#selim mirza
theophan-o · 20 days
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Queerujmy Sienkiewicza!
Oczom swym nie wierzę! Otwieram najnowszy numer czasopisma "Książki. Magazyn do Czytania" (2/2024) i co znajduję? Obszerny artykuł prof. Ryszarda Koziołka o postaciach nieheteronormatywnych i wątkach homoromantycznych w twórczości Henryka Sienkiewicza!
Po raz pierwszy chyba ktoś na łamach zacnego polskiego czasopisma tak otwarcie wezwał do queerowania naszego Heńka!
I wreszcie ktoś expressis verbis skonstatował, że Selim Mirza, Bohun i Ketling to postacie, którym Sienkiewicz dał androgyniczną postać, roztaczając wokół nich delikatną aurę homoerotyzmu.
I tym kimś nie było Theophan-o. Szok:-)))
Bracia, patrzcie jeno:
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Całość artykułu oraz kilka innych tekstów o twórczości Sienkiewicza przeczytacie w tym oto wydaniu:
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Prof. Ryszard Koziołek jest również autorem wspaniałej monografii Ciała Sienkiewicza. Studia o płci i przemocy (Katowice 2015), która jest dostępna w Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Śląskiego w Katowicach:
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faintingheroine · 5 months
The People Who Fell in Love With the Female Characters of MC
As we all know, a female character’s worth is determined by how many people fall in love with them, so I decided to make a list of the people who fell in love with the female characters just like I made the list of their kills last year (no I can’t find that post, but I did make it).
There are two categories, “love” and “attraction”. I will clarify which one in parentheses.
Süleyman (love)
Leo (love)
Süleyman (presumably love)
Gülşah (love)
Ibrahim (love)
Mehmet Çelebi (presumably attraction)
Rüstem (love)
Taşlıcalı Yahya (love)
Pedro (love)
Mimar Sinan (love)
Nigar Kalfa:
Ibrahim (attraction)
Matrakçı (attraction)
Gül Ağa (love)
Süleyman (attraction)
Sümbül Ağa (love)
Bayezid (love)
Cihangir (love)
Selim (love)
Gazanfer (love)
Ibrahim (presumably attraction)
Mercan Ağa (love)
Lütfi Pasha (attraction)
Fatma Sultan:
Her disgusting ex husband (love??)
Elkas Mirza (love)
Ahmet Pasha (love)
Bali Bey (love)
Süleyman (unfortunately for Sadıka, attraction)
Matrakçı (love)
Ariel (presumably love)
Süleyman (attraction)
Her fiancé (presumably love?)
Valide Sultan:
Selim I (love)
Mustafa (love)
Atmaca (ambiguous whether he loves her or was meaning his dead wife by the “blue-eyed woman”)
Mustafa (debatable, but love that is very short-lived?)
That guy who pressures her family to give her to him in marriage and who almost killed Mehmet with a bow while trying to kill Mustafa (perverse and obsessive attraction)
Mustafa (love)
You can of course object or add to this list.
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loremori · 2 months
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Martin Freeman (84/366)
Secret Invasion (2023)
TV miniseries
Directed Ali Selim
Created Kyle Bradstreet
Written Kyle Bradstreet Beto Dantas Jonathan Hirschbein Matt McRee Haleema Mirza Jennifer Muro Jovan Robinson Brian Tucker Michael Bhim Brant Englestein Roxanne Paredes
*I can't help but consider the inclusion of MF and Cobie Smulders (in the promotional material) as clickbait. **How did Kyle Bradstreet do this and also be involved in Mr. Robot? ***You can look at the resume of these writers and understand why things turned out the way they did.
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perplexingly · 11 months
IMPORTANT QUESTION was it you who posted about that extremely gay trylogia prequel (???) and if so what was the title of it bc i am losing my goddamn gourd trying to find it
…mała trylogia?? Tylko to nie prequel tylko coś co Sienkiewicz napisał długo przed Trylogią, a że składa się z trzech części (Stary Sługa, Hania i Selim Mirza) to ludzie to nazywają małą trylogią haha
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mc-critical · 2 years
How do you think the character of Firuze would have fared is she was used in the other seasons (namely Season one, Season 2 or Season 4)?
