#sasuke saritobi
Master List
Master List for @forallyourikemensengokuneeds or Kthomas325 on Wattpad
This Master List will take you to a blurb about the story and the link to the actually story.
 The Nightmare Begins
The Fight Back
Falling in love
Lightning Strikes
Life in the Order
The confession
Wild in winter
Terms of Love
Into the Darkness
Out of the Light
Through Hell
A Dangerous Interaction
Why are we Friends again?
Heating up the Kitchen
Science and Sake
The Spirit and the Statue
Under the Mistletoe
Yes Daddy
A Perfect Murder
Puzzles of a Family
The Village
Blind Date
Cabin in the Woods
Raising a Princess
Two become One
The Reality of Love
Lessons Learned
Let the games Begin
Shattered Bones
Online Love
The Game of Love
Out on the Lake
Meeting the One
Box of Bones
Beginning again
Up on the Hilltop
Down in the Valley
The Mission
The Dance
Battle for the Heart
A Piece of Time
The Truth Between Friends
Love at the Right Time
Poison to the Heart
Stalked to the Sengoku
The Beginning of Time
A Reckless Life
Love Again
Finding the Heart
The Collections
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hii! How would Nobunaga, Masumi, Sasuke, and Kenshin react to an Mc or s/o who lost her right eye in a fight??
Hi, there love! Hope you are doing well <3. Here is ya HC love hope you enjoy it dear ^o^❤🔥
Content warning: Violence 🐇😱
Headcanon: MC losing an eye in fight feat; Nobunaga, Masamune, Sasuke, and Kesnsin
You and Nobunaga had been working so hard lately and needed to take a bit of a break and get away from all the busy castle 
One night as the two of you were drinking sake and snuggling on the balcony of your shared room, Haguro came swooping down and landed gracefully on the ground next to the two of you  ∩(·ω·)∩
“Seems he too needs a break, perhaps we should go on a falconing trip tomorrow, just the three of us.”  
You smile an excited smile up at Nobunaga, even Haguro screeched in agreement and excitement  (/◕ヮ◕)/
The two of you were off on your adventure to your favourite falconing spot
The two of you were having the best time hunting little mice in the field with Haguro
When all of a sudden a bunch of bandits appeared from the tree line  (・.・;)
Nobunaga fought to protect both of you, he tied up the bandits and just as the two of you just started celebrating your victory over them  
( ^_^)o自自o(^_^ )
One of the bandits shone a light in your eye, attracting his own falcon to attack you.  (l'o'l)
Nobunaga killed the bird but not soon enough, as you had lost your eye in the attack. 
Nobu just saw red, he swiftly killed the bandit’s friends, and sent the man who called upon the bird to injure his beloved, to be locked up and tortured by Mitsuhide.  (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
Nobunaga pulled out his clean hand towel and held it over your eye, he then picked you up and placed you on the horse racing the two of you back to Azuchi
He took you straight to Ieyasu to evaluate the damage
He paced outside Ieyasus room, Hideyoshi was there trying to calm him down.  (-"-)
Even Mitsuhide came to see how you were doing informing his lord that he will torture the man so badly that he would pray for death for harming their beloved princess
Ieyasu signalled Nobu inside and left the room to give the two of you a moment
He had sewn up the hole where your eye had been, Nobunaga sat beside you and gently caressed your face  ༼☯﹏☯༽
You had never seen the man cry until today, “hey hey hey what’s with the tears, I’m the one with one less eye, you don’t see me crying, do you.”  
“But fireball it’s my fault…”, you gave him a passionate kiss to shut him up ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Nothing changed for Nobunaga, he still saw you as the most beautiful woman in the world, and boy did he remind you of that every day of your life
You moved on with your life as if nothing had ever happened at all
Nobunaga would buy you the best eye patches for you and outfits to match
Nobunaga would always drop sweet little kisses on both your eyes whenever he saw you. 
He would cradle your head in his hand and then gently kiss both eyelids, he would then whisper words of love in your ear, before leaving to his next meeting
There was trouble in paradise as the Date clan was not happy about Masamune taking a foreigners hand in marriage
The two of you were appealing to the clan in Azuchi audience hall. 
During one of the meetings a fight broke out
They had their heart set on Masamune marrying a princess of their choosing  ヽ(`Д´)ノ
In the middle of the argument one of the men stood up, dagger in hand intending to kill you  Σ(゜д゜;)
The man aimed for you neck but luckily for Masamune’s quick reflexes he missed your neck, although what Masa didn’t see was that the dagger had been lodged into your eye socket
Everyone held their breath, you honestly sat there paralyzed, the shock was too much for you and you passed out 
Masamune was furious   ヽ(o`皿′o)ノ
He picked you up and held you close to his chest
He didn’t want to lose you, this boi though you were dead TBH  (ಥ﹏ಥ)
He nestled his face into your neck, his eyes went wide when he heard your heartbeat  (°-°)
He ran out of the council room and took you straight back to his manor
He called for his most trusted vassal who was responsible for cutting out his own eye, he also called for Ieyasu to assist
He sat by your side holding your hand tightly, his eye stung with unshed tears of fear, anger and frustration  (>﹏<)
Nobunaga had heard what had happened and there was definitely hell to pay for whoever dare try and kill their precious princess  (╬ ಠ益ಠ)
You woke up, Masamune looked at you with fear and worry. 
Ieyasu had told you what had happened and handed you a mirror
You looked at yourself in the mirror through your one remaining eye, you then looked over at Masa’s miserable expression “Well, I guess there is just one thing I can do in a situation like this”  (ΘεΘ;)
Masamune chocked out a reply “And what would that be kitten.”
“If eye’m being honest, this eye patch makes me look soooooo Eyeconic” (◕‿◕✿)
Masamune cracked a small smile “Lass are you trying to tell eye puns.” 
 ( ͡ಥ ͜ʖ ͡ಥ)
“Eye, Captain took you long enough” ༼ つ  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° ༽つ
Masamune blinks at you and you blinked back at him, all of a sudden both of you break out into a fit of laughter (ノ・_-)☆
Ieyasu just rolls his eyes “Did I miss something.”  ◔_◔
“Eye’ll be damned, you truly are the best kitten in the world.”
