#screaming into the abbyss
evenstarfalls · 11 months
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posting here so I don't fucking lose it at the people in the replies and qrts who are acting like a large percentage of women who don't wear makeup are misogynistic about it. Personally I have never met anyone like that in real life however I have been told to wear makeup in a college class!!
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dooffirmations · 2 months
If the boops end while I get some much needed sleep...it was fun while it lasted y'all are the best :)
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fairytalesofthewind · 9 months
With Darkness comes Night II
Feysand x reader fic
Chapter 0
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Vermax, Xoalloit, Ragos and Lyssi, four of your most loyal darlings were now gone. Taken away by a sickness even the oldest of Fae in the Dark Forest couldn’t identify. Even the Allknowing couldn’t see what or who was making your children sick. No one knew and most were too scared to find out. They feared to fall into the same abbyss of darkness and oblivion the other Dark Creatures had fallen into. You also feared others would get infected with this cycle of death. Fortunately, the High Lord and the High Lady thought the same. Because, this plague didn’t only kill those infected, but also many around them. The sickness infected the mind until its bearer only had one thing left in its mind.
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You had already lost four of your most loyal children, yet you feared it would not take long before more lives would be taken by the fast-spreading sickness. Your dear twins had already left. They could not bear the heartbreak of their visions about their sibling‘s deaths and your own grief. So, you could not depend on their knowledge for the next step. Even when they left, no words of wisdom were shared. It was too much for them to speak of the monstrosities, yet you really wished they were here. Not only for their powers, but also just to hold them close.
Your days blended together. Either you spend them in your bed, unmoving and grieving. Or you spend them searching through the forest, desperate to find the source of the sickness. You tried to follow the path your children took in the last days before they died, but it held no pattern. The source was ever-moving, and it made you think that it wasn’t caused by something but rather someone. Someone who had knowledge of the Dark Forest and knew how to survive it. Someone who knew the ancient paths and the location of the creatures you held dear.
It had been roughly a week since the High Lord and the Inner Circle visited you, yet you had gained no further insight. You knew that the infection started in the brain and affected the very core of the soul. It made the infected forget everything. They forgot about themselves, all their memories, and their surroundings. They forgot about you, their mother. All they knew was to kill. To destroy. The infection fed on their emotions and memories, so that only their base instinct of protecting themselves and attacking others was left.
The infection wasn’t spread by sickness or blood; it was spread by magic. A dark sort of magic that had nothing to do with yours, so a magic that shouldn’t even be able to exist. It must be an otherworldly type of magic.
You also knew that someone else got infected. The strange magic had intensified in the air; it was like a force pressing down on you. Yet, you did not know who would be next. The magic had a foul stench. Your senses ached as you tried to follow it, and everything screamed at you to stop following the trail of dark magic, but you couldn’t possibly abandon whoever was infected.
It took five days before you felt someone trying to breach the border, separating the Dark Forest from a northern war camp. You recognized the magic trying to break your walls, and the recognition broke your heart. Under the stench of the creator of this plague, you weren't able to identify him before. 
It was Ember, one of your young ones. Well, young for Faes... Unfortunately, his raw and furious magic made a hole in the border before you could reach him. The smell of the plague overpowered the locations Ember had visited. Everything smelled fresh, as if you had just missed him. That couldn’t be true, as Ember was days ahead of you on foot. Another thing you learned about this infection, this plague, is that it broke whatever bond you had with them. Not only as their mother, of course, but also as their Master. The laws of this forest, magical laws, bonds, and deals simply vanished. Whatever tied them to this forest and to you disappeared. Not only that, the plague made them powerful and almost too hard to kill.
That’s why you were so worried that Ember had reached the war camp. His only instinct was to kill, and he wasn’t going to be stopped by them anytime soon because they were simply not capable. You were, but how could you possibly kill your own child?
Luckily, one of your many powers was that you could winnow yourself between the folds of the shadows. When you reached the scene, many lives had already been taken. This plague spared no one. Ember was tearing his way through the camp, and had you not been born during Chaos, you would not be able to make sense of his goal. But you were born during chaos; it was second nature to you, beside darkness, and between the deaths and violence, you could see exactly where Ember was heading.
The son of the High Lord, Nyx.
