#sf bleu
claire-starsword · 3 months
on my knees crying and begging for karin to get some development in this novel because GOOD GRIEF
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starswordartblog · 3 months
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i love how easily i could visualize this scene in my mind
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vs120shound · 2 months
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We dubbed her SSS'SS' bestowing this nickname in the summer for Sultry Smoking Solène "Super Star" and ain't it the truth? Truly remarkable! An angel who smokes cigarettes living in Paris, France!
And what percentage of BHYSWs have "whiter" teeth? And what a rockin' tattoo! An immaculate complexion! Stylish hair! Sharp yet subtle jewelry that did not require a month's earnings to purchase! All in casual attire! After all, her nickname is Sultry Smoking Solène "Super Star" for good reason, right?
Dual-Media 83-Post, 470-Pack Ultra-Megapost!
And can any BHYSW handle a cigarette in a more sexy manner? Nearly flawless! Only "constructive criticism" would be that she would not be at the top of the list to become a guest lecturer on the "Stylish, Powerful, Grand and Persistent Exhales" class at any of the world's 3 Smoking Academies. Now would she? Solène is graceful, stylish, playful, serious at other times, friendly, loyal, fun-loving and gorgeous, though few fashion model magazines would describe her nose as a classic example of a desired nose. Beautiful eyes. Pouty lips. Lovely mouth. Wonderful cheekbones. Rugged chin. What does she do for work? In which of the 20 Arrondissements (administrative districts) does she reside in Paris? When did she become a fan of "Les Bleus," the French men's soccer (football) national team from the FFF (Fédération Française de Football). In one of her videos, a match involving "The Blues" is in the background. Did she play the sport and gave it up when her cigarette smoking left an impact on her fitness on and off the field? Some things are more important than other things, no? Does she date a football player? Would she want to? We stray . . . our network named her the Number 1 SF Newcomer of The Year for 2023, edging runner-up Dorine Zopp of Bordeaux, France who was born in Berlingen, Germany and is a fashion model and jewelry designer, and No. 3 teenager or BHYSW in her young-20s Mira Çelik of Turkey, who close to elite status in Yoga!
Most Current Post in Our Family of SSS'SS' Solène of Paris, France!
From vs120shound on February 17, 2024 . . .
SF Newcomer of The Year for 2023! (With Solène earning the No. 1 Spot)
From vs120shound on January 6, 2024 . . .
Our Photographic Tribute to a Soon-to- Be SF Hall of Famer and SF Goddess!
Candidates for future Anchor photographs!
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sexyirish7 · 8 months
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Rugby Wall Decals
The Rugby World Cup starts in France in 2 days, 20 hours, and 36 minutes. The New Zealand All Blacks will play against the French Les Bleus in the opener and I am super excited, in case you could not tell. :) 
One of the things I miss most from Sims 3 is the ability for sims to play rugby while at university. I am attempting to fill that void in Sims 4 by making a Rabbithole Professional Rugby Career Mod. This is taking time, but as the World Cup begins, I thought I would release some of the rugby-themed cc that I have been working on. 
There are 2 files of decals. One includes a smaller size for the decals and the other includes a larger or tall decal option (see captions for which decals go with each file.
Rugby Wall Decals
OR at Patreon*
*You must be over 18 to access my Patreon page.
Rugby Decals Tall
OR at Patreon*
*You must be over 18 to access my Patreon page.
Creations by SexyIrish7
This cc object was produced as a selective clone using Sims 4 Studio.
RugbyWallDecals_SexyIrish7: 29 swatches of rugby-themed wall decals
RugbyDecalsTall_SexyIrish7: 5 swatches of rugby-themed wall decals
Polygon Count: 2
Ability to search catalog using search terms: sexyirish7 and si7
Customized thumbnail 
Software credits:
Sims 4 Studio v. (Star): https://sims4studio.com
GIMP v. 2.10.34: https://www.gimp.org/
Inkscape v. 1.2: https://inkscape.org/
Thank you to the creators and moderators producing tutorials and answering questions!
