#saw this tweet and ran to Google for this pic
multiseb21 · 5 months
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ambienthousewife · 3 years
got tagged by @tshot for this fun get to know me meme
nickname: ms. penis
zodiac: all i know is im a gemini im not sure of the other details
height: 5'9"
last movie i saw: the woman who ran, this cute little south korean movie that was playing at my work yesterday. i liked it
last thing i googled: the meek mill "how do u take pics of ya screen on da iphone" tweet
favorite musician: hmmmm huge toughie one but maybe frank ocean? normie answer but lol i like him a lot. also arthur russell, terre thaemlitz, and earl sweatshirt come to mind. if this is just counting musician as in one person and not as in musical collectives
other blogs: nah
blogs following: 40 i keep it very lowkey these days
amount of sleep: 6-7ish hours but i try to aim for 8 i just have a very anxious brain
what i am wearing: my nichijou "life sucks drop out" t shirt with pajama bottoms
dream job: idk something that could pay the bills and gives me enough free time and doesnt make me wanna die. maybe something in librarian/archival field?
dream trip: probably to cuba ive always wanted to go there. or to japan or to basque country or portugal. also to chicago because i was supposed to visit in a couple weeks but it fell through last minute
favorite food: another toughie. maybe pizza? maybe burritos? my favorite foodstuff is probably kimchi though. and garlic ofc
play an instrument: i play guitar and keys and also ableton if that counts as one
languages: english with tiny bits of other languages. ive attempted to learn spanish, mandarin, portuguese, and french all at various points of my life but i didnt get very far
favorite song: i feel like the answer to this is really obvious to me when i actually remember it but i keep forgetting what my favorite song ever is. the song ive been enjoying the most as of late is "falling out the sky" by armand hammer and the alchemist ft. earl sweatshirt
random fact: right now i am making some duck fat roasted potatoes for breakfast
describe yourself as aesthetic things: baloney sandwich, small pee pee, rock in my shoe
tagging whomstever one of my lovely mutuals wants to participate in this but i dont feel like tagging anyone directly lol
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King Falls AM - Episode Three: Catch And Release
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Summary: June 1, 2015 - Sammy & Ben are live at Lake Hatchenhaw for the 55th Annual King Falls Bass Tournament with special guest Mayor Grisham.
[Podcast intro music]
[Banjo music]
Randy McMullet [heavy southern accent] Howdy y’all! It’s Randy McMullet from McMullet’s International Palace of Snake Skin Boots and I’m here to tell you we got some slithery savings this weekend! So much savings you’ll have a hissy fit! We’re not holdin’ anything back ‘cause it’s that time of year again! It’s our annual Snake Skin Blowout! I’m talkin’ ‘bout rattlesnake, copperhead, viper, black mamba, and boa constrictor. We got big snake boots at baby snake prices! Ya better hurry though before our inventory is extinct! So come on down to McMullet’s International Palace of Snake Skin Boots! We’ll be there from sun up to sun down this Saturday and Sunday at the corner of Route 72 and ol’ Bombin’ Range Road! McMullet’s International Palace of Snake Skin Boots! Where we fill your boots, with savin’s!
[Banjo music fades out]
[KFAM rock intro music]
Sammy Good morning! You’re listening to King Falls AM, that’s 660 on the radio dial. It’s twelve minutes to six and a beautiful 67 degrees out here at Lake Hatchenhaw.
Ben We are mere minutes away from the starter pistol going off signaling the beginning of the 55th annual King Falls Bass Tournament.
Sammy Ben! I couldn’t have said that better myself, you’re a natural!
Ben [“aw shucks”] Whatever, Sammy.
Sammy But you heard it, kids! The tournament’s about to get under way, but the festivities will be happening all day today. Be sure to swing on by the King Falls AM booth, pick up a bumper sticker, say hi to your favorite personalities, that sort of thing.
Ben And, of course, don’t forget to tweet us your pics today @KingFallsAM or Instagram us with the hashtag kingfalls, and we will repost those bad boys.
Sammy Absolutely, Ben. But just because this show is winding down, doesn’t mean we’re going to sleep on you! We’ve got a guest!
Ben We’re here with Ron Begley, of Begley’s Bait and Tackle. Sponsor of today’s outing.
[note: Ron’s voice can generally be described as “gruff”, any descriptors in transcription are more-so]
Ron [gruffly] Watch it, Ben. Outing is a big word. This is a gathering. 
Sammy Hey, nice to meet ya, Ron!
Ron [sweetly] Nice meetin’ you too, Sammy! And always good to see you, Ben.
Sammy Now, Ron. For all the listeners on the fence about making their way down to the Tourney today, what would you tell ‘em to change their minds?
Ron Ah hell, if they aren’t here now, they ain’t coming.
Ben Metaphorically though—
Ron [harshly] Don’t use ten dollar words when a five dollar word will suffice, Ben. If the lazy bastards aren’t up an’ at em and waiting on Mayor Grisham to fire that pistol, then there ain’t no convincing them otherwise.
Sammy Well, you know what- We’ve got quite the turn out here it seems, so uh, maybe everybody made it down?
Ron [aggressively] I’ll give you fifty damn bucks if you show me Shell Snyder’s fat ass at this lake right now!
Ben Uhhh, I’m sure-
Ron I saw that lazy son of a bitch at the town hidey-hole last night, and I know he hasn’t drug his carcass outta bed.
Sammy Hidey-hole?
Ben Don’t ask.
Ron You want something that’ll put some asses in the seats? I’ll give you somethin’ and this one’s for free. Today we got the fishing tournament, we got the bouncy house for the kiddies, we got that weird food truck that nobody ever eats at but it still shows up to all the King Falls events,
Ben Aaand?
Ron [teasing] And you know where I’m going, Ben. And just last week out by the sunken pontoon boats… We had a sighting!
Ben By the BOATS? That is so close.
Sammy Alright guys. You got me. What did we see?
Ben Sammy—
Ron Why, the Lake Hatchenhaw monster, Sammy!
Sammy Monster.
Ron Why the hell didn’t you Wikipedia-Google-book this town before you moved your sweet ass to it?! Everybody in creation knows about the Lake Hatchenhaw monster!
Sammy Alright, *chuckles* I’m sorry. Uhhh, I don’t mean to be rude, Ron, but you’re talking about your own version of the Loch—
Ron Don’t. Say it. Don’t even think it! That fake sh[bleep]show of a lake monster has nothin’ on Kingsie.
Ben You’ll have to pardon Sammy. He doesn’t believe in the extra-ordinary.
Ron [softly for Ron] What a sad life you must live, Samuel.
Ben So, Ron. This will be the fifth sighting this year, is that correct?
Ron [happy/proud] Fifth this year! She’s been a busy one. Since I took over this shop from my dad, I don’t know that we ever got Kingsie more than twice a year.
Sammy Well, ya heard it here ladies and gents. Uh, If tournament, the bouncy house, and the weird food truck don’t get you down— Kingsie will.
Ron That’s the spirit!
Sammy *chuckles* Okay, about the tournament, Ron. What exactly is on the line here? Wha-Whats the prize today?
Ron Same as every year, Sammy! Brand new bass boat with all the fixin’s and a 500 dollar check from the King Falls Chamber of Commerce.
Sammy That is a hell of a prize! I might just put the mic down and have a go myself, guys!
Ron More than welcome! [gruffly] But you better bring Ben along so you don’t end up as a “fictional lake monster”’s din-din.