He was still untrained, young, and apparently alone. You did not spot anyone of his family nearby. You wanted to reach the prince before it was too late, but the Illyrian soldiers saw you as the enemy too. Winnowing with that many around could go wrong, especially nearby Ember, as he could react terribly at your sudden presence.
You couldn’t, however, kill the soldiers in your way; that would only aggravate the situation. You eventually neared the prince, not as fast as you wished, but luckily you weren’t the only one besides Ember getting close. The Inner Circle was finally present and helping wherever they could. Evacuating, mostly, and getting ready to kill the so-called monster
They forgot one thing. Ember was special. Poisonous, as many of your children are, but also nearly unkillable. The only thing that could kill him was the spear made out of the same power as the one he was created from. There’s only one person who could wield that spear. The Keeper of the Forest, you.
You had to remind yourself that the creature attacking the camp and the prince, wasn’t your Ember anymore. His mind, soul, and body had already succumbed to the plague. However, that was easier said than done.
"And where do you think you’re going, Keeper?" Not her again, you thought. Amren must be the most aggravating Second in Command any of the Keepers ever had the displeasure of meeting.
"I’m the only one capable of stopping this. So if I were you, I’d get out of my way." The woman in front of you scoffed.
"You mean, the one who started this? The one commanding these creatures to attack our camps?" So not only was Amren annoying and a hypocrite, she was also daft. It was not so long ago that you made it clear you weren’t behind the attacks. Both their people and yours are the victims of this plague. You didn't have time to explain this again, so you did what anyone would do: give the tiny one some sleepy time.
Amren was charging at you with all her might, yet with your powers, all you had to do was point your spear towards her and blast, and down she went. Stepping over her unconscious body, you had to navigate yourself again amidst the chaos. It wasn’t difficult to find the prince, as he was directly under Ember. His blood was already spreading in the snow underneath him, contrasting with his entirely black suit. If the situation hadn’t been so dire, you would have called it a pretty sight.
Ember was special—special in a dangerous way. He was created after the first war with the Hybern King, designed to be hard to kill and impossible to survive. His venom was fatal to anyone but the Keeper and their children. And the Keeper was the only one fatal to Ember. You, his master and mother, were the only one who could kill him. The only one who could stop him from completely ripping the High Lord’s son apart.
You could already hear the screams of agony from him and his mate, crying out for their son. Their pain strung a cord deep inside of you, one you had never felt before. The unknown feeling was unfamiliar, but it only cemented your decision.
You twisted the ancient spear in your hand and let muscle memory do the rest. Your weapon went directly into Ember’s heart and evaporated him from the inside out. As you fell to your knees in the blood-covered snow, you realized you couldn’t even hold Ember in his last moments. You could only watch as whatever was left of him was blown away by the wind.
It hurt, not only mentally but physically. Not only because you lost a child, but because of the magic that tied him to you. You crumbled more into yourself, covering your ears against the screams you heard, unaware that they were your own.
You distinctively felt arms coming around your body, urging you up. From the corner of your eyes, you saw the scars covering them, but you had already felt his presence. Your lovely Shadowsinger.
"You have to leave. The people here want to kill you." He urged you more as the mourning and angry Illyrian soldiers came closer to you. It didn’t matter to them that you had just killed Ember; they wanted your blood.
Another scream, not your own, was heard, and both of your heads snapped up to the commotion. It was Nyx.
The High Lord was looking at you desperately for answers. Why weren’t the wounds healing? Why, every time Feyre healed them, they opened back up? You shook your head mournfully. There was nothing to be done. Ember’s venom had already spread throughout his body. Even if they found a way to heal his wounds, the venom would kill him. Rhysand collapsed even more to the ground, cradling his son closer to him.
Unable to see the deaths of two sons, you winnowed back to your Forest.
Taglist: (I’ve never had one of these before!! :)) )
@starryhiraeth @winterrainworld
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not-so-lost-after-all · 5 months
His biggest victory had bitter aftertaste. Of course it did, he thought darkly. A life of eternal hunger in the shadows... But in the last weeks he learned to not too quickly fall into the abbyss in his mind. He gained so much more than he lost. Besides, it doesn´t have to be like that forever, he learned that much.
