#saving gemma bronzebeard
i listen to saving gemma bronzebeard maybe once a month because it’s very fun but it also does mean that murph’s “ten outta ten times this happens, you live girl” lives rent fucking free in my head
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
your uncle fucking sucks 🤝🏼 your grandpa's PISSING ME OFF
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dacergirl369 · 1 year
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"Caldwell you may play as Gemma."
Murph what
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Play-Ins Day 1 Masterpost
Magic Storms and Cottagecore vs Grimhawk Manor
Pandemonium vs The Glittering Lady
Creator of Nightmares vs The Ol’ Crick
Jungle Judgement vs Tricky Trials
The Man Who Threw the Knife vs Nightcap
Merfolk Melee vs Treachery
Bananksgiving One Shot vs Microbrews Clues
Glen vs The Gladeholm Wizard Tournament
Saving Gemma Bronzebeard vs Shard Showdown
Apartment Amuck! vs The Getaway
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How do you think hardwon would've changed had gemma survived? I think that was probably the most defining moment of the campaign for him.
i truly don’t KNOW! it was so formative both to Hardwon as a character and also to the story that it’s hard to imagine another world. like, okay, Galaderon was the big “shit gets real” arc of the podcast. and then Tales from The Crick is like “nothing is what you expect it to be, it’s so much rawer and realer and deeper than that.” but Frostwind, specifically the beginning of Frostwind, is the “Your Actions Have Consequences” lesson. all three of those arcs flipped the WHOLE tone right on its head. (and then, so did the feywild, but that’s another story. and each of those first 3 big arcs focuses on a different one of the characters while both moonstone and then the feywild focus on them as a Unit but again. Another Story) 
so this is all kind of wild speculation, but i do think that if he managed to save her life there’d be a little bit more of a Look How Awesome I Was, Gemma, Wasn’t That Great, I Totally Saved Your Life. like hardwon’s bluster has always been to cover up his insecurities, but i think actually saving her would have validated him a little bit in those prideful aspects. tempered, of course, by being the one who low-key put her in danger in the first place. 
i wonder how much of hardwon’s fierce protectiveness of the people he loves comes from having Gemma literally die in his arms. like, when they find out that his mom’s in shadowfell and it immediately becomes We Have To Save Lydia Right Now, or even the way he is with bev and moonshine sometimes. maybe that would be less of a thing but honestly...he’s really just always been like that. see him almost dying to a Bullywug in episode 5 protecting the Green Teens. 
i’d be FASCINATED to see how hardwon and gemma’s relationship would have played out--the kiss absolutely felt like a goodbye kiss, but once they were out there trying to solve the mystery of her attempted murder? and how would it have changed hardwon and JAINA’S relationship? jaina would be protective of her sister, suspicious of hardwon--how would that have played out? where would Gemma have stood in all of that? there is no doubt in my mind that gemma was absolutely a badass, just in a more diplomatic way. how would the three of them have navigated taking out Wilhelm Bronzebeard? and afterward, when Hardwon moved on--would he keep in touch with Gemma? or would they part ways with more closure? or...what?
i don’t know, man, i’m not good at speculation. and you’re right, it’s SO formative that it’s hard to picture a world where that DIDN’T happen. but i’d be interested to know what your thoughts are! 
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abubblingcandle · 5 years
NADDPOD Episode 81
I am emotional, I am angry and I want the next episode!
It was a complete rollercoaster and how Murph managed the three fights was extraordinary!
Hardwon - The clapbacks from Hardwon all the way through that fight were so funny and I love how Hardwon got to face up against his nemesis again. The fact Jake kept on shouting crit and giving Emily a heart attack as he skirted around his cursed 20 was so funny. It’s so amazing and cute that the hammer kept trying to get back to Hardwon when Bronzebeard was holding it, Hardwon needs his Dwarven Daddies! Also setting up for Hardwon potentially getting the other Kings Hammer from Maganis which will be so emotional given the flashback and Hardwon’s loyalty to Irondeep through and through. As they said, he is truly tall dwarf. 
Moonshine - I had the distinct feeling and I still can’t shift it that absorbing the hell spores will come back to bite her in the ass but its such a Moonshine thing to do. I think this despite the set up was actually the easiest and least emotional of the battles with Hardwon facing down the man who killed Gemma in dragon form and Bev … well that goes without saying. Using blight was an amazing move.