The two of you are legit pirate couple goals ٩(•̮̮̃-̃)۶
Eye puns have now been added to the list of thing the two of you goofballs joke about  >^_^<
You and Sasuke was goofing around playing ninja ninja ( ๑╹o╹)✬
A new ninja had approach Sasuke in the middle of your game and asked if Sasuke could show him some moves
You looked at Sasuke and gave him a nod of approval (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
As Sasuke showed the ninja trainee some moves, you went to sit on a nearby bench to watch the two of them
As the trainee ninja went to throw one of the throwing knives, it slipped from his fingers and shot back
Your eyes widened as you saw the throwing knife heading straight for you
It hit you in straight in the eye (ʘ‿ʘ)
Sasuke was shook, he was in a state of shock he honestly didn’t know what to do ◉_◉
Kenshin had seen the whole thing unfold and rushed to your side
He looked at his paralyzed ninja and then started barking out orders
Everything happened so fast and Sasuke had been in a daze the entire time ◉_◉
The little ninja in training was now profusely apologizing to you  (⋟﹏⋞)
After you took the pain meds that Kenshin had gotten for you, you felt pretty chilled. Kenshin ordered the best doctor to help you out 
Sasuke finally came out his daze to see you with an eye patch on ಠ‿↼
He started crying, he didn’t know what to do  (つд⊂)
“Hey, Sasuke who am I… Whooooo lives in a pineapple under the sea.” 
( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
Sasuke laughed cried “Only you would imitate patchy the pirate during a time like this.”  (☭ ͜ʖ ☭)
“I’ve always wanted to rock the sexy pirate look, now finally my dream has come true” (。◕‿◕。)
The two of you spend the rest of the day making personalized eyepatches with your favourite memes painted on them  (✿◠‿◠)  (✿◠‿◠)
The two of you were out together playing with the bunnies in your favourite flower field  (✿◠‿◠)
You and Kenshin were sitting together snuggling and cuddling while he made you a beautiful flower crown from the flowers that surrounded you
❀ ✿ (✿◠‿◠) ❀ ✿
The bunnies hopped onto your laps and nuzzled the two of you love birds
( ・×・) ❀ ✿ ( ・×・) ❀ ✿
All of a sudden, the bunnies seemed on edge and startled
They stomped their feet on the ground to signal danger  (⁎˃ᆺ˂)
Kenshin quickly stood up and drew his sword   '̿'\̵͇̿̿\з=( ͠° ͟ʖ ͡°)=ε/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿ ̿
The two of you were being attacked by assassins from one of Kenshin’s enemies 
Word had got around that Kenshin had taken a lover, this particular enemy of Kenshin legit hated him and wanted to make him suffer
The assassins task was to kill you right before his eyes
Kenshin managed to fight off the skilled assassin failing to see a second one hiding in the tree lines 
He shot you in the face with an arrow  (°o°)
When he saw you topple to the ground lifeless, he left to report your death
Kenshin’s blood froze, and his heart stopped  ((+_+))
He gently cradled you in his arms, tears slipping from his eyes. ༼ಢ_ಢ༽
The bunnies surrounded the two of you nuzzling you as If to say wake up
Suddenly you started to move, Kenshin quickly picked you up, holding you tight to your chest and sprinted back to the castle  (つ﹏<)・゚。
He called for all the best doctor and physician to come to your aid
He was pacing up and down, he wanted nothing more than to destroy anyone who dares lay a finger on you  デ╦-( ͡ಥʖ̯ಥ;)╯╲___XXXX
Sasuke managed to calm him down, writing to your Oda friends about what had happened
Once Kenshin was allowed back into the room, he was at your side, head resting on your chest  ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐
You gently pulled your fingers through his platinum hair and teary eyes looked up into yours  (^_^;)
Thankfully the arrow didn’t move further than your eye
Kenshin couldn’t help but cry as he gently traced the fresh scar in the place of where your eye was.  つ ಥ_ಥ ༽つ
You simply smiled at him and said it was alright 。◕‿◕。
Kenshin forgot how strong and brave you were, that you were a true goddess of war  (つ﹏<)・゚。
It took some time to calm Kenshin down and adjust to your new one-eyed life, it definitely made things easier when your Oda friends basically wiped out the enemies that did this to you ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\з= ( ▀ ͜͞ʖ▀) =ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿ ̿̿ ̿̿
Kenshin spends every day reminding you of just how beautiful you are 
In his eyes nothing changed 
He took the liberty of painting little bunnies on your eye patches
He would literally cut down anyone who dare say one bad thing about you or make a comment about your missing eye  。◕‿◕。(◕‿◕✿)
Hope you enjoyed it love ^_^ ❤❤
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ladytesla · 5 years
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Oh my oh my, I don't want to bother you but... I'm inlove with your writing and how you portray the warlords and I wonder if I can ask for headcanons of Uesugi-Takeda forces reacting to a Latina MC. Generalities and things you can imagine of. Anything is okay! Thank you so much.