That night Astarion was reunited with the others and the told him about Karlach. He wanted to yell at them. Instead, he just uttered a chuckle, half mad and ugly, which earned him their worried looks. So she burned, they both started burning. It´s just that his vampirism also saved him. As the vampire ascendant, he... But she wouldn´t want it, he knew.
He returned to the pier in the dark. Her ashes were taken by the wind long ago but the charred wood was of course here. Small part of him wanted to scream, to just wait here for the sunrise and burn. Instead, he sat down and started to say his good byes to her.
The sky already started to go pink and orange when Astarion saw a falling star.
The corner of his mouth moved upwards if only just a little. "Make a wish..."
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Curiosity killed the cat and there was no satisfaction to bring it back
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whitecatindisguise · 4 years
He Will Pay
WARNING: Torture (mostly mentions of though)
Chapter 4
Varian came to in a dark abbyss. At first he thought the candle went out but there was a feeling at the back of his mind that something was not right. He lifted his hand to brush through his hair and stopped mid-action.
His hands were free. Shocked, he closed his eyes and opened them again but still didn’t see any shackles. He didn’t feel any strain on his arms either. That was when another though hit him.
He had his clothes back. He stared with wide eyes at his gloved hand and looked down to see his other clothes on him as well.
Thinking it too good to be true, he uncovered his shoulder and gaped at the smooth skin there. No wound from when Andrew poured the acid. He didn’t feel any pain either. Surprised, he checked his other injuries, all of which he’d found gone.
“What’s going on?” He mumbled, running his hand through his hair. He should be relieved but he didn’t. Something was wrong. Something was not right.
He looked around again, the dark abbys staring right back at him, sending a chill down his spine. Where was he?
Deciding that walking was better than standing, he chose a direction at random and moved towards it. He didn’t know how long was he walking. He wasn’t even sure he was still moving in the same direction as he originally planned.
Then, somewhere at the horizon, he spotted a light. Curious, but also cautious, he walked towards it, the light growing larger and larger. The closer he got, the more peaceful he felt.
The light was safe. He didn’t know where he knew that from, but he did. His steps quickened and he first trottend then ran towards the light. He was safe, just few more steps...
Then something caught his wrist and he fell forward with a startled yelp. He turned around to see what happened and saw a shackle closed around his wrist, the chain dissapearing into the abbys.
He heard a sound of clanking and another shackle shot from the darkness, catching his other wrist.
“No! Let me go!” he cried, as he tried to get rid of the binding. The chains tensed and his wrist were brought together, the metal merging. He trashed and pulled, but the metal held still.
“So, you thought you can escape me?” a familiar voice sounded from the shadows. He turned around wildly, trying to spot the male but there was nothing there. “Poor Varian. Thought he can ran away from his mistakes...” the voice sounded from all around him. Circling, like a predator around its prey.
“No... Please” Varian cried, pulling on the chains harder. They rattled and tensed, pulling him upwards. He stared up, horrified to see gigantic face of Andrew. His enormous hand held the chains and he shook it, sending the boy swinging.
“You can’t escape me, Varian.” The Saporian said, the smirk impossibly large on his face. “Traitors pay with their lives, remember?”
“Please...” Varian’s vision started to blur as the tears fell from his eyes. The laugh that followed boomed in his eyes and he winced at the loudness.
Andrew let go of the shackles and they tensed again, pulling Varian down and back into the darkness. Varian cried, his throat hoarse as he begged again and again to let him go. The light grew smaller and smaller, and the chains pulled and pulled.
“Rapunzel!” he cried in desperation, before the light finally dimmed and dissapeared, the darkness overwhelming the terrified alchemist.
He woke up with a start, water hitting his face. Droplets went down his face and hair, his bare body shivering from the cold water and wind howling in the room.
“Wakey, wakey” Andrew’s voice called from in front of him. He’d just put down an empty bucket to the floor and was staring at the boy with a smirk. “Enough sleeping.”
Before Varian’s clouded mind could register the situation, the Saporian managed to push the gag into his mouth again and was reaching for the satchel with potions.
“You know, I was wondering...” the male said as he shuffled around the bag.
