#sandy mason
mitjalovse · 1 year
How can you really define an international musician? Yes, I have to tell you more on what I actually mean by this phrase. You see, these players also have an air of not really being a part of the country they are from that much. Sure, they debuted in them – most of them did –, yet they didn't really seem like they belonged within the scenes of their homelands. I mean, I was shocked to hear about Roger Whittaker being from England, I assumed he was a German schlager singer thanks to some of his most prominent work basically fitting that idiom. However, a greater irony lies in the fact he does a country-flavoured folk despite him being from Europe. Thus, his opus has a strange unreal quality thanks to a mixture of a variety of his contexts.
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mysharona1987 · 2 years
'Your attorneys messed up': how Alex Jones's texts were sent to Sandy Ho...
When I get depressed and need to feel happy, I will watch this clip.
A horrible person who is being punished for being horrible.
Rarely do you see that these days.
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fleshspit · 2 years
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thought about what a younger mason would look like and proceeded to kill myself with the thought character belongs to gatobob
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blogofsara · 8 months
Some Reactions at Rozetta's F-word against her mother: Julian Ramis, Zachary Partridge, Toby Hansen, Cindy McMinn and the Bloom Twins
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The Bloom twins be' like: "Ew, how vulgar is this?" Cindy be' like: "Oh my God....." Toby be' like: "But what?" Julian and Zachary be' like: “What the f*ck happens now?”
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sandyjarrell · 2 years
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Sapphire + Rex
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liplinerloser · 5 months
Увидела, что ваши запросы открыты и я решила оставить свой!
Можно мне Мейсона, Дерека с f!reader, которая оказалась хитрее них?
Она одерживает над ними победу, но не решает их убить, потому что "просто быстро убить вас было бы слишком гуманно"
Hey pookies, no I’m not dead, I’m making my annual come back
I liked how these sort of came out so I might write them as little fics, or the after maths of them since part of the request is you don’t actually kill them
Started this a year ago 💀💀💀 hope I didn’t butcher the translation!
Minors dni!
Mason + Derek with an F!reader, who out smarts them
It’s not difficult to imagine someone being able to outsmart him, he’s so full of himself he doesn’t even think of it as a possibility. With his inflated ego all it took was some fake submission and a few fulfilled requests until he was lulled into a false sense of security. He would believe you were primal, like a scared animal, what he expected with the other captives. But you had a plan.
From your few rough encounters with Derek you knew he wouldn’t ever let you off lightly if he caught you lacking, the sore sting of your tongue against the roof of your mouth reminded you of that.
You were practically defenceless, and to make matters worse you were sure the water supply was tainted, meaning you were thirsty, hungry and afraid.
You clocked Komodo and Dragon performing some weird ritual, but after gauging the level of threat you ruled them out. Unless you stepped into their territory it’s likely they wouldn’t be an issue; you were tempted to attack them when you noticed the knife they used on their victims, just big enough to do some damage but small enough to hide on your person. You stashed the idea and moved on.
If you had survived long enough to withstand the heat of the desert and the pangs of grinding hunger you had definitely encountered jack. Despite him being the most threatening he was ironically one of the most benevolent of the group. You’d remembered how he’d caught you and forced you into certain activities, and rewarded you as such. This was a possible opening
carefully, you stalked the desert, being sure to duck in the cover of the sand if you heard the familiar rumble of the quad. You reached the place where you had initially encountered jack, ducked your head, and silently peered out over the Sandy terrain. It was only a matter of time before he made his rounds.
And so he did, you caught him with his captive, mid fight no doubt. She thrashed wildly in his grasp, landing a few hits from the steady stream of blood under the mask.
You respected her courage in the situation, especially when you saw her knock jack to the ground and lunge for his weapon. You saw your opening.
Practically diving before she could grip the knuckle duster hilt of the knife, you tackled her, in her state of shock she thrashed rather than attacking you. It was clear she recognised you.
Before you could register the betrayal in her eyes you pushed the knife into the soft flesh beneath her jaw. She writhed, warm blood pulsing out in a clean stream. Your eyes were wide, jaw ajar, completely forgetting about him.
You were pulled out of your trance by a rumbling laughter. He had pulled himself off the floor and loomed over you.
“You batting for the other team now? Don’t think the others would be best pleased hm”, he had a shit eating grin plastered over his now unmasked face. You braced for impact, nothing came.
You were the one who held the knife, the power dynamic had shifted and he knew it too. Even if he managed to pry the knife out of your hands and beat you limp, you wouldn’t die without a fight. He’d seen first hand how you were willing to fuck someone up just to survive. His arrogance and pride wouldn’t allow him to be seen at the camp bruised and battered at the hands of a captive.
Jack let out a grunt, holding his hands up defeatedly. Everyone had a price, and he was willing to pay yours to live, or At least until he could kill you when you weren’t looking. You took advantage of this, pointing the knife at his throat as you explained your situation with Derek.
You could’ve swore you saw his head nodding almost with understanding? Maybe Derek was just an asshole to everyone. You told him you wanted him dead, at that his eyes flashed with an emotion you couldn’t quite pick out.
you heard him sigh with frustration, he promised to help you, he clarified just one thing.
“You can do what you want to the little shit, cut him into little cubes, wear him like a jacket for all I care. But you can’t kill him. Fuck him up real good, then meet me at camp. I’ll get you out of here”
It’s not unbelievable to assume you didn’t trust him at all, you had a feeling this choice would come back to you later
He offered you the knife you’d killed the other captive with, you grimaced as you took it, but understood it was the only way out.
You waited until it was darker, the desert had cooled. Taking the knife and reaching behind you, you made a jagged slash along your shoulders and back. As you did, deliberately screaming, listening to the hollow echoes of your voice around the desert.
The other 3 captors were nowhere to be seen, same with the other captives. Apart from 1, that familiar grinding noise of the quad approaching you. Your stomach churned as you quickly hid the knife in the waist band of your shorts.
Lying on the floor, seething with pain, he approached you curiously. Upon seeing the wound he bared his teeth like a dog.
“Who the fuck did this to you. I paid good money for you. and you let someone else touch you, dirty bitch.”, his nose scrunched in disgust.
There was no concern or empathy, as you had to remind yourself he was barely human, barely feeling in terms of emotion. You were not a conscious being to him, instead a mere chew toy to satisfy his urges. The piñata he got all his frustration out on before he had to wear the mask of a functional person back home, and for his father
“Might as well make good use one last time. And I’m a nice guy, so I’ll let you pick which hole.”, blinking away tears, you pitifully pointed to your mouth, Playing off the sad character you had created for yourself
Positioning yourself on your knees, looking through your lashes with teary eyes, you found yourself smiling, before reaching for his belt and getting to work. You had to make sure you were good for him, just this once.
Using both your hands and tongue, you pawed and kneaded at him needily, drinking him, much to his pleasure. The original grip he had on your hair had loosened as he leaned into your touch desperately. Derek felt so secure in his position of power, felt he had broke you, but you waited for this.
He twitched, gritting his teeth. He was almost there, you weren’t going to give him the satisfaction of finishing. With his eyes practically rolled into the back of his head, you stretched a free hand behind you, gripping the knife that you’d hidden.
Quicker than he could process, you pushed the knife so deep into the flesh of his thigh that you were sure you hit bone. Before he could grab you as a reflex, you lay on your back, using one leg to kick at the fresh wound, and the other to stop him from hobbling towards you
“You fucking bitch. You fucking stupid cunt, you’re nothing, if you kill me you still can’t leave here, don’t you fucking get that?!”, you cringed at his temper tantrum.
The pain was too much for him, he fell to the floor, gritting his teeth and writhing in agony. You knew in this state he wouldn’t get far, and eventually he would pass out from blood loss, so you decided against stabbing him again (as much as you wanted the satisfaction)
“You need me. You can’t leave me here, do you even know who I am?!”
After all the pain he had caused you, to see him so vulnerable, crying like a spoiled child, it gave you back a little bit of dignity that he had stripped you of.
“Please. Please, fuck, please. You don’t have to do this, I can get you anything you want, literally anything. Don’t leave me here.” , all you could think was how pathetic he was to resort to begging.