Ben *sighs* I’d love to be out on that lake today! Nothing like it!
Sammy Ron Begley, everyone. Uh, Ron, thanks for dropping by and adding some color to the end of our broadcast today!
Ron [quiet and angry] Is that a gay joke, Sammy?
Sammy Uh, I-I’m sorry, what?
Ben Ron, not. At all.
Ron [threateningly] I’m not going to come on this show, and have you talkin’ trash. I’m the only soul brave enough in this town to own my identity and I’m not going to take any flack about it—
Sammy Ron. Ron. No harm was intended. I-I didn’t even know.
Ron [angry, almost shouting] Well now you do so watch your mouth! I like f[bleep]in’ and I like fightin’ and I’m completely sure you don’t want any part of either!
Sammy I-I Ron. *nervous laugh* I mean—
Ron [pleasantly] I’m just jerkin’ your chain, Sammy! Keep up the good work, guys!
Ben *Laughing loudly* Oh, you should see your face!
Sammy Thanks, Ben. Uh—
Some Guy *Slurred* Heyy Ben! What up duuude?
Ben Heyy, uh, Matt! Uhhh. We’re-we’re kinda live here, buddy.
Matt Riiight on! … maintain brah…
Ben Sorry.
Sammy Oh, no worries, bro.
Ben Uh, uh- alright folks! You’ll never believe who we’ve got heading this way! The man of the hour, the man with all the power… Mayor Grisham.
Sammy Mayor Grisham. Thanks so much for taking some time out to talk with us today!
Mayor Grisham Oh, I’ve been wanting to! Believe me. But you boys are on so darn early! I just can’t drag myself out of the bed.
Sammy Understandable.
Mayor Grisham However, my assistant, Riley, transcribes every show for me. Seems like you’re doing a great job. The both of you.
Ben Oh! Thanks so much, Mayor Grisham!
Mayor Grisham You got it, Ben! Hey, how’s your mom doing these days?
Ben Great! She’ll be thrilled that you mentioned her!
Mayor Grisham Least I can do.
Sammy Now, Mayor Grisham, you’re joining us today because in just a few short minutes we’re gonna be kicking off the 55th annual King Falls Bass Tournament—
Mayor Grisham Absolutely! It’s one of the perks of the job that makes it all worthwhile. I mean, who could turn down a beautiful morning on the lake, with all the people of King Falls?
Sammy So, do you ever partake in the tournament yourself?
Mayor Grisham *chuckles* I wouldn’t want to put the King Falls residents to shame! I’m quite an avid outdoorsman.
Sammy Well, it’s nice of you to give everybody a sporting chance.
Mayor Grisham Oh yeah.
Sammy Now, before we let you go- and believe me I hate to break down the mood —
Mayor Grisham Then don’t.
Sammy Oh, *chuckles nervously* well I-I was just gonna ask if you had heard any recent news regarding…
Mayor Grisham Sammy. Another time and another place.
Sammy Well, Mayor Grisham. [floundering] We here, we—
Mayor Grisham That’s all at this time. Thanks for having me. Have your people call Riley and we’ll schedule something soon, Sam.
Sammy [confused and irritated] Heh… Okaay?
Ben What is he- he- can’t- we’re supposed to be here for another three minutes, Sammy.
Sammy *unamused laugh* It’s fine, Ben, uh- it’s not your fault.
Ben Well, no. You ran him off, *scoffs* [growing frantic] buuut he was supposed to stay with us until we went live! with the opening ceremonies!
Sammy Hey, hey. It’s okay.
Ben [worked up] I’m going to fix this. Uh- I got it!
Sammy Ben-Be- Well. That was Ben just leaving in a full sprint, kids. Uh, seems it’s just you and me now, uh, and the mayor’s assistant, recording our every word.
Voice in distance Shotgun Sammy!
Sammy *groans* Okay, so we’re about four minutes away from the top of the hour, and the tournament getting started. Uh, we’d like to wish all the participants today the best of luck, break legs, uh, you know catch fish, wh-what have you. Uh, watch out for Kingsie, obviousl—
Ben I got it! I got it! I’m back!
Sammy Oh, Ben’s back ladies and gents! And he has a friend!
Ben Sammy, King Falls, this is Mr. Herschel Baumgartner. Winner of last year’s tournament! How you doing today, Mr. Baumgartner?
Herschel Good, Benny. Real good. Just ready to get my spot and giveitago this year. Uh, you know it’s about to start, right boys?
Sammy So, Herschel, you won the actual tournament last year, is that correct?
Herschel Oh, you bet I did! Won it back in ‘92, and ‘89 as well. But don’t go askin’ for tips now, son. Now if you excuse me—
Sammy Oh wow! So you are a three time winner of the King Falls Bass Tournament lookin’ for big number four this morning!
Herschel [sarcastic] Huh, Big City can count. We’re T-minus three minutes here, boys. If you don’t have anything pressing…
Ben Uh, for the listeners, Mr. Baumgartner, wha-what would you say is, is, is, the-the most important part—
Herschel [suspiciously] Who put you up to this? Was it Cecil? [grumbling] Amateur, usurpin’ so-and-so-
Ben No! We-we just needed to fill some time.*nervous laugh*
Herschel You’re going to pull me out of my boat to fill time? You are a DUMB son of a b[bleep]!
Sammy [warning] Hey now!
Herschel Don’t you dad-voice me, son. I’ll put a boot rrright up your ass, just like I did those Krauts[1] back in WWII! [said “dubya-dubya two”]
Sammy [harshly] You know what? Great talking to you Herschel.
Herschel [grumbling] New-fangled radio bums, looking for a hand-out. I ain’t givin’ ya no tips! No spots, no tricks o’ the trade! How I flick my wrist [fades out as he walks away]
[woman screams in bg]
Ben Was… that a scream?
Sammy [laughing dismissively] I’m sure it was just someone seeing Mr. Baumgartner’s lovely personality.
Ben I think something might be up, Sammy. Seriously.
Sammy Uh, ladies and gentlemen, as always, we thank you for tuning in with us here at King Falls AM. We’re about to go live with the opening ceremonies at the 55th annual-
[another, longer scream. Someone in the bg yells “There’s a body in the lake!” followed by sounds of an agitated crowd and a lot of people screaming]
Sammy Folks, stay with us! It seems that a body has just surfaced here at Lake Hatchenhaw! Come on, Ben!
Ben [incredulously] We’re going there?
Sammy Cronkite. Brokaw. Ben Arnold.
Ben *huffs* Right.
[Deputy Troy yells incomprehensibly through a megaphone.]
Ben-at-a-distance Tweet us!
[screaming continues]
Sammy Alright, we’re on the dock. [aside] if we could just push past— There’s the mayor! Right there!
Deputy Troy [through a megaphone] Everybody please stay calm!
Ben [quiet,worried] What if it’s Tim?
Sammy Mayor Grisham! Can you confirm that there is a body here—
Deputy Troy [still through the megaphone] Sorry boys. I don’t want to, but the Mayor’s going to cut—
[audio cuts to static]
[KFAM outtro]
[1] Kraut - a derogatory term for a German, especially a German soldier, during WWI and WWII
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oppatxtme · 6 years
Christian Yu: ᴛᴇxᴛ ᴍᴇ ᴡʜᴇɴ ʏᴏᴜ'ʀᴇ ғʀᴇᴇ
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x Christian Yu x
Note: Read at Your Own Risk ~~ (ง⌐□ل͜□)ง Type: One Shot Word Count: 5,085
 You're currently doing you're term paper that was due tomorrow. You are confident in your work even tho its rush, you like it that way.