Beverly - *screams into a pillow* I have all the emotions. Firstly, the nat 1 to 20 could not have paid off in a better way. Caldwell and Emily absolutely lost their shit and I was gobsmacked. 70 odd damage from drinking a dodgy potion! Then Bev going down and the book his dad gave him saving his life to then swing up and stab through. Banishing Bev Snr to Shadowfell with the Dusk Mother is another great instance of Murph improving heart wrenching scenes. Broken of cause by Jake giggling at the word wimple and saying “Dusk Mother” in JV’s voice in the background. 
Balnor - I F**KING KNEW IT! Murph how dare you. When it was revealed in the short rest that they were in the 4th, 5th, 6th layers of hell. I thought oh violence is next and knew they were going to have to get Balnor from there. Balnor cannot die, Bev cannot lose two dads in two episodes I will not allow it!
Please talk to me about this episode guys. I don’t know anyone in real life who listens!
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thefandomcassandra · 5 years
20: Trembling
She hadn't expected to see him here. Fuck, she hadn't expected to see him ever again. Not after how things had ended in Irondeep. Not after he stormed off, confused and hurt
But here he was, looking for all the world like a nervous kid again. Blushing and everything. Hiding in a back room, waiting for her.
(How long ago had it been since they'd first kissed? How long ago had it been since they snuck off to hide in the mining tunnels to sit and drink and complain about the unfairness of life? How could so few years feel like centuries under the lens of an event like this? It was fucking boggling, the perspective.)
He congratulated her, stammering, stuttering and she didn’t know how to feel. Happy? It was her wedding day! She should feel happy about it, right? Even if she hadn’t really met Gerrard before the engagement was solidified. Even if the ice and snow of Frostwind felt more isolating than the caverns of Irondeep had ever been. Even if she really was just using Gerrard to run, like she had with Hardwon.
She should be happy. Not hiding in a hallway, talking to her ex in hushed tones, flushed and excited to see something and someone familiar in all of this white and blue and silver.
(He had been stuttering and stammering then too. Barely a beard on his face, easily taller than most of the others, he didn’t give a rat’s ass that she was Gemma Bronzebeard. He didn’t care about her name or her family—save Rust, who was a jackass and a bully, and who Hardwon disliked with every mean bone in his body, bless him—he just liked her. And it was freeing, for a bit, to have someone see her. Just Gemma.)
He dragged her up a set of stairs into a tower, the snow falling in fractal spirals that left soft powder dusting on every flat surface. There, in the bright, unfiltered light of the outside world, set against the night sky, she could see him better than ever before.
Underground he had been surviving. Here he was thriving.
His skin was marked with new scars and lines, but also a warm smattering of freckles across his shoulders and his cheeks. A few shades darker than she’d last seen it too, though his hair was a little lighter and pulled into a knotted bun that seemed deliberate. His beard was just as well-kept as she remembered, though there were a few new trinkets weaved into it and one of the braids looked sloppy, like someone untrained had tried to redo it but he'd kept it there for some reason.
And he was dressed so nicely. Sturdy clothes that fit properly instead of hand-me downs re-tailored to fit him, stitched together with several different cloths. Still liked to go sleeveless, sure, but that seemed to just be his MO, so she wouldn’t complain. Especially since she got to appreciate how ripped he’d gotten.
For all that she had idealized her time with him in Irondeep, he looked like he was doing better out here, away from the mountain and the mines.
Morridan, she wished that was her.
(She broke it off because her dad would have killed him. No one would give a shit about some orphan human who’d been overstaying his welcome. No one would care about Hardwon fucking Surefoot. It hurt and it was gone over before she could blink. He'd be safe. She'd get over it.)
He didn’t come for her, but he was there. He had Ulfgar in a fucking gem. He had Ulfgar, saviour of Bahumia, in a fucking goddamn prison gem. And he needed her help.
That was so fucking wild and so fucking like him.
Time changed a person, didn’t it? She’d kept running, as far as she could under the circumstances, and he’d gone off and become some kind of hero. A warrior. Someone who faced off against something that razed a town. Someone who had met one of the saviours of Bahumia.
She’d just become a better coward.
And he was asking her for help with something big, not just because he missed her—no matter how much he protested, he did look overjoyed to see her—but because he trusted her. He trusted her to help, even after everything.
