OC is (like who they are in the fandom, ex: A demon in Supernatural, One of the tenth doctors companions, Dan and Phil's daughter, etc.): eldest child of Lord Monford Velaryon (now deceased), and distant cousin to Daenerys Targaryen (insert infinite titles heres), both descended from Queen Rhaenyra Targaryen, and her second husband, Prince Daemon Targaryen. She is eventually wed to King Euron Greyjoy of the Iron Islands, and attempted conqueror of the 7 Kingdoms
Face claim: Noémie Schmidt
Contest ideas? An X factor AU?
Tag me: @/The-annoying-fangirl
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the-anxiety-academy · 2 years
Ice Age: Collision Course (2016)
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"Change isn't easy but it's apart of life"
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naomimakesart · 5 years
Tagged by @chaos-of-the-abyss! Thanks for the tag I love answering questions about ASOIAF!!!
1. Who is your favorite character and why?
I think I’ve answered this a lot, but I love Daenerys the most out of ASOIAF characters, but I’ll sum up the reasons here: I can relate to her story while not completely projecting myself onto her, I believe she genuinely has a kind heart, I can criticize that she does not always make good decisions but she learns from them and she is a survivor and I admire that the most.
2. Have you ever felt any sympathy for Cersei at all?
Yes I can sympathize that Cersei has been constantly treated as less by her father for being a girl and I understand her frustration about that. Cersei is a really interesting character to me because she doesn’t do a lot of redeeming things but I don’t hate her? I enjoy reading her chapters, she can do/think things that I find really entertaining. I do think that she gets ahead of herself a lot though.
3. If you could choose, which character would you take as your ruler?
Daenerys Stormborn of the House Targaryen, First of Her Name, the Unburnt, Queen of the Andals and the First Men, Khaleesi of the Great Grass Sea, Breaker of Chains, and Mother of Dragons.
4. Your opinion of Rhaegar Targaryen?
So this is a really loaded question. This is a question that I haven’t answered before, but I’m going to keep things simple. I do like Rhaegar’s character and I can do that while also being critical of his actions. Do I approve of everything he did, or the way he went about things? No. Do I wish things had turned out different? No. Because had he not done what he had, we wouldn’t have the story that we do now. Would Daenerys be the first female head of House Targaryen or feel responsible for their restoration if he hadn’t? Would Jon even be here? In the simplest words I can possibly muster his actions progressed the story so much, and gave us some heart-wrenching conflict and as a reader I couldn’t ask for more. 
5. Favorite historical Targaryen?
Favorite historical Targs are Visenya, Alysanne, Daemon and Bloodraven. 
6. What do you think of Young Griff so far?
I like Young Griff, but I kind of believe he’s a Blackfyre. I still like him though. I actually think it would be great if Daenerys married him and Jon, is that an unpopular opinion? I think it would be a great reverse of Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys. Daenerys can be Aegon, Jon can be Visenya and Young Griff/Aegon can be Rhaenys. Lets just squash the conflict between house Targaryen and House Blackfyre with marriage. lol That’s too simple of a solution but can you imagine Dany with two cute husbands?? She deserves it!! 
7. Your opinion on Shae?
My opinion on show-Shae was that she wasn’t half bad, but book-Shae was..........an acquired taste. I thought it was a little redundant for the show-runners to expand her character when they were just going to give her the same ending as she had in the books? I liked them giving her more dimension but at the same time they kind of baited us with a tragic backstory and then never delivered. 
8. Who is your favorite actor in GOT?
I love Emilia, but the actor I think that was absolutely perfect in every scene and I will never forget is Charles Dance as Tywin. What a perfect perfect choice, he deserved a damn Golden Globe, and I have actually missed him so much since season 4. I think Tywin would be more of a force to be reckoned with for Dany if he was still around though, so I’m not too heartbroken over his absence. 
9. Who do you think is Cersei’s “younger, more beautiful queen”? Daenerys, Margaery, Sansa, or someone else?
I honestly think it’s Dany, but it could be Sansa too? I think Cersei really believed it was Margaery, and I think she probably believed it to be Sansa for a while as well, but never expected it would be Daenerys bc Dany wasn’t even on her radar and that’s why I believe it’s Daenerys. 
10. Who is your favorite member in Daenerys’ court (aside from Dany herself)?
Missandei is cute, in the show and the books, I love how smart she is and her innocent humor is very adorable too. After Missandei I really loved Barristan Selmy and will forever be salty that D&D killed him before he was supposed to die. I hope we have a lot more interaction with Barristan in the remaining books and that GRRM decides to keep him alive for a while. 