Image Credits for RugbyWallDecals_SexyIrish7:
Swatches 1-15: Image purchased from Etsy Store LeremyStickFigures https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeremyStickFigures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=687510800 or http://www.leremy.com/
Swatches 16-23: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-rugby-sport-elements-set_9586821.htm#query=rugby&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph  Image by macrovector on Freepik
Swatches  24-25: https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8i8d3m2m2i8b1_ball-clipart-rugby-league-rugby-ball-clipart/  Ball Clipart Rugby League - Rugby Ball Clipart @clipartmax.com
Swatches 26-27: https://imgbin.com/png/yWi48bHY/rugby-ball-american-football-sport-png Image by Warriorkidx
Swatch 28:  https://www.clipartmax.com/middle/m2i8A0m2H7N4m2m2_regulation-rugby-ball-vector-rugby-ball-logo-png/  Regulation Rugby Ball Vector - Rugby Ball Logo Png @clipartmax.com
Swatch 29:  Background grass  https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/striped-green-grass-field-seamless_13050208.htm#page=2&query=rugby%20pattern&position=7&from_view=search&track=ais   Image by macrovector on Freepik
https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-rugby-sport-elements-set_9586821.htm#query=rugby&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph  Image by macrovector on Freepik
Image Credits for RugbyDecalsTall_SexyIrish7:
Swatches 1-3: Image purchased from Etsy Store LeremyStickFigures https://www.etsy.com/shop/LeremyStickFigures?ref=shop-header-name&listing_id=687510800 or http://www.leremy.com/
Swatches 4-5: https://www.freepik.com/free-vector/vintage-rugby-sport-elements-set_9586821.htm#query=rugby&position=16&from_view=search&track=sph  Image by macrovector on Freepik
Do not re-upload and claim as your own
Do not re-upload and hide behind a paywall
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POST N°27 _ 9 Juillet 2023 Recherche et concepts de cosmonaute, sf, pour un projet de BD "Cortes ou l'Optimisme"
Format A5x2, crayons bleu et rouge
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finsterwalds · 2 years
du coup, je viens de finir the Smell of Samba et j'ai beaucoup aimé !! j'adore comment, là où Stone Flower était très jaune/bleu pour (peut-être pour représenter Ton et Rainer ?), ce nouveau comic est lui plus dans les tons marrons et ça me rappelle beaucoup les photos en sépia. Ensuite, j'aime toujours autant ton style et tu dessines super bien les positions des personnages je trouve !! J'adore l'esthétique et les costumes (je sais pas comment expliquer mais on se sent bien quand on les regarde). Et j'aime beaucoup aussi comment, malgré un prologue et un chapitre, certains personnages sont tridimensionnels, je pense au père de Paolo qui est plus qu'une figure de père un peu autoritaire mais aussi à Paolo lui-même, même s'il n'a que 10 ans. Bref en tout cas c'est un super début et j'ai hâte de voir la suite !! Bon courage pour la continuation et sache que peu importe si tu fais des pauses, on sera toujours là pour les lire !
(je sais pas si j'aurai dû faire ce message en anglais mais bon.)
Yooo merci beaucoup pour cette analyse super précise, franchement lire ça c'est vraiment ma vie c'est ce que je préfère au monde et ça me touche beaucoup que tu aies pris le temps de l'écrire pour mon webco... ;_;
Je suis contente que tu aies remarqué le changement de couleurs depuis SF, ici les deux forces majeures seront Paolo (plutôt représenté par du vert) et Aloysio son oncle qui sera en orange. C'est important pour la suite hehe donc go off mes symbolists :p
Et merci aussi pour les compliments sur les personnages ! Généralement j'essaye de faire en sorte que la plupart de mes personnages soient nuancés, et ça va aller dans cette direction tout au long de The Smell of Samba donc je suis encore plus heureuse que 1/ tu l'aies vu et 2/ ça plaise.
Bref, j'espère que la suite te plaira...!