Even expressed regret, not over ever having dated her—he seemed to be pretty steadfast that it was a good thing for him—but that she continued to be under someone else’s control, even after all this time. That their relationship had ended because of someone else’s opinion and that this one began for the same reason.
That she was still trapped in a gilded cage with clipped wings.
In that moment, backlit by stars, smiling sadly, he looked for all the world like an angel sent to save her. In that moment, heart in her throat, all her doubts brought to the surface and poked at with a stick until agitated, she leapt forward and kissed him.
He kissed her back.
(She wasn’t really sure what to make of Hardwon at first. Sure, she’d heard of the human that was living in the Dwarfinage. Sure she’d heard of the kid who’d cracked his skull open trying to reach a vein about fifteen feet up. Sure, she’d heard Rust bitch and moan about this fucking nerd he was beating on, but she’d never met him. So she got curious and she went to work in the mines, just to see what the fuss was about.
People talk about love like it’s some grand event. Like when you find someone, there’s lights and sounds and songs. Like when you see The One, everything makes sense. That the universe rights itself and says “yes, this is it”.
When she saw Hardwon Surefoot, there was none of that. Instead she just saw this wiry, tall human wearing Goggles of Night Vision, pick slung over his shoulder, beard coming in a little patchy, scowling. He pushed past her—despite Jaina’s shouted frustration over his disrespect—and continued on to do his job.
He was rude as hell and all but ignored her.
She’d never been so starstruck.)
Dying was a unique experience. Most people only get to experience it once and, for each one, it’s different.
For Gemma Bronzebeard, it was the day of her wedding to Gerrard Coldain—already dead, his body scrubbed clean through infernal rituals to be used as a puppet for a darker purpose, unbeknownst to anyone—and stabbed in the neck with a dagger by a well-trained assassin.
It was too quick for either of them to react. Not her, not him, not anyone who could have prevented any of this. One moment she was pressed against him, pressing into him, shaking from the cold and want and all the emotions she’d been holding back this whole time. The next, he was alone.
She’d left him again.
And again, it wasn’t her choice.
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
naddpod pc's ranked
you can't rank
emily jake or
caldwell's characters
or any of
the guest
stars since
they're all
amazing and unique
in their own
funny and
beautiful ways
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emiko-matsui · 1 year
Hardwon: Illegal? Morally wrong for sure but-
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if you haven't listened to SGB recently I implore you to. it's fucking iconic.
also most of these are hardwon quotes and i'm sorry about that but he is WILD in this show
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Top 5 Balnor moments?
Gosh I love my time traveling fail dad so much.
His goodbye letter. Incredible writing by Murph there. The perfect balance of hilarious and heart wrenching.
Reassuring Bev that things would be okay after telling Erlin about Terran. Just a beautiful dad moment.
Killing the hounds. Getting to get revenge not just for Bobby, but for Hardwon as well.
When he goes with Moonshine in Smuggler’s Bounty before the succubus reveal. So dumb funny.
When he got really drunk at the party in Saving Gemma Bronzebeard and burned a lot of bridges. “Balnor’s hips don’t lie, but they should have” etc.
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Hardwon canonically* wanted to open a tavern in Irondeep with Gemma before he started adventuring, which is probably why he took so much offense to Le Lantern.
*this comes up in Saving Gemma Bronzebeard, which is distinctly not canon, but it’s funnier to consider that fact to be the only true one.
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Submit your pick(s) for the best episode!
Episode submissions are limited to those posted on the public feed (no mixed bag live shows, no blazing babe arc, etc.). Live shows that were posted to the main feed (your Saving Gemma Bronzebeards, for example) or special episodes (Donkey Kong, Merry Metal Mayhem) are fair game.
You can submit episodes more than once, and you can submit multiple entries. Please submit in the format of CxEx. Trinyvale eps can be Tx and Mavrus Chronicles can be Mx. Live shows or special episodes can be submitted by name.
Send an ask if you have any questions!
Nominations will close April 29th around 11pm eastern.
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One Big Bed:
The Band of Boobs have one last hurrah before Thiala returns to Bahumia. Beverly gets in the Jamboreen spirit, Moonshine visits some old friends, and Hardwon experiences a first.
Saving Gemma Bronzebeard:
Hardwon gets another shot at saving Gemma, Beverly's love life gets even more complicated, and Moonshine orchestrates a jailbreak.
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I thought a fun way to round out the tournament would be a silly head to head. This will obviously prove once and for all which is the canon episode (/j).
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