Hi hi, love! Sorry for the wait..... hehe TBH I struggled with this cause I have legit never met a Latina before! ❤😂So I have like 0 reference points to generalities and stuff, lol so I turned to google..... 🙈Sorry if this is shit or not all that great, but either way I hope you enjoy it! And thank you so much for the request! (人◕ω◕)❤
Headcanon: Latina MC feat; Kenshin, Yukimura, Shingen and Sasuke 
It was low key what drew him to you (人◕ω◕)
Your long lushes wavy brown hair 
Like all this boy wants to do is lock you up in a cell and pull his fingers through your hair
Jokes, Jokes, luckily for you, you made it past the locked in a cage phase of your relationship (¬‿¬)
Thinks you are super adorable and loves loves loves your accent
One day as Kenshin was going back to your shared room after war council, he heard some unusual music coming from your shared room
He approached with caution
He slowly opened the sliding door and his breath caught in his throat when he saw you 
You were dancing to your favourite song, a song which would play at every family gathering
He was entranced by the way you moved your shoulders as you danced
(〜 ̄△ ̄)〜
His eyes followed the curves of your body from your hands moving above your head to the way you moved your waist
He had to resist the urge to pounce on you right there and then
You turned your head and saw him staring at you (*≧∀≦*)
You gave him one of your bright smiles and motioned for him to join you
In an instant his hands were on your waist as the two of you danced together (~˘▾˘)~(~˘▾˘)~
He was a little clumsy at first but after some instruction from you, he soon found himself really enjoying it ( ͡ᵔ ͜ʖ ͡ᵔ )
It wasn’t long before even the bunnies decided to join you two cuties, happily hopping around the two of you, dancing in their own way
The two of you dancing together became somewhat of a tradition and whenever you are sad or missed home, Kenshin will pull you up and start dancing with you   (>^_^)><(^o^<)
He finds the fact that you are a Latina soooo hot ◉_◉
Like when you speak, it makes him weak at the knees, especially when you call him Papi (¬‿¬)
One day he made you super angry, and you started yelling at him in your mother tongue (┛ಠДಠ)┛彡┻━┻
You got even angrier when you saw him chuckling at you (ಠ ∩ಠ)
Even though he couldn’t understand a word you are saying he can’t help but find you super hot (。◕‿◕。)
“Hey you know I am swearing at you right.” (╯°□°)╯
“Sorry, angel, I just couldn’t help but get distracted by you, for even when you are angry, you are just too cute.” ƪ(˘⌣˘)ʃ
Cue you hitting him while he continues to laugh at how cute you are 
Love your cooking 
As in, he can’t get enough of it
He has especially fallen in love with the Churros and pan dulce that you had made for him
Won’t eat anything else during banquets, and insist that you cook for him
He won’t share the sweets you made for him with anyone, not even Yukimura who is begging to try your sweet creations ಥ_ಥ
“Sorry Yuki, the goddesses sweets are reserved for me and me only.”
At first, he thinks you are an evil enchantress and that you are casting a spell on him when you speak Spanish |ω´・;)
But after you explain to the doofus that its just another language, he low key loves it when you speak Spanish (¬‿¬)
Will actually insist that you teach him a few phrases (◕‿◕✿)
As you teach him, he is absolutely captivated by you and the way the words roll off your tongue (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
You wack him on the head with a book “Hey dummy, are you even listening to me.” ಠ▃ಠ
This boi goes bright red in 0,2 second, no way is he ganna admit that he has been daydreaming about you as you teach him 
(〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
TBH he turns bright red every time you speak Spanish (*^^*)
You can’t help but giggle at the goofball, especially at the way his blush would spread to the tips of his ears (人◕ω◕)
He loves your beautiful brown hair
HE low key thinks you always smell soo good.... not that he would EVER admit it(o´〰`o)♡*✲゚*。
He absolutely loves love love your cooking
At first, he was suspicious of the new dishes that you presented to him, but the second he tasted it he was gone ◉_◉
 The way the flavours exploded in his mouth, he was in love!ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
You can’t help but smile, after all your mom always did say the way to a man’s heart was through their stomach (。◕‿◕。)
He also loves that you are very family-oriented, and will often just hold you tight in his arm when you are feeling down and miss your family
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )
Is really impressed with your Spanishヾ(●ε●)ノ
He didn’t think you were Latina at first but the second, you started ranting in Spanish about some dirtbag men you met in the market he knew
TBH he can low key also speak a bit of the language, but you can’t help but chuckle at the meme lord, as he clumsily falls over his words
The two of you are forever gossiping in front of the others... It’s always a good time to tease Yuki while the boy busts out into the biggest blush 
“Hey, dummies, I might not be able to understand what you are saying, but I can definitely tell the two of you are dissing me.” 
Both you and Sasuke burst out laughing (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
In fact, he insists that you teach him how to make a few dishes
The two of you actually go all out, even drinking a little as you cook
Both of you spontaneously start dancing while cooking ヾ(⌐■_■)ノ♪
He loves the way your body moves, and you cant help but laugh at his awkward dance moves  ღƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♡ƪ(ˆ◡ˆ)ʃ♪
Both of you love to sit together and tell crazy family stories considering both of you were suuuper close with your families \ (•◡•) /
Hehehe its always super fun during your birthday, as Sasuke will go all out with the other warlords in making you a special piñata 
Kenshin really liked this concept of hitting open the piñata, so he decided to make it a banquet tradition, to have one every time (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿) 
They would legit go all out decorating the whole castle in bright colours just for you 
(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *ヽ(◕ヮ◕ヽ)
They would also low key buy all the candy they could get their hands on just to fill the piñata, hehe cue Shingen standing underneath, with his mouth open hoping to catch some fallen candy, only to be hit on the head by blindfolded Kenshin (╯°□°)╯︵( .o.)
Hehe, I hope you enjoyed it, love! and I hope you have a good day! 🌻🌻❤😆
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nad-zeta · 4 years
heya! i saw your headcanons with a non-drinker MC and it was really cute! however, if I may, could i please ask for headcanons of a heavily drinking mc (not an alcoholic but just down to get LIT and maybe sometimes can like pass out on the occasional time bahaha) for the ikesen warlords, i don't really mind which warlords but I'd really appreciate it if sasuke was there!! love your work!!❣️
(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Hi, there love! Awww thanks so much, I’m glad you have been enjoying my work and thank you so much for the request! I hope you enjoy it! 🥰
Drunk Mc Headcanon feat Sasuke, Hideyoshi, Mitsuhide and Yukimura 
“Hey why do you never drink with us at banquets?”
“Because, Sasuke when I drink, Patricia comes out, and no one wants that to happen.” ლ,ᔑ•ﺪ͟͠•ᔐ.ლ
“Patricia?” ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
“Yeah apparently that’s the name I give myself when I’m drunk, plus when she comes out, I have a tendency to do stupid, embarrassing shit.”  
