#she's a master mage
star--nymph · 11 months
♬ ☘ ♿ for my beloved Eury
My beloved Leo!!! Thank you!!
♬ : Does your muse sing well? Regardless of whether they sing well or not, do they enjoy singing?
EURYDICE CAN NOT SING. I CAN NOT EMPHASIZE THIS ENOUGH. She's absolute garbage at singing. Eurydice likes when other people sing--she loves pretty voices and how it makes her ears feel--but she's well aware that she lacks an ability at all. Oh, the screeching broken notes that come out of her. She's embarrassed about it too. Sometimes she does it by herself and if someone catches her, she runs away. If someone asks her to try again, she tells them she's not 'made to sing'. The irony is one of Eurydice's voice claims if Lisa Hannigan who is a very talented Irish singer, hahahaa. I refuse to let her sing well but sometimes I'll imagine it.
♿ : Has your muse had any injuries in the past?
Yeah, many. It's hard to know where to start, ha! She was stabbed in the ribs during her first battle with the shems when she was fourteen or fifteen. It almost killed her. There's a small burnt scar on the inside of her left wrist from an incident with her father when she was twelve years old. The most prominent of her scars are, of course, her lightening scars that go from her fingers to her shoulder blades. These didn't develop all at once but from years of her practicing storm magic. One of the problems with Eurydice early on (and even now) is that she has a surplus of magic saved up but she lacks control with it. She's very much like a lightening rod, which is why when she's agitated, she gives off electrical sparks. When one can't control a storm tree spell, the rebound from it can smack right back into the spell caster. Every lightening scar Eurydice has is from when she made a mistake or let her control slip; so you can say that her scars are proof of her skill.
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Breaking Ajax out of prison. *waves* Hi Wifi! Sending this brainrot in. Enjoy the vacation!
You are Wriothsley's well-traveled sister. You've been away from Fontaine for a while, growing your business in Liyue and Inazuma. You walked with a purpose, towards your brother's office in Meropide. Except, you know he wasn't there. He had taken the day off and you were one step closer to being a criminal. You were disgusted at the verdict of the justice machine installed at the Opera Epiclese. You received a letter from one of his agents and your friend, Violet, as you so casually called the Electro Cicin Mage. You rushed back home when you found out that Childe was behind bars.
How dare the nation of justice snatch away the only person who convinced you to live? You met Ajax during a dark period of your life. You had challenged the Oceanid in Liyue, with no intention of fighting back. It was a bit poetic how you wanted to lose your life to water, after leaving the nation of hydro. Ajax watched the battle unfurl from the edge of the mountain, only to notice that you weren't moving at all. You fell to your knees, eyes shut and waiting for the rushing tide that never came. When you opened your eyes, blue eyes peered at you with concern and curiosity. Electro buzzed in the air, only to dissipate with a flick of his hand, as he switched off his Delusion.
Now, it was your turn to save him. You only hoped that your brother's stories were accurate. Your brother has been trying ro recruit you for years, saying that your skill would be very useful in bringing in criminals. Little did he know that you would use the skill that he praised you for, not to bring in criminals but to break out one. Hall after hall, you walked, using the vapor in the air to conceal yourself. Ajax is a Harbinger. They would have kept him in the cells with more security. You just needed a distraction. Thankfully, Violet and her fellow agents, are there to cause a ruckus. You've reached the deepest part of the prison. Your eyes searched for dark, ginger hair - passing by a couple of cells before hearing a muffled groan. You followed the sound, dropping your cover and came face to face with eyes as blue as the depths of Fontaine. Ajax stares at you with alarm and parted lips. Placing your index finger on your lips, you requested his silence. You shut your eyes, concentrating as you became one with the water. Your body separated into tiny bubbles that passed through the small opening of the cell. Your flesh coalesced back into one piece. Ajax' arms found your waist, face pressed against your neck. He had gone too long without you. Your scent brought him comfort.
"Jax," you whispered. "Priorities." You pushed something cold into his hand.
"Oh. My vision," he smiled softly.
"Archons, please do not leave your vision behind. I almost had a heart attack when I saw that it was dull." You bit your lip, turning away. "I thought you.."
Lips pressed against your nape softly before settling on the back of your head. "Sorry. Never again."
