#shidou and kotoko are also not here. again. sorry
linabirb · 9 months
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i pass these around like freshly baked cookies to help everyone heal from the purge march mv
(part 1 part 2 part 3)
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plus-i-miss-you · 5 months
I LOVED THE OREKOTO AND MIKOTO HEADCANONS AUUAU!!! If it's not a bother, could you pls write a prisoner gn!reader comforting mahiru, fuuta, mikoto and amane after t2? Sorry if this is too vague !!
Seeing them all tired and beat up made me miserable... they deserve a kiss on the forehead or smth
▷ listening to:
"but i still forgive you" (gn!reader)
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⇆ㅤ ㅤ◁ㅤ ❚❚ ㅤ▷ ㅤㅤ↻ ılıılıılıılıılıılıㅤ
♪ note: HI HI ELI so sorry this request has been gathering dust in my inbox for more than a month.. i really wanted to write this but life be life-ing.. i really enjoyed writing this and i hope you enjoy reading this too! (also so sorry if i sound weird but i'm assuming you meant comforting them after t1? ^^'')
♪ summary: es may have done some.. pretty strange decisions and now not only the guard and the guilty prisoners, but everyone has to deal with it, including you. you can't help but feel bad for the guilty ones, and hopefully, you can offer them at least some kind of support.
♪ warnings: description of fuuta and mahiru being in pain because of their injuries, the reader character doesn't know about mikoto and john being a system, but still treats them as respectfully as possible, mentions of cults and religious trauma in amane's section. fuuta, mahiru and mikoto parts can be seen as both romantic and platonic, meanwhile amane's part is strictly platonic.
fuuta kajiyama.
♪ fuuta was.. in terrible condition, to say the least. his personality was so different from the fuuta you knew, too. sure, you've met him not so long ago, but seeing him act like this felt.. weird. you actually kinda missed the old fuuta, yes, he was kinda rude, loud and said things without thinking, but you'd prefer that than seeing fuuta in pain and not being able to say a word. you wish you could help him somehow, but.. what could you do? you doubt that convincing es to forgive him is possible..
♪ you tried to support him at least in an emotional way, even though you knew that might not work. it's highly possible he won't be able to see with his right eye ever again, of course, that's extremely traumatizing. he also got beat up by kotoko out of all prisoners, who actually seemed to be similar to him in a way. but you told him that if fuuta wanted to talk to you about anything, like complain about something or vent, he could always do that. fuuta found your kindness weird and even suspicious at first, but.. fine, he could use a friend in a situation like this. or at least a person who could hear him out.
♪ fuuta finds himself coming to you more often than he thought he would. it's not like he has that many people to talk to here anyway. he's grateful to kazui (even though he doesn't want to admit it), but.. he's not sure if there is anything he can talk to him about. haruka and muu are really close now, it honestly feels like haruka has forgotten about everyone else. oh, but surprisingly, fuuta's been getting along with amane lately- what do you mean, you "have a bad feeling about this", y/n?.. 
♪ you will never actually hear this from him, but you can feel that fuuta is glad to have someone like you here. he looks calmer with you around and if he can't open up to anyone else about something, at least he can open up to you. it's easier for him to fall asleep when you're next to him, so you may find him suddenly doing so with his head on your shoulder or your lap. just, uh.. be prepared for him to be really flustered when he wakes up and sees you.
mahiru shiina.
♪ she's honestly surprised that you want to spend time with her and help her feel better despite her being voted guilty. she immediately starts joking (or maybe half-joking?..) about falling in love with you because of your kindness and you just roll your eyes and ask if she's okay and if she's in any pain. you remind her to take her medications, you ask shidou for help if her condition gets worse and you help her move around with her wheelchair, so that she doesn't feel isolated from the rest of the prisoners. being in milgram is already isolating enough.
♪ you try to help her feel better by doing things that are small and simple to you, but very meaningful to her. you brush her hair, you paint her nails (even if you can only do so on one hand for now..), you tell her that she still looks beautiful, and every time you do that, it makes her smile. it's still different from that usual smile of hers, but it's a smile that shows even though she's still suffering, she appreciates you being around. 
♪ mahiru doesn't understand why you're still helping her. is this because you love her?.. ah, please forgive her, that's just her being her usual silly self. but still.. she wasn't forgiven, right? that means she was in the wrong.. but she doesn't understand what made es vote her guilty. all she did was love her boyfriend a lot, right? does that mean that her love itself is a sin?.. is she not allowed to love at all?.. you gently interrupt mahiru and say that you don't know why es refused to forgive her, but you personally don't think mahiru's love is a sin at all. in fact, it's a blessing.
♪ mahiru feels like the sun itself personified to you and you hope that she gets better soon, but you're also grateful for the opportunity to take care of her like this. she always gives so much love to everyone, you wonder how much she gets back. you softly pat her head while making sure it's not painful considering her injury and ask what she wants to do today, but it takes a while for mahiru to answer because of your words still ringing in her head, but in a good way.
amane momose.
♪ .. so why exactly es decided to vote a child guilty? you know you probably shouldn't say anything about the guard's decisions, but.. this just doesn't make any sense to you. just what did es see in amane's video? or maybe something happened during the interrogation? amane's behavior has changed a lot, but you don't blame her for it. of course she would start acting differently. she's a 12 year old who was voted guilty and almost got beaten up by kotoko, kotoko ending up not doing anything to her was honestly a miracle. of course she would be mad. she should be.
♪ you try to talk to her and she kinda ignores you at first. however, you're not as bad as shidou, so.. fine, maybe she can hang out with you a little bit. it's hard not to feel sorry for her though, because of how messy her hair is and how empty her eyes are. you try to cheer her up somehow, like maybe you can do something really cute with her hair or maybe you can cook something for her (while still respecting her dietary restrictions and not forcing her to eat something she's not allowed to).. amane finds your attempts to become closer with her strange, but.. maybe she could use some company.
♪ every time she mentions her "god" around you though, you try to change the topic. you like amane and you genuinely want this kid to get better, but you're not really feeling like becoming a part of a cult.. amane just sighs and says you'll understand it someday. sometimes you catch her mumbling something about being forgiven this time and es needing to make the correct judgement. you can't really help her much when it happens and you can't do anything other than say that es will definitely forgive her, but amane manages to turn even something simple as that into rambles about her god. you can't help but wonder what amane's life used to be like.
