#selene talks
dykehimejoshi · 8 months
ever since i was a little girl i knew i always wanted to violate intellectual property and copyright law
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variagirl · 1 year
I really wish I could physically shift between genders. Sometimes I am okay with being male. Other times, I desperately want to be female. And at some points, I feel completely disconnected from it all. It's frustrating, depressing, and honestly scary being pulled in so many different directions. Especially in my own head. I'm several different people, sharing one body, afraid to make any serious choices out of fear of being the wrong on. And yet time moves on, and doing nothing is a choice in itself. When will it be okay to be me, and what form will I be?
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niiponco · 2 years
i love it when my monitor flickers, glitches, and turns off!!!! oh my FUCKING GOD
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neon-vocalist · 4 months
Twitter is a cesspool that I’m afraid of contributing to, so here’s the post I would be making there.
Millie and Luca have spoken up about not having a shitty time with Niji management. This is a GOOD thing. They don’t deserve that mistreatment. Moreover, this does not make them the bullies. Leave their asses alone.
Vox and Enna are well known members of Nijisanji for their creative endeavours, and obviously they haven’t graduated yet. This does not make them the bullies. Leave their asses alone and stop asking when they’ll graduate.
Ren just lost a genmate and now a senpai, both of whom were very positive and influential figures. He is not faking being upset for clout. You guys are fucking insane. Leave his ass alone and support him.
Rosemi and Elira have been said to be the last remaining pillars of NijiEN. This does not mean they’re the bullies, sucking up to management, the head of “cliques,” or have a moral duty to graduate. Leave their asses alone.
Anycolor threw every single talent under the bus for mentioning the “bullying by affiliated Livers” in their termination announcement. Anycolor is just trying to make themselves look good. Anycolor is not your friend.
These talents are understandably stressed, have just lost THREE important friends and coworkers, and now have the entirety of social media coming for them. Doki is not the only victim here. Their agency is going up in flames. They’re allowed to be upset.
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moghedien · 9 months
ok so i was genuinely unsure about how I felt about the way Lanfear was revealed in the moment, but there are three main things that are really selling it for me:
1: It immediately sets up the threat of going up against a Forsaken:
So far we haven't really gotten much of an indication from the show about what the Forsaken really are, who they are, and why they're any different that a regular darkfriend. Obviously there's still a ways to go in explaining it, but Lanfear provided an immediate visual explanation
Because for example, we've already seen one darkfriend innkeeper who had a thing for Rand (or pretended to) take a knife through the throat
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We've even seen Rand stick around and linger by her body and its very clear that absolutely nothing happens.
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We get a lingering shot on her bleeding out and she is very clearly actually dead in this moment. Its not even really a question.
But with Lanfear we kinda get the exact opposite of this moment. We see her take a knife to the throat and clearly go down, then there is no lingering by the characters.
The camera goes back to her and we see the saa very clearly moving in her eye, then she blinks and breaths in.
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And by this being the opposite of Dana, I mean that with Dana there was no question that she was actually dead. With Lanfear, there is absolutely no question that she's still alive.
Dana was also a darkfriend, but this is very clearly showing non readers that Lanfear is something DIFFERENT. We're told she's a darkfriend of some kind, then we're seen that she actually apparently cannot die by normal means. This coming AFTER the reveal that she is definitely a channler of some kind, and if we now know she's a Forsaken, then we know that Moiraine clearly said the Forsaken are the most powerful channlers ever, more powerful than any Aes Sedai.
And now apparently they can't die.
2. Its foreshadowing.
Moiraine was able to take out Lanfear (if only temporarily) with a physical attack because Lanfear was so fixated on Rand.
The above is also a spoiler for the climax of a certain book.
I'm not gonna get into it, but its clearly like showing that there's a course of action and there is a playbook that works here.
3. NOW we have Lanfear
Before we had Selene. I'd argue there were even moments where we had Mierin, but the only time Lanfear has really come out before this was when she went into Rand's dream and threatened him in episode 3.
By this I mean that while Selene was always obviously an act Lanfear was putting on, it stopped us from really seeing how manipulative and obsessive Lanfear could be and was currently being. If we didn't know she was Lanfear (and non readers shouldn't) then there's no reason to realize the lengths to her manipulation. We still don't know that the man she was telling Rand about was Lews Therin. We still don't know that Lanfear even knew Lews Therin much less would want to rekindle any kind of lost romance with his reincarnation. Because even when Lanfear was being honest as Selene, she was keeping herself back. She wasn't latching onto Rand and telling him that he was hers. She was very clearly holding onto the memory of Lews Therin, but there has yet to be any clear indication that she 100% buys that Rand and Lews Therin are the same person rather than Rand just being his reincarnation.
So while Lanfear was definitely getting some joy out of sleeping with Lews Therin reborn, there is no real indication that that is what she wanted. She said she wants Lews Therin. She tells Rand she's more or less settling for him. Let's assume that was 100% honest for the moment (because I believe it mostly is to a point), I don't think that's the case after this episode. Because Mierin Eronaile suddenly got the one thing she'd always wanted:
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If you watch the moments immediately before this scene and immediately after, there is a shift in how Lanfear is acting here.
Before she was very clearly putting on an act. She was playing up being afraid of Rand and didn't seem at all concerned about keeping him here. The most she does is ask him where he's going to go, and even that is said in a weird tone unless you know that she's probably going to use this information to keep tabs on him and report it/follow him herself.
But Rand does the one thing he absolutely shouldn't have done with Lanfear and told her that he loves her.
So now I think is the moment where Lanfear is willing to accept that Rand is Lews Therin. Because if Rand is Lews Therin, then Lews Therin just said that he loves her.
