#schneeplebro week
ashtonisvibing · 7 months
got a little more writing done for the schneeplebro mega angst :}
however this axolotl is eepy, so hopefully i'll get more writing done tomorrow (and thus hopefully get it done this week)
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trxsh3banditt · 2 years
Whumptober Day 3 Hair’s Breadth from Death
Fandoms: Youtube Egos
Characters: Chase Brody, Jameson Jackson, Antisepticeye, Henrik Von Schneeplestein
Relationships: Schneeplebro
Prompt: Gun to Temple
Trigger Warning!! Suicide VIA Gunshot, SH talk(slight detailed), mentions of rape/abuse/drug&alcohol addiction, past suicide attempts, suicide notes
Any further reading is not under my responsibility, so if you choose to ignore these warnings, that is on you. Not me
Today was the day. The world had just pushed him too far this time and he was done. Done with his constant struggle for custody. Done with the struggle of his addictions and bad thoughts. Done with his exs constant harassment and assault. He was done. Done with everything. Chase Brody, now at his breaking point had no other option. He’d do it.
Flashback to just a few hours ago, he had gone to his ex wife’s home to try and talk about custody exchanges and hoping she’d agree to something..anything.
Chase had been sober the entire day, and knocked on the door. Stacy opened up and rolled her eyes, sending a snarky remark once more. “What do you want? I’m busy jackass” Chase slightly bit the inside of his cheek, keeping himself from going too far. “I..want to talk about the custody exchanges...I would like to know if..we could..uhm..maybe agree on something”
The kids in question were Grayson, age 7 and Samantha, age 4. Two kids they have been fighting custody for three years. Chase would be happy with even only one day out of the week or a week out of the month to see them. Anytime would be nice..
Stacy grimaced and let him inside. 
Although it wasn’t what Chase had expected, as Stacy began to be extremely sexual with him. Despite what they had discussed, it happened again..
Past times while Stacy and Chase were together where were several times when Stacy would beat, or touch Chase in multiple areas while he begged her not to since it made him uncomfortable. Sometimes she’d take it too far then hurt him when he said no. All to keep control and power over him, to make him fear her.
After that ordeal, he just spent hours in the bathroom sobbing uncontrollably as a few of the others had tried to convince him to let them inside and to convince him to talk about it, to no avail.
Fastforward to the present..
Chase stayed up all night, writing this note, putting his deepest thoughts into it. He knew what he wanted to do. And he knew how it was going to play out. With that, he pulled out his phone and started a live, knowing Stacy would see it. She usually always does, just to harass him more. 
“Hey..what’s up dudes. It’s Chase Brody here...” He said, in an almost monotone like voice; all sullen and dark..all..hopeless and bleak.
“I’d like this to be known as my last stream on this platform..I want to say how grateful I am..to have gotten this far. Almost 10 million subscribers who liked my content and me for who I am..” He gave a soft smile to the camera. “But I’m saying this will be my last goodbye to the world..I have been doing some thinking and I feel like it..it’s time..I don’t know how much longer I could handle this..pressure I’ve felt for a long time. I’m not saying it’s any of your faults..none of you are responsible for this...”
He removed his hat, leaving it on the doorknob. Chase took a deep breath..he was ready. Rolling up his sleeves, revealed deep gashes, cuts and other self inflicted wounds. He sighed, rolling them down yet again and pulling out a box from underneath his bed. Opening it, revealed a 44 caliber handgun. An old one but still had one bullet in the round.
Pressing the end of the gun straight for his temple he took another deep breath. “Stacy..If you’re watching this I just want you to know one thing..”
“Take care of the kids for me..I wish you the best and I love you..” 
And with that..he pulled the trigger. With a loud bang, blood and brains shot everywhere against the walls and his door as his body fell, limp..and lifeless.
The next morning the birds chirped, as Henrik went to Chase’s room to talk to him. He knocked. No response. He tried opening the door. It’s still locked.
The German was taken aback by this, now thinking of the worst that could ever happen and he quickly ran to get Anti.
