#she’s so freaking cool I wish we got more of her
quackwerkz · 3 months
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andradrawsstuff · 2 months
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Ik it’s getting closer to summer but here’s some very quick cold weather doodles of the beans
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etherealstar-writes · 4 months
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pairings: woso x reader
summary: in which you're accidentally added to a random group chat, not knowing they're all actually famous footballers, and obliviously end up having many of them competing for your love and attention.
part: thirteen
part one here
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liked by ellatoone, alessiarusso99, leahwilliamsonn and 5000 others
yourusername: i'm so proud of you guys!! euros champions wooh!! 🤍💙
lottewubbenmoy: 💙💙
ellatoone: tysm!!
alessiarusso99: 💙💙💙
leahwilliamsonn: nahh what is that photo of me ↳ yourusername: lookin buzzin ↳ ellatoone: buzzin fr
stanwaygeorgia: still can't believe you wore that old rusty metal's jersey instead of mine 😔 ↳ lucybronze: it's because i'm her fav ↳ stanwaygeorgia: you wished
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(doing a bit of timeskip and let's pretend it's been like around two months since the euros bcuz yeah)
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ guys look at what leah and i found this morning
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the imposter aka y/n ❤️ well i was gonna offer you but leah said you were busy
stairway WHAT NO I WASNT
willlybum oh well that's so sad
earpsy so this is why you were late to training
willybum i forgot we had training
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ more like wanted to forgot
willybum oi don't expose me like that
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ :)) so how's training going
neev y/n save me from this torture we'll go to nandos together and drag jessie along too
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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neev added flaming hot
flaming hot stoppp not this nickname 😭😭 and we can't go to that nandos place anymore did you two forget? we're banned from last time
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and who's fault was that miss flaming hot
flaming hot i blame niamh for all that
neev bruh you were literally the one that said you could handle the flaming hot sauce fleming and then practically screamed dramatically about how you were dying which got us kicked out
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ it was incredibly funny ngl i mean you couldn't really tell the difference from jessie's face and her national jersey colour
flaming hot stop ittt you two are meanies it literally wasn't that bad i recovered fine
neev um you were literally crying the whole day jessie
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ and we had to buy you like twenty iced drinks for you to finally cool down
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look this is you finally calming down after your twelfth drink
neev yeah not our fault you can't handle any spice flaming hot fleming but we're still kidnapping you and taking you to another nandos place tonight
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ we sure are
flaming hot i'm gonna pull a houdini
lotte oooh i wanna come along to nandos!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ you're very welcome to
stairway me too!
neev absolutely not
stairway excuse you how can lotte come with you guys but not me?!
neev bcuz she isn't annoying like you are
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elton no wayy you guys
willybum oh my god i do not have the effort for this today what is she going to say
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh no
the REAL karate kid
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ona batlle uh should i be scared?
kie very much
flaming hot what is happening?
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elton did you guys know that you can lick someone's elbow (also known as their wenis) and they can't feel it
lotte righttt of course i needed to know this
flaming hot HELP WHAT 😭😭
neev the fact that i just saw georgia look at me after reading that seriously concerns me
the REAL karate kid unfortunately it's true 😭😭 she licked my wenis
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ ..... yeah i have no words
ona batlle 😭😭
steph what the hell 😭😭
rusty metal i wondered why everyone stopped working out and started looking at each other ella, i do not wanna know why you know that, and can everyone stop trying to lick each other's elbows it's freaking me out 😭😭
kie i'm convinced ella has no thoughts behind those eyes it is just elevator music. on repeat. all day. every day.
stairway i think lucy's wenis needs a licky lick
rusty metal georgia get the hell away from me
elton ALSO if you look at any object near you right now you know in your head what it would feel like when you lick it like the texture and stuff
mccard nahh that's insane i haven't licked everything near me so why would i know how it would feel?
lotte why did i just see rachel and millie taking glances at each other
flaming hot of course she would do that 😭😭
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steph is this just a daily occurrence for you guys? is this normal?
door knob i'm sad to admit that it is
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i'm kinda glad i'm not near any of this rn
flaming hot fr
neev well i wanted to know if my brain was tricking me or not
esme you didn't need to lick it tho mate 😭😭
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alex nahh i'm done i'm leaving the gym just saw daly start walking towards bright like she was preparing to lick her i can't witness this today 😭😭
kie why am i not surprised that it's ella that started this again?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️
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ona batlle amen to that
steph seconded so glad kyra and charli aren't in this chat to contribute to this chaos omg
flaming hot amen fr 😭
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ omg kyra and cha cha! we need to add em in here too
stairway wait a sec y/n YOURE NOT BRITISH?!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ nopee lived in england almost all my life but proud aussie here 💪🇦🇺
steph ayeee 🇦🇺
willybum i cannot believe this
elton you're an imposter fr
neev and here we thought you were one of us
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ heyy i am an honourary lioness member isn't like lessi half italian?
thet REAL karate kid yeah?
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ see and she's playing for england i can support both the lionesses and tillies
willybum okay but now that the wsl is starting the more important question is which club do you support?
stairway oh yeah
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ oh uhh i gtg do something really important rn talk to you guys later! bye!
neev y/nnnnn dont forget our nandos!! i'll be waiting!!
the imposter aka y/n ❤️ i won't! better be prepared fleming
flaming hot oh no
✦ ——— ✦ ——— ✦
part fourteen here
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reysdriver · 1 year
Beautiful Boy | J.P.
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James struggles to keep his cool when you go into labour — james x fem!reader fluff
warnings: reader giving birth (but not graphic or anything)
words: 1k
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You laid on the bed in St. Mungos, James at your side. The potion a medi-witch gave you a few minutes ago was starting to kick in, and the pain was subsiding. You were warned that it wasn't going to help for the whole time, but you were only concerned about stopping the pain at that very moment. 
The same medi-witch checked your dilation, and her report disappointed you. "You're almost ready to have this baby. You've still got a few centimetres to go, maybe two or three. It's just a waiting game right now." 
You didn't want to wait. You wanted that baby out right away. 
"Why does she have to wait? Can't we speed this up somehow?" James asked. 
She shook her head. "The baby will come when her cervix is about ten centimetres dilated. Right now, she's only about seven or eight." She showed the measurements with her fingers, and James' face flushed. 
The witch then left, promising to come back and check up on you in a few minutes. 
"Love, I know I've told you nonstop how proud I am of you, but I really want to tell you again." James said to you. "I can't even imagine—" 
You didn't mean to cut him off, but another wave of pain crashed over you and it was impossible for a groan to have not escaped your lips. You squeezed his hand so hard you were sure you were passing the pain onto him. 
"Is that a contraction?"
"Yes, James." You said tearily. "When I make that noise and squeeze your hand every few minutes, it's because of contractions." 
He held your hand and breathed with you every time you had a contraction after that. 
You had healers coming in and out of your room every ten minutes or so, and after about an hour, finally one of them told you that you were ready to push.
Even though you had told your husband he didn't have to be in the room with you once you started active labour, he insisted on being right by your side. He should have listened to you, since it was obvious he was spiralling. He was asking a million questions, his eyes were wide and frightened, and it looked like he was going to pass out. 
You wanted to gently get him out of the room before he needed more medical attention than you. "Jamie, honey. Why don't you go get some ice to chew on? You love that. Or you could go update everyone on how we're doing?" 
He knew he was freaking out. Everyone in the room knew. He just really didn't want to leave you alone. "No, I'm fine. I'm great, love." 
One of the healers tried getting James out too. "Sir, you really don't want to be here for the worst part. Your wife will be very well taken care of under our care, you don't need to worry."
James looked to you with a guilty expression. He was torn between staying and leaving, so you assured him you were alright. 
He kissed you, quickly said how much he loves you, then reluctantly left the room. 
You called James back in after it was all over. Your baby boy was in a bassinet next to the bed, and James' eyes started welling with tears the moment he saw you two. 
"Hi, Jamie." You said as he walked closer. 
He sat at the side of your bed and leaned down to kiss you gently but passionately. "I love you. I'm so proud of you." He told you in between light kisses scattered across your face. 
You smiled at both his praise and his touch. You could have sworn it was really helping to heal the pain. "Do you want to meet your son or are you just going to keep kissing me?"
His kisses stopped, but his hands remained holding your face as he let out a little laugh. "I wish I could do both." He looked back at the bassinet and let out a sigh. You nodded as a sign of encouragement, and he stood up and went over to your baby. 
He was half-asleep, so James was incredibly careful in picking him up. He held an arm under his little dark curls, and James noted all of his other features. Your eyes were passed down, but all of his other traits so far were from James. 
"Hello, my beautiful boy. I'm so excited you're here." 
You were surprised at James' soft tone. Usually, he was hyper and loud, and you had spent the majority of your pregnancy telling him off whenever he was talking to your baby bump and made a dirty joke. Now, he was speaking at a volume just above a whisper and it was adorable watching them. 
"Your mum and I have been waiting such a long time, but she's been through a lot more to get you here than I have. She's so strong, you're gonna love her just as much as she loves you already." 
Your husband looked over to you for a second, then looked back at the baby in his arms. 
"She's looking at you with the most adorable smile right now. She's probably watching 'cause she knows you're sleepy. Well, before you go to sleep, I just want to tell you that I love you, and I'm always going to be here for you, and I'll never let anything bad happen to you." 
James kissed him softly on the forehead as he lowered him into the bassinet again. He walked back to your bed and you let him lay down in the thin space beside you. He went back to peppering kisses on you, and you melted into his touch. 
"We should let him sleep for a little bit, then people can come in and meet him." You told your husband. 
He smiled. "The boys are outside flipping coins to decide who gets to see him first."
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stylespresleyhearted · 2 months
masterlist here x
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liked by fan21, user13, and 937 others
enews Love is in the air! Austin Butler and his girlfriend shared the sweetest reunion outside the airport 😭 more photos at the link in bio
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fan34 omg i am so freaking jealous
butlerfan It feels so good to see him be publicly in love and not hide it anymore
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liked by florencepugh, tomhardy, and 15933 others
austinbutler Happy day 🎂❤️
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tchalamet happy birthday gee! @yourinstagram
zendaya 27 has never looked better queen 💕
ashleytisdale I’m telling Jupiter LOL! Happiest birthday to you @yourinstagram you are a blessing in our lives 🥰🥰
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liked by keoghan92, zendaya, and 97188 others
yourinstagram 💋 smooches for @austinbutler
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glenpowell Austin Butler is one lucky lucky man
fan13 not glen in the comment section please
user13 this gets cuter when you realize she was actually kissing him through the glass 😭❤️
oliviadejonge absolute stunner 🥀
austinbutler Get over here right now
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liked by fan12, user13 and 988 others
enews Austin Butler and girlfriend spotted sharing a few cuddles and kisses while on a date! We all know how much they love their smooches 😚
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user21 one hand on her back, other in her pocket this man knows he’s fine
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liked by ashleytisdale and 13794 others
austinbutler sweatin’ because my date is so hot
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ashleybee HAHA the caption 😂😂
yourinstagram lol u cheesy man 🫶🏻 ily
anthonyboyle He was probably so proud with it too 😂
keoghan ace mateeee 😌
ayoedibiri this is my favorite post you have ever posted
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liked by keoghan92, zendaya, and 93166 others
austinbutler Took over lighting production during a visit on set and she killed it !!
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florencepugh I’m so mad you didn’t bring her on the Dune set
florencepugh not enough. i needed you there every day.
yourinstagram Michael Mann said the job is mine 🤩
user13 y/n getting a job on the heat 2 set iktr!!!
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liked by tchalamet, bazluhrmann, and 101766 others
austinbutler I want to do with you what spring does to cherry tress - Pablo Neruda
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fan23 … is everyone else also transfixed on her awesome boobs or am i a perv ?
oliviadejonge gorgeous girl
tomholland2013 aren’t we lucky boys mate?
ashleytisdale 😍😍😍
ayoedibiri she’s got you quoting pablo neruda and i completely understand why
yourinstagram if your boyfriend isn’t also your photographer break up with him
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liked by catherinemartinedesigns and 89716 others
austinbutler 🕶️
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zendaya the coolest to ever do it
keoghan92 sickkkk
rileykeough Austin we’re gonna need you to release a book of all the photos you have of this gorgeous girl 🌚
ashleybee Her job is Cool Barbie
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liked by ashleybee, anthonyboyle, and 67178 others
yourinstagram was my turn to snap a photo of this handsome guy who makes me the happiest i have ever been ♥️♾️ ‘love could be labeled poison and we’d drink it anyway’
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austinbutler oh no
yourinstagram taste of your own medicine mister lol
keoghan92 my teeth can’t handle the sweetness
florencepugh not one bad photo of either of you exists
ashleybee Having a big sister moment because he’s winked the same since he was like 5
yourinstagram can we look at baby pictures again 🥹
No disrespect intended to Austin’s current relationship, I respect their privacy but also I really wish Austin would post his gf, talk about her, all that good stuff I GET WHY HE DOESN’T 😭
also using Sydney Sweeney as a FC because I’m currently obsessed with her she’s awesome?? Brilliant ??? She is everything. Also I may have an idea for part 2 but it would be nsfw concerning leaked nudes and such but would anyone be interested in that? Lemme know! As always feel free to come chat 💬
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rebouks · 3 months
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Previous // Next
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[Brodie flicked through the mail, instantly recognising the scrawling handwriting of a certain redheaded little boy. Scaring a few birds in the process, he bellowed up the stairs: ALEEEEX!] Alex: [breathless] Is it for me?! Brodie: Nah, but I could do with some help carrying this super heavy envelope upstairs. Alex: Who do you think you are, Johnny Zest? Brodie: I’m better than that guy, c’mon…
… Hi Alex! Sorry it’s taken me so long to reply to you, I promise I didn’t forget! I guess I just didn’t really know what to say cos I’ve sorta not felt like myself recently. My mom says I disappear into my own world sometimes so I sorta did that again and found it hard to think of anything fun to say. I don’t think I’d mind if you wrote to me about the less fun parts of your life though n’ my dad says you shouldn’t really keep everything to yourself all the time cos it ends up hurting so I thought I’d write anyway n’ just force myself not to worry about being boring or whatever. Your letters and your life always sound so exciting compared to mine though so sometimes it’s hard not to!!