And her entire tone shifts here. You can see she's visibly shocked in the moment, and then smiles and flips the scene to her being afraid of him, to her reassuring him and telling him that he should have told her and telling him that he didn't do anything wrong and he was just acting in his nature. Before she was bringing up the inn and was clearly trying to make him feel bad. Now she's clearly trying to reassure him and keep him around. Absolutely manipulation but I think she didn't really need him to stay until he indicated that he loved her.
So what this means is that we now have Lanfear, who is established as being unkillable and one of the most powerful and oldest being in existence, NOW becoming obsessed with Rand al'Thor and thinking of him entirely as Lews Therin. And not only that, but now she's PISSED because he just left her and was taken away from her by Moiraine exactly when she finally had him back after thousands of years.
She finally got everything she's wanted and it was immediately taken away, and I think that's frankly terrifying, so yeah, I think I do like this reveal now actually.
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wendeeesaucy · 10 months
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Chaotic duo Shakarian bantering like there isn't a literal battle happening outside
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mildlylesbian · 4 months
The thing about the current DokiBird/nijisanji shitshow is that... in no world is having your talents host that livestream a good idea. Even if nijisanji was 100% in the right, that still would have been the worst PR move in the history of PR moves.
Not only did you basically confirm who the bullies were, but you also put a target on your two most subscribed to Vtubers because they simply existed in that video.
If they did that willingly, I have no fucking clue why nijisanji allowed it cause it was a stupid fucking move. If nijisanji forced them to do it, THAT'S EVEN WORSE, it's an even stupider fucking move.
I could go on for hours about this shitshow, oh my god. No one in that company knows what the word 'damage control' means.
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namari-hime-moved · 11 months
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do you see my vision
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khattikeri · 4 months
I said it on twitter too but I'm actually beyond disgusted at some of the responses to Selen Tatsuki's termination & what she went through at Nijisanji EN. especially on the Japanese fan side
like even knowing about the bullying and suicide attempt, I've seen SO MANY Japanese comments and accounts prioritizing the copyright/permissions bullshit with her music video and her "breaking rules" by not going through her managers according to company protocol.
A lot of people were even bringing up racist arguments involving the fact that she's Chinese, saying it's obvious she would've "behaved improperly" and hurt the company.
it's actually revolting how willing people are to believe the company's termination notice at face value. "it's 4 pages long, so clearly something bad is going on and I trust the company". I've read those words over and over from many different people, and it's nauseating that they all mean it in earnest. Confused and baffled that EN/international fans are mad about the termination.
I haven't had a cultural gap hit me this hard in the face in a while. I hope Dokibird recovers and only experiences joys going forward, I'm sick and done w this company
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dykehimejoshi · 6 months
girls will see the words "girls" and "armpits" and hit reblog
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variagirl · 1 year
I know I don't post "original" content or even a lot of regular posts, and I apologize for being boring. And even a lot of what I do reblog is relatively PG-13. This is solely to keep my page from getting nuked. I do recommend checking out whoever I am reblogging from because I can say that 95% of them have some very nice spicy content.
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distressedwalnut · 9 months
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Art of the kids :]]
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neon-vocalist · 4 months
Ur post on Vox is based. Vox was clearly hurt by the situation, but when you consider everything Doki was going through at the time, do you really think she WANTED to do that? Suicidal thoughts don't just appear and disappear in a flash, we have no idea how long she's been feeling this way and thats going to change her behavior. People can do things they otherwise wouldn't when their life is at risk, what Doki did wasn't good but considering her mental state, Vox making that information public and inviting further harassment towards her just because he's hurt is not acceptable. It doesn't matter how many times he says not to spread hate, we have all seen how little that matters in this space (just look at everything Mika and Reimu went through). I think management is the real villains here - pitting livers against each other to distract from their own wrongdoings. There was no reason to have shown Vox those documents other than to make him upset, and putting him in an easily manipulated emotional state seems awfully convenient for management.
yes, fucking exactly. there was NO reason to show the livers that document other than to freak them out. what niji is doing seems entirely simple to me. they turn the livers against selen by showing them the private documents. they turn the public against the livers by making the livers do that horrible stream. i wouldn’t be surprised if they were also trying to turn the livers against each other. anything, anything, to stop people from turning against them.
i would argue that vox did not intend or want to make that info public. i am nearly positive he was forced by contract or by threat of losing his job to make that statement. we know these livers, we know how out of character all these claims are… this is a high-stress for the livers still at niji as well (see my post where i said they’re allowed to be upset due to Agency Falling Apart). they aren’t gonna say everything perfectly. they’re trying to stay in the public’s good graces and also keep their jobs— do you see how hard that is?
vox and everyone else are probably anxious out of their mind just trying to do right by everyone, and hurt, and confused, and scared. i don’t think it’s right to hold him accountable for his actions under an agency like kurosanji— we’ve seen what they’re willing to do.
the real villain is management. don’t lose sight of that.
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randomminty · 2 years
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Pokemon drawing dump BAM
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swiftcast-selene · 2 months
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30: Dawn
he'd stayed up all night for this. seeing the sun - the proper sun - crest the horizon again... it had all been worth it.
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wettestwraith · 3 months
God like I criticized Nijisanji before for pumping out talents and then kind of just leaving them out to dry and also them playing clear favouritism but I really didn't expect how bad management is like I remember when Zaion got terminated I was kind of weirded out by the fact three XSoleil members posted basically YouTuber Apology Videos like I knew they were going to address it but I didn't think they would hold an entire stream for it and it just didn't feel right??? I tried to think nothing of it but with how Elira Ike and Vox made that stream addressing Selen Tatsuki's termination....
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