The Glitch responded quickly, telling Henrik to step back before kicking the door down. Once the two laid eyes on Chase’s corpse, which had now gone cold, pulse no longer there they both screamed. The other who was home, Jameson, responded to the screams by running over to the two as fast as he could manage but he to then witnessed Chase’s body laying lifeless on the floor.
Henrik could only let out the most heartbreaking sob, cradling the body of not just his best friend, but his lover. 
Anti noticed his phone, which had now died was sitting where it usually sits whenever he’d do one of his stupid little videos or stream. Beside the phone..was a note. He hesitated, but reached for the slightly blood stained piece of paper anyway.
“To whoever finds this note..” He began, catching the attention of both Jameson and Henrik, whom still had tears rapidly streaming down his cheeks like a waterfall.
“I would like to apologize..for not being honest about the occuring situation between me and my now ex Stacy. Over the past 10 years she had continuously abused, and sexually assaulted me. Some even ending up in rape..but nobody would have believed me if I came forward..nobody ever did. I won’t lie..Grayson and Samantha were a product of such, but I couldn’t bare to bring myself to hate them for something they didn’t ask to be apart of either just as myself..I’m sorry Henrik..for lying when I said I was clean and sober, I wasn’t..I relapsed last week, and I haven’t been able to stop..but today I’ve had enough, I just can’t take it anymore..And before I go..when you find this message, I would have already done it..just throw me in a body of water..or burn my body..anything to erase my existance from this world..I will miss all of you..I love you all..”
“Signed, Chase Brody”
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basiloaks · 3 years
So... I’m going through my notes and decided to post some of my old headcanons about the Brody-Schneeplestein clan for Schneeplebro Week day two! Family feels incoming y’all-
In total Chase and Henrik have three biological kids (of course Jackie and Robbie are also their sons but shhh):
Clara is the oldest at 12; she’s Henrik’s little girl through and through. Chase’s two are a couple of years younger: Samantha is around 7/8, and Grayson is 5. They’re both major troublemakers but are all around well-behaved great kids.
Henrik is the master of styling and braiding long hair after many years of helping Clara get ready in the morning, and it’s become second nature to slightly panic and quickly fix his family’s hair so it doesn’t get in their face while doing things.
Henrik and Clara used to zoom regularly before she moved in with her father; they didn’t get to see each other often aside from winter, spring, and summer breaks, so after first moving in together, Chase would usually try and stay out of the frame so they could have some quality time.
After they officially start dating, Henrik insists on Chase joining in for a few minutes every call so he and Clara can get more comfortable interacting.
Chase was a nervous wreck the first time Clara came to stay with them for an extended period over summer vacation. Henrik insisted that she would love him, though, and like he predicted the two hit it off instantly. Clara also figures out really quickly that the two are dating and is really happy her dad is with someone like Chase, which may or may not have caused a few tears and big bear hugs.
She also instantly hits it off with Sammy, the two exchanging numbers and becoming very close and protective of each other.
Chase’s kids absolutely love Henrik: they were gearing for their dad to get with the cool doctor with all the candy stashed around his office from the get go, so when it happens the two are ecstatic.
Grayson being the youngest and very impressionable, starts developing a slight German accent from being around Henrik and Clara; Chase thinks it’s cutest thing in the world and is always gushing about his little man.
The family is chaotic but in the best sense of the word: there’s always something going on, from soccer games to recitals, and the two love every minute of it.
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schneeplebro-week · 4 years
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And here it is! The prompt list for this year’s Schneeplebro Week; I can’t wait to see what everyone comes up with!
Also, don’t forget to use the tags “schneeplebro week” and “schneeplebro week 2020” on your posts. Thanks! - BasilOaks
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Schneeplebro Week Day 1
Prompt: Meet Cute
Word Count: 1627
Warnings: alcohol
Summary: presidential alert: the girls are FLIRTINGGGG
Chase wandered the room awkwardly, eyes desperately searching for someone he knew or at least someone who didn’t look busy. This was no small task, considering it was a huge room full of people and he’d only ever spoken to about two or three of them.