♪ you can't convince amane that her family wasn't as kind as she thinks they were. you can't convince her that the way she was raised was too cruel. you know she won't believe you. and you know you're not a therapist. but at least you can be her friend. at least you can gently guide her, while still giving her a choice, so that she feels more free. more free than she possibly ever was in her life. and even though amane never talks about it, she does appreciate it. she feels strangely warm when you're around. she wonders if it's okay to feel this way and if god would ever forgive her for that. 
mikoto kayano.
♪ you didn't know why mikoto suddenly started to act like this. you tried to get at least some information from others, including es, but nobody gave you a proper answer, even though you had a feeling like kotoko and es know what's going on. for some reason, this mikoto just didn't.. feel like mikoto to you. it's like it was.. different mikoto? no, that doesn't sound right. it felt like it was a completely different person. you couldn't prove it and when you tried to say it out loud, it sounded weird, but.. it felt like a correct answer to you. 
♪ when it felt like it was the mikoto you knew, you always made sure to tell him what's going on, what happened, basically all the information he needed. he always looked so lost and confused, you couldn't help but feel sorry for him. you assumed that it was probably because of the trauma related to being voted guilty. you actually couldn't understand es's decision at all. just why would they vote someone like mikoto guilty? was his video really that bad? it didn't feel like mikoto was pretending to be less smarter than he is. why would he even have to do that? you all are murderers here, there's no reason for him to try and trick anyone.
♪ when it felt like it was someone else, you still tried to treat him with kindness. you couldn't understand why everyone started to avoid this person so suddenly. yes, this person was.. quite different from mikoto, but.. maybe at least they could try to accept him? you actually found it surprising how quickly he calmed down after you showed him that you don't intend to hurt him or mikoto. maybe this was the only thing he needed: someone telling him that he's safe and that he's not in danger. or maybe it was something they both needed.
♪ both mikoto and this person seem to actually like you a lot.. well, it's not like they have much of a choice here, considering that other prisoners don't really want to spend time with them. but it looks like they don't mind it that much. yes, mikoto is definitely still worried about it and he doesn't seem to remember what happens when the other person is here, but the other guy doesn't really care about the other prisoners and the only thing that bothers him is how possibly dangerous they can be. and even though he still has his suspicions.. you don't seem that dangerous to him.
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blueepink07 · 9 months
I was watching again the video at the beginning of Trial 2 and I don't know if it has been talked or not, but I find interesting the part where Jackalope informs us about the conflicts that can take place in Milgram.
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More specifically, the lines that are drawn and at who is pointing!
Slowed version of that part so the lines can be seen better (without the voice, since I know that it would have sound weird!)
Every line is repeating twice, so I will try to show every combination with the best screenshot I can make! (the quality is so bad for some reason, I'm so sorry...)
(from who the line is starting) I think it might show from which person the conflict started basically -> (to who is stopping)
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Yuno -> Mahiru
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Fuuta <- Mikoto
Muu -> Kotoko
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Muu -> Kotoko
Mahiru -> Kotoko
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Yuno -> Shidou
Haruka <- Fuuta
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Kazui -> Amane (putting two screenshots, since the first appearance is very hard to see!)
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Fuuta -> Kazui
I think it's interesting because, in most of these, the prisoners seem to be in good terms at the moment! Also, really interesting that Amane and Shidou weren't represented here or Fuuta and Kotoko, even Yuno and Muu!
If I have ideas, I want to discuss how each of these conflicts might happen and why, but at the moment, I'm just shocked of this! It might show the possible conflicts at the beginning of the next trial! Or it might be just me overthinking, but it seems too weird to be just a coincidence!
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vampitz · 8 months
why i headcanon/see shidou kirisaki as autistic!!!
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(note: i am not a medical professional, just an autistic person on the internet. all of my interpretations of his autism come from the lens of being autistic. you might see him completely differently and thats ok!)
autistic! shidou is a headcanon i hold very near and dear to me and talk about it. a lot. as such, i thought id compile some actual reasonings as to why i view him as autistic.
ill be using snippets from the dsm-5 in this post. i will be mainly using portal conversations as proof, because i feel like they are the most "casual" we can get the characters to be.
A. Persistent deficits in social communication and social interaction across multiple contexts
shidou has a very straightforward way of speaking and seems to ignore social rules of "politeness" a lot of the time, while still remaining pretty calm.
shidou also seems to have some sort of difficulty wording himself, and in almost every single portal conversation he trails in and out of sentences. the only characters who do this more than him are haruka and muu.
Shidou: That’s good…… You were crying so much, so I was concerned for you. ……yeah, I’m sure. Your family will definitely be worrying about you. I…… hope you can go back soon.
little snippet of what i mean, this amount of trailing off happens in pretty much every shidou portal conversation
shidou also is constantly misinterpreted by his facial language and his tone. on multiple occasions he is referred to as hard to approach, and so calm its "suspicious". characters are surprised when he smiles or is actually a nice person.
"Mu: Shidou-san…… did you come here to comfort me……? I’m sorry, I’d thought you were…… a scary person…… fufu."
Kotoko: …… Shidou, right? I’ve been watching your actions for a while, and I’m curious. You’re always extremely calm, and your expression never changes. Do you know something about this place? Shidou: No, I know nothing. ……I’ve never really had an expressive face. Despite appearances, I am quite shaken by this.
Mikoto: Also, I don’t give nicknames to [ ] the hard-to-approach types like Shidou-san.
he also seems to have difficulty holding conversations, as most portal conversations with him involve him trailing off, talking to himself (ex. with amane) or just like, not elaborating on what hes saying.
B. Restricted, repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, or activities
the repetitive patterns/behaviors is a little bit hard to determine, since they are in prison and not really acting like their "real selves" in terms of behavior. also, since milgram is a series mainly in voice dramas and music videos its kind of difficult to pinpoint any physical repeated behaviors.
when it comes to heavily focused interests, though, shidou seems to be completely obsessed with his work. although this could just be him being a workaholic, the amount of passion he had in it before milgram really reminds me of a special interest that has been pursued as a career.
he also seems very knowledgeable in other topics, such as being able to recite japanese criminal law from the top of his head. again, this could easily be interpreted as him just trying to learn the best way to argue for a death penalty but i dont really care this is my headcanon sooo.
in terms of sensory issues, shidou's issues with his hands could totally play into those. what is specifically wrong with his hands has never been stated: it could be nerve damage, sensory issues, or something else. i see it as a mix of sensory issues and some other underlying conditions.