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cicusa2022 · 2 years
La Californie 🎶
Départ ce matin très tôt de notre hôtel, pour aller prendre l’avion qui décolle à 8h pour San Francisco. L’aéroport est à 10 mn en bus. On prendra le petit déjeuner après l’enregistrement.
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Bien atterris ( j’ai cru qu’on allait amerrir tant on était proche de l’eau 😱) à San Francisco avec un ciel bleu et il fait très bon.
Le bus nous attend à l’aéroport pour débuter le circuit touristique et nous donnera déjà une idée de ce que l’on fera cet après-midi car nous aurons quartier libre après le déjeuner dans China Town.
Ici, population très cosmopolite, environ 30 % d’asiatiques. SF s’est beaucoup développé après la seconde guerre mondiale. Les indiens ont été les premiers puis les espagnols. Il y a eu une ruée vers l’or, des populations venant du monde entier et notamment de chinois vers la moitié du 19e siècle. Des français aussi d’ailleurs.
Traversée du pont suspendu pour arriver au centre de San Francisco.
Vue sur l’Alacatraz (prison)
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La mairie
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Les maisons victoriennes ou edouardiennes
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Belle vue des collines Twin Peaks
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Golden Gate Park
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Et le pont du Golden Gâte Bridge, magnifique et le temps qui va avec 🌞
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Ensuite prise de notre hôtel, il se situe au niveau des drapeaux américains derrière le Câble Car (tramway touristique).
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kiara-on-the-shore · 2 years
Sara nul part ou aller, je l’héberge
Natty m’amène sa guitare chez moi.
Jouer tout les jours.
Visiter la réserve naturelle de Coluche avec les gars.
Se jeter dans l’océan dans la plage des rouleaux.
Petit déjeuner avec Ava après mon sport tôt le matin.
Aider Chloé à récupérer les chatons pour l’association.
Max «  Mcfly me demande si je ne t’ai pas vu tout les jours. »
Croiser Mcfly au Robinson , voir sa nouvelle meuf
Il me voit avec Mathieu, il le fusille du regard.
Il pars en pause clope des qu’il nous voit.
Il nous regarde toute la soirée.
Sara, pupilles dilatée par la cocaine « alors Carla , rouge ou bleu ? »
Mcfly est en rouge. Squale porte un t-shirt bleu Salty Crew.
« Alors Carla, le pirate ou le requin ? »
Rentrer avec Squale (Mathieu).
Coucher avec lui.
C’était vraiment bon.
J’aime son corps.
Lui dire que je ne suis pas stable.
Que je ne m’engage pas, de ne pas s’attacher.
Que je couche sûrement avec lui parceque je suis chamboulée d’avoir vu Mcfly.
«  je suis plus solide que ça. Ne t’inquiète pas »
. . .
Apprendre l’assassinat de la grande sœur de Squale.
Le suicide de son père. Comment il a dû subvenir aux besoins de sa mère et de son petit frère.
Visiter leur laboratoire. Apprendre qu’il fournit tout SF.
Les aider à nettoyer l’herbe avant de la vendre.
Travailler avec eux. Commencer à avoir un salaire.
Apprendre qu’il est ceinture noire.
Qu’il est armé.
. . .
Copine de Mcfly appelle Sara : «  Il ne se réveille pas »
Ils n’ont pas dormis depuis qu’on les a croisés : mcfly c’est drogué sans arrêt.
Il l’a frappée , elle appelle Sara pour lui dire et elle pars en voiture voir un amis.
Sara et moi allons chez lui, par la fenêtre brisée. Il est dans son lit , évanouit.
Je vérifie son pouls.
Il est endormis.
Je reste un peu. Je prend soin de lui. Je le regarde dormir.
Il ne sait pas que j’étais près de lui.
. . .
Mathieu et Nathan débarquent chez moi , avec un vidéo projecteur.
Ils veulent me changer les idées.
. . .
0 notes
claire-starsword · 3 months
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Child, listen well to these words.
