#sayaka sasayama
squishosaur · 2 months
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10 years later
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bestygogirl · 7 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 2, Group B
Match 7
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please use this as a chance to talk about why you like your girl, instead of being negative about either
Propaganda under the cut!
Sayaka Sasayama
She is a good with such a pure heart and friendly demeanor despite having gone through the trauma of losing her home, friends, family. Just literally going through an interdimensional invasion and war Girl has been through it She's not the most skilled duelist but she grows and learns and I'm pretty sure even wins a duel- and has some lovely fairy monsters
She has a fluffy bear she's extremely beautiful and she has a special move card whose original name was "Artemate/Ultimate Slay"
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nancelilspace · 11 months
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Day 14: Halfway to Heartland Tower
They deserve a moment of peace
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Femslash February Day 4: Dread
There's ghosts left behind in Academia...better hope they don't find you.
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merryfortune · 10 months
The Man's First Kiss
Written for @ygorarepairweek
Prompts: Hurt/Comfort | Kiss | Rain
Title: The Man’s First Kiss
Ship: Steadfastshipping | Noboru/Sayaka 
Series: Arc V
Rating: T
Word Count: 1,406
Tags: Character Study, Fluff and Angst, First Kiss 
   If there was one thing that Noboru strived to do, it was be a man.
   A firm and steadfast figure of positive masculinity. Someone who was dependable and reliable, someone who was wise and experienced, someone who was the kind of adult that Noboru wanted to be. There was a lot that Noboru felt that he had to do now so he could be that person - that kind of man - that he wanted to be.
   To do so, he had a lot of expectations of what he wanted from certain milestones in his life. He was quite privileged, he had a lot of his later life figured out. Where he would live, what family legacy he would inherit, all the rites and rituals of managing the day to day, where he would work.
   It all sounded etched in stone but if Noboru wanted that, he had to work hard for it. Just because it was his birthright, the Steadfast Style, the heaviness and the strength of it, that did not mean he was guaranteed it. He had to prove to his father, to the greater members of their family and those in their community, that he was worthy of it.
   And Noboru believed he was.
   He would become a fine young man and mature into an even better adult.
   Of course, there were elements that Noboru was free to pick and choose. The clothes he wore, the friends he made, and… the girl whom he was interested in spending the rest of his life with.
   Being sixteen, and having some semblance of self awareness, Noboru thought it was a bit rash or a bit impetuous to think he had found the one but his teenage hormones were certainly convinced.
   That girl was… Sasayama Sayaka.
   A girl from another dimension, a user of a style of duelling known as the XYZ summon.
   She was a very sweet and very shy girl. She had a gentle heart, she had seen very much of the war and how it tore through her home, her people, and so, she was stronger than she realised. Noboru admired that. How she had even come to forgive some of the people who had invaded the XYZ Dimension, Noboru thought that exemplified who she was.
   Sayaka could forgive others but not herself. She still blamed herself for not being strong enough for her best friend, Kurosaki Ruri, who had been kidnapped due to what she perceived as her own ineptitude in Duelling. 
   In the past two years, she and Noboru had sort of merged friend groups. Much the same way that they had merged dimensions. There was no XYZ Dimension, nor was there a Fusion Dimension, or a Synchro Dimension or a Standard-slash-Pendulum Dimension. Not anymore. It was all messy and difficult but somehow, they had managed to recuperate their bonds and find a way to move forward.
   With a smile even.
   In the quiet moments when Noboru helped out with repairs and the like, he and Sayaka had found that they had had quite a bit in common. Their loyalty to their friends, their own desire to get stronger. Even things like a sense of humour or what they admired in others.
   It was a surprisingly natural culmination, that now, two years later, they were boyfriend and girlfriend. The terms of which still made them giddy and flustered. They went on dates, they hung out together outside of that, they even exchanged love poems because they were sort of old fashioned like that. 
   There was just one little thing that they hadn’t done yet.