   But today, you're not feeling like yourself. You have nothing else inside your mind but Christian Yu.
   "Do I have a text?" you asked your older sister for the hundred times, as she has your mobile to transfer some of her selfies from your mobile.
   "Nothing," she simply said without even looking at you.
 'Well, that's sucks. When are you planning to contact me you jerk...' you thought. As you feel frustrated so you just ended whatever you're doing because honestly, your mind is definitely flying to somewhere else.
   "Do I have--?"
   "Nothing. Nada!" she didn't let you finish since she knew what you're gonna say. "For how many times are you planning to ask that same question?"
   You frowned and grab your mobile in her hands. But she just let you be and used her own mobile instead.
  You checked your phone, reality hits harder, you don't have any new message in all of your social accounts and even your iMessage has nothing for you to open.
   "Is it just me or the apps or maybe the signal has a problem? Or probably it's my mobile? Well, I drop this a couple of times... so maybe," you thought since you failed to get any notification -- from him.
   You heard your sister sighed. You're about to restart your mobile when it starts ringing. You smiled, but that vanishes quickly when you saw the caller id -- it was your sister.
   You glare at her.
   "It's ringing, right?" she said teasing you. "Meaning your phone is fine. More fine than the owner. Or do you want me to send a message to you as well?"
   "Ugh!" you said frustrated. "Why is he not calling or even just a simple message saying that he's still alive or what. Why?!"
   "Maybe he's busy, duh. Why do you make simple things so complicated?" she said.
   "He's always busy - duh, but even so, he still manages to give a call or update on what he was up to. But since he left for the U.K. - he hasn't talked to me or even drop by here - and that was almost two months ago," you said with all of your feelings all together so she can feel how problematic you are.
   "Tsk!" she sighed. "You're acting as if you're his wife, you're not even close to being his girlfriend. If I were him, I surely just leave you be." she said without looking at you since she was too busy checking something from her phone.
   Your sister was right. You're not his girlfriend -- officially. What you and Christian have is what teenagers nowadays called 'Mutual Understanding'.
  If you asked Google what is Mutual Understanding -- Well, mutual understanding or MU is simply a certain relationship stage in which two people obviously like each other, but not into a true and/or lasting relationship.
  'Hurts how Google can hit you hundred times with it is not into a TRUE and/or LASTING relationship.' you sigh.
  But for you and Christian, it was a mutual understanding between two mature adults whose mind is good enough to be in one. He made you understand the type of world and work he has, different from you who are currently getting your degree in one of the most prestigious university in South Korea.
  Both of you understand that being in a serious and official relationship might not work since both of you have you're own toxic to manage. Plus, he doesn't what to drag your name in public that will make him worry. He said you're too precious for him to even share to the public.
   But not today. You checked the calendar on your phone. Next week will mark the two years you and Christian share this now 'shitty' relationship. He got you with his sweet talks and smooth moves. That's why it lasted that long.
  You know that your sister is right, you're not really his girlfriend and you're overacting about it. But you can't help it. Again you sigh.
  "Stop it Y/N. Maybe he's still somewhere overseas that's why he can't contact you." she said.
  "I don't think so, he posted some pic on his Instagram just last week and the location is definitely in Seoul. Besides, Dabin just releases his album so he can't leave that easily."
  "Then maybe his phone got broken or something and he can't buy a replacement," she said with a bored tone.
  "Sis, is that a joke? We both know how much that man is making every month. He can buy the whole Samsung or Apple if he wants to."
  "Now you're being exaggerated." she chuckled. "Why don't you just call him first so you can end this drama?"
  "That's the thing," you said as you comb your hair with both of your hands. "I am the one always making the first move - the first call, first chat and even the first one to barge in where he is. And every time, I got either seen-zoned or worst notif-zoned. Is he forgetting that I'm the lady in this and he needs to act like a man?"
  "I didn't know how gentleman Christian was," you raised you're one eyebrow at her. "I mean, he always makes you first -- get it 'Ladies First'?" she looked at you waiting for you to laugh at her lame joke but you just shake your head and looked at the other way.
  "Whatever," she said. "If you don't want to then you just have to deal with it together with your so-called lady pride." after saying that her phone rang.
  Before answering her phone, she showed you who was calling her. You just rolled your eyes when it's shown Kyung Mo aka Cream's name - her boyfriend.
  "Hello Babe?" she said extremely louder than normal obviously trying to make you jealous.
  You ignored her and just opened your phone and checked again your SMS.
  "You're already outside?" your sister immediately stand up from the couch making you looked at her. "Okay wait I'll let Y/N open the door for you while I quickly change for comfier clothes, it's freezing outside right? Okay." she said and without a word, she ran towards her room.
  You and your sister are leaving in Seoul for almost three years now, since you've got your scholar on the University you're in, you're sister quit her job in your home country to be your guardian while you're studying. Good enough, she easily got a new job and adapt to the whole Korean Culture easily than expected, since you remembered how she scolds you every time she caught you watching Korean Dramas before.
  Now, she even finds herself a Korean Jagiya in the both of Cream. And thru him, I met Christian, since you're sister sometimes let the guys crashed for a movie night here at the apartment.
  You heard the doorbell, you stand up and quickly walk towards the door.
  "Hey, there Y/N." Cream greeted you and gave you a peck on the cheek.
 "Hi Hyung." you swang the door open to let him in. And yes, you call him Hyung, ever since you started that M.U thing with Christian. Maybe it bugs him every time you tried to call someone 'Oppa'.
  "Do you want something to drink?" you said when he's about to seat on the couch. "You know how long she'll be there changing." referring to your sister who just can't do anything quick even she says so.
  He chuckles, "A glass of water will do." you placed the glass on the coffee table in front of him. "Thanks."
  You just nod and casually sits beside him. You're still debating whether you should just ask him about Christian, but in the end, you decide to open your twitter account to rant what you feel.
  After posting a couple of tweets that really make your friends reply on it asking what happen, you choose not to answer, since you're still thinking that Christian might see that and somehow think that it was for him.
  Then you decide to open your Tumblr, hoping to see some good vibes and a meme to make you laugh. But the moment you open it, you've been welcomed of a recent post about Christian being live on Instagram.
  'What the fudge!'
  You immediately open your Instagram and saw no sign of Christian being on Live but only an Inta-Story of Lori roaming on the snow.
  Seeing that he shared that post five minutes ago, you just throw your phone on the side - the side where Cream Hyung sits. Making him react.
  "What was that for?" he asked while he picked up your phone and just put your phone on the table as he looked at you.
  "Haaaish, I don't know if I can talk to you about it." true enough that Cream is still one of the closes friends of Christian, and telling him what you feel, he might not get it due to he's on Christian's side.
  "Is it Christian?" he chuckled a little when he saw the answer to this question all over your face. "Why? What did he do this time?" unlike your own sister, he sounded worried and concern.
  You sigh and took your phone on the table.
  "It's not about he did, it's more about what he didn't do." he kept quiet so you continue, "He's not calling or anything for almost two months now."
  It's now Cream's turn to sigh.
  "Did he tell you why? Did you asked him?"
  You nod. You tried to hold your emotions all inside you, not wanting to burst crying in front of Cream Hyung.