Season 1 already had the closest we could get to Firuze in Meral's seasons: the character of Sadıka. Sadıka was also sent in the castle to kill the sultan by one of the foreign rulers, but her goal was known from the start and aspects of her whole persona weren't slowly revealed to us through the mystery surrounding her. If Firuze was there instead of Sadıka, I believe that's what she would've been, closer to Sadıka, only with a spy element attached (since Firuze was a spy after all), the side love story removed, more prominent rivalry with Hürrem and more scenes with the children. The mystical and magical elements of Firuze would still be there, but diminished a bit, since they won't add to the uncovering of what exactly she's up to.
Season 2 is tricky, because Firuze clearly has to be in the first half, but one might wonder how to incorporate her, because... would the writers do a similar plot to Sadıka's when it just wrapped up? They love both parallels and repetition, yes, but crafting two characters with nearly the same purpose in the story literally one after another? No, I don't think that would happen. Firuze in S02 would be closer to what she initially presented herself as: a girl who has come from far and distant lands, who believes she has a destiny in Topkapi, yet goes with the flow with where that destiny leads her. She would still have her prophetic dreams, healing abilities, conflict-averse personality and love for music and poetry, so given the overarching conflict of the season and similarly to Hatice in S03, Valide would be the one to notice her. Right when the inevitable comes and she suspects SS would marry Hürrem at all costs, Firuze would come in as a means to an end to stop it. And that would seem like a success for a while - like what happened in MC, SS would be quite infatuated with Firuze for some episodes and she and Hürrem would be at odds. Firuze won't be a spy here, but she would keep her firm belief in what she has with SS and oppose Hürrem's own. What will be her end? This probably sounds boring, but I see SS slowly becoming tired of her and then sending her off in another castle or back to her homeland.
If Firuze is included in season 4, I can't see why her personality and goal wouldn't stay the same. It would all make even more sense, knowing who S04 Şah Tahmasp is - I totally imagine him sending Firuze to infiltrate the castle. Probably her dynamics with the princes and Mihrimah would change a bit, since they would be grown up already and it's possible for, say, Mihrimah to see through her purpose, Selim to be ambivalent, Bayezid to be on respectful terms with her and Cihangir to still have that soft spot for her. She would, of course, have a good relationship with Fatma, but when her true purpose is discovered, Fatma would give her up like Hatice did. Her ending would be the same (with the poison leading up to the events in E121 instead), but she wouldn't last as long as she did in S03 (Firuze would leave earlier than after 13 episodes, earlier than 121), due to S04 Hürrem's bigger fixation on her enemies. She could get a scene with Şah Tahmasp himself after she's left Topkapi where they talk about how the mission has gone, foreshadowing that there will be a future impact of her actions. And you know? Firuze and Elkas Mirza would totally encounter each other and better even, cooperate on stuff.
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ottomanladies · 4 years
evil-serbian-girl replied to your photoset “�������������� ���������������� : Bayezid I”
Hello! :) I don't know do you answer on replies (I can't send you message), but I'm gonna ask anyway:
you can’t send me any messages because my askbox is closed. 
Do you maybe know were other Bayezid wives, beside Olivera, captured by Timur? Lately, I've been doing some research on the internet about her, beside Serbian I was reading English and google-translated Turkish articles, and I haven't found any mentions of Devletšah or Hafsa related to the aftermath of the battle of Ankara. What happened to them after the battle, why is only Olivera mentioned in captivity?
This is what Peirce had to say about it: "The earlier capture of Bayezid I by Timur may offer indirect evidence that concubines were separated from the sultan: it was Bayezid's wife Maria who was with him at the time of his capture, suggesting she must have accompanied the sultan on campaign." -- The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire 
Also, I saw in couple of your mentions of Olivera that you wrote that she was forced to serve Timur half-naked, which, as far as I understood, IS popular belief, but are there any proofs for that? She was released after Bayezid's death, but, if those stories are true, why would they let her go when they could make a slave out of her? Also, I read somewhere that Timur married their daughter to his grandson, so, if that is true, would he really treat his in-laws like that?
That she served Timur is said - among others - by Hammer: (i’m translating from French) “One day, at a feast, he [Timur] went so far as to openly violate the sacred customs of the harem: he had the wine presented by Bayezid’s wife, the Serbian Princess...”. His sources were Demetrios Chalkokondyles and Muhammad ibn Arabshah; Arabshah was apparently alive during Timur’s reign and had followed him closely so I guess he can be trusted. 
