#seriously a school can't have half of europe in it
sssilverstoned · 4 months
couples quiz ꩜ ln4
type: transcription from a youtube video
The GQ couples quiz goes precisely how you both, and your PR teams, expect it to
lily said: i just love world building (even if im not the best at it) so i can't ever leave a concept or pairing alone, so it goes!
part 1 part 2 part 3 2.5ish interlude
Y/N: Why do I feel like I left the oven on in the kitchen?
Lando: Well, because you did. I turned it off on our way out, don't worry about it.
y/n turns to the camera with a bright smile, and lando smiles at the sight of her own.
Y/N: My hero, everyone!
Y/N: And um, I guess we're getting started now? So hi, I'm Y/N L/N, a model and creative director currently based out of Europe.
Lando: And I'm Lando Norris, a driver for McLaren Racing's Formula 1 Team, and this is the GQ couples quiz. And if I may add, I absolutely think I'm going to win.
Y/N: I'm not even dignifying that with banter.
lando turns to the camera, an eyebrow raised.
Lando: Fun fact: Y/N's quite genuinely the most competitive person I've met in my entire life.
y/n's jaw drops with a scoff.
Y/N: No shot! You race for a living, for crying out loud.
Lando: Trust me, Love, you take the cake.
y/n rolls her eyes with no charge, a smile still on both of their faces and small looks exchanged between the two of them,
Y/N: Alright, you first. What's my favorite color?
Lando: (your favorite color), easy. it's the color of your phone case right now too.
Y/N: Yup. What's my favorite place I've traveled?
Lando: You loved Venice, no?
y/n winces, weighing her hands back and forth.
Y/N: I did, but that's not my favorite. In my whole life, I'd say,
Both: Jamaica!
they laugh at their unison.
Lando: And I knew that, I knew that! Because of your grandparents.
y/n nods fondly, giggling at how lando beats himself up about getting one wrong.
Y/N: Alright, what am I most scared of?
Lando: You're petrified of spiders.
y/n gags, and shudders.
Y/N: Don't even get me started.
lando turns to the camera with a faux look of exhaustion.
Lando: This girl refused to go into our bedroom for 3 hours once when I was out because there was a spider on the vanity.
Y/N: Whatever. Where did I go to school?
Lando: Switzerland and New York, very posh.
Y/N: You're calling me posh?
Lando: Can't the pot and the kettle both be black?
a producer bursts out in laughter in the background, making the couple do the same. there's a fondness in both their eyes as they double over in laughter.
Y/N: Okay, okay, almost done. What food do I love and hate?
Lando: You hate mushrooms, and for some reason, you really don't like salmon. As for what you do like, you get stir-fry and noodles a lot, but only from specific places. And you love tomato soup, that's the number one.
Y/N: Right again, nice baby! You make a good one now, by the way.
he winks at her.
Y/N: Who is my celebrity crush?
lando scoffs.
Lando: Dylan O'Brien.
Y/N: Forever and ever. My birthday?
Lando: March 10th, a spicy pisces, as you say.
Y/N: Hey, Olivia Rodrigo herself called me that.
Lando: And what about Scorpios?
Y/N: Nope, not your turn yet, I've got one last question.
lando takes a dramatic breath.
Lando: Alright, hit me with it.
Y/N: Where did we go on our first date?
a big smile grows on lando's face.
Lando: We went to a music show one of our friends recommended, and we both thought it was awful but didn't say anything because we didn't want to leave and have the date be over, so we listened to the most shit jazz music for an hour and a half just to be around each other.
Y/N: Best result from the worst music I've ever heard.
Lando: Ditto. Now, hand me the cards, yeah? I'm about to stump you so good.
the camera transitions to y/n now in the hotseat answering questions, lando teasingly taking his job very seriously with the question cards.
Lando: Alright. Where am I from?
Y/N: Bristol, thought you said you'd stump me?
Lando: This is literally question 1?
lando turns to the producers.
Lando: You see what I mean? Ferocious.
Lando: Moving on, what is our favorite show to watch together?
Y/N: We're rewatching Prison Break, so I'd say that?
Lando: I'll give you that one. Ugh, what was I wearing when we first met? Fucks sake, can we skip this one?
y/n sputters over him.
Y/N: Absolutely not, we're not skipping over this!
Lando: Oh come on, Love-
Y/N: I swear to you, the very first time I met Lando, he came to my 18th birthday party in a full on basketball kit!
Lando: I was told it was "Space Jam" themed!
Y/N: As in dress like you're in space, you fool! Not the Michael Jordan and Bugs Bunny movie!
Lando: Needless to say, I was mortified. Seems like she still thought I was cute though, no?
another wink is sent to the camera.
Lando: What's your biggest pet peeve about me?
Y/N: You spoil everything. I can't ever watch a show or a movie without you walking in and going, "Oh, this is the episode before he dies." Like? Who does that?
Lando: Yeah, ah, guilty. Working on it. Eh, not really. What's my nickname for you?
Y/N: Cradle robber.
another producer reacts to this. a sputtering shock of laugh. "you call her WHAT?"
Y/N: We're the same age, mind you.
Lando: Wrong, you've been alive 8 months longer than me on this planet! 3/4 of a year, mind you. But I've got real nicknames for you.
Y/N: Yeah, you do. You call me Love, more than you say my name, so it always feels odd when you do say it.
lando doesn't respond with his voice, but the fond look in his eyes and nod at her answer.
Lando: What irritates me the most?
Y/N: About me? Or, like, in life?
Lando: Life, nothing irritates me about you.
Y/N: Oh, please. But, in life, you're pretty irritable when it comes to selfish people. You've always been like that, though, very compassionate and not a fan of people who aren't.
Lando: Very true, never thought of it like that, I guess. Just don't be an asshole, you know?
Y/N: See? Irritated.
Lando: Anyway. We're on our last question, so I guess you've won because it's not a point question.
Y/N: I won't rub this one in your face, just because you've been a great interviewer.
he gives her a gracious nod, and y/n rolls her eyes.