Mikoto: By the way, I’ve been wondering for a while, but do you always wear those gloves? Shidou: I don’t…… How to put it…… I suppose…… since I have my hands covered all the time, then when I take them off, it feels as though the feeling in my fingertips is even greater…… I know it’s probably all in my head…… but that’s how it feels.
in his trial 2 interrogation, he says he cant wear rings because they lessen the feeling in his fingertips. this could easily be sensory issues in his hands.
thats pretty much all i have to say regarding this!!! if it wasnt obvious this is just a silly headcanon thats mainly me projecting, but it does have basis in canon to a degree. shidou, with his easily misinterpreted tone and facial expressions and deep love for his interests just reminds me a lot of myself.
(btw if you like this headcanon i did write a fic of shidou getting diagnosed with autism if you wanna read it haha... shameless self promo)
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milk-ly · 4 months
your 0309 post is really good, thank you for sharing your thoughts! i have a question about something you mentioned —how fuuta hangs out with the younger prisoners more, could it be that he feels less intimated and less scared of being rejected when the people he's around are younger or have weaker opinions than him? i don't know how to word this right, i'm sorry :( (on the other side, mikoto hanging out with people older than him gives me the image of, how do i say this, someone's who's rushing their way into adulthood, perhaps because of harboring an idolized version of an adult who is always Respected and Accepted and has Agency? if that makes sense?)
Aa thank you so much and thank you for the ask!!! :D (My bad, I didn't intend for this to be this long omg jfdklj I just like talking about them and I guess I had more to say than I thought)
Don't be sorry! I think you worded this wonderfully and it's about what I was thinking too! I agree with your thoughts on Fuuta! To add on, maybe he might feel like he doesn’t have a choice either? Whenever Fuuta interacted with people around his age or older pre-trial 2, they didn't really seem to like him or brushed him off because of his attitude/immaturity. Mahiru didn't like him, both Yuno and Kotoko seem like they don’t enjoy conversing with him, and the smoker trio see him as immature.
Not only is there less fear of rejection when hanging out with the younger prisoners, but they either seem to accept him more or he's able to take on an older and more adult role like he wants. For example, Amane and Fuuta are getting closer because of her acceptance of him. Fuuta also tried to befriend Haruka early on since they're around the same age but realizes they don't have much in common. So since Haruka is still younger, Fuuta tries to take on an older brother/caretaker role instead.
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Fuuta looks down on the older prisoners because he thinks they should be taking charge and leading. And when none of them were "acting their age" he tries to take charge instead. He values that he’s an adult and he wants to be seen as one. (There's an amazing post about it by Tsumi here) This again, might be why he's around the younger prisoners more because it's easier to take on an older figure role.
I also think it's just a neat symbolic association with Fuuta and his connection to childishness.
And like you said, I also feel like Mikoto is trying to rush into adulthood, or rather feels like he HAS to. Hanging around the other two oldest perhaps makes him feel like he's one of them, an adult who's got their stuff figured out (even if Kazui and Shidou don't really either). Something that reminds me of this is when Mikoto asks Kazui for more "mature" hobbies to get into.
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Something else I noticed but idk if I'm just thinking too much into it: Mikoto lists darts as a hobby in his interrogation questions, yet here he talks about darts as if he's only played it like once or twice? This conversation takes place before his interrogation questions so is it possible that he listed darts as a hobby in his interro questions to seem more mature, despite not actually liking darts that much?
Anyway, similarly to Fuuta though, both of them don't seem to get along too well with their own age group. Both Kotoko and Mahiru have outwardly stated that they don't like Mikoto either. Feel bad for both of them 😭
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d0enti · 14 days
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Milgram—"your eyes are my favourite color"
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➵Summary:Es with autistic S/O
➵A/N:Es best Milgram character fr, also I went off topic a few times so sorry for that
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Es might not know you autistic until you tell him or Shidou does, and definitely not Jackalope that rabbit probably didn't know until Es told him
As for how they act, Es will try his best to use more simple words, to you in case you don't understand them, they genuinely want to communicate with you correctly
That especially goes if you are a prisoner, Es wants you to understand them correctly, so they can understand why you are in Milgram, and if they want to vote you innocent
Es is decently patient but they aren't sometimes, they are more patient with you so you can tell them everything at your own pace, and Es will try to follow you pace too
Es would secretly ask you to tell them every interaction you have with other prisoners, why? So they won't manipulate you since autistic people are easily manipulated(not all of course)
Es isn't really sarcastic, and even if sometimes they say something they didn't mean, they will tell you their joking after that though as I said, that rarely happens
Now if you have vocal stims, Es will make sure you won't mask them but slowly of course, by for example repeating them with you so you feel safe
Es wants to learn what sets you off so, it won't happen (if you ask they might ask Jackalope to get you some fidgets, they will still do it later if you won't ask)
And if your vocal stim happened because Es did something, They will try to do it again just for you to be happy or say something if that's the reason
Es will also like spending time with you, and listening to your rants about your favourite subjects, they're genuinely interested(also Es will definitely have the love look)
And because of the ranting part everyone will suspect that Es has a crush on you, will they agree? No will they confess to you? Yes
Es will be in denial, telling themselves that you are a prisoner and they are a prison guard so they can't love you, it will probably take them a little bit of time to just say "Fuck it I'm just in love" and confess
Also Es will probably accidentally make you, think they don't like you because they are just standing there mumbling to themselves about what if they say something wrong
Anyway once you are dating Es, his soft spot isn't shown around others only in private
Es is decently clingy, they enjoy hugs and kisses after they had an interrogation, because honestly those prisoners make them lose sanity
As for pet names, Es doesn't use them around others but in private they will use some but mostly "love" with extra gentlest "Well it's time for the interrogation how are you feeling my love?"
Es will make sure to ask if the material on your uniform is fine, if not they will ask Jackalope if there's a chance to get you a new one with a material you will like
Es will gladly become your personal translator/they need to when Shidou isn't around but even if they do, they don't mind doing it
If something exciting happened for example you were voted innocent, Es will not mind you grabbing their hands and start jumping around with happiness, they will be really happy since you are happy
Es will do research on autism but also ask you about it, since not everyone has the same traits
As for the voting part, Es will try to vote fairly but put the fact they learn about autism In case it's a big part of the reason you here
If Es is in between what to vote, they will vote you innocent, you being their partner breaks the tie + Es think is adorable when you get excited for being voted innocent
Now if you get voted guilty, Es would either 1. Act more cold just a little bit though or 2.talk to you about it to find out more about it, it mainly depends on how long you were in a relationship and which trial it is
Even if they were to act cold, Es would be worried once he sees you being beaten up by Kotoko and would immediately hug you
Honestly Es doesn't change much with autistic reader but still tries to be more soft towards them+ look after them
୨⎯ "Silly Scenario" ⎯୧
You were inside the integration room waiting for Es to come and start it, you were getting bored and started playing with your fingers eventually moving to your nails before you could hurt yourself by picking them Es arrives and stops you
"sorry for coming late love, Fuuta was well being Fuuta"
"ah it's alright so are we starting the integration?"