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The twilight of the gods' era was a long time ago. It began when the gods decided to create new gods with their own hands.
The Ashen Gods combed through their own knowledge, and created the Light Gods. However, this very filtered knowledge was what also made it possible for Dark Gods to be created.
At last, a war broke out between the Light and Dark Gods. The Ashen Gods fought too, on both sides.
At the end of this long, long conflict, the Light Gods used their power to seal the Dark Gods in pillars of this world. Because they were not capable of destroying them.
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To seal the Dark Gods, who would later be also called Demon Kings, the Light Gods used up all of their power. As the price for putting the Dark Gods in a deep slumber, they too had to fall asleep.
Most of the Ashen Gods perished in the war as well.
The few remaining ones began to plan for the future. The future of their children, of the children of the Light Gods, and of the children of the Dark Gods… In short, the future of all that lived on in the world.
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After a thousand years, power would return to the Light and Dark Gods who slumbered. Once they opened their eyes from their long sleep, they would once again fan the flames of war. And the Ashen Gods knew they would be no more in that age.
The Ashen Gods kept watch over the lands where the Light Gods slumbered, and where the Dark Gods had been sealed. They built towns there, which grew into countries.
To pass on their knowledge, the Ashen Gods wrote many Manuals, books containing their secrets. In these books brimming with light were recorded the way to unleash the legacy of the gods, and how to seal it as well.
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And, to protect the Manuals, and properly instruct those who came to seek them, the Ashen Gods created a new form of life.
They created the noble race of the Sacred Dragons. They created us.
To protect the manuals is the Sacred Dragons' one and only duty. For a thousand years, they have done it well. Everything was for the sake of this duty, and the duty was everything to them.
However, there was but a single problem. At that time, the race had no children. Looking back at it now, it sounds very strange, but back then, they did not know the concept of children. They didn't even think of unions between men and women. It was natural after all, since they had been given birth by the hands of the Ashen Gods. They never knew a mother or father.
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Their numbers would decline as the years went by, and nothing could increase them in return.
For Dragonia, country of Sacred Dragons in East Rune, that was a serious problem. As things were, their tribe would face extinction. They began to harbor this primal fear for the first time.
That's when they appeared. The humans of Rudo Village.
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They worshiped the Sacred Dragons as children of the gods, with blind devotion. Our race was confused at first, but came to accept them. It quickly became clear that they had no evil intentions, and also, the dragons did not worry over anything besides their duty, so they thought nothing of it.
The people of the village learned much from the dragon tribe, and the dragons too learned much from them.
Finally, after almost a millennium, the first child of the tribe was born.
The dragon child had a completely white body, and was named Bleu. His birth brought great happiness, and also a final hope.
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Years later, he became the last Sacred Dragon.
Bleu's first adventure was exactly a thousand years after the Ashen Gods had created the Sacred Dragons.
In order to break the seal on Dark Dragon, a man named Darksol stole a Manual. Bleu became a member of the Shining Force fighting against the demon army, and left Dragonia. That's a tale full of honorable deeds.
Thanks to Bleu and the other heroes of the Shining Force, Darksol and the resurrected Dark Dragon were defeated in the end. However, during the war, the Manual was lost, and could not be returned to the dragons' hands.
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Bleu and the other members of the Shining Force went separate ways. He returned alone to Dragonia, and lived a quiet life there for ten years.
And then one day…
From beyond the ocean, a new adventure called out to him. A great adventure, to decide the fate of our Sacred Dragon blood…
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Shining Force
Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons
To Chapter 1>
Translation notes:
I took some liberties with the gods' titles. The text refers to them as White (白き), Black (黒き) and Gray (灰色) Gods. However, 黒き is already the term used in Dark Dragon's name (and the reading Dark Dragon is not just a localization, but used in the JP text as well), and everything in this series is a light vs. darkness thing, so I felt it flowed better to call them Light and Dark Gods. And with that it felt right to give a similar flair to the gray as well, so I went with Ashen which fits well for a ruined civilization. Also, the kanji for ash is in the color name already.