Lando: You'll never ever know how grateful I am. Final Question, what's something that you weren't expecting about me that you love about me?
Y/N: Oh goodness, are you wanting me to cry? Well, I think something that was initially a hard adjustment was the intensity of your racing schedule, and doing long distance sometimes. We don't really see each other sometimes, but when we do, you always sleep in. And at first it was really annoying to me, because we only have like, 3 days together, wake up! Let's do something! But once you told me that you let yourself sleep in on those days because it's a time to just, be, and we can do it together. So I guess my answer is, I wasn't expecting to love how much you love little moments. You've taught me to be grateful for things we take for granted, and I don't know, I think it's helped me through a lot.
lando stays still for a bit, an adoring look on his face as his eyes swell with what we think were happy tears. we're hoping so, at least.
Lando: I can't wait to marry you one day.
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Ten Years In A Jumbo-Collared Shirt Words: John Mulvey, Photographer: Peter Walsh Taken from the New Musical Express, June 1992 Transcription: Acrylic Afternoons
"Pulp is... being an anachronism of any kind... living in a dream world... being totally unrealistic... making contact with beings from other planets and snogging them... it's not being different for the sake of it - that's immature... it's all of these things and more - but most of all it's about you and us, and what we can get up to together - OK? - alright, here we go..." (Pulp propaganda)
Today, Pulp is... trying to be superstars in your hometown... organising party games for drunks... loving Des O'Connor and not having to say you're sorry... being fantastic... being mundane... being fantastic and mundane at the same time... dreaming of space-age Sheffield...
"Sheffield's full of half-assed visions of cities of the future that turn into a pile of rubbish," Russell Senior reflects, standing on the biggest traffic roundabout in Europe. "We grew up reading the local paper and seeing 'Sheffield, city of the future,' with a map of how it's going to be and pictures of everyone walking around in spacesuits, smiling. But we're the only ones who took it seriously..."
"When I was younger I definitely thought I'd live in space," says Jarvis Cocker ruefully. "But when you realise you're not going to, it colours your life; you can't think, 'It's alright if I'm signing on because I'll be on Mars soon', you have to try and get it down here." So what are you getting into at the moment? "Cooking. It's very good. Cooking for your friends is very therapeutic, and they always say it's nice, 'cos they're just pleased they didn't have to get out of their seats to help."
Pulp - singer Jarvis, guitarist/violinist Russell, Nick Banks (drums), Steve Mackey (bass) and Candida Doyle (Farfisa, Korg and Stylophone) - are sitting in a dressing room at the Sheffield Leadmill with a pointless prop - a large, silver, faintly sinister head - for company. It is a special day. In the afternoon, hundreds of balloons have been released to mark the debut of their new label, Gift, a perverse indie spin-off from local Techno-vendors Warp. Later, they will play a dizzily great set of twisted disco melodrama. For now, though, they have a long ten years - and extraordinarily unsuccessful career to explain.
"Music's the only thing that can keep you going," says Jarvis, reassuringly clichéd. "If you're not getting paid loads of money and not getting loads of girls sayin ' You're smashing', that's the only thing to fall back on. When I was at school I had specs and bad teeth and was a bit lanky, and so no girls were really interested, but I thought that if I was in a group they'd think I was good... So on that level I've failed miserably. But that's why all sad kids do it, innit? Standing on the stage is like wanking off in front of a mirror. People in bands are social misfits aren't they?"
Looking at Jarvis - still wearing specs, still lanky (I didn't check his teeth) - and the rest of Pulp clad in a hundred shades of brown, a bit of lamé and countless other '70s synthetic atrocities, it's hard not to conclude that they're proud to be social misfits. Russell, meanwhile, is musing on how a band who haven't released an album since 1985 have kept going. "A band that's been together for a decade and has never sold any records is either very, very crap indeed OR they've got something strong keeping them together. I can't make up my mind which of those two it is yet."
"It's about not being able to make it in the real world," reckons Jarvis, back on his misfit tack. "I haven't got a City & Guilds certificate or anything, I haven't got a skill." What about film work (he and Steve are fully trained and occasionally practising video-makers)? "Oh yeah, I have got that," he admits bashfully. "But that's why I went to college, 'cos you do see sad characters walking around who used to be in a band about five years ago, and they always look like a dog that's got lost."
Pulp are currently busier, in bigger demand, than ever before. There's a frantically groovy new single, 'OU', about someone woken up by the sound of his girlfriend leaving him and wondering whether to chase after her or stay in bed; plus there's an album recorded in 1989, 'Separations', finally set for release on their old label, Fire. Both are tense, funny, fizzily danceable and flamboyantly out of step with most of the world, let alone the music scene.
"I like the light entertainment, Des O' Connor feel more than the greasy 'I'm on Highway 66, man' feel," says arch-crooner Cocker. "It's something that's going to die out. You listen to radio 2 - well, I do anyway - and they play Matt Munro, Engelbert Humperdinck and stuff that doesn't really get made anymore. It's a bit clichéd, and that's why people think it's cheesy. But the reason why people performed in that way is 'cos it's quite effective; if you can break through the cheese barrier, you can make contact..."
And so they go on. About people who find their balloons will be treated to a night in with Pulp, to listen to sports themes and BBC Radiophonic Workshop records, and play Stereo Ker-Plunk. About how Choppers are better than Grifters, and how Russell once smashed up the Leadmill dressing room in a fit of pique, only to be caught the next morning sneaking in to replace the bulbs he'd broken.
The last I see of Jarvis, he's standing on the bar at the after-show party, trying to organise the drunken liggers to play musical statues for a can of beer, while 'Nevermind' stops and starts incongruously in the background. It is, like a knackered redcoat struggling to bring culture to barbarians, not a pretty sight. The last I see of Candida, she's leafing through the Leadmill's visitors' book. Amidst pages of revealing scrawls - Spiritualized's inscrutable squiggles, Sultans Of Ping FC's unfunny cartoons - Pulp are there again and again and again; strange, sardonic, not all there but always bloody there. Whoever said all good things must come to an end was a useless liar.