11. Who is your favorite couple?
In just ASOIAF or the entirety of GRRM’s universe? I have always liked the aesthetic of ice and fire ships like Rhaegar/Lyanna & Jon/Daenerys but I am also a huge fan of Targaryen ships like Bloodraven/Shiera, Aegon/Visenya/Rhaenys, Jaehaerys/Alysanne, Baela/Alyn, and Daemon with every woman lover he ever had I guess haha. I’m also a huge fan of Cregan Stark and Black Aly Blackwood. My favorite I guess would be RxL because I’ve drawn them so much and consistently since 2013. 
Now, I’ll ask my own questions:
1. What are your top 3 favorite houses in Westeros?
2. If you could live during one era in GRRM’s universe what era would it be? (Age of Heroes, Valyrian Empire, Conquest of Westeros, Dance of Dragons etc.)
3. What is your favorite episode/scene from the Game of Thrones TV Series? 
4. What ruler do you think brought about the most change in Westeros, be it good or bad? 
5. If you could ask GRRM one question what would it be?
6. If GRRM could write a short novel/series about one other family or historical time (besides the Targaryens) in his universe what would you want it to be about? (My choice would be Nymeria’s Journey!)
7. What was your first introduction to ASOIAF/Game of Thrones? Did someone tell you about it, did you see it online or did you come across it at a store/shop?
8. What’s one thing that bothers you about GRRM’s series?
9. What’s one thing you unabashedly love about GRRM’s series?
10. What are your feelings about the prequel series in development at HBO right now for the Long Night? 
I’m tagging: @chillyravenart, @thousandeyesand-one, @joannalannister, @madaboutasoiaf, @ofwickedlight, @xxthewolvenstormxx, @thenightsmellsofjasmine, @vxsxnyx, @lastxdragon and anyone else who’s interested! Also feel free to ignore, I tagged people who interact with me a lot and I’d like to see your thoughts! 
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mneiai · 5 years
Ridiculous ASOIAF theory: D+J=E
I wrote this for r/pureasoiaf but figured I’d post it here, too lol
Months ago I had been talking to someone on the sub about how obviously anyone could be a hidden Targaryen, including Euron. Then at 4am when I couldn't get to sleep one night wrote up most of this. Again, and I cannot emphasize this enough, I wrote this at 4am.
This theory explores Prince Duncan Targaryen (the Prince of Dragonflies) and Jenny of Oldstones as the parents of Euron Greyjoy. Or D + J = E.
Prince  Duncan died at the Tragedy at Summerhaul and Jenny's fate is unknown, though it is implied she died. The event at Summerhaul was meant to bring dragons back into the world and at least two Targaryens died, if not many more.
"...the king summoned many of those closest to him to Summerhaull....It is unfortunate that the tragedy that transpired at Summerhaul left very few witnesses alive, and those who survived would not speak of it." (AWOIAF)
The  woods witch, who likely was a Child of the Forest or a close descendant of them, saw Jenny as her friend, perhaps one of her only friends.
"A woods witch?" Dany was astonished. “She  came to court with Jenny of Oldstones. A stunted thing, grotesque to look upon. A dwarf, most people said, though dear to Lady Jenny, who always claimed that she was one of the children of the forest.” (ADWD)
Knowing that Summerhaul would end in the death of Prince Duncan, the woods witch used the great magical energy of the event and the sacrifice of not just people with king's blood, but a king himself, to try to save Prince Duncan for Jenny.
However, as magic is unpredictable and weaker at the time, and hers (the magic of the Children) may be at odds with the Valyrian magic that Aegon V was attempting, instead of saving Prince Duncan and Jenny, she saved a piece of both Prince Duncan and Jenny--their unborn child.
Euron  was most likely born and/or "conceived" on Pyke, a place that is so old  no one knows who originally built it (AWOIAF) and is the location of the Seastone Chair, a throne of unknown origins made out of a mysterious oily black stone. There is magic in Pyke, magic perhaps powerful enough and unused enough to be tapped into.
As the magic of Valyria and the Children mixed, it needed an outlet, somewhere where both could exist simultaneously--such as where fire and ice can be tempered by  water.
Euron Targaryen:
Age: Euron was born sometime between 256 and 268. The Tragedy at Summerhaul was in 259.
While  we don't know Jenny's age, Duncan would have been in his late 30s and since there is no mention of her being excessively old and given the very young age of marriage for girls in Westeros, Jenny was almost certainly younger than that. Which means they were both likely capable of having children.
Appearance: Euron is referred to as pale and handsome, with dark hair.
In the official artwork of Prince Duncan, he is depicted as having inherited his mother's darker hair. And Targaryens are often considered good looking (a whole string of descriptions going back to Aegon I has them ranging from handsome to otherworldly beauties) and are associated with paler skin (a typical Valyrian feature found in Targaryens and   Velaryons).