  "He said he's busy. I get that, he has work and things he needs to do. I also get that the both of you, even you're on the same team, both of you do different things. And I'm not even comparing how you make time for my sister, heck you're here listening to my sentiments while him - he chooses to go Live on Instagram rather than send me a simple HI!"
  You lost it, you immediately copped your face with your hand to hide your tear to Cream.
  He pats you on your head, you open your eyes to look at him and you saw he was giving you the tissue box that was on the table. You took it and immediately wipe your tears.
  "Seeing you like that Y/N, sometimes I want to forget that I knew Christian so I can beat him up for you. Somehow I have my share why you're in this since you knew him because of me." You shake your head. To be honest, you are more thankful that you met Christian thru him. "Why don't you just tell him that you don't like how he treats you?"
  "I can't," you said sadly. "I don't want to force him to anything, he might get the wrong idea and think that I'm just nagging him. To tell you the truth, we never had a fight. I'm too afraid that he might just leave me once I let that happen."
  It was true. You and Christian never had a fight. Well, a simple sign of jealousy at times, but that's normal since there's nothing official - but you never see that as a threat to him leaving.
  Cream went quite after what you said.
  "I don't want to tell you this but I think you need to at least have an idea..." he said that made you looked at him worried.
  Somehow you're afraid to even continue to listen to what he has to say and just run to your room.
  "W-what is it Hyung?" you tried not to crack your voice but you failed. You just bite your lower lip to focus on what he has to say.
  'Is he about to tell me that Christian has already dating someone else? Did Christian tell him something about leaving me? Shit, this is killing me.'
  "Do you have any idea about what they call 'cool break-up’?" he asked.
  "Cool break-up? Is that something like cool-off?" you frowned.
  "Most of the guys nowadays do that." he nods as if he is thinking of something else. "It's a kind of break up the guys do when they just completely ignore the girl. Like they won't talk to you, do anything and just let the girl call it quits. Do you get what I mean?"
  You just nod. Even tho your mind is not accepting what he just said.
  Can Christian do that to her? Is that what he's trying to do? To just let you be, is he waiting for you to surrender, to let go of what you thought the both of you had.
  'Two years...'
      "Okay Mom, see you tomorrow." your sister said as she bid goodbye to your Mom thru facetime.
  You almost forgot that your Mom and Dad are coming to visit since you're in a break. They'll be coming here to spend the holidays.
  You're happy about it, you missed your parents. But damn - your mind just can’t find to care anything else but Christian. Especially after knowing what Cream hyung tells you.
  'Cool break-up my face!'
  You can't help watching your sister all jolly, so you decided to open your Instagram.
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  christianyu_: Just keep doing you ! 👍 #항상 #tunnelvision #grateful
[10minutes ago]
  Your eyes almost fall out after seeing his latest post and the time when he posted it. He's even wearing one of the shirts you give him as a present to his birthday.
  'So he's really doing it aye...?' you thought as you locked your eyes to that post.
  All that Cream hyung said to you the other day is now making some sense. Somehow it's syncing with you all at once.
  "Y/N? Are you okay? What's wrong?" your sister came beside you for she saw you crying all of a sudden.
  "Nothing. I'm fine," you said and immediately run towards your room and cry some more.
  You tried to calm yourself. When you refresh your Instagram, you almost cried again when you saw that Christian is currently on Live.
  You bite your lower lip as you tried to join his Live. He's not going to see that you joined right? 'I mean he has plenty of people watching and might join the same time.'
  Apparently, Christian is looking at the comment section when you joined so he noticed your name.
  "Oh, hi there," he said but not saying your name, he smiled a bit, then he did something on his computer.
  Not a minute later, he played a song.
  "Do you guys know the title of this song?" he asked the 2k plus people streaming on his Life.
  'Catchin Villains...' you thought as you remember the song and how the lyrics go.
   "That's it...it's now or never," you whisper.
  You immediately leave close your Instagram and went to your messages.
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    You didn't wait for his reply, you immediately set your mobile to airplane mode.
     You looked at your reflexion from the mirror. You saw the necklace you're wearing. You touch it as your finger trace its pendant.
  It was a gift from Christian when he went to Peru. He has one too, but had a slightly different design, as per him, it's a necklace popular thru local couples.
  With heavy feeling, you removed the said necklace and placed it on your palm. You put the necklace in your pocket jeans.
  You're on your way thru the door when your sister saw you.
  "Where are you going?" she asked worry in her voice.
  "At the park, just to get some fresh air." you lied.
  "Okay, don't be too long and Kyung Mo will be here in an hour or so to pick up us to the airport." she reminded you.
  "Yea, I'll be back then," you said and went out.
  You didn't forget that today was the day your parents be arriving, you and your sister, together with Cream hyung will pick them at the airport.
  They'll be arriving at 12noon. That's why you asked Christian to meet at 10am. So if ever he's late, scratch that, you're still hoping that the both of you can talk things thru.
  Even how many times you tried to convince yourself last night that everything will be okay, that seems too impossible to do so.
  You arrived early since you're place is much closer than his. You and Christian usually go to this park with Lori. To let Lori play while the two of you either watching her or the two of you trying the children’s swing and ride the seesaw. Or just sit on the bench you are sitting now to chill.
  'Happy times...' you sigh.
  You checked your watch. He's already 15 minutes late.
  "Y/N..." you felt chills run thru your whole body as you heard him say your name.
  You slowly looked at his way. He's on his sweatpants and wearing his long big pullover with a hood almost covering his whole head. When he sits beside you, he adjusts his hoodie, enough to see his sharp features.
  'He seems fine... as always - not like me.' you thought as you looked at him.
  "What is this about that you are so eager for us to talk?" you can see on his handsome face that he doesn't like your idea, he seems pissed.
  'Eager?.. damn you're so cold.' you wanted to say that to him but no voice came out.
  "I get it, Christian," you said instead. "I got the message you're trying to send me." you pulled the necklace from your pocket. You looked at it for the last time. "I really don't want to end it like this, but you leave me no choice - to push me that long, for two whole months Christian! All you have to do is freakin’ tell it to my face." and your voice cracked.
  "What are you talking about Y/N?" he said surprised when you tried to give him the necklace.
  "Cool break-up?" you said sarcastically. "What a jerk move, I never thought you'll be that kind of guy who just let the girl wait in vain for you, to look stupid for you. Do you really think of me that low? Is it because what we have is not important to you? Is that it Christian?"
  You didn't realize that you're trying to catch your breath while saying that, for the tears can't seem to stop flowing thru your cheeks.
  He seems speechless. Maybe he didn't expect you to have the guts to confront him about this so-called 'cool break-up' moves.
  "Gosh Christian, if you want to break up with me badly, tell it to me, letting me wait for two months or even two freaking years to just end it like this?! What did I do to you to deserve this?!"
  "Why are you acting like this Y/N? Why do you always make things complicated? Ugh!" he said as he combs his hair with both of his hands when you keep pushing him to take the necklace.
  You stopped and your mouth drops open when he said that, he's totally pissed.
  'So this is it...'
  "You're right, I won't make this complicated anymore. If you don't want to continue whatever we have, then it's fine with me. Goodbye Christian."
  Then you walked away from him. Nothing hurts more when you expect him to chase and stop you, but that didn't happen at all.
  'Good Bye Christian, Lori...' and your vision went blurry as you walked home.
  "Oh, here come Y/N!" you heard your sister.
  But you immediately open the car door and went inside without a word. She tried to asked what happened but you kept it all inside you.