   With each either or prior. That one little thing was a first kiss.
   Sayaka giggled beside Noboru, her little hand in front of her mouth, “I didn’t realise it was such a big deal to you.”
   Noboru was taken aback by her admission. His eyes dilated and he was embarrassed by it. He had taken the first move. He stated very plainly that he was ready but… he wanted it to be perfect.
   If Noboru wanted to grow up well, be a family man, and continue on his family’s generation and style, he needed to treat women well. He was aware of his shape as a youth. He was short and stocky. Blocky, was also a good word. He was full of muscle, some fat, too, and he had big bones, as well! 
   Sayaka meanwhile was spry and tiny. She had absolutely no meat on those bones, completely opposite to Noboru. 
   He would hate to hurt her. He didn’t want to be just some man, some Joe Blow, he wanted to be a gentleman. Noboru wanted to kiss Sayaka right and well, give her what she deserved but he also saw it as doing right by his own self as well.
   He was so entirely certain, Sayaka was his one but if she wasn’t… Though it would make Noboru weep, he wanted to be able to look back on and reflect on his own first kiss as a very pleasant experience. Even though he had no experience thus far, it wasn’t something that he could practise, after all, not like duelling or his judo. 
   “Yes, it is.” Noboru replied and he had to clear his throat after.
   “I think that’s really sweet of you, thank you for being so considerate, Noboru.” Sayaka smiled.
   Noboru blushed.
   Sayaka took a breath and smiled even wider, “Okay, I’m ready if you are.”
   Noboru glanced around. Oh no, oh no, no, no. He hadn’t been expecting Sayaka to agree. Sure, a park by a garden bed and with a fountain gushing in the background was quite picturesque but was it perfect? Would it make a good experience? He began to panic.
   It was quite a chick flick cliche but those were Noboru’s secret weakness! He wanted to have the kind of kiss which would make his leg ‘pop’. 
   “Are you not ready?” Sayaka asked, blinking behind her large glasses.
   “No, I am. I just. I’m excited. I need to temper myself.” Noboru said.
   He had to still his own heart. He placed his hand over his chest, he could feel his warm blood rush. He planted himself firmly on the ground and he took Sayaka by her hands. He took a moment to savour it all. The softness of Sayaka’s hands, the brightness of her expectant eyes, the birdsong that serenaded them from the treetops and the feeling of the gentle breeze on his face.
   “I’m ready.” Noboru announced.
   “Me too.” Sayaka confirmed.
   And so, they tried to meet each other half-way.
   Noboru bent down, Sayaka got up on her tippy toes. Noboru resisted the urge to clamp down on her delicate hands hard enough to break bones. He could feel his palms sweat. Sayaka puckered her lips and after slow seconds of building up.
   They kissed.
   Noboru closed his eyes and he could smell the faint, drifting scent of Sayaka’s cherry blossom and vanilla perfume. It was beautiful. Her lips were soft and plush, he felt as though he were kissing an angel. He could only hope it was half as good for her as it was for him as yes.
   He did get his little chick flick cliche moment. He lifted his leg, just slightly, enough to move his geta off the pavement underfoot. His heart began to race as he reminded himself to not be too overbearing or too this or too that lest it would detract from Sayaka’s experience. He didn’t want to overwhelm her, he wanted to be a gentleman, after all, for his beloved girlfriend.
   Sayaka giggled again as she kissed Noboru. She held his hand, fingers intertwined. The kiss lasted seven seconds exactly. They both counted and recanted when those seven seconds were up.
   Noboru placed his foot back down on the ground but didn’t let go of holding Sayaka. His pounding heart was overjoyed by the look of Sayaka, utterly lovestruck with him, infatuated with him.
   “So? How was it?” Sayaka asked.
   “... Amazing.” Noboru replied, breathless.
   “I’m glad.” Sayaka said. “It was amazing for me as well.”
   “I’m glad.” Noboru puffed out his chest, he could not have been happier - or prouder - with such a result.