There was more Babbling, in between the tears and choked sobs. Something about his urges, how it wasn’t personally against you and he just wanted to feel normal. You couldn’t help but audibly scoff, after everything he had put you through, he’s sorry cause it “wasn’t personal”, or he “wanted normalcy”. You were shaking from anger.
You decided against killing him, not only because of the offer with jack, but because any death you could afford him would be too generous and humane.
God knows he doesn’t deserve that. He wasn’t worth your effort, you just wanted to go home.
You thought you saw a white mask stalking in the Distance. Fearing one of the others, gripping your knife you moved quickly in the direction of the camp.
As expected jack was waiting for you, cigarette lit between his calloused fingers.
He blinked almost in surprise that you'd survived, but Moreso acknowledgment for your existence. Holding out a cup of ambiguous liquid, you assumed out of good will, you silently drank together.
that was the last thing you remembered before knocking out.
in homeless fashion, you'd woke up on a random park bench in a familiar town that once your eyes adjusted you presumed to be your own.
you finally let out a sigh of relief as you let your feet drag across the pavement in the direction of your home. Your reality had shifted, becoming more aware of peoples lingering glances, their facial reaction towards you. You couldn’t help but feel ruined.
A fresh shower eased your tense muscles, washing away your guilt (temporarily), you let your fingers trace over the scars and bruises that littered your skin. they would fade. it was over. you finally let yourself feel vulnerable
But you should never be vulnerable, especially since you fucked with a Goffard.
To survive Mason you had to be much more calculated than you did with Derek. Mason didn’t need to be cocky, he knew his way around that Forest more than you ever would, he was quick and quiet.
You had learned a few things just from your first day. Mason made rounds, he didn’t stick to one place, which meant that you couldn’t stick to one place either. Due to the Forrest shape and the pattern of his movements it was more difficult for him to corner you, which was in your favour.
Another thing was the Forrest was cold as a motherfucker, and sleeping was near impossible without the comfort of a fire to warm you. At first you thought the supplies to light the fire were a trick, trying to weed you out, surely he would be able to see the smoke rising from the tree tops and catch you?
But nights were also safe, gave you enough time to patch yourself up, rest, or set up for the next day. You’d figured out on the night he rested in a log cabin, which gave you some peace of mind knowing he wouldn’t be prowling
Mason was a man of his word, if you survived him he would let you go of no consequence, which could not apply to others. The issue was finding a way around a man that was so obviously a skilled hunter
First you thought about the Snares, having nearly been caught in one, you thought you could possibly use one to your advantage. That was ruled out when animals kept getting stuck in them, your guilty conscience forced you to leap to save them
You had seen a bear trap before, cunningly hidden under dry foliage, you’d spotted it and avoided it, maybe you could move it into his pathway? By this point you had his moves tracked to a T, so you could predict where he would be moving next.
Your chest swelled with pride, and a mixture of anxiety, as you tried to replicate the deceptive placement of the trap he had originally set, covered in leaves, twigs and shrubbery.
To seal the deal and ensure he actually came you let a raw scream rip through your throat, you knew it wasn’t an issue for him to find where the scream could come from, the man could practically echolocate.
Your eyes darted around the open Forrest, realising you had nowhere to hide and had given up your location. Staring up a tree near the bear trap, you sighed.
Making sure to climb promptly up the tree while leaving no trace proved a challenge, the longer you waited the more you hallucinated the sounds of twigs snapping beneath thick leather boots. Once you were up, securely hidden by the dense leaves, you dared to peer down
It had taken him a matter of 15 minutes to find you, just from a scream. Either he sprinted or he was in an area nearby, both options scared you. The familiar green of his tartan print shirt made you lurch with fear
Biting your lip, you watching him along the pathway edge closer and closer to the trap, you had granted yourself the feeling of freedom prematurely, assuming it would work.
Furrowing your brows, you were confused when he stopped a pace away from the trap. You felt your skin crawl hearing a deep resonating laughter erupt from him, a laughter that felt patronising
He had seen it. And he was amused? Instead of stepping onto it or around it, he instead picked up a large stick, and used it to trigger the trap with a gut wrenching snap. That could’ve been you, ideally it should’ve been him.
It was a premature plan, not very well thought out, it would take more to take him out, especially considering his size, he was easily twice yours, if not in height but the sheer weight and strength of him. You did have a lingering feeling that you should keep an eye out for the repurposed bear trap, that could come in handy.
The next step on the failing agenda was to explore the one place you really really didn’t want to. His Cabin. By default you assumed it was locked so before you even considered actually going you thought about methods to get in, he hadn’t seen you by that area, so maybe he would accidentally leave the door unlocked??
Yeah fat chance. Surely you had to take advantage of how quick he seemed to be when he heard you in the area with the bear trap, it’s almost as if he dropped everything to find you, you wanted to test this theory.
You knew there was a lake nearby, and decided to try your chances at fishing, not really for the whole nutritional value of the fish but another idea. It was a forest right? A densely packed, environmentally diverse forest, you had seen foxes, rabbits, deer, so it was only right to assume there must be bears, especially with a stream so close by.
Waiting until night fall again, you wondered how long it would take before he grew tired of exclusively searching for you during the day. You made your way over to the stream, you’d seen something about catching fish with your hands on some tv show and didn’t really think much of it when you saw it. Maybe you should’ve paid attention.
After a few tries of Emulating a really terrible Bear Grylls technique you resorted to a stick, rolling up your trousers and standing in the freezing water very still, seeing an unfortunate victim swim towards you, you plunged your stick into it.
You could worry about feeling guilty later, when you were safe. Making your way over to a snare you knew he set up before, one that you’d narrowly avoided, you placed the fish very close to it. Making sure to remove the head so it’s stench was stronger.
Practically sprinting, you made your way back to the hiding place near his cabin. It would take a while for a Bear to go near the snare, and it was almost morning, so he’d surely he would be up and out. You hoped he would confuse the bear for you just long enough.
The timing couldn’t have been more perfect, you were practically becoming delirious from hunger, and the cold had finally started nipping away at your fingers and nose. Alongside that you were drained, forcing yourself to stay awake, you didn’t want to be caught at the last lap.
He finally came. Striding out with an air of confidence, gruff harsh footsteps crunching against the earth. Further into the distance, the familiar sound of the snare, and the shake of the trees. The deer weren’t heavy enough to do that, he thought he had finally won.
Overcome with hubris, he slammed the door of the cabin shut, gripping his knife. You noted he didn’t lock it. Even mass murderers make mistakes.
There was your chance, quietly crawling up the steps, you made your way in. Anxiety ripped at your insides as you searched, conveniently you had found that handy bear trap, and a few other interesting bits too. You didn’t like the guy but you were always curious to learn about someone.
No technology, but a map? Upon studying it a little closer you noticed the area with a pin in it was where you were, seeing the familiar curves of the stream on its hand drawn surface. Another place fairly close by was circled, you wondered if that would be useful later.
Placing the bear trap in front of the door was the first thought, but that was too easy, he would surely notice it, and even if it caught just a leg he seemed rough enough to pull it off and lunge for you. That wouldn’t work out for you.
You noticed a stool, dragged it to the gap behind the door for when it would swing open upon his entry, then stood on it with the bear trap positioned away from your body.
Mason was pissed to say the least. Not only was it not you in the snare, but a large angry fucking bear. it took a few hacks at it to get it to die, it almost got a few hits on him too, but Sandy never let him down.
His heavy footsteps left imprints in the soft dirt as he made his way back to the cabin, realising his previous mistake. You were a frightened animal, he doubted you’d be brave enough to go to the one enclosed space he stayed in the most.
Nothing seemed off when he came back, everything as it was. But he wasn’t just going to lock the door, being paranoid kept him alive, so he would quickly check and be on his way.
With his same air of confidence, Mason strides into the cramped cabin, upon first glance it seemed nothing had moved, he did note his stool was gone.
Furrowing his brows he turned to look for it, only noticing then the seething captive that had been waiting for him.
The stool gave you enough height to jump at him, wrapping your legs around his torso, in one fell swoop, you locked the jaws of the bear trap around his head. It didn’t fit so snugly due to his struggling, so with as much force as you could muster, you slammed it so hard you felt the spring locks recoil against you.
