im-mine-e · 6 months
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The SDGs and the UN itself have fallen in Gaza. This is a shame!!!!! & It appears that #SDGs can't be applicable equally in the different parts of the world !!!
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mamedorilabo · 11 months
kakishibu(persimmon tunnin)
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この化学染料にはない、なんともいえない茶色です。 柿渋で染めたものを鉄媒染すると、これまた黒に近い何とも言えない色になります。
The other day I wrote that I like white, and then, without much pause, I write this.
I like the colour dyed with persimmon tannin.
It is an indescribable brown colour that this chemical dye does not have. When dyed with persimmon tannin and then iron-mordanted, the colour also becomes indescribable, almost black.
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渋柿を若いうちに潰して水で発酵させた液で染めることを柿渋染めといいます。 渋柿の代表的な利用例は皮革のタンニン鞣しではないでしょうか。
Dyeing with liquid made by crushing astringent persimmons when young and fermenting them in water is called persimmon tannin dyeing. A typical example of the use of tannin is tanning of leather. Cloth dyed with persimmon tannin is more durable and has antiseptic and mothproof properties. It also has waterproofing properties, so much so that in old Japan, paper was repeatedly coated with it to make rain umbrellas. Even today, it is used as a stencil for dyeing tenugui.(Please search for “Ise katagami”.
1度目の染めではオレンジがかったピンク色に。それを日光に当てまた染めるを繰り返し色が茶色へと変化します。日に当てるほど深い色になってゆきます。 初めのうちは硬いのですが、着込んでいく事で柔らかくなっていきます。
When first dyed, it turns orangey-pink. It is then exposed to sunlight and dyed again and again until it turns brown. The more it is exposed to sunlight, the darker the colour becomes. The fabric is stiff at first, but becomes softer with use.
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そんな大好きな柿渋染めですが、欠点は縫う時にとても硬い事と、なんと言ってもその臭い笑!! でも安心してください。私の作品は臭いが抜けてから売っています。
I love persimmon tannin dyeing, but its drawbacks are that it is very stiff when sewing and, what can I say, its smell ! My family seems to be very annoyed when I am dyeing:) But don't worry. I sell my work after the smell is gone.
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senkaede · 9 months
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latestindustryreports · 4 months
Food Safety Testing Market- Means of Preventive Compliance
Over time, the global food supply chain is expected to develop in complexity and size due to the growing globalization of markets and the world's population growth. Food safety compliance is more crucial than ever because of these megatrends that are affecting the mass production and distribution of food. As a result, the food safety testing market is projected to grow with a lucrative CAGR in the coming years.
Every country has distinct regulatory measures to enforce measures of food safety. Many domestic and international companies may enter into enforcement of measures of the nation. Several safety requirements are required by the food business, ranging from raw ingredients to finished goods. Microbiological contamination during food processing is detected using food safety test kits.
Parameters related to hygiene and quality are essential for evaluating the effectiveness of food safety kits. Growing consumer awareness of safe food items and a heightened feeling of urgency about climate change are pushing food safety testing in emerging nations. Growth in foodborne illness globally drives demand for more stringent food safety standards. Globalizing the food supply chain is another factor favoring growth in the food safety testing market.
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the sustainable development goals actually slap if you're idealistic in any way you should check them out
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leparoledelmondo · 5 months
Just Transition 
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Uno dei temi in discussione a COP28 è la Just Transition, Transizione giusta. Nel mondo ci sono tante disuguaglianze, a scala globale, regionale, e nazionale. I cambiamenti climatici, in termini di impatti, spesso vanno a colpire i gruppi più vulnerabili, donne, giovani, Paesi meno sviluppati, popoli indigeni, andando ad esasperare le disuguaglianze sociali già esistenti.
Anche la transizione verso una traiettoria delle emissioni che sia net-zero rischia di mettere in difficoltà alcuni gruppi e Paesi. Ad esempio, oltre ad avere obiettivi nazionali ambiziosi in termini di mitigazione, i Paesi in via di sviluppo, di nuovo, hanno bisogno di consistenti finanziamenti per portare a termine i loro obiettivi, (vedi post https://leparoledelmondo.tumblr.com/) senza i quali non possono permettersi la transizione. Inoltre il consumo del carbon budget da parte dei soli Paesi sviluppati, che negli ultimi decenni lo hanno quasi terminato, non è coerente con la definizione di giustizia climatica.