   He really, truly did want to become the man of his dreams and he really, truly did hope that Sayaka could be the woman of his dreams. That this would just be the first of many kisses between them.
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entamewitchlulu · 2 years
Sayaka Sasayama for the DnD thing
Okay here we are!
Rather than just go straight human for everyone in Arc V, I decided to build Sayaka as a fairy to fit her deck. I also gave her the Peace Domain Cleric class because her deck feels like a very big support type rather than a damage dealing type, so she has a lot of healing and support magic. For her background, I retooled one of the setting specific refugee backgrounds to be just a generic background, because I think of anything, that's what affects her backstory the most.
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dreary-doll-writing · 2 years
A Nice Night
Pairing: Saya Sasayama/Lulu Obsidian
Rating: G
Word count: 350
(Cross Posted On AO3)
It was a quiet, calm night. The only sound the TV still playing on a low volume and a light wind outside.
The others had all gone home or up to bed already after a movie marathon together.
Someone had cleaned up the living room and tossed a blanket haphazardly over what appeared to be a sleeping pair.
But Lulu was awake, sprawled out over the couch on her back, one leg hanging off the edge, out of the blanket, her arms wrapped around the other girl, who was sleeping, her glasses set on the table by Kite as he left.
Lulu had her own eyes closed. Not to sleep or rest, but to appreciate the moment.
Saya had gotten scared during the very first movie and attached herself to Lulu, where she'd stayed the rest of the night, falling asleep during one of the much calmer movies that followed. Lulu didn't know which one.
Shay had teased her briefly about cuddling Saya the whole night, but was the one that tossed the blanket over them before going upstairs to bed.
It was nice.
It was peaceful.
It was right.
Lulu could spend forever feeling slightly crushed under Saya, listening to her soft, uneven breathing, gently playing with the short bits of Saya's hair that she could wrap around her fingers, and basking in the warmth it made her feel to know Saya felt safe with her.
But no sweet moment lasts long enough, let alone forever...
"Did everyone else leave?" Saya asks groggily, sitting up just enough to rub her sleep heavy eyes, before her whole face turned red as she blinks to adjust to the low light and no glasses and she realizes where she was.
"Shh, don't worry about it, let's just sleep," Lulu hugs the other girl back to her chest gently, "it's late, and I'm comfy."
Saya takes a second to get comfortable again, nestling her face into Lulu's shoulder, and falling back to sleep.
Lulu's still not so quick to sleep but it was true.
She was so. So comfortable.
"Night, Saya..."
"Goodnight, Lulu."
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zordonmlw7 · 2 years
Shay was right though it DIDN'T make sense for Sayaka to give Lulu Little Fairy. That card has absolutely 0 synergy with Lyriluscs. How she was smart enough to beat Lulu but not figure this out is the greatest mystery in all of Arc-V.
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worstygocharacter · 10 months
Sayaka/Saya Sasayama from Zexal and Hunt Goto/Tracker from Sevens!
they’re in!