I got in a fight at school which sounds like it should be an exciting story, but it wasn’t really. There’s this kid called Levi in my class that always picks on me (don’t worry though, I don’t care about that) and I couldn’t be bothered listening to him anymore so I hit him a couple times, I thought he’d hit me back but he just freaked out so I sorta felt bad about it afterward. He still makes fun of me but he doesn’t get up in my face as much so that’s a plus. Who says violence doesn’t solve anything? Hahaha I’m kidding! It wasn’t nice of me but maybe he should know better than to push people around so much.
I’m looking forward to summer so I can wander off a bit more and maybe it won’t rain so much! My mom doesn’t really like it when I go too far but as long as I’m back before curfew she tries not to freak out about it which is nice of her cos she knows I like to explore n’ stuff. I shouldn’t complain about my family cos I love them n’ stuff but I like being on my own sometimes and it’d be nice to have a bit of peace now n’ then. I’ve got SUPER good hearing so it’s hard to find anywhere quiet in my house, especially cos there’s always something crazy going on. My aunt Alma is sorta similar to me so she’s been helping me block out the noise with this meditation sorta thing, I guess it’s hard to explain but it’s not as lame as it sounds, it’s kinda fun to see how long you can stay in your own brain without people interrupting you. That probably sounds really weird but maybe you sorta get what I mean?
I finally have a treehouse now too!! It reminds me of your watchtower in some ways, but I guess it’s no way cooler than that, even though I know you’re bored of it by now. I wish we could hang out in it together cos it’s super awesome! Mom n’ dad don’t really bother me when I’m up there n’ my brother n’ sisters can’t manage the ladder yet so it’s all mine! It’s right at the bottom of the garden and looks out over the whole Bay too! Mom said she might let me sleep in it once it gets a bit warmer! It’d be cool falling asleep to the sound of the waves.. I hope it doesn’t end up making me need to pee all night though haha!!
Wren’s been obsessed with watching me play on the computer recently and I keep tryna teach her how to play herself but her little fingers can’t really reach all the buttons on the keyboard too well and she gets stupid mad when she dies so she just makes me play instead. She’d kick me if I told anyone but she’s a bit scared of some of the monsters too lol!! Mom told me I shouldn’t let her watch those ones but they’re the only ones she WANTS to watch and she jumps all over me until I give in so idk what they expect me to do other than lock her in the pantry, but I got told off for that so I guess I shouldn’t do that again haha (Wren thought it was funny though so it’s all good!) It’s a shame you don’t have a computer in the tower otherwise we could play together! Jude n’ Jacob aren’t really into that sorta thing so I usually just play on my own. Do you have a computer back home??
Oh! I got another badge for my swimming lessons too! I’ve almost got em all now which is neat but I sorta wanna avoid getting the last ones cos anyone that gets them all or has good attendance n’ whatever get an award at the end of the school year. They save em all up to give out at some stupid last year disco thing they put on before summer for the last year kids n’ it’d be so cringe to get called out in front of everyone like that. Some people think it’s gonna be amazing like my friend Jude, but I’d rather not go at all. Mom n’ dad keep saying it’ll be fun n’ everyone else is excited about it too but how fun could something be if you’re technically at SCHOOL? Bleh! I know you said you hate it sometimes, but being homeschooled sounds awesome to me lol.
I keep tryna bug my parents to go camping again so we could maybe see each other but they won’t take me out of school for a holiday n’ dad’s too busy with some work project so I guess we’ll have to keep writing to each other instead! Maybe if I keep annoying them about it we can come back in the summer! I hope so anyway but I guess I don’t wanna piss em off TOO much just in case my plan backfires or something.
I still feel really bad about not writing sooner but my dad said better late than never so hopefully you’re not too upset with me! I’ll try my best to write faster next time so you don’t have to wait as long. I’m looking forward to hearing about everything you’ve been up to!! Love Robin c: ps. my dad’s friend finally helped me fix that old polaroid so I’ve sent you some random pictures I took to test it out! I’m still getting used to it but the next ones will be better, I swear!
… the treehouse! it even has cool lights on it!! the back of our house! it’s so big it’s hard to fit in a picture.. it sorta looks fancy but it’s not really n’ dad said it was cheap cos it was a shithole a rare Byrd! (grumpy too – dad tried to take his dummy off him lol) he’s not supposed to be on my bed… the Bay! Jude says I sound girly for saying it’s so pretty here but I don’t care I could take a million pictures of this place n’ never get bored (I’ll stop now though cos mom says these polaroid things aren’t cheap for this model.. oops lol!!)
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wolven91 · 2 months
Slight of Hand
Taurians are impressive to behold.
The males move like they float, never even so much as ruffling the silks they wore. Their ability to handle any situation, speak on a wide variety of topics, all the while being cool, calm and collected.
It *was* impressive.
The females were impressive by a whole different nature.
As tall as the tallest human, as strong as the strongest human. They were the very embodiment of 'macho'.
There was a ritual the females did that shocked any human who heard of it. Despite the females horns having the sensation of touch, those that wished to prove themselves, would dip their horns into a variety of molten metals.
Some would go gold for the looks, some would go silver or even steel. The hues might be varied, but it was the resistance to the pain that impressed any taurian who saw them.
A taurian with coated horns, was not one to trifle with.
Not all taurians could brag that however. That was only a small fraction of the population that chose to follow through, but all female taurians were impressed and fantasised what it would be like to survive the torture and walk away a true 'alpha'.
Marues was not one that ever believed she could get her horns dipped. Her pain threshold was very low and did not consider dipping even close to what she would want.
An ear piercing, however, was.
"Aw it's going to *hurt*!" She moaned, pacing back and forth.
The human merely held the piercing gun in one hand while she observed the, rather large, stud in between two fingers.
"Only for a moment Maru, now come on. Sit down."
It was weird to see a taurian nervous. They were huge creatures, still small compared to an ursidain, but when the shortest female taurian was as big as Shaquille O'Neil? It was a odd concept to think they'd panic at the idea of an ear piercing.
"But it'll hurt!" Exclaimed Marues, holding her hands over her large ears.
"For a second, come on, sit down so we can look. I won't do it, I want to see how it works and where you want it."
The taurian complied, but made a point of saying 'only to look'.
The human touched various points on the taurian's ear before one section along the bottom was chosen. It was the thinnest section possible, but the stud would look good.
At least Marues had taste.
"Alright, I'm going to count down." Explained the human as she punched a hole through the taurian's ear, clamping the stud into place without hesitation.
The taurian closed her eyes and braced as the human stood up and went to wipe the puncher down, cleaning the needle.
"Like 3, 2, 1, go or or or 3, 2, go?" Asked the taurian, peeking one eye to watch the human clean the gun.
"Mm, I usually countdown from 10. Really get the nerves going." Grinned the human, placing the gun down and retrieving a mirror.
"What?! You're so mean! Don't do that!" Demanded Marues. She'd come to the human because *normally* they were kind! At least Marues knew the human wouldn't tell anyone how much of a weakling Marues was being about this.
"Alright, alright. How about... I fit it when you're not paying attention?"
The taurian leveled a glare at the human, who was holding the hand held mirror out to the larger alien.
"Har har. Can we get on with it? I'm freaking out!"
"Just check that I've got the spot right in the mirror."
The taurian looked at the mirror, then back to the human.
"Yeah, that's right. Let's do it!"
"Cool. Tadaa. Done."
The taurian frowned, before looking down.
Looking back up.
Looking down and turning her head to see her ear more clearly.
She even gingerly touched it, wincing a fraction.
Marues looked up, blinking, her muzzle-like mouth working but no words coming out. The human merely grinned and gave a wink before walking to the kitchen to get a drink.
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ultralightpoe · 8 months
Carried Me With You - Jake Seresin
Authors Note: I am back, but as we all know I will probably disappear in another 3 days. Enjoy.
Warnings: Sad, a little family angst for y'all.
Description: Hello! The wonderful @fangirlvibez tagged me in this challenge back on September 9th and I saw it when I logged in today so you know I had to do it lovies. Thank you so much @fangirlvibez for tagging me, I am so sorry for the late reply but I hope you like it. And feel free to tag me for any more little challenges or prompts you had because I absolutely loved this one. <3
(Psst..... The song of this imagine is - Carried Me With You)
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Enjoy! (pssst, song choice is -Carried Me With You- Listen and read for a top tier experience lovies.)
The Build A Bear employee looks extremely suspicious when Jake brings the empty coat of a bear up to her, a fake smile plastered from ear to ear as he holds it out as if he just ran into the woods to hunt it himself. 
Honestly he was sure he looked like a massive freak, from the 20 minutes he spent looking at all the display bears to choose and up to now where he probably looked like he had been one of Jokers goons in Batman. But he couldn’t help it, he was doing his very best not to breakdown and cry in front of this poor teen. 
She blinks up at him, back to the bear, and then back to him. 
“This is the bear you’ve chosen?” That one question has him debating everything, eyes widening as he pulls it back to himself quickly. 
“No. Yes. I have no clue.” 
“Okay, cool.” The worker, a young girl decked out in the most goth punk outfit he had ever seen, smiles and moves to grab it from him. Her long black acrylic nails snag the poor pelt from his hands and she pulls it to the stuffing machine. “We have multiple hearts that you can choose from for your little buddy here. We have classic, plaid and then a beating heart. Go ahead and take a look.” 
Jake nods, moving to grab one slowly before turning back to her. “You guys have sounds, right?” 
“We do indeed.” She smiles, nodding her head to show him the sound station. “Go ahead and pick or make a sound.”
She turns back to fix one of the spikes on her boots as he does so, rushing over to start recording the sound. The little script he wrote that morning on a sticky note was hard to read but he managed it, making sure to use that southern drawl he knew his baby girl loved before coming back to the stuffing station and handing it to her. 
“Alright, do we want our little buddy to be firm or plush?”
“I think…. How about firm?”
“Sounds great, and let’s go ahead and bless the heart while I’m doing this. First I’m going to have you rub your head so our buddy is smart. Perfect, now lets rub our belly so our buddy always has a good appetite. Awesome. Don’t forget to rub your knees so your furry friend always kneeds you. Jump up and down to get the heart beating and rub it against your heart so they always know how much you love them. And lastly close your eyes, make a wish and give it a kiss.”
Jake follows her word for word, going with the ceremony even though he knows it’s for kids. And when he closes his eyes he wishes ‘Keep my babies safe and happy’ before kissing the heart and handing it to her. She ties the bear up and hands him off, the teddy looking straight into Jake’s eyes as he walks off to find it a cute little outfit. 
By the time he makes it to the register Jake has the bear in a little naval outfit, hat and all, and the worker is grabbing the birth certificate from the printer with narrowed eyes. 
As she rings out the clothes he watches her closely, heart beating against his rib cage each step of the way. She was very goth, from the badass makeup to the spiky hair and spiky collar, not to mention the huge boots. It was like wednesday adams went punk and then got a job as Build A Bear as a joke. 
Then she turned to expose the backpack holding the pink stuffed animal decked out in rainbow and he couldn’t help but laugh. “What’s her name?”
“Cannibal, but when the kids ask Cami.” 
“Cami the Cannibal, I love it.” 
She finishes ringing everything up, raising an eyebrow. “Bugs?”
“Oh, yeah. It’s for my darlin’. You see I call her mom ‘Bubs’ and I call her ‘Bugs’.” Jake explains, whipping out his card as she begins dressing the bear. 
“This is for your daughter? How old is she turning?”
“Oh, it’s not for her birthday. I’m being deployed so this is my….. Something she has of me while I am gone.”
Her face goes slack and she blinks at him before shaking her head. “How old is your daughter?”
“Then I’m saying this is a birthday bear. You only have to pay how old you’re turning for the bear.”
He thanks her, and before he knows it he is buckling Bugs into the backseat and driving home to see his two girls. 
Bugs sits at the top of your closet for the next 5 weeks, you both break the news to your daughter four weeks out. She begs him not to leave and you let her sleep in your bed to try and soothe her tears. 
She sleeps in your bed every night after that. 
2 weeks out Jake’s mother throws a going away party for him, your daughter cries the entire time. 
Then the time came. 
Jake woke earlier than you, desperate to let you both get a little more sleep as he shuffled into the shared closet and reached up to find the box that held bugs. Dusting the bear off and making sure he looked good before moving to set it in the living room by his deployment bags. 
He kisses both your foreheads before jumping in the shower and getting dressed into his uniform. His throat is tight and his eyes burn but he does his best to keep it together, by the time he is dressed and ready to go he finds both of you sitting in the living room crying softly. 
You are doing your best to stop the tears, and Jake feels something shatter in his chest at the sight before the blur of the four year old is dashing to him. 
“Please don’t go.” She sobs, hands gathering the fabric of his uniform as he swipes the tears from her cheeks. 