There was silence for a moment, you had unwound your legs from him, falling to the floor and crawling towards the door. His towering figure stood still, eyes open with shock, the grip on his knife had diminished as it hit the floor with a gentle thud.
Then you were met with screams, piercing screams, and you genuinely wondered when you stared at him, how was this fucker not dead? People lose their legs from bear traps, and he still somehow was conscious enough to yell, even trying to undo the spring lock to free himself.
While he was distracted trying to free his twisted flesh from within the teeth of the trap, you took your opportunity to grab his knife and scramble frantically away from the lumbering man.
Just as you were out the door you remembered the map, but Mason was too busy trying to salvage his face to care what you were doing, making eye contact with him as you sprinted in the direction of the map you noted he looked at you differently. There was no anger, or victimising glare, it felt more equal, like he finally respected you as a person and not prey
His face disgusted you, the trap still actively disfiguring him the more he struggled. Killing him would be too humane, you hoped he would survive this, and that his scars and deformity would be a reminder. The hunter had finally been hunted.
Knowing he wouldn’t be following you, with the map and knife in hand, and your back pack of supplies you had stashed in your hiding place, you made your way to the circled area on the map. You hoped there would be something like a phone, a way to contact anyone. Worst case scenario you could survive a little longer, trek out the forest and find your way back.
After dealing with him you didn’t feel so vulnerable, the only threat left in the vicinity was you; a dangerous wave of euphoria ran over you.
You hoped he had learnt his lesson, if he came looking for you, you wouldn’t be so nice. Maybe you shouldn’t have taken Sandy though-
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mpreglover225 · 6 months
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In a secluded corner of upstate New York, nestled among rolling hills and lush greenery, lies a birth ranch unlike any other. This unconventional establishment, known as the Communal Birth Suite, is where desires and boundaries are pushed to the extreme. And at the heart of it all are five remarkable men, each nine months pregnant, their bellies round and swollen with life.
Meet the surrogates:
Ethan, a tall and rugged man in his early thirties, with a buzz cut and a chiseled jawline. He exudes strength and masculinity, despite his protruding belly.
Noah, a gentle and nurturing soul with tousled brown hair and warm, comforting eyes. At twenty-six, he possesses a youthful charm that draws people in.
Gabriel, a mature and sophisticated man in his forties. With salt-and-pepper hair and a distinguished air, he commands respect and admiration.
Liam, a playful and mischievous spirit. At twenty-five, he sports a vibrant purple mohawk and a collection of tattoos that decorate his arms.
Mason, the youngest of the group at twenty-one, radiates innocence and curiosity. His boyish charm is accentuated by his freckled face and sandy blond hair.
Inside the communal birth suite, the air is thick with anticipation and desire. The joined beds, strategically arranged in the center of the room, create an intimate space where the surrogates can support one another during this transformative journey. As they recline on the beds, their milk-filled breasts are swollen and sensitive, ready to nourish the new life within them.
With a shared understanding of their unique situation, the men begin to massage each other's breasts and bellies. Their hands glide across the smooth skin, kneading and caressing with gentle yet purposeful movements. Moans of pleasure mix with the sounds of labor, creating a symphony of sensations that fills the room.
As the contractions intensify, the surrogates seek solace in a communal tub, where warm water cascades over their swollen bodies. They gather together, their rounded bellies pressed against one another, finding comfort in the unity of their shared experience. The water envelops them, soothing their aching muscles and providing a sense of weightlessness amidst the heaviness of impending birth.
Chapter 2: The Communal Birth
As the surrogates intertwine their fingers and draw strength from one another, the waves of labor wash over them. The room echoes with their moans and gasps, mingling with the rhythmic splashes of water. They find solace in the presence of their fellow surrogates, knowing that they are not alone in this extraordinary journey.
The first of the men, Ethan, feels the powerful urge to push. His body tenses, and with a deep breath, he bears down, his face contorted in a mixture of pain and determination. With each push, his belly tightens, and the pressure intensifies. The room is filled with the sounds of his grunts and the encouraging words of his companions.
Noah, whose labor has been progressing alongside Ethan's, follows suit. His body trembles with anticipation as he pushes with all his might. The water around him ripples with his efforts, creating a mesmerizing dance of movement and anticipation. The surrogates cheer him on, their voices blending with the rising crescendo of their collective pleasure.
Gabriel, Liam, and Mason, their bodies in various stages of labor, join in the symphony of birth. Each push brings them closer to the moment of release, where the culmination of their desires and the fulfillment of their roles as surrogates merge into a primal ecstasy.
Finally, with one final surge of strength, the men feel the exhilarating release as their bodies expel the new life they have carried within them for nine months. The room erupts in a chorus of screams, cries, and joyous laughter, as the surrogates hold their newborns to their chests, their milk-filled breasts offering nourishment and comfort.
As the communal tub becomes a sea of bliss and contentment, the surrogates revel in the beauty of their unconventional journey. They have pushed the boundaries of societal norms, embracing their desires and finding solace in the shared experience of birth and surrogacy.
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kitchenwitchery72 · 1 year
Herbalism 101: Rosemary
EP. 1
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Rosemary has been used by humans for centuries. Dating all the way back to 220 A.D. in China, this herb has been used by hundreds of cultures for hundreds of different reasons. Some cultures believed it could strengthen a persons memory, others considered it to be a symbol of a loyal marriage.
Properties: memory, love, cleansing, protection
Uses in the Kitchen
There are endless possibilities when it comes to cooking with rosemary. It has a pine-y, earthy flavor that goes really well with gamy meat like lamb or earthy flavors like mushrooms. Another option is pairing with lemon or other citrus to break up the earthy flavor. Cooking will always go hand-in-hand with herbalism. So, when using rosemary in food, make sure to remember it's magic properties as well and use them to your advantage. 
Uses in healing
Rosemary has a lot of medicinal benefits. For exterior use, it can be great in oils and salves.  Things like dandruff, acne, and dry skin can benefit. Rosemary can be very good for indigestion, stomach cramps, and mental fatigue. Making a tea is my personal favorite way to consume rosemary. 
Uses in Witchcraft
While it is often used as a filler herb in spells or recipes, it does have some unique properties. One of the longest standing uses for rosemary is memory. While burning rosemary is a great way to banish and cleanse your home, cooking with it with intention is my personal favorite use. This herb is also known to symbolize fidelity between lovers. To strengthen an existing bond, making a dish that has rosemary and other relating herbs (catnip, basil, cardamom, etc) is a great way to go. 
Tips to Grow at Home
1. Grow rosemary by your doors as protection
2. Sandy soil is best
3. LOTS of Sun, not too much water
Rosemary Ointment
3 teaspoons dried rosemary
1 teaspoon dried thyme
2 teaspoons sage
1 cup oil
1/3-1/2 cup beeswax or other carrier oil
Start off by infusing the oil with all of the dry ingredients. I do this in a mason jar in a pot of water, but any sort of double boiler situation will work. This is where you can add an optional drop of peppermint oil. It takes about 30-45 minutes on low low heat to fully infuse. Once it's finished let it cools down before straining it. You should strain it pretty well. I don't mind if it's not super filtered, but if it'll bug you just use cheese cloth!
Next, melt the beeswax and add the infused oil. Stir if gently for at least a few minutes on low heat. Store in a jar or shallow tin and use when you have a head cold or need something healing for your skin!
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cameronspecial · 6 months
Before The Last Petal Falls (Part 9)
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: Mention of Getting Sober and maybe Drugs
Pronouns: She/Her
Word Count: 2.4K
Summary: A little snooping helps Y/N come to a major realization that changes the cousr of her life.
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Y/N heard Rafe was released from the hospital and she hasn’t been to see him since she found the chain, which she still is wearing. She’s been thinking over everything and trying to sort out her emotions before she offers her help to him in a conscious state. She decides she is finally ready to face him and knocks on the door of Tannyhill. Sarah is the one to answer the door with a smile on her face. She reaches over to give Y/N a hug, “Hey, how are you?” Y/N returns the hug with a small smile. “I’m okay. I mean with everything going on, it’s as good as it is going to get. I’m actually here to talk to Rafe. Could you get him for me, please?” Sarah just shakes her head apologetically, “I’m sorry, but he isn’t here right now. But you can wait in his room if you want.” Y/N takes the offer and heads up to Rafe’s bedroom. 