For example one night Patritia thought it would be a good idea to climb up out universities roof at three in the moring, well long story short i fell and broke my leg so..... Patritia aint the best of influences (ㆆᴗㆆ)
Fast forward 2 hours…… and 10 drinks later
Sasuke and Yuki were watching you traumatise Kenshin (・A・)
“Wow your cape is so soft and fluffy I freaken love it!” (◕‿◕✿)
“Hey Kenshin, Hey Kenshin is that why bunnies follow you cause you are so cute and fluffy.” (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
Cue Sasuke stepping in and saving his lord from you chatting his ears off and stroking the fur on his fluffy cape ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ
Kenshin honestly looks like a deer in headlights “I am not cute and fluffy.”
“Hey Sasuke lets play ninja ninja” (☞゚∀゚)☞
The two of you start throwing each other with ninja stars
“wow that one almost hit me in the face..... nice” ╰( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )つ──☆*:・゚
“OMW, I have the best idea.” (¬‿¬)
Sasuke looks you in the eyes and the two of you yell out at the same time “Parkour!” (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
Cue you and Sasuke jumping on tables, rolling on the floor, and swinging on the doorways 🏃
“Hey dummies stop that, you are going to hurt yourselves!”  (≖͞_≖̥)
Just as Yuki captured the two of you drunks in a headlock before you hurt each other or yourselves, Sasuke gives you a nod and you start tickling Yuki.” 
Once both of you are freed you run hand in hand with the friendly neighbourhood ninja to the garden | (• ◡•)| (❍ᴥ❍ʋ)
The two of you stood on opposite sides of the garden and started singing Sweet Caroline
“Hands, Touching hands.”
“Reaching out.”
“Touching me.”
“Touching you.”
“Sweet Caroline, Bum bum bum.”
When the two of you are drunk any idea is a good idea, and at that moment slashing around in the fountain seemed like the best idea in the world
Cue both of you splashing and playing in the fountain
After a while the two of you got tired and decided to lay on the grass together and look up at the stars
You looked at you wrinkly fingers “Hey, Sasuke I have a super serious question.” (▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
“How come only your fingers and toes get wrinkly in the shower, and nothing else does?” ⚆ _ ⚆
Cue the two of you breaking out in laughter but then eventually passing out  (/◕ヮ◕)/
Cue poor Yuki finding his two soaking wet drunk friends finally tired out on the grass
“Geeeez, when did I become the mom friend of the group.” (;一_一)
You and Yuki loved to compete with each other and out drinking each other at banquets was no exception
“I bet I could beat you in an arm-wrestling match.” ( ⚆ _ ⚆ )
“Oi dummy, I am like twice your size there is nooo way you would win.”
You beat him 。◕‿◕。
“Best out of three.” (;一_一)
You beat him again (◕‿◕✿)
Sasuke laughing in the background cause he knew you were cheating
Yuki puts you into a headlock and starts giving you a noogie 
This turns into a full-blown wrestling match- “Hey dummy didn’t your mom ever teach you how to act like a lady.” ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
Before Yukimura can sulk about his defeat you are already pulling him up and dragging him to the dance floor
“Let’s dance.” (~˘▾˘)~
You break out in laughter at Yuki’s, awkward, clumsy movements, not that yours are any better 
Yuki can’t help but laugh at your robot dance  (≧∇≦)
At some point in the evening the two of you discuss the best prank to pull on Kenshin (☞゚ヮ゚)☞ ☜(゚ヮ゚☜)
That’s when Sasuke steps up to the plate to become the mom friend, I think its time to cut the two of you off ಠ_ಠ
“I’m not drunk MC, you’re drunk!!!!” (☞ຈل͜ຈ)☞
Cue you hopping on one leg in a circle
“See would a drunk person be able to do this.” 
“That's exactly what a drunk person would do” ╚(ಠ_ಠ)=┐
You and Yuki high five and then head to where the band is playing
“Are you thinking what I’m thinking” you ask Yuki with the biggest brightest smile before exclaiming in union “Karaoke.” ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
The two of you sing and dance the night away ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ♪~ ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ
Eventually the two of you passed out, Sasuke being the mom friend simply took a blankie and threw it over the two of you and left you in the banquet hall ರ_ರ
The night started off super quiet with you and Mitsu sitting together and sipping on your drinks (ღ˘⌣˘ღ)
Mitsu soon came to discover you were quite the rowdy troublesome drunk
(▀̿Ĺ̯▀̿ ̿)
He smiled, as during your card game with him, you would start randomly singing, to throw him off his game  ヽ(^。^)ノ
You also became x2 as dramatic (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ ✧゚・: *
Your usual sore loser self couldn’t handle losing another card game
As the night progressed you got up to go dance with Masamune
Mitus kept a very very close eye on his little mouse  ⚆ _ ⚆
At some point in the night he lost track of you
He finally spotted you playing go with Nobunaga (ʘ‿ʘ)
He started getting super jelly ಠ~ಠ
He neared you and his lord and his eyes widened, the two of you were playing strip go (◯Δ◯∥)
“I think its time to cut you off little mouse.”  (゚ω゚;)
“No Mitsu I’m a strong independent woman” ᕙ(⇀‸↼‶)ᕗ
“Dearest me, It seems I will just have to join in and win.”
The three of you play strip go until Nobunaga passes out with nothing but his underwear on, Mitsu breathed a sigh of relief this game was really getting out of hand (´ε`;)
Mitsu was the only one who still had all of his clothes on, and luckily for you, nothing too vital has been taken off
“It would seem little mouse that we are the only two left, shall we continue this strange game back home?” (。◕‿◕。)
Before you could even respond, he effortlessly picks you up and throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes
“Miiitsuuuuu lemi dowwwwwwn.” ⊙0⊙
“We are almost home my feisty little mouse”, Mitsuhide can’t help but chuckle and shake his head at his drunk troublesome little mouse
Mitsuhide narrowed his eyes you have been quiet for way too long, “Seems like you finally tired yourself out little one.” 