“Easy now, Bugs. I’ll be back. It’ll be okay.”
“Please don’t go daddy! Tell them you can’t go!” From the corner of his eyes he sees you shuffling closer with the box, and he nods, reaching a hand out for the bear. 
“Daddy needs you to do something for me, okay bugs?” The tears are falling freely now as she shoves her forehead into his chest. He has to pull her back a bit so she sees the bear. “This? This is my friend Bugs, and Bugs is very very important to me. You wanna know why?”
“Because Bugs promised to take care of you for me. And he is gonna do a great job of it. But I need you to keep Bugs with you so he can do that. Yeah?” 
She shakes her head at first, sobbing loudly as he kisses at her forehead, before her hands reach out to pull the bear to her. 
12 minutes later you are holding her in your arms, crying as Jake gives you both one more kiss and heads out to the truck, waving as he pulls the car out even if he feels his heart shattering in his own chest. 
You keep y/d home for the day, making her mac and cheese for lunch ans trying to play all her favorite movies in an attempt to cheer her up a bit. Nothing seems to work and she sobs all day, not that you were much better. 
By the time you are ready to tuck her in your eyes hurt from the amount of crying you had done and you felt drained and dehydrated. But nonetheless you hold your daughters hand as she shuffles into her room where Bugs now sat on the bed. 
You dress her in one of Jakes soft shirts for pajamas, tucking her into the blanket softly and rubbing her cheek. 
“Daddy always is here to say goodnight too.” She cries and you nod slowly, reaching for the bear. 
“You really think he would forget?” You smile softly, pinching the bear's paw. 
Jake’s southern voice rings out, a little frazzled out but there nonetheless. 
“The sun is setting in the sky.
 Let's light the moon and bring it high.
The shimmering stars sparkle and twinkle.
 I work out my wiggles as stardust I sprinkle.
The tree stands tall as the owl hoots.
 I send all my worries right down through my roots.
A moonlit lake, as I sit on the shore.
 Reflects three things that I am grateful for. 
With my hands on my heart, love is swirling around me.
 So I send it out to my friends and family. 
As I lie down I breathe one, two, three.
And feel the love come back to me.
Goodnight Bugs.”
She curls around the bear, sobbing loudly as you kiss her head. Truly not knowing how to fix this. 
Three months later, you are holding her hand as she leads you through the mall, Bugs wrapped tightly in her other arm. 
She had played the sound so much that it sort of stopped working and instead of the entire poem all the bear truly said now was ‘Goodnight Bugs’. But that would have to do for now. 
You had done so many emergency surgeries on the bear since she refused to leave him behind. The poor thing had barely survived the kindergarten recess debacle before her teacher had to cut in and take the bear from her and the kid who had been wrestling to steal it. 
She had come home that day a blubbering mess until you sewed the arm back on and she kissed it better.
She had taken Bugs to the daddy donut day her school ran, and though she still her her grandpa there that day you were eternally grateful she had that bear. 
But Jake’s birthday was coming up, and you knew it would be rough on her no matter how many facetime calls he managed to sneak in. So you had asked what she wanted to do for his birthday. 
Which leads you here, staring at all the bear options in front of you as she tries to figure out which one she wants.. 
There was a goth girl waiting at the stuffing station, and you couldn’t figure out if she was glaring or trying to recognize you. 
“How about this one, bugs?” You ask, showing her the stitch before she shakes her head and snatches a brown bear. 
“It’s got to look cool mom.” Another milestone that you were positive Jake was devastated about. While he was away it had gone from daddy and mommy to dad and mom. It wasn’t much of a difference but it still made your chest ache every time she called you it. 
Before you know it she has snatched a bear and dashed to the sound station, not bothering to see if you would follow. 
By the time you make it to the stuffing station you are doing your best not to cry, handing the girl the sound and the bear as she smiles. 
“I see we have a bear, is this going to be his buddy?”
“YES!” Your daughter smiles, bouncing on her feet as you move to grab Bugs. 
“How about I hold this so you can create him. Yeah?”
She reluctantly lets go, moving to pick a heart as the girl asks about the pressure. 
“I want him so soft that you can squeeze all the love!” Y/d giggles and you can’t help but smile at that. The worker smiles to, her black lipstick making it all more of a victory. “I like your bear, what’s her name?”
“Cami.” The worker smiles and y/d shakes her head. “No?”
“No, how about….destroyer?”
“Oh, I like the way you think. Okay now touch the heart to your toes so your furry friend is ‘toe’tally awesome. Great job. Touch the heart to your knees so he always ‘knee’ds you. Good good. Now rub the heart between your hands so he always stays warm, don’t forget to rub your ears so he always hears you. And Now your eyes so he always sees you. Now rub your heart so he always has love and jump up and down three times to get that heart beating.” 
Y/d does everything with a huge smile lathered on her face, and the worker has the same excited smile on her own. 
“Now I need you to close you eyes and make a wish before you kiss the heart.”
She does as told, squeezing her eyes shut before saying ‘Make sure my dad is happy.”
And then the workers face falls into one of recognition, her eyes casting to the bear now held in your hand and back to the one she had been stuffing. 
By the time you have an outfit picked out she already has the certificate in her hands, nodding. 
“Bubs. I like it.” 
“Thank you. It’s what my dad and mom call each other.” Your daughter smiles, standing on her tiptoes to look up to the worker. 
“Let me guess, your bugs.”
“I AM!”  And just like that a wide smile is splitting across her cheeks as she slides the bear across the counter to your side. 
“It’s your lucky day. This bear is a part of the lonely hearts foundation. Which means so long as he is adopted into a happy and loving home he comes with no charge. Are you happy, bugs?”
“Are you healthy, bugs?”
“I eat my broccoli, yeah.” You try not to snort, remembering that you had to bribe her with 6 oreos after a 2 hour dinner table stand off. 
“Then Bubs has found the perfect home.”  You mouth a thank you to the girl as you leave, giving your daughter bugs back so you can carry the box.
Jake Seresin was absolutely miserable the day he got his birthday package. 
He was sweaty from the jets, irritated by his team. But most importantly he was completely lost without his girls. 
It had been four months since he last got to hold them and he was beginning to lose it. Sure, he got to facetime them which was a lot more then some of the other guys but he missed them terribly and he wanted nothing more than to be with them. 
He had gotten an extra thirty minutes of call time on his birthday a week ago, to which you had promised him you sent something out before y/d interrupted with a sassy tone “don’t ruin the surprise for dad, mom.”
He tried not to get upset at the dad part, but he couldn’t help it. He left while his bug called him daddy and stil had the chubbiest baby cheeks in town and now his little darlin’ was growing up and he couldn’t actually see it. 
But you had told him to expect the package and he did, finally a week later it was mail day and he sat on his bunk surrounded by his squad as they tore through letters. He sliced the tape of the box open, lifting the lid to reveal the cutest bear dressed in a texan jersey with glasses that reminded him of BOB. 
A laugh slips from his lips as he reaches to pull the bear to his chest, noting the cotton candy scent before his eyes snag on the letter. 
“Dear Bubs, 
This bear was sent out with a promise to keep. He promised both me and your daughter that he would keep you happy and healthy and bring you home to us. We made him knowing that only the bravest of bears could do this task and we made sure he was stocked up for the flight over. In the box he took your favorite candies. A stack of photos and a really cool beaded bracelet your daughter made at school. He was given a cotton candy scent to help block off the stuffy scent from the box but most importantly, he carries a top secret message that not even I was allowed to listen to. 
We hope Bubs takes care of you until you are allowed back into our arms, until then stay safe and don’t forget we love you.
Love, Your bubs.”:
There is a little monster drawn on the paper in crayon that makes his heart swell as he traces his fingers over the words and drawing before reaching to the bear. 
He lays with it as a pillow, pressing his cheek to the chest as he presses the hand to reveal the sound. 
His daughter's voice fills his ears, in the cheesiest southern accent he had ever heard. “I breathe one two three and feel the love come back to me. Good night daddy.” 
The next set of photos you receive in the mail are all photos of Jake and Bubs on journeys, and Y/D’s favorite was the one of the entire squad posing with bubs. Bob and the bear having switched glasses. 
You, of course, begin sending adventures back. One of Bugs and your daughter baking, another of the two on a swing set. 
Jake sends back a photo of Bubs ‘flying’ a plane. 
Over and over you both send the photos back and forth, everything is a little bit better when you carry a piece of each other with them. 
Your daughter asks you at dinner one night, between shoving her chicken in her face and avoiding the broccoli, if you had wanted a bug and bubs bear. 
All you can do is smile, booping her nose as you mumble. “You were my bear last time he was deployed.” 
“What did you send him?”
“A pee stick.” She doesn’t find it as funny as you did, but she makes sure to have bugs kiss your cheek goodnight before dashing to bed.
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goginaporter · 7 months
lyrical analysis of love you forever
or, breaking down ricky's love (confession) for gina
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we're a little under three months out from the series finale of high school musical: the musical: the series. I've spent those months freaking out over rina and appreciating the beautiful arc they got in s4 that closed out their story over the course of the series. there are a million special moments that rina has in s4 (I mean, a rain kiss? can I have this dance? a duet together about their commitment to each other despite uncertainty? we really got it all) but one definitely stands out among the rest. love you forever is ricky's declaration of love for gina that he sings to her at her press conference for her new movie that, as far as he knows, is about to send her across the world. this post is gonna be a line by line analysis of the lyrics, as well as talking about everything that brought them to that moment and that made it special. enjoy <33
I've been wishing on a falling star for too long
this line opens the song and is such a beautiful callback to when there was me and you, the song ricky all but serenades gina with in 1.06 (the lines it references: I thought you were my fairy tale / A dream when I'm not sleeping / A wish upon a star / That's coming true). wtwmay is a song that gabriella sings after troy's betrayal in hsm and when ricky sings this line, to me, it represents a callback to his past relationship with nini. he was holding on to nini and that relationship too tight, wishing on a falling star. as gabriella says, wishes on stars just "don't come true" and for ricky, this relationship ultimately ended in failure. however, as much as this line signifies the crash and burn nature of that relationship, it's also a reference to the start of his relationship with gina in that bunker room as he strummed on a guitar, in a similar fashion to love you forever, to these lyrics.
I've been running, I don't know what from
this line references the conversation that ricky had with ej in 4.05 when ej forces ricky to reckon with the fact that he runs away from those he loves when faced with hard realities and that this tendency hurts both those around him, but also hurts him. it's incredibly full circle when you pair this with the fact that ricky is singing the song on the guitar ej gave him after they sang speak out, where ej tells him that "you'll probably get more use outta this than me" (4.05). i think it's really cool that this line also references gina's similar character flaw of running when things get hard, which she also sings about in second chance (Maybe I'm safer when I'm on the run / No time to open up my heart / Maybe I'll hide behind my walls again / Instead of tearing them apart) (also important to note that second chance is non-digetic and ricky has never heard gina sing these lyrics). so fascinating that ricky and gina have the same habit of running, with ricky running back to things that are familiar and gina pushing forward to leave things in the past before they can hurt her.
But you and I've become a sacred kinda home
this is one of my favorite lines of the song, especially because this theme of finding a home is such a critical cornerstone for both ricky and gina's arcs throughout the show. ricky's home life in s1 turns on its head when he discovers that his parents are separating. pairing this with his breakup with nini nearly sends him into a spiral, but he finds a new home of sorts in the theater program, telling gina "it's just nice to have somewhere to go after school every day, y'know" (1.05), which she herself resonates with, affirming his feelings.
of course, at the beginning of s2, we find out that ricky and his dad are moving to an apartment after his mom moves out. this drastic shift, the loss of his childhood home, is again disorienting, and again paired with changes with nini, what with her moving to denver. in 2.02, he tells nini that she is his home, which is really interesting, placing that kind of pressure on her. but what's even more interesting is that he knows he's moving, knows from the beginning of 2.01, and yet nini does not find out about his new home until 2.03 on valentine's day, months later. this is juxtaposed to gina showing up to his apartment that same episode. it's especially special that ricky is placed in the same situation that gina typically faces, the unpacking and getting accustomed to a new space. it is those undertones that serve as the undercurrent for their conversation. the apartment is in disarray when gina arrives, and remains that way for much of the season. gina, however, is endeared by the messy environment of the apartment and jokes along with ricky to put him at ease. by the time we return to it in s4, it's (naturally) much more lived in, with clothes strewn about, pictures of gina, and aptly placed posters lining the wall of ricky's room.
as I mentioned earlier, ricky calls nini his home in s2. this line says that he and gina together have become a home of sorts for each other. singing this to gina is important for ricky, but it also speaks to the unpredictable nature of gina's childhood, where she moved from city to city, never staying in one place for more than a few months, which she tells ricky in 1.05. by the end of s1, we think that she has to move again, something that's harder for her now that she's made connections with the wildcats, namely with ricky. as we see in the flashback scene in 2.06, she tells ricky that she wouldn't quit on them if not for her move, that they would essentially remain close if she weren't leaving salt lake. of course, she doesn't leave and instead moves in with ashlyn. it's her first taste of stability that she can really remember, but as she tells carlos in 2.04, she feels out of place living in a house she doesn't own and with a family that isn't hers. these feelings culminate in gina wanting to leave, a subplot we see primarily in 2.05 and 2.06. after revealing to ashlyn what she said to ricky opening night of hsm, ashlyn sings home from beauty and the beast to gina, telling her that she has a home with ashlyn, not just physically, but within their friendship. there is so much symbolism in that one scene that we don't have time to get into but this moment definitely shifts gina's perception of what a home can look like. in s3, we learn that her mom is moving back to salt lake city where she'll be staying long-term to allow gina to complete her time at east high. in fact, it's in this very house that we get our first scene of rina in s4, with ricky sneaking into her window. one's room is a reflection of oneself, and ricky and gina are all over each other's rooms, both literally and figuratively, throughout the season. combining this with the connection between the two that only strengthens over the course of the season, it comes as no surprise that ricky sees his and gina's relationship as a sacred home.