To be honest, the only person he’d really interacted with at all had been Layla, a member of the hospital’s accounting department who was in charge of fundraising efforts. They’d gotten in contact when he decided he wanted to do a big charity livestream on his channel benefitting a local children’s hospital, and she’d helped him set up the donation site. She’d also been the one who’d invited him to this event, a party thrown in honor of the top benefactors, after the stream had ended up being a huge success. He didn’t even really want to come, it wasn’t his type of thing and it wasn’t like he raised the money to  get applause, but Layla insisted that she had to thank him in person, and she’d been so nice the whole time they’d worked together, he hadn’t had the heart to say no. 
But as nice as it had been to shake her hand and chat with her a little, she’d eventually had to run off to thank other guests, too, and Chase found himself alone amongst groups of people. It seemed that a lot of the benefactors knew each other. Their clothes implied wealth, and wealth in Los Angeles was big wealth. They presumably attended these sorts of events all the time, a social circle that Chase and his tattoo-and-trickshot vibe simply didn’t fit into.
Some of the hospital staff was in attendance too, or so Chase had been told. They were hard to pick out; they were mostly doctors and dressed just as nicely as the guests of honor.
He couldn’t find Layla, but he did see Richard Spyer, the director of the whole hospital, who had video called in towards the end of the livestream to thank Chase and the viewers for the work they were doing. He’d struck Chase as a bit of a blowhard, or maybe just a little pompous, but nice enough, and more importantly, he was a familiar face, and he was only standing with one other person, a tall man with broad shoulders and a handsome face.
As he got closer, he heard the stranger speaking with a German accent. From what he overheard, they were talking about a project that involved changing the hospital computer system; it sounded like they knew each other. Chase hoped he wasn’t interrupting by walking up, but before he could apologize for the intrusion, Dr. Spyer spotted him and stopped in the middle of the sentence to yell, “Chase! It’s good to see you, so glad you could make it!” and shake his hand so enthusiastically that Chase’s shoulder went up and down along with their hands.
“It’s great to see you, too. I just wanted to thank you for having me tonight. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”
“Not at all, not at all, let me introduce you two! This is Dr. Schneeplestein. He’s one of our best surgeons.”
“Henrik,” the stranger corrected, waving off the compliment.
“And this is Chase Brody. He works in social media; the fundraiser he ran brought in a huge percentage of our donations this quarter.”
Usually it made Chase a little uncomfortable when someone used vague euphemisms for his job like that; it just reinforced that he was unwelcome and out of place. But he was almost glad that he wasn’t being introduced as a Youtuber to someone as professional (and as gorgeous) as Dr. Schneeplestein. But it seemed like he might have known anyways. He raised his eyebrows as he gave Chase’s hand a firm shake. “I knew I recognized your voice,” he said. “I have an eleven-year-old at home; trust me, I hear your videos all day.”
Chase didn’t know if he should be embarrassed, but Dr. Schneeplestein’s tone was very friendly. More than anything, Chase was surprised that he had an eleven year old. He was definitely older than Chase, probably by somewhere between five and ten years, judging by the gray in his hair, but he still looked relatively young. He also, Chase couldn’t help but notice, wasn’t wearing a wedding ring.
Dr. Spyer excused himself to go greet other guests, and Chase was momentarily panicked about being left alone to make conversation, but thankfully, the doctor didn’t seem to mind. “Thank you, sincerely, for bringing in all those donations. I know Richard can be… well, he’s Richard, but I promise, the money is all well spent.”
“You don’t have to thank me. I’ve always really loved kids and I just want to help in any way I can. I’m glad that my channel’s popular enough to make a real difference, even if my videos are a little dumb.”
“I wouldn’t call them dumb; you have no idea how cool my son thinks you are. I hope it isn’t rude to ask if you’d sign something for him?”
“Not at all; I’d be happy to!”
“You are too kind. Let me buy you a drink,” he said, nodding to the bar.
“Oh, no, you really don’t have to -”
“I insist. We can steal a napkin while we’re over there.” He led the way across the room. “What do you drink?”