Varian groggily looked in his direction. He was tired and the adrenaline from being drenched was leaving him quickly. He was faintly aware he should be panicking, begging for mercy. But his body and mind were so exhauseted he just didn’t have strenght to  barely anything. He didn’t know how long was he kept there, tortured by the man he hoped to never see again.
“I already know what this acid of yours does to the skin” Andrew’s voice reached him like from behind the fog. He noticed the male’s pleased gaze at Varian’s right shoulder, where he knew an open wound was.
He dared to look there once, and the sight of bloody hole and bone visible made him dizzy and pass out on instant. He didn’t even need to look at the injury anymore. The picture of it was forever burnt in his mind.
“How about we check, what it does to other part of human body?” the Saporian stood up and approached the chained boy, holding the familiar vial.
This time Varian’s mind took only a second to register the words. His eyes widened in panic and he shouted against the gag, his whole body tensing and trashing.
Andrew seemed to be only encouraged by the boy’s terror and stared at him for a few seconds, before grabbing him forcefully and pushing against the wall. The alchemist’s whole body was trapped between the cold stone and his abductor, more muffled screams exiting his mouth.
“Stop fighting or it will be worse” Andrew growled into his ear and Varian felt the tears falling down his cheeks. Still, he tried to get away, which resulted in a more forceful push and he was unable to move anymore.
“Now, where should we start first?” the male mused as his eyes scanned the alchemist’s body. His gaze lingered longer on the baby blue eyes and he smirked with delight.
Varian’s eyes widened in realization and he let out a muffled plea, begging the male to stop. It fell on deaf ears, as Andrew reached out for him with his hand and grabbed his chin, holding the boy’s face still.
“It will be all over soon” he offered a false reassurance which did nothing to calm the already panicking alchemist. He stared in shock as the vial got closer, his vision already blurred with the tears.
Suddenly. there was a loud noise from somewhere behind the door, which startled both of them. Andrew clicked his tongue in annoyance and moved away, putting the vial safely on the floor, away from Varian.
“I’ll be right back” he said as he stormed out, shutting the door with a loud bang.
So, we end with a cliffhanger today. I think the next chapter will be the story’s finale. Which means a relief for our little alchemist. Finally!
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crownwoodscollege · 5 years
the street life’s a misery 
inner city blues tainted by the bloood of fallen soldiers
whose story forgotten
they haunt the streets 
caught in purgatory 
torment the living 
fighting deadmen wars 
finot of the streets
from a distance i peep it 
observe the pain and the joy 
pain is relative defined by the mind
to overstand human condition 
niggas overestimate them selfs
understimate others
they see through you 
niggas hide insecurities in plain sight
the chain on your neck screams i need respect for validation
the bich on your arm says i Need respect for validation 
the glock in your hand thats fear emanating 
thats why you end a life over a shoe step or the wrong lose
nothing to lose your a loser 
lack of value for your life 
i potential you see abbyss
or a piece or meat 
they want you prison
see through the prism of trumth you realise the truth is often a lie repeated more often
nochalant flow cause i dont give a f.u.c.k 
the cycle never 
re cycled 
like re incarnation 
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'Such a strange feeling, wieghtlessness is,' Carter thought to himself as he watched the ground speeding towards him.
Of all the dispare and sadness he'd felt in his life two things had always made him pause and think of something other than his sadness. These two things were space flight and zero gravity. Being only twenty four years old, some would say he was too young to die, but he couldn't get rid of his emptiness and he couldn't fly forever.
He's heard screams and shouts from on lookers when he had stepped off the ledge. How they seen him eighty stories high he'd never know. 'The wonders of modern bio-science.' He mused.
He remembered his mentor, Jarric, say to him on his death bed. "Understanding everything doesn't mean you'll be happy. Thats why ignorance is bliss."
With that said, Jarric had passed on and Carter sat there for hours clutching the old mans cold hand, tears streaming down his face. For the first time in an age, Carter smiled. The blasting sounds of the sirens brought him back to the present. 'Too late for them to do anything.' Carter thought.
Another few seconds and it would all be over. The pain, the suffering and the abbyssal emptiness of his exsistance would be over and he would know peace. "I love this feeling" he said with great reverence.
Crash! Boom!