La just transition quindi si pone l’obiettivo di permettere uno sviluppo sostenibile di tutti i Paesi, con il raggiungimento degli SDG (obiettivi di sviluppo sostenibile dell'Agenda 2030) e l’eliminazione della povertà, e di non lasciare indietro nessuno.
Illustrazione by Maurits Cornelis Escher - https://mcescher.com/
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sdg-2030 · 7 months
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Sustainable Development Goals SDG
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kamiton · 1 year
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. SDGs。 #建築 #建築デザイン #建築設計事務所 #スタッフ募集 #北海道長崎県人会 #北海道 #札幌 #hokkaido #sapporo #architects #architecture #architecturedesign #recruit #sdgs #sdgs2030 #sdgs17 #12つくる責任つかう責任 #鉛筆 #オステリアジリ #pencil #osteriajili https://www.instagram.com/p/CrBC1-mpO-b/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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payo2 · 6 months
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myeyeontheworld · 1 year
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Repost from @ Thekgase Kobe who volunteers his time in the Rondebult Community, Ekurhuleni. Thekgase has been a selfless volunteer with Hope SA Foundation since 2020. Community comes first. Today 7th March 2023 Ward 41 Ekurhuleni community enjoyed a delicious hot meal made at Thava Indian Restaurant and special treat of Danone UltraMel 1l custard. Hope SA Foundation Together With Namritha Sivsanker, Always Supporting Ward 41 with cooked food,vegetables,kids toys also supporting women with sanitary towels. Modimo Ke Woooooo Namritha 👏👏👏👏❤️❤️❤️❤️.We managed to feed 200 community members today👏👏👏❤️❤️ Thank you for your contributions and support. Hope SA Foundation feeds communities of all races and religion. Please support our Poverty alleviation Drives and donate at www.hopesa.org #food #poverty #africa #southafrica #unemployment #EconomicChallenges #ngo #donate #wef #wfp #un #sdgs World Food Programme #HopeSA #hope https://www.instagram.com/p/Cpf1RIQK6Cm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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gillgplus · 1 year
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可愛いピンクハウスの紹介です。 ピンクハウスの商品入荷しています。 ワンピースやトップス・スカートなど可愛い商品沢山有ります。 ピンクハウスの商品は、店頭には置いていないので、ご試着などは事前にご連絡ください。 3月の営業時間変更のお知らせ 3/2 11:00~15:00 3/16 11:00~15:00 3/21(祭日) 11:00~15:00 3/21春分の日は、筵會茣蓙市廣島朝筵に出店いたします。 宮島口日の出〜11:00  #ピンクハウス #ケース #筵會茣蓙市廣島朝筵 #SDGs used shop gplus #古道具  #ジャーナルスタンダード #雑貨 #アンティーク #古道具 #古着gplus #古着gill #USED #古着 #広島古着屋 #ファッション  #古着屋 #古着コーデ#古着買取り#入荷情報  #トゥモローランド #23区 #IENA #イエナ *******************************? 古着と古道具 gplusひろしま LINEで無料査定 ①ID検索「gplus2021」か082-282-5710 電話番号で検索。 ②査定の写真とブランドを送ります。 ③当店から査定結果を送ります。 査定のみは、名前等の詳細は不要ですお気軽にどうぞ。 季節は関係なくお買取を行っております。 古着&アンティーク gplus(ジープラス) 広島県安芸郡府中町千代3-17 営業時間: 11:00~17:00 TEL:082-282-5710 https://gillgplus.com/←詳しくはこちら ******************************* (広島県安芸郡府中町) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpM3zx4vftN/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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danzoku · 8 months
だけど、本当は病気とか障がいで済まされてはいけないことなのでは? みたいなこともあるはず。一昔前の性同一性障がいとかさ。そういう扱いではダメなんだって思う。別にそんな風に呼ばなくたって良いことじゃんって感じるやつ。
「不眠症? 自律神経失調? 睡眠導入剤出しましょうか?」
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hidenobu-suzuki · 8 months
Our Story
In recent years, the number of natural disasters has been increasing all over the world. Global warming is thought to be one of the causes. Considering the effects of global warming, it is important to raise awareness of keeping the temperature down by using fans that are made from eco-friendly natural materials. We believe that by increasing the number of people who are aware of global warming, we can contribute to the mitigation of global warming, even if it is just a small effort. When I thought about what I could do, I came up with a project that fuses traditional folding fans with modern digital photography. This is a combination of ancient traditions and contemporary artistic expression, resulting in innovative works of art, aiming to evoke feelings of appreciation and appreciation for the earth through folding fans. Beautiful images captured with digital photography are a visual reminder of the beauty of nature and the importance of sustainability. By blending traditional craftsmanship with modern creativity, I believe this project can evoke a universal understanding and passion for protecting the planet. Our ultimate goal is to spread this project around the world and to evoke the sympathy of people from all walks of life. Reminiscent of the shape of an ogi, our sense of responsibility for the environment will ripple through, hoping that the impact of this project will spread far and wide, inspiring people to become advocates for positive change.