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Just a masterpost about this blog. Early apologies if the formatting is horrible (especially the archetype section since I have no idea on how to format that)
Story Link
AO3 - https://archiveofourown.org/works/45543628
FFnet - https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14206612/
Character Profile
Standard Dimension
You Show Duel School
Yuya Sakaki - Yukio Sakaki - Yuzu Hiiragi - Yuna Hiiragi
Leo Duel School
Reira Akaba - Shingo Sawatari
Fūma Duel School
Tsukikage Fuma
Gongenzaka Dojo
Nobaru Gongenzaka
Leo Corporation
Reiji Akaba
Synchro Dimension
Yugo - Yuiki - Kori - Rin - Crow Hogan - Shinji Webber
Jack Atlas
Xyz Dimension
Heartland Duel School, Spade Branch
Yuto Otari - Yugen Otari - Shun Kurosaki - Sagi Kurosaki - Ruri Kurosaki
Heartland Duel School, Clover Branch
Allen Kozuki - Kaito Tenjo - Sayaka Sasayama
Fusion Dimension
Yuri - Yunio - Mitsuki Akaba - Serena Akaba - Leo Akaba - Sora Shiunin
Original Dimension
Zarc - Ray Akaba
Standard Dimension
Yuya Sakaki
Performapal - Magician
Yukio Sakaki
Performadragon - Enchanter
Yuna Hiiragi
Yuzu Hiiragi
Reira Akaba
C/C - C/C/C
Shingo Sawatari
Dart (formerly) - WATER (formerly) - Yosenju (formerly) - Abyss Actor
Tsukikage Fuma
Ninja - Ninjitsu Art
Nobaru Gongenzaka
Superheavy Samurai
Reiji Akaba
D/D - D/D/D
Synchro Dimension
Gale Frost
Crow Hogan
Jack Atlas
Shinji Webber
Xyz Dimension
Yuto Otari
(The) Phantom Knights
Yugen Otari
(The) Phantom Drake
Shun Kurosaki
Ruri Kurosaki
Sagi Kurosaki
Majestical Musoraid
Kaito Tenjo
Allen Kozuki
Sayaka Sasayama
Fusion Dimension
Mitsuki Akaba
Serena Akaba
Sora Shuinin
Fluffal - Edge Imp - Frightfur
Leo Akaba
Original Dimension
Supreme King
Standard Dimension
Maiami City
A city set on the coast of Japan. The development of the city's technology is focused on Dueling. The headquarters of the Leo Corporation is located here, along with preparatory Duel schools such as the You Show Duel School and Leo Duel School. Maiami City is the home to the Leo Corporation's ARC System that gave birth to Action Duels, which started here and is now popular across the world. Maiami City is located in the Standard Dimension, a dimension of unknown origins where Ritual, Fusion, Synchro, and Xyz Summoning all exist, as well as where the Pendulum Summon originated. (Credit: Yugipedia)
The Lancers, short for Lance Defence Soldiers, are an organization of Duelists affiliated with the Standard Dimension that were organized by Reiji Akaba in order to fight against invaders from other dimensions. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Leo Duel School
A preparatory Duel school. It is located in Maiami City and owned by the Leo Corporation. It is considered to be the most prestigious of the Duel schools. The school offers courses for Fusion Summoning, Synchro Summoning and Xyz Summoning. Reiji Akaba also wants to include Pendulum Summoning in the curriculum. The school is currently headed by Himika Akaba. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Leo Corporation
a gaming company in Maiami City. The company created "Solid Vision with mass", which led to the birth of Action Duels. Same as the Industrial Illusions, this company makes cards. Its CEO is Reiiji Akaba, who succeeded his father after his mysterious resignation and disappearance. (Credit: Yugipedia)
You Show Duel School
A preparatory Duel school located in Maiami City. Its current owners are Yusho Sakaki and Syuzo Hiiragi. Among its students are Yuya Sakaki, Yukio Sakaki, Yuzu Hiiragi and Yuna Hiiragi. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Synchro Dimension
Refers to the upper class of New Domino City's society. (Credit: Yugipedia)
A term referring to most residents of and area of New Domino City. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Neo Domino City
A major city in the, located in the Synchro Dimension. (Credit: Yugipedia)
An organization that attempts to maintain law and order in New Domino City that. It is lead by Jean-Michel Roget. There are two special divisions of Sector Security: the Duel Chasers, who engage criminals in Turbo Duels, and the Stomptroopers, who capture fugitives who have escaped from the Facility. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Xyz Dimension
Heartland City
A location in the Xyz Dimension. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Heartland Duel School
Duel schools in Heartland City of the Xyz Dimension. Their purpose is to train Pro Duelists. There are two known branches, the Clover Branch and the Spade Branch, which are said to be rivals. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Heartland Duel School, Clover Branch