We are never told the skin tones of the other Greyjoy brothers, which implies that Euron’s skin tone in particular has  some significance. We are also shown that almost all Greyjoys except Euron have two black eyes.
Euron also notably has one blue eye and an eye covered by a patch said to be black--Shiera Seastar, a Targaryen bastard, whose name itself means “Star of the Sea,” is one of the most famous figures in Westeros to have heterochromia, or two  different colored eyes.
Tyrion Lannister, another infamous “Hidden Targaryen,” whether from A+J or from D+D, is the other.
Personality and Interests:
Many of the people who know Euron consider him strange and mad (in basically every book he's mentioned in)--Jenny of Oldstones was considered both "strange" and called "half-mad" by the locals who knew her (AWOIAF).
She  was suspected of being a witch, put a great deal of emphasis on her First Men blood, and was good friends with that prophecy-making woods witch who became the Ghost of High Heart.
Euron dabbles in magic and is especially interested in clairvoyance, as he has consumed enough shade of the evening to stain his lips blue, a feature  found in warlocks.
Aeron and Victarion think that the blood of their parents "went bad" in Euron...but what if, in truth, he had none  of their blood at all?
"In him our father’s blood went bad.” “Our mother’s blood as well.” (AFFC)
Euron has many personality traits in common with notable Targaryens. Like   many of them, including Jaehaerys I, he believes himself to be more godlike than other men. He also is obsessed with conquering Westeros, as Aegon I and his sisters were. (AFFC)
"We are the ironborn, and once we were conquerors. Our writ ran everywhere the sound of the waves was heard....I say we take it all! I say, we take Westeros." (AFFC)
The only person in history thought to have gone to post-Doom Valyria  and survived was Aerea Targaryen (F&B), obviously someone with the blood of the dragon. But Euron supposedly also made a journey to Valyria  and came out alive, in fact in much better condition than Aerea.
But Aerea had been completely unprepared for the journey--she didn't have supplies or anything for it--whereas Euron knew where he was going and was ready for it. If having the blood of Old Valyria can keep someone from being killed in Valyria, then perhaps having that blood and being prepared, and having some knowledge of magic and the like, can have someone survive and be relatively healthy after.
Euron is also associated with crows--he's called the "Crow's Eye" (or “Euron Croweye”) because of his black eye and in a dream of the woods witch it's thought he appears as a "drowned crow with seaweed hanging from his wings."
Brynden Rivers, a Targaryen bastard also known as  Bloodraven, was a brother of the Night's Watch, who are called crows by the free folk, and is thought to be the Three Eyed Crow that appears to Bran Stark and Jojen Reed in their dreams.
Many people theorize that Euron is a warg, which is a power associated with the Children and those First Men who interbred with them (Starks, crannogmen, etc). There are also popular theories that Euron was either a former student of  Bloodraven or has been in contact with him somehow.
If Euron is a Targaryen born into such unique circumstances, Bloodraven may have  chosen to watch him and pay greater attention to him, the way it is sometimes implied he has been watching and influencing Jon Snow (through Ghost, Mormont's raven, and other methods).
Specifically, Euron seems to talk about flying in a way that is similar to Bloodraven (and may even reference Bran's accident):
“When I was a boy, I dreamt that I could fly,” he announced. “When I woke, I  couldn’t... or so the maester said. But what if he lied?” ... "Perhaps  we can fly. All of us. How will we ever know unless we leap from some tall tower? No man ever truly knows what he can do unless he dares to leap." ... Do you dare to fly? Unless you take the leap, you’ll never know.” (AFFC)
It seemed as though he had been falling for years. Fly, a voice whispered in the darkness, but Bran did not know how to fly, so all he could do   was fall. ... “I can’t fly,” Bran said. “I can’t, I can’t …” How do you know? Have you ever tried? ... “I want to learn magic,” Bran told him. “The crow promised that I would fly.” ... “Old  Nan says the children knew the songs of the trees, that they could fly like birds and swim like fish and talk to the animals,” Bran said.   (AGOT)
Euron's personal heraldry also features crows and a red eye--Bloodraven is albino with red eyes. Almost as though he's referencing--honoring? mocking?--his some-greats uncle.
Duncan is called the Prince of Dragonflies, and dragonflies are associated with galleys (ships):
Two galleys had come out to meet them. They seemed to skim upon the water like dragonflies, their pale oars flashing. (AFFC)
Which in turn have been associated back with crows and Euron’s own ship in the same book:
The ship was Blackbird, the largest of the Watch’s galleys. (AFFC)
And  then he saw her: a single-masted galley, lean and low, with a dark red hull. Her sails, now furled, were black as a starless sky. Even at anchor Silence looked both cruel and fast. (AFFC)
Future Moves
Euron is, quite possibly, attacking Oldtown or has hired a Faceless Man to infiltrate The Citadel in order to claim the hidden book Blood and Fire or the Death of Dragons (too many theories/threads on this to reference any one lol).