"yes but before that do you want to hold my hand and maybe play with it? It looks like you need to do something with your hands"
"could I?"
"yeah sure I don't mind as long as you will answer my questions honestly"
"of course I will!"
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oboetemasuka · 4 months
Order of Attack, part 9
"A Withering Flame"
Finally, I've written Fuuta's voice drama. And revised it. And revised it again. And used the mega shears on the dialogue because Fuuta can't use long sentences.
What a monster of a chapter. I deserve a break. Next up is a shorter one-shot.
Trigger warnings for suicidal thoughts. Haruka's situation is also briefly mentioned. There's also something about Fuuta repeatedly stopping Es from getting Shidou.
(Courtesy link to the fic; will update at some point)
Es entered the cell and took in the layout. Fuuta was propped up in a hospital bed, his neck and torso securely braced and his left arm in a sling. He was kneading a Jackalope stress toy with his right hand, digging his nails into it. More stress toys stood on the table to his right, and Es almost tripped on one a few feet ahead. As Fuuta saw Es approaching, he dropped what he was holding and swatted the rest out of his reach.
"Been a… while, Warden," Fuuta said. Es was expecting more malice in his tone, but he sounded like his life force was draining.
"Fuuta… you…" They pulled a chair to the side of the table and took a seat. "Are you okay?"
"…look like it?" Fuuta responded. If he was angry, his voice did a terrible job of showing it.
Es didn't know how to respond. Do I look like it? was obviously a rhetorical question, but they needed to show some tact.
After a moment, Fuuta spoke up again. "…look awful… don't I?"
Still unsure of what to say, Es nodded slightly.
"Could've been worse. Could've died."
Es stared down, pondering their next words. Several seconds passed, and then Fuuta's voice registered in their head again.
"Oi… talking to you." Fuuta's irritated glare met Es as they lifted their head.
"I'm sorry," they said, "I'm… I'm not sure what I can say."
"Don't know what to say? I almost died because of… you don't know… Even so, it's a miracle I … If Shidou had taken any longer, would've been over for me. Don't blame him, though. …Oi, say something." 
"Sorry won't cut it." Fuuta sounded more pained than angry.
Es took a breath. "…Kotoko did this to you?"
"No sh… agh…" Fuuta gasped for air.
"Fuuta!" Es got up and walked to his side. "I'll go get Shidou-"
"Don't!" Fuuta's eyes betrayed his desperation. After they locked eyes for a few moments, Fuuta let out a chuckle. "Look … you … down on me, like always. Must be so happy to see…"
"I- no, I'm not. I didn't mean for this to happen. I didn't think Kotoko would-"
"Beat me to near-death? What'd you expect … you affirmed her…"
"…thought she wouldn’t have … same crime here in… Oi, quit standing… staring…"
"I’m sorry, I didn't think-"
"Useless… apology…" 
But what else could Es do besides apologize? Stand their ground and contradict Fuuta while he was in that pitiful state?
"Really didn't think it'd… turn out… Me too. All I did… call some bad person out… say what's wrong was wrong… Their reasons were b-" Fuuta gasped and clutched his chest. Es began to turn towards the door, but Fuuta grabbed their cape with his right hand. 
Es swatted his hand away. "Hey, you can't just grab me like that."
"Don't dare…"
"Fine, I won't get Shidou. Yet." Es stood in place and waited for Fuuta to regain his voice.
"You judged me… said I was unforgivable… without the whole story… How's that any different?"
"Excuse me?"
"That's so hypo- khh!" Fuuta slammed his hand on the table, trying to play it off as an emphasis, but that didn't mask his pain.
"Careful, Fuuta! You'll hurt-" Es gave up on that concern when Fuuta glared. "Someone died because of you. You're saying I'm the same?"
"I didn't think they'd die!"
"But you knew people would dogpile them."
"I wasn't acting alone. Anyone else… out of my control… Why'd you pick me…"
"Milgram has judged-"
"Milgram doesn't make any f-"
Maybe Es should have put their foot down and called Shidou regardless of Fuuta's wishes. But something compelled them to hear him out. "Don't push yourself."
Fuuta was clearly annoyed, but he took a breath and continued. "Still don't see it? We're just the same!"
"Me? The same as you?" Es couldn't deny Fuuta's point. They both made their judgments without thinking that someone could be seriously hurt—or dead.
"I'll tell you. They were just in middle school. Maybe closer to Amane… than you…"
"Amane…" Es already knew this from what they gleaned from Fuuta's first video, but it didn't register how close in age their victims were. Wait, why were they thinking of Amane as a victim? "Amane… huh… I noticed you two have been spending a lot of time together lately."
"You kidding? Don't change the subject... You don't talk about her like… Only one who cared before everything went to hell. You made her go through it. Decided she wasn't forgivable… painted a target… She could've died too! Then we'd be exactly…"
"Don't put me on the same level as you."
"Are you not-"
"I'm just doing my job. Nobody told you to go online and decide who are bad people and harass them. You made a game out of judgment. This is what I'm supposed to do."
Fuuta laughed at Es for still failing to acknowledge their similarities. Then he winced in pain. Then he kept laughing and mocking Es for taking their job seriously. Es snapped back. A pointless, cyclical conversation. Fuuta stopped Es from calling Shidou no less than three times.
Eventually, the bell brought the conversation to a halt.
Why was Fuuta so quiet?
"Hey… Fuuta?" Es leaned over to get a better look at his face. His eyes seemed glassy, and he seemed to be breathing more slowly. "Fuuta… I'll go get-"
"Don't. Not worth…"
"Worth what?"
"If you're not going to… forgive… what's the point… living?"
"Don't say-"
"Everything hurts so much. Painkillers don't help… Strange wonder I survived. Is it really worth it?"
"Worth it…" What could Es even say about that? Anything they could think of was either more unwanted pity or…
A cold accusation that Fuuta was bargaining his life for forgiveness. Es's thoughts flitted back to Haruka's interrogation- no, that comparison was unfair. Haruka's loaded intentions were worlds away from Fuuta's resignation. How could Es dare…
"I understand… this job requires resolve…"
"Resolve? You really have resolve… just kill me. With your own two hands. Don't hide behind the rules."
"I can't do that. I can't sink to the prisoners' level. It's my job as the warden to make a fair judgement. I… I have to judge each and every one of you… no matter how much they plead, cry, or bargain… even if they are dying right in front of me."