One of the branches of Heartland Duel School in the Xyz Dimension. They are rivals with the school's Spade Branch. The school trains professional Duelists. Prior to the invasion of Heartland City, Yusho Sakaki taught at this Branch. Among his students were Allen Kozuki, Kite Tenjo and Saya Sasayama. After the invasion, students from this school formed parts of the Resistance, including Allen, Saya and Kaito. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Heartland Duel School, Spade Branch
One of the branches of Heartland Duel School in the Xyz Dimension in the Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V anime. They are rivals with the school's Clover Branch. The school trains professional Duelists. Prior to the invasion of Heartland City, Yuto, Shun and Ruri Kurosaki attended this Branch of the Duel School. After the invasion, students from this school formed parts of The Resistance, among them Yuto, Shun and Ruri. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Fusion Dimension
A school that trains "Duel Soldiers" and is located in the Fusion Dimension. It is administered by Professor Leo Akaba, a man stated to be from the Original Dimension before its sundering, and serves as his forward operating base. The goal of Leo Akaba and as such the goal of Duel Academy, is to revert the Four Dimensions to their original state. In order to accomplish this, Duel Academy employs its army of Duel Soldiers in order to conquer the other Dimensions by turning its populace into cards. This goal is referred to as the "Arc Project". (Credit: Yugipedia)
You Show Duel School
A preparatory Duel school located in a City of the Fusion Dimension, and a branch of the Standard Dimension's You Show Duel School.[1] Yusho Sakaki opened the school when he came to the Fusion Dimension. (Credit: Yugipedia)
Original Dimension
#supreme family - you can find this on any post that isn't an ask
#character profile - as the tag says - tag I use to post character profile
#ask - self explanatory
#original card - tag I use to post my card I created for this fanfic
#original archetype - same with #original card but with the archetype
#chapter update - when I post a new chapter
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murasakinohoshi · 1 year
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bestygogirl · 6 months
BEST YGO GIRL: Round 3, Group B
Match 4
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please use this as an opportunity to say why you like a character, not why you don't.
Propaganda under the cut!
Sayaka Sasayama & Apollousa
She is a good with such a pure heart and friendly demeanor despite having gone through the trauma of losing her home, friends, family. Just literally going through an interdimensional invasion and war Girl has been through it She's not the most skilled duelist but she grows and learns and I'm pretty sure even wins a duel- and has some lovely fairy monsters She has a fluffy bear she's extremely beautiful and she has a special move card whose original name was "Artemate/Ultimate Slay"
Dark Magician Girl
she is iconic, basically the unofficial mascot of the anime. She has so much merch and so much fanart she is THE girl ever
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so these were supposed to be for 5 Days of Yu-Gi-Oh Femslash, but I uh. Didn’t finish them because of artfight last month;;; so I just finished up my sketches based on the prompts and I’m pretty pleased with them! Thought it was worth posting some fun ygo f/f rarepairs anyway :)
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merryfortune · 4 months
Stick-and-Poke Moon
Day 2. Please be gentle
Title: Stick-and-Poke Moon
Ship: Asraishipping | Sayaka/Serena
Word Count: 1,247
Universe: Arc V - Canon Divergent
Rating: T
Tags: Established Relationship, Fluff
   Sayaka held the sewing needle in her hand.
   It was a teeny tiny thing but holding it, tight as tight could be, it felt longer than it actually was. Especially with the clicky overhead light causing a gleam to slide up and down the rod of it.
   “C’mon, hurry up…” Serena complained.
   They sat in farce of being a tattooist and a client. They were just schoolgirls with a really stupid idea. Serena sat in a stolen school chair. Backwards, of course, to look cool. As such, the back of it to her chest and her legs out the side of it. She looked bored and irritable, her nerves all worked up as she waited… and waited… and waited.
   Sayaka was unable to buck up even though Serena was brash, certain that it’ll be a cinch. But there was a world of difference between cloth and human flesh.