Waiting in the room she used to consider her own gets a little boring, so she decides to be her nosy self and look around. She knows she shouldn’t, but curiosity gets the best of her. She wants to see how much his room has changed since they broke up. The exploration begins with his dresser drawers. He still keeps it organized how she rearranged it one lazy afternoon. She then moves onto his desk. Paperwork litters his desk and picture frames can be found on the back edge of the desk. She notices that a few are empty and others are filled with family photos. She opens the top drawer to find photos of her and him. The ones that used to be in the picture frames on the desk. She gives a sad smile at the memories they made. 
The final place she looks at is his bookshelf. There are a lot more books on it than the last time she saw it and she beams at the idea of him keeping the hobby even after they broke up. She glances over the books they read together, fingers trailing over the spines. Her fingers stop at a familiar-looking book set that is missing the first novel. It was the special Percy Jackson book set, which matches The Lightning Thief that Rafe annotated for her eighteenth birthday. She knew he probably got the other books in the set, but never really put any thought as to what he did with the other books. She takes one out of the books out and flips through the pages. She is surprised to see the same blue ink from her first annotated book. The page she lands on is the one where Percy talks about printing out the picture Annabeth sent him. Rafe had written: ‘I totally did that to every single photo Mason sent me with you in it. I definitely didn’t know that was why I did it, but subconscious me totally knew I was in love with you.’ 
Y/N didn’t know she was crying until her tears started to fall on the page. She closes the books to check the other ones for annotations. Every single one she opens is also annotated and not sparse. The pages are filled with blue ink, which Rafe uses to bare his soul to her. Even after their breakup, he still continued the gift that she loved so much. How did she know that he didn’t annotate the books with the one he had given her? Well, it’s because he had talked about the break-up in his annotations. He talks about how much he is hurting. How turning toward drugs helped him forget about her. How much he misses her. It’s all in there within the pages of four books. Her emotions run wild at the honesty in these pages because some of his comments aren’t sugar-coated. 
Waiting for Rafe feels as though it is taking forever and with the overwhelming feeling she has right now, she needs to find him. And she knows exactly where he is like she is being pulled in by a fishing line. 
She finds him exactly where she thought she would, sitting on the sandy beach. He is looking out to the sea so his back is facing her. Rafe hears her footsteps approaching, but he doesn’t turn toward her. She sits down beside him and brings her legs to her chest. He glances over to her, noticing his rose chain fall out from under her shirt. “So that’s where that went,” he ponders out loud. Y/N gives a shy grin, turning away from him to try to hide her embarrassment of being caught, “Yeah, sorry about that. I didn’t know you kept it, let alone still wore it.”
“Uhh, yeah. I… umm… tried to get rid of it, actually. I came down here when I was back home for Thanksgiving and threw it into the ocean. But I quickly realized how much I still needed it and spent hours looking for it in the water. I kept it as proof that you actually loved me.” 
Y/N turns to him with unbelieving eyes, “Of course I love you. Cameron, you are my first love.”
“Y-you love me? As in you still do?”
“Yeah, I do and I think you do too. Cameron, I found the other annotated books.”
“The one in my room? The Percy Jackson ones?”
“Yes, I may have done a little snooping when I went to check on you at home first.”
He lets out a little chuckle and takes a chance by bringing her closer with his arms. She allows him to do so and rests her head against his shoulder. “It became like my therapy after we broke up. Every year, the day before your birthday, I let myself think about you in any way that I wanted. I didn’t try to suppress my feelings and instead, let myself feel them,” he explains to her. She nods her head in understanding. There is a moment of silence before Y/N breaks it,  “I thought we lost you, Cameron. I was so scared when Mace called.”
“I know, my rose. I am so sorry that I scared you like that. I didn’t mean to scare you.” 
They both smile at the usage of their old nicknames. They let themselves take in the feeling of nostalgia. It all feels so familiar and warm. “Cameron, you need to get sober. For good this time. We can’t go through a scare like that again, especially if we actually lose you. This time, I’m going to help you though. I promise that I won’t let you go through this alone,” she tells him, looking into his eyes. 
“I know, you’re right. I want to get sober, not only for you but for myself. I have to let myself start feeling my emotions again. And I think your help would really be good for me. I think we are good for each other.”
“Just because I’m helping you with this, it doesn’t mean we are getting back together. I may have put a pause on my relationship with Cole, but I am still with Cole. I just think we are too different from each other. We aren’t a good match.”
She turns away from him to look at the ocean. He places his finger under her chin and turns her towards him. “That isn’t true. I know we have our problems to work through, but, my rose, there is no one else I’d rather work through my issues with. I know we are meant to be with each other and if I have to wait an eternity for you, then I will. Not that I’m trying to pressure you, but you are it for me,” he promises to her. Y/N looks into his eyes with tears swelling in hers, “If we do this, then we have to make some serious changes. You would need to get sober and I would need to learn how to talk to you about my feelings. We can’t keep making the same mistakes. We would have a lot of things to work through. Together.”  “I can work with that.” He grins at her and begins to bring his lips closer to his, but she stops him. 
“I know that I said we could give us another shot, but I am still technically dating Cole. Before we do anything, I need to break things off with him officially. Is that okay?” she asks. Rafe just smiles at her placing his lips on her forehead, “That is more than okay.”
Cole knew what was coming before Y/N even opened her mouth. The pitiful smile she gives him as she enters the restaurant is a dead giveaway of her plans. She sits across from him in the booth and takes his hands into hers. “You’re breaking up with me,” he states without a single hint of it being a question. Her smile turns tight-lipped and nods,  “I’m sorry.” 
“It’s okay, I’m just lucky I got my time with you. At least I can say I dated a famous author. But I knew it was always going to be him.”
Y/N gives a little laugh at the joke he gives but gives him another small smile, “It’s funny how everyone keeps telling me that.”
“Well, anyone can see it. You guys would do anything for each other and I should’ve known the universe would eventually bring you guys back together.”
“Yeah, I guess you’re right. Cole, I hope you know that I really am sorry about breaking up with you. You don’t deserve how I treated you while we were dating and when we went on a date in our first year.”
“Hey, don’t say that. You gave me all the love that you could and it is not your fault that you just didn’t have the same amount that I have for you. Maybe, if I had met you first, we would’ve been together. I like to think that in another lifetime, that’s what happened to us.” 
“That would be nice, but in this lifetime, my prince is waiting for me at the beach.” 
Rafe didn’t wait for Y/N the whole time on the beach like he said he would. Instead, he went to Tannyhill to get something he thought he desperately needed. He is back on the beach by the time she returns. She sees him down by the water with his feet in the water and takes off her shoes to join him. She runs into his arms. He picks her up and twirls her around as she giggles. He stops the twirling but keeps her up in the air. Y/N places her forehead against his and grins at him. He reaches up to kiss her and this time she lets his lips press onto hers. Rafe puts her back down on the sand. 
“Let’s dance,” he whispers to her. She gives him a questioning look, “Cameron, there isn’t any music.” “That’s okay, the waves can be our music. Just dance, please,” he begs, taking her into his arms. They sway to the sound of the waves, her skirt gently kissing the sand as they move and his hair being blown in every direction from the light breeze. The moment is the most perfect one they’ve had since the break-up. They both don’t want it to end. However, for what Rafe is about to do, he needs to stop the moment. He pulls away from her and gives her a nervous smile. His nerves make her anxious. When he gets down on one knee, she finally understands why he looks that way. 
“I know that you probably think I am crazy for doing this right now and that we just got back together. But I have known that I was going to marry you since I was five years old and I was blown away by your pettiness. Now, you are probably worried about this affecting how I get sober, but I promise we don’t need to get married until I am sober for however long you deem. So here I am, asking you to marry me because you are truly the only one for me,” Rafe proposes, pulling out the ring box.