He tucks you into bed and quickly changes into his sleepwear, by the time he gets back to the futon, he sees you sprawled out over the whole futon happily snoring away. (✿◠‿◠)
The next morning you wake up with a splitting headache, “uuuuugghhh what happened last night.”
Mitsu couldn’t help but give you his classic sneki smile while replaying the events of the night for you in great detail. (◡‿◡✿)
“uuuuuuhggggg I cant believe I played strip go with the great Nobunaga.”
Mitsuhide couldn’t help but chuckle at his little mouse now profusely blushing and hiding her face in the pillow (/ω\)
“I’m never drinking again”, you tell yourself the lie everyone tells themselves after a fun drunken adventure (〃 ̄ω ̄〃ゞ
You had a good buzz going, Nobunga had brought some fancy alcohol back from his trip to the Portuguese traders
You weren’t interested at first, until u smelt what it was
Tequila! (★^O^★)
Man you freaken loved that stuff, just one sip was enough to bring back countless memories of you and your gal pals, hitting the clubs, and having a good time ٩(●ᴗ●)۶
You and Nobunaga were doing shot after shot (´・ω・)っ由
Finally, the two of you had convinced Hideyoshi to join, you handed him the shot of tequila and some lemon and salt, and before you knew it both of you had a good buzz going
You felt like dancing so you dragged Hideyoshi closer to the band so you could dance your heart out ┌(☆o★)┘
Honestly, you were starting to feel hot in you fancy princess kimono, so you did what anyone would do 
You took that shit off ❁◕ ‿ ◕❁
“Oi, what do you think you are doing”
Hideyoshi was now blushing profusely trying to convince you to put the layers of clothing back on, you were now only wearing the last layer of clothing, and it was legit showing off your every curve (*゚ー゚)ゞ
“Hey look, Hideyoshi, Mitsunari is trying to make tea.” (☞◑ω◑)☞
As he turned his head to look you, snuck away 「(⑅◔ω◔「)三
You were now dancing on the table without a care in the world 
Well to be fair at this point it wasn’t really dancing anymore, more like some weird zig-zag dance
You lost footing and before you knew it you were falling down
You braced yourself to hit the ground but the fall never came
You opened your eyes and saw two very worried hazel eyes staring back at you (ㅇㅅㅇ❀)
“Okay, young lady I think thats enough alcohol and dancing for one night.”
You and Hideyoshi had fallen in love but were still in the brother-sister zone
“Your not my dad, so don’t tell me what to do.” ( ̄ε ̄)
“No I am not, but I am your brother and I am cutting you off.” 눈_눈
“I don’t want to be your sister anymore you stupid monkey, can’t you see that I love you as more than just a brother.”  ‧º·(˚ ˃̣̣̥⌓˂̣̣̥ )‧º·˚
Hideyoshi was shook….. did you just say that you loved him (◎_◎;)
He wasn’t sure if it was the alcohol or the sudden love confession, but he found himself leaning in for a kiss ლ(・﹏・ლ)
The next morning a very naked you, woke up with a hella headache
You heard a small snore next to you and turned around slowly only to find a Hideyoshi by your side ゞ◎Д◎ヾ
That’s when you felt a warm arm around your waist pulling you closer so that you were now flush against him (◠‿◠✿)
Your eyes widened as you lifted the cover slightly to see that you were not the only one who was naked (⊙_⊙)
Needless to say the two of you were most definitely not brother and sister anymore (¬‿¬)
Hope you enjoyed it, love! <3<3<3❤🔥
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nad-zeta · 4 years
MORE WARLORDS GIFS🔥❤ Sasuke, Kennyo and Shingen's sons😊🥰🌈
So I sent in my next draft dissertation so yasssss 🥰😊im super excited to get back to everyones matchups ❤🥰
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Hope yall enjoy❤❤❤ lolz i really enjoy making these gifs boards❤❤🔥🌈
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Wedding dresses for wedding to Warlords
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Dream Weddings....
The warlords have been left in charge of everything. They picked these places out for you......
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Hello could I get a matchup :)?Shy and reclusive around strangers but a jokester/teaser and affectionate around friends.Use humor to cope w/anxiety and low self esteem and love to craft and laugh.My friends think I’m goofy and lovably awkward,making even my stoic friends laugh.Random and seemingly carefree but worries excessively about loved ones.Friends turn to me for advice a lot.Very academically driven.Tomboyish and some crude humor.INFP. Also I love your writing ^u^ it’s awesome sauce
Hi, there love! Aww, you are so sweet! I'm happy you have been enjoying my writing! Thank you so much for your request, and sorry for taking so long dear! I hope you enjoy <3
So I match u with................. Sasuke
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TBH I was going to pair you with Masamune or Mitushide cause there is something about a jokester teasing personality that just fits so well with these two clowns buuuut then I decided Sasuke instead.^_^
Even though Sasuke has a stoic face, he is by no means shy. He has no problem introducing himself and striking up a conversation. The first time the two of you officially meet was when you were running the hell away from Nobunaga and his crew. Honestly, they terrified the shit out of you with their death glares and accusations. When Sasuke and Yukimura found you, you were out of breath, crouching down on the forest floor, giving yourself a small break before you would resume your running for your life. There was no time for introductions cause the tree of you could hear the Oda force horses approaching. Both Sasuke and Yuki grabbed your hand and helped you to escape. Once you were a safe distance away, they decided it best to take you to their safehouse to talk and find out exactly what your deal was. You were really quiet and reclusive. Luckily Sasuke immediately recognized your face and went into must PROTEC mode. Yuki was blunt as ever, making you crawl further and further into your shell. That night when everyone was asleep, you decided to sit outside. You were still lowkey convinced it was a dream, that was until Sasuke came outside and sat next to you. He explained the whole-time travel situation and how he had been searching desperately for 4 years to find you. He asked you if you would like to stay with him until the next wormhole opened and you were but only too happy to accept.