"What is even the point? You give a damn about my life, forgive me! If not, kill me… get it over with."
"Bargaining tactics won't work with me."
"Not like I care. Or… if I get out of this alive, I'll… kill… you…"
"Fine by me. If we truly are the same, then I'll have had it coming. Now, Prisoner no. 3, Fuuta, sing your sins."
Q: “What are you thinking about?”
A: “Ways to get rid of the pain”
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dearmahiru · 7 months
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waaaa thank you so much for this question that i definitely didn't take three months to answer. i totally didn't overcomplicate this very simple question for myself and ending up with completely different songs each list! no siree!! (and i totally didn't lose the og ask </3)
sarcasm aside—even though the question didn't specify these would be official covers i went into the list with that mindset, so i narrow it down to strictly vocaloid songs (no utaite or general jpn songs!), the song must be consistent with the prisoner's style (kotoko wouldn't sing a sappy love ballad, yuno isn't doing a screamo), and no producer doubles!
alts are songs that don't fit these rules / aren't my first pick but i still wanted to mention :3c
01. Haruka ─ First Train and Kafka
Though I’ve nothing but things I want to say, I’m sorry that nothing comes out I’ve become a poisonous bug, it isn’t that interesting though
Since my frightened family isn’t even here, I look down upon the calm of the city alone That hair of yours that swayed in the first summer’s wind came to mind
Alt: I Was Human
02. Yuno ─ Goodbye, Ms. Flower Thief
I've been dreaming a dream within a dream, within a dream Seaside, on the seaside, a kitten's sweet demise...
While I smoke a cigarette Until morning comes, hold me, hold me...
Alt: I Think I'm Falling Inlove With My Teacher
03. Fuuta ─ Idola No Circus
Come, let’s dance all night in our naked bodies We know, we know your true nature Again putting on a fake face You’re just like a pierrot
Come on up to the stage! You knew, didn't you? You’re also an accomplice
Alt: Rinne
04. Mu ─ Ikanaide
"It's nothing," I kept to myself. Truth is, I wanted to stop those footsteps for a moment, But you're gliding forward with such quick steps And I'm simply watching
You fade out of sight, far, far away, leaving me behind. Completely. Once again, the night blurs itself out, Don't cry, just don't cry
05. Shidou ─ Shoujo Fuzei
Again, she told a lie and felt relieved with perfectly trimmed bangs, she said, "Come here, and accompany me to hell."
Chop it up, this body doesn’t feel anything like pain Unfortunately, delusion is something that everyone harbors
06. Mahiru ─ Love of Love By Love For Love
A spider lily struggling to live, A heart writhing with maggots With your voice and your smile My pulse began beating anew
That day, I fell in love with love With time, I killed that love, killed it, killed it
Alt: Hurry To The Night
07. Kazui ─ Cutlery
The cutlery is rusted, as if it has been used often. I want you to end it in the worst case...
Before I get sick of you, I’ll act selfishly without hesitating even if I’ll end up losing you.
Alt: Charles / Delusion Girl / Quiet Room
08. Amane ─ Milk Crown On Sonnetica
Can't do it, such a talent isn't sold in any store Even God, who art in Heaven, reduces such a junk to a heirloom?
You ask "Wait, why is it that you beg for forgiveness in such a miserable manner?" This was surprisingly silly - so much that I just stood still and cried
09. Mikoto ─ Bitter Choco Decoration
I try not to forget to add in a few light-hearted jokes and a touch of lip service I try to smile and show off my charisma whenever I can
I try not to pointlessly expose myself, Not to talk about myself, not to understand myself But I try not to be a bit too silent, To be laughed at rather than to make people laugh
010. Kotoko ─ Shama
A femme fatale prisoner dressed in stripes Gulps down the juice squeezed from the crowd Every night, drunkenly, she plays with fire, and hangs herself When the wax figure of a little girl melts
If you affirm your shallowness Then where’s my ground to stand on? "An annoying glass and foundation Hang your tongue out, just like a dog."
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09lover · 6 months
if ur still doing the milgram ship headcanons, could u do 0510? 👀👀👀 :3
ohhh.. 0510.. thats really interesting!! my first time hearing it honestly BUT WOOO HERE WE GO
shidou sometimes is intrigued over kotoko being a vigilante without a proper full time job, sits down with her and listens to her stories about the bad guy she beats up + rambling about her so called justice.
kotoko usually makes snacks when extra hungry shidou yet again taking interest and finding it rather nice. takes notes and will attempt to try make it in the future
kotoko accidentally injures herself a little here and there, brushes it off since its not life threatening or stopping her from working (vigilante things..) -> shidou noticed and immediately sits her down to treat it -> goes on a full rant about how small injuries can also turn serious
bc of the occasional minor injuries, he conducts a checkup every night before everyone settled to go to sleep.. her impression of him changed drastically. what a responsible and caring doctor. (did not excuse that he was still in milgram tho JDJDJSJDJS)
shidou sometimes unintentionally (sometimes intentionally) skips meals which kotoko notices and takes the initiative to leave them by his cell… with the mindset of ‘he needs it this is just a kind gesture.’
sometimes goes on walks together mainly so kotoko could ‘collect more info about shidou’.
theyre both kinda awkward when it comes to forming relationships WITH EACH OTHER ONLY, as well as not knowing how to make it progress.. so they go slow.. while also being awkward… theyre trying!
literally the best theyve done was just brush hands against each other
subcribe and folloe and hit bell for more content
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1moremilgram-enjoyer · 6 months
i’m new to Tumblr and i’m not sure if this is the place to ask but i’m a drdt fan and milgram looks really cool, however i’m not sure where to start or how to get into it, is there anything specific i should do or?
Ah, the DRDT -> Milgram pipeline strikes again I see. Welcome! And yeah, you can ask me anything! Milgram is really fun, even if it can feel a bit intimidating. Take your time! It's quite a bit.
Here is a playlist with some of the most important things in chronological order, and I'll also recommend this masterlink post by doctorbunny, but you can take things at your own pace and do whatever you want forever. However, I'll explain the main things, since there's a lot!
1- Jackalope's Announcements
The first thing you should probably watch is "Jackalope's "This is the MILGRAM"", which explains the premise of the series.
Inside a prison named the Panopticon reside 10 prisoners, all of which are, by some definition of the word, murderers. There is a Warden of this prison, named Es, who must observe their sins and decide whether they should be Forgiven* for their murder, or if they shouldn't be. This is done in a system of three trials. At the time of writing, the First Trial has been completed, the Second Trial is about to end, but we still have the entire Third Trial ahead of us!