I'm in love, I'm in love, I'm in love and I know it / No net, no fear, right here in this moment
my twitter account was littered with theories and thoughts and hopes for ricky's love confession to gina, but whether it was public or private, planned or spontaneous, the one thing that I knew I wanted was for ricky to say that he is in love with gina. so on august 9th when ricky got to the chorus of love you forever, tears started pooling in my eyes because the confession, which was already literally perfect, delivered my biggest wish. one of my favorite aspects of the song is how much it reflects their journey because these are all the words that ricky would tell gina in some big speech, evidenced by him practicing all throughout 4.07. but when it comes down to it, after references to moments between them and beautiful metaphors, it builds to him telling gina not only does he love her, but that he's in love with her. there's no doubt in his mind of this fact. the sky is blue, the sun shines, and ricky bowen loves gina porter. so much of ricky's love for nini was tied to fear, especially a fear of change. that his love for gina transcends fear, that he is confident in what he tells her both shows his growth in romantic relationships but also in how much gina has redefined what it means to love someone for him.
I've never been more sure of what I got, yeah / Cause this is so much more than puppy love, so
continuing with the theme of confidence, ricky tells gina that he's never been more sure of what he's got in their relationship. I know I'm bringing rini up a lot but that relationship is a perfect frame of reference for how much ricky has changed when it comes to love. both his singing of I think I kinda you know in 1.01 and his love confession to nini in 1.10, while genuine, are riddled with stuttering and uncertainty ("I think", "I don't know", etc.). when you compare the ricky of 1.01 and the ricky of 4.08 and how he attempts to use song to profess his love, the differences are stark, and that's the point. as he all but said in 3.08, everything he's known about love has been changed by gina and that is reflected in love you forever. I love the puppy love nod and think it's narratively important for so many reasons. for one, it's a reference to their first date, as well as to gina's childhood. in that vein, it seems to mirror what gina tells ricky in 4.02, that mack was a crush of her childhood. calling what they have "more than puppy love" also nods to their growth, not just over the course of the series, but even throughout the season. from dealing with scrutiny in the fallout of the documentary to gina's increasingly busy schedule to their temporary pause to gina nearly moving across the world, they've been faced with many problems, and while they didn't handle all of them perfectly, they handled them together and came out that much stronger.
I'll say it first, no matter what the cost / Here I am full heart, full stop / I love you
in 3.05, ricky talks to jet following the fallout of the real campers of shallow lake drama. he asks jet what he's running from and tells him that sometimes when feelings are hard to articulate, it helps to sing instead. with love you forever, we see ricky taking his own advice. I love that ricky is insistent that he tells gina "I love you" first, both because he wants to rectify mistakes from his last relationship, but also because gina says, in a talking head, that she doesn't want to be the first to say "I love you," (4.06) further cementing the connection that rina has. it also affirms that there is no doubt in either of their minds that they love each other and want to say it to each other. it's also important to note that ricky understands the risk of singing this song at this point in time. for all he knows, gina is about to board a plane that will be taking her to the other side of the world for six months. however, he sings this song, affirms his love for her, no matter the cost, because he just wants her to know. he loves her in salt lake, he loves her in new zealand, and he loves her forever. ricky sings that he is there with a full heart, full stop I love you. in an interview after s3's finale, tim federle, the showrunner, states that while nini will always have a small part of ricky's heart, gina has a way of making hearts race. this line, to me, symbolizes the notion that gina is his heart, that his love for her encompasses it. there's a beautiful analysis of ricky being gina's heart canonically that I think helps tie all of this together, establishing that gina is ricky's heart, just like he is hers.
of course, I would be remiss to not talk about the full stop of it all. as we see in a flashback in 4.06, ricky opens up to gina in their first meeting about how he struggled saying I love you to nini, his ex. after hearing this, gina presents him with a possibility you can tell he's never considered: "maybe you just don't love her, full stop." ricky stutters in response, but doesn't fully negate gina's statement, in fact telling her that he's "kinda" planning on telling nini through song later that night outside her window (ironic that this plan doesn't pan out for him twice in the show, both here and in 2.03). that he brings up this notion of full stop, where there's no room for doubt, in his confession for gina further proves how deep and real and true their love is for each other. super small thing before I move on but I love how "I love you" gets its own special moment of pause in the song to fully communicate the gravity of such a statement.
I never knew that I could feel so sure and so strong /How can three old words feel so brand new?
Again, this idea of being sure comes up again in this second verse/buildup to the chorus. ricky has done the love confession before. he's been in love before. but again, with gina, it's different. it's deeper, more strong, more secure. and so when he says these words, in a situation that mirrors his audition for hsm, of course it feels different. in that auditon, he was singing nini's words back to her. love you forever, in contrast, is all ricky. those three words do feel new because now he's singing them to gina and for gina, where previously he sang them for himself. also a really cool note about the parallels between ricky's audition and love you forever is that tim federle released the initial script for love you forever, and one of the descriptions writes that ricky "launches into the audition of a lifetime." this song, this confession, is the start of his forever with gina. of course these words feel new.
Mm, so rare, so real right here in this moment / And I'm starin' at the only thing I want, so
I tear up hearing ricky say that the love that he has for gina is both rare and real. both ricky and gina, at different points throughout the show, cast doubt on love. ricky says in a talking head in 1.01 that love is dead (fun fact: ricky is wearing the same denim jacket from that talking head during love you forever teehee). gina, in the 4.06 flashback, calls love lame. their faith in love ebbs and flows throughout the show, but once they are together, there's no question. it's why ricky encourages the seblos reconciliation in 4.06 or why gina tells jet to confess his feelings for kourtney in 4.08. if they've found this beautiful love in each other, where they got a second chance on love in every sense of the words, why wouldn't they want that for everyone else, for the people that they love?
the second half of this lyric, of ricky "staring at the only thing he wants," is my absolute favorite line of love you forever. ricky's eyes are naturally drawn to gina in nearly every episode of the show, whether she's looking at him or not, whether they're speaking or not. even before he recognized those feelings in himself, we could see it because she was always the apple of his eye. this rings especially true during love you forever, where ricky does not take his eyes off of gina the entire song, except when miss jenn turns the lights on. gina is the center of his universe and who he has been drawn to since she entered his life. there was a tweet after s4 aired that stated that ricky looks at gina as though he's falling deeper in love with her every time and this line captures that.
I wanna finish what we started in the stairwell where we met
the bridge opens with this line and it's so fitting. to suggest that committing to loving each other forever is finishing what they started when they had that first conversation in the stairwell is so insane and will always make me spiral when I think about it. this line all but confirms that ricky and gina began to fall for each other in that moment. that their conversation in the stairwell is what catalyzed their respective character arcs also all but confirms that they're soulmates, that there was an invisible string that connected them, inexplicably tying their fates together forever.
I wanna live like I have never even heard the word regret
both ricky and gina have instances that they look back on and wish they had done things differently. gina says so explicitly in 2.05 when speaking to kourtney. she alludes to her goodbye to ricky after hsm's opening night, stating that it was something she wishes she could take back. in 3.06, ricky tells jet that he wishes that he didn't let color war gina slip through his fingers, suggesting that he would've done things differently if he were more cognizant of his feelings for her. ricky never wants to feel like that again, that he's missed his chance with gina due to fear. he wholeheartedly embraces his love for her because he knows what it was like to live without it and doesn't want to live in a world where gina isn't his reality.
I wanna scream what's in my heart and I won't ever take it back
ricky and ej's duet in 4.05 is about speaking your truth and speaking even when it's hard. the song even has a line about "screaming out." where in speak out, screaming out solicits no sound, ricky singing this line in love you forever is him being able to vocalize the feelings in his heart. he also commits to never taking these words back. his feelings for gina are eternal and everlasting. this is important for gina to hear because words have always been unreliable to her. people that she cares about, whether her mom or jamie or even e.j., have made verbal commitments to her at one point or another, and each one of them has later reneged on that commitment, whether intentionally or not. ricky can say these words, can say "I love you" to gina, because he's been saying it through his actions the entire show. gina doesn't always trust words, but she trusts actions. ricky has more than proven his love for her, and it's this continued declaration through his works that allows these words to ring true for her.
'Cause I love you feels a lot like high school and forever after that
I made this observation a couple weeks ago but this line is so fascinating. when the season first dropped and I heard the line, I was a tad confused. what does it mean for love to feel like high school? I was listening to the hsm3 soundtrack when it all clicked for me. in high school musical, the final song they sing in hsm3, the last line is "I want the rest of my life to feel just like a / High school musical" with this line, ricky is basically saying that he will love gina for the rest of his life. throwing in a hsm reference is also incredibly fitting given that they've just completed the first night of their run as troyella, further cementing their legacy as the troyella of the show. i love that, even when the bridge is repeated, ricky and gina are the only ones to sing these lines. when the bridge is sung for the third and final time, ricky and gina are now together on stage singing the words "I"m in love, I'm in love, I'm in love" to each other in between the lines of the bridge. the song closes with ricky singing "I love you feels a lot like high school" with gina singing "and forever after that." I love this ending for two reasons: ending the song with rina singing together re-emphasizes that they're in love, and in love together (for the first time), as tim mentions in an interview. I also love it because even as the wildcats join to sing the bridge near the end of the song, ricky and gina are the only people to sing the lines "I'm in love x3" and "I love you feels a lot like high school." even though their friends step in to sing some lines, ultimately, the song is a love song for gina, about gina, and that's why it ends with her. as tim (love how much I'm referencing him) mentioned in an interview, rina is the beating heart of the romance of the show, and their friends coming in to sing along to ricky's love song for gina fully solidifies this.
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athelyna-silverspell · 2 months
Opinions No One Asked For™️: Palia NPC Edition
Auni: I love this kid. I want him to think of me as a cool older sister or cool aunt. I bring him bugs every chance I get
Ashura: I want him to be my dad. Genuinely love him. Serious contender to be my Shepp
Badruu: He really turned the puns up to 11. I love him. Also want him to be my dad. And possibly my Shepp
Caleri: I wasn't too sure about her, but after getting to know her, I feel like we have quite a few similarities. Definitely want to be her friend. Could she be my Shepp? 👀
Chayne: I find him so calming. He also feels dad-like to me. 100% want him as a support figure/father figure regardless of who I choose as my Shepp
Delaila: Love talking to her. Really want to get to know her better at this point (but 100% want her to win all the prizes at farmers markets/festivals)
Einar: Absolutely adorable and I love him. Only platonically tho. I will give him as many Gils and shiny rocks as he wants
Elouisa: I wasn't sure at first, but I LOVE her unhinged theories. I want to be her best friend. I will investigate all the paranormal things with her. Contender for my Shepp. Girl let's go ghost hunting
Eshe: So snobby. So bougie. So bitchy. I wish she could be my Shepp 😫 (if only because it would be entertaining)
Hassian: First impressions? What an asshole. After some time, I am...intrigued. I want to figure him out. I want to know why he is the way he is. Also fucking love Tau, the gooodest boi
Hekla: Honestly... she freaked me out a little for a long time. I'm slowly coming around though
Hodari: Listen, I get it. I see where you all are coming from. But man's just not my type 🤷🏻‍♀️
Jel: Oh Jel, my beloved. I'm not exactly subtle about it. This man is my husband. Sad, skinny, pathetic, dramatic, goth guys are My Type™️. Would marry him like, yesterday 🥀😫🪡🖤😍
Jina: At first I wasn't sure, but the more I talk to her, I'm like, "Jina, my bestie." I'm a PhD student. I feel you. Also, WOMEN IN STEM, HELL YEAH!!!! I have a feeling we're gonna be great friends
Kenji: Not a fan of your extremely privileged life ("Have you tried inheriting property?" 😐😐😐) or the invasive chapaa situation... but I also don't dislike him as much as I thought. I feel like he's playing a role he doesn't really want to, but still enjoying/expecting the high life for little to no effort
Kenyatta: She should be my best friend. I was put off at first, but she is the coolest. I see quite a few aspects of myself in her
Nai'O: I feel like he's the sweetest boi ever. I'm both like, "He deserves better than Kenyatta" and "Kenyatta is good for him." Perhaps the most wholesome NPC
Najuma: I also want to be the cool older sister and/or cool aunt that she never had. This kid is a badass and smart as hell. I wish my friendship with her was better already
Reth: This man. I love him. I'm not sure if it's platonic or romantic yet. All I know is he's one of my favourite NPCs to talk to. He's funny, he's flirty, he's got a Tragic Backstory™️. I'm here for this soup boi whether he wants it or not
Sifuu: Two words: Bad. Ass. It's a crime that we can't romance her. I really want to ask her to be my Shepp, but I'm not sure it's a good fit
Tamala: I'm sorry, Tamala besties, but I just don't like her 😭 I really wanted to like her so bad, but her aggressive flirting paired with her unwillingness to consider me a friend/equal just rubs me the wrong way
Tish: Absolutely beautiful person. I want to be her bffl. That is all
Zeki: Crime Cat, my beloved. He is the most entertaining Shepp option (imo). He's got an eye patch, a gold tooth, and shady practices. I find him amusing. I want him to like me. Share his (dubiously acquired) riches with me. Please accept me into the black market. I won't tell, but I can't promise I'll participate (I probably will 👀)
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pommpuriinn · 9 months
Hybe Game Caterer 1
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EP. 1-1
𓂃᜔ Joohyung actually came a bit late since she was doing her individual schedule, so she was to walk in front of everyone to get to her group's table. "Ah, how embarrassing!" She ran to her table with her head down. "Noona you came!" Kai met her halfway with his arms open. The rest of txt stood up and hugged her, "it was starting to feel empty without you noona." Yeonjun smashed his cheek with Joohyung's cheek, and started rubbing them together making Joohyung laugh. "Ok, ok, I'm here now." After the group settled down they started looking at their surroundings.