The next day the lot of you rode to Echigo, Sasuke made sure to keep the conversation light, but you were still feeling incredibly anxious about the whole situation. That is when you revealed your secret weapon! Humor! You started cracking a few small jokes just so you could get hold of your anxiety. At first, they were soft-spoken like a whisper, but when Yukimura heard a few of the comments you made, he burst out laughing. You were hilarious. Yukimura's laughing definitely encouraged you to keep going. Even Sasuke, who could never muster any sort of facial expression, was now wearing a soft smile. The thee of you rode in an atmosphere filled with goofy comments, jokes, and laughs. And, you were already starting to form a strong friendship with the two of them.
The second you arrived in Echigo; you felt like winter had arrived. Your reception was rather chilly, to say the least, luckily Sasuke was here the whole time holding your hand and glaring down at his lord. He made sure to keep Kenshin in check for any unnecessarily rude comments. Heck, at this point, even Yuki had a hand on your shoulder to back you. Although over time, you had won Kenshin over with your tomboyishness, and he welcomed you to the dysfunctional family. Both you and Sasuke celebrated this welcoming with a dab. Sasuke loved that you were a bit of a tomboy, TBH; he never liked the prissy princess type. It also made you incredibly easy to talk to. Not only that, but man, he missed having someone to speak to regarding future concepts. You were also crazy academically driven, which he loved cause you would quickly grasp theories and concepts and even hypothesize some of your own. You actually started helping him out with his time travel, wormhole research, offering him small bits of advice and tips along the way. Heck, when Kenshin overhead how smart you were, he had made you the new castle advisor. You were an incredibly good listener, and your advice always seemed to be spot on. 
Plus you were super keen on learning some ninja arts, which Sasuke gladly taught you. The two of you would goof around in the garden playing random ninja games most afternoons. Your favorite game was to pull pranks on Yukimura! The two of you would get up to all sorts of nonsense and then just Ker-vanish before anyone could lecture you. 
Your love for crafting came in handy big time when Sasuke started teaching you how to make ninja weapons. You loved making smoke bombs, blowguns, grappling hooks, and hidden blade in the most random objects like your shoe. Hell, with Kenshin's permission, the two of you even started making big elaborate Indiana jones style boobytraps in the roofs crawl spaced and secret castle passageways. You had also built in a few oases in the roof crawl space in which you and Sasuke would sit for hours just sipping on tea and chatting in peace.
Sasuke secretly loved your crude humor, especially at the nightly banquet, when both of you would be very tipsy. You would start making hilariously crude jokes, and the two of you would team up and make it your goal to see who could get Yuki to blush the most. To both your surprise, it was Shingen who always won, making even the two of you blush with his jokes. When the two of you were together, it's always a good time.
When the two of you got into a relationship, you were honestly goals. You would leave each other little hand-drawn memes to brighten each other's days. He also knew that you were prone to worrying about him and all your new friends whenever they went off to war, so he would make sure to write you every day about the happenings, heck he would even get the others to write a small paragraph to prove they are well and unhurt. When he would get back, the two of you would spend the rest of the night together cuddled up together on the castle's roof, just making jokes under the stars. Needless to say, a few kisses were snuck in between the playful jokes and goofing around. Sasuke was always also there to listen to all your insecurities and anxieties and would soothe them with some little snuggles and his classic straight-faced jokes. Your favorite perk about dating this lovable ninja boy… SPIDERMAN KISSES
Other potential matches…………. Masamune
I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day! ^o^
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Warlord proposals
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nad-zeta · 4 years
Heya, can I have an Ikesen matchup? I’m an INTP-A, 5w6 on the enneagram, Ravenclaw. I’m pretty reserved in character, though by no means shy. I love learning new languages and studying history, and also have a love for debating and discussing politics. Friends complain that they can’t hide anything from me, strangers think I’m too closed-off, but I really just prefer to stay in the background and support from there. A troll with friends, serious with those I’m wary of.
Hi, there love! I hope you are doing well! Thanks so much for the request! 🌠 Soz for making ya wait sooooooooooo long for this matchup! I hope you enjoy it! ^0^ <3😆🔥
So I match you with................ Sasuke
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Gosh you were absolutely having the worst and best night of your life. You had been thrust back in time, on one of the worst days of your life. From the moment you woke up that day, everything seemed to be going wrong, first your geyser burst, then you burnt your breakfast, and finally, on your way to visit one of the famous shrines to lift your spirits, it started raining. Not to mention the fact that you got freaken struck by lighting, and pulled a man x3 your size from a burning building. Things, however, started looking up when you realized just who you had saved. 
Nobunaga himself stood proudly before you. You were utterly awestruck, and you low key thought this was some prank, that any moment someone was going to jump out of the bush and say “You have just been pranked, the cameras are there and there.” But no one jumped out of the bush and Nobunaga thought that the smoke had cooked your brain, because of your strange behaviour. You rode back to camp with him and got spooked when you saw Mitsuhide. According to the history you so fondly learned, he was the one who plotted Nobunaga’s murder. He had picked up your hand and place a small kiss on it while introducing himself and before you knew it, you bolted. You don’t know why but between him and Hideyoshi’s death stares you just felt uneasy.
You ran and ran and ran, almost running off a cliff, when a clumsy man saved you from plummeting to your death. You instantly recognized that red armour and coin crest. It was Yukimura who had saved you, you couldn’t believe it. You started questioning if maybe the lighting had knocked you unconscious, and you were now just in the hospital dreaming. You spotted someone behind Yukimuta who looked vaguely familiar. That’s when it clicked, he was there at the shrine, you had pushed him out of the way before the lighting could strike him, and by the look on his face, it seemed he too recalled your face. 
He walked up to you and introduced himself as Sasuke, he then pulled you aside and explained the situation. You honestly had to sit down; this was absolutely unbelievable. You had spent your life leaning and fascinated with history, and nowhere you were in one of the most historical eras, with all your high school crushes. Sasuke gave you a knowing smile “You love history too, huh?” you beamed up at him and nodded. His breath caught in this throat damn you were beautiful. He gave you the slightest of smiles and asked if you would like to stay with him in Kasugayama Castle. You dabbed your fake tears out the corners of your eyes “seems like all my wildest dreams are coming true tonight”. Even though Sasuke had just met you, he could tell the two of you nerdy geeks were going to get along just fine.