He opens the box to reveal the engagement ring and she is astonished at the ring sitting within it. The ring that sits inside the box is one she recognizes from when they were twelve. Y/N, Mason, and Rafe went to the jewelry store with Cassie. She needed to get her wedding ring cleaned. The children were looking at the rings while Cassie was occupied with the store employee. Y/N had pointed out a unique engagement ring which had a red garnet gem instead of the traditional diamond. She loved that the gem was her birthstone and declared that she wanted her own engagement ring to be like the one in front of her. What she didn’t know was that after they left the store, Rafe returned the day after and bought the ring with the allowance he had been saving up for a new watch. 
Y/N stares at the ring and feels the tears falling down her face. She drops to straddle the one leg propped up and wraps her arm around his neck. “I would love to marry you. I can’t believe you found a replica of the ring from when we were twelve,” she watches with loving eyes as he places the ring on her finger. He wraps one arm around her waist to keep her steady and awkwardly scratches the back of his neck with the other. “Umm, this is actually the same ring you saw. I went back the next day and bought it with the money I was going to use for my watch,” he admits. She looks down at him with a smile, “Cameron, you didn’t?! I remember how excited you were about getting that watch. If I remember correctly, it took you a year after we visited the jewelry store to get that watch.” “It did, but it was totally worth it if it led us to this moment right here. I got my fiancée and the watch, so I think I won,” he jokes. Y/N shakes her head and nudges his shoulder. 
The two let out a laugh and looked into each other eyes. This moment feels like the entire world has been shifted back onto its axis. It feels so right and filled with love that they can’t remember what it was like when they weren’t together. They give each other another kiss to celebrate the moment they become soon-to-be wife and husband. 
Taglist: @sublimepenguinpeach-blog @gillybear17 @f4ll-for-you @winterrrnight @maggiecc @magicwithaknife @loves0phelia @jiarapamuk @blisslove @baby19sthings @thelomlisrafecameron @nonbullshit-toleratingkindagirl
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femmehysteria · 7 months
Best Character Named X Poll
FOLLOW @best-character-named-x-poll
I'm doing a series of "Best Character Named X" polls where all the characters have the same first name but are from completely different media, feel free to send in name/charcacter suggestions, I'm posting one poll a day. New polls scheduled for 1:30PM GMT everyday.
ask box closed for now
WILL BE POSTING POLLS ON @best-character-named-x-poll FROM FEB 1ST
If your favourite character is not included in the poll very sorry i have either never heard of them or actively chose not to include them as theres only 6 characters per poll. Characters will only count of that is their first name, surnames do not count.
Round 85: David
Round 86: Tiffany
Round 87: Charlie
Round 88: Sandy
Round 89: Cody
Round 90: Amanda
Round 91: Jeremy
Past Polls and Poll Ideas under the cut
Names that I have a complete list for*
Caroline, Tyler, Louis, Leonard, Rebecca, Steve, Nicole, Isabelle, Victoria, Katherine, Jade, Alex, Sophie, Greg, Jake, Ellie, Isaac, Robin, Tony, Annie, Lisa, Margaret, Oliver, Clark, Kara, Phoebe, Emma, Ruby, Bart, Alfie, Beth, Julian, Nancy, Penny, Margaret, Tessa, Erica, Theresa, George, Kevin, Sebastian, Felix, Martin, Michael, Erin, Caleb, Helen, Charlotte, Kyle, Martha, Diana, Elsa, Gary, Zoe, Connor, Colin, Daisy, Eric, Maya, Adam, Andy, Magnus, Alma, Nora, Alice, Spike, Leon, Marcel, Kim, Juno, Sue, Chris, Otto, Donald, Daphne, Kate, Todd, Ned, Ken, Angel, Judy, Jo, Hazel, Naomi, Diego, Miranda, Joel, Lila, Duncan, Dexter, Meredith, Pearl, Lily, Malcolm, Napolean, Joan, Nico, Jamie, Nadia, Velma, Jill, Kiera, Rory, Evan, Tam, Klaus, Neil, Derek, Michelle, Luna, Laila, Cordelia, Zack, Imogen, Felicity, Cindy, Alicia, Kelly, Alan, April, Astrid, Delilah, Jodie, Claudia, Juliet, Karen, Jonas, Milo, Celia, Hannah, Joy, Ethan, Katya, Aria, Atticus, Ian, Cynthia, Faye, Frank, Boo, River, Corey, Gabrielle, Minerva, Ebony, Zia, Beverly, Rudy, Georgina
Names I have an incomplete list for (welcome to send character suggestions)
Richter, Sean, Troy, Cain, Agatha, Warren, Percy, Reggie, Mina, Ryan, Felicia, Dylan, Josh, Shirley, Debbie, Jared, June, Mabel, Ray, Chad, Moe, Hugh, Fearne, Christine, Joe, August, May, Scarlet, Alana, Leela, Manny, Dean, Francis, Mason, Oscar, Quinn, Guy, Ulrich, Wally, Yasmin, Tobias, Woody, Sabrina, Quentin, Margot, Alina, Matilda, Freya, Kendra, Angus, Ophelia, Leisel, Zelda, Adora, Piper, Scarlet, Sheila, Valentine, Laurie, Laurel, Fitz, Violet, Gabriel, Ford, Artemis, Owen, Bianca, Newton, Summer, Darcy, Noah, Taylor, Miriam, Hugh, Aurora, Hank, Henry, Dawn, Delia, Cosmo, Wanda, Zeke, Cecil, Aiden, Calvin, Ayesha, Beatrice, Parker, Chase, Hunter, Tina, Misty, Amaya, Amara, Harvey, Talia, Tatiana, Tanya, Orion, Eugene, Kit, Bo, Duke, Blue, Cameron, Rudolf, Mara, Marianne, Carl
Feel free to send more suggestions
*subject to change, you can still submit a character if there is no strikethrough if you think theres a character that its an absolute crime i dont add. Please don't suggest anything for the names with a strikethrough as they are polls that are already in my queue waiting to be published.
Past Polls
Round 1: Peter : WINNER: Peter Parker (Spider-Man)
Round 2: Elizabeth : WINNER: Elizabeth Swann (Pirates of the Caribbean)
Round 3: Jason : WINNER: Jason Mendoza (The Good Place)
Round 4: Eve : WINNER: EVE (WALL-E)
Round 5: Fred : WINNER: Fred Jones (Scooby-Doo)
Round 6: Rachel : WINNER: Rachel (Animorphs)
Round 7: Arthur : WINNER: Arthur Pendragon (Merlin)
Round 8: Amy : WINNER: Amy Pond (Doctor Who)
Round 9: Tom : WINNER: Tom (Tom and Jerry)
Round 10: Claire : WINNER: Clare Devlin (Derry Girls)
Round 11: James : WINNER: James (Pokemon)
Round 12: Max : WINNER: Max (Black Sails)
Round 13: Simon : WINNER: Simon Belmont (Castlevania)
Round 14: Jane : WINNER: Jane Crocker (Homestuck)
Round 15: Victor : WINNER: Victor Nikiforov (Yuri On Ice)
Round 16: Mary : WINNER: Mary Poppins (Mary Poppins)
Round 17: Will : WINNER: Will Graham (Hannibal)
Round 18: Laura : WINNER: Laura Palmer (Twin Peaks)
Round 19: Ben : WINNER: Ben "Obi-Wan" Kenobi (Star Wars)
Round 20: Chloe : WINNER: Chloe Price (Life Is Strange)
Round 21: John : WINNER: Jonathan Sims (The Magnus Archives)
Round 22: Lydia : WINNER: Lydia Deetz (Beetlejuice)
Round 23: Mark : WINNER: Marc Spector (Moon Knight)
Round 24: Jess : WINNER: Jesse Pinkman (Breaking Bad)
Round 25: Theo : WINNER: Theobald Gumbar (Dimension 20: A Crown Of Candy)
Round 26: Sarah: WINNER: Sarah Jane Smith (Doctor Who)
Round 27: Richard : WINNER: Richard Gansey III (The Raven Cycle)
Round 28: Cass : WINNER: Cassandra Cain (Batman)
Round 29: Edward : WINNER: Edward Elric (Fullmetal Alchemist)
Round 30: Carm : WINNER: Carmen Sandiego (Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego?)