A sigh escaped your mouth. You could never stay mad at him. Not when he had to endure being imprisoned. You eyed the inside of the cell.
"But love, now that you're here. What's the plan? When are you visiting again?"
You turn to Ajax with a winning smile, one that you often saw on his face instead of yours.
"I'm not visiting. We're getting out."
You explained how Fatui agents were ready to serve as distractions in different parts of the city. There were mekas prepared to go berserk and run loose. Fontaine is organized, they will subdue the threats quickly. You just needed enough time to get Ajax out.
"How are we getting out? My blades are sharp and ready. Or I could transform." He paused. "I just...i actually just didn't want to transform because of your brother. Didn't want to leave a bad impression."
Your hands found his cheek, stroking softly. He leaned into your hand.
"You've held out long enough. This time, I'm the one saving you. We're leaving without a trace."
His eyes widened slightly.
"I have been practicing a lot. I can do it now for extended periods of time. I can maintain the unseen form for more than one person."
Ajax titled his head to the left, giving your hand on his cheek a soft peck.
"Whatever happens, I'm proud of you. Thank you."
Before you could respond, there was a series of explosions. Shouting followed, then footsteps as guards ran towards the entrance of Meropide.
"Hold my hand. Don't let go."
Ajax stepped closer to you, slotting you against his body as he hugged you right.
"Well, that's also a way of holding me."
Ajax chucked, as he placed his chin on top of your head. Your locked your arms around him. Shut your eyes and both of your bodies dissolved into bubbles. This time, you needed something more advanced than bubbles, you needed to be vapor. Unnoticed and unseen. As vapor, you passed through the high security cells now devoid of guards. You passed through the halls. The strain of the concentration wore you down. But Ajax kept you going. Finally, you passed through the reception and the entrance. You were at the edge of Opera Epiclese but you kept the form for a little while longer. Your forms plunged into the water, now zooming towards Elynas. You online relinquished your hold and control once you've reached the shore. Your forms coalesced back into human bodies.
Ajax' arms were still around you when you fell to the ground in exhaustion. Your breaths came hard and your mind burned in pain. Worry etched over Ajax' face. He needed to take care of you now.
You opened your eyes after a deep sleep. A single crystalline eye peered at you. Happy chirps followed as Legacy nuzzled you.
Understanding the question in your voice, Legacy gingerly took a note from the desk and pushed it into your hand.
Childe's wrote: Legacy's face is not recognizable.
You were in an old house that seemed to have been abandoned. The bedsheets seemed cleaned enough. The floors look like they have been mopped recently. In the corner of the room, you spotted a mop with it's handle broken. Legacy must have tried to clean up. You smiled at the thought.
Breaking Ajax out of prison took more effort than you thought. But pushing yourself to the limit proved that you could do it. Your skill was useful after all. Legacy nudged your hand, asking for pets. You scratched behind his horn, earning a rumbling purr. You nuzzled into his side, while petting him. Although on the run and officially a criminal, you felt safest with Ajax and Legacy. You would break the law over and over again if it means keeping them safe.
you have to rest for a couple more days after you wake up- pushing yourself so much completely sapped your energy. Legacy does his best to care for you, fetching fruit and flowers from outside while you're confined to bed (the flowers are to cheer you up, because he knows you love them so) and nudging your shoulder with his head to get you to lay down. he desperately wants to make sure that you don't exhaust yourself more, and he WILL lay on top of you to make sure you don't move- carefully, of course! his head nestles in the soft skin of your stomach, brilliant sapphire eye looking at you stubbornly as he lets out a light huff, having found you trying and failing to stand for the third time that day. and once you begin to recover, he helps you walk, gently holding your hands with his claws or even carrying you in his arms to go sit outside for some fresh air, the cool ocean breeze washing over you
there haven't been too many mekas looking for you and Ajax- if you were being honest, you suspect Wriothesley being your brother had something to do with it- and the few that did come after you were swiftly dealt with by a protective Foul Legacy, eagerly bumping his forehead against yours afterwards for pets. he hasn't seen you in so long, after all, always shut away in Ajax's mind even when they were both thrown into prison. he tried to tell the Harbinger that he could help, he could get them out of there, but Ajax always refused! Foul Legacy was so lonely; it was like drowning in a cold, starless sea, bringing back memories he'd rather forget. so he clings to you now, craving the sensation of your gentle hands running through his hair, soft and fragile after being surrounded by the cold metal of the prison. sometimes he finds his thoughts drifting back to icy water and chains and bars and the crushing pressure of the sea, and he curls around you with a whimper, wanting to be held until he drifts off to sleep, comforted by your presence
when you're asleep and he knows no one else is around, Ajax takes over for a few minutes, pulling you close to his chest and murmuring that he missed you so, so much, speaking for both him and Foul Legacy
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aparticularbandit · 2 months
Someone said there wasn't a lot of Frieren fanfic and I looked and there's barely 250 total on AO3 and now I'm like.