You were given a room fit for a princess and you couldn’t help but geek out a little at the architecture and artefacts in the castle. The way you looked at Kenshin the first time you met him was with stars in your eyes, he was even more beautiful than the books say. The look you gave him, very much reminded him of the first time he had introduced himself to Sasuke. Based on that fact alone, the god of war found himself opening up to you a little.
You loved the people of Kasugayama Castle they were all so fun and goofy. There was a party every night, and with this mixed lot, there was never a dull moment. You, Sasuke and Yukimura had become quick friends. Although Yukimura was slightly wary of you because he thought you were an enchantress
It didn’t help that you and Sasuke would constantly troll the poor boi. The one day Yuki had eaten all Kenshin’s pickled plums. He summoned you and Sasuke to his room to discuss the dispute when you and Sasuke smiled at each other and laid out your plan for payback. Kenshin eagerly agreed to your plan as he definitely wanted to get back at Yuki for stealing his precious plums. You and Sasuke spent that morning getting all the castle staff in on your plan and finally it was time to put your plan in action. You, Sasuke and Yuki were hanging out in the garden joking around when Yuki dropped “you’re an evil enchantress” comment. At that, you smiled and said: “careful what you wish for Yuki, what if I really am an enchantress”. “Yeah, sure a wild boar woman like you could never be so cool”. 
Just then Kenshin walked past and accused Yuki of stealing his precious plums. He drew his sword intending to fight Yuki when you chimed in “Don’t worry Kenshin I know how to make him pay”, Kenshin smiled a knowing smile and nodded, Yuki took an audible gulp. You waved your hands around “abracadabra, I turn you, Yuki, invisible”. Yuki simply rolled his eyes. Kenshin looked around, and Sasuke joined him, they looked right past him pretending like they couldn’t see him at all. “OMW YUKI WHERE ARE YOU”. You had to hold in your laugh at Sasuke’s overdramatic behaviours “I CAN HEAR YOU BUT I CAN’T SEE YOU”. “Nice try guys I know your just messing with me”. 
As the day progressed, Yuki got more and more stressed, as it seemed like you genuinely did turn him invisible. He finally cracked at the banquet when no one there could see him. He got on his knees in front of you, begging you to turn him back. That’s when everyone in the banquet hall broke out into a roar of laugher. “TROLLLOLLLLLOLLLL”. Yuki legit tackled you and Sasuke to the ground from managing to troll him once again.
You and Sasuke honestly had the best time together, whether it was trolling the people of the castle or discussing history for hours and hours, when the two of you were together it was always a good time. You discovered that both of you also love learning different languages, and the two of you would often converse in the various languages that you had learned together. Sasuke loved how you even knew so much about politics. At this point, this boy was head over heels for you. If he ever had to imagine a perfect woman, you would be her. He loved how you even had a passion for debate, and the two of you would often converse in witty debates.
Even though the both of you seemed closed off to the world the two of you understood and loved each other.
Sasuke honestly couldn’t hide anything from you and you keenly picked up on, his crush on you early on, in your relationship. You found the way he blushed when you confronted him extremely cute. He actually loves the fact that you could easily read people as very few can read and understand him. It finally made him feel understood and loved.
The two of you make the sweetest couple, trolling and pranking everyone in the castle. When the two of you goofballs are together, no one can understand the two of you, as you guys would constantly be quoting memes or talking to each other in different languages. It is also not rare for the two of you to dab or do your secret handshake at a troll well executed.
Both of you can often be found cuddle on the top of one of the roofs of the castle, looking up at the stars. You listen keenly as Sasuke explains the different constellations. 
You absolutely love it when Sasuke surprises you by hanging from the ceiling like spiderman. He will always insist on giving you a spiderman kiss, and you can’t help but chuckle and comply. If the two of you aren’t out trolling and having fun, the two of you are gently nestled in each other’s arms just enjoying each other warmth and company
Other potential matches................ Nobunaga
I hope you enjoyed it, love! ❤🔥
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Secret Santa Present
Title: The Mistletoe 
Fandom: Ikemen Sengoku
 Suitor: Sasuke Sarutobi 
To: @rimalupin
 From: @selenecrawford Note: This is the first time writing about Sasuke I hope you like it. 