Round 31: Hal : WINNER: HAL9000 (2001: A Space Odyssey)
Round 32: Sid : WINNER: Sydney Adamu (The Bear)
Round 33: Jack : WINNER: Captain Jack Harkness (Doctor Who)
Round 34: Stephanie : WINNER: Stephanie Brown (Batman)
Round 35: Ash : WINNER: Ash Ketchum (Pokemon)
Round 36: Veronica : WINNER: Veronica Sawyer (Heathers)
Round 37: Kurt : WINNER: Kurt Wagner aka Nightcrawler (X-Men)
Round 38: Eleanor : WINNER: Eleanor Shellstrop (The Good Place)
Round 39: Nathan : WINNER: Nathan Young (Misfits)
Round 40: Fiona : WINNER: Princess Fiona (Shrek)
Round 41: Gale : WINNER: Gayle Waters-Waters (Chris Fleming)
Round 42: Barbara : WINNER: Barbara Millicent Roberts aka Barbie (Barbie)
Round 43: Sam : WINNER: Samwise Gamgee (Lord of the Rings)
Round 44: Grace : WINNER: Grace Chastity (Nerdy Prudes Must Die)
Round 45: Barry : WINNER: Barry Bluejeans (The Adventure Zone)
Round 46: Raven : WINNER: Raven (Teen Titans)
Round 47: Dan : WINNER: Danny Fenton (Danny Phantom)
Round 48: Mia : WINNER: Mia Fey (Ace Attorney)
Round 49: Matt : WINNER: Matt Murdock (Daredevil)
Round 50: Rose : WINNER: Rose Tyler (Doctor Who)
Round 51: Robert : WINNER: Robbie Rotten (LazyTown)
Round 52: Lola : WINNER: Lola Bunny (Space Jam)
Round 53: Scott : WINNER: Scott Summers aka Cyclops (X-Men)
Round 54: Olivia : WINNER: Olivia Octavious (Spiderverse)
Round 55: Finn : WINNER: Finn the Human (Adventure Time)
Round 56: Emily : WINNER: Emily Charlton (The Devil Wears Prada)
Round 57: Elliot : WINNER: Eliot Spencer (Leverage)
Round 58: Sonia : WINNER: Sonia (Pokemon)
Round 59: Gideon : WINNER: Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb)
Round 60: Jen : WINNER: Jennifer Check (Jennifer's Body)
Round 61: Miles : WINNER: Miles Morales (Spider-Man)
Round 62: Lana : WINNER: Lana Skye (Ace Attorney)
Round 63: Spencer : WINNER: Spencer Shay (iCarly)
Round 64: Tracy : WINNER: Tracy Turnbald (Hairspray!)
Round 65: Luke : WINNER: Luke Skywalker (Star Wars)
Round 66: Natalie : WINNER: Natalie Scatorccio (Yellowjackets)
Round 67: Harry : WINNER: Harry Du Bois (Disco Elysium)
Round 68: Lucy : WINNER: Lucy van Pelt (Peanuts)
Round 69: Damian : WINNER: Damian Wayne (Batman)
Round 70: Tabitha : WINNER: Tabitha Casper (Dan and Phil Games: Sims 4)
Round 71: Nick : WINNER: Nicholas D. Wolfwood (Trigun)
Round 72: Gwen : WINNER: Guinevere (Merlin)
Round 73: Paul : WINNER: Paulette Bonafonte (Legally Blonde)
Round 74: Abigail : WINNER: Abigail Hobbs (Hannibal)
Round 75: Jordan : WINNER: Jordan Baker (The Great Gatsby)
Round 76: Donna : WINNER: Donna Noble (Doctor Who)
Round 77: Morgan : WINNER: Morgana (Merlin)
Round 78: Allison : WINNER: Alison Cooper (BBC Ghosts)
Round 79: Patrick : WINNER: Patrick Star (Spongebob Squarepants)
Round 80: Linda : WINNER: Linda Belcher (Bob's Burgers)
Round 81: Philip : WINNER: Philip J. Fry (Futurama)
Round 82: Clarisse : WINNER: Clarisse La Rue (Percy Jackson)
Round 83: Jeff
Round 84: Maria
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artzc · 16 days
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Hi hi :3 back again but today I have a new oc!
This is Aida sandy Heiral their pronouns are they/them/she/her. Aida is the child of mason heiral from the price of flesh. Her mother is an unknown demon from the cult mason used to be in, though they don’t know if this themselves as their father hides this fact from them for what ever reason.
When they were young they would always sit around the black lagoon and talk about their troubles, they always felt a presence there and it was comforting to have someone to listen to them ramble, even if they never got any replies. They grew up on the mountain so never really had any friends the only other person they see as a person is her father the humans he hunted was just prey to them as that’s what she was raised into believing.
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tandefeaffe · 1 year
dad!mason mount
the simple things in life by @judeswhore
baby delivery by @judeswhore
doctor mount by @judeswhore
a father's comfort by @judeswhore
his world by @judeswhore
never trust a mount by @judeswhore
mini mount by @judeswhore
kiss the tv by @judeswhore
almost there by @judeswhore
chilly the tooth fairy by @judeswhore
simple things in life by @judeswhore
baby mount by @judeswhore
daddy's girl by @judeswhore
his first betrayal by @judeswhore
whisper to comfort by @judeswhore
tunnel vision by @judeswhore
boys have cooties by @judeswhore
the bump by @judeswhore
bakery girl by @judeswhore
number 1 fan by @judeswhore
boys are banned by @judeswhore
he's my daddy by @judeswhore
peter pan by @judeswhore
his princess by @judeswhore
wren's bsf by @judeswhore
trouble by @judeswhore
flour monster by @judeswhore
sandy toes by @judeswhore
to the moon and back by @judeswhore
all grown up by @judeswhore
her castle by @judeswhore
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assortedseaglass · 11 months
The Seamstress & The Sailor - Volume II
Chapter Nineteen
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Warnings: Strong Language, Smut, Violence, Depictions of War, Death, Injury Detail, Mentions of Sexual Assault, Depictions of Reproductive Health, Suicidal Thoughts, World on Fire Spoilers
Word Count: 1.6K
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September 1940
The night was drawn. In the corner of the small kitchen, the wireless crackled.
“It was a service shelter I went to, and one of the most cheering sights I’ve seen since the raids started. I’ve been around the streets on one job or another, but I’ve never seen anything to equal this shelter for comfort and cheerfulness. All the people come from a nearby blocks of flats. The families have decorated the walls with pictures of film stars, and the children have hung up paper streamers. Along one wall are chairs and a few tables, and when I went in all the women were knitting very busily. There was a babble of talk and most of the children were playing cards.”
“I hope Mrs Mason’s children are listening,”
“Don’t be a snob, Dot.”
“They could be quiet and play cards, rather than clattering about. Don’t know why we bother with the blackouts, the Jerries’ll find us from their shrieking and shouting.”
From her perch by the hearth, curled up like a cat in her father’s armchair, Bess smiled. The newspaper lay forgotten on her lap as she watched her sisters. Cora was at the sink, preparing potatoes for the following day, Dot looking into the mantel piece mirror, rolling her hair for bed. At the kitchen table, two figures hunched over the wireless. One with sandy hair, once blond now fading with age, the other under his raid warden’s hat. In each of their hands, a cup of steaming tea. Black, no milk. Milk was hard to come by these days.  
Bess could have been content. Content, were it not for the blackouts in the windows, the fire and candles casting shadows across their gaunt faces, the hush of the street beyond. Content, if Tom Bennett were not God knows where. She checked her sisters. Cora was still tutting at Dot. She checked her father and Douglas. They were silent, staring into space as they listened to the radio broadcast. Certain she was safe, Bess extracted the folded paper from the pocket of her slacks and hid it behind the newspaper.
…The Palais better still be standing when I get back. I don’t mind if some of the mills get blown up, even better if a bomb lands on Walter Watson’s place, but if the Palais goes I’m done for. So will you be, my girl. I’ll have to expend my energy somewhere…
Bess’ stomach flipped.
“Come away from the fire,” Cora smacked Bess’s legs off the grate they were propped on. “You’ve gone all flushed.”
“It’s nice,” Bess swallowed the lump in her throat away. “The flat’s freezing.”
“When are you back on shift, Bess?” Douglas was watching her, soft-eyed and gentle.