Our Story
地球温暖化の影響を考慮して、環境に優しい天然素材を使用した扇子を使用することで、気温を抑える意識を高めることが大切です。  温暖化を意識する人の数を増やすことで、たとえ小さな取り組みであっても、地球温暖化の緩和に貢献することに繋がると考えています。 私が出来ることを考えた時に、私は伝統的な扇子と現代のデジタル写真を融合するプロジェクトを考えました。  これは、古くからの伝統と現代の芸術表現の組み合わせにより、革新的な芸術作品が生まれ、 扇子を通じて、地球を大切にし感謝の気持ちを呼び起こすことを目指しています。 
私たちの最終的な目標は、このプロジェクトが世界中に広がり、さまざまな立場の人々の共感をよぶことです。 おうぎの形を連想するように、私たちの環境に対する責任感が波紋のように広がり、このプロジェクトの影響が広範囲に広がり、人々の心を動かし、前向きな変化の支持者となるよう促すことを願っています。 
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junods2408 · 9 months
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How to achieve Equality? How to work for Peace?
Recently I met again with a dear friend I had not long seen, also due to the pandemic situation.
When I first got to know him he was still employed in an international and highly respected Swiss corporation as an engineer. And he was brilliant. So much so, that the somewhat more senior persons in his department blocked him in his professional development. Where was equality?
He then took a very bold decision, decided to build his own company and to develop the solution he had so long dreamt to bring to life with his employer.
Today, his organization employs more than 100 persons worldwide, counts customers on all continents and is highly profitable.
Defining Equality as a value and a target to be achieved within a firm is a starting point only. Equality must be lived by each team member in the Heart.
Equality is only reached when both female and male principles are equal in a person’s Heart and Body. And this path starts with the Self. Knowing Oneself. Knowing who we are truly are as Human Being. Knowing what it actually means to be a Human Being. Knowing where we come from. Knowing our Purpose and Be our Purpose. For the good of Oneself, our Community and Earth.
The prerequisite for Peace is Equality. Without Equality, no Peace. Each one of us can contribute to both. NOW.
This knowledge is revealed through experiencing, learning with our Body and Intuitive Mind. This is what we teach at Athena InsideOut Education.
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redo-update · 10 months
7/8(土)18:30~ BS朝日「バトンタッチ SDGsはじめてます」が放送されます
しばらくぶりのお知らせとなっていますが、2019年に着手しました「診療所と大きな台所があるところ ほっちのロッヂ」の取り組みの共同代表として、表題の番組で特集されます。
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「診療所と大きな台所があるところ ほっちのロッヂ」は、2020年開業後あらゆる賞をいただく��ととなりました。 詳細はプレスリリースをお読みください。またお問い合わせを随時受け付けておりますので、下記までお寄せください。
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Zimbabwes 43rd Independence Day
Zimbabwes 43rd Independence Day by Lars Ling Via Flickr: What a great day celebrating Zimbabwe's 43rd Independence Day at the residence in Stockholm, Sweden. Attending was Honorable guests from the Swedish Gov and many African Ambassadors, Entrepreneurs and special guests. Superb cake and food. Brilliant hosting by H.E. Priscila Misihairambwi-Mushonga, Zimbabwes Ambassador to Sweden, Nordics and Baltics. THANK YOU! Check out Zimbabwes TALKING GREEN event during Stockholm +50 here: flic.kr/s/aHBqjA2Y2t The latest on Instagram: bit.ly/instagramlarsling For Clean Energy and Green Transition solutions w Financing, connect with CleanTech Region Impact Group. linktr.ee/cleantechregion Photo and video credit: Lars Ling linktr.ee/larsling Want to Do Business, Network, and meeting Investors in Silicon Valley? Join the Nordic-Baltic Impact Week! linktr.ee/nordicimpact All rights reserved (c) copyright
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