Sign. The Manual. You might remember that I once boldly proclaimed that the game's wording, 秘伝の書, is more accurately translated as Book of Secrets (like in the GBA localization) than Manual of the Ancients (like in the Mega Drive localization). I even brought up this very novel as reasoning (for no good reason now that I look back at it). Come this book, and... "Manual" is given as the actual reading, even though the kanji used is the same. So yeah! This is why we don't make assumptions based on books we didn't read! I'll be sticking to Manual from here on.
And finally, let me stop pretending this is a regular thing to toss on your dash without introduction. Welcome to what I believe is the first ever translation of Shining Force - Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons, the official novel written by Sami Shinozaki and illustrated by SUEZEN, Shining Force 2's character designer. These scans were given to me on the same day the encyclopedia scans were. It was like it was my birthday or something. I was so busy with everything I didn't even have to celebrate here, and then I thought, what if I really don't tease or announce this in any way? What if I just drop it on them? And yeah, I hope you enjoyed the surprise, I'm absolutely full of joy to finally read and share this. And eternal thanks to the person who offered the scans in the first place.
All translation posts will be tagged as #shining force novel translation. Also please note, this is a rough translation as I don't have full scans yet and thus haven't read the full book, this might get updated as I get more context.
Also, the pages were scanned with only a phone camera, so I did some editing to smooth over some stuff and enhance contrast. You might notice the smell of digital print but don't worry about it, the contents are unchanged. I made a folder with more versions of the pics, as well as other illustration scans I've found across the internet.
[Update Feb 10: there are now scans in better quality, so I've updated the post, but my original folder remains. I'll be using both sources as I see fit.]
Now let's get to some initial stuff I skipped for the sake of surprise, such as, you know, the cover.
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After that war, Bleu lived alone in Dragonia. But his destiny as a Sacred Dragon calls him to the battlefield once more. A survivor of a shipwreck, Camallia, washes up in the shores of the harbor, claiming to be seeking the Manual of Secrets to save the Sacred Dragons of Parmecia. Searching for the Manual, Bleu and his friends are off to adventure! Monsters come to attack them from the distant land of Parmecia. What is their true goal… A new Shining Force is born, running across the two continents of Rune and Parmecia. An original side story.
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The map of Rune is cool, but has nothing of note. While all locations from the game are pictured, only a few are labelled: Dragonia and Rudo Village in East Rune, and Rindo, Manarina, Bustoke, Pao Plains and Uranbatol in West Rune.
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The map of Parmecia depicts only the southwest part. While the kingdoms of Granseal and Galam can be seen in Grans Island, the only label there is for the land itself, Ground Seal. Mt. Volcano is also labelled, along with Hassan at the southern coast, and finally, the triangle of mountains to the west, Fire Dragon's Tail. It seems it is not yet known as Devil's Tail. It also has a big volcano on it.
Worth noting, this map is quite squished to fit all of this in a single page. In the actual game, the path to Devil's Tail looks a bit longer, and the same goes for the distance between Grans and the mainland. Devil's Tail also has no sign of a volcano in the actual game, and has some desert ground within the mountains instead.
Also, there is a town here in the western coast of the mainland, but this is many years before SF2, so it can't possibly be New Granseal.
Finally, let us finish with the preview of what's to come.
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Chapter index:
An Old Tale.......................................................................7
Chapter 1: The white Sacred Dragon of Dragonia...19
Chapter 2: Chasing the Manual... ....................64
Chapter 3: Wind and Light crossing the plains......136
Chapter 4: Sacred Continent.....................................191
Chapter 5: Origin of the Light...................................245
Chapter 6: Bloodline of the Sacred Dragons.........330
Long, Long Ago...........................................................338
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starswordartblog · 2 years
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“He attacked without warning. My grandparents... Everyone...”
Shininginktober late Day 13: Bleu. Forever mad at how he’s treated by everyone in game. This was a baby. This was a small child.