  "I'm fine. Now, lets go or we'll be caught on the traffic." You said since she kept asking and Cream can't start driving while seeing you like that.
   "So, I shouldn't worry how messy your apartment is right?" your Mom said when all of you settled into the car and on the way to the apartment.
  "Of course Mom, you know how Y/N here's a clean freak - once in a blue moon." your sister said teasing you.
  You plan to just keep quiet all thru the trip since all you want was to lock yourself in your room.
  "I can't still believe that a year more and my baby Y/N will be graduating from the University. And soon, she might be others baby as well." your mom said.
  "Enough with that Mi or you might end up crying again." your dad said while smiling on your mom being so dramatic.
  "Oh, you knew about it too Mom? Dad?" you heard your sister asked.
  You decided to put on earphones so you couldn't hear them. You love them, but you're really not it the right mood. All you want to is to be alone.
    The car stopped in front of your building. Your mother grab you by the arm to help her step out of the car. Your sister went inside first.
  "How about we unload our thing later? Let's go inside first?" your mom said.
  "Yea sure, it's too cold for us to stay long here." your dad said.
  You looked at Cream hyung to see if it's really okay to just let it be.
  "Don't worry, let's go first inside. I'm hungry," he said as he walks behind your parents.
  You went in first so you could open the door for your parents, and as you lead them to the hallway towards the living room..  
  You heard something popped then the next thing you saw was the colorful confetti everywhere, standing in the center of supposed to be the living room, but now it's re-arrange and look simply amazing, the color sky blue is dominating the room, what you love most is the man holding a bouquet of mixed white and blue roses.
  Again your vision went to blur, you tried to walk towards him when a song start's playing.
  "We ain't gotta keep this on the low ~
 Don't do it fast we can take it slow ~
 I'll show you things that you ain't seen before ~
 before you go, you oughta know ~"
  You stop when you recognize the song and who was the one singing ~ Yeah, it's none other than Dabin.
  He smiles brightly at you in between his song. Then you notice that in between you and Christian, a portable projector. That start showing some clips on your wall when Dabin reached the chorus of the song.
  "I won't be catchin' feelings ~
 but she got me catchin' feelings ~
 I can't be catchin' feelings ~
 but she got me catchin' feelings"
  Dabin continues to sing as you focus watching the clips shown, you forget all that was around you in that moment as you watch the clip that you knew Christian made.
  It's a clip of you and him, just random, candid photos and videos you both share thru that two years together.
  You didn't notice that Christian is already at your side, he smiled so ever-ly towards you and you smile unsurely for you can't believe at what’s happening.
  A minute later, Dabin finished singing and the music turns to a low instrumental, the song again is oh so familiar to you. It was 'I Finally Found Someone', and with that, you hide your face at Christian's arm for you might fall out crying for more at any moment.
  "So, if ever you got married," you heard Christian's voice from the speaker on the side that made you look again at the projection.
  It was a stolen video of you that Christian neatly setup.
  "Me? Married?" you laugh.
  "Yeah, why? Do you plan to be a Nun?" he laughs and that made all the people around you - including your parents laugh. "Any songs in mind?" he asked.
  You remember that day, he asked you random things in between your conversation regarding his work with Taeyang. You're nearly pissed at him back then, now you know why.
  It's for today. He asked you what songs do you like for a wedding, you answer it all based on what you want on your own. Number one is I Finally Found Someone and then Always and so on. He’s even amazed that you knew those classic songs.
  Then he already knew your favorite color, and the flower: Blue Rose mixed with White Rose.
  "But he needs to get my parents permission first before he can marry me," you said thru the clip. You looked at your parents as they too focus on the short film about you and Christian.
  "What if your parents don't agree?" he asked.
  "Then, it's goodbye ~ SA YO NA RA." then you laugh. You heard them laugh as well.
  A few minutes later and the short film ended with words 'On this day, Tomorrow with You.', you don't quite get that and now all eyes settled on you and Christian.
  He's now standing in front of you while tight grip on the bouquet. He cleared his throat. He gave you the flowers, you accepted it, still thinking that you're in kind of a dream.
  "Thank you," you manage to say. "But how--?"
  He didn't answer you, instead, he smiled then clear his throat, then out of nowhere, Christian sings acapella; you almost forget how beautiful voice he has;
  "On this day
I promise forever
On this day
I surrender my heart
Here I stand, take my hand
And I will honor every word that I say
On this day"
  'Oh my God, is this for real? Is he gonna ask me to be his girlfriend - officially? Shoot!' you thought. Listening to how he sings, it was a truly a dream serenade for you.
  When you're confident that he's gonna asked you to be his girlfriend, you're ready to say yes after he sang the song 'On This Day'. When all of a sudden he bend on his nee and said;
  "Y/C/N, would you mind spending the rest of your tomorrows with me?" he said looking up you, while a Vintage Diamond Filigree Dainty Ring together with the necklace you return him earlier that day on his hand.
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 You grasp for air as you made your both hands a fan, as if your whole body will run out of air. By that, your sister, being helpful immediately took some peace of carton lying there to use for a paper fan.
  Your hair is all blown at the other side of your face, looking down at Christian, 'This can't be a dream, it's too good to be a dream that I'll be wishing to not wake up at all.'
  You reached for his hand, and without a word, you nod.
  With that, the people around you start cheering for the two you. Christian, while still on his nee took your left hand and placed his promise ring on your ring finger.
  As you watch him, you can see that like you, his eyes watery. A drop of two scapes in them when he finally puts the ring and kisses your hand.
  He stands and without a word pulled you closer to an embrace.
  "I love you Y/N, so much!" he said while he's buried between your shoulder.
  "I love you too Christian, and thank you for this."
  He slowly loosens enough to see your face and place his one arm around you still as the other help you wipe your tears.
  "But how? I thought --" you asked.
  He gave you that smile of his again that made you fall for him the first time. He put away some of your hair behind your ears.
  "This is what I meant earlier when I said you're making things complicated," he said as he gently put the necklace you gave him, back to its proper place. "Every time I'm with you, it's hard to hide anything from you. To keep me away from blowing my own plan, I tried my very best to be away from you, so I busied myself at work and Dabin's album release and all. But what happened earlier was so fucked up but I almost chase you to tell everything, until Cream called me looking for you. He quickly tells me about what he mentioned to you, thinking that it would help add some drama to this surprise." he said as you looked at the guy mention.
  Cream was standing beside your sister who gently punched him, that made you chuckle.
  "I planned to do this sooner, but when I got the chance to talk to your parents thru Facebook,"
  "Facebook? You have facebook? Since when?" you cut him for that fact he has a facebook account that you never knew.
  "Aigoo ~ let me finish." he laugh, "And yes, I made it last month since your parents don't have any SMS other than Facebook. Okay? I contacted them there to ask for their permission first before proceeding to this, and since they told me they'll be going here for the holiday, then I just decided to wait for them. What's one more month right?" then he poked your cheek.
  With that, you can't find any words enough to tell him how happy and grateful you feel for what he did so you just pulled him for a kiss. After that kiss, resting on each other's forehead.
  "Just to remind you that you still owe me an 'I do' for I won't be just settled with a nod," Christian said.
  You drop the flowers you're holding, and copped his face with your hands, you pulled him closer to your face. He put his hands around your waist, as he looked at your eyes, waiting for what you'll do next.
  You planted a kiss all side of his face, and before you settle at his lips.
  "I'll never plan to let go of you ever again if you let me say 'I Do', you know that right?" you asked him.