I have a Frieren plot bunny.
I could write a Frieren fic.
(Bandit. Finish. The rough. Of OAFC.)
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soldier-poet-king · 3 months
Anyway my wizard found out SO MUCH shit about her mentor who has absolutely been manipulating her this whole time like. Oh my mage master who lied and manipulated for political gain and has taught me to do so, has been lying and manipualting ME this whole time?? Shocked Pikachu face. It was so good. The guilt. The LAYERS of deceit. The mixed motivations. The, 'for better or worse I am entirely the creature you made me to be, and that's either your greatest success or possibly the thing that brings about your downfall, or both'. But also 'i am throwing away my career and prospects and possibly life for a nebulous concept of truth and the first friends I've had and only met a few months ago but idk how to stop being a Bad Person so I'm now doing shitty manipulation and lying but For Good???' she's an illusion wizard with high char, but for only lying and politicking. She was built for one (1) purpose.
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functionalasfuck · 2 years
After watching the most recent episode, it is becoming more and more likely that the original Mu Deok isn’t Naksu’s soul swapping victim. Mu Deok is the one that purposefully forced Naksu into her body, not the other way around.
Which makes me so curious about her. What is her plan? What does she gain from having this assassin pilot her body? Was being sold to a place the 4 seasons/Jang Uk frequents not a coincidence?
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nobuverse · 7 months
( Playing through Atlantis did give me the idea once more that I'd really like to place a Chaldean Master verse for Misato ?
Anyone want an overdramatic/pretentious teen with a heart of gold for the savior of humanity ? )
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fakemiya · 1 year
the kira reckoning....
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HII OMG i had to follow for the soul calibur and kingdom hearts ships!!! also you seem pretty cool!!! :D if it isn't too much trouble, could you tell me more about your ship with aqua? i love her sm! (kittyandco)
hello!!! thank you thank you! it's great to see you here ajdhqkdjw I love so many of your ships and have been following for a while! i'm a huge marvel fan and hux is a character i like a lot too and there's so many f/os of yours that i recognize! soulcal is so special to me since some of my earliest memories are of me playing it! as a result, I've been with my guy for a while- what a guy, am I right? 😍
i'm always down to talk about my aqua! I also love her sm if i do say so myself- this might end up being a little long but here we gooooo!
okay so. Ash is another Keyblade wielder raised by Master E.raqus! He found her after she was orphaned so she sees him as a fatherly figure. She's just a few months older than Aqua and a little younger than Terra. She dresses in mostly all red (her and Aqua are the red and blue couple!!!!) and has those chest straps the other wayfinder trio folk do as well.
She became a Keyblade master before Aqua did (though not very long before- just a few weeks) and she's very good at what she does! She wears a long red coat. I wanted her to look cool and important which is why her outfit is like that.
I hope you like the childhood best friends to lovers trope because that's exactly what happens! These two have been together since they were children. They were always together. No matter what. Always together, hand in hand, giggling and laughing and training and talking. It isn't until their teenage years where Ash goes "... Oh. Oh."
Ash has it bad. She's so horribly in love with her best friend. Terra knows, Ven knows, Dad knows, they all know- It's so obvious! As a kid, she always wanted to be with Aqua, but as she grew older, those cute little giggles turned into longing glances.
Ash often calls Aqua "Berry", a nickname from when they were kids. Ash was red... Aqua was blue... Like a blueberry! So she's Berry for short. She always called Aqua that when they were little, and it stuck! So you can sometimes see her call Aqua "berry"!
Just imagine a little Ash and Aqua when they were small.