𓂃᜔ Joohyung saw how much Hybe grew as a company since now they have/made more groups after being just a two group company.
𓂃᜔ "Noona they really called you out!" Beomgyu started laughing at her because of the banter BTS sent out to them. If you first read it it's a nice banter wishing them good luck, but unfortunately Taehyung added a little p.s for Joohyung specifically.
Joohyung-ah~ make sure to make friends and hyungs wish you luck
Joohyung instantly shrink into her seat covering her face, "ya! Why would he do that!" Members laughed at her while playfully hitting her. "Wow~ you're so cool noona."
𓂃᜔ of course all the rookies were in 'awe' with the message BTS Taehyung gave to Joohyung while Joohyung in the other hand was ready to punch Taehyung.
𓂃᜔ As it was time for the groups individuality introduction themselves they had to brainstorm first on how they were going to do it. "Woah look at them." Joohyung nodded her head towards fromis_9, as they were lifting up one of their member. As Joohyung wasn't paying attention to her members and just looking at fromis_9 one of their members saw Joohyung was looking at them. "Hello Joohyung-ssi~" Hayoung waved at her.
𓂃᜔ Joohyung's eyes widened and bowed at Hayoung, "hello~" Joohyung nervously waved back at her, causing Hayoung and some of the other girls catching the interaction laugh at Joohyung cutest. "Joohyung-ssi can we call you unnie?" Jiheon asked and pointed at three of her members that are younger than Joohyung. Joohyung was in shock because of how they're social butterflies, "yes you guys can call me unnie."
She gave them a heart gesture before Yeonjun came. "Noona come we have to tell you the plan." Yeonjun pulled her away, but she didn't forget to wave 'bye'.
𓂃᜔ That interaction was highlighted by the editors even editing *she's working hard Taehyung-ie*
𓂃᜔ "Your outfit really stand out noona." Soobin pointed out her full purple set. "I know! I was filming something and they didn't give me time to change, so now I stick out more." The full group was now looking at Joohyung's purple outfit. "You look pretty though." Yeonjun reassured her. "Yeah you might even get more screen time too." Beomgyu pats her head. "Thanks." She did her little iconic bread smile
𓂃᜔ When TXT explained how they were going to introduce themselves to Joohyung, she was instantly met with embarrassment. "You got this. If Soobin can do it you can too." Taehyun encouraged her. "I mean...I guess." She laughed.
𓂃᜔ The music started nice and Joohyung started cringing at how she had to act cute before the song changes to GBGB, which she helped flip the table and started running and still trying to do cute poses.
𓂃᜔ Joohyung loved watching the other groups do their introductions because they also got embarrassed
𓂃᜔ After finishing and cheering for the last group they finally got to sit back at their tents, but as they were walking back Joohyung didn't miss hearing Le Sserafim's Sakura saying, "Wa~ she so pretty in person." Joohyung didn't know that they were talking about her until she looked up and made eye contact with Sakura. Sakura started freaking out a bit, "Ah thank you and I could say the same for you." Joohyung smiled back. "Thank you!" Sakura eyes were big as she bowed at Joohyung.
‎↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
EP. 1-2
𓂃᜔ "It's hot. Do we have water?" Joohyung tried waving her herself with her hand. "Huh?!" Yeonjun opens the cooler. "It's empty!"
"Huh?!" The rest of the members yelled. "Don't tell me we have to play for drinks." Joohyung pouted. "Noona's social battery to going to run low soon." Taehyun laughed.
𓂃᜔ As the staff explained all the rules and how to play, Joohyung decided that maybe she should try to make friends with her female coworkers. "Hi, I'm Joohyung." Joohyung walked up to Le Sserafim. Le Sserafim all covered their mouths in shocked that Joohyung went up to them. "Oh hello!" They bowed at her. "Ah...you don't have to be so formal it's ok. You guys can call me unnie."
𓂃᜔ During the game Joohyung just stuck with Soobin throughout the whole thing, but her main goal was to get the case of water. Joohyung luckily got her case of water and immediately dropped them into the cooler.
𓂃᜔ "Um, unnie I brought you guys watermelon." Eunchae smiled, as she passed over the plate of watermelon. "Woah! Thank you Eunchae-ah." Joohyung ran to the other side of the table and hugged Eunchae. "Here I brought candy from my previous schedule have some." Joohyung ran to her bag and ran back to Eunchae with a handful of candy. "Thank you unnie!"
‎↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
𓂃᜔ Knowing that Joohyung wasn't really going to do much this round of games she made herself comfortable sitting close to Soobin with her little fan. "Are you done for today?" Soobin asked her. Joohyung nodded and hummed, "Taehyun-ie was right my battery is running low."
𓂃᜔ Joohyung made sure to cheer Beomgyu on as he was running to get 1st place. "Wow! Beom run!" She was waving her arms around.
𓂃᜔ "Kai too cute~" Joohyung wanted to squeeze their maknae with his Pokémon impressions, Joohyung was seen with her arms out wanting Kai.
𓂃᜔ "Mine Kai and Beom!" Joohyung met them halfway as she ran to hug them. "I'm proud of you guys!"
𓂃᜔ "Steal a cookie for me please~" Joohyung pouted at Beomgyu who was having the same idea. "Me too." Yeonjun patted his back, as Beomgyu started to stand up. Beomgyu tried doing the challenge first before ultimately failing and stealing two other cookies with him.
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mcmookiemeal · 1 year
With the mere existence of your blog I already adore you, I loved all your writings and I wanted to make a small request, how about DK with an s/o who loves mechanics (the kars scene drove me crazy with emotion) and speed? (extra points if she is a little sister of mario and luigi)
forgive my bad english! <3
Donkey Kong x Reader who likes cars
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You were the younger sister of Mario and Luigi, but you weren’t in their little plumbing business.
Unlike your brothers you had taken a little more interest in cars.
Your parents also weren’t to happy about your choice, but they knew you wouldn’t change your mind so they just let you do your own thing.
But with the three of you being seen as the “disappointments” of the family, you were always together.
You even tagged along for their plumber appointments just in case their van had any issues.
On the day Brooklyn was flooding and your brothers took it upon themselves to fix it, you decided to come along since you had nothing better to do.
But you really wished you stayed home because getting sucked into a sketchy green pipe was not on the bucket list.
You and Mario had the fortune of staying together but sadly, Luigi did not.
You were pretty freaked out upon landing in the Mushroom kingdom, you were in an unfamiliar place with talking mushrooms.
It was hard not to freak out.
But the little mushroom you met by the name of Toad agreed to help you find your brother by taking you to the princess.
When you entered the actual kingdom part you realized they didn’t seem to use cars around here, instead they used the kind of pipes that got you here in the first place.
Pretty cool.
Toad crawled inside the clear pipe and you watched him flow through at high speeds.
You were curious on how the pipe worked, was some kind of machinery operating it? or was it magic?
Well there was only one way to find out.
You followed behind Toad in the pipe, flying through it smoothly with intense speed.
“Isn’t this fun Mario?!” You giggled having the time of your life with this new way of transportation.
Things weren’t going as well for Mario as every turn he would roughly smash against the side of the pipe.
Eventually the three of you made it to the top of the hill, approaching the castle.
Toad had to distract the guards for you and Mario since the guards were trying to play with your mind and redirect you somewhere else.
But even inside the castle the guards caught onto you guys pretty quickly and began chasing you through the maze of hallways.
Running into the princess was…interesting.
She threw Mario to the ground and turned her attention to you, but before she could get you the guards had tackled you to the ground as well.
“Wait wait! Let them speak” The princess demanded and the guards let you and Mario free.
“Princess we need your help. I need your help to find our brother.” Mario explained.
After a little bit of talking with the princess you guys sorted out a deal.
If you and Mario helped her take down Bowser, Then your brother would be found.
But first, you had to train.
You and Mario were taken to a course with lots or crazy jumps and obstacles, but you were pretty confident in your skills so you decided to go first.
You finished first try, But poor Mario worked himself until the sun went down.
Next morning The princess along with Toad traveled with you and Mario to the Jungle kingdom.
You enjoyed the travel part. This place was so much than Brooklyn, you wished you could stay here forever.
The arrival to the Jungle Kingdom came up fast.
And you were excited.
You wondered what they were like in this kingdom. Was it more mushroom people? Humans? And did they drive fast cars?!
The residents of the Jungle Kingdom turned out to be gorillas, but much to your happiness they did in fact drive fast cars.
You pestered the gorilla who let you guys inside the kingdom to let you drive his cool car but he grumbled every time you opened your mouth.
You sat in the middle seat, between Mario and Peach.
What’s the point of a younger sibling if you can’t third wheel the two love birds?
The ride was unlike anything you’d felt before, no rollercoaster could compare to all the fun you had riding on the twisty roads at high speeds.
You were sad when it was over, cause after that you had to have a serious talk with the king of the apes.
Peach talked about forming an alliance with the army but the king wasn’t gonna let her have it just that easily.
Instead we would have to do it by winning some stupid fight.
“I’ll do it.” Mario offered
Long story short Mario ended up kicking Dk’s ass.
And Dk was not happy about it.
You honestly felt a little bit sorry for him as he felt his whole reputation was destroyed by a plumber.
So you decided to take some personal time with the gorilla to assure him that it’s okay to loose every once and a while, you used the plenty of street races you had lost in the past as an example.
“Wait you race?” He asks, interrupting your story.
“Uh yeah? I love cars!” You gushed.
He smiled at you and pulled off the ground, now seeming very eager to show you something.
He brought you to the huge workshop where all the karts around the Jungle Kingdom were made.
You looked around as you saw all the other gorillas working on karts and vehicles of all kinds.
“This way.” Dk said placing his large hand on your back to guide you around the place since it was easy to get lost in.
He brought you over to a wheel with different options for a car, wheels, and a parachute of some sort.
“Go ahead, take your pick.”
You looked at him with wide eyes and looked back at all the options for your car.
“This doesn’t cost anything right?” You asked wanting to make sure before designing your dream car.
“You’re with the almighty Dk, of course it’s free.” He smirked.
You nodded and looked through all the options, making sure to pick all the fastest things on the wheel.
After about 10 minutes of looking you finally decided on your karts final design.
It was pretty sick, It was your favorite color and It was supposed to be the fastest kart combo here in the Jungle Kingdom
You squealed excitedly as you watched your kart being made from behind the glass
“Pretty cool huh?”
“Its amazing! We don’t have this stuff where I’m from.” You said, sounding slightly disappointed at the end of your sentence.
Dk thought you were pretty cute, never had he seen someone so interested in cars.
You and Dk didn’t notice but while you two were caught up in your own conversation you didn’t notice Mario and the others enter the workshop.
When Mario laid his eyes on you and Dk laughing together he was pretty mad about it.
“Are you kidding me?! You’ve been with him this whole time?!” Mario exclaimed angrily at you.
“Yeah and he helped me get my kart ready!” You smiled at your brother and pointed to the now finished kart in the window behind you.
Dk and your brother scowled at each other while you were off in your own world, staring longingly at your kart.
“Make any moves on her and I wont hesitate to beat you again.” Mario threatened.
“I’d like to see you try plumber boy.”
“Oh oh! It’s finished c’mon let’s go!” You interrupted their little banter by pulling Dk with you to come pick up your Kart.
When everyone was done with their karts, they made their way to line up in front of the door that would lead them to the path of rainbow road.
You and Dk were next to each other while you waited for the doors to open.
“Is Rainbow road an actual rainbow?” You asked.
Dk chuckled at your question but answered nonetheless.
“Yes its an actual rainbow.”
When the doors opened you sped off in your kart, the wind violently whipping through your hair.
You enjoyed the scenery around you, the beautiful floating islands off in the distance and the waterfalls that seemed to go on for miles.
Dk pulled up next to you and matched your speed so he could watch you experience driving with your new custom kart for the first time.
He saw how happy you were and couldn’t help but smile.
“You know…I know a lot of roads with cool views like this.” Dk said still keeping his eyes on the road.
“Really?! I would love to see it!”
“How about after all this is over, we’ll go drive through them together?” He asked you.
He was asking you on a date.
You smiled at him and accepted his offer.
“Yeah I would like that a lot.”
A/N: Sorry it came out kind of late I was busy today!!
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hbyrde36 · 11 months
Life is a Game (and True Love is a Trophy)
Chapter 2
Ch 1 ao3 link
*Eddie - 1986*
Dustin burst in the door without knocking. A habit Eddie had been trying to break him out of for years. One of these days he’d do it at the wrong time and see something he’ll wish he hadn’t. Maybe then he’d learn his lesson.
“So, don’t freak out but…”
“Ugh” Eddie groaned, pushing his face further into his pillow. “It’s never good when you start a sentence like that. At least let me get some coffee first.”
“Fine.” Dustin relented, stomping back out into the kitchen of the Munson trailer.