Es learns of the prisoners' crimes mainly by watching music videos extracted directly from their minds, though they also interrogate them beforehand.
The twist? Es' decisions on Forgiveness are decided by the audience. Every Trial, after a prisoner's MV (music video) is released, for a period of time (three months), the audience votes whether the prisoner should be Forgiven or not for that Trial. This can be done in the Judge page of the official website or the app (link is for browser), and you can vote once per day. (Technically twice if you use both the official website and the app). You can also just not vote if you don't feel like it. Again you can consume media in any way you want.
[*The localization actually says "Innocent" and "Guilty" instead of "Forgiven" and "Unforgiven", but keep in mind when you vote you're not voting innocence or guilt, but forgiveness and unforgiveness.]
The next of Jackalope's announcements is the "Report on the End of the First Trial", which only really tells you about how each prisoner was voted T1 (Trial 1), something you'll learn about in other videos anyways, so it's not too important beyond some characterization for Jackalope if you care.
However, before you start watching the Second Trial MVs, I would recommend you watch "Second Trial Commencement Notice", which will give you insight into how the verdicts affected each prisoner. The consequences weren't made very clear during the first trial, but this video establishes them a bit more explicitly.
2- Music Videos
Welcome to the main event! The music videos are the main draw of Milgram, and through vague symbolism, extremely fun visuals, beautifully written lyrics, and banger songs, they tell you things about each prisoner. Don't worry if you don't quite get them at first, they're really complex and understanding them is a community effort! Feel free to come to your own conclusions or read analyses or anything else!
Now, the order you watch these MVs in... there's really no set order, beyond "you should probably watch the First Trial videos before the Second and Third Trial ones." You can watch them following the prisoner order listed in that playlist I linked, but if there's a character you're particularly interested in, you can also just watch theirs before anyone else's. In my personal experience, I actually watched Amane's and Kazui's before anyone else's because their Second Trial Voting was going on, then hopped around between Shidou, Muu, Kotoko... until a month later I realized "wait I never actually watched This is How to be in Love With You" I am so sorry Mahiru-
My point is: Do what you want, experience Milgram at your own pace.
There is one exception, of an MV you should probably watch before the others, and that's Undercover. This is a video connected to Es, which serves as an introduction to all the other characters. There is a lot to talk about in this video, from Es' characterization to a lot of symbolism for the prisoners, but it's a great starting point to theorize on what exactly each prisoner's murder was.
In any case, these videos are probably the most important pieces of information for the prisoners, to the point some Milgram fans just watch the videos and nothing else, but there's still a lot more if you want to dig deeper.
3- Voice Dramas
In-universe, before the songs are extracted, Es holds an interrogation with the prisoners, which are the Voice Dramas (VDs). The exception is Es' own Voice Drama, which in typical Es fashion is an introduction which also has some interesting information.
If you want to fully put yourself in Es' shoes, you can watch a subtitled version/read a transcript of the VD before watching the MV for that Trial, which is the way they're ordered in the playlist I linked. But again, do what you want.
The only reason I'm only mentioning them after the MVs is that not everyone feels like watching/reading them in full, which is fine, but be careful, you might be missing some critical information. The things stated in VDs are maybe not always as revealing as the MVs, but they're usually more direct and offer great characterization, so I'd recommend at least reading transcripts. Although the voice acting is always on point, so listening to them is always a fun experience!
4- Interrogation Questions
During the course of the Trials, there comes a point when the fans are asked to send the prisoners questions, and a selection of them will be answered by them. Since the creators hand-pick the questions they actually want the prisoners to answer, they range from very interesting to "why the hell are we asking this?" level questions. They're very fun and add a lot of information and characterization to the prisoners!
They're usually done in prisoner duos, so 01-02 (Haruka and Yuno) get the same questions, then 03-04 (Fuuta and Muu) get a different set, etc. The exception for now is T1 Mikoto and Kotoko, because Kotoko's T1 MV was delayed, and it may happen again since Kotoko's T2 MV was also delayed (not confirmed yet).
5- Timelines
In the Milgram app, there will occasionally be updates to the "Timelines" tab, generally during prisoners' birthdays. These feature conversations between the prisoners, which range from extremely funny, very interesting, extremely depressing, etc. They help build up the dynamics between prisoners and are the origin of certain fan-favorite platonic pairings. They sometimes give hints to the prisoners' backstories, but usually they're more for characterization purposes. You can find links to translations of these timelines in the masterlink post I linked to before (thanks doctorbunny you're very cool).
6- Cover Songs
Every Trial, apart from their original song for Milgram, each prisoner gets to cover one song from DECO*27's catalogue. There is no official confirmation these songs are chosen for any reason other than "they sound cool" (which they do!), but as someone who's looked at all of them pretty closely... listen, a lot of them fit extremely well. I personally think they are important, but that's up for interpretation. Also Es had one for T1, Hibana.
These are not to be confused with the Es prisoner song covers, which are done as celebration for when an MV reaches a million views. They are released in hiatus periods, which is why at the time of writing there are no T2 Es covers. These are mostly just for fun, but I wouldn't be surprised if there's a bit of characterization hidden here. I haven't actually heard them all yet oops.
7- And a lot more!
Milgram never really runs out of ways to reveal lore. From distorted lines in the Character Voice Trailers, fun visuals in the "Songs of Prisoners" teasers, fun symbolism in promotional art such as the birthday cakes, album covers, etc etc... There's no real way I can compile it all, just be patient and take your time! Most of it isn't too important, so don't worry too much.
Again, take things at your own pace! Milgram is a really unique experience, and given how the story is presented, you can engage with it in the way that feels the most comfortable for you! Just make sure you're always having fun! Take care!