"You're Aqua.. and I'm Ash!"
"You're red, and I'm blue!"
"You're like water... But I'm like fire!"
And little Aqua giggles,
"Hey, we match! We're meant to be, right?"
"Yeah, that's right! Ash and Aqua, we'll be best friends forever and ever!"
Anyways, Ash said that she'd finally confess after years of pining after they're all Masters, but... haha... ha... (looks at birth by sleep). She doesn't take the end of the game very well.
(Oh and more appearance details! Ash has brown skin and eyes and black hair like I do. Her coat is red and her shirt under is black. Her straps are green. Her Keyblade is green too. Her hair is long, but tied in a ponytail with a white ribbon. The ribbon was a gift from Eraqus when she was younger.)
Like with the others, Aqua makes a wayfinder for Ash. Ash's is red, just like her coat. But Ash refuses to take it. She laughs, saying that her and Aqua are so close that they don't need this to be together. And so, for all of BBS, Aqua carries two Wayfinders.
But at the end, right before she falls into darkness, Aqua asks for Ash's hand and gives her a blue Wayfinder.
"Aqua..." "Keep it. I'll always be by your side, okay?"
So for all of Ash's appearances until they reunite in 3, Ash carries a blue Wayfinder from her belt. However, that also means that Aqua carries a red Wayfinder in 0.2
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It makes moments like these a little more emotional. She thinks of Ash whenever she looks at that. Ash is what keeps her going throughout the darkness. Her best friend, the woman that she loves.
And then... At the end of BBS... Aqua falls into darkness. And Ash is forced to watch. The last thing Aqua hears is Ash begging and screaming, pleading for the darkness to please just take her instead. Anything, she'd give up anything to save Aqua.
Ash punches at the ground again and again till her knuckles bleed the same red as the Wayfinder Aqua always held onto, casts every single spell she knows. She doesn't care about how much it hurts. She just wanted to save Aqua.
... And she failed. Aqua doesn't come back.
Ash's hands are scarred from all that, and every single one of those scars are a reminder that she failed. She has bandages around her hands.
For ten years, she is alone. Eraqus is gone, her best friend Terra is gone, Ven is gone... And Aqua is gone. Her light is gone. Ash spends ten years by herself, wandering worlds and imagining what it would be like to see Aqua again. She loves her so much..
Ash can be seen wandering worlds in 2. Sora tries to talk to her, seeing that she's a Keyblade wielder. But Ash tells him to leave. She doesn't care about anything that doesn't have to do with Aqua. She doesn't even have it in her to be a boss fight.
But yeah. For ten years, we get mean and sad Ash. After Mickey sees Aqua, he tracks down Ash. Ash agrees to help them because she wants to see Aqua again. So we see her work with Riku and Yen Sid and Mickey and all those losers later. She's a little serious and quiet (which is wild, since she's a goofy and bright jokester with Aqua!)
Her and Riku also develop a sibling type bond. She's the cool big sister to him. Riku picks up on Ash always playing with the blue Wayfinder she carried on her.
And then a bunch of stuff happens and she's the one who has to fight Anti-Aqua. It horrifies her and she's crying for the whole fight.
"Please, Aqua... I-I can't... Don't make me do this..."
"You left me here. You abandoned me. You never came me."
"Aqua, please... I did everything I could!"
And when Aqua finally comes back, Ash is tackling her in a hug. They're both sobbing, clinging to each other with all they have. Aqua has always felt like home to Ash. Ash was home. She was finally home. Aqua cries, saying that she never stopped thinking about Ash.
You know how in 0.2 Aqua looks up at the sky sometimes? Ash looks up at the stars a lot too. Reminds me of the days when her and younger Aqua would stay up and laugh together under the stars.
A little while after they reunite, they kiss. They've always been so close, and sometimes just... snaps. And they both confess that they've been in love with each other for a long, long time. And yeah! For the rest of 3, you can see them kissing and holding hands and being really cute. They're a very adorable couple (if I do say so myself hehe)!
Also, Ash is afraid of taking off her bandages around Aqua at first. Her scars are ugly. Her scars are a reminder of how she wasn't enough. She wants to be the perfect woman for Aqua, and Aqua shouldn't have to see that side of her. But Aqua tells Ash that she loves Ash for who she is, and her hands are beautiful, no matter how many scars are on them. Aqua kisses them often.
