#seven sins zadr
seven-sins-zadr · 2 years
The Seven Sins ZaDr Week
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Welcome everyone, to our ZADR Pride Month event!!
 Basically a whole ZaDr art week themed around the Pride Month + the Seven Deadly Sins, because we're gay and proud and we love to sin <3
The event will take place from June 24 to June 30. It's not a straight week because nothing about this event is straight c:
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Prompt list:
Wrath: "I feel like kicking you in the stomach and see if it stops me from feeling these weird things" "My fist. Your face. It's a date"
Gluttony: " I'd love to get a taste of you" "You can be my cake and I'll be your cherry"
Greed: "I must have you, no matter the cost" "You need no one else but me!"
Sloth: "It's always the same old routine" "Five more minutes? Please? Pretty please...?"
Pride: "I got everything you could wish for in a nemesis!" "This human is the best human of all. And it is MINE!!"
Envy: "I just wanna sit and stare at you" "I envy anyone who earns a smile from you"
Lust: "So this is how it feels to be the biggest freak in the galaxy" "How does it feel to be put in your place? To look at me from under there?"
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-User must be +18 to participate -Written and drawn submissions are allowed -Keep your submissions Tumblr friendly (for whatever the f that means these days lmao) -You may collaborate with other artists if you so wish! -No harassing any participants -Every day has it's own prompt, but you're not required to finish them all on time. As long as you submit them and tag this Blog on it, we will take it as valid :D
Good luck everyone, and happy sinning! <3
(Event Organized by @izzydrawsforfun​ and @reynaruina​ ) 
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izzydrawsforfun · 2 years
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Seven Sins ZaDr Week! Day 06 - Envy
“I envy anyone who earns a smile from you”... He envies the fact that Dib is smiling at anyone but him.
Piece for the sixth day of the event I’m organizing with @reynaruina <3 hope y’all like eet! Please follow the blog @seven-sins-zadr and participate if you can <3
The Envy entry encouraged me to add a bit of College AU! lore. Basically back in High School, during the first 2 years, Dib and Zim split apart as rivals for good. Dib got involved in Membrane issues and Zim had to live with the fact that his mission was a lie. Being apart from each other helped them realize how much they needed each other, and Zim realized how much he hated the fact that Dib seemed a lot happier now that they weren’t enemies anymore.
Keyword: seemed.
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reynaruina · 2 years
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Seven Sins ZADR Day 1: Wrath "My Fist. Your Face. It's date" Yesss it is finally here aaaah!!!!! Took me a while to settle w what to do for this prompt since the options were all so juicy. Very happy w how this came out tbh <3 @izzydrawsforfun and I are working together for the @seven-sins-zadr event!!I'm doing today, Sunday and Tuesday's pic :D then for the last one we collab together!! I'm so excited for this week <3
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CAME IN CLUTCH BUT HERE IT IS!!!  https://seven-sins-zadr.tumblr.com/ Day 7. LUST  This is the first part of a longer more lusty, gore-ish fic, but it still counts as lust goddamn it!!! it’s in the sprit of this thing!!!  What I have written is part of my Invader Zim  Space Trash AU, which is a ZaDr/ZaDe fic that is romance/horror This chapter is  6416 words long ^w^ and there is a part two, coming (hopefully in the near future)  Enjoy~ <3<3<3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/22886494/chapters/100161171
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Seven Sins ZADR Day 1: Wrath
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galexxia1444 · 2 years
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Seven Sins ZADR - Day 4: Sloth
Sorry I'm a bit late, one of my old friends who is very sick atm came to visit. I love this one it is so cute and sweet. Hope you enjoy!
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kamikazeworld-art · 2 years
Cross-posted and collected on Ao3! Please share here and comment/leave kudos over there, I thrive off validation ; w ; <33
First chapter of my fic for @seven-sins-zadr based on the prompt "Wrath" under the cut! 638 words total. Enjoy!
They had been going for half an hour and Dib didn’t even know what they were fighting about anymore. It was always something; a dumb joke that landed wrong, someone forgot to do a chore, two geniuses simply being too stubborn to not butt heads… It didn’t really matter, he thought, because it always resulted in the same thing.
“You’re such a fucking asshole!” he yelled. Zim was glaring murder at him.
“YOU’RE the asshole!” he bellowed back. He was so damn loud, but Dib would not let him win, not even in this.
“SHUT UP!” he yelled back. “Just shut the fuck up already! Every single thing that comes out of your mouth drives me INSANE, I fucking can’t with you! You never listen, you never give a single shit about anyone but yourself, you’re so fucking useless–”
A fist slammed hard into Dib’s mouth, effectively cutting him off. He only just felt the sting of his lip having split against his teeth, but he didn’t, couldn’t care; he was too angry.
It was on now.
Not thinking of anything but how much he wanted to drive his entire fist through Zim’s skull, Dib launched, both of them screaming, overcome by a kind of primal rage only the other could drag out of them. Fists flew, feet kicked, hair was pulled, and at one point Zim got in a nasty bite at Dib’s arm.
Later, when they were both spent and aching and covered in blooming bruises, scrapes and even blood, they would lay on the floor, harsh and labored breathing filling the stillness of dust settling. This time saw them side by side, an arm’s length between them.
