#she added the sleeves
bridgeportbritt · 3 months
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Creeksbrey Palace | Umbrage, SimDonia | 4 Days Before the Wedding
Grayson: Wow, you look beautiful!
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Olivia: You think so? It's not... too much?
Grayson: Not at all. It only makes me want to punch every guy who's gonna see you a little bit.
Olivia laughs: Thanks, this outfit was your cousins' idea. I had to... modify it a bit.
Grayson: Ahh, makes sense. Well, I think you look great. I am one lucky groom.
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Olivia: And I'm the luckiest bride! So, have you found out where your brother's taking you?
Grayson: Nope and I'm terrified.
Olivia laughs: Why?
Grayson: Because you know my brother. I say I want to do something lowkey, but lowkey for him is renting out half the club instead of the whole thing.
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Gianni: Pshh. You couldn't hang at the clubs I attend, big bro.
Grayson: And... I'm sure I wouldn't want to.
Jennifer: Trust me, his clubbing days are long gone, anyway.
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Gianni: Mhm. Dude, are you ready to go or what?
Grayson: I mean, I guess? You didn't give me much to go on. "Dress down and clear the next two days" is all your text said.
Gianni: And that's all you need to know. Leave the rest up to your best man.
Grayson: That's what I'm afraid of...
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Olivia: You're going to take good care of my fiancé, right?
Gianni: Of course, Olivia! You can count on me. I will bring this man right back to you in one piece all ready to walk down that alter! You look great, by the way. Very bridal.
Olivia: Thanks. Am I sensing sarcasm?
Gianni: No, not at all. You're sensing nothing but upcoming responsible fun to be had.
Olivia: Okay... I'm trusting you, Gianni. Should we get going, Jennifer?
Jennifer: Let's do it!
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Gianni: Have a good time, beautiful. Don't hurt 'em to hard in that dress.
Jennifer laughs: I'll try. You have fun, too, babe.
Olivia: Text me when you get there. Try to have a good time, okay?
Grayson: I'll try. You too, baby. Love you.
Olivia: Love you, too!
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Gianni: Dude, tell me you're ready for an epic bachelor weekend.
Grayson: If I say yes, can I get a hint at least?
Gianni: Fine.
Grayson: Then, yes, I'm ready.
Gianni: Good, because your bags are already packed and loaded. We've got a drive ahead, my friend. There's your hint. Let's go.
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Grayson: Alright, still scared, but intrigued. Let's go.
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fly-sky-high-arts · 9 months
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"He defeated her before, but... "
"A long slumber will heal these grievous wounds."
wow I've been misspelling Fi this whole time lmao I'm sorry girl
Have a song that goes really well with he whole situation regarding the past and present of the storyline that I've been listening on repeat oope
Anyway. I love Master Sword. I like this tidbit of Skyward Sword hint. I know people remember Fi as an annoying sidekick (understandably lol) but like. I care her. That is all.
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neptunesailing · 8 months
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tan fujiwara's first appearance on this blog for bweird's oc-tober day 2: new oc!
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alabama-metal-man · 2 years
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“you’re as lovely as ever, senator.”
“your flattery knows no bounds, master jedi.”
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I'm not going to apologize for my perfect creation.
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
Charlie is that person that likes to draw on her friends’ hands and arms at the most random times and they will just let her do it without question
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Phantom Driver/Punch it Old Man!
Danny and Danni on The Ghost Bike. Featuring Bottle the Bunny Backpack.
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a-lonely-dunedain · 1 year
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The kinship house @hallothere and I are decorating for our rangers is coming together nicely!
...thanks to a little mooching from our rich alts, that is
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umbracirrus · 2 months
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Look at these idiots. They're holding hands. I just didn't wanna draw said hands.
As with previous OC sketches, details about them are under the read more. There's a lot of overlap because, obviously, Edwyn and Ingja are a couple.
Edwyn Verne
Edwyn never felt the strongest of ties to his homeland of High Rock. He had no family so to speak of, and never really had the confidence to settle down anywhere for long. It was just him, his handful of books, and his conjurations for company and had been that way since he was a young teen... but even then, he had difficulty controlling the conjurations.
Once the Great War was over, just as he reached adulthood, he decided to try and hone his magic, and ventured over the border into Skyrim, to join the College of Winterhold. His studies were going incredibly well after just a few months there, and he had made extensive progress in taming his wolf familiar, Spectre. But one day, a little rabbit interrupted them, sending Spectre crazy as he began to chase the creature - unfortunately injuring Ingja, who had been out hunting in the frozen lands around Winterhold, in the process.
After helping to return the injured Ingja to Winterhold, she begrudgingly offers to thank him with a drink at the inn. One drink turned to two, and a night out in thanks turns to numerous nights out, and even a few days, as a curiosity in magic had been ignited in her and he had offered to teach her.
He falls for her hard over those few month - just as she did for him. Unfortunately, their first kiss gets disturbed by her brother, and Edwyn ends up with a bounty on his head for 'clearly controlling Ingja with his foul magic', when he didn't know an ounce of illusion magic - not that her family knew or cared for the differences between the schools of magic, it was all the same for them.
But that doesn't deter them from seeing each other. Or running away from Winterhold together, for that matter. Or getting married and even having a child, their beloved daugher Elyse.
They find themselves in High Rock once more, and he takes on various teaching positions to try and earn money whilst Ingja takes on more dangerous tasks as a hunter and mercenary for hire. He would constantly fret about her any time that she was gone for more than a day, though always hid his worry from the ever-curious Elyse, and would relish in the relief whenever she would return home.