There is a lot of speculation of  what exactly can be found in this book, but if it is magic of Old  Valyria it may specifically appeal to someone of Targaryen blood--could it, perchance, answer the question as to why the dragons died out? Could  it be used by someone with blood of the dragon to learn how to bring more dragons back? Or could it contain the horrific blood magics that might have been used to create dragonriders in the first place?
Finally, there is Jaime's dream about the deep, which many people associate with what Euron may or may not be doing:
"Below the earth his doom awaited, he knew with the certainty of dream;   something dark and terrible lurked there, something that wanted him. Beware the water, he told himself. There may be creatures living in it, hidden deeps..." "
“Tell me, Jaime. What lives here? What lives in the darkness?”
“Doom.” No bear, he knew. No lion. “Only doom.”" (TWOW)
Doom...as in the Doom of Valyria? Which could have very likely been brought on by the Valyrians themselves? If Euron is planning some large event, a Doom-level catastrophe could be it.
Or perhaps he seeks a type of dragon that even his Valyrian ancestors had not tamed, to kill krakens and torment islands, and show that even kings and gods need fear him, using the knowledge of the magic of the Iron Islands and Sunset Sea and his dragonlord blood.
Nagga had been the first sea dragon, the mightiest ever to rise from the waves. She fed on krakens and leviathans and drowned whole islands in her wrath, yet the Grey King had slain her and the Drowned God had changed her bones to stone so that men might never cease to wonder at the courage of the first of kings. Nagga’s ribs became the beams and pillars of his longhall, just as her jaws became his throne. For a thousand years and seven he reigned here, Aeron recalled. Here he took his mermaid wife and planned his wars against the Storm God. From here he ruled both stone and salt, wearing robes of woven seaweed and a tall pale crown made from Nagga’s teeth. (AFFC)
Like Targaryens of the past, Euron is interested in marrying his possible-relative, Daenerys. And, contextually, they have a few things in common.
Notably, Daenerys has many dreams of flying and madness, as well.
Once  I dreamed of flying, she thought, and now I’ve flown, and dream of stealing eggs. That made her laugh. “Men are mad and gods are madder,”   she told the grass, and the grass murmured its agreement. (ADWD)
Flying, she thought. I had wings, I was flying. But it was only a dream. (AGOT)
They are both also associated with storms in the text. Daenerys is "Stormborn" and Euron is called a storm:
Aeron thought, and now the storm is coming, a storm such as these isles have never known. ... Aeron tugged his beard, and thought. I have seen the storm, and its name is Euron Crow’s Eye. (AFFC)
And as shown in the Nagga quote above, the Grey King, the early ruler of the Iron Islands and worshiper of the Drowned God, had his greatest enemy in the Storm God.
In ADWD, when Daenerys is alone, she twice specifically mentions the presence of dragonflies, the symbol of Euron’s father. Including in a possible hallucination/vision:
...all she saw was  trickling brown water … and the grass, still moving slightly. The wind, she told herself, the wind shakes the stalks and makes them sway. Only no wind was blowing. The sun was overhead, the world still and hot.  Midges swarmed in the air, and a dragonfly floated over the stream,  darting here and there. And the grass was moving when it had no cause to  move.
Euron and Daenerys are also both indirectly (or more directly, depending on one's perspective) responsible for the deaths of their older brother.
Daenerys, of course, is threatened by Viserys and then as Drogo has him killed, she watches, "curiously calm" (AGOT).
Euron  appears on the Iron Islands, despite his banishment, the very day after Balon's death. It is very likely he had a Faceless Man kill him.
"Was the storm raging when he fell?” Aeron demanded of them. “Aye,” the youth said, “it was.” “The  Storm God cast him down,” the priest announced. For a thousand thousand  years sea and sky had been at war. From the sea had come the ironborn,  and the fish that sustained them even in the depths of winter, but  storms brought only woe and grief. (AFFC)
This quote also shows a dichotomy between the sea and sky: The Iron Born are the sea, but the sky (and storms) are...something else. Euron is not of  the sea, he is of the sky. He is not a Greyjoy, he is a Targaryen.
TLDR; Since anyone can be a secret Targaryen, I posit that Euron Greyjoy, who has contextual connections to the magic of the Children and an obvious interest in Valyria, is in fact the son of Prince Duncan and Jenny of Oldstones and give a bunch of ridiculous reasons why.
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question from a non-book reader; i've been reading up on a lot of targaryen history since i got the world of ice and fire book. i vaguely understand the blackfyre rebellion and a lot of what i see on tumblr seems to side either with the targaryens or the blackfyres. but it seems to me that neither side was fully in the right since the targaryens overall weren't exactly known for being just rulers. that said, what is your opinion on the blackfyre rebellion? (1/2)
(2/2) did bloodraven genuinely commit tyranny and sins against the gods, or was aegor rivers the one who had the moral high ground in comparison?