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reinaazarolla · 5 months
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Is that REINA AZAROLLA? A SENIOR originally from SEVILLE, SPAIN, they decided to come to Ogden College to study SOCIOLOGY. They’re THE EXCHANGE STUDENT on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
This is additional and updated info for the new school year (2023-2024). Original intro can be found here.
HAIR COLOR → naturally dark brown, currently blonde TATTOOS → small paper airplane outline on the inside of her right ring finger. new addition is a small camera outline on the side of her right index finger courtesy of Link SCARS → some scarring from the fire at the commons. most noticeable is upper left thigh wrapping from the front to the side. less noticeable are some spots on her right forearm. almost nonexistent, small burn her neck left side closer to the back. the best medical treatment her parents could find helped her heal. PIERCINGS → two in each lobe and one helix, left ear. new addition is a nose piercing, small stud on right side
PETS → german shepard (male) named baltasar
hospital/medical/surgical mention tw
First semester, she studied abroad in Portugal.
Second semester, luckily she didn't have too many encounters with G but she was determined to try to find them.
She became a bit obsessed, even thought about hiring a private investigator.
School year ended with a bang, she got trapped in the commons when the fire started and thought the best route of escape was straight through the flames. It did not end well. The next thing she knew she was waking up in the hospital.
Since Reina was seriously injured at the end of the school year her parents were extra protective. Here are some highlights:
hospital/medical/surgical mention tw, drug use tw
Reina was not allowed to travel alone and her parents basically took her phone away. They got her a new one with a new number and everything but they put spyware on it as a safety precaution.
They kept her old phone to monitor as well in case G reached out.
She was strongly discouraged to post on social media or reach out to friends (this is an ic excuse for my ooc disappearance and not being active during the "summer" months lol)
She traveled around Europe with her parents to the best doctors to treat her burns and even got some skin graft done on the worst of the burns of her arm and neck. Other treatments like ointments were used to help with the scarring.
Reina was assigned a body guard, courtesy of her father.
The first half of the summer she stayed with her mom who was traveling around Europe for work. Some nights she'd sneak out and go clubbing or find whatever seedy party/rave she could and indulge in drink and drugs - she wasn't coping well with how the school year ended.
The second half of the summer was spent at their current home in Berlin where she spent a lot of time with her dad.
She learned a lot more of both her parent's jobs during this time together.
Her parents got her a german shepard to help her cope but also another protection measure.
She got a nose piercing.
She dyed her hair blonde, at one point she thought about shaving her head but was talked out of it.
Literally down for any plot, these are some off the top of my head. Message me if interested.
Detective Buddies - Reina isn't as obsessed to find G as she was last year but I could see herself potentially getting into some trouble teaming up with someone who wants to end this hell as much as she does. She also may want some revenge.
Fake Dating - She's a lesbian and most people know that but she wouldn't be opposed to fake dating with any gender. She can be someone's beard for all she cares. Have I been getting a lot of fake dating book recs on TikTok lately...shhhh we don't need to talk about it lol
more to be added...I skipped to the connections and now I can't think of other plots
Again, literally down for anything. Message me if interested in any of these or you have some other ideas!
If I mislabeled our connections or forgot them please let me know! My brain is tired. I did leave out generic friends and acquaintance labels.
Study buddies - Whether they study together in silence or there is tutoring involved, they can bond over academics. (1 /∞) one spot taken by @montyrichler
Past Fling - Nothing serious, or at least no one admitted serious feelings. (1/5) one spot taken by @mari-zuko
Frenemies - Friends in public, enemies in private, or vice versa. (0/??)
Confidant - Someone Reina can tell anything to, or maybe Reina is your muses confidant. They can be each other's confidant too. (0/2) two spots open if Reina and your muse are not each other's confidants.
Current fling - When the nights get lonely and the are you up or wyd texts get sent. (0/??)
more to be added
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owl-lover013 · 9 months
Fic Masterlist
Spider-Man (Tom Holland)
The Ballad of Mona Lisa: It has been five years since Peter Parker's "death." In those five years, the world has kept turning, causing Peter's world to flip upside down seemingly overnight. Mr. Stark and Miss. Potts got married and have a five-year-old daughter named Morgan--who has grown up on exaggerated stories about the greatness of Spider-Man, stories that Peter can't live up to. May and Happy also married each other during the Blip--the name being used to call the five years half the population missed. Needless to say, Peter is struggling to find where he belongs in this new world. But, he has always persevered through the difficulties life gave him, and he can make it out of this one as well, right? And if he needs the help of an up-and-coming hero named Mysterio…well, no one can fault him for that one, right?
Peter Parker's Europe Trip: After his junior year of high school--a year filled with chaos because of the Blip--Peter’s science class decide to go to Europe. They spend the weekend touring various places in Europe, including Venice and Paris--where Peter is planning on asking his crush, MJ out. His plan half-works, as he manages to get MJ to agree to go on a date to the Louvre with him, yet it fails when they find themselves involved with a heist that may or may not involve stealing the Mona Lisa… (Part One of "The Many Adventures of Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, and Ned Leeds")
The Mystery of Peter Parker: Michelle Jones has a normal life where nothing weird has ever happened, besides the lack of knowledge of how she had cut her head or the lack of knowledge of how she had gotten the broken necklace around her neck. But when a stranger walks into the café where she works, a stranger that she can't help but feel like she knows, Michelle gets the feeling like she's missing a major part of her life. And Michelle is nothing but determined to get to the bottom of what's happening with Peter Parker, the boy who she swears is familiar. (Part One of "Remembering Peter Parker")
May Parker's Secret: It has been a week and a half since May Parker's death and Happy Hogan is still struggling with life after her passing. When he is stopped by two high schoolers at a FEAST shelter, he is struck with the possibility that the woman he had loved had hid a secret from him. And Happy is intent on figuring out the truth behind May's secret and to help the nephew named Peter Parker that he had never heard of before. (Part Two of "Remembering Peter Parker")
Spider-Man's Arrest: Ever since the city's blizzard a week ago, Spider-Man has not been seen. Rumors are circulating around, but nothing is taken seriously until Midtown School of Science and Technology's Academic Decathlon team, spurred on by Peter Parker, start saying that the police have arrested Queens' beloved hero. Taking matters into their own hands, the people of New York City feel an obligation to help their hero. Peaceful protests quickly turn into a riot as the NYPD continues to deny arresting Spider-Man. (Part Two of "The Many Adventures of Peter Parker, Michelle Jones, and Ned Leeds")
A Birthday Surprise: A day after Peter's birthday, he goes to the Avengers Compound, planning on spending the weekend with his mentor. Little does he know what the Avengers team is planning...