  "Well, that's the plan," he smirked.
  "Seems I don't have a choice then but to say I do, I'll marry you Christian Yu." and you kissed him again, passionately, deeply.
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   A/N: Okay, I admit, Christian Yu keeps on popping out of my dreams, now I felt bad for my own Oppa ( ͡°- ͡°) good thing he doesn’t have a clue about this account of mine or he might just flip ( ͡°з ͡°) Anyways, yeah another Christian Yu One Shot, I hope y’all like it, and finally I have few request came in so I’ll be doing that next.  Always take care friends! Advance Merry Chrismas! <3
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wallpaperpaintings · 4 years
17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting
Creative administrator and artisan Marta Grossi had aloof relocated to Milan back the coronavirus communicable affected Italy to abode the country on lockdown. Trapped central and clumsy to see her family, she began a new artistic activity to break mentally and physically healthy. Anniversary day, Grossi acclimated her bore as a canvas for beautiful, yet ephemeral, watercolor paintings.
“Now added than anytime we charge to break absolute and to acquisition adorableness alike in the abrupt places,” Grossi explains. COVID-19 and the conscientious bloom reminders accept impacted the way abounding bodies appearance sinks. The Italian artisan refers to them as our “silent companions” during this aberrant event. In fact, Grossi aboriginal began painting in her bore out of necessity, back she ran out of cartoon affidavit and was clumsy to acquirement new food at the store. So, cerebration on her feet, she saw the abrupt white ceramics of her bore as an befalling for a altered blazon of art.
Grossi stretches her acuteness to places above the borders of her accommodation and uses her besom to ample the bore with bright renderings of butterflies, flowers, leaves, and animals. “Every day I acrylic [a new subject] with watercolors and afterwards 24 hours I let the baptize abort the art piece,” she says. The abbreviate activity of this artwork is allotment of the process. Once she completes the painting of the day, Grossi abstracts it with her phone. Then, back it is time to apple-pie the slate clean, the Italian artisan annal a video of how the baptize erases the aerial layers of paint—savoring the end of anniversary cursory ilration.
Scroll bottomward to see added of Grossi’s absurd bore paintings, and chase
17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting – watercolor painting | Encouraged in order to my website, in this time I am going to explain to you with regards to keyword. And today, this can be the very first photograph:
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Watercolor Painting Workshop | Splashing Paint – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
How about image preceding? is actually of which wonderful???. if you think maybe consequently, I’l m show you a number of image yet again beneath:
So, if you like to have all of these magnificent pictures regarding (17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting), click save icon to save these pictures in your computer. They are ready for transfer, if you want and want to get it, simply click save symbol in the article, and it will be instantly saved to your computer.} As a final point if you’d like to obtain new and the latest picture related to (17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting), please follow us on google plus or book mark this site, we attempt our best to present you regular update with all new and fresh pics. Hope you like staying here. For many upgrades and recent information about (17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting) shots, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark area, We try to give you up-date regularly with fresh and new shots, like your searching, and find the best for you.
Here you are at our site, articleabove (17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting) published .  Nowadays we are delighted to declare that we have found a veryinteresting contentto be reviewed, namely (17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting) Most people trying to find information about(17 Common Mistakes Everyone Makes In Watercolor Painting | Watercolor Painting) and of course one of these is you, is not it?
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Watercolor Painting – Three days online Workshop at Online – Events High – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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Paul Cézanne | Still-Life with a Watermelon and .. | watercolor painting
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Watercolour Paintings – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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Beach and Sand Dunes Original Watercolor Painting – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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17 Unique Watercolor Painting Ideas for Beginners | Cindy Briggs Art – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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WATERCOLOR PAINTING WORKSHOP-New Orleans | Mix It Up! – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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How to paint Foliage Using Negative Painting in Watercolor .. | watercolor painting
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Geranium Flower – Watercolor Painting – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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After the Storm – Watercolor Painting – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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Painting Beautiful Watercolor Landscapes with Ghanashyam .. | watercolor painting
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Painting Water 101: Key Techniques For Seas, Oceans .. | watercolor painting
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Anna Maria von Phul – Wikipedia – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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Watercolor Painting Ideas: Painting Bunny Silhouettes With A Full Moon – watercolor painting | watercolor painting
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from WordPress https://www.bleumultimedia.com/17-common-mistakes-everyone-makes-in-watercolor-painting-watercolor-painting/
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Acting with Feelings.
Here we go! I got a request sent in and I thought I’d give it a go!!! WOOOO here’s for my first imagine EVER!
Request (by anon): I want to request a Harrison fic! One where the reader is like an actor too and they're on the same tv show and just fluff on set?! (I took a little creative liberty and did what I did haha it’s open for a part 2 or a continuation if people want it.) 
Warnings: none.
Word count:1346
You sighed as you sat in your dressing room, your makeup artist and hair stylist having just left. Today you began filming season 4 of your latest TV series, it loomed upon you that this was the last season and your character was finally going to meet her soulmate before she died and apparently you were meeting your counterpart, Harrison Osterfield, in a few minutes when you got called on set. 
The butterflies in your stomach never failed, pushing at your sides to get out. This boy, THIS BOY, you thought to yourself as you began the descent to the set, your characters long whimsical dress dragging behind you. It didn’t help that you googled him the night before or that you lost sleep over his perfect blue eyes and how even in photos you found yourself getting lost in them.
“Y/N! Y/N!” The director called, watching as you walked onto the set and saw a group congregating, “I want you to meet your soulmate, this is Harrison and his friend Tom.” He said as you sauntered over, not looking up into his eyes.
“Nice to meet you.” You murmured, finally looking up at Harrison. He was at least a foot taller than you, had sandy blonde hair and was beyond toned.
“You too Y/N, I’m so excited to have this opportunity to work with someone like you.” Harrison blurted out as tom held back a smirk. Harrison had been talking about Y/N nonstop since he found out he was cast in her TV show.
“Well let’s get this started.” You said with a smile as you both took your places and the filming began.
~A few weeks later~
You and Harrison both started laughing as you began to film the sex scene, the laughter never fail and your director even held back giggles too. The scene wasn’t that hard to film as the pair of you had become incredibly close over the few weeks you’d known each other.
“Cut! Cut, Come on guys, we’ve got enough bloopers for the gag reel but I need you guys to take this seriously!” He yelled, calling for the scene to be reworked.
As the pair of you began the scene again, something about this take seemed personal, it seemed serious. You didn’t know if it was the glint in his eye or the fact that it felt like no one else was in the room, the camera and crew non-existent to you as you kissed him with passion and he lead you to the bed, following every action that the script had laid out, only this time there was no laughter and no calling for cut. The call for the scene to stop came as it was due to fade to black, giving viewers exactly what they wanted and a little room to imagine what could have happened. You both stopped, covers over your heads as you were in Haz’s characters bed, a smile on both your lips and a small smirk as he pulled the covers down.
“Think that was good enough?” He asked you as you grabbed your dress and pulled it over your head to cover your body.
“Yeah, I think we get a break now.” You said as you walked away, retreating to your dressing room as the director said it was a great shot.
Harrison followed you, wanting to know if you guys could hang out, if you wanted to go for a drive and get fast food like you always did after a difficult scene but when you closed the door and he heard the lock turn over a frown took over his lips and the sadness met his blue eyes.