I’m not sure if you’re confused because you haven’t read the books, or what, but sorry… no. The Blackfyre Rebellion happened because King Aegon IV Targaryen, Aegon the Unworthy (motto: “wash her and bring her to my bed”), always hated his trueborn son Daeron, considering him weak, hated Daeron’s mother Queen Naerys (and always tried to undermine her, including accusing her of infidelity through a proxy), hated the peace made with Dorne that was sealed with Daeron’s marriage to a Dornish princess (including trying and failing to start a war with Dorne by attacking them unprovoked with wooden “dragons”), decided to give Daeron one last stab in the back by legitimizing all his bastards on his deathbed.
One of those bastards included Daemon Blackfyre, born Daemon Waters, the son of Aegon and his cousin Daena the Defiant.
Aegon had knighted Daemon for valor in a squire’s tourney (age 12), and presented him with the Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre, the hereditary sword of House Targaryen and the Targaryen kings. (Blackfyre had belonged to Aegon the Conqueror, and when Aenys gave the sword to his younger brother Maegor at Aegon’s funeral – because Maegor was a warrior and Aenys was not, wanting them to rule together – it was widely considered to be a sign of Aenys’s weakness and Maegor’s strength.) Aegon IV giving Daemon the sword of kings, acknowledging him as his son, and then legitimizing him two years later, was considered by many to be his attempt to make Daemon his true heir and deny Daeron as falseborn, Naerys’s secret bastard.
Nevertheless, Daeron did not let his father’s duplicity preclude his obligations to his many bastard half-brothers and -sisters; including allowing Daemon to change his last name to Blackfyre, arranging his marriage to Rohanne of Tyrosh as Aegon had negotiated (though Daeron did not allow Daemon to marry his sister Princess Daenerys too), and granting a keep and lands along the Blackwater to the new House Blackfyre. Daemon even took his sigil the Targaryen arms inverted, a black three-headed dragon on red. And Daemon made it known that Aegon had given Daemon the sword because he was a warrior and Daeron was not, though Daeron did have two sons (out of four) who were highly martially talented.
Daeron’s rule soon stablized the excesses of the reign of his corrupt hedonist father; he was seen as just and good-hearted, and he was called “Daeron the Good” by both smallfolk and lords. Nevertheless, as time went on, those who opposed Dorne and its inclusion in Westeros, bound by two marriages to House Targaryen, found their figurehead in the handsome warrior Daemon Blackfyre. They looked at Daeron’s marriage to Mariah Martell, and his heir Baelor Breakspear, who though a warrior, also looked like his mother, with dark hair and dark eyes. They stewed at Princess Daenerys’s marriage to Prince Maron Martell of Dorne (oh noes a smelly brown man manhandling our white princess), and imagined a great love story denied to Daemon. (Though for all Daemon’s passion was supposedly cockblocked by his mean half-brother, he was still getting busy with Rohanne, producing at least 9 children in 12 years; and Daenerys never seemed unhappy in her marriage to Maron, who built the Water Gardens for her.) They got really angry at the Dornish courtiers who came to King’s Landing with Mariah, and supposed special treatment to Dorne. They brought up the rumors of Naerys and Aemon the Dragonknight, claiming that the weak Daeron was not Aegon’s son. We literally have the words of a Blackfyre supporter telling us this:
“Treason… is only a word. When two princes fight for a chair where only one may sit, great lords and common men alike must choose. And when the battle’s done, the victors will be hailed as loyal men and true, whilst those who were defeated will be known forevermore as rebels and traitors. That was my fate.” Egg thought about it for a time. “Yes, my lord. Only…King Daeron was a good man. Why would you choose Daemon?” “Daeron…” Ser Eustace almost slurred the word, and Dunk realized he was half-drunk. “Daeron was spindly and round of shoulder, with a little belly that wobbled when he walked. Daemon stood straight and proud, and his stomach was flat and hard as an oaken shield. And he could fight. With axe or lance or flail, he was as good as any knight I ever saw, but with the sword he was the Warrior himself. When Prince Daemon had Blackfyre in his hand, there was not a man to equal him…not Ulrick Dayne with Dawn, no, nor even the Dragonknight with Dark Sister. “You can know a man by his friends, Egg. Daeron surrounded himself with maesters, septons, and singers. Always there were women whispering in his ear, and his court was full of Dornishmen. How not, when he had taken a Dornishwoman into his bed and sold his own sweet sister to the Prince of Dorne, though it was Daemon that she loved? Daeron bore the same name as the Young Dragon, but when his Dornish wife gave him a son he named the child Baelor, after the feeblest king who ever sat the Iron Throne. “Daemon, though… Daemon was no more pious than a king need be, and all the great knights of the realm gathered to him. It would suit Lord Bloodraven if their names were all forgotten, so he has forbidden us to sing of them, but I remember. Robb Reyne, Gareth the Grey, Ser Aubrey Ambrose, Lord Gormon Peake, Black Byren Flowers, Redtusk, Fireball… Bittersteel! I ask you, has there ever been such a noble company, such a roll of heroes? “Why, lad? You ask me why? Because Daemon was the better man. The old king saw it too. He gave the sword to Daemon. Blackfyre, the sword of Aegon the Conqueror, the blade that every Targaryen king had wielded since the Conquest…he put that sword in Daemon’s hand the day he knighted him, a boy of twelve.” “My father says that was because Daemon was a swordsman, and Daeron never was,” said Egg. “Why give a horse to a man who cannot ride? The sword was not the kingdom, he says.” The old knight’s hand jerked so hard that wine spilled from his silver cup. “Your father is a fool.”