All Mr. Rhodey's Fault: "Let him fight with us and reprimand him later,” Mr. Rhodey said. Mr. Stark sighed. “Fine. But if he gets hurt, it’s your fault, honeybear.” --- Or, Peter skips school to help the Avengers fight aliens, much to the frustration of Mr. Stark. From there, Peter may or may not have gotten injured...
Birthday Shadows: On Peter's eighteenth birthday, he reflects on the people not present for it, grieving for the people not there to celebrate it with him. --- A birthday story written for Peter Parker. (Part Three of "Remembering Peter Parker")
Ranger's Apprentice
Left Behind: Horace heard a cry of pain and he looked up, his heart skipping a beat as he watched Will crumple to the ground, clearly unconscious. “Will!” Horace shouted, stopping to watch as Evanlyn scrambled to pick up Will’s discarded bow off of the ground, watching as Skandians hurried out to where she and Will were. Behind him, he could hear Tug’s distressed whinnies, seemingly upset by the sight of his master being knocked unconscious. “Evanlyn!” he yelled, his voice breaking as the emotions of the current moment caught up to him, as he watched a Skandian grab her, holding her tight, heedless of her struggles. He could hear her cries of frustration from where he stood and he blinked back the tears pricking at the corners of his eyes. --- Or, the story detailing Horace's reaction to that scene in Burning Bridge. **NO update schedule**
Original Work
The Archer's Son: Tension has been brewing in the continent of Esmaya for seventeen years now. With the Aspayan Empire taking control of three of the four kingdoms, it seems inevitable that a rebellion is about to erupt against the Aspayan Empire… Thomas Hayes has grown up without any knowledge about his family. When he is offered information about his family, he leaps at the chance, heedless of the warnings whispering in the back of his head. Hunter Wright is intent on his quest to avenge his parents’ death. When he finally gets the chance to, he does so, ignoring the feelings that he might be doing something wrong. Braya Moore is looking for her missing brother. When she meets up with two people heading the same direction as she is, she travels with them, holding a secret tight to her chest, a secret that could become the starting flame of the rebellion. Three people with different backgrounds, countries, and desires find themselves thrust together, their fates intertwining together. They carry with them the chance to take down the Aspayan Empire and they find themselves carrying the fate of their kingdoms and the future of the continent of Esmaya. **Ongoing: Updates Wednesday mornings at 7:30am EST**
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matildesimaoblog · 6 months
I like horror movies now
October 16th - 22nd
After spending six weeks in the 7th arrondissement I moved to the Parisian suburbs. The reason for this change of accommodation was that last spring when I booked my Airbnb I still hadn’t figured out if my move to Paris was going to be permanent — and if it was I could spend those few weeks searching for an apartment, which would cost me less than an Airbnb — or short term. The months before my departure, I realized that I wanted to use the first half of 2024 to do something else and if I stayed in Paris I would have to unnecessarily pay rent. Therefore, I looked for a second Airbnb while I was in Portugal. Due to high demand, finding an Airbnb that aligned with my dates was hard. Knowing that I would have a week of holiday at the end of October, I thought to myself “Why not just rent accommodation from the start of November, after my school break? That way I could maybe go home during that one week and save some money”. Well, I didn’t end up going home and because I had to leave my first apartment two weeks before I was able to move into the next, I found myself in a tricky situation. Looking back I honestly can’t comprehend why I didn’t rent my first Airbnb until the school break. In conclusion, I had to look for a temporary place to live for two weeks until I could move again. After this rant, you can probably tell that finding housing in Paris is rather a difficult task. And if you wonder why I didn’t look for student residencies, I did, but most of them were already full, too far away, or extremely expensive. At last, I found something in the suburbs. Although I’m not familiar at all with the outskirts of Paris, thankfully I had my friends to guide me to which areas were safer.
If there is one thing you need to know about me — besides being a swifty — it is that I’m a HUGE Halloween fan. It’s my favorite holiday even though it isn’t really celebrated in Europe. Spooky season is the best time of year for me. Reading this you would assume that I like horror but the contrary is the case. I never used to watch scary movies because I’ve always been afraid of them, thinking that the terrifying scenes would later haunt me in my sleep or something like that. But this past week I think I overcame my fear. Let me explain. There is a horror movie trilogy on Netflix that I’ve been wanting to see for a while — mostly because Sadie Sink is in it — called Fear Street. Considering that we’re in the middle of spooky season, I finally felt brave enough to watch it and I loved it. Actually, it wasn’t as scary as I thought it would be. Feeling proud of my small but nevertheless astonishing accomplishment I proceeded to watch Scream (1996). This might be an unpopular opinion but from always hearing so much about this franchise my expectations were high. So I was quite surprised by the disappointment. The movie itself is well made for its time, but the revelation of the killer and the motive they had was just stupid. (Spoilers ahead!) The fact that two teenage boys started killing people for no particular reason other than boredom is simply unsatisfying and perfectly shows the stupidity of men. I’m not saying that they didn’t pull it off because they clearly did by killing I don’t know how many people but the idea of calling your victim to create suspense before murdering them is hideous, to say the least. I can't take it seriously. Why didn't they just NOT answer the phone? I can see why most people consider this a classic but personally, the ghost face mask is the only true iconic thing about it besides the few famous scenes that everyone knows. I said what I said.
The past few days I’ve been busy prepping for my mid-term exams, reviewing what we’ve gone through in class, and trying to memorize everything. The good thing is, that the grammar topics we looked at are merely a repetition for me. Let’s hope for the best.