The winter started to fall on Japan, a new season filling the land with cold and snow. Although the land was now covered in a white blanket of snow, somethings remained the same. “SASUKE!!! Must I remind you of your oath to ME!!! Your LORD!!???” Kenshin once again kept searching for his elusive vassal and Ninja Sasuke Sarutobi. He searched up and down on Kasugayama Castle without success. Meanwhile, our elusive Ninja was running around trying not to get caught. Lord Kenshin felt restless. Ever since Sasuke mentioned how was Christmas celebrated in his “village”. Now he wanted to visit Sasuke's village to see these celebrations. Sasuke tried his best to explain. He told Lord Kenshin how impossible it was to visit the "village". He couldn't tell his true motive. He was a person from the future. A man who decided to leave his present to live in the past. Sasuke walked between the alleys on the castle town until he crosses paths with Yukimura. “Oi Sasuke. Are you still running from Lord Kenshin?” “My bro Yuki, yes. Lord Kenshin is as focused as ever to have me take him to my village.” “Well, why not explaining that you can't.” “I did, he still insists to go.” was Sasuke's response. The two men started bickering while reaching a famous tea house in Kasugayama town. The place was simple but elegant. This made anyone who reaches it to rest while running their errands. Sasuke and Yukimura continued their discussion until they reach the table. Shingen chews on a sweet bun while hearing the two boys bickering.It was now a normal part of his day to hear them on an off. With a smile, he gulps down his bite preparing to meddle between. “Now, now you both are in some kind of predicament. May I know what is going on?” “Lord Shingen is nice to make your acquaintance. We are discussing Lord Kenshin wanting to visit my village. I had tried several suggestions and more to dissuade him. But Lord, Kenshin is still adamant of me to take him there.” Shingen tried to find any emotion on Sasuke's words but the Ninja was as unreadable as ever. Before he could ask Sasuke a question the shout of The God sounded from the distance. “SASUKE!!!” “And that's my cue to run. Lord Shingen, Yuki my bro I'll see you later.” Sasuke was already disguised as a merchant leaving on the other direction. While evading his master, Sasuke decided to return to his room at the castle. This time Lord Kenshin wouldn't look there. Of course, there is always the ceiling of the castle where his traps and resting stations were. A nice hideout until Lord Kenshin decided on his next project. With a strategy already in the plan. Sasuke decided his route to reach his goal. Rumi was walking around the market. It was a while since she was out after moving from her hometown. Losing her family to war as well as her village left her almost lifeless. But her spirit was one that never settled for defeat. To start a new life, she decided to work as a seamstress at the Kasugayama castle. At first, things were rough. She was a shy woman but to survive, she had to grow a thick skin. Soon she adapted to her new life. Work was fun with all the new people she met. She also met Lord Shingen and Lord Kenshin although the last one was intimidating. Lord Shingen was always a ladies man. Always flirting, Rumi made sure to evade his approaching. Lord Kenshin was another completely different matter. He avoided any contact with females except her. For some reason her work caught his eye making her getting most of her commissions from him. Besides the Lords, Rumi knew their vassals, Yukimura Sanada and Sasuke Saritobi. Which was another duo that gravitated toward her. Both were also unique individuals that made Rumi laugh with their antics. Her stroll to market was a way to change her routine. Looking at the stands she soon saw a man approaching her with a cloak covering his face. Before she could react, Sasuke reveals his identity. Rumi let her breath out without knowing she was holding it. “Rumi, my apologies for scaring you. Are you ok?” “Master Sasuke, this was so sudden. I almost got a scare. Why the disguise. Are you on a mission?” her heart skipped a bit at the look of Sasuke. His brown hair was a bit messy from wearing the hood. While his glasses gave him a serious look. Praying that her face won't get red Rumi smiled. Sasuke's heart skips a beat at the smiling face of Rumi. Her hair was golden brown on a bun, followed by an emerald green Kimono with a cherry blossom pattern. She had a light hazelnut color that will go lighter or darker depending on the color she was wearing. Today she seemed radiant, as always he looks at her from afar since his job as a ninja was too demanding. Still, he took the time to visit her and talk. Most of the time they were at the gardens or inside the ceiling. Sasuke showed her once the ceiling making Rumi wanted to know more about the traps and his job. For a couple of seconds, they both stared at each lost in a trance. The sound of the air cut was Sasuke's cue to evade the strike of the sword. Dodging the sword he took Rumi in his arms making a 180-degree turn. Putting some distance, they face Lord Kenshin who was ready to strike a second time. “Lord Kenshin? What are you doing?” Rumi was still not used to the duo's dynamic. It was so dangerous for the lack of a better word. “Sasuke stops running so I can tie you and make take me to your village.” even though Kenshin had been running around he wasn't out of breath. (No wonder he is the God of War.)thought Rumi.“Lord Kenshin we need a time out. Rumi is here and she could result harmed.” Sasuke tried to put a stop to the chase. “I didn't teach you to hide behind a woman, fight like a man..” “Lord Kenshin I will once I take Rumi back to the castle.” with one moment Sasuke throws a smoke disappearing as soon as the smoke covered the area. Sasuke kept running until the managed to reach the castle. Hiding inside the ceiling he directed Rumi to his room. “My apologies for this Rumi-san. Lord Kenshin is sometimes to focus on the cutting part.” he left Rumi. “ I should be already used by now, but I have to admit that still takes me by surprise.” was Rumi's shy response. “As apology let me prepare you some tea,” said Sasuke. Rumi took a seat while Sasuke prepared the tea. While taking a looking around the room she noticed how simple the room was. A corner found with notes, books and what it seems some artifacts. Rumi's eyes continue her inspection. She found a little branch tied to a rope hanging from the ceiling. “Sasuke? What is that?” she asked pointing at the branch. Sasuke follows her arm until he found the mistletoe near the entrance of his balcony. “Oh, that's an old tradition in my village.” Sasuke keeps preparing the tea until Rumi spoke again. “Can you tell me about it?” her eyes were shinning against the light of the fire. Sasuke stayed silent for a couple of minutes. The look on Rumi's face was soft and lovely. A soft rose pink blush was on her cheeks while she was waiting for his explanation. “Well, it is a tradition in my village. That is a branch of mistletoe. It's said that if you stand under it. You should receive a kiss from a person who admires you.” Sasuke tried to hold the fast beating of his heart. For some reason, Sasuke got excited explaining Rumi this tradition. He used a normal branch to play a prank to Yukimura but soon he forgot about it. Now he saw how Rumi heard his explanation. Not waiting for more time Rumi went to inspect the branch to see it closer. Once she was under it, she notices it was a simple branch. Turning around to ask Sasuke she bumps into his solid chest. Sasuke holds her to prevent her from falling. Rumi on her part grabbed his arms while her heart was hammering on her chest and ears. At this point, both were holding still each other not wanting to let go. One arm was holding her waist while the other went to her cheek caressing her. Rumi closed her eyes. Her lips parted while Sasuke approached brushing her lips. The first brush felt like feathers on her lips. The second was longer with his tongue coaxing her to join him. Her arms went up until she hugged him closer to her. By now their shy dance became deeper. Their tongues dancing a slow dance without care or haste. For them, they were the only ones there. When the lack of air was evident they broke the kiss. Touching each other's foreheads. They stayed under the mistletoe until they catch their breaths. “ We need to do the tradition once again Rumi-san.” Sasuke's tone was a husky low. “Why?” Rumi's spine trembles in anticipation. “We are still under the mistletoe.” was Sasuke's reply. The “oh” from Rumi was enough for Sasuke. He didn't plan to move as well as Rumi. With a soft smile, he once again decided to show her how great were his traditions.
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Warlords and babies U/T forces
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