–The Sworn Sword
There is nothing to do with justice here. Nothing to do with ruling justly. There’s only hero-worship, glorification of violence, ableism, anti-intellectualism, misogyny, and Dornish racism. That’s what the followers of Daemon Blackfyre supported. They’re like Trump supporters, wanting to make Westeros great again.
And no bigger supporter of Daemon was his half-brother Aegor Rivers, aka Bittersteel. Aegor, “pissed off all his life”, was particularly mad at the court, because his mother Barba Bracken, Aegon’s mistress, had been sent away in disgrace after it was found that she and her father were talking up making Barba queen when Naerys had a health scare. (It was Daeron and his uncle Aemon, Naerys’s supporters, who made enough of a fuss about the scandal to get Aegon to send her away. Note also that Aegor’s grandfather was later executed along with his daughter Bethany, Aegon’s mistress, after she was caught sleeping with a Kingsguard.) While Aegor also received the legitimization given to all of Aegon’s bastards, he didn’t get all the benefits he felt he should have gotten – unlike his half-brother Brynden Rivers, “Bloodraven”, whose mother Melissa Blackwood (another one of Aegon’s mistresses), had always been popular at court (even with Naerys and Daeron), leading to Bloodraven remaining close with Daeron and his family even after Melissa was dismissed as mistress. Furthermore, Shiera Seastar (another one of Aegon’s Great Bastards), chose Brynden as a lover instead of Aegor, making him even more angry.
So, Aegor got close to Daemon, including getting betrothed to one of his daughters, and frequently urged him to press his claim to the throne, on the grounds of king’s choice, having the sword, being more fit than Daeron Falseborn. Do you see a moral high ground here? I do not. It’s further implied that Brynden was also close to Daemon at the time (see him telling Bran that “a brother I loved” is one of his ghosts), and was able to get away and warn Daeron when the Blackfyre plans went from idle talk to open rebellion. He was no tyrant – he probably didn’t even have an office at court at the time, though he did eventually become Daeron’s spymaster.
But yes, Brynden did kill Daemon and his two eldest sons, sniping them during the last battle of the first Blackfyre Rebellion. For which he was accused of kinslaying, and of using sorcery to get those accurate shots. The accusation of sorcery was probably slander (probably… a weirwood bow and weirwood arrows fletched with raven feathers might have had some mystical qualities), and as for the kinslaying… it was a battle where Daemon would have killed his half-nephews Baelor and Maekar if he’d had a chance, where Aegor fought Brynden one-on-one and took his eye out… and if the Blackfyres had won, do you think they’d just have packed off Daeron and Mariah and Aerys and Rhaegel? No, the falseborn weak Dornish half-breeds would have been executed or hunted down. You think they’d’ve left Daenerys and Maron and their children in peace? Nope, a war with Dorne would have been next on the agenda. Don’t talk to me about kinslaying. (Though whether Brynden considers himself to be gods-cursed could be a different matter.)
Now, after the first Blackfyre Rebellion, when Brynden supported killing all the rebel lords (Daeron elected to take hostages instead), after the death of Daeron’s heir Baelor, after the Great Spring Sickness when Daeron and Baelor’s sons died, leading to Daeron’s second son Aerys becoming king, and appointing Brynden as his Hand and master of whisperers… then you might get into questions of tyranny. (Which I consider a lot more debatable than some.) But it has absolutely nothing to do with why Daemon Blackfyre and his supporters rebelled in the first place. When Aegor Rivers formed the Golden Company, to support the Blackfyre cause in their exile in Tyrosh, did he give a flying fuck about tyranny or justice? No he did not, he just wanted to keep fucking with Bloodraven and put Daemon’s son on the throne of Westeros. (Not the gay son, though! That one, the heir after his older brothers died, Bittersteel ignored and kept his support from.)