“Fancy a cycle?” Bess nodded her reply and Douglas smiled, his eyes crinkling at the edges.
“Douglas is too good to you. I hope you’re grateful, my love.” Fergal didn’t look up from his position by the wireless.
“Both the Bennett men are good to our Bess, dadda.” Dot smirked. “Mind my curls!” Cora had swiped at her with a tea towel. A small gargle distracted them all. Bess looked down. Wrapped in knitted blankets of blue, little baby Vera stretched in her basket. A small hand balled its fist and her little rosebud lips parted with a quiet smack as she yawned.
“Are you sure you don’t mind having her tonight?” Douglas whispered.
“Don’t be silly,” Cora rubbed his shoulder.
“No offence, Douglas, but you could use a good night’s sleep.” Cora shot Dot a look but the others laughed. Bess reached out to stroke the baby’s soft cheek with the back of her finger. She settled quickly, her little breaths huffing in and out. A fresh heat lit in Bess’ stomach, and she traced the edges of Tom’s letter.
…I can’t wait to be back with you all. Even Dad! It feels like we’ve turned a page since Vera came along. It’s like you said, when babes come along we see the world with fresh eyes. I think me and dad are seeing each other clearly for the first time in years. All because of Vera. That miraculous thing, you called her. I came back that day scared Dad and Lois would have moved on without me, and that you hated me still. I didn’t expect to feel more love than I have in my life. You know me, I’m not a broody man. But the sight of that little one makes me half mad with wanting one. What do you say, love? Shall we get some practice in…
“I’m off.” Bess jolted in her seat. Douglas was stood over her.
“Oh, right, yeah.” She stood and wrapped her arms around him, inhaling the comforting scent of his aftershave and laundry detergent. “I’ll knock in the morning, before my shift?”
“Aye,” he placed his cap on his head and bent over the basket, placing a kiss on his granddaughter’s chubby cheek. “Goodnight my sweet one.” He patted a hand on the shoulders of the other three, opened the Vaughns’ front door and slipped into the quiet street.
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She couldn’t breathe, but somehow, she knew she was alive. Beneath her heavy chest, her heart was beating a tattoo.
“Bess, love, come on. Get up.” Cora’s voice was serious.
“I’m going to help Mrs Mason with the children. See you there.” Dot’s voice was distant, and Bess could faintly make out her footsteps hurrying away. She raised herself from sleep only to have her head cleaved in two by a great caterwauling beyond the windows.
The air raid siren. It wailed its tormented voice into the chill air. Up and down. Up and down. The race was on. Bess flung the blanket from her body, pulled her jumper over her nightdress and reached for a pair of woollen socks. Cora was already racing down the stairs. Bess grabbed Tom’s letter, and the photograph she always carried with her, and placed them in the basket alongside baby Vera. Holding the basket firmly in her arms, she descended the stairs after her sister.
“I’ve got your coat, Bess.”
Bess shoved her feet into her brogues, not bothering with the laces and hurried through the kitchen to the back door, out of the gate and into the ginnel. Residents were shuffling along the wet cobbles, some muttering their annoyance at the Germans, others with terror wide in their eyes. Mrs Flaherty was struggling with her shawl. Bess draped it over her shoulders and with the baby and basket under one arm, used the other to guide her to the shelter at the end of the road. Fergal was already there, whistle blowing, shepherding his little community to safety. Behind them, the street was dark except for the glistening of the moonlit rain on the stone.
Bess caught up with her sisters as they queued to get in, Dot with Mrs Mason’s youngest on her hip, Cora worrying her lip between her teeth as planes roared overhead. Enemy or ally, they couldn’t tell. Bess took her hand.
“Roger’s the best pilot they have. He’ll be fine.”
Just as Cora looked at Bess, eyes bright with tears, an almighty bang split the air. Blisters of brick and mortar rained down from the sky. Vera screamed at the top her lungs as the other children began to cry. Through the dust cloud, Fergal’s whistled screeched.
“Dadda!” Dot handed off the girl to Mrs Mason and pelted after her father as he ran towards the street.
“Dot!” Cora caught her hand as they turned into the road. Whistles and torch beams pierced the smog, the air raid siren still crying as distant ambulances joined its howling. By the time Bess caught up with them the air had cleared, and hot fear froze her whole. The roof of the Bennett’s home was gone, bricks from the front wall cluttering the street. It was as if it had been cut in two, its organs spilling into the road. Glass crunched under the wardens’ feet as they shouted in nearby houses for anyone that may have been left behind. Bess’ eyes flitted across the road. The windows of the Vaughns’ home had been blown away in the blast, but mercifully, their home still stood.
“Thanks God we have Vera,” Dot choked.
“It’s ok,” Cora soothed her little sister. “Douglas will be in the shelter. He’s a light sleeper, nothing could stop him hearing that siren.”
But Bess hadn’t seen him in the crush to get to the shelter. Nor had she seen him in the queue. Near tripping on her untied laces, she raced to the shelter. Frank Smith was waiting at the door in his warden’s hat. He reached for her elbow.
“Let’s get you inside, Bess-”
She wrenched away from him. “Fuck off, Frank. Douglas? Has anyone seen Douglas Bennett?” The faces that looked back at her from the darkness were blank, scared, confused. Helpless. “No. No. Shit.” Bess ran back outside, ignoring Frank’s angry shouts for her and her sisters to get in the shelter. Her sisters had their backs to her, facing the street as a weary figure made its lonely way towards them. Fergal. He took Cora and Dot by the arms and led them to the shelter, faltering in his steps when he saw Bess. His eyes, like Cora’s, were wide with tears. Blood was spattered on his hands. His steps were weary, too weary to catch Bess as her feet gave way, and she fell to the ground.  
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Notes: We're back, babies!!! Let's see what Volume II has in store for Tom and Bess, shall we? (please check the warnings in case you haven't watched the new series/will struggle with some of the content)
The transcript at the beginning is a real broadcast from September/October 1940. Its quite easy to find archived radio broadcasts if anyone is interested!
Tags:@aemonds-wifey @multiple-fandoms-girl @jessssica1234 @babyblue711 @heimtathurs @exitpursuedbyavulcan @myfandomprompts @allthefandomtherapy @reblogedworks @valerie977 @bookwyrmsblog @phantomontheinternet @chainsawsangel@greenowlfactif @thelittleswanao3 @yentroucnagol @beiigegalx @skikikikiikhhjuuh @just-emmaaaa @mefools @aquakaris @its-actually-minicika @whoknows333 @arcielee @honeymaltgelato @girlwith-thepearlearring @fangirlninja67
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todaysbug · 7 months
October 30th, 2023
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Four-Toothed Mason Wasp (Monobia quadridens)
Distribution: Found throughout eastern North America, from southern Canada down to Mexico.
Habitat: Usually nests in wood borings or dirt banks; also occasionally takes over the nests of carpenter bees, ground bees and mud daubers. Prefers meadows and woodlands.
Diet: Adults feed on nectar; larvae feed on caterpillars.
Description: The four-toothed mason wasp is a non-aggressive, solitary potter wasp, though it's often mistaken for the more aggressive bald-faced hornet, sporting a similar size and color. Because of its solitary nature, however, the four-toothed mason wasp doesn't have a colony to ferociously defend like the bald-faced hornet does; for this reason, it only tends to sting when provoked.
Though adults are herbivores, larvae feed mainly on caterpillars. After a female wasp builds her nest, composed of small cells built into abandoned holes (such as the nests of other bees and wasps) or hollowed-out stems and tree branches, she will lay one fertilized egg per cell. Then, she will hunt for caterpillars, which she paralyzes with her sting, before bringing them back to store away with her eggs. Once hatched, the larvae have everything they need to grow and pupate, all within the same cell, before finally emerging as adults.
(Images by Sandy Rae and Eric R. Eaton)
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cozycryptidcorner · 1 year
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Many Waters by Madeleine L’Engle
Okay everyone stay with me for this one. Everyone has hear of A Wrinkle in Time, but did you know that Meg and Charles Wallace had two other siblings???Twin boys Dennys and Sandy screw around in their parent’s lab and get yanked back to literal biblical times. Back to the time of THE Noah while he’s building his arc. With the nephilim and seraphim scooting around the desert landscape. It was integral to the development of my sexuality for all the wrong reasons. The nephilim and seraphim might have been able to deal with late nineties teenagers but they would never survive a zoomer.
