#sciencs boyfriends
prokopetz · 1 year
Per experimental protocol we cannot disclose whether your boyfriend is part of the test group or part of the control group, nor can we comment on the likelihood of his inclusion in either cohort; suffice it to say that it's possible that we're sorry about your boyfriend.
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one-time-i-dreamt · 5 months
My boyfriend and his friends did a high school science fair project about how much height it would take to kill a baby. He had a baby suspended in mid air and I told him if he dropped it I’d break up with him. He tried to make me feel better by telling me to imagine that the baby was Hitler and then dropped the baby.
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cowboy-caboodles · 3 months
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science dads because we deserved a scene where peter interacts with bruce and tony!! and they do cool experiments in the lab!! and they talk in scientific jargon!! we were ROBBED!!
(captions for if you can’t read my handwriting: TOP LEFT CORNER: “omg i can’t believe you’re actually the hulk, how does it work, does it hurt, do your bones break or do they grow i have to know” TOP RIGHT CORNER: “thx for letting me use ur lab!!” BOTTOM LEFT CORNER: Tony says “should i get him up??” Bruce replies “no honey just let him sleep” Tony then says “he’s drooling on my sterile lab equipment”)
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ghcstao3 · 7 months
marine biologist au :)
Soap almost misses the call from Price one unsuspecting three AM, but he wakes up in the nick of time.
He barely has his eyes open to press answer, squinting into darkness as he mumbles out some greeting before waiting to learn why in the world Price is calling him at this time.
“They’ve finally hatched,” Price tells him. And before the cogs in Soap’s head can start turning, Price clarifies, “The turtles, Soap. They’re finally out. Get your arse out here.”
It’s such an announcement that kicks Soap’s brain into a hard reboot, and suddenly he’s flying out of bed and running for his car keys, barely caring that he’s still in his pyjamas as he speeds down the road at this godawful hour. He doesn’t remember when Price or he had hung up, just knows he needs to get to the beach, and now.
The team had had their eyes on a particular bale of sea turtles since they’d laid their eggs, and had waited for so long for the hatching with continuous efforts to make sure all would go perfectly undisturbed. He couldn’t afford to miss this.
And it seems, arriving to the spot, that other scientists had a similar idea. That, or Price had called them, too.
Soap finds the man with just a bit of difficulty between the silhouettes of the small group standing a ways from little black specks crawling through the sand. He claps Price on the shoulder, whispering his excitement as his eyes adjust to the bright moonlight.
“Incredible,” Soap murmurs. He hasn’t felt wonder like this in ages, even if this isn’t the first time he’s witnessed such an event.
There’s just something so special about it.
“I’ll say,” Price whispers back, that same wistfulness.
Except… it’s not Price. Still tall and wide shoulders and rough voice, but… decidedly not Price.
Soap nearly jumps back, recoiling when he realizes he’s been hanging off a stranger’s shoulder in lieu of an old colleague’s. The stranger seems to realize the mistake without ever taking his eyes off the baby turtles, laughing quietly under his breath.
“I’m so sorry,” Soap says. “I thought—“
“Thought I was someone else?” The stranger replies, not unkindly. He angles his head just enough for Soap to catch the outline of his face in the silver glow of moonlight. “I think I can forgive you. We’re all half-asleep, anyway.”
Soap can feel a blush raging across his face, thankful for the cover of night to hide its tint. Even so, he ducks his head as the stranger goes back to watching the hatchlings. Soap takes the opportunity to do the same, though putting some distance between himself and the man, this time.
Eventually, though, their shared silence feels like too much with the hushed chattering of others surrounding them. Soap taps the man lightly on the shoulder and says, “My name’s John.”
“Simon,” Soap is told.
The quiet feels more comfortable, after that. And as time goes on and more and turtles make it out to sea, the other voices seem to die down as well.
It’s not until everyone is certain all of the hatchlings have made it that the group of scientists begin talking again, still quiet, but now above a whisper. Simon finally fully turns to face Soap, who thinks he may be experiencing his second bought of wonder that night, seeing Simon’s face in the dim light.
“It was nice meeting you.” Soap smiles softly up at Simon. “Do you think we’ll see each other again?”
Simon nods, shoving his hands in his pockets. Once glance tells Soap that he’d been rudely awakened as well, and somehow he finds comfort in it.