When you were both called back to set, you had a final scene for the night as the first episode was airing and you all had a viewing party and a live tweeting session planned. The scene called for Lara (Y/N character) and Nathaniel (Harrison’s character) to talk about what just happened and for her to reveal that she’s going to die soon.
“I think we were due that, I’ve been waiting years to meet you Lara and now that we’re together I never want to lose you.” Harrison said, moving to hold your hand as he looked into your eyes.
“N-Nathaniel, I am very sick.” You said softly, the tears began falling as Harrison’s eyebrows raised, clearly he never got told about this and it showed in his expressions. “I’m going to die Nate.” You added, watching as Haz shook his head.
“AND CUT!” The director called clapping his hands “That’s great!” He grinned.
Harrison grinned, pulling you into a hug and lifting you up a slight which brought a smile to your lips. “We did it Y/N! WE DID IT!” He said to you with a smile as he kissed your cheek.Your cheeks lit up as he kissed them, causing a huge smile on your lips as you turned to him and kissed him on the lips while the rest of the crew, celebrated the last shot of the day.
A few hours later the whole cast was sitting inside your lounge room with your phones out, watching the hype build up for the first episode. You posted a picture of you and Haz, captioning it ‘I wonder who will make an appearance in this season’ therefore announcing that Haz was in the season as it hadn’t been announced yet. It got a lot of likes by people who followed Haz and a lot of people who had Holland in their name, it also got a lot of ‘I ship it’ replies, one of which came from Tom Holland himself.
Watching as Haz got his phone out and retweeted the pic he looked over to you with a smile, “Tom thinks we make a good couple.” He said softly, shaking his head as he put his phone back down and you both took your places on your lounge as various other cast members sat on the floor or the bean bags you provided.
The show started and you tweeted a video of all the cast singing along to the theme song, laughing as it picked up from the cliff hanger that last season left it on. ‘Oh damn, we’re all so musical.’ You captioned it with a cry face emoji.
‘Damn Lara, you is gonna meet someone soon’ you tweeted, watching on as your character cried to her mother, wanting to know who her soulmate was.
‘@Y/U/N Yeah some handsome fella I believe’ Haz replied to you.
‘@Hazosterfield I dunno but he has dreamy blue eyes’ you replied hesitantly, watching as Haz’s eyes widened as he read the tweet.
‘@Y/U/N He might have but at least I got to act with someone who has a genuine and beautiful soul’ he replied, looking back to the screen as his character got revealed.
A smile met your lips as you read his reply. You simply replied with a few heart emoji’s and rested your head on his shoulder, watching the rest of the episode and occasionally tweeting.
As the episode ended and everyone took their leave, Haz stayed behind lingering in your kitchen as he helped you clean by stacking your dishwasher.
“So that was pretty fun...” He said as you binned the last of the rubbish and he finished with the dishes. “Yeah, we should do it every few episodes.” You suggested, looking over at Haz before he ran a hand through his hair. “Uh Y/N I know this may seem weird and everything but I... I would uh like to take you out to lunch tomorrow, like a date kinda thing or not I mean it can be whatever you want but I want to get to know you better.” He spat out, not stopping to take a breath or look at you. You looked over at Harrison, the butterflies you had when you first met returning with a vengeance as you let go of the breath you didn’t realise you’d held in.
“Yeah okay Haz, it’s a date.”
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas
Creative administrator and artisan Marta Grossi had aloof relocated to Milan back the coronavirus communicable affected Italy to abode the country on lockdown. Trapped central and clumsy to see her family, she began a new artistic activity to break mentally and physically healthy. Anniversary day, Grossi acclimated her bore as a canvas for beautiful, yet ephemeral, watercolor paintings.
“Now added than anytime we charge to break absolute and to acquisition adorableness alike in the abrupt places,” Grossi explains. COVID-19 and the conscientious bloom reminders accept impacted the way abounding bodies appearance sinks. The Italian artisan refers to them as our “silent companions” during this aberrant event. In fact, Grossi aboriginal began painting in her bore out of necessity, back she ran out of cartoon affidavit and was clumsy to acquirement new food at the store. So, cerebration on her feet, she saw the abrupt white ceramics of her bore as an befalling for a altered blazon of art.
Grossi stretches her acuteness to places above the borders of her accommodation and uses her besom to ample the bore with bright renderings of butterflies, flowers, leaves, and animals. “Every day I acrylic [a new subject] with watercolors and afterwards 24 hours I let the baptize abort the art piece,” she says. The abbreviate activity of this artwork is allotment of the process. Once she completes the painting of the day, Grossi abstracts it with her phone. Then, back it is time to apple-pie the slate clean, the Italian artisan annal a video of how the baptize erases the aerial layers of paint—savoring the end of anniversary cursory ilration.
Scroll bottomward to see added of Grossi’s absurd bore paintings, and chase
The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas – artist canvas | Welcome in order to the blog, in this time We’ll explain to you in relation to keyword. And from now on, this is the very first image:
41 Most Beautiful Oil Paintings | ALL PHOTOZ – artist canvas | artist canvas
How about photograph above? is that will remarkable???. if you think thus, I’l d demonstrate many picture once again beneath:
So, if you’d like to acquire the amazing photos regarding (The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas), click save button to store these photos for your pc. These are available for download, if you’d prefer and want to obtain it, click save logo on the web page, and it’ll be immediately downloaded in your computer.} At last if you would like secure unique and recent picture related to (The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas), please follow us on google plus or book mark the site, we try our best to present you regular up-date with all new and fresh pics. We do hope you love keeping here. For some up-dates and latest news about (The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas) images, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark section, We attempt to give you up grade periodically with fresh and new pics, love your exploring, and find the ideal for you.
Thanks for visiting our site, articleabove (The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas) published .  Today we are pleased to announce we have discovered a veryinteresting nicheto be pointed out, that is (The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas) Most people searching for information about(The Real Reason Behind Artist Canvas | Artist Canvas) and certainly one of them is you, is not it?
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/the-real-reason-behind-artist-canvas-artist-canvas/
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chocolateheal · 6 years
You Will Never Believe These Bizarre Truth Of Chocolate Sweatshirts | chocolate sweatshirts
In the aboriginal morning hours of Saturday, Nov. 3, Kathleen Cowley heard alive sounds advancing from central her amber and adornment shop.
Carhartt Men's Midweight Hooded Pullover Sweatshirt … – chocolate sweatshirts | chocolate sweatshirts
Cowley, buyer of New Moon Magick Enchanted Chocolates, lives in a abode that is alongside to her amber and best adornment shop, overlooking Washington Park in Oak Bluffs. She was up early, accepting accessible to accompany her bootleg chocolates to the West Tisbury Farmers Market, aback through her kitchen window she saw a man walking through her store. Cowley anon declared the police, but the burglar larboard by the time Administrator Robert Mansfield arrived. He gave Cowley some assurance tips, and said he would accumulate an eye on the store.
A few moments later, Administrator Mansfield alternate to Cowley’s shop, this time with $72 banknote and a analysis fabricated out to Enchanted Chocolates — all of which he begin alfresco on the road.
With her money back, Cowley went about her morning prepping for the farmers market. An hour later, Cowley saw a car anchored and active beyond from her driveway, and a man walking into the boutique cutting a atramentous hooded sweatshirt.
She took a photo of the car and declared the badge and told them, “He’s back.” The man bound ran out of the boutique and into the car afore active off.
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Det. Jeffrey LaBell accustomed at Cowley’s abode to get the account of the intruder’s breach car. Oak Bluffs Badge connected their analysis throughout the day by anecdotic the vehicle, accepting Cowley analyze the burglar from a photo lineup, and free the declared burglar was Zac Dupon of Oak Bluffs.