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delesarisiw · 2 years
Notice compteur électrique edf monophasé sagem polier
        branchement sous compteur poliersagem compteur s10c3 branchement compteur sagem s10c4 enedis relever mon compteur compteur électrique compteur électrique modulaire monophasé compteur sagemcom compteur sagem s20c3 mode d'emploi
  [PDF] SAGEM C1000 - POLIER · [PDF] Comment lire votre compteur électronique - EDSB · [PDF] O sAcEl - BIS-ELECTRIC · [PDF] Compteur d'énergie électrique SAGEM Où trouver le mode d'emploi de mon compteur EDF électronique ? Rendez-vous sur le site d'Enedis et cherchez via la barre de recherche le modèle de votre Descriptif du Compteur Electrique Sagem Polier CR13MM11, Compteur Electrique EDF monophasé à affichage LCD, double tarif avec un ampérage maximal de 135A. SAGEM C1000. COMPTEUR MONOPHASE POUR LE TARIF BLEU Le compteur SAGEM C1000 est conforme à la spécification EDF Données électricité (si demandées) :. Compteur agréé EDF - SAGEM C100 - Monophasé - Tarif bleu - 135 A Le NCR13FS est un compteur électrique agréé EDF monophasé 135 A, de marque Polier. Ce PDF Télécharger sagem c1000 - POLIER, Compteur électrique, centrale mesure notice compteur edf sagem s10c4 facturation a EDF OA A) Suite a l 'installation Un compteur d'énergie électrique ou compteur d'électricité ou compteur électrique est un organe électrique servant à mesurer la quantité d'énergieCompteur électrique agréé EDF, tarif bleu monophasé et triphasé pour la facturation d'électricité en tarif HP/HC, TEMPO, EJP. Fabricant de compteurs
https://hefaxusixoh.tumblr.com/post/692222377906536448/mode-d-emploi-hd-line-sf-500, https://hefaxusixoh.tumblr.com/post/692222502297059328/fujitsu-atlantic-notice, https://hefaxusixoh.tumblr.com/post/692222377906536448/mode-d-emploi-hd-line-sf-500, https://hefaxusixoh.tumblr.com/post/692222502297059328/fujitsu-atlantic-notice, https://hefaxusixoh.tumblr.com/post/692222502297059328/fujitsu-atlantic-notice.
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myrachidh · 2 years
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Western Bluebird ~ Sialia mexicana ~ Merle Bleu de l’Ouest ~ at Presidio Park in San Francisco, California. #WesternBluebird #Bluebird #Sialia #Sialiamexicana #Merle #Merlebleu #Merlebleudel’Ouest #Presidio #presidiopark #Park #SanFrancisco #SanFran #SF #SFO #birds #oiseaux #birdphotography #birdsofinstagram #wildlife #pacificocean #Ocean #oiseauxmigrateurs #oiseauxerrants #Ornithology ~ https://www.flickr.com/photos/rachidh/albums (at Presidio National Park) https://www.instagram.com/p/CWrbOwNvQfC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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skesgo · 4 years
Can we get some funny head cannons about Vaio and Belu? They seem like they’d have a lot of funny moments annoying each other lol
NZJS Oh my god bless you Anon dear XD
I just love writing their bromance alot haha!
Well here are a few scenarios:
In the past, during their first few months of their friendship, Vaio's like a meddling mom towards Bleu; sometimes he can be rather sweet but other times he can be just deadass annoying whenever Bleu hangs out with someone other than him. Bleu would tease Vaio that he likes him way too much that he wouldn't share him with other people which Vaio, surprisingly, agrees.
Bleu: Dude... that's sweet and all but, you gotta need more friends.
Vaio: ... *tilts his head* Why would I need more when you're already enough?
Bleu: *distressed flustered noises* Veee you're not hellpinggg-
Bleu and Vaio had nicknames for each other, Vee and Bee. Bleu is fine if anyone else calls him by Bee but Vaio's just: Heyheyhey, only Bleu gets to call me that. Bleu could only facepalm and wonders if he spoiled Vaio a lil too much.