The Blackfyre cause was never just. They were never in the right. I oppose them wholeheartedly, and I’m suspicious of anyone who chooses the black dragon over the red. I hope that clears things up for you.
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ao3feed-jonsa · 5 years
The Prince, The King, The Emperor: The History of Jaehaerys "Jon" Targaryen.
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QyZbAd
by TheEmperorofaplanetos
He was shaped from a young age. Hated for circumstances not under his control, shaped to be a tool of war, shown little love by those he calls family.
But one day, they will find the blade they sharpened pressed against their necks, the one the scorned rising above them all upon a Dragons back and the bloody Dragonwolf, chained down by pain, misery and sadness, breaking it's shackles to roar and howl to the skies.
Words: 5968, Chapters: 1/25, Language: English
Fandoms: A Song of Ice and Fire - George R. R. Martin, A Song of Ice and Fire & Related Fandoms, Game of Thrones (TV)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Underage
Categories: F/F, F/M, Gen, Multi
Characters: Rhaegar Targaryen, Jon Snow, Daenerys Targaryen, Robb Stark, Arya Stark, Catelyn Tully Stark, Ashara Dayne, Elia Martell, Rhaenys Targaryen, Aegon VI Targaryen (Son of Elia), Shiera Seastar, Oberyn Martell, Ellaria Sand, Missandei (ASoIaF), Melisandre of Asshai, Mellario of Norvos, Tywin Lannister, Margaery Tyrell, Tyrion Lannister, Jaime Lannister, Cersei Lannister, Nymeria Sand, Tyene Sand, Obara Sand, Pycelle (ASoIaF), Bran Stark, Varys (ASoIaF)
Relationships: Jon Snow/Daenerys Targaryen, Jon Snow/Sansa Stark, Sansa Stark/Daenerys Targaryen, Shiera Seastar/Jon Snow, Arianne Martell/Jon Snow, Missandei/Jon Snow, Ashara Dayne & Jon Snow, Arianne Martell/Tyene Sand, Tyene Sand/Jon Snow, Oberyn Martell/Ellaria Sand
Additional Tags: Underage Sex, Slavery, Character Death, BAMF Jon Snow, Jon Snow is a Targaryen, Jon Snow Knows Something, Rhaegar Targaryen Lives, Alternate Universe - Rhaegar Won, House Targaryen, Targaryen Madness, Warg Jon Snow, Jon Snow is Not Called Aegon, Prince Jon Snow
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2QyZbAd
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aegor-bamfsteel · 5 years
I don't know if it's a stupid question but why do you think Aegon was so sure he was the father of Daemon? I heard he was supposed to be in Braavos when Daena was pregnant and she hide the parentage but did he just claimed Daemon because he disliked Daeron and didn't want Baelor as king? Is that why he started rumors about Daeron but not Daenerys?
That’s not a stupid question at all, allyria! In fact, it’s one I’ve thought a lot about and it’s led to some tinfoil. 
Was Aegon in Braavos when Daena was pregnant? According to the SSM on Daena written in 2006, Daena escaped once in disguise “with the contrivance of her cousin Aegon,” although of course this information is from a long time ago; perhaps GRRM hadn’t come up with the ‘Aegon goes to Braavos on a diplomatic mission for a few years to keep from raping Naerys to death in childbirth’ reason for Daeron II-Daenerys’ 19 year age gap. In the 2014 World of Ice and Fire, it’s revealed that Aegon went to Braavos in 161AC and started an affair with the sea captain Bellegere Otherys that went on for 10 years, during which time she gave birth to three children. If the affair happened in Braavos and only in Braavos, then of course Aegon could not have fathered Daemon, but due to Bellegere’s itinerant occupation there’s no reason to assume they didn’t resume the affair in King’s Landing; in fact, that must be the case, since in 171AC Aegon VI openly took Barba Bracken as his mistress, meaning he was in KL at the time he and Bellegere broke up. So it’s possible that the SSM of Aegon helping Daena escape is still canon, thus Aegon came back to King’s Landing (maybe in the late 160s) from Braavos and perhaps had an affair with her. Considering there were rumors about Aegon being Daemon’s father before he was even acknowledged, I suppose the timeline must’ve worked out for some members of his court.
Now here’s where the tinfoil comes in:
Why do you think Aegon was so sure he was Daemon’s father? I don’t think he was, and only acknowledged Daemon as a last resort. I mentioned in a previous meta that acknowledging Daemon meant acknowledging seducing a princess without intent to marry her (which would’ve brought the wrath of the court and her powerful family, as seen with Saera/the Stinger in F&B), and Aegon wanted to avoid a scandal that could trigger his removal from the Throne. He would not have acknowledged Daemon had his own non-Daeron sons proved so disappointing. 