   Before the Fusion Dimension had invaded, Sayaka had been something of a burgeoning seamstress. She was good at mending socks and making little poppets. She had a steady hand and her home economics teacher used to say that she had a future as a tailor if she worked hard. Not to mention, the actual practice of stitching and sewing was quite meditative for Sayaka. It took all of her attention.
   Now she wished it didn’t. The gravity of the stick-and-poke tattoo, how it could go wrong, oh, it made Sayaka sick to the stomach. Even with Serena mumbling about how macho she was.
   Worse still, at this point, Sayaka should be used to it but there was something about the idea of hurting another human being, even momentarily or for their own good, made Sayaka queasy. Blood and other bodily fluids, especially, oh it made Sayaka’s head spin.
  But again. Sayaka should have been used to it at this point. Look at what she had survived and for how long. She was used to helping out doing all sorts of field surgery, actually. She’d help make bandages and sew a couple stitches here and there if need be but the actual act of doing it… It made Sayaka’s skin crawl!
   “You can do it Sayaka, I believe in you, c’mon, it’ll be easy.” Serena kept goading her. She turned her head and patted the patch of skin on her bicep, her sleeve rolled up. “Right here. Just do it.”
   “Right, right, just… do it…” Sayaka replied, her voice starting loud and pitchy only to end up trailing off.
   It would take several rounds, according to the internet search that they had done ahead of time. They had sterilised Sayaka’s needle and intended to throw it away once done, it had been burned and sloshed with rubbing alcohol, too. Serena’s upper arm getting a dab of it too, all in preparation of the design she wanted.
   A crescent moon.
   Of course.
   It made sense. It was a nice, easy design which would transfer well as someone’s first stick-and-poke tattoo. Not to mention, a crescent moon, that was exactly what Serena was. Represented. Used to represent, maybe, now that the En Moon Card was no more and same for her bracelet. Both had dissolved in the ether that she had come from but she still clung to that symbol, nonetheless, and missed having it with her.
   Now, if Sayaka would be so kind, she would never have to part with it because it would be with her all the time as a pound of her flesh.
   Sayaka drew in a deep breath and steeled her resolve, “I’m ready.” she announced.
   Serena was right. She could do this. And so, after all their faffing about, they started.
   Sayaka cupped Serena’s upper arm with her free hand, her fingers jolting as she noticed wow… Serena was kind of muscular, actually, and her skin was so fair, too. It was a bit of a taboo, wasn’t it? A tattoo? Something for only the toughest of the tough, the most unconventional and well, with something of a giggle on her lips, Sayaka realised that Serena was both tough and unconventional.
   She made the first pierce and Serena squeaked.
   Sayaka’s eyes went wide, “Are you okay?” she squealed. Had she gone too deep or what?
   “That, um, hurt. It surprised me. I over-anticipated.” Serena grumbled but it was obvious in her sudden kicked kitten demeanour that she was lying. Her cheeks puffed out and her lips turned pouty, she stared at the floor, kicking her foot against the ground. “Please be gentle with me…”
   Serena looked adorable. For all her big mouth, she was actually quite inexperienced underneath. Sayaka forgot sometimes and felt struck by Cupid’s arrow, blushing madly with her heart racing as Serena’s demure request of her echoed of her: please be gentle with me.
   Sayaka could swear she could feel herself falling in love with Serena all over again.
   “Of course, I’ll do my best.” Sayaka said, her voice squeaky and her face reddening.
   Her hands did not betray, however, and remained steady. She tried again. With no change, either, because Sayaka trusted that she hadn’t gone too deep, Serena was just more bravado than anything else. This time, however, as the needle poked her, she didn’t make a noise.
   So, Sayaka moved her hand, she picked up a pen and fed some of the ink inside of it into the tiny pinprick. The ink seeped in and with Sayaka guiding it with her sewing needle, they began to make progress. 