Since Vaio's an artist, Bleu would sometimes ask him to teach him how to draw. Their sessions would sometimes go like this:
Vaio: *looke at Bleu's drawing* Ah.. are you planning to do abstract art as well? This looks good for a beginner.
Bleu: .... uh.. That's supposed to be a portrait of you-
Vaio: *quickly dismisses him* -Interesting take, I like it, I'm going to keep it.
Bleu: *cries* At least tell me what I did wron-
Vaio: I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you over this masterpiece-
-well that was a long time ago, but Vaio became more comfortable giving Bleu more constructive criticism-
Bleu loves to drag Vaio into his silly shenanigans no matter how crazy they are. But sometimes he wondered if he really just wanted to join cuz he wanted to or is it because, it's him. Or probably both.
Vaio: I can't believe you talked me into binge eating in every food stall available here in this mall.
Bleu: Well.. you could've said no-
Vaio: *already buying food from the first stall* Seriously, what's wrong with you? Do you know that you could get sick from that?
Bleu: *raises hand but slowly puts it down*
There was one time where Bleu decided to replace all of Vaio's wardrobe to frilly dresses and skirts for fun, just to see of he can get Vaio to feel annoyed by him just for once and... Well, his plan backfired.
Vaio:... What? As long as I look good in what I wear, I'm fine with it.
Bleu: I can't tell If I wanna feel amazed, proud or disappointed but holy heck, dude, I'm so mad that you actually rocked that dress-
That's pretty much it for now XD I hope that you like em
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diardiarmylove · 4 years
The Legendary Blacksmith
(Royal AU by @skesgo) [posted on mobile]
Today was one of the most busiest the marketplace has been. Monster and human merchants alike are hollering buyers for their goods and people are flocking over to obtain their needs, and wants. It’s so busy, in fact that the entire marketplace is crowded.
“I cannot believe you would come out here to what could be, the busiest, this marketplace has been.”, Vaio sighed at his friend’s antics.
“Hey, we wouldn’t get caught this way.”, Bleu grins up at him, making Vaio raise a brow.
While the prince is jovial about being out of the castle where expectations are almost chocking to his non-existent throat, Vaio was alert. There are many things that could go wrong with a crowded place. Too many unknown faces, with possible malicious intent, would sum it.
Wait.. where’s prince Bleu?
Suddenly, all adrenaline comes, and he begins to holler for the prince. He should easily be found even if he’s a good head shorter, right?
Unless, he’s no longer in the marketplace.
— TLB —
Meanwhile, Bleu looks around in search of his friend. Has he wondered too far? It is less crowded here. Where was he even? Are these the small alleys of the kingdom.
As he kept looking around he didn’t realize he bumped onto someone. The only reason he noticed was due to the clatter of metal.
Bleu turned around, an apologetic look in his face, “I am so sorry, I-I didn’t–!”, he stopped, it was a girl, with tied black hair, black gloves, a black apron, and a prominent rust on her face. He stared as the girl rushed to pick up said metal, and he snapped immediately offering to help, still apologizing profusely.
“It’s okay.”, she said calmly, “I’m more worried for you. You look lost, your majesty.”
Bleu immediately stiffens. Up until now, those he encountered never noticed him nor questioned much of his status.
As he kept thinking the worst of scenarios, he heard giggling, making him turn to the girl.
“The Crownsguard Captain Vaio talks about you sometimes.”, she states, and Bleu finally pieces things together, the clothing, the metal.
“You’re the Legendary Blacksmith?!”, Ira giggled once more at the shocked look Bleu wore.
He noticed that Vaio would sometimes leave to the marketplace alone, and his sword was always sharp, and shiny. He always thought Vaio cleans and sharpens his own sword. He never expected that he had it sharpened on a weekly, sometimes monthly basis, by the blacksmith this kingdom is so lucky to have.
The Legendary Blacksmith well known for the beauty, detail and the precision of their weapons. Sharp, but not too sharp; heavy, but not a burden to lug around; light, but a good damage.