Also, Ash sometimes refers to Aqua as "my heart" and Aqua refers to Ash as "my light". In a world of darkness, thoughts of Ash was all Aqua had. Her bright smile, loud laugh, all of it... Ash was her light. And a heart is supposed to be Ash's guiding key, right? Well, Ash's heart always found its way back to Aqua. Aqua is her heart.
There's a lot more to this ship and I've written soooo damn much for them, but that's pretty much what you need to know about them! They're the red/blue Keyblade gfs!!!! They're so in love! Best friends (and even more than that) forever!
Ash is pretty sassy and humorous, and can sometimes be a bit of a flirt (only towards Aqua). It makes Aqua blush. Aqua is just the sweetest person alive- It's adorable how she's the only person who can fluster Ash. They love each other so much. Ten years without each other wasn't easy. Ash isn't used to having anyone around again, and Aqua isn't used to the light. But that's okay. They have each other, right?
Oh! Also! When they reunite, they finally trade Wayfinders again. Red for Ash, blue for Aqua.
This is mostly Ash/Aqua focused, but she's cool big sis to Ven, and sassy daughter (who loves him lots) to Eraqus. She didn't like Terra as a kid, but as they grew up together, they've gotten extremely close and care for each other deeply. However, Ash likes to pick on him a lot. She calls him an idiot a lot, but she cares about him, I promise! He was also one of the first to go "hey, Ash, youre down bad for your bestie aren't you-"
Thank you for this ask!!!
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futurefind · 6 months
//also i still think funniest realization / best intersection of og script and reamomTM chaldea fic is just
guda, canonically, staring at roman on meeting: youre fluffy...
rea, walking in, w even More hair and sparkles: :D
guda: oh my fucking god theres two of you
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rosymorns · 9 months
i was thinking. i said that marian was in complete isolation for years but im going to retcon that -- she got taken to Wizard Conferences and stuff on occasion. Useful For The Growing Wizard or whatever. would be boring for most fourteen year olds but it was like Christmas to her. anyway she definitely. DEFINITELY. met gale at one of them. he does not remember it but she eventually does.
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sanctamater · 9 months
so i will say in my dragon a.ge verse amelia did not have a... smooth transition between kirkwall and joining the inquisition as its arm's master. amelia's role in the kirkwall rebellion and the events leading up to it was obviously not an innocent one. she profited greatly off of meredith's paranoias and thoughts of conspiracy and essentially functioned as a war profiteer ( lore accurate amelia trait ) while selling arms to the templars and allowing them to stockpile all manner of weapons.
in all likelihood, amelia would be facing some trial in the aftermath for her involvement in the rebellion. not only did she profit off of it, she ( at least in @ idolbound and i's verse ) would have aided meredith in the lead up to the rebellion ( notation, filing, wanted lists - writing and copying when meredith was too exhausted to ) and would have likely been made to pay reparations to the city of kirkwall to aid in its reconstruction.
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felikatze · 1 year
miriel 🤝 clarine
mage characters i never notices are just so fucking speedy for no reason??
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moonlightmagus · 1 year
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She is an adult but someone save her. Talking about Mana transfers just make her embarrassed. 
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ziracona · 2 years
Merrill is out here fighting for her life trying to be nice to Fenris, and he won’t stop doing the verbal equivalent of throwing rocks at her.
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blanketfortz · 4 months
epic seasons rundown each of the main team is based on a season + like a dnd class . or just a fantasy role i dont know. with the exception of esther bc theyre special. and they all fight ummSOMETHING undecided i suppose anyways the team starts with a duo (june + lumi (summer + winter)) with haruki (spring) joining a bit later and esther (autumn) while technically being there the entire time just sort of in the background joining much later .i need to draw them again its been months
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nobuverse · 7 months
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This is a permanent starter Call for Sanada Misato   !
By liking this post, you’re letting me know that you either haven’t roleplayed with this muse before and would like to ( to which I’ll more than likely write you a starter for ), or you’ve interacted with them before and would like to continue doing so!
This post is made for both my anxiety and our communication! Feel free to like as many or as little of these posts as you see fit ! No pressure !
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