Ten minutes later and with coffee in hand, Eddie motioned for Dustin to continue with whatever nonsense he’d woken him up for this morning.
“I told the guys about Steve, about you knowing him.”
“Dustin!” Eddie shouted, incredulously.
“What? It’s not like it’s some big secret or something!”
“You didn’t know!”
“No, I didn't. But I should have realized, and I shouldn’t have said what I did the other night about him. That wasn’t cool. That’s why I told them, because I felt bad, and because I was thinking that maybe we could do a little investigation of our own?”
The kid meant well and it was sweet that he wanted to do something to make Eddie feel better, but what did he think he and a bunch of teenagers would be able to do about it?
Eddie shook his head. “I already told you man, his parents are loaded. I’m sure they left no stone unturned. What could we possibly do that they haven't already tried?”
Dustin’s face spread into a cocky grin. “For starters, Mike talked to Nancy. Did you know she dated Steve for a little while right around the time Will got lost in the woods?”
He had known that actually. In fact he vividly remembered catching the two of them in the boy’s bathroom that one time. He’d never thought about it in reference to Steve’s disappearance before though. The couple had broken up a few months before it happened.
“Yea, okay. So, they dated. What’s that got to do with anything?”
“I'm not sure if it does, but the police never even talked to her. Mike said she was willing to talk to us about him, if you want.”
Eddie couldn’t believe he was actually considering this, but it was hard to deny how intrigued he was to learn more about Steve. Even if it didn’t lead to any answers about what had happened to him.
“You know what? Fuck it. Let's do it.” Eddie declared, slamming his now empty cup down on the table for emphasis.
“Language! I am a child!.” Dustin gasped, in a dramatic impersonation of his mother.
“Shut it, nerd.”
“You literally play D&D with children! Who’s the nerd now?!”
Eddie had never really had a full conversation with Nancy. They said hi in passing, and whenever he came to the house to play with the boys of course, but that was the extent of it. Now he was supposed to sit here in the Wheeler’s basement, like it was any other day, and talk to her about her ex boyfriend. Awkward.
Or, maybe not. 
According to Dustin, Nancy knew all about their game, including how she, Steve, and many others were used as characters in it. She understood their curiosity. She herself had always thought that there was something suspicious about the whole thing. That maybe there was more going on in Hawkins than a single missing boy.
“Do you remember the day in the cafeteria, when Steve got into that screaming match with Tommy and Carol?”
Eddie shook his head. “No, but I heard it was brutal.” He’d skipped out early that day to meet up with Rick for more product. The whole school was buzzing about it the next day, he could have kicked himself for missing the show.
“It was. I was shocked. I had never seen him act like that. I know he and I hadn’t been together that long, so I could be wrong, but It seemed so out of character. I mean, everything he said was true, and those two probably deserved it, but the three of them had been best friends for years. He never stood up to them before, so why now? It felt like it came out of nowhere.” 
She paused, taking a breath and gathering her thoughts before continuing.
“I remember him looking at me, just before he stormed off when it was all over. He didn’t look mad, it was more like.. I don’t know, scared, maybe?”
Well, that was a little ominous. Eddie and the younger boys shared a look as Nancy got up from her seat on the couch and started pacing.
“He called me later that night and asked me to come over so we could talk. When I got there, he stepped out onto the porch instead of letting me come inside. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but looking back, it was a little odd. We sat on the steps and he said that he was sorry, but he couldn’t see me anymore. I asked him if there was someone else, but he said no. He just wanted to be single for a while and concentrate on other things. It was fine. I don’t think either of us were too upset about it. We hugged and said our goodbyes, and that was the last time I spoke to him.”
She stopped pacing, standing directly in front of Eddie as she finished her story.
“I still saw him around, of course, and heard about how he quit the school teams. Which seemed weird, because, what was this more important thing he was focusing on? Clearly it wasn’t sports. Then he started skipping school, so it wasn’t about his grades either. I started to wonder if maybe he had gotten into drugs or something.” 
Or, he could have just been lying to let you down easy, Eddie thought, but that wasn’t very kind. Instead he said, “If he was, he wasn't getting them from me.” 
Dustin gasped. “Wait, dude, are you really a drug dealer?”
Fuck. “Um. No?”
“You are! You’re totally a drug dealer!” Dustin said, bouncing in his seat and pointing a finger in Eddie’s face.
Eddie groaned. “Please stop yelling ‘drug dealer’ before Mike's parents hear you and kick me out!”
“Does that mean you smoke pot?” Lucas asked.
 “Can we smoke pot?” Mike added quickly, grinning.
“Absolutely not!” Eddie and Nancy shouted, simultaneously.
He turned to her, hands raised. “For the record, I don’t sell anymore. Not since my supplier went to jail.”
Dustin’s eyes widened slightly. “Oh shit, is Reefer Rick a real person?”
Nancy gave Eddie a hard look.
“What?! We all used people from our life in the game!” He said defensively. “Look, guys, I think we’re getting off track here.”
“Is there anything else weird you remember about Steve from before he disappeared?” Will asked Nancy, speaking for the first time. Eddie threw him a grateful smile.
“Not that I can think of.”
“What about his parents?” Lucas asked.
“I never met them, but he always said his dad was an asshole. The way he talked sometimes, it sounded like they weren’t around a lot.”
The image of it flashed in Eddie’s mind for a moment. Steve, all by himself in that big empty house of his. Haunting its hallways in the middle of the night. He shook his head roughly to clear it. 
Maybe it was silly to think of it that way. What teenage boy wouldn’t love having the house to himself? No one hassling you or telling you what to do. He couldn’t explain why, but somehow he didn’t think Steve liked being alone.
Eddie was startled when Nancy placed a hand on his arm. She looked at him, face pinched with concern. He realized suddenly that they were alone. He’d been so lost in thought that he didn’t realize the boys had left. She saw him looking around and explained.
“I sent the boys upstairs for lunch. It looked like you needed a minute.”
“Yea, sorry. I don’t know what’s wrong with me lately.” He got up to collect his things, and headed towards the basement steps.
“It’s the time of year. I get it, I've been thinking about him a lot too.” She said, following him.
Eddie shook his head. It wasn’t the same, she was allowed to think about Steve. To miss him. What right did Eddie have? “That’s different. You dated the guy. We weren’t even friends.”
“You’re allowed to miss him, Eddie.”
“No, I'm not.”
“He thought you were brave, y’know.”
“What?” He stopped walking, but couldn’t bring himself to turn around to face her. 
“He told me once, the first time I sat with him for lunch. You had jumped up on your table, ranting and raving about whatever had bothered you that day.” She sounded amused at the memory. “Tommy and the others sneered and complained, but not Steve. He smiled as he watched you. He said, ‘sometimes I wish I could be brave like that. Just stop caring about what everyone else thinks and be free’.”
He finally looked back at her over his shoulder. She smiled at him kindly, it seemed genuine so he returned the gesture.
“Thanks, Wheeler.”
Eddie didn’t stay to join the boys for lunch, though he did make plans to meet up with them the next day. He needed some time alone to process what they’d learned so far. He did his best thinking in the van, so he drove around town aimlessly, blasting Metallica and trying to sort through it all. 
Eventually he made his way to Loch Nora, slowing when he reached Steve’s street. He’d never been inside the Harrington house, but he knew where it was. There was no car in the driveway, so he rolled to a stop in front of it. A ‘For Sale’ sign was stuck in the grass a few feet to the right of the mailbox.
He hadn’t realized Steve’s parents were selling the place. Good, Eddie thought. It would make his next task that much easier. He’d come up with a plan, of sorts, as he cruised around Hawkins. The first step? A good old fashioned breaking and entering.   
*Steve - 1983/1984*
Two days after finding Eleven out in the woods, Steve cut ties with all his friends. He made a big scene out of calling Tommy and Carol assholes in the middle of the cafeteria, to really drive the point home. He turned himself into a social pariah overnight, anything to keep people from wanting to get close to him.  
He let Nancy go. It was easy enough. He found that he wasn’t even all that upset about it, he knew she wouldn't be too sad either. He’d seen how she looked at Jonathan that day at school, when the news broke that Will was missing. They would get together before too long, he was sure of it.
He quit the swim team, basketball, and only continued going to school because dropping out would be too suspicious. He started skipping days a lot. 
Eleven, who he’d taken to calling El for short, needed her own space. He would have loved to decorate the guest room for her, would have let her paint the walls and everything. Unfortunately, his parents still came home on occasion, and it would be too hard to hide. Instead, they worked together to fix up a space for her in the attic. Even when they were home, his parents never went up there. 
He didn’t know anything about little girls, but neither did El, so they figured things out together. He set her up with a T.V. to keep her company when he was gone during the day. He gave her a bunch of catalogs to look through, and told her to take a marker and circle anything she liked. Clothes, bedding, curtains, toys, he bought it all. Perks of the Harrington name, and a credit card with a high spending limit.
By the time her attic room was done, she finally felt secure enough to sleep in her own bed. She felt safe in the knowledge that her new brother wouldn’t abandon her as she slept, or lock her inside. Sometimes though, he would wake up to find she’d come into his room in the middle of the night. Almost always when it rained.
They quickly became a little family, he and El. Steve didn’t have any siblings, hadn’t thought he even liked kids, and certainly never knew how much he wanted a little sister until she came along. He taught her what he knew about the world, and in return he learned the importance of patience and kindness.  Together, they discovered unconditional love. 
For a few wonderful months, life was good. There was a little hiccup in January of ‘84, when eleven accidentally knocked a vase off the counter in the kitchen. It was fine. She caught it with her mind before it hit the floor, then levitated it back upright on the counter. It was the first time she’d used her powers in front of Steve. Powers he had been completely unaware of.
He’d hyperventilated for a while, but once he recovered he explained to her that, ‘No sweetie, I didn’t know you could do that, but it’s fine. I promise. No, I'm not afraid of you. It’s just another part of you, and I love who you are.’
It was another turning point for them, a catalyst that compelled her to explain more about where she came from. What sort of things they did to her at the lab, and she finally told him all about Papa and the other children. 
Steve had never pushed her on any of it, happy to just keep her safe, and wait until she was ready to talk. Once she did? Well, he was fucking livid. It was all he could do not to go to the newspapers, or Chief Hopper, and blow the whole thing wide open. Hell, he would have found the place himself and burnt it to the ground if he didn’t know for a fact that there were other kids living inside. 
In the end, he did nothing. Too afraid that if he was caught, or worse, there would be no one who knew about El, or where she was. There would be no one to take care of her.
It was all his fault. He should have known better. It was his job to take care of her, and he had failed in that task spectacularly. It was spring break 1984, Easter Sunday. He’d just wanted to take her out to breakfast, something he could remember doing with his own parents for the holiday when he was young. Back when they at least pretended to give a shit about him. 
They were as safe about it as they could have been. He picked a small restaurant two towns over, where no one would recognize them. She looked so happy when she smiled at him over her massive stack of waffles.
He didn’t see it for what it was, when the two nondescript white work vans pulled into the parking lot of the diner. Movies had him envisioning a legion of fancy black town cars pulling up on him one day, a swarm of dark suits surrounding him, demanding to know where the girl was. He should have known that Papa would be a bit more subtle.
The bell above the main entrance door dinged as a new customer entered. El looked up reflexively at the sound and her eyes went wide. It was the only warning Steve had before a tall man with white hair and an impeccably tailored gray suit slid into the booth next to him.
“Hello, Eleven. You’re looking well.”
Steve watched as she curled in on herself. Turning back into the little girl he found in the woods right before his eyes. 
“Papa.” She gasped, bottom lip trembling.
The man turned to look at Steve. “I’m Dr. Brenner. Now, don’t go getting any big ideas, young man. I have people on every door to this place. You’ll never make it to that pretty car of yours in time, and I can assure you that if you try, they will not hesitate to... deal with the situation.”
Steve froze, not remotely prepared for this scenario. He didn’t know what to do and was scared of making a misstep. He wasn’t afraid for himself, he didn’t care what happened to him, but he was terrified for El, and the possibility of losing his sister forever. 
“Here’s what's going to happen.” Brenner continued. “Eleven is going to leave this place with me, right now. You, Mr. Harrington, yes I know all about you, are going to go back to your life and forget that any of this ever happened. If you so much as think about telling anyone what you’ve seen, we will know, and we will come for you.”
“I’m not going to just let you take her.” Steve protested, heart pounding.
“You don’t have a say in the matter.”
“If you take her then you’ll have to take me too!” Steve raised his voice a little too loudly, drawing the attention of the other diners. 
“That’s not an option.” Brenner hissed. “I have no need for someone like you”
Steve lowered his voice to a whisper, knowing that angering the man further wasn’t going to help. “I’m not leaving her. I’ll die first. You’ll have to kill me right here and now in front of all these people. Do you really want to make that big of a scene?”
Steve could tell the man was considering it. “Please.“ He begged. “I'm sure you can find some use for me. I’ll do anything.”
Brenner sighed. “Very well. You will both follow me outside. Leave your car keys on the table, Steven, you won’t be needing them.”
The man slid out of the booth, threw more cash than necessary on the table, and walked out the door.
Steve scrambled out of his seat at the same time El did, and they collided in a desperate embrace. She was shaking, crying. Steve ran his fingers through her short curls. 
“I'm sorry El, I'm so sorry. I shouldn’t have brought you here.”
She looked up at him, blinking through tears. “It’s not your fault, they would have found me eventually, one way or another.”
“I’ll get us out of this somehow, I promise.”
She took a small step away from him and shook her head. “No, Steve. You have to let him take me. Only me. You have a life, parents, a family.”
