#same shit different century
pandemic-info · 9 months
"Public health officials urged calm. This, combined with their overconfidence in modern medicine, led them to downplay the severity of the pandemic. Publications like the British Medical Journal counseled silence and inaction: one editorial said, “When epidemics occur, deaths always happen. Would it not be better if a little more prudence were shown in publishing such reports instead of banking up as many dark clouds as possible to upset our breakfasts?” An editorial in the Manchester Guardian echoed this sentiment: “Terror is a big ally of the influenza, and if the public state of mind can be steered out of the channel of fright a long, long step will have been taken to conquer the epidemic.” Overreaction was frowned upon,"
via Pandemics: A Very Short Introduction
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bobbyfiend · 7 months
This pronoun rant from the 17th century:
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See that, you corrupt heathens? If you use a plural pronoun to refer to a singular person then you are SINNERS. Yes, that's right: if you use the word "you" to refer to only a single person, you offend God Himself.
Note: I did not do that in this post, so I am still holy and pure.
[image transcript: Again, the corrupt and unsound Form of speaking in the Plural Number to a single Person, YOU to One, instead of THOU, contrary to the pure, plain, and single Language of Truth, THOU to One, and YOU to more than One, which had always been used by GOD to Men, and men to GOD, as well as one to another, from the oldest Record of Time, till corrupt Men, for corrupt Ends, in later and corrupt Times, to flatter, fawn, and work upon the corrupt Nature in Men, brought in that false and senseless Way of speaking YOU to One; which hath since corrupted the modern Languages, and hath greatly debased the Spirits, and depraved the Manners of Men. This evil Custom...]
Final note: this rant is spot on for modern anti-whatever douchewhippets. The extreme emotion, the full-throated condemnation, the bizarrely confident ignorance about history and language, the extreme and unregulated righteous anger... you know this isn't really about language.
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Okay, so apparently this is a poster from Dallas, TX, in November 1963.
I can't get over just how similar this language is to shit we hear today. Like, you could just slap Biden's picture on there and it wouldn't look out of place on Facebook.
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birlwrites · 8 days
fleshing out the bloodfinch pantheon armed with information about semi-obscure catholic saints. i've created a saint called the cephalophore who is the patron of those who are wrongfully accused or punished and he's depicted with a disembodied head or an axe (because i'm obsessed with the implications behind martyrs being associated with what killed them) OR a set of scales tipped to the left
the latter is because then i also decided to create a counterpart, the rule-saint, who's associated with fairness and justice and cold hard truth (which are sometimes contradictory). she's depicted with a quill and a set of scales tipped to the right and she's the only saint who's always depicted looking straight ahead instead of off to the side and she's said to have been a midwife in her mortal life. supposedly, she also had a gift for knowing when people were lying to her
the rule-saint and the cephalophore are counterparts, not rivals - they can both be invoked for the same purpose, and they're often depicted together, each of them with one hand helping to hold up the scales, which are shown as balanced. the cephalophore is stubborn, righteous, and idealistic. the rule-saint is realistic, incisive, and pragmatic. both of them are necessary to achieve justice. neither of them has any time for nonsense. i'm obsessed with them
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fussypaws · 1 year
idk what the deal is with people suddenly wanting to include men in lesbianism but dni if you are or support mspec/bi/pan lesbians
#of course its only lesbians. of course. nobody is iding as bi/pan gay or straight gay and theres no arguing about that. only lesbians.#lesbians arent allowed to just not be interested in men but nobody has anything to say about gay men not being into women. yall piss me off#its always “you dont know your queer history” like ok first of all you're talking about shit that happened half a century ago and second of#all you're ignoring the fact that bi women and lesbians were actively fighting to have their own communities and recognized as separate#also bi women were pushed into lesbian spaces bc they were considered lesbians if they were with women and straight if they were with men#literally it was because nobody thought bi people were real and theres still people who think bi people arent real#also btw lesbianism already includes nonbinary people and trans women so its redundant to call yourself that to include them#also if you feel the need to call yourself bi just to include nonbinary people you should realize that nonbinary people exist outside the#binary and by doing that youre including them in the binary or making them a part of the binary#also its stupid if you seriously think lesbianism