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taronjaimandarina · 3 years
Beuxbatons it's not divided by houses, it's divided by countries. And the equivalent to Gryffindor vs. Slytherin is Spanish vs French.
Change my mind
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robinrunsfiction · 3 years
To The Vows You Take - Chapter 6
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(This is the longest chapter in the whole story, enjoy!)
Chapter 5
"About time you got here," Ray snarked when (YN) and Frank finally boarded the bus in Washington. "Why'd you guys have to change your flight?"
“We had to go to Vegas,” (YN) replied simply as she started unpacking some of her things into her bunk. She was trying to suppress the smile that was fighting to form on her face.
“What? To get married or something?” Gerard laughed.
“Yea,” Frank replied with a shrug. 
(YN) glanced over at Ray and Gerard, who were stunned into silence for a moment. They looked at each other, then back at their bandmates.
“You guys were dating?!” Gerard asked, totally astonished. "How did we not notice?! Why didn’t you say anything?!"
“I knew something was going on!” Ray exclaimed. "They've been acting different all year! I knew it!"
“Nope, we weren't dating,” (YN) answered.
Gerard’s eyes went wide. “(YN), are you, you're not pre-”
“No! Oh my god, no!” She rolled her eyes. “Me and Frank agreed in high school that if we weren’t married by 25, we’d marry each other.”
“Well shit, congratulations! We gotta celebrate, right?” Ray asked, getting excited.
“Hell yea!” Frank chimed in. “You guys buy the champagne!”
“Do you wanna announce it at the show tonight?” Gerard asked.
“No!” (YN) was quick to reply. “It’s just that we haven’t told our families yet. We don't wanna have them find out through the press.”
Gerard nodded. "Ok, but wow, I still can’t believe you guys eloped!"
"Believe it, baby," Frank said, patting Gerard on the cheek as he walked by.
“Ok, ready to call your mom?” Frank asked.
“No,” (YN) deadpanned.
“Better now than waiting any later,” he replied. It had been about a week since they had tied the knot and (YN) had been putting off calling her mom as long as possible. It wasn’t that she was ashamed of what they’d done, she just knew how her mom would react.
Frank pushed the call button on the phone in front of them and (YN) hoped it would just go to voicemail.
“Hello?” (YN)’s mom’s voice came through the speaker of the phone.
“Hey mom,” (YN) started wearily.
“Hi sweetie, what’s going on? I’m at the grocery store.”
(YN) winced and Frank had to stifle a giggle. “Umm, by any chance do you remember back when I was home for Christmas and that letter came that I wrote to myself?”
“Yes, vaguely.”
“Do you remember the one thing I said I hadn’t done?”
“No, off the top of my head I can’t say that I do.”
“Umm, well I’ve got you on speaker phone because Frank is here too and I called to tell you we went through with our pact to get married.”
“I’m sorry, I don’t think I heard you, it’s loud in here, you did what?”
“Me and Frank got married in Vegas,” (YN) practically shouted. Frank was hiding his face to control his laughter and (YN) reached over and smacked his arm.
“What?!” In the background it sounded like glass breaking. “And you didn’t even call to tell me?!”
“I mean, I told you when I read the letter,” (YN) rubbed her eyes.
“Not that you were gonna go through with marrying Frankie! Oh, is Frankie there now?”
“Yea, hi Ms. (YLN),” he replied.
“Hi sweetie! Congratulations and welcome to the family!”
(YN) looked at Frank, jaw dropped, as he practically gloated. “Thank you Ms. (YLN).”
“(YN) I can’t believe you wouldn’t tell me until after the fact!”
“We didn’t tell anyone, not even the other guys!” (YN) argued. "It's not eloping if everyone knows!"
“Well, have you told Frankie’s parents yet?”
“No, you’re our first call” (YN) replied, rolling her eyes.
“Ok good. Oh, goodness I didn’t even notice I dropped the jar of pickles, I’ve got to go, I want more details later, buh-bye.”
“Bye,” (YN) said, hanging up. "Yea it's a good thing we didn't tell her we called your mom first, she woulda lost it. Are you gonna call your dad?"
"Yea," he replied, already pulling up the contact info on his phone. 
"K, I'm gonna go grab some coffee," she said, getting up.
"How'd your mom react?" Gerard asked, looking up when (YN) walked in.
"She dropped a jar of pickles in the middle of the grocery store," (YN) sighed as she poured a mug of coffee.
Gerard chuckled. "Are you done?"
"No, Frank's calling his dad right now."
"That will go well," Gerard nodded reassuringly. 
"Yea, I think you’re right," she nodded as she made her way to the back of the bus where they'd been making the calls in privacy.
"So you finally told her-"
"Dad, hang on," Frank interrupted and (YN) gave Frank a confused look as she walked in. "Umm, no, but don't worry about it. Actually (YN) just walked in."
"Hi, Mr Iero," she greeted him brightly.
"I'm glad you're sticking together. Ever since you were kids, you two have been a team. That's what you want in life,  someone who is on your team. Friendship should come first, all that romance bullshit can come later on."
(YN) and Frank laughed, but when she glanced over at him, she saw he was looking at her. She smiled and looked away, realizing how much she was suddenly blushing. That was the problem. She could no longer deny the fact that she wanted the romantic bullshit with Frank. Her stomach did flips when he would look at her from across the room, his smile made her weak in the knees. She’d fallen for him completely, and she didn’t know what to do.
Frank had just taken a drag off his cigarette when a black SUV pulled up in the parking lot where their tour bus was parked. At long last, Mikey was back. He hopped up off the curb he was sitting on and warmly welcomed his friend with a hug. "Welcome back, man!"
"Hey! And congrats! I take a couple months off and half the band gets married?" Mikey laughed as he stored one of his bags in the compartment under the bus.
"That’s what happens when you’re not here to supervise us,” Frank laughed. “Did you know me and (YN) had originally planned to elope the day you and Alicia got married?"
"Seriously?" Mikey seemed genuinely shocked as they returned to the spot on the curb where Frank had been sitting. It was the only shade in sight.
“Where is she, by the way?” 