Upon actuality questioned by police, Dupon “became remorseful” and told the administrator he “wanted some of the amber that they advertise in that store,” according to the badge report. Dupon again handed over a ample bag abounding with chocolate, jewelry, and crystals — all commodity from Cowley’s shop, the address states.
Dupon had helped Cowley advertise amber at the farmer’s bazaar a few years before. She said she intends to columnist charges. “I can’t accept bodies advancing my boutique and my home,” Cowley told The Times.
Despite accepting her boutique burst into alert in one morning, Cowley kept a absolute attitude, and capital bodies to apperceive Enchanted Chocolates will abide to accomplish amber — and if bodies appetite to try it, they should aloof ask.
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“Just appear in during business hours,” Cowley said, “We accept bodies that like it so abundant they breach in for it. They’ll do annihilation for our chocolate.”
Cowley accepted the efforts of the Oak Bluffs Badge Department for analytic the case so quickly. “Many acknowledgment to the OBPD for their dedication, spending the absolute day analytic the crime. We are beholden that they were additionally able to retrieve the baseborn goods,” she wrote in a Facebook post.
“They did abundant work. My guys consistently do acceptable work,” Lt. Williamson told The Times. “It was acceptable badge work.”
While blessed the break-in was solved, Cowley said she acquainted her home and abundance were violated, and is installing cameras about the shop. “It was unsettling. We are authoritative adjustments to anticipate these things from happening,” Cowley said. “We’re alive on our anniversary treats. We’re accepting accessible for the holidays.”
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Williamson said that Cowley was a huge advice because she airtight a account of the car. The photo didn’t accept a account of the authorization plate, but Lt. Williamson aggregate it with added Island badge departments. West Tisbury Badge Administrator Nickolaj Wojtkielo articular the car as acceptance to Dupon.
Dupont was not arrested because he was accommodating with police, accepted to breaking into the shop, and alternate what he had taken, according to Lt. Williamson
Cowley has been cataloging the recovered merchandise, and said about $1,200 of adornment and amber was allegedly stolen.
Dupon will be summoned to cloister on accuse of for burglary from a architecture and burglary over $1,200, according to the badge report.
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting
Creative administrator and artisan Marta Grossi had aloof relocated to Milan back the coronavirus communicable affected Italy to abode the country on lockdown. Trapped central and clumsy to see her family, she began a new artistic activity to break mentally and physically healthy. Anniversary day, Grossi acclimated her bore as a canvas for beautiful, yet ephemeral, watercolor paintings.
“Now added than anytime we charge to break absolute and to acquisition adorableness alike in the abrupt places,” Grossi explains. COVID-19 and the conscientious bloom reminders accept impacted the way abounding bodies appearance sinks. The Italian artisan refers to them as our “silent companions” during this aberrant event. In fact, Grossi aboriginal began painting in her bore out of necessity, back she ran out of cartoon affidavit and was clumsy to acquirement new food at the store. So, cerebration on her feet, she saw the abrupt white ceramics of her bore as an befalling for a altered blazon of art.
Grossi stretches her acuteness to places above the borders of her accommodation and uses her besom to ample the bore with bright renderings of butterflies, flowers, leaves, and animals. “Every day I acrylic [a new subject] with watercolors and afterwards 24 hours I let the baptize abort the art piece,” she says. The abbreviate activity of this artwork is allotment of the process. Once she completes the painting of the day, Grossi abstracts it with her phone. Then, back it is time to apple-pie the slate clean, the Italian artisan annal a video of how the baptize erases the aerial layers of paint—savoring the end of anniversary cursory ilration.
Scroll bottomward to see added of Grossi’s absurd bore paintings, and chase
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So, if you want to secure all these outstanding shots about (How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting), click save link to store the images for your laptop. They’re all set for save, if you want and want to get it, just click save logo on the page, and it will be directly downloaded in your pc.} Lastly if you wish to obtain new and the latest graphic related with (How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting), please follow us on google plus or bookmark this site, we attempt our best to provide daily up grade with all new and fresh pics. Hope you love staying right here. For some updates and recent information about (How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting) images, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on book mark area, We try to offer you up-date periodically with all new and fresh graphics, like your exploring, and find the right for you.
Here you are at our website, articleabove (How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting) published .  Today we’re delighted to announce that we have discovered an awfullyinteresting nicheto be pointed out, that is (How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting) Many individuals trying to find info about(How To Leave Flower Canvas Painting Without Being Noticed | Flower Canvas Painting) and of course one of these is you, is not it?
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Abstract Floral Artwork Canvas Painting: White Flower Bloom Picture Wall Art for Bedroom (188” x 188” x 18 Panel) – flower canvas painting | flower canvas painting
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/how-to-leave-flower-canvas-painting-without-being-noticed-flower-canvas-painting/
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wallpaperpainting · 4 years
20 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Watercolour Flowers | Watercolour Flowers
Creative administrator and artisan Marta Grossi had aloof relocated to Milan back the coronavirus communicable affected Italy to abode the country on lockdown. Trapped central and clumsy to see her family, she began a new artistic activity to break mentally and physically healthy. Anniversary day, Grossi acclimated her bore as a canvas for beautiful, yet ephemeral, watercolor paintings.
“Now added than anytime we charge to break absolute and to acquisition adorableness alike in the abrupt places,” Grossi explains. COVID-19 and the conscientious bloom reminders accept impacted the way abounding bodies appearance sinks. The Italian artisan refers to them as our “silent companions” during this aberrant event. In fact, Grossi aboriginal began painting in her bore out of necessity, back she ran out of cartoon affidavit and was clumsy to acquirement new food at the store. So, cerebration on her feet, she saw the abrupt white ceramics of her bore as an befalling for a altered blazon of art.
Grossi stretches her acuteness to places above the borders of her accommodation and uses her besom to ample the bore with bright renderings of butterflies, flowers, leaves, and animals. “Every day I acrylic [a new subject] with watercolors and afterwards 24 hours I let the baptize abort the art piece,” she says. The abbreviate activity of this artwork is allotment of the process. Once she completes the painting of the day, Grossi abstracts it with her phone. Then, back it is time to apple-pie the slate clean, the Italian artisan annal a video of how the baptize erases the aerial layers of paint—savoring the end of anniversary cursory ilration.
Scroll bottomward to see added of Grossi’s absurd bore paintings, and chase
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So, if you desire to get these outstanding pictures related to (20 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Watercolour Flowers | Watercolour Flowers), click on save link to save these pictures in your pc. They’re ready for down load, if you appreciate and wish to obtain it, just click save badge in the article, and it’ll be immediately saved in your laptop computer.} At last if you want to grab new and recent picture related with (20 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Watercolour Flowers | Watercolour Flowers), please follow us on google plus or bookmark this page, we attempt our best to provide daily update with all new and fresh pics. Hope you love staying right here. For most upgrades and latest news about (20 Brilliant Ways To Advertise Watercolour Flowers | Watercolour Flowers) graphics, please kindly follow us on tweets, path, Instagram and google plus, or you mark this page on bookmark section, We try to present you up-date periodically with all new and fresh graphics, love your exploring, and find the perfect for you.
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from Wallpaper Painting https://www.bleumultimedia.com/20-brilliant-ways-to-advertise-watercolour-flowers-watercolour-flowers/
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