   Serena tensed up as Sayaka did the crescent and then its inside. She wanted it to look pretty, like an applique she would have seen in an arts and crafts store before they were destroyed. After all, tattoos were forever, so it had to look good, Sayaka reasoned as she ever so carefully filled it in until the line was legibly thick to be seen whilst still somewhat delicate. It was about five millimetres or so as a result.
   “How’s it look?” Serena asked, grinning toothily now that it was over.
   She turned her head and looked down on her arm. Sayaka’s crescent moon wasn’t wobbly at all, the lines were smooth and worked well in the placement. The black ink contrasted against Serena’s fair skin which had reddened significantly over the course of the session. 
   Sayaka let go of a shaky breath as she set down her tools, “I’m just glad it's over.”
   The nervousness of not wanting to do her girlfriend an injustice on her first tattoo had worked Sayaka up. She had a bead of sweat on her brow and her face was still pink from her initial surprise at Serena being cute over her lower than suggested pain tolerance.
   “But I think it looks good.” Sayaka added. 
   “I think so too.” Serena said and she flexed her arm.
   That sent twinges of pain through her arm, like pins and needles, but was totally worth it. The moon wavered on her skin, like it was trying to wane but couldn’t. Sayaka smiled a small smile and leaned in closer. Not to admire her work but to kiss above it, giving Serena her blessing.
   She had been dubious that she could do a good job but here she was, sitting wrong. Her lips grazed Serena’s shoulder and Serena tensed up.
   When Sayaka leaned back, she said, “Now let it heal properly, okay?” She placed her hands in her lap.
   “Okay.” Serena nodded, a scant blush to her face as she still felt the softness of Sayaka’s lips on her skin.
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xyzabsol · 1 year
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Fandom: Yu-Gi-Oh! Zexal
Relationships: No Romantic Relationship(s), Kamishiro Rio & Kamishiro Ryouga
Characters: Kamishiro Ryouga, Kamishiro Rio, Sasayama Sayaka, Kouzuki Allen
Language: English
As it turns out, Rio's been having these visions for a while.
(This one released awhile ago but I just set up the tumblr so.)
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kinhikari · 1 year
Yuugiou ARC-V Character Tier List (K-san's picks)
S - Shun Kurosaki, Yuto
A - Jack Atlas, Serena, Sora Shiunin
B - Reiji Akaba, Tsukikage, Masumi Kotsu, Kaito Tenjo, Yuzu Hiiragi, Noboru Gongenzaka, Shuzo Hiiragi, Crow Hogan
C - Yugo, Dennis Macfield, Sayaka Sasayama, Allen Kozuki, Asuka Tenjoin, Edo Phoenix, Ayu Ayukawa, Hikage, Barrett, Yuya Sakaki, Grace Tyler, Gloria Tyler, Halil, Olga, Isao Kachidoki, Yaiba Todo, Reira Akaba, Ruri Kurosaki, Rin, Yoko Sakaki, Nico Smiley, Ray Akaba, Michio Mokota, Tatsuya Yamashiro, Yusho Sakaki, Shingo Sawatari, Mieru Hochun, Chojiro Tokamatsu, Hokuto Shijima, Yuri
F - Obelisk Force, Gen Ankokuji, Teppei Tairyobata, Sergey Volkov, Furio Sawatari, Captain Solo, Administrative Council, Damon Lopez, The Doktor, Eita Kyuando, Futoshi Harada, Gallagher, Himika Akaba, Jean-Michel Roget, Leo Akaba, Professor Marco, Battle Beast, Melissa Claire, Sanders, Shinji Weber, Zarc
Not ranking - original Lancers, Amanda, Emma, Ethan, Bernie, Jacob, Ted, Yeager, Juvenile Officers, Apollo, Diana, Nakajima, Arrest Corps, Mr. Gongenzaka, Tenpei Hayano, Frank, Tio, Mukuro Enjo, Ken Umesugi, Makoto Takeda, Yuzo Tanegashima, Mikiyo Naname, Mamoru Noro, Security, Sam, Strong Ishijima, Tanner, Tony Simmons
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