He shook his head, taking her small hand in his. “You are my family El. I’m not leaving you. We’re in this together. You and me, always.”
Chapter 3
@penny00dreadful @buckleybarnes @steddie-there @yeahhhh-suga @goinsteddie @brbsoulnomming @the-s-is-silent @paintsplatteredandimperfect @estrellami-1 @herebedragons404 @epiclazershark @iaminmultiplefandoms @adaed5 @mentallyundone @hardboiledleggs @hotshot9 @manda-panda-monium
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I've been very negative so far so nows time for some positivity! Here's some things I like about every total drama girlie:
Eva is just super interesting. I think her character flaws are intriguing. I like her attitude and I think she's fun.
Katie and Sadie are super sweet. I like their often aloof attitude and I love their bond, their so cute and work really well off eachother.
Izzy is really fun. I love how off the walls she is and Izzy is probably one of the most consistently written and consistently funny characters in total drama.
Beth has tons of potential. She's interesting and is probably the most realistically teenage character out of all the cast.
Courtney is really head strong and I love it! She's also really malleable, being able to be a good protagonist and antagonist imo.
Bridgette is basically who little me wanted to be. I love the fact she is a surfer and I love how chilled out she is.
Lindsay is so sweet. I love her and I think she's very fun. Her voice actor does a great job at portraying her. Also her friendship with Beth is so sweet.
Leshawna is so cool. I love how she stands up for herself and knows who she is, I find that really admirable.
Heather is great. I love her in action she was really funny and in world tour she had a great arc from antagonist to anti hero.
Gwen is so freaking cool. I love her voice and think it suits her well. I love her attitude and how she also fights for the environment.
Sierra is such a cool concept. I love the idea of her being a total drama superfan and I think the scenes where she isn't obsessing over Cody is fun.
Blainley is just so fun. I love her design, her song, and I find her to be an interesting character. She's just so fun.
Staci is intriguing to me. Why does she lie? What caused her to lie compulsively? Is there a reason? There's a lot of intrigue for me surrounding her.
Dakota is fun. Her style is impeccable and I love the lesson she learns that she can be loved no matter what even if I don't like how that revelation occurred
Dawn is basically Luna Love good and I think that's great! I love Dawn so much, she's so silly. I like the storyline we got with her.
Anne Maria is one of my favs. I love everything about her. I love how she acts and I think she is one of the funnest characters in the show.
Jo is important. I love how she presents more masculine and how she is a bit insecure about it, I think it's a realistic flaw.
Zoey! I love her in roti d so much. I love when she goes all commando Zoey, I think it's an interesting contrast to her regular self (which I also love)
Amy and Samey are fun. I like the contrast between the pair of twins and I loved it when Samey stood up for herself against her sister.
Ella is cute. I love her Disney princess like self. I find her interest to be fun. I also like her friendship with Sky.
Scarlett was fun up until the twist. I wish we got to see more of her. Her design was neat and I think her voice is cool.
Jasmine is great. I love her personality and I like how she stands up for Samey, I think their friendship was sweet.
Sugar is fun. I think she's neat. Her costumes are pretty cool. I think she has tons of potential if you wanted to explore it.
Sky is good. I like that she isn't a stereotypical depiction of a native woman. I love her friendship with Ella.
Ellody and Mary are really fun. Their designs are great and it's a shame they were booted out at third place.
Laurie and Miles are interesting and are also wasted potential. Their designs are great. I also love the voices of the characters.
Jen is a sweet reference to one of the creators of the show. I love the fashion influencers trope for her.
Kelly and Taylor are fun. I love the growth from them and I feel they have tons of untapped potential.
Crimson is great. She is very stereotypical goth and I think that's super fun. I love her "I'm allergic to the sun attitude" and her design is great!
Stephanie has a cool design.
Carrie is really sweet and has tons of potential. Her voice actor does a great job with the role and I love her. I think she's sweet.
Emma and Kitty are great! I love the contrast between them and the contrast between Amy and Samey. Their great characters together and alone.
Macarthur and Sanders are fun. I think their both really neat and interesting characters. Their potential was pretty well tapped.
Alex is super cool. I love how hardcore she is and I love her attitude. I also find the fact she is preparing for the zombie apocalypse to be enduring.
Nichelle is a interesting character. I love her design, her voice actor does a great job. She has tons of potential.
Scary girl's fun. I love how much she treats the skull she gets, it reminds me of how doll collectors (me) treat their dolls. Her design is fun also.
MK is so fun. I love her so much. I love her design as well, I'm also glad they listened to fan feedback and made her skin colour not yellow!
Emma is so cute and silly! I love her design so much and I love the fact she is a YouTuber. I love the fact she is away from chase in season two!
Julia is a fun villain. I love how unabashedly mean she is. I love her fake kind and zen persona and how she cracks and shows how she truly is, it's neat!
Millie is great! I love how she develops from someone who projects her insecurities to a person who works on herself to improve.
Priya is an interesting character. I think she's the only total drama character with a fleshed out backstory. She deserves more.
Anyways, I love every total drama girlie so much, their all so silly and fun and just great!
- ☄️
Congratulations comet anon for maxing out all the tags! 🥳
- 🧡
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riacte · 8 days
some thoughts about some ren ships:
ren/martyn: it's fine and it's cool until springtime comes and there's a melancholy in the tepid, humid air that clings to your skin and clogs up your lungs. and it's really fine until you start planting carrots again in the way he did and you realise all the small moments in your life have been defined by those few months you spent with him. there's a before and an after. his influence has melted so casually in your daily life that you don't realise it. it takes years for the intensity and absence to sink in even though it's always been there. and you finally understand. what you felt on those carrot fields was love. (note the past tense. note that you're a liar.)
ren/doc: words cannot describe what happened in that damned van. they're not husbands, they're FREAKS. they almost wish they did romantic shit like stargazing and going on dates but it's just a lot of being cooped up in the tiny van and the intimacy of repairing each other's prosthetics and lying in the same bed and staring at each other for hours while listening to nothing but the hum of the air conditioner and each other's breathing. because they're "bros".
ren/cleo: they practice "on and off platonic smooching". whatever that even means. physically affectionate to the point of being disgusting. they can stop and start back again at any time but somehow it's healthy. despite all the intense pda and cuddling and shit, no one emerges emotionally devastated. their dms are just spamming heart emojis.
ren/false: he's been lowkey crushing on her for so long he's genuinely forgotten about it. from her point of view, he's been acting this way around her since forever so she's also forgotten about it. they exist in this miraculous and meticulous limbo in which no one crosses a line because they don't think about it. they have the keys to each other's bases and water each other's flowers. one day they wake up and make each other breakfast and look out at their beautiful mess of a shared garden because it's their sixtieth day of accidental cohabitation and go "how did we get here again".
ren/iskall: i know it's long gone and the magic's not here no more and we can't go back to who we were. maybe i'll joke about "wrong person, right time" but that feels like stabbing myself in the chest with a dull knife. i look at you and from the bottom of my heart, i feel love. regardless of what kind of love it is. when i see you smile, i can still feel it against my lips. so maybe we still wear each other's clothes. so maybe you still drink from that ugly mug i got as a gag anniversary gift. so maybe you still consider sending me a love letter as a joke. best friends to lovers to neighbours. jokes and casual flirtation and even more casual declarations of love. i love you and you love me but we both know it's not the same anymore. still, it was good. for a while, we were good.
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fhrlclln · 2 years
hey, I'm not sure if your requests are open, but if they are, I'd like to request a eddie x reader :) reader is best friends with chrissy, but still shy & in the background. i'd love some intense & oblivious mutual pining between eddie&y/n & friends to lovers. Chrissy knows about y/ns feelings bc it's really obvious, tries to include eddie to kinda make them spend time together, y/n is jealous bc she thinks eddie is only interested in chrissy, so maybe some friendshipangst but happy end <3
eddie munson x shy!fem! reader + mutual pinning
hellloooo anon !! my requests are open just for untitled small-ish (actually lengthy) imagines & blurbs!! not the oneshots (those are usually up to 5k words)
i do hope you like this !! <3
kinda suggestive in the ending ;>
it was kind of awkward at first.
you’ve always been the quiet and reserved type of girl. shy in most parts when it comes to social interactions, you’ve always stayed inside of your comfort zone, still afraid to come out. nothing was wrong with that! it’s just that sometimes— you wish you were more than this quiet best friend of chrissy cunningham’s. yes, chrissy the head of the cheer team. chrissy the kind and sweet girl of hawkin’s high. chrissy was an amazing best friend, she was the only person who could understand your comfort of silence, being understanding and never judging why you were like this. it’s just you.
and here you are, school ending, linked arm to arm with her as she talks side to side with eddie munson. eddie munson, the supposed ‘freak’ of hawkins high. the devil worshipper, the drug dealer— the dnd club leader and dungeon master— stated by dustin. eddie’s a sweet guy since the first you’ve met him in class. he’s a class clown, likes to goof around the teacher’s back, intimidates maybe some few students with his style, fucks around with jason carver and sometimes causes a havoc inside of the cafeteria. he’s funny, good-looking, kind and—
you like him. yes, you have a crush on him since day one. the day since he had absently helped you clean up the classroom after hours. you two spoke, only for a bit, but you got hooked since the moment he made you laugh. and that was it— he probably doesn’t remember that moment but that set the course of your secret crush on him. which is a crucial secret you’ve harbored today— or so.
“it’ll be cool! this’ the one time to get you girls a peek of what i actually do for fun than sell shit here.” he shrugs, walking backwards as chrissy rolls her eyes at him. you only let a small smile on, seeing the interaction between them. “and i swear to you, chris’. gareth rocks the drums, no kiddin’, total badass.”
“you want us? me and y/n to go to your gig inside of a bar, eddie? do you know how’ll that look like?” she laughs as eddie shrugs, completely unaware how that’ll look. two girls inside of a bar, full of drunk men. to say, it was very surprising the queen of hawkins high had befriended the boy, unexpected it to you as well.
“i don’t know. well, makes our five person crowd turn into seven, which is better—“
“and haven’t you thought of the creeps and drunks in there for us?” she raises a brow as eddie scoffs at that. looking smug.
“please! if you’re worried about jackasses getting up on ‘ya, you have four men on guard and that includes me.” he gestures to himself proudly as chrissy sighs.
“c’mon, chris’! loosen up a little, get drunk while we play and it’ll be the best night of your lives!” eddie roared, earning a few snickers and glares from the students passing by. he didn’t care about that as you watched him dearly, whilst chrissy was shaking her head. admiring his smirk and eagerness for you two— well, maybe just for chrissy, to come.
“eddie. as much as i like to go to your gig tonight. i just don’t think—“
“oh, c’mon. we’ve hanging out since— since, you’ve been pulling me to your hang outs. isn’t it my time to ask you to hang-out?” eddie hummed as he walked along side now. putting his hands in his leather jacket’s pockets. you stared ahead, letting them talk with one another. a little sting in your heart that you wished eddie would have that same energy to you. mostly he’d just acknowledge you were there beside chrissy, they were close as you can tell. you didn’t know if it was you or not— but certainly you knew he’s got eyes for your best friend. isn’t everyone?
as hurtful as it is to your feelings for him, you just bottled it up knowing none will happen otherwise. eddie was kind to you, that was most important, and you were fine being the extra in the little tension between chrissy and him. you just wished you were more outgoing to match his personality— but fate was like this. you’d accept it, not wanting to hope for more— hope for him to look at you like he looks at chrissy. you could feel the bitter taste in your tongue as you swallowed up the heartbreak inside of you. you just wished you were… more. 
“earth to y/n? hello?” a pair of fingers snapping in front of you made you jump a bit seeing eddie beside you with a grin. your heart thumped as you tried to remain calm, a heavy whiff of his earthy fresh cologne engulfed your nose alongside the scent of cigarettes and hint of weed, you guessed. god, he smelled good—
“y-yes?” you stammered, looking up to meet his eyes. you swore you felt mushy seeing those doe brown eyed orbs stare at you with a glint behind them. eddie seem to pause a bit as he smiled at you sweetly.
“do you wanna come tonight?” he asked, tone low and soft this time than a while ago. “my gig— tonight. since your bestie don’t wanna— but it’s fine if you don’t want to—“
“i’d love to.” you answered quickly, blushing afterwards hearing yourself too excited. “i-i mean, yes.” way to go. you sighed to yourself, feeling a little embarrassed.
“that’s cool. yeah, fucking cool.” eddie bit his lip as he turned to chrissy with a smirk now. chrissy had a huge smile on her face as she stared at you, seeing you all shy and timid around him than usual. she rolled her eyes at eddie as you watch them quarrel again.
“are you sure, angel?” she asked you, pushing eddie’s shoulder when he was about to cut her off.
“she’s sure, chris’!”
“i’m sure.” you nodded, feeling a little bashful that he’s beside you. the warmth of him driving you crazy. you could feel him lean forward, his chest brushing against your back as he stuck his middle finger to chrissy, gesturing to his win. you swore you’d turn into a puddle how close he is. chrissy seemed to grin at the two of you, opting to dismiss the thought in her head as she focused on the annoying metalhead.
“fine! you won this time, munson. we’ll go.” chrissy shoved his hand away as eddie pumped his fists up in the air. you giggled, snuggling beside chrissy as she sighed at him.
“i’ll pick you up later?” she offered and you nodded. unlinking your arms, knowing you have to go back home to find an suitable outfit.
“i’ll call you.” you affirmed as you hugged her goodbye. chrissy kissed your cheek as you turned to eddie. oblivious knowing your best friend was watching the way you curled your fingers, knowing you were nervous. she smirked at that.