Chase didn’t want to ask for anything too expensive so he played it safe. “Just a beer.” He realized he should be more specific, but before he could correct himself, Henrik turned to the bartender and ordered for both of them. 
“So you’re from Germany, right? Does that mean you know good beer?” 
He laughed but kept his voice low when he answered so as not to be overheard. “Yes, but you won’t get it here. They never have real beer at places like these.”
“It’s probably hard to find at all around here. Nothing’s real in L.A.”
“Sometimes it is. If you know where to look.” And right now, he was looking right into Chase’s eyes. Chase didn’t know what to say to that, so the moment lingered until the bartender brought their drinks over. Henrik asked to borrow a pen before she walked away, and handed it to Chase along with a napkin.
“What’s your son’s name?”
“That’s cute,” he said as he started writing. He didn’t have a ton of space to work with, so he just wrote ‘Ben - thanks for being a part of the channel! Love, Chase’ and doodled the channel symbol next to his name. “Is this enough?” he asked, showing Henrik.
“That’s perfect. He’ll love it.” He slipped it into an inner pocket of his jacket. “Thank you again.”
They sat at the bar a while longer, talking and sipping their beers. Chase asked if it was hard to work in pediatric surgery as a father, and Henrik said it was but that was why he did it. He found out Henrik had a younger son too, and that he’d gone through a divorce about a year and a half ago. Chase told Henrik that he’d actually gone to school to work with kids too, as a teacher, but that the channel he’d started as a hobby had started taking off around the time that he’d graduated and needed a job, and it was nice to be self-employed and set your own hours. Henrik offered to get him another drink, but Chase had driven himself there and didn’t want to deal with Ubering home and then back in the morning for his car.
Eventually, the night was drawing to a close, and Richard, Layla, and a few more of the bigwigs got up on the little platform on one side of the room, where the DJ often set up when this room was rented under less formal circumstances. They gave pretty much the same speech they’d given at the beginning of the party, thanking everyone, talking about how important this all was, and so on. Henrik alternated between watching them and making fun of Richard’s schmoozing, mimicking his big fake grin and always-moving hands to make Chase laugh. Chase, meanwhile, waited for Henrik to turn back towards the stage, and then grabbed the other napkin that had come with their drinks and scrawled something on it.
When they finally wished everyone a goodnight and got offstage, people rushed around getting ready to leave. More than a few people came over to the bar to tip the bartender or get one last drink if they weren’t driving, so Chase and Henrik moved to avoid the crowd.
As they walked towards the door, Chase summoned his courage.
“If you’re ever interested, I’d love to meet your son sometime.” He handed Henrik the other napkin, with his phone number written on it. “You can call me whenever. Text. Doesn’t matter. I’m always on my phone.”
“That would be amazing. And hey, maybe I can show you where to find real beer in this city.”
Chase felt his cheeks flush a little. “I’d like that.”
“Me too. It was great to meet you, Chase. Have a good night - safe drive home, yeah?”
“Yeah. You too.” Henrik smiled, and touched Chase’s shoulder for the briefest moment before he walked away. 
Chase watched him cross the parking lot, feeling a little dazed, like he couldn’t remember why he’d actually come here tonight. He jumped a mile when Layla came up to thank him one last time; he’d almost forgotten that the people around him were real. 
He got into his own car and the second he turned it on and the radio came to life, the most beautiful love song started playing.
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thesepticpuppet · 5 years
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I FINALLY FINISHED IT OMG ! the scales took forever !
It was so fun doing it !!
(Tumblr is ruining the pic geez)
(Chase is the mermaid and Schneep is the dragon)
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dirtylittlemuffin · 5 years
...Stirb Nicht
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mermaid-nebula · 5 years
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Schneeplebro Dark 2 part 3: Love confessions
@lace-maze @henrik-von-schneeplestein
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dead-inside-mcgee · 5 years
Schneeplebro week Day 1
I’m going to try to do a small drabble for each prompt. 
Word Count:  712
Henrik first feel when they were just children. I mean he literally fell, straight into Chase’s arms. 