As soon as they had enough money to do so, the family moved to somewhere more stable - Chorrol. Life almost seemed perfect... until the love of his life began to fade away before his eyes.
Ingja Frosthand
Ingja had always been taught never to interact with and never trust the mages in the College, and she had no reason not to believe that. Unless it came from her mother, who always seemed to have a bone to pick with her and only seemed to care about her younger brother. She only really cared about what her father thought on matters though, and that was what he believed.
One of her favourite pasttimes had always been hunting from as soon as she was taught to wield a bow, which even in spite of the lands around Winterhold being sparce, she could easily spend days upon days exploring the environment and making sure that her family could eat well for a time. On one of her hunting trips, following an argument with her mother, she ends up getting injured as a result of Edwyn's experiments with his conjurations. He helped her return to Winterhold, and though it went against every instinct in her body, because he was a mage, she offered to buy him a drink in thanks.
Much to her surprise... she realises that Edwyn, and in turn the mages in the College, were just as much people as she and the other residents of Winterhold were. And she found his clumsiness and enthusiasm to be endearing... and she fell in love with him after asking him to teach her how to use magic herself. On the day that she finally created a flame with his tutelage, she couldn't help but pull him in for a kiss... just for her brother to witness it, freak out, and run to tell her parents.
Enraged that her father had the gall to get a bounty placed on Edwyn's head, and to ground her in spite of her being an adult in her own right whilst also planning to have her sent away from Winterhold to distance her from Edwyn, she manages to earn her way into the College before planning to run away with Edwyn so that they could be together.
Putting Winterhold behind her for Edwyn was one of the few reckless decisions she knew that she would never regret, especially from the moment she held their daughter in her arms for the first time. She only returned to Winterhold after thirteen years, Elyse in tow, on the day of her father's funeral. Edwyn kept himself hidden away in Windhelm on that day on her request, knowing full well that the bounty had never been removed from his head.
Though life was incredibly unstable whilst Elyse was young, her jobs putting her into increasingly dangerous situations, the day that she and Edwyn paid for a house of their own in Chorrol was enough to make her cry because she no longer needed to put herself in danger. She actually picked up some hobbies, like alchemy and baking, but never put down her bow... at least until her bones grew weary and weak, before she fell into death's grasp.
To say that she was horrified when her daughter appeared in Sovngarde saying that she was Dragonborn, and there to defeat Alduin, was an understatement.
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moonmoonthecrabking · 2 years
rtc headcanon: constance never gets cold but always wears a sweater and brings an extra because her best friend is a stubborn ginger who's built like glass and the rest of the choir isn't much better
#ride the cyclone#rtc#constance blackwood#constance rtc#i'm projecting on my beloved (also does not feel cold)#ocean o'connell rosenberg#she uses her allowance to buy them from the mall and she has stacks and different styles for each member#she gets noel solid black ones and dramatic sleeves#ocean's are solid soft colours and dainty flower designs#ricky's are massive cats and centrepieces#mischa's are plain Stereotypical Boy Colours#but she added some embroidery taking from ukrainian patterns in the bi colours#penny's are ugly christmas sweaters with lace and plastic jewels sewn on (which she adores)#and constance adds designs to some of them because she's an embroidery bitch and she likes to make them unique!!!#a tangible way of showing her care#when she starts hanging out with ocean she starts wearing sweaters more#her parents who know she only wears long sleeves below 0F are like why#but then they realise its for her bestie#ricky seems like he'd be responsible so he mostly keeps his at home and wears them of his own accord#constance needs to force ocean's on her#she has to tackle penny#noel is like eh sure this is cute and my style thanks constance *glares at ocean to put hers on*#i think mischa has the second highest cold tolerance so he doesn't like to admit he ever gets cold#but one day in january he was fucking freezing#and constance silently handed him the one she made for him#(she had extra time)#and he notices the embroidery and the man starts tearing up a little#because how did she know??????#the answer is bi solidarity#tw swearing
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britishchick09 · 4 months
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i asked hotpot ai for 'a young woman with light blonde wavy hair and blue eyes. she wears a blue and black victorian dress with long sleeves and has a sweet smile' (guess who that is!) and it gave me lots of pics of the same girl! :o
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ichayalovesyou · 2 years
So do y’all think Carol Kane is our new Chief Engineer or do you think she’s just a one-episode guest?
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littlestpetship · 1 year
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uwehhh so much work……… i dunno if i’ll ever finish this (T_T ) i’ve been working on it on and off…
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
I swear to God I will second-guess anything. Someone tell me it’s not a catastrophe if a baby cardigan has sleeves that are maybe a centimetre too long and very slightly too narrow right at the cuff
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forever-multifandom · 2 years
This is ok too
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Add-on sleeves
I don't know why I went to Tumblr for this
Not to be biased, but I’d say that this is the peak of fashion of all vampirekind AND VAMPIRE FASHION ROCKS. You name it, whatever media they’re from, it’s always some gothic/rebellious-looking attires! (Though extra points if the source is Owari no seraph because come on, LOOK AT THE VAMPIRES’ CLOTHES, LOOK AT KRUL, LOOK AT LEST—)
Those sleeves is by far the most convenient and unconventional thing in the world. Listen, you could be cold for a minute here, what do you do? That’s right, don’t mind me, just pulling up my totally detachable sleeves here! And when you’re warm again, you just slip them right off, simple as that!
(Check this post’s tags for some offtopic OC-related and Sky rambles)
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duskerot · 3 months
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