“I’m sure we will,” Simon says. “Especially since Price is in both our circles. You should probably go find him, by the way. Since—“
Soap groans, burying his face in his hands. “Please don’t remind me. I’m sorry again.”
Soap peeks through his fingers just as Simon grins at him, something almost bashful. “Don’t be. I liked your company. Have a good night, Johnny.”
Soap’s ears burn as Simon walks away. He sort of wishes a crater would open up in the sand and swallow him whole.
He should go find Price.
But… in a moment. Soap can reminisce on his brief encounter with Simon for just a few seconds longer.
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My favorite thing about introducing people to Pacific Rim is begining with "I'm about to unlock a whole new subgenre of fanfics for you. "
Also... Science Boyfriends™. But mostly the first thing.
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winter-spirit-jack · 5 months
My favorite sonic character is Agent Stone. He is so funny, kind but deadly, is totally in love with and devoted to Eggman, and he makes a good coffee! Also he is totally gay.
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eddieintheocean · 1 year
Uhm sorry your boyfriend ate a Portuguese man o' war... yeah you can't touch him now. Yeah he's expressing the venom in his skin sorry
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blazeofbones · 1 month
"I know, I know. I know what everyone's going to say, but they're already saying it. We're mad scientists. We're monsters, buddy. You gotta own it. Make a stand."
The way he lowers his voice, the way he grabs Bruce's shoulder and looks at him.
My science bros, my ship... I fucking miss them
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kettle-bird · 2 months
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Insert some song by The Offspring here or something idk Commissions are open! | Ko-Fi
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lettingtimepass · 5 months
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Link to video clip
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sargent-space-dork · 10 months
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Random doodles I done just because I'm still deep in the trenches over this. I'm totally writing a cute little quick fic about pre-accident silliness, just because I think it vibes.
There is a way they can touch, I will figure out a way to explain it, for the snuggles.
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bunnyisintrouble · 4 months
The dream began on a huge underground science station, with metal walls and pale ceiling lights that flickered. We were running from something, everyone was rushing to seal the doors, but the creature couldn't be contained. I could hear the growls and wet noises it made approaching me, and then blacked out.
Next thing I know I'm laying on a puddle on the floor, my clothes soaked, and a gigantic beast crawling between my legs. The alien's body was wet and heavy, no discernable head or face, just multiple tentacles of all sizes sliding on the floor and feeling up everything in the room, including me. It was just me and the creature, I was left alone by everyone else. A thick tentacle slapped my pvssy and rubbed my crotch all over trying to force their way inside, and as much as I wanted to recoiled in fear and disgust, I was paralyzed. The monster's slimy appendage finally penetrated me, and I blacked out again.
When I came to myself, I was walking through the hallways of the science station, trying to find my way out. My legs were covered in slime and I left a trail behind me whenever I went. I remember feeling so much pleasure, stumbling and moaning, holding onto the walls, not knowing what was causing me to feel this way. And that's when I noticed: something was being jerked in and out of me as I walked. I kneel on the floor and look down to find a little creature, thick as a soda can but very soft and gooey, wiggling uncontrollably inside my pussy. I was shocked and terrified, but I couldn't stop it from squirming against my inner walls and making me contort in pleasure.
"Please," I mumbled, "I know you can hear me. Is there another one of these little creatures in me?" And the tentacle alien responded as a voice in my head, a distorted woman's voice: "Yes. They will stay inside you." I look at my crotch and I could see now, not only one, but two wiggly tails sticking out of me. Struggling to catch my breath, I say to the alien: "I need one of them in my ass. Please, I want them to get inside my assh0le too!"
The alien did not respond, but I started to feel one of the little creatures immediately crawling out and forcing itself against the resistance of my tight assh0le, my alarm rang and I woke up.
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cowboy-caboodles · 4 months
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How to Get the Hulk to Turn Back Into Your Scientist Boyfriend: For Dummies
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faespacecritter · 6 months
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POV you are the TV in the living room at the gay aliens house
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son1c · 4 months
Sonic: has a long history with Shadow, a lot of character development and arcs, reflection of one another, meant to be equals, their meeting and re-meeting is meant to be (Tanabata Festival referenced, star themed)-
Teddy: PAWS
that's exactly right
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dreams85andmore · 1 month
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