#seungbin scenarios
hongssami · 4 years
On the Count of three
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i have nothing to say, it’s all in here. written in a daze and while i was at work bc i’m a big loser for bang chan and he lives in my head rent free (((:
// kiss kiss fall in love with chan. that’s it. that’s the plot; minho ver, changbin ver, hyunjin ver
subtle friends-to-lovers; and there’s something else in there, i don’t know what it is hmu if you figure out what it is
description: You don’t know what it’s like to fly, you never tried it before. But you reckon it was quite similar to kissing Chan. You think it’s embarrassing when you mention it to him. He thinks he’s fallen in love.
w.c.: 1.7 k+
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“On the count of three, okay?”
It was always a hushed whisper, a still amidst all chaos. Something about the lulled syllables that carried themselves delicately into your ears that gave you unexplained comfort, even as a child. Perhaps it had something to do with the person saying it. Whatever it was, you were eternally thankful for the grounding it provided.
You’d first heard it from your mother the first time you went out to get your first milk molar removed. You had closed your eyes, almost at the brink of tears, but you promised you would be strong. She held your hand when she breathed it calmly. “One, Two,” and there was always a pause before the ever gentle, “Three.”
It hurt. But your mother and your dentist had commended you for your bravery.
Your hand never let go of your mother’s that day.
It left your neighbor’s lips when he held on to you the first time you rode a bike. Felix, you’d recalled his name, was like your little brother that lit up every room with his mere presence. The brightest boy you knew supported you by holding onto the seat of your bike while you’d shakily pedaled along the sidewalk. It was a bad idea but you didn’t care. Felix’s voice was a bit louder compared to the times your mother had said it, but the carefulness was still there. “I’m letting go,” he’d said. Your heart had leaped in panic for a second. “I believe in you.”
You blamed your naive self for believing him so easily when he’d uttered, “On the count of three.”
The sky was a pretty blue that day.
The only clouds that seemed to loom over your neighborhood were cheery, fluffy ones. You’d took a deep breath in an attempt to steel your nerves.
You fell over in two seconds, laughing along the way as you planted your knees awkwardly on the cemented pathway.
You still have the scar from that day.
Your friends spoke it with you on the day your college entrance exam’s results were released. The letters in your hands waiting to be opened. At first you were anxious; several ‘what if’s’ crossed your mind in what seemed like a million thoughts per second. Then you were excited; this marked a new milestone in your mundane life, the beginning of your coming of age. Finally, only one thing settled in your mind.
The word echoed in your head. What would it be like?
Suddenly, one of your friends prompted everyone to open their letters. “On the count of three!” This one was the most excited you have heard it being said.
You’d counted to three with them. You’d cheered for them.
You had passed.
You figured those words wouldn’t hold any sadness to them, for all your life it only affirmed anticipation and solace. Whether it had lead to a failure or success, those five words you held dear always comforted you.
So when Bang Chan held your hand and laughed his heavenly boyish laugh, you urged yourself to pull yourself together on the count of three.
You found it to be the hardest thing you had to do in your life.
Stop worrying about your hand being sweaty or else he’ll notice you blushing. The grip of his hand on yours tightens the deeper you go into the crowd.
Breathe in, steel your nerves. Realize that that was a big mistake because now all you can smell is the faint yet dazing scent of the sandalwood in his perfume. Then breathe out.
Clear your head of all the ‘what if’s’. Chan was only there because you got lost in the carnival. And his fingers were intertwined with yours.
Your head spins.
The next time you find yourself in a similar situation with Chan was in your college’s auditorium. Being the main character’s love interest’s understudy surely had it’s perks. You didn’t like this one.
“Hey,” Chan’s voice could not compare to anyone you knew. It was gentle and caring like your mother’s, but also carried a hint of playfulness like Felix’s. His eyes mimicked those of your friends back home ─ full of wonderlust. Only then did you realize that Bang Chan, the boy with the heart of gold and laugh of pure bliss, had stolen your heart for good. “You okay?”
Here comes the fun part, a small voice in your head teases. You were going mad.
Clad in his stage costume, he emanates what you can only describe as protagonist charisma. His dimples are more showy than usual and the way he carries himself as some sort of regal being kind of makes you want to laugh if it were not for the fact that he was staring you down.
“Should─” you swallowed your heart in your throat. “Wouldn’t it be best if we rehearsed the kissing scene?” You want to bury yourself in a hole, but you will yourself that this was only professional. It was for the sake of the betterment of the entire play.
Still, you’ve never wanted the floor to swallow you whole so much until that moment.
His smile widens, almost as if he was waiting for you to ask. “Sure,” he says, and you’re positive the buzzing in your head isn’t because of your earpiece. He leans in without warning and your heart leaps to your throat again. It was a quick, innocent peck but it left you breathless nonetheless.
“Sorry,” he leaned back, though only so much that you could still see the way his eyelashes lazily met his cheeks when he blinks at you slowly. “I thought you looked scared. I hope you don’t mind.”
You went onstage without practicing the scene and ended up winging it. Chan had muttered a silent ‘one, two, three’ in your ear before diving in and you felt like flying.
You don’t know what it’s like to fly, you never tried it before. But you reckon it was quite similar to kissing Chan. You think it’s embarrassing when you mention it to him. He thinks he’s fallen in love.