He'd landed on a car, crushing the roof in, blowing out and smashing the windows. He landed with such force that the cars tires had exploded. A smile and a tear on his face shocked the on-lookers and emergency workers the most.
A flash of red light awoke Carter's senses. Hydrolics hissed and fluids drained from the tank. A hairless, blue eyed body fell from the enormous chamber. "Careful there Mr. Carter," Said a man in a white lab coat, "Its always disorentating the first few times, but you'll get used to it."
"What?!" Demanded Carter, shocked at what was happening, "I died, I shouldn't be alive after a fall like that!"
"What did you expect?" Asked the smug man, "You're what's called a Capsuleer. Basically, you're a clone and everytime you die, you'll be cloned again. Pilots like you are hard to come by, so it’s handy to have you around."
Carter sat on the white tiled floor, stunned at what this stranger had told him. "Essentially Mr. Carter, you are an immortal." Said the stranger.
"NO!!" Screamed Carter in horror, agony and disbelief at what he had become.
He would have to continue his exsistance. Although he would never have a purpose, he'd continue because he had no alternative. He was a prisoner to life...
And he loathed it.
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evenstarfalls · 1 year
not just a headcanon to me but a heartcanon
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dooffirmations · 11 months
hamster and gretel doesn't have much of a fanbase online, which makes it kinda difficult to find new eps for those of us without cable but actually it's fine. I get organic locally sourced megalink bootlegs straight from discord. It's fine.
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evenstarfalls · 4 months
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Briefly forgot about the US military and thought this meant the wife of some sort of sea creature
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evenstarfalls · 1 year
So so exhausting to be one of approximately 5 people on twitter who has both watched the little mermaid and has even an ounce of media literacy
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evenstarfalls · 55 minutes
Ranking the past years sewing projects in an attempt to convince myself that I am hot shit and need to actually work on the stuff I have planned: let's see how this goes
I have actually done quite a lot of sewing in the past year—kind of been getting back into it as a hobby. Most of it has been based on online instruction guides and improvisation, it's kind of a messy journey but I have been having success (and arguably more importantly, fun).
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Blouse made from cut up shein top and satin.. I am not happy with this and have yet to wear it out. Straps are poorly done and the satin doesn't really match, I am seriously considering replacing it with green fabric (may or may not be a thrifted top). 4/10
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Too small Shein dress converted into top. The front looks good. The back is another story but the front looks good!!! Sleeves fit weirdly and limit the range of motion however I think that's Shein's fault. 5/10
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Plaid pants. I used a real pattern for these!! I love them they're so silly however they stretch too much and I always feel like they're going to slip off. 7/10
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Jurse. I love it however it has not held up particularly well, probably due to both construction and materials—the pockets have holes worn in them. I still use it sometimes. 7/10
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Victor Vale poodle skirt. Unfortunately I am too self-conscious to wear it much in public. I need to add more characters. 7.5/10
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[redacted] dress I had to redact this one for doxx reasons. It is made of like 23 cut up neck gaiters and an old bedsheet. I spent like a year planning this dress. And I love it. Has some construction issues but idc 8/10
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Love Händel oversized tshirt dress. I love it I love the Phineas and Ferb of it I actually wear it quite a bit. My only issue is that I wish I'd seamripped the hem before adding the ruffle but that's. Not something noticeable. 9/10
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Corset. I spent an ungodly amount of time on this but it looks awesome fr. I wore it to my first ren faire! 10/10
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Queen/kitties reversible vest. I love it I really do and I think Freddie Mercury would agree. Wore it when I saw Queen + Adam Lambert. And I still wear it a lot. And get compliments on it. I love this vest. 10/10
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Franny Robinson cosplay Halloween dress and bonus creepy frog stuffed toy. I would consider this one to be unrankable actually due to the sheer amount of time and effort I spent on this. I had to drop a class bc of this dress. Objectively poor construction but I don't care it looks good and I love to wear it. I listened to an AUDIOBOOK while making this. I am going to wear this dress as many times as possible. I am...really proud of this dress. 100/10
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evenstarfalls · 3 months
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evenstarfalls · 3 months
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Adults on Goodreads are so lame. It's a children's book, Jennifer. I trust your son's opinion more than I trust yours.
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evenstarfalls · 10 months
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