  It was his first day at a new school. He hardly knew english and was an anxiety filled teenager. One thing lead to another, and a group of assholes decided to pick a fight with the kid. 
  It was a blur, someone pushed him, there was shouted and grunts, and before he knew it, Henrik was face-to-face with the cutest man he’d ever seen. 
  “Are you alright?” he asked. 
  Henrik nodded, not trusting his voice. 
  Chase pulled him up, and Henrik stumbled into his arms, their noses touching.
  “Geez, I know I’m amazing but no need to get all excited.” And that was when that narcissistic, dumbass, stole Henrik’s heart and ran. 
  The two formed a simple relationship. Henrik helped Chase with math, Chase helped Henrik with einglish. And through they, they became close friends. 
Chase took a lot longer to fall. It was never love at first sight with him, he didn’t even believe in that. 
  He dated around, even got married but that didn’t last, but it all ended the same. With Chase coming crying back to Henrik. 
  It was a little after the divorce. They two were getting drunk. Tangled up on the couch, Chase could smell the alcohol on Henrik’s breath. 
  They were laughing, sharing stories and jokes, reminiscing. Then Chase realized something. 
  Henrik had stayed with him. He’d kept him from summer school, he’d comforted him after break ups, he even put his own plans aside to come get drunk with Chase right now. 
  He could see the sparkle in Henrik’s eyes as he laughed, the way his cheeks flushed when remembering something embarrassing, the way he talked with his hands. And Chase leaned in closer.
  Henrik stopped mid sentence, just staring into Chase’s eyes. Their lips touched.
  The kiss lasted a long time, or at least it felt like a long time. Neither made any move to deepen the kiss, they simply enjoyed the feeling of being pressed together. 
  Chase pulled away first, knocking the bottle out of Henrik’s hand and causing it to shatter. He laughed, a giddy, drunken laugh. 
  Henrik joined him, pulling him into a tight hug that the other accepted. Neither even knew what was funny.
The next morning, Henrik awoke, a throbbing headache making the world spin. Something smelled really nice. 
  He felt around for Chase, not finding him, he got up. 
  Chase was choking up a storm, as in actually cooking for once instead of microwaving leftovers. He smiled at Henrik, offering him a glass of water and some painkillers, along with a place at the table. 
  “What time is it?” Henrik asked, his accent coming out much thicker. 
  “It’s almost noon. Funny, I thought you’d wake up before me.”
  “Good thing it’s my day off.” He groaned, pressing the cup to his forehead to alleviate the pain. 
  “Yeah.” Chase sets a plate in front of him before sitting across from him. 
  He had made pancakes, eggs, and bacon, and arranged them into a smiley face. Henrik smirked, rolling his eyes at the childish nature of it. 
  They ate in peaceful silence. Once finished, Chase got up and washed the plates. 
  “Can I help?” 
  “No, no. I got it.” 
  The once peaceful silence, turned awkward as Chase sat back down. 
  “So… What happened last night?” Chase asked. 
  “I don’t know.” He did know. 
  “You’re a god awful lair, Henrik. I’d think you would know that by now.” 
  He blushed, breaking eye contact. 
  “You’re adorable when you’re flustered, you know that right?” 
  “Still sein!” Henrik huffed, hiding his face in his arms. 
  “Never.” Chase smirked, pulling Henrik’s arms away from his. “You’re adorable, accept it!” 
  Without thinking, Henrik lurched forward, pressing their lips together. 
  Chase blinked, letting go of his arms to hold the back on his head. 
  The doctor sunk back in his chair, giving Chase full control of the kiss.
  When the two pulled apart Chase broke down laughing. 
  “What- What's funny!?” 
  “I just- I just can’t tell if that was an answer to my original question of what we did last night, or if you just wanted to kiss me.” He wipes away a few joyful tears. 
  “Take it as both.”
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anothersillyfanblog · 5 years
Schneeplebro week bigboi post #1
Okay so I actually haven’t written much, sorry! I also haven’t stuck totally to the prompts but I kinda like what I’ve done. P.s I will be posting day seven tomorrow, I haven’t quite finished it.