“On the phone with our realtor, we’re gonna see some houses when we’re back in Jersey before we head over to Europe.”
“Damn, you are serious about this.”
“As serious as a goddamn heart attack.”
“Wait, so how did all this happen again?”
“We made this pact in high school, we’d get married if we were still single at 25. And the chance to spend my life with (YN)? I’m not gonna pass that up.”
“You have feelings for her?”
“I’m surprised I’ve hid them this well for so long.”
“Shit,” Mikey muttered, taking the almost spent cigarette out of Frank’s hands and taking a drag himself. “So it’s happily ever after.”
“Not until I work up the nerve to tell her.”
Mikey coughed, Frank’s words taking him by surprise. “Wait, you haven’t told her?!”
Frank let his head hang. “Oh so you've been married like three months longer than me, and now you know it all? Just keep it between us ok?”
“Yea, yea I can, but you should tell her. She’s your wife.”
Frank couldn’t help the smile that formed across his face upon hearing those words. “Yea. I just gotta figure out the right time.”
(YN) had just finished applying her stage makeup when the door to the green room opened. She was surprised that it was only Mikey coming in, and no one else was with him. 
“Hey,” she said, glancing over at him. “Where’s everyone else?”
“Got pulled into an interview,” he answered, coming to stand behind her, checking his hair in the mirror.
“Ah yes, the joys of not being a guitarist or singer,” she smirked.
“I know right?” He laughed before flopping down on the couch. “So congrats.”
“Thanks,” she laughed lightly, shaking her head. “It’s crazy, right?”
"Because I saw 'My Best Friend's Wedding' at an impressionable age, and now I’m married to my bandmate.”
"What's wrong with that?"
(YN) sighed and shook her head. “Promise not to tell?”
Mikey sat up and nodded. “Of course.”
"It’s a problem because I realized that I've fallen in love with Frank and can't tell him because it'll ruin our marriage,” she explained and Mikey let out a laugh. “It’s absurd right?”
"You gotta tell him, (YN)."
(YN) just groaned in response. “But what if it fucks everything up?”
Mikey sighed. "You should be honest with the people you love," he replied. "Especially when it's about how you feel."
(YN) nodded silently.
“So... have you guys hooked up.”
"I’m just trying to lighten the mood!” He said defensively. “And I take your reaction as a yes."
(YN) smirked. "Fine, you wanna know? There was one time we did a long time ago."
“Wait, when?!”
“You probably don’t remember, but a long long time ago, I’m talking back in the van days, we were actually staying in a hotel for once. You, Gee, Ray, and Brian all went out, but me and Frank stayed back.”
“Oh yea! We were wondering if something happened that night,” Mikey laughed.
“Yep,” she said, getting up from her chair and starting to make her way toward the door. “And it was in the bed you and Ray shared that night! Bye!”
“Ew! What the fuck (YN)?!” Mikey shouted, as she ran out of the room, laughing evilly.
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boyackamo-blog · 4 years
Hamilton teachers!au
Part 1
Alexander Hamilton
- tired social studies teacher
- dictates so quickly that you will only have time to write down the date, and he will already tell the whole paragraph
- wears glasses on the nose or on the head. In the second case he sometimes forgets where they are and asks the poor children to find it
- his writing on the blackboard is worse then you had in 4 years, and all because the handwriting is too clumsy and angular
-in his lessons, you must know the subject, otherwise you get C
-his lessons are completely silent, because everyone is really listening
-"the school is not to blame if a person" * puts his hands in the mouthpiece* "HAS PROBLEMS WITH HEAD"
- by the end of the year, you have to attach the leaves to the 96-page notebooks, because of writing
- does not check homework, and does not ask. "just learn the notes please"
- argues with Thomas believing that his subject is more important, because: "your entire history without certain rules of society and politics is just a solid list of stupid numbers and some guys with balls"
- there is always a mug of coffee on his table
- treats students with respect. sometimes comes up with funny nicknames, like: comrade, woodpecker
- doesn't get along with technologies. He doesn't need to.
- "how should i turn on this thing if THERES SO MANY BUTTONS." *breaks the computer* "well.. okAy class, today we exist without presentation.. again"
- so many aphorismes, like so many
- on the same wavelength as the students
-"this week you have a test and.. the o f f s e t"
- *groaning in the background*
- all those who studied with him passed exams only with good grades
- "you're a tough guy, i see"
John Laurens
- funny biology teacher
- knows his subject perfectly and will easily give you F if you don't know it
- it is easy to find hin in school due to:
• loud laughter
• curls sticking out in all directions
- if John is sick, the children just watch the cartoons about biology
- you can find anything in his office table, except pens
- sometimes it causes some difficulties to the whole class
- "can i borrow your pe- well no is no"
- in a day can use a pack of chalk because of hundreds of drawings
- "and this is what you need to pass final exams"
- has a habit of biting pens and losing pencils behind the ears
- uses the same pencils to fix the hair
- treats favorite students with homemade cookies
- he loves it when former students come to school, because then you can ask them to take him away from here
- honestly, this school didn't deserve him
- there is a small turtle and a snake named Thomas in the class
- founded the "no one edicts fashion" squad, with the help of his hoodies with stupid phrases
- very concerned about the environment
- always late for school meetings and student councils
- "I'm sorry I'm late. Not really, because I didn't want to come"
- "it would be better to arrange an ecological week"
- don't let him fall asleep while he's watching animal planet
- a can of Baltika 9 (another beer) is always hidden in the table
- he wanted to become a doctor and treat children, but became a teacher and now he is treated by a psychiatrist
- once he confused the class and almost told the sixth-graders about intercourse
Gilbert Lafayette
- teaches foreign languages
- French accent from nowhere
- aue Parlez-vous français
- in English pliz
- every vacation rolls around Europe
- where he brings a bunch of stories and tells the students
- presentations✨
- prefers to devote time to the spoken language so that children really SPEAK
- on teacher's day, he receives an insanely large number of gifts and holds back tears of joy
- believes that mental health is very important. So, if you are very bad mentally, you will be told to stay at home or sent there
- at high school, he teaches kids to swear in French, because everyone knows English anyway
- if half the school in love with Jefferson, the other half definitely caught the crash on this man
- curly bun, which he constantly corrects if he is nervous
- "I did not think about a career as a teacher in my youth, because I wanted to become a linguist"
- travel to a couple with Elisa
- he gets seasick on buses, so don't even try to talk to him on the road
- almost always in a good mood
- no FIGHTS!!!