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sunnyreblogsthings · 1 year
es/prisoner duet headcanons (totally not based off someone i like drawing fuuta and mikoto dueting idk what you’re talking about) (also only first trial for simplicity)
haruka + es: they sing pretty well together! haruka tries his best to sing well, but when he messes up he starts apologizing. you’re doing great baby dw,, as for es they’re just doing their thing, though they might show a bit of sadness due to…well we’ve all seen weakness cmon now
yuno + es: pretty standard! i don’t think much chaos would happen, es is just doing their thing and yuno’s doing hers.
fuuta + es: oh jesus. it’d start out fine, but es would cut off fuuta once and the glares would start. fuuta would be getting upset es wasn’t putting enough ENERGY into it, while es is only doing this because they have to. es starts intentionally cutting fuuta off, and it ends in a shouting match. they totally blow out the speakers from fuuta’s yelling.
muu + es: kind of the same as haruka’s, though i don’t think she’d be as volatile as haruka. if she messed up a lot, sure she’d apologize, but one or two misses wouldn’t have her crying.
shidou + es: they actually work REALLY well together!! shidou & es’s voices are somewhat similar in pitch and tone, so neither would be exhausting themselves keeping up with each other. shidou totally is making sure everyone’s drinking enough water after their songs and not straining their voices too much.
mahiru + es: es lets mahiru take the lead on it, they aren’t too keen on love songs. overall, no chaos and mahiru has a great time! es is never doing that again.
kazui + es: again, somewhat similar voices in pitch in my mind. i don’t think it would go bad either, kazui might start crying a bit though. (kazui fans i’m sorry but you just might never get that cover LMAOOO-)
amane + es: again, not much trouble here either. es isn’t too interested, but amane’s energy and excitement make up for their lack thereof. amane is definitely trying her best to get es into it, and it somewhat works i think! maybe even a little es smile :)
mikoto + es: oh jesus part two. we’ve all seen meme and know how fast the tempo changes. es would be absolutely STRUGGLING, but trying to keep a professional air to themselves like always. meanwhile mikoto is over here doing PERFECTLY FINE. es probably needed like 30 minutes after the song to calm down.
kotoko + es: i think it would go…okay? the song would be perfectly fine, don’t get me wrong, though i’m…concerned about the aftermath. attempted fistfight instigated by kotoko? her just straight up trying to roundhouse kick es? it’s anyone’s guess.
why isn’t anyone covering undercover? - es just…won’t let them. that’s their song, and their song alone. (also they’re too tired after everyone else’s songs and the tempos changing inbetween give them a break okay-)
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corruptratcat · 2 years
Shidou Kirisaki x reader | How do I heal this wound? | Gender neutral
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You're a prisoner, 011, in this hell called milgram, your sin, you killed your whole family for revenge, your hatred for them still stays in your heart all from your own selfish desires, but now you're in this prison, you got voted guilty by the guard, es, after es disappeared a few days ago, the true hell occurred.
"Please, s--spare me!" You begged slowly backing away from the figure in front of you. "It's my duty to serve justice." Kotoko said as she grabbed her bat, she felt no mercy for you. "Please d--don't, I'm sorry! Please, just please!" "How far will a simple sorry take you?" She walked closer to you, you saw what she did to the others, she beat Fuuta and Mahiru up, Mikoto surviving in a tie, you wish this wouldn't happen, but the punishment is here.
--- "P-Please..." You raised your hand up, laying on the ground, you were bleeding as Kotoko walked away, someone was stopping her preventing you from getting hurt any further, you feel like you were dying, slowly bleeding, "Hold still, stay calm, you'll be fine." You hear a familiar voice, it's Shidou, you've been talking to him a lot ever since you got in milgram, you were always interested in medical work even if you were just a clerk when you weren't in prison.
"Shi-Shidou..." You calmed down, even if you felt extreme pain, you tried to calm down, Shidou is reliable as he healed the others who got hurt, you trusted him. "It's the 3rd time someone got severely hurt because of her, good thing Mikoto knows how to protect himself." He sounded so calm despite the circumstances, experience? Probably.
"They also gave me medical tools because I was voted innocent, even if I wanted to be guilty, I cannot deny that these are useful at these times." You didn't know what Shidou was doing, but you just knew you felt much more calm now that he's here. "Can you sit up?" Shidou asked as you slowly got up, almost everything hurting but you know he could heal this all up.
Shidou then changed his position to look at you and examine your face, you kept looking at his features, he was pretty handsome you thought, he has pretty eyes that you could look for as long as you want, it distracted you from all the pain. "Your face is getting a bit red? Are you having a fever?" Shidou put the back of his hand in your forehead "O-Oh I'm fine!" You quickly looked down trying to forget your thoughts about Shidou.
"Look at me, I'll need to examine your face." Shidou requested as you looked at him, trying to think about something else. 'Shit, what else should I think about? Uhhm...' Trying to think about something kept you distracted, till you noticed Shidou's touching a wound "Ouch!" you moved away from Shidou a bit "Sorry if that startled you." He moved closer as you sighed.
"Kirisaki, thank you." you smiled looking at him "You can call me Shidou like you did earlier, we're quite close anyways." He looks at you and smiles back "Right, thanks Shidou." "No problem, it's my job as the medic and as a friend." Your heart started to beat faster, he moved away looking at your other wounds.
He brought his stethoscope and put it near your chest, listening to your heart, it was quite fast. "Are you nervous? Your heart tells me you are." You look at Shidou "I- Uh-" "You don't have to be nervous, I'm here anyways." He pats your head, his hand on your head was soft, you want to feel it again but too scared to ask. "Right! It's just..." You see Shidou tilt his head lightly raising a brow "Ah- Nothing!" You look away, was he really this caring, was he really this pretty?
"Are you feeling a bit better at least?" Shidou said as he started putting bandages on you. "Of course! All because of you, emotionally and physically." You smile "I'm glad, well, let's put this here." He puts a small bandage on your face, you blush a bit "Hah, that was cute." Shidou softly giggled and proceeded to focus on other parts "H-Huh?!" You turned your head to Shidou. "I said that your face was cute with the obvious blush." "R-right! Thanks..." Your face turned red and looked away from Shidou.
"Healing you up is almost done, you'll need some rest afterwards, ok?" Shidou looks at you as you slowly turn your head. "Alright, thank you again Shidou." "You don't need to thank me that much, I'm again just doing my job, have you ever thanked your doctors?" Shidou replies as you think "I think I have, it just happened a few seconds ago." you put on a smile as Shidou chuckles.
"Alright, I think we're done, just relax here." He guides you to a chair as you had some trouble walking, you slowly sat down. "I can't thank you enough really, I don't know how to pay you back." You look down and holding both of your hands together. "Well all that matters is you're healing from the attack." Shidou sits at the chair beside yours. "Why did I even get myself to this situation..." You sigh and look at Shidou "We all committed a sin, murder, this is our punishment because of it." Shidou looks afar as you look away from Shidou, facing forward "Perhaps you're right."
After a few seconds of silence, you thought of making a move, perhaps, you knew you had feelings for this man, his silver hair, pretty face, a personality you liked, you thought, 'Why not? I should always try.' You slowly breathed and looked at Shidou "Hey Shidou." Shidou turned his head to face yours "Hm?" "I- Uhm- How do I-" You kept stuttering trying to say it, Shidou simply laughed "Trying to make a move?" You stopped, how the fuck did he knew?