Dib looked over at Zim, who was glaring at the ceiling with his one good eye and waiting for his injuries to heal (a benefit he had that Dib always envied).
“Hey,” he tried, the word coming out in a breathless hiss. Zim grunted in response. “Zim. Look at me?”
It took a moment, but eventually he did, giving Dib full view of the other eye he busted and making him wince. His own bloodied and bruised cheek and lips stung in sympathy.
“I’m sorry,” Dib whispered. It was so quiet in the aftermath of their screaming, he couldn’t bring himself to speak louder. He didn’t think his throat would allow it if he tried.
Zim continued to stare at him, expression tired and unreadable.
“I’m sorry for… for the eye. And everything else. I didn’t mean any of the things I said, I was just so, so angry. I didn’t mean it. You know that… right?”
“I know,” Zim said. He tilted his head to look away from Dib’s eyes, gaze resting near his chest instead. “I’m… sorry too.”
“You’re not useless,” Dib insisted. “You’re not.”
“Neither are you,” Zim said back. He sounded as tired as Dib felt.
"We should… We should probably figure out a way to deal with these things without pummeling each other senseless, huh,” Dib proposed with a self deprecating huff. He watched Zim shrug next to him.
Silence fell around them for a moment, joining the stillness. They weren’t breathing as harshly anymore.
“Hey,” Dib prodded.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Dib.” He let out a sigh. “I can… Zim can try, if you can too. To be less… angry.”
“Yeah? We can try together. Sounds good?”
Zim finally looked back at him, a small, hopeful smile on his green lips. Even beaten up, he looked gorgeous like that, and Dib found himself matching the expression (split, aching lips be damned). They reached their hands across the space separating them, palms finding each other and fingers intertwining with the ease of practice made habit. Zim moved their joined hands to place a kiss on Dib’s bruised knuckles.
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li34soda · 2 years
Zimi necesita ayuda pero creo que dib no tiene casco espacial
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sad-fat-cat-mom · 2 years
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Day 1: Wrath
Dib's certainly mad about Zim’s smug face--or something
I'm planning on writing a one shot for each sin once I have more time so stay tuned
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v5hadow · 2 years
Seven Sins ZaDr Week Day 4- Sloth
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Well as is appropriate for the sin of sloth, this is late for the day of the event. but since I knew I’d be pressed to get anything done for this at all? I’m just amused basically.
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krystal-twi · 7 years
I'm starting to see a pattern
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seven-sins-zadr · 2 years
We’re almost at the start of the event folks!
We can’t wait to see what y’all are gonna create :D
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izzydrawsforfun · 2 years
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Seven Sins ZaDr Week! Day 04 - Sloth
“5 more minutes...? Please...?”... It’s the 5th time Zim asks for this xD
Piece for the fourth day of the event I’m organizing with @reynaruina <3 hope y’all like eet! Please follow the blog @seven-sins-zadr and participate if you can <3
The Sloth prompt just encourages me to draw these boys being comfy and enjoying some good warm embracesss
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reynaruina · 2 years
Just a heads up, @izzydrawsforfun and I are organizing a ZADr art event for Pride Month!!! It's taken a bit of time to finish setting up, but will be posting the prompt list very soon on this blog
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lipsticklizardinco · 4 years
Excuse me as I give out alittle rant-
But uh- antis call ZADR pedophilic.- but don't say anything about ships like; Elizabeth and Meliodas ( seven deadly sins ) Or edward and bella. ( twilight )
yes, their are many differences with these ships but they could all lead to the same thing. Hear me out.
Edward was turned into a vampire when he was 17 wayyy back in 1918. there for no matter how much he ages, He's stuck looking like a 17 year old. Edward didn't meet bella untill 2008 when she herself, was just 17. now edward looks younger, But he's still older than she is. They have an official 90 year age gap.
Half way through the movie series, bella turns 18. But they have still dated while she was a 17 year old in the first movie.
Meilodas is a 3,000 year old demon, who physically doesn't change. Elizabeth is a human girl who is 18, she is also the reincarnation of his past girlfriend. because of his age, he has literally seen her grown up since she was a baby.
Meilodas is even really creepy and touchy when it comes to her too.
But no one bats a single eye.
Zim does not have a set age since the creator keeps on changing it, we don't even know how irken ages work- or how they change with human years. Even without that. From what I have seen, half of the fanbase ages up dib regardless. So that he is/or is over the age of 18.
If its okay for those characters, who are 18 to be shipped with someone who is MASSIVELY older. why is it not okay to age up dib for the same reasons?
I know what your gonna say now, "but dibs canonly twelve! those others are canonly 18. your ageing him up just to sexualize him!"
Than I guess you can't age up any characters that are below the age of 18 than. I've seen people draw nsfw of bakugo katsuki from bnha and say its fine because He's an adult in said picture. I've seen people make kinky fan fics of south park characters, but once again, they are aged up, so its fine.
Some people do not age up a character for sexual intentions, and some do. But how come that's okay? But this isn't.
I'm not speaking for those who ship young dib with zim. Im speaking for those who you have harassed for just having a good time drawing characters they love.
If ones not okay, than they all aren't. You can't pick and chose.
I apologize if this is messy, I just needed to rant.
-mod dib
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Seven Sins ZADR Day 2: Gluttony
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