- seriously, very scrupulous about the relationship between students and teachers
- "Well don't give him a bad grade look he's an excellent student and such a sweetheart"
- cool story about travel throughout September
- there are no control works in his lessons, but there are tests, so you can always use the magic poking
- "if you do not know the answer, then poke at the most attractive expression for you. Maybe it's the véritable réponse"
- the principal wanted to kick him out of school because of his black nails, but no one told fashion how to function
- to the glory of God he burrs like a kitten
Hercules Mulligan
- pe teacher
- arranges a foot day
- loves to play sports with children, but can't because of professionalism
- mountain of muscles
- "my grandmother ran faster"
- but he runs very slowly
- "nothing, it's just a little rain outside," he says, standing under an umbrella
- if you are not a sports person at all and prefer not to take the form, then you will have to take a textbook and read it
- "don't want to play volleyball, lad? So, go to the pitch"
- but girls can practice yoga
- can't judge because he's too proud of the kids and wants to give everyone points
- favorite lessons with first graders
-is afraid to accidentally crush them, because he is too high and wide, and they are small cockroaches
- but at the same time afraid to go into the corridor, because it is a hellhole
- were you named after a cartoon??
- people call him George, which makes him mad
- looks like might kill you, but he's actually a sweet caramel bun
- afraid of spiders. Very, very. And there are no mops in the gym. At the sight of furry climbs on a rope and hangs there
- children, of course, love him, but sometimes they are afraid when lessons start on the street. There was a time when children ran around the school and he appeared from around corners to catch those who did not run
-Walks funny, slightly pigeon-toed
- the loudest teacher in the entire school, he can be heard literally everywhere. Even if he doesn't scream
- nanny for the kindergarten, which consists of Alex, Gilbert and John
- once got mad and gathered teams in volleyball, basketball, football and cricket.
- got the nickname "Bear" from high-schoolers because of his gait and strong hugs
writing for the first time, sorry for mistakes~
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
Can I just say something, Hazel is not v. realistic. Like I'm 13 and i can't say the same for all 13yolds but neither me nor my friends dream of growing old w/ a husband and like rick makes her and sammy to be soulmates and that's not how a 13yo's mind functions. Also, she shouldn't be completely dependant on her. And as someone who has experienced racism its v wierd that she only experiences in her schooling rather than also w/ her mum and even in new rome. 1/2
2/2 : And Rick just randomly makes the chracters diverse but then he forgets that race is a part of character. I mean Hazel was living in the 40s as an African American and now when she’s resurrected we hardly hear anything about her experiences w/ racism. It’s not realistic. I’d expect her to maybe have some centering as a character on that. I just think that Rick cannot display characters out of his perspecitve at all and im just very annoyed. idk what do u think on this all
When I was thirteen, we all didn’t quite think past the point of high school graduation - our life was in the now. We definitely did not think about growing old and picket fences.
But yeah, I said it in a post before - many posts by now - but Riordan writes only what he himself experiences. And that is the life of a fifty year old white CIS het man. And while I can’t attest for the CIS part because I’m not reading that one series that features the genderfluid character, you can feel every other aspect of that list very strongly.
You can feel the “fifty year old” when you read about literally every single teenager dreaming about the white picket fence.
You fan feel the “white” when you read Hazel, Reyna, Piper and Leo.
You can feel the “hetero” when you read the clumsy coming out of Nico at the end of Heroes of Olympus. And actually also in Will’s flippant attitude when talking to Nico about it, because in my experience as a fledgling lesbian, older and more experienced gays and lesbians were being very gentle and welcoming and not like “LOL that’s why I was trying to talk to you for so long because I’m gay too!”. That was just to retcon in that Will was also gay; had Riordan actually cared about the gay sub-plot before, then we would have had interactions between Will and Nico in PJatO.
You can feel the “man” at every female POV in the Heroes of Olympus series. Every. Single. One.
Gotta admit, as a white girl from Germany, I do not know how things are for black people in the US (you know, beyond the generic news coverage online and the police propaganda in cop shows), but nowadays with things like Black Panther, Black Lightning, Dear White People, Timeless (seriously, the part that I adore most about that show is how it dives into the female and black history, the kind that’s brushed under the rug), also gotta mention One Day at a Time here for the Latinx representation, I realized just how very… white-author the Heroes of Olympus characters feel.
Especially with Hazel it infuriates me because she comes from a different time and to include how her experience is, how things have changed - and worse yet, how things haven’t changed - would be so incredibly interesting. How she experiences everything.
I mean, seriously, Percy got shunned for being a son of Neptune because Neptune was feared - but so was Pluto. Just how awful must it have been for the black daughter of Pluto in New Rome…?
But oh no, worry not, the black girl from the 40s with no knowledge of the modern world perfectly integrated into New Rome in 2010. No issues here at all.
We live in a time and age where not everyone can be straight and white.
We live in a time and age where representation isn’t just asked for, we demand it, because the world isn’t straight and white.
So the author of the book series where every single major character was white started sweating. (Beckendorf and Ethan were the only non-white characters and oh look, both got killed off.)
So he… he literally just looked around what there is to represent and just slapped a label on each of his characters, like a check-list.
We need A Black Character - Hazel, check.
We need An Asian Character - Frank, check.
We need A Gay Character - Nico, check.
We need A Native American Character - Piper, check.
We need A Latinx Character - oh, let’s be generous on that one; Leo and Reyna, double check.
I didn’t notice that back then, when I first read the books. But by now…?
I’m not saying I could do better - heck, unlike Riordan I also have the disadvantage of living in Europe and thus not even second-hand witnessing what the American Experience might be like for people of color - but if you decide to write a major book series and represent something you are not familiar with - may it be being gay, or from a different cultural background, or being a woman - then you should at the very least put the research into it to back it up.