“Yep! All your weapons is well cared off in my hands!”, she said with smug pride. “Anyways, your secret is safe with me, but I must ask — are you lost?”
“Me? Lost? Nahhhhhh.”, the girl raises a knowing brow, “Okay, yeah, I’m lost.”, he sighed. “I got separated with Vaio.”
The girl made a sound of understanding, nodding several times, “Well, I’ll direct him to my shop. Weiss.”, Bleu was about to question who, until a floating book appeared, “Can you look for Vaio at the marketplace for me? Surely by now he had summoned the whole Crownsguard to search for our lost Prince here.”
The book, without a word, quickly left, and the girl nods the prince her way, and guided him out of the alleys.
“No offense. But I’m kind of guessing the reason you don’t know this place is because of the crimes that happen here.”
“Yeah, Vaio keeps me away from the alleys. I kind of thought it’s stereotypical, but.. crimes?”
“Human Trafficking, Kidnapping, Murders, Theft, even caught bigoted thugs beating up monsters — almost no one uses these shortcuts for those reasons.”
“And what of you?”, he tilts his head her way, as a form of curiosity.
“No one would dare fight a woman who has crafted, tested, and fought with the same weapons she made.” Bleu nods in agreement before he stopped mid-nod, before stopping entirely and stared at the girl beside him. “What’s with the face? Who do you think tests the thing before I hand it over to my client for a second opinion?”
“Wait, hold on. Even the great sword that’s almost twice your size?!”, she hums in agreement. “No way.”
“That’s a theory I’ll let you keep until you find out yourself.”
“What?! No, c’mon, tell me.”
— TLB —
It took twenty minutes or more to finally bring Bleu to her shop. As expected, Vaio was there, an irritated look and an impatient posture.
“Vaio!”, Bleu calls and rushes to him.
“Where in King’s name have you been?!”, he then turned to the girl. “Better be thankful that Lady Ira has found you. Those alleys are dangerous!”
“I know. I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay to get lost, just not too often and absolutely not in the most safest of places in our beloved kingdom.”, the blacksmith, Ira, as Bleu now knows her is, perks up, before leaning at the stall. “Now, your sword looks like it went through a bit tear ‘n wear. Want me to take a look at it?”
Vaio nods, before taking the sword of the strap that’s part of his uniform and hands it to her. “Surely I owe you for finding his majesty.”
The girl hums playfully. “You were in quite the long mission, and it’s surely evident on your sword. Tell ya what.”, she puts Vaio’s sword down and took another one. The blade was a shining silver with angelic writing carved into the length of it, the hilt was covered with black and white clothing that’s soft to the touch, and where the hilt ended and the blade began, was Flowers around it. She placed it gently on the stall. “I recently tested it, but I required a second opinion. Take it with you on your next mission, and in the meantime, I’ll replace the blade of your precious. Of course, free of charge.”
Vaio smirks and took the sword gently, inspecting it, “Free of charge, at the price of the best deserts the royal pastry chef can offer.”
“So that’s why Vaio sometimes bring cake?! For all I knew he had someone to court.”
“Well, I have to keep my mind straight and sugar just does that for me. Besides, I don’t think the Crownsguard Captain would be open to the idea of courtship while protecting his majesty.”
“Well, I believe we must go. The king may have my head if I don’t bring you home soon.”, Vaio sighs, “Thank you again, Lady Ira. I will return by the next week.”, he turns and leaves, Bleu following close by
“Take care!”, they heard her yell, before her stall closes, until the next client arrives.
Maybe Bleu should come with Vaio next week.
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singeon · 5 years
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Tunnel de lumière
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songedunenuitdete · 2 years
Blue World T01 de Yukinobu Hoshino
🦕Mon #avis sur Blue World T01 de Yukinobu Hoshino / @pikaedition 👉 Esthétiquement, cette suite est toujours aussi fabuleuse ! Un manga de SF assez sympathique quand on aime les films comme Jurassic Park et les suites de Jumanji :)
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