Taking conquered rulers’ wives as prisoners was common among Muslim rulers, even the Ottomans did it: "Women captured from the families of conquered rulers, especially their consorts, continued to be a valued symbol of Ottoman victory as late as the sixteenth century. The Byzantine historian Doukas tells us that Mehmed II departed from Constantinople twenty days after its conquest, "taking with him in wagons and on horseback all the [Byzantine] noblewomen and their daughters." Selim I, whose conquests made the Ottoman state a world empire, captured Taçlu Khatun, the wife of the Safavid ruler of Iran, at the decisive battle of Chaldiran in 1514 and refused to return her, instead giving her to one of his leading statesmen. As late as 1553, Süleyman's consort Hürrem wrote to the sultan, who was campaigning against the Safavids, lamenting the lack of a sign of victory that would content the people of Istanbul, such as the capture of the shah's wife or son. As Hürrem's letter suggests, hostage sons of rival dynasties were also valued prizes of conquest, visible proof of the inability of the defeated ruler to protect his household and, by extension, his domain." -- Peirce, The Imperial Harem: Women and Sovereignty in the Ottoman Empire 
As for Despina’s daughters, both Uluçay and Öztuna say she had had two with Bayezid I and apparently they were still young at the time. According to Öztuna the two daughters were: Paşa-Melek and Oruz. Paşa-Melek apparently married Dâmâd Emîr Celaluddîn İslâm in 1403, but he was not Timur’s son; he was one of his military commanders. As for Oruz, Öztuna doesn’t say who her husband was but she had a daughter called Ayşe Hâtûn. 
There is, though, another daughter of Bayezid who is unfortunately unnamed: she married Dâmâd Ebû-Bekr Mirza, a grandson of Timur, in 1403.
About Despina’s fate after Bayezid I’s death, both Uluçay and Sakaoğlu say that we don’t know anything about it. If she was released, I guess she was not important anymore as her husband had died. 
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dolunayinyikimi · 5 years
Merhabalar şimdi burada öldü diye ağladığınız “Teoman” hakkında bir şeyler paylaşacağım sizinle. Öncelikle çocuk baştan sona fake mal gibi koca site inandınız ağlıyorsunuz hayret ediyorum cidden:d bu arkadaşımız seneleeer önce meydandaydı Facebook denen nine uygulamamızda “Selim Doruk Aksoy” ismiyle takılıyordu falan. Sonra fake olduğu çıktı ortaya bir sene sonra Dağhan olarak geri döndü. Allahın işine bak sen yawwww. Facebook’ta tabi badboy sevdası çoktu o dönem Wattpad kitapları ünlüydü falan genç kızlarımızda görünce kapıyordu işte mikrobu. Ezgiler mi olsun Gizemler mi olsun Zümralar efendime söyleyeyim Çağlalar yani uçkuruna düşkün bir abimiz bu. Gel zaman git zaman bu abimiz Facebook’ta sıkılıyor, Tumblr’a geliyor. Burada da yeni ismi Teoman olmuş. Kardeşim sabit kalır mısın artık aq. Ee yeni ortam yeni kızlar depresyonik gizemli bir beyefendi yine çekildiler buna. Bir tane daha Gizem, Çağla hala sabit, en çok haline üzüldüğüm güzeller güzeli Asiye:(( Kız zeki bi şeye benziyorsun nasıl kandın şuna. Neyse bir de kendine arkadaş olmuş Mirza’yı yaratmış şimdi de adın Mirza mı oldu eyyyy Selim. Diyorlar ki bunlar biz çok güçlüyüz bize kimse bulaşamaz süperiz falan. Size o zaman meydan okuyorum ölü çocuk ve kankası madem bu kadar büyüksünüz ve gerçeksiniz o zaman kim olduğumu bulun ben de burada yazdığım herrrr şey için özür dileyeyim:) Sabırsızlıkla bekliyorum iyi günler efendim @remotedemolitions @gecebadem @yamanzamir @halimizdenyanananlar @zerrinkadeeh @justmelinoe @glissandoo @yeraltindan
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tigir-er-turk-blog · 6 years
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Yavuz Selim’in Cengiz Han Soyuna Gösterdiği Hürmet
 Doğu Türklerinden Timurluların son Hükümdarı Bediüzzaman Mirza, ülkesi Özbekler tarafından işgal edildiğinde Yavuz Selim Han tarafından koruyup kollanmıştır. Timur Beyazıd’ı esir etmesine rağmen Yavuz Mirza’ya saygı göstermiş ve onun için yanında özel taht yaptırmıştır. Şimdi günümüze kendisine Osmanlıcıyız diyenlerin sürekli Timur’a ve Cengiz’e hakaret etmesi de ayrı bir vakadır.