Day one
Chase only gave the occasional commentary throughout the movie. It came in the form of a gasp or excitedly grabbing Henrik’s arm, as was the ‘Chase’ way, and was a total opposite to Henrik’s silent concentration. At one point, Chase grabbed Schneep’s arm- but he didn’t let go. Instead, he rested his head on Henrik’s shoulder.
Schneep hardly registered what had happened until the credits started and he turned his head to see Chase fast asleep and breathing heavily. He was just sat there, legs sprawled slightly, nearly falling off of the sofa, with his eyes softly shut. He looked absolutely perfect. Some might say that was where it began- for Henrik.
Day two
It was a ridiculously quiet shift. One of those horribly uncomfortable ones, where you practically breathe boredom and long for the clock to chime with every part of your being. His phone buzzed.
It was chase, which wasn’t surprising. -I can’t text while I’m at work- -What are you doing now then?- -Very funny-
Henrik smiled, then checked to see if anything had happened. He had to stay focused: no Chase-related distractions.
-Actually I really need to tell you something- -I am at work- -You don’t have to read it now I just can’t say it to you in person-
He sighed. Why did people have to be so cryptic? Life was already complicated as it was; if he didn’t need to look at it, he wouldn’t. So at the end of the shift, he got his coat on and checked his phone. (1) new messages
-I’m sorry but I love you-
Day three
The barista was used to seeing a variety of couples enter the coffee shop. Old ones, who had been together for as long as anyone knew, to couples who had gotten together that very day! Straight, gay, goth, punk. Hipster, geek, drop-outs, lawyers, artists- so many people, many of them adorable couples, the guys who’d just entered were another addition to the coffee shop’s history. They smiled, seeing the two men walk in hand in hand.
The two of them seemed to be comfortable around each other, which was good. It was painful when he had to listen to uncomfortable conversation. One had a distinctive German accent and a pair of glasses sitting on his nose. His date was a guy in a baseball cap and a tattoo on his arm. The barista saw many people like the German- neat, cute, kinda stressed, slightly nerdy- but very few like the other guy. In fact, there was only one guy who entered the shop wearing a hat like that…
Bing? Okay, so there might actually be two guys who came in dressed like that.
“Hey Chase! What can I get ya?” They asked. “Hiya Andy, I’ll have a cappuccino and…” he waved his arms at his date. “I’ll have a black coffee.” The guy seemed genuinely confident in his choice, unlike many who Andy had seen who just chose black to impress people.
“Alright” Andy smiled “And who are you?” “Henrik Von Schneeplestien. You’re not gonna try to write that, are you?” he asked. “No, just wanted to know in case Chase drags you back here.” They turned around to get started on the orders.
From where he was stood, it looked like the date went well. There were a lot of smiles, a lot of laughing, a bit of flirting… the kind that made Andy think they’d come back again.
“Would you bet on them?” Chloe, their co-worker, had asked them. Andy turned the sign on the door to ‘closed’. “I mean, Chase has never been on a date, for as long as I’ve worked here, so I’d say it’s kinda serious.” “So…” “I’m not betting on someone’s love life!” Andy protested “But if I was, then yeah- I would. They’ll come back.”
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Le Blue Cafe
Chase’s POV
I pull back my pink hair, and put it in a manbun, before I put on a blue apron. The café smells like coffee beans and carmel. No one’s here, being as I haven’t flipped the open sign, and it’s very peaceful. I sit in the silence for a minute longer before going to wash my hands. I come back out to the front and flip the open sign. Now, we wait.
~An hour later. 3rd POV~
Chase has served many pedestrians in the time an hour brings. He has to go to the bathroom, so he puts a little sign on the desk that reads: ‘We’ll be back, please take a seat while you wait!’ in neat cursive writing.
Chase comes back out to the front and sees only one new face. Said person stands up and goes to the counter, when they see Chase.
“Hi, what would you like?” Chase asks in a kind voice.
“Just a black coffee, bitte” The person says in what seems to be German accent.
“And can I get the name of the man who likes it rich?” Chase says jokingly for the fun of it.