“i’ll see you later, sweets.” he winked as you nodded, waving him goodbye, feeling your stomach flutter as you walked away.
eddie watched you with longing eyes, your quiet and timidness as cute factor he so adored, remembering the moment chrissy introduced you to him. chrissy eyed him with suspicion now, oh, it was very obvious— so stupidly obvious how the two of you were pinning for each other. just that she knew something was blocking the two of you from confessing and it was hurting her head! you and eddie looked perfect for each other— and she was going to make it her mission to get you two going on for tonight.
“i say watch the way you look at my best friend, munson.” she teases as eddie blushes, eyes widening as he scoffs, feeling embarrassed he’s been caught or so.
“what the fuck do you mean?” he dumbly scratches his head, acting oblivious as chrissy taps her foot, rolling her eyes at him. idiot.
“nothing.” she walks away, leaving eddie to ponder what the hell did she mean by that. chrissy grins to herself, knowing well what to do now.
“they’re gonna start!” chrissy says, sitting right next to you inside of the hideout. the bar was somewhat decent, it was for drunks— that you knew seeing it was crowded, but decent enough that you two got a seat closer to the stage. the dim lights shined before them seeing the logo of the drum-set came into life. corroded coffin was written on it, proud and very rock looking as you waited for them to finish setting up. you were excited, so excited seeing him perform. one of your daydreams come into life.
“whatdya’ think about eddie performing?” chrissy smiled widely as you shrugged.
“he’s…” you didn’t know what to say as eddie turned to the microphone, a wide grin and a new aura coming from him. you were stars trucked, he greeted the crowd first, some had cheered on and others were intrigued. the main kicker for your beating heart was the moment he shredded his guitar after gareth’s counting, you swore you’d faint on the spot. chrissy cheered on as you stared at him in awe, seeing him look so in his place, a glimpse of what more you can see in eddie.
and it made your heart burst happily.
the crowd cheered to the next three songs they did. all covers from their favorite bands— eddie sang them all, sweat beading his forehead, his shirt clinging to him tightly as he gripped the microphone, his gestures lit up the room as you watched him. smiling widely, as his gaze tore to where you and chrissy were seated. you froze on the spot, not knowing where his eyes stayed if it were yours or to chrissy. you didn’t know really. his eyes seemed to hold something, unspoken, but loud enough for you to know it was something. it was you, was it? was it—
your mind shouted, you looked to the side to see your best friend smiling widely as ever. you looked back to eddie as he no longer stared to where you two were seated. no, he did not look at you. your mind screamed again. you were just here— because chrissy agreed to be here. you were just here. your heart started to melt, you could feel the awful vile lump in your throat seize to make you cry with your own thoughts. eddie doesn’t like you— he doesn’t. you’re just chrissy’s best friend. that’s all you’ll ever be in his eyes. you gulped, noticing as eddie said goodnight to the crowd. they cheered, clapped while you forced yourself to straighten your posture now. how stupid you are to be heartbroken for a man who doesn’t even know you— or know your love for him.
so stupid.
“that was so cool!” chrissy squealed as eddie exited the stage. the other members went straight to your table. chrissy stood up giving each an hug, how smitten they are to be in the presence of her, looking all giddy that the queen of hawkins high had watch their gig. you sat there, quietly, fiddling with your hands, knowing no one would acknowledge you— since they don’t even know you. it was typical, and you were used to it by now.
“sooo…” chrissy started, sitting back as the others told her they would be by the bar. “what did you think of eddie right now?” she wriggled her brows.
you blinked, not sure where this is going. “he’s…w-well, more eddie?”
“ok, he looks cool.” you offered, glancing behind her shoulder to see eddie laughing along with his band mates while he drank a cold beer. his mullet a little haggard from his head banging a while ago. you pursed your lip, admiring him from afar.
“really now? just cool?” she teases.
“i-i don’t know—“
“you find him cute, huh?” she pinches your cheek as you swatted her hand away with a pout, shaking your head.
“oh, c’mon. we’ve been friends for years, angel. i know—“ you quickly pinch her lips, afraid someone might hear that assumption. it was already embarrassing as it is that you were lying to her.
“chris’, please!” you scolded, your pout growing. cute.
“ok, ok, ok. i’m just joking.” she defends, a plan in her mind erupting as she pulls you up to stand up. you look at her confused as she grins, gesturing to the bar. “we have to greet eddie! you’re the one who wanted to see him perform.” she reminded you.
“w-wha— ok, fine.” you sighed as chrissy turned back to capture eddie staring at the two of you. eyes staring at the oblivious you. she grinned again, pulling you towards him, a vacant seat in the middle, a luck for her mini-plan to succeed.
“hey, chris’!” eddie greeted, hugging her as chrissy patted his back.
“you look so cool, munson! not bad.”
“yeah, yeah, yeah. thanks.” he smirked as he turned to you. you temporarily froze for a moment as chrissy urged you to sit beside him while she stood between the two of you. a little irritated she was seeing you two hinder down. like idiots in love! she huffed as she broke the longing silence.
“y/n thought you looked cute today.”
“cute? really? that’s a first. i’m flattered, sweets.” eddie laughed as you averted his gaze. a blush arose to your cheeks, it felt warm as you glowed underneath the dim lights. eddie watched in silence seeing you look around the room, your expression still a bit flushed, you looked too cute when you’re so shy. god, his stomach was feeling funny today.
chrissy couldn’t take it anymore! she grabbed eddie’s arm to pull him away somewhere. eddie was taken by surprise, disappointed he was pulled away from his gawking. she knew you wouldn’t admit your obvious crush you have on the man— though, eddie on the other hand, she knew he would at least have the balls to ask you out if she tells him. he was pretty obvious too.
“the hell was that, chris’?” he sighed, crossing his arms. you watch in distance seeing your best friend and eddie talking with each other at a far distance. you sighed, the vile feeling of jealousy in your gut erupting again.
“i am done with you two. i’m sick of it!” chrissy declares. eddie shoots a puzzled look as chrissy pinched her nose. “if you like her eddie, then ask her out!”
“wait— that’s n-not… i don’t have—“ he blushes, glancing back to you for a moment.
“cut the bullshit please. sometimes, as a certified wingman, i get tired seeing you two hiding it when it’s so painfully obvious.” she sighs as eddie’s eyes widened. you two? hiding it?
“us two? let me get this straight, chris’. i think i’m the only one who’s been hiding it.” he declares, you would never go for him! and he applauds chrissy for being so observant that she knew he’s got a little crushie on you. it always seemed like you didn’t want to talk to him from time to time— averting his gazes, quiet and short conversations, always avoiding him. he was sure you were just swallowing it up to be friends with him because of chrissy. “and i don’t think she’ll ever go for me if you think that—“
you watch in silence seeing those two talk. you sighed to yourself, alone by the bar, fiddling with the napkins now. you felt yourself slowly feel tired at this— wanting to go home and cry. you stood up, heading to the bathroom to freshen up a little, planning afterwards to say your goodbyes to chrissy and the others. the night already tiring you. you need to a grip of yourself. and you couldn’t hold back your disappointment as tears slipped from your eyes, quickly shutting the door behind you.
“it’s true, eddie! i swear!” chrissy argues as eddie shakes his head. no, there was no way you liked him! no way! chrissy might be just fucking with him.
“don’t bullshit me—“
“i am so not, munson! if you think she doesn’t like you, well, i’m reminding you she’s gets too shy around you. i know her.”
“how the fuck am i supposed to believe you?”
“if you go after her then you might as well ask her, herself.” chrissy crosses her arms as eddie snickers.
“this is too— too unbelievable. i don’t want my hopes up.” he mumbles, feeling a little insecure. no one wanted him— he was the freak! a drug dealer and an outcast. he lives in a trailer park and is still repeating his senior year. you deserved someone so much better than him.
“i am not putting your hopes up, eds. when it comes to y/n and you— i very much like to see you two together.” she confesses, offering a comforting smile. eddie licks his lips, the taste of beer and the sweet memory of you gawking at him while he’s on stage pressuring him to go back and talk to you.
“i mean it, munson.”
“yeah. i know. thank you.” he smiles, sighing to himself. for being an idiot for holding himself back.
“go. i’m sure she’s waiting.” chrissy urged as gareth came passing by.
“your friend’s been in the bathroom for a shit long time by the way.” gareth points to the restroom as chrissy looks at eddie worried.
“go!” chrissy urges, knowing that place would be private enough for both of you. eddie nods, walking hastily to there as gareth looks at the situation confused beside chrissy.
“what was that?” gareth sips his beer as chrissy sweetly smiles at him.
“getting your best friend his first girlfriend.” she grins as gareth spits his beer out of shock.
“sweets?” your head shots up from the sink as you heard the door knocking, you shut the faucet off as you wiped your stray tears away. it was pathetic, you dressed up for him— thinking something will happen. you bit your lip, hesitating for a moment. it was embarrassing to face him when you just cried for him.
“y/n? sweets? can i— this will sound weird— can i come in?” he coughs, your eyes widened, he sounded desperate which made you worry. eventually you unlocked the door as eddie came stumbling with an apology as he shuts the door quickly. leaning back against it as the yellow fluorescent light shined at the two of you.
“u-uh, is there something wrong?” you asked, fiddling with your hands again, feeling nervous. eddie stares at you, seeing the dried up tears stain your cheeks. have you been crying? his sense of protectiveness bursted as he cupped your cheeks, wiping the tears off as his brows furrowed.
“someone made you upset? was it a old geezer or a drunk?” he asked, catching you by surprise as you quickly shook your head. what was happening?
“i’m fine, eddie. it’s j-just me.” you meekly confessed, averting his gaze yet eddie stood closer, staring at you with seriousness.
“yeah… it’s kinda stupid.” you laughed quietly as eddie grinned. still cupping your cheeks as you blushed at his touch. warm and calloused, it felt oddly tingly as you squirmed in his hold.
“don’t like you seeing you upset.” he mumbles, looking back and forth to your lips. “i’ve been meaning to tell you— something… chrissy just gave me the reality-hit of a lifetime.” he confesses, detaching his hands from your cheeks as he turned to sit on the toilet seat as you waited for him. are they together? your mind wandered as your heart clenched.
“i—“ he stutters, grasping your hands now to his. pulling you close as you stood between his legs. feeling a little cramped in this restroom. your heart stammered as butterflies filled your stomach.
“i was going to ask you out. on— on a date. i like you, y/n. chrissy told me you liked me, and i-i was wondering—“
“w-wait!” you stammered, he stopped in his words, dread filling his stomach. was it not true?
“y-yeah? shit, sorry— i should’ve…” eddie rambled on as you processed the words coming out of his mouth. chrissy told him? told him that you liked him? you were shocked, you kept this secret for the longest and chrissy knew this whole time? you wondered back when eddie started hanging out with you two. did that start there? nevertheless, you were shocked. shocked at how sneaky she knew!
“and it’s fine if you don’t like me— i get the feeling chris’ thought otherwise and i-i’m sorry—“
“eddie.” you breathed out his name, he stopped, feeling like a spell was cast on him when you uttered his name like a aphrodisiac. he felt his spine tingle as he shut up quickly. you lean down, seeing his pupils turn black at how close the two of you are. you were tired of having to hold back now— so tired of waiting as eddie’s heart thumped loudly.
“y-yeah?” he whispers as you put your hands to rest on his shoulders. he was so desperate, seeing your lips part as he felt the alcohol in his veins make him extra horny.
“i like you too…” you confessed, eddie shuddered at that, relieved. so relieved that he surged up to capture your lips to his. you gasped, his tongue went in as you wrapped your arms around his neck, bending down as he hold on to your hips. you moaned, the sweet daydream coming to life. you were kissing him! finally kissing him! and he liked you! his tongue circled yours, sloppy and desperate it is as his hands squeezed your side. both feeling so drunk and high in the chemicals in your bodies. like as if he had smoked something— that was ten times better. it was all you. your scent, your touch, your lips— everything of you was a drug to him.
he had to thank chrissy later.
you broke away first, exhaling air as you confessed again. “i thought you had a thing for chrissy. b-but me?” you blushed as eddie grinned, pulling you to his lap as you sat comfortably. eddie swore he’d have a heart attack now.
“baby, chrissy’s like a sister to me.” he laughed, cringing at the thought of him and your best friend together.
“but same thing, sweets. thought you didn’t like me that much.” he laughed as you giggled. “but you were just shy, huh? shy for me, baby?” he said confidently, kissing your neck. you whined, his warmth overwhelming as you giggled at how ticklish you are there.
“i’ve liked you for the longest, eds.” you caressed his hair as he hummed, hugging you tight. “just d-din’t know how to say it.”
“should’ve kissed you sooner.” he mumbled capturing your lips again as you caressed his rosy cheeks. he felt himself melt on you as you teased him. he felt so mushy underneath you as you breathed out his name. this wasn’t happening was it? it’s all his dream? kissing you in a bar restroom that kinda smelled like shit? totally romantic. things got hotter as you whined against his lips. feeling a little frisky as eddie smirked, grinding up as you gasped at the hard feeling.
you blushed, knowing what was underneath you. the feeling too overwhelming as you hugged him tighter, knowing hell what he was doing when his hands descended down to your ass making eddie smirk, feeling so smug now. he grasped it confidently as you scolded him, blushing furiously. your shyness seeping back.
“e-eddie, we can’t!”
“i’m making up the lost time, sweetheart. keep that mouth quiet for me, hm?”
say, thank you, chrissy!
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