 Yavuz zamanında Timur ülkesinden artık eser yoktu. Türk dünyasının mutlak en güçlü hanedanı Osmanoğulları idi. Ama Osmanoğullarından Yavuz Selim Han, kendi atası Yıldırım Bayezıd, Timur yani Cengiz soyundan gelenler tarafından esir alınmasına rağmen o Cengiz soyuna saygı göstermiş, bununla da yetinmemiş ve son Timurlu hükümdarı Bediüzzaman Mirza için özel bir taht yaptırarak yanına yerleştirmiştir ve bu konuda Osmanlıların lehine de hiçbir şey yoktur. Bu sadece saygıdan dolayıdır. Hiçbir çıkar kaygısı yoktur bunda. Düşünün ki Yavuz Selim gibi sert bir mizacı olan adam bile Cengiz Han soyuna saygı gösterirken kendine İslamcıyız, Osmanlıcıyız diyenlere acaba neye dayanarak Cengiz ve Timur düşmanlığı yapıyor? Timurlenk’in tenkit edilecek yerleri var mı? Tabii ki var. Zaten en büyük tenkidi de biz yapıyoruz. Lakin bu kendisini Osmanlıcıyız diye tanıtanlar hakaret üstüne hakaret, iftira üstüne iftira atıyor.Yavuz bunları görse alayını kılıçla doğrayacak haberleri yok.
 Son olarak, Yavuz’un eşinin de Cengiz Han soyundan geldiğini yani Kanuni’nin Cengiz kanı taşıdığını da tekrardan ilave etmekte yarar var. Daha önce bu konularda hakkında zaten malumat girdiğimiz için daha fazla okuyucuları meşgul etmek istemiyoruz. Bu günümüzdeki Özbekler de Timurlenk’i sahiplenmekten vazgeçsinler. Timurlenk kendisini Türk olarak görürdü. Özbekler Timurlenk’i sahiplenmek istiyorlarsa evvela Türklüğe biat etsinler. Sonrası artık bize kalmıştır.
 İşin en ironik tarafını da buraya yazalım. Türkiye’nin Reis-i Cumhuru Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, Timur’un kabrine gidip dua etmiştir.
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ansiklomedia · 5 years
Henryk Sienkiewicz Kimdir? Eserleri
Henryk Sienkiewicz Kimdir? Eserleri
Polonyalı yazardır. (Siedlce/Wola Okrzejska 1846-Isviçre/Vevey 1916)
Varşova Üniversitesi’ndeki dil ve edebiyat öğrenimini yarıda keserek gazeteciliği iş edindi (1871), ilk öykülerini de o yıllarda yayımlatmaya başladı: Na Marne (Boşuna) 1872, Selim Mirza (1876), Stary Sluga (Yaşlı Hizmetçi) 1876. Bu ilk ürünlerinde o yılların gözde yazarı Joseph-İgnaca Kraszewski’nin (1812-1887) etkisinde,…
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giresunhaberci · 7 years
40. Uluslararası Giresun Aksu Festivali programı içinde yer alan Satranç Şampiyonasında derece alan sporcular belli oldu. 19 Eylül İlkokulu’nda yapılan müsabakalar sonunda; Genel Klasmanda; Enes Tanrıverdi (birinci) , Bahadır Kaplan (ikinci), Emre Bülbül (üçüncü), Fatih Selim Agurlu (dördüncü), Adem Zavalsız (beşinci), Erdal Dersulu (altıncı) olmuştur. Yıldızlarda; Ömer Şaka (birinci), Taha Taştan (ikinci), İsmail Polat Yavuz (üçüncü), Ali Efe Aygün (dördüncü), Küçüklerde; Emirhan Baydere (birinci), Hamdi Efe Demirci (ikinci), Yusuf Mirza Özkalaycı (üçüncü), Tuğra Çelebi (dördüncü), Festival Satranç Şampiyonasında dereceye giren sporculara ödülleri Belediye Kültür ve Sosyal İşler Müdürü Hasan Özdemir, Gençlik Hizmetleri ve Spor İl Müdürü Hasan Bulut tarafından verildi.
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