Aegon IV is unique in Targaryen history for having mistresses as opposed to paramours. (Aegon II and Aerys II had illegitimate children with unnamed [nice one, GRRM -_-] and presumably not-noble paramours, but they did not take them openly as mistresses.) He is also an aberration in real life history, since most kings did not choose unwed teenaged (by which I mean: a 16, a 13, a 15, and a 14 year old), relatively highborn girls to be their mistress; it was considered sacrilegious to defile a virgin, especially a lady, so most kings chose married women with husbands who’d look the other way. Doing so also saved kings from having to care for illegitimate children, since their offspring by married women were legally her husband’s unless acknowledged by the king in writing. It would seem logical for Aegon IV to keep to the lowborn/unimportant in Westeros paramours he had before his ascension (ie, women like Megette and Bellegere), or shift to married women, but he chose 4 Westerosi ladies and an impoverished Essosi aristocrat. Now it could be he was just reveling in being king and bedding highborn girls without consequence, or it could be that he wanted illegitimate sons whose mothers’ were ladies, and giving these unwed girls the ‘mistress’ title essentially ensured that those sons were without a doubt his, (since they had no legal father to cast doubt on his paternity). I suppose Aegon IV took high-but-not-too-high-born mistresses to have sons (who would at least have their family’s support) who could oppose Daeron later on, while not creating too big of a scandal.
It’s bad luck for this supposed plan of Aegon’s that both of his acknowledged, without-a-doubt-his sons turned out to be unsuitable. According to the MUSH RPG Melissa Blackwood was the daughter of a war hero (Bloody Ben) and a Baratheon (the Storm Ellyn) and the granddaughter of a Lannister, and was a beloved mistress besides, but her only son was born with albinism and thus thought cursed; this likely caused Aegon to “lose interest” in her shortly after Brynden’s birth. Aegor also had high birth, but there was no way Aegon was going to show favor to the grandson and nephew of the people he executed out of spite. Instead, he sought suitable sons in Jeyne Lothston and later Serenei of Lys, but then Jeyne got the pox and Serenei died in childbirth with a daughte, so I guess the barely-mobile Aegon figured he’d never have anymore kids by that point, and had to make do with what he had (note: twoiaf is not at all clear when Serenei died and Shiera was born, but I’m putting it around 179-181 because I don’t want Aegor and Brynden potentially “”falling in love”” with an 11-14 year old). So between the son with albinism, the son with traitorous blood, or the son who might not be his son but was the son of a princess who didn’t remarry (so no legal father/husband to dispute the paternity) who was brought up in the Red Keep and was an accomplished fighter at age 12, he was going to bite the bullet and call Daemon his, giving him Blackfyre as a token of favor. Helping his cause was that Daena had probably died before the acknowledgment (again there is no record of when Daena died, although the SSM indicates she lived long enough to raise Daemon, although according to Bran Stark eight/nine is “nearly a man grown” so who knows when childrearing is apparently done), and thus was not around to continue to refuse to name her child’s father.
Is [Aegon IV’s hatred of Daeron] why he started rumors about [his dubious paternity] and not Daenerys’? While I believe Aemon was Daeron’s father after all due to circumstantial evidence (parallel what Viserys I did to Aegon’s lover Falena Stokeworth with what he could’ve done to Naerys’ lover Aemon; send them both away from his child in a position befitting their birth), I do think that Aegon’s dislike of his son (or rather, what he believed Naerys, Viserys, and possibly Aemon and Baelor “turned him into” while he was separated from his child in Braavos) first made him consider that Daeron wasn’t his. However, I also think that the circumstances around Daenerys’ conception must’ve proved without a doubt that she was Aegon’s. Remember that she was born very soon after Aegon became king. Perhaps Aemon could’ve been sent on a scouting expedition to the Dornish marches in preparation for erecting those siege engines, meaning he was separate from Naerys for a time. Another theory with canon precedent is that the High Septon ordered a public re-consummation of Aegon and Naerys’ marriage some time around Aegon’s ascension, similar to Maegor I and Ceryse Hightower’s second consummation; it’s a prince exiled to Essos for a few years who ignored his legitimate wife in favor of younger, “more fertile” women, leading to their estrangement, then coming back together upon his return and their ascension as rulers. If Daenerys was born nine moons after a public consummation while Aemon was away from King’s Landing, then that would explain why there were no rumors about her paternity. Of course, a female child would not have, under the recent court logic that disinherited Queen Daena and her sisters, been able to challenge Daeron in the way a son could’ve, so the rumor mill simply may not have thought she was worth gossiping over.
I hope my response was interesting and coherent, in spite of all the tinfoil :)
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