Or, the easier cop-out, stick to what you did before.
And I don’t mean that as “just write whites”.
It really would be less of an issue if Heroes of Olympus had still been only from Percy’s perspective. Because we would have only gotten to meet the characters through Percy’s eyes - and not their own.
Because then we wouldn’t have had those flashbacks to Hazel’s past, we wouldn’t have to question how it came that those characters didn’t think about certain things or complain how they all seemed to think about other things collectively. And literally no one would have complained about a lack of POV changes, because PJatO didn’t have those - it was all Percy, so no one would have questioned if the sequel had also all been Percy.
It’s one thing writing about characters, but it’s different writing as characters. And in my personal opinion, Riordan shot himself in the foot by making HoO a POV split between this very diverse cast of characters, without having the actual background knowledge to flesh them fully out.
Not to mention the part where I generally think that going from one POV up to three and then to seven and nine different POVs had already been too much of a jump, but if you do that with so many different characters, who should also all have a different feeling to them, that only makes a difficult task that much more difficult.
Now, obviously, having the Seven all be white males would have been a disaster and also the wrong choice.
There are different things that could have been done though.
Like I mentioned, keeping it Percy’s POV, which we all would have been used to and no one would have questioned (heck, even if he had just done it a Jason and Percy POV due to Lost Hero).
Doing actual research for the things you write about. Also an option.
Or dialing down on the unknown. Let’s not forget, he wasn’t just juggling seven characters who represented something he wasn’t personally familiar with (also including Annabeth, because girl), out of the total of nine main characters all but three were completely new and had to be introduced.
In my personal opinion, he should have carried more characters than just Percy and Annabeth (and then later on also Nico, but not important enough to be one of the Seven) over into this book-series.
Clarisse, for example - she is over twenty, she is an experienced fighter and hero. That’d be a female character to be fully explored, but who has already been introduced (and would have made more sense than Frank, Hazel, Leo and Piper on terms of them literally having been introduced to the demigod world barely months prior with a total of one quest of experience before going to war).
Chris Rodriguez, who while never explicitely stated to be Latino as far as I remember, the name does imply and Riordan could have doubled down on that and included him. Hermes is a very diverse god, considering how much Riordan played with the powers of not overly powerful gods like Bellona or Aphrodite or Hephaestus, he could have done the same with Chris. It’d also have been fascinating to see the former traitor work hard to earn back his place at camp and to explore the mental strain put on him in the Labyrinth.
You would not have to start from scratch if you take characters you already have established. It makes everything easier, both for you as the writer and also for the readers, who don’t have to familiarize themselves with half a dozen completely new main characters.
And it takes away that edge of it being utterly ridiculous that, despite both camps having veteran heroes who fought in the Titan War and are around 20 years of age, they decided to send four kids who are essentially total newbies and of whom one is 13 and two are 15.
But yeah, those are just… personal picks on how he could have handled it better. Me, I simply wouldn’t have written about a prophecy of seven because this is a damn war. Seriously, the quest for Atlas, a minor stepping-stone on the way to the Titan War, already featured five main players with Percy, Thalia, Grover, Bianca and Zoe, only two less than this entire freaking war needed according to the prophecy.
Have it be the Giant War. Feature all of those new characters, but also your already established ones. Keep it first person Percy POV and show them fighting together, instead of singling only seven demigods out in something that is supposed to be an all out war against Mother Earth.
Neither of those are be all end all kind of answers to the problem, but suggestions on how it could have been handled differently.
The important thing would be growth and as someone for whom HoO was just too much, I can not judge that. Because everyone makes mistakes and everyone grows as a writer. So if Riordan saw what he did and learned from it - I know one of the Magnus Chase mains is a Muslima, another is mute, I think, and one is genderfluid, so if all of those are handled with more respect, research and dedication and it shows that he learned from the past, then that’s good and okay, because nobody is perfect and it’s all a learning curve, but if those are also just cardboard cut-outs put in place to be Representation, then that’d be… sad, I guess. And disappointing.
But, well, due to not having read that - and not planning on reading that - I can’t attest to it. I can just hope for the best for the readers who seek representation and got giddy about the prospect. I hope they didn’t get disappointed in that.
And I hope he will continue to learn from mistakes and grow as a writer, because yeah I generally don’t wish anyone anything bad and I truly, truly loved Percy Jackson and the Olympians. He hurt himself by trying too many new things in the sequels and if he learns to handle that and return the writing to the quality of PJatO, that’d be pretty amazing.
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samingtonwilson · 2 years
The triwizard tournament is only the three largest European schools, so it’s similar to other continental sports. Minority representation would be great but she ain’t good at writing them like look at Cho Chang or the Patel twins. Honestly rather have her admit that she wrote the books to fit her early 90s small town view of the UK being almost all white then her attempts are rep. like saying Harmionie is black in the books when people call her out.
Bro I literally wrote a post on this and I’m not even kidding when I say that HP universe (including all of the movies and all of the books blah blah blah) only has 9 named POC characters, all of whom will only be able to be named by people who pay attention because they are all side characters at best. Anyway love the art, don’t support the artist (Btw J** says that she thinks all her fans who consume her work agree with her so f-ck that)
Not to go off but once you start thinking about racism in HP, it literally never ends. Europe gets three wizard into school while Asia gets like two and Africa gets one. I could honestly go so off on how racist it is but I’m trying not to spread negativity but seriously fuck j*r
let me tell you why i have a lot of love and respect for you. you said, "i'm just gonna send one ask. tell taal that the triwizard thing is specifically for the european schools and that the terf is bad at writing POC." and that turned into 3 asks, one of which begins with "not to go off" before and after you're going off lfjhgkdfjhg that's very me every time i have a lot of information on something someone is talking about. just so, so much to say.
anyway yeah, i'm not trying to critically analyze any of the movies or the books, i just thought on it for half a second and was very ????? so i can't imagine how much shit i'd realize if i spent even a minute on it.
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