Stranger in a Strange Land by Robert A. Heinlein
So Mr. Heinlein is. Unique. I mean from like a weird kink standpoint, but those in glass houses should not throw stones. He might be into some weird shit but I unironically like a Dune omegaverse au where Paul gets knocked up by Chanj so I will not be making any statements on his taste. I actually think Red from OSP can do it better justice than I
Viking! By Connie Mason
I have not read this one. It was a freebie at the library I work at. But according to the back, a Viking sees a lady bathing naked and thinks that he’s bewitched bc he cannot stop thinking about her. Interesting? It will be if I get my dirty hands on it.
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canirove · 8 months
Broken Hearts Football Club | Chapter 5
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"And then he completely ignored me! He called me annoying and then, goodbye. Can you believe it?"
"June, you've been talking about your encounter with Chilly for the past 15 minutes. Why don't you tell us about your date with Leah's cousin? How did that go?" Vittoria asked. 
"Oh, it was ok."
"Are you meeting again?"
"He's coming to Saturday's game and then we are going out for dinner. I just hope Chilwell isn't at that game, I don't want him to ruin the day again and… why are you laughing?" she said, looking from Vittoria to Lauren.
"Because you are back to talking about Chilly. You had a nice date with a nice guy, yet all you can talk about is the guy who supposedly is obsessed with you."
"He is obsessed with me, Lauren. Not supposedly."
"And don't you think that maybe you also are a bit obsessed with him?"
"Yes, you, June. You can't stop talking about him."
"Because he… he… urgh."
"Yes, he urgh" Lauren laughed. "Anyway, changing the topic. You guys are coming to Reece's birthday party."
"I'm not."
"June, it wasn't a question, it was an order. Besides, it's a costume party, it'll be fun."
"We could go dressed as the Power Puff Girls!"
"No" June and Lauren said at the same time.
"Boring" Vittoria replied, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I'm dressing as Lara Croft."
"Oh, cool. I'm thinking about choosing something princessy like. What about you, June?" Vittoria asked her.
"I already told you, I'm not going."
"It's gonna be a big party, you won't cross paths with Mason if that's what worries you."
"I wasn't thinking about him."
"She was thinking about the man she definitely isn't obsessed with" Vittoria giggled.
"I'm not obsessed with him!" June protested.
"Of course not, honey."
"If we stop saying it will you come to the party? Please, please, please. Do it for Reece" Lauren pouted.
"Do you promise you will stop saying I'm obsessed with Chilwell?"
"I promise. Vittoria?"
"Yeah, I promise" she said, rolling her eyes.
"Then I guess I'll attend the party" June sighed.
"Yay!" Lauren said, hugging her. 
"But only because I like Reece and I know he'll want me there."
"Only because of Reece."
"Thank you very much for coming, June. It means a lot."
"You're very welcome. And again, happy birthday."
"Thank you" Reece smiled. "Oh, I must go say goodbye to those guys. See you soon, ok?"
"See you soon" she replied before leaving his apartment. Outside it was as packed as inside, but it looked like no one else was leaving. When she walked into the lift, it was just her and another guy. 
"Going down?" he asked.
"Yep" she said while the doors closed, busy texting Lauren to tell her that she was going home. She had asked Reece to tell her, but he would definitely forget about it.
"Maxwell? Is that you?"
"Chilwell?" she said as she turned to look at the guy standing next to her. "What the fuck?"
"I could say the same thing. Where is your Julius Caesar, Cleopatra?"
"There is no Julius Caesar."
"That was fast" he chuckled. "But good for him. He realised how annoying you are and left before it was too late."
"Ha ha ha" she replied, rolling her eyes. "Where is your Sandy?"
"Making out with Spiderman."
"Your date is making out with one of your best friends?" June laughed. 
"It wasn't Mason. There was another guy dressed as Spiderman."
"I see… You don't look too gutted about it."
"Meh" he shrugged. "You don't look too gutted about Leah's cousin either."
"He couldn't come, he has to work tomorrow."
"Yes, of course" Ben smiled.
"He does, he is a teacher."
"I believe you, Maxwell. No need to explain anything" he said, still smiling.
"Whatever" she replied, crossing her arms over her chest. Though if she had known what was going to happen, she would have not done it.
The moment she did, the lift suddenly stopped, making her lose her balance and land on Ben's arms.
"Are you ok?" he asked.
"Yes, yes. Thank you" she said, quickly leaving his embrace. "What happened?"
"The lift stopped."
"No way, really?" June said, rolling her eyes. "I meant if it was you or if it was the lift on its own."
"I didn't touch anything."
"Great. So we are stuck inside a lift."
"Looks like it. Let me call for help" Ben said, pressing the emergency button. "No one is answering. That's odd."
"Let me call Reece" she offered. "Fuck."
"What is it?"
"There is no signal" she said, starting to feel her heart beating too fast.
"I'll keep calling the emergency button. There should be someone on the other side and… Maxwell, are you ok? You have gone so pale… Come, sit down" Ben said, helping her. "Better?"
"No" she said, taking deep breaths. "I feel so hot."
"Well, you aren't wearing too many clothes, I don't think we can do much about that" he chuckled. "Wait, June… Are you afraid of getting stuck inside a lift?"
"Yes" she whispered.
"Oh, ok. Ok" he said, sitting down next to her. "What can I do to help?"
"Yes, talk. About whatever you want, but just talk. That way I won't think about where I am or what is going on."
"Ok. What about your performance in yesterday's game?" 
"Anything but football" she said, giving him a murderous look.
"Anything but football. Got it. I… umm…"
"Why the guy from Grease."
"Why did you choose to get dressed as the guy from Grease? Isn't that too… basic?" June asked.
"Meghan had always dreamt about dressing as Sandy at the end of the movie, so" Ben shrugged.
"But then she changed Danny Zuko for Peter Parker" she laughed.
"Yeah, she did" he chuckled. 
"I can't remember the last time I saw you with the slick hair" June said, resting her head on the lift's wall and looking at Ben.
"I hadn't worn my hair like this since… you know" he sighed, also resting his head against the wall. 
"Bad memories."
"Yeah. When I did it earlier it felt so weird... It was like traveling back in time."
"If someone told me right now I couldn't play football anymore, I don't know what I would do, to be honest."
"Kill that someone, probably" Ben laughed.
"Yeah… it's very likely" she smiled. "I'm sorry."
"About what?"
"About what happened."
"It's in the past, don't worry. But thank you" he smiled back. 
That probably was the first time June had seen him properly smile at her. He wasn't teasing her or making fun of her, it was an honest smile. And she liked it. She liked it very much. She liked the way his eyes wrinkled, the way his upper lip curled. He had one of the most beautiful smiles she had ever seen. 
"Are you feeling better?" he asked, bringing her back to the real world.
"I don't feel as hot, so that's something. Thank you."
"Look at us, saying thank you to each other" he laughed.
"Don't get used to it, Chilwell."
"You are the one who should not get used to it, Maxwell. Once those doors open, my facts will come back" he said with a teasing smile.
"Your wrong facts, you mean."
"They are not wrong" he said, slowly leaning forward.
"They are wrong. Very wrong" June said, also moving towards him. 
"Meh meh meh" he whispered, his face now way too close to hers.
"Idiot" she whispered back, her nose brushing against his.
"Hello? Is anyone there? Hello?"
"Holy shit!" June yelled, jumping and hitting her head against the wall. "Fuck."
"Are you ok?" Ben asked her.
"Yes, yes. Who is that?"
"Hello?" the voice said again. "Is anyone in there?"
"The emergency button" Ben said, quickly getting up. "Hello? We are stuck inside the lift."
"Oh, finally. I thought it had just stopped and there was no one inside. Are you alright?"
"We are, but we would like to get out of here the sooner the better."
"Give me a couple of minutes and you'll be free. Sorry for making you wait."
"It's ok" Ben said, looking down at June. But she wasn't listening, her mind busy repeating over and over again what had just happened.
She had almost kissed Ben fucking Chilwell.
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