"It was quite obvious, but really cute too." He put on a smile that made your heart beat even more faster, your face, red, you don't even know what to say at this point. "I uhhhmm..." Yep you couldn't say a word. He got up from his chair and faced you, grabbing your hand and pulling you to his arms, "Sh-Shidou, I uhh..." You kept quiet, gripping on his chest and hiding your face at his shoulder. You were absolutely on fire.
Shidou softly and slowly pushed away and kissed you on the forehead, "That's how you heal the wound."
(I have my ways on how I made this so quickly)
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fuyuesu · 10 months
anyway heres my current milgram verdicts
haruka: guilty (sorry king. please get a therapist)
yuno: innocent (why are they making this regular ass cat live in the zoo)
fuuta: innocent (as a victim of twitter harassment that left me shaky and sobbing and made me fully swear off of ever having public twitter accs again i forgive her because shes just a little meowmeow)
muu: innocent (you heard her shes done nothing wrong in her life ever ^_^ Also this fandom acts ghoulish towards her)
shidou: innocent (why are they making this regular ass cat live in the zoo)
mahiru: guilty (if i had the final say in the verdict she would die and go to hell)
kazui: innocent (gay gay homosexual gay)
amane: innocent (she's not a regular ass cat but by GOD she does not deserve to be in the zoo)
mikoto: innocent (your honor hes just a poor little meow meow)
kotoko: guilty (acab)
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oboetemasuka · 5 months
Order of Attack (part 3)
I have returned from disappearance! Wait, I have to report to work? I guess I won't be picking up the pace just yet...
So have part 3 of bad-things-happen-to-Amane! (Previous parts on AO3 here.) I'll want to revise it again before posting it on AO3.
Did I say this was 736 words? Well, now it's 846. Behold the writing juices.
This one is centered on Shidou. I spent so much time trying to figure out his priorities, Mikoto/John's state, medical care that wasn't glaringly inaccurate... Sorry if I still get something wrong.
Amane speaks a little bit.
Cw for canon-typical violence and descriptions of injuries (blood). Let me know if I'm missing a tag.
(Read more)
After Yuno debriefed Shidou on the situation in Fuuta’s cell, Shidou carefully pocketed a pair of scissors and rushed to his own cell. Resources first. Considering Kashiki-kun’s statement, we’re probably looking at several fractures, some likely in the ribs. There will also be a lot of blood. It’s best that I come equipped.
As he passed by Fuuta’s cell, he heard the scuffle inside, more labored than he expected—or maybe it was expected, if it had been going on as long as it took for Yuno and Mahiru to find them.
Shidou cracked open his cell door and reached in just enough to grab the medical kit right next to the door frame. This will have to do for now.
Just then, two yelps rang out in unison, followed by a “Knock it off!”, followed by some breathless swears. Shidou arrived at Fuuta’s cell just as Kotoko stormed out, and they collided. He barely paid her any mind as he entered the cell and she scrambled to her feet in a huff.
The first thing he saw as he pushed open the door was Amane curled up on the ground. Kazui was kneeling over her, folding a pillowcase with uncertainty. At the end of the room was Fuuta, unconscious and bleeding in multiple places. To the side was Mikoto, catching his breath.
“Allow me,” Shidou told Kazui as he knelt down to better assess Amane’s injuries. Several scrapes on her legs, and a few on her face. Her eyelids were barely open, but her left eye tracked Shidou’s movements with a contemptuous glare. Her right eye, bleeding heavily, did not follow suit.
“We’re going to need more hands,” Shidou told Kazui. “Can you get Kashiki-kun and Shiina-kun?”
He pulled out some wound dressings and antiseptic from the kit.
“Won’t you need help with two patients?” Kazui asked. “Or three?” He gestured towards Mikoto, who hadn’t moved since Shidou first entered the room.
“Yes. The sooner we get more hands, the smoother this will go.”
Shidou cleaned the area around Amane’s eye. She winced.
“Besides, we don’t want to risk them getting attacked by Yuzuriha-kun.”
Kazui nodded. “I’ll be quick.” Then he left the room.
Shidou realized too late that he should have asked about Haruka and Muu as well. The last anyone had heard from them, they were making crafts in the warehouse. Though he was concerned with all the attacks going on, he figured that they were outside of Kotoko’s attack pattern. He could just ask Kazui to get them once he returned.
Shidou looked over at Fuuta. Someone ought to stop the bleeding, but he was busy tending to Amane. Could he trust Mikoto? Kayano-kun has been so different lately, but… Even so, an extra hand would be indispensable right now. He wouldn’t pose a threat to the patients, would he?
“Kayano-kun? Could you lend a-” 
Mikoto turned his head just enough to glare with an intensity that Shidou thought he was incapable of.
I hope the others get here soon. Shidou pressed the dressing over Amane’s eye.
“What… are…” Amane rasped.
“I’m making sure the bleeding slows down. I know it hurts, but-”
“Stop,” she said weakly yet forcefully.
“I’m afraid I cannot. You would lose too much blood.”
“It’s only a tr-” Her voice halted as if her air supply was pinched for a moment.
Shidou wrapped gauze around Amane’s head and glanced at Fuuta. How long has Kajiyama-kun been bleeding out like that? Should I have checked on him first? If only I could be in two places at once.
He wondered what was taking Kazui so long. Surely Kazui understood the gravity of the situation. Or… maybe a reasonable amount of time had passed, but the uncertainty of everything slowed time down. Shidou picked up the scissors and started at the oversized sleeves on Amane’s uniform.
After what felt like an eternity, Mikoto broke the silence.
“Where… am I?” Before Shidou could explain, Mikoto’s eyes widened and he let out a panicked gasp. “Why do I hurt all over? Why- Fuuta? Amane? Did we all just get-”
“Slow down, Kayano-kun. If you’re up to the task, I could use a lot of help.”
Mikoto paused and took a breath. “You need my help?”
“Yes. I need you to keep an eye on Amane for me.”
“Are you sure? I think she’s scared of me.”
“Am… not…” Amane responded, fury leaking from her ragged breaths.
“Just make sure she doesn’t get hurt more. I really need to check on Kajiyama-kun.”
Just as Shidou began examining Fuuta’s wounds, the cell door opened.
“Shidou-kun!” Yuno and Mahiru called out. Yuno walked over to his side, while Mahiru knelt beside Mikoto and Amane. Kazui followed in after them.
“Mukuhara-kun. Kashiki-kun. Shiina-kun. Was there a hold-up?”
“I don’t believe so,” Kazui replied. “It only took four minutes to get there and back. Is that not the typical round trip?”
Shidou sighed. It was a small relief that it wasn’t twenty minutes. For all the seconds that counted, he hadn’t lost as many as he feared.
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