“Henrik” Henrik says chuckling.
“H-e-n-r-i- ck or just c or just k?”
“Just k” He answers smiling.
“Okay, I had a feeling that’s how it was spelled, but I wanted to make sure” Chase says smiling.
“One black coffee will be with you momentarily”
“Du bist willkommen” Chase answers. He took German when he was in highschool instead of Spanish like a lot of his classmates. Henrik smiles wider and Chase gets the coffee pot going. Anyone who was in the shop has left, only Henrik and Chase are left. “Do you mind if I change the music? Pop music gets old after an hour.”
“I don’t mind. And I agree zhat pop music gets old after a vhile.” Hen says leaning on the counter.
“Perfect. I’ll be back. I’m going to turn off the music in the speakers.” Chase says as he goes into the back. The cheesy song that was on stops. It’s silent until Chase comes back. He grabs the now done coffee and pours some into the cup that has 'Henrik' written on it. “Here you go.”
“Danke” Henrik says as he takes a sip. Chase goes on his phone, probably searching for music.
His eyes light up as he taps on the song he’s found. Some sort of African chanting starts coming out of the phone’s speakers. Then a man starts speaking. Henrik knows this song. It’s Parasite Eve by Bring Me The Horizon. “A man of good taste”
“You listen to Bring Me The Horizon, too?” Chase says happily shocked. Henrik nods and takes a sip of his coffee.
‘Really we just need to fear something
Only pretending to feel something
I know you're dying to run
I wanna turn you around’
Chase claps happily. He starts to sing along. “Please, remain calm, the end has arrived
We cannot save you, enjoy the ride”
“Zhis is zhe moment you’ve been vaiting for
Don’t call zhis a varning, zhis is a var.”
“It’s zhe Parasite Eve
Got a feeling in your stomach cause you know zhat it’s comin’ for ya
Leave you flowers and grieve
Don’t forget what zhey told ya, ayy ayy
Vhen ve foret zhe infection
Vill ve remember zhe lesson?
If zhe suspense doesn’t kill ya
Somezhin’ else vill, ayy ayy
“I heard zhey need bettah signal
Put chip and pins and needles
Quarantine all of zhose secrets
In zhat black hole you call a brain before it’s too late
Really ve just vant to scream somezhing
Only pretend to believe somezhing
I know you’re baying for blood
I vanna turn you around”
“Please, remain calm, the end has arrived”
“Ve cannot save you, enjoy zhe ride”
“This is the moment you’ve been waiting for”
“Don’t call zhis a varning, zhis is a var” Henrik sings, but Chase doesn’t pick it back up again.
He just looks at Hernik with an extremely happy smile. He starts bouncing and clapping.
“You have an amazing singing voice” He says, the clapping has stopped, but the bouncing is still there.
“Danke, so do you” Henrik says, blushing a small bit. They don’t know when they moved to sit in one of the booths in the coffee shop, but they did. Henrik looks down at Chase’s phone on the table and sees the time. “Scheisse, I have to get to vork. Zhis vas fun…” He looks at Chase’s name tag “Chase”.
“Oh, really? Well, can- can I have your phone number so we can maybe do this again?” Chase asks nervously.
“Oh, of course!” Henrik says as he takes his phone out of his jacket’s inside pocket. He may be able to remember the most intricate way to save someone’s life, but he can’t remember his own phone number. Henrik reaches for Chase’s phone, but he doesn’t pick it up. He looks at Chase for permission and Chase nods.
Henrik picks up Chase’s phone and searches for the contacts app. He finds it easily and makes himself a contact. ‘Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein (bmth cafe)’ is what he put himself as. “Zhere ve go”
“Thanks, good luck at the hospital, doctor” Chase says smirking
“Danke, good luck vizh zhe coffee, barista” Henrik smirks back and gets out of the booth, heading for the exit. “Have a nice day, Chaser!”
“You, too, Henrikku!” Chase says back as he goes back to the counter. Henrik waves as he exits the cafe.
Today is a day he’ll remember.