You only got to tell him (and a bunch of other crewmates) this because of a silly round of tipsy truth-or-dare at the post-premiere party. Chan doesn’t know it, but when he dropped you off your residence you found yourself counting to three again.
One for the whole minute it takes for him to say something. And of all the things he has to say, he starts it off with your name. You don’t think you’ve ever knew how much you loved the way your name sounded until he lets it slip slowly out his plump lips.  One was awfully long this time.
Two for the two times he hesitated to hold your hands. It was a devastatingly amusing and very endearing sight to see him fiddle with his hands for the entire time he rambles on about how he was glad that you got to be his love interest for tonight. “Not─ not that I wanted the original actor─  Or that I only want you as my love interest for tonight─  Arggh!” You could only disguise your equally flustered state with a small giggle, and he smiled sheepishly down at your hands in his in return. “You get what I mean, right?” Two was the kindest it has ever been with you that night.
And three for the three words that leave your mouth before he finally kisses you for real. He would playfully argue that he said it first but you didn’t really care. All you remember was his hands circling around your waist protectively as his lips take their sweet time moulded against yours.
You realized the first few seconds in how completely wrong you were when you described kissing Chan as ‘flying’. It felt nothing like fireworks, or butterflies in your stomach, or anything your friends say their first kisses were. It felt so close to something nostalgic, almost iridescent. Like a shower of spring colors, but not like the blue sky whenever you went out to play with Felix when you were younger, this was brighter. Like that one summer day you ate your favorite ice cream with swollen gums, but without the pain, only relief. Like the last moments you spent with your childhood friends before going to college, heartwarming and homey. Chan felt like all of those, all at once when he giggles into the kiss and moves his hands to cup your warm cheeks delicately. Captivated and out of breath, you lose your footing.
He catches you just in time, but his hand on the small of your back does nothing but push you to lock lips again and you hum, contented. Now the only thoughts that flood your head are how cozy it is in Chan’s embrace and how full his lips are when he moves them in a slow, silent waltz with yours. He licks at your bottom lip and your fingers lose themselves in the cloud that was his hair at some point, you don’t know when, but you couldn’t dare to give in in fear of your knees becoming jelly.
It’s crazy, you think, how beautiful it unfolded when you part at the same time only for his pleasant gaze to marry yours under the horrendous lighting the entrance to your apartment offered. He sighed against your lips and you shiver, elated. You don’t want to pull away and you can tell he doesn’t too when he presses one, two, three kisses down your jaw.
Reaching three had never felt so fulfilling.
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dancerhyunjinnie · 5 years
Changbin: FIGHT ME
Hyunjin: Unfortunately, I have a rule against battling SMOLL children
Seungmin, attacking changbin with a knife: I don't.
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janjjy · 4 years
changbin, over the phone: so, seungmin, i have some news
seungmin: what happened?
changbin: well remember when you told me not to burn down the building?
seungmin: you burnt down the building?
changbin: tsk no, i had the fire put out almost immediately
also changbin: this is a success story
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purpleeknow · 3 years
i wrote a fic and i have some thoughts i wanna share to no one at all
id like to think of this fic as my first official fic bc i really thought about it, its whole concept and vibe, and how i wanna progress my story (yknow like an actual writer)
i wrote it bc i genuinely want ppl to read it and not bc i had to
i finally wrote scenarios in my head rather than just simply imagining it and playing it in my head like im watching a movie
my writing def improved a lot, being able to articulate and describe each scenes, and having a neat writing style (it used to bother me A Lot, thats why i stopped writing for a bit)
i think its bc i read an actual novel/book this time, and not just various online stories with very confusing styles of writing
tbh im a bit anxious if others will like what i wrote, but personally im happy with it
heres the fic in question:
i need somebody
seungbin fic (seungmin x changbin)
10k words
fluff, light angst, tw// anxiety attacks
(mostly) seungmin pov
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chocolate ganache for any wip you like! <3
Hi, thanks for asking!!
I started writting Forbidden blood, which is a Seungbin fic, for a lot of reasons. One of them was because I finished reading a fanfic (unfortunately it was not seungbin) where Changbin is a demon. This fanfic is one of my favorites in the world, the name is "Until the camellias wither", check it out. Okay, I finished and then that was it, there was no more chapter, no more sarcastic binnie and angry issues Seungmin. Then I started to think of a possible plot, that was in the same level of fantasy and since I reallyyyy love dungeons and dragons. I started to research for diferent races and stuff like that.
The second one is because, I don't know if my brain is weird or not, but when I see new photos of the members or other kpop idols I start thinking of scenarios and dialogues. I have a doc on my phone with a lot of possible dialogues. Which is the easy part for me to write, description is the living hell. So, I saw a photo of seungmin in a witch hat and round glasses and my brain started working.
I have been writing since last year, and I like angst, so my friends are helping me to tune down a little. But, I'm hoping to post it on ao3 the first two chapters within the next week.
Anything, you want to know just ask!!!
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dancerhyunjinnie · 5 years
Changbin and Seungmin texting
Seungmin: Hey, do you know how to make an idiot feel nervous?
Changbin: No. How?
Changbin: Well???
Changbin: I'm waiting??!
Changbin: Why aren't you answering?!!!!
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