Le Blue Cafe became the meeting place of the two many times. Mostly because of the convenience of Chase working there.
And the coffee.
@basiloaks @leobashi @bapbee @spudmcloughlin @n-anon
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basiloaks · 4 years
Hey guys! I’ve finally finished up my exams (and my first semester of college :D), and because I’m on winter break and have some extra time on my hands, I’m planning on holding the second annual Schneeplebro Week next week, December 7-13! I'll be posting the prompt list for this year later today, so keep an eye out for that! Be sure to tag your posts using the tags ”schneeplebro week” and ”schneeplebro week 2020” on your posts. Can't wait to see what everyone comes up with!- BasilOaks 🌼🌿
Ps. I'm working on a few behind the scenes projects that I'm hoping to make some progress on this month, so keep an eye out for those too ;)
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schneeplebro-week · 3 years
Hello everyone, today is officially the first day of this year's Schneeplebro week! Can't wait to see what everyone's posts the next few days!
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Schneeplebro Week Day One (it’s still Day One in some time zones ok?!): Best of Friends
This is short and definitely a little different & weird, but I’m really happy just to do something for the event. Thank you so much to @schneeplebro-week​ for running it; it’s so much fun!
When he realizes he’s in love, he realizes he’s been in love for a long time.
It’s funny how those things - love and understanding - don’t ring the doorbell and politely introduce themselves and wait for you to invite them in. They creep in when you aren’t paying attention, make themselves at home in parts of your mind so deep that you can’t always see them right away.
That’s how it was, with Henrik. There wasn’t a light switch that flipped when he wasn’t Just A Friend to Chase anymore - it wasn’t like in the movies, where he said something or did something and suddenly it Happened, it just… happened. Maybe he had a moment of enlightenment, on a particularly bad night, when Henrik told him over the phone that he sounded upset and asked if he should come over, and a voice in Chase’s head begged him to say yes, to accept the comfort he wanted the most, but another voice matter of factly told him that he didn’t want the man he loved to see him like this. And it was a little surprising, to hear that thought in his own head, but there it was, plain as day.
He tried to pinpoint it, scouring his memory for the big moment, but there was nothing. Just a few years’ worth of little moments.
The early days of their friendship, both married, when Henrik’s youngest was two and Chase’s oldest was one. Their families would go out together to malls or parks or museums for the day, but sometimes when the little ones got fussy or tired, they’d tell their wives to go ahead and they’d find somewhere to sit for a little while. It was strange to think that maybe even then, love was beginning to take shape; at that time, it was just casual conversation in the background of trying to get toddlers to finish their food or sit quietly in their strollers. A text here, a night out drinking there. Much like falling in love, becoming best friends happened without either really thinking about it. Until one day Chase’s son was born and Henrik was visiting, one of the first people to hold the baby, and Chase was saying “we don’t really do the whole godparent thing but, uh, his middle name’s Henry.’ And the way Henrik looked when he told him that, Chase knew it was the right choice.
Then came darker days, of course. For both of them. But they were the constants in each others’ lives. When everything else fell apart, they still had each other. And they didn’t have to pretend to be ok around each other. They could sit and watch TV for hours on their rare days off even if there were dishes in the sink and Chase was wearing clothes he’d been in for three (ok, four) days. His other friends meant well when they said he’d feel better if he got out more or offered to help him clean up a little, but it was so much more comforting when Henrik just let him heal at his own pace. He never felt like he was disappointing him. Maybe that was how he fell in love, when Henrik became the person he always hoped was calling when his phone rang.
It’s hard when love comes so naturally. Sometimes now when he sees Henrik he wants to kiss him hello or to sit pressed up against him, like they’ve been together and years and years. He wonders if he’ll ever get to do it for real. And while the hopelessness that always exists in the back of his mind insists that he won’t, that he’s crazy to even consider it, part of him thinks that if all those little moments added up to the kind of love that Chase felt, they could mean something to Henrik, too.
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thesepticpuppet · 5 years
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This one turned out great !
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dirtylittlemuffin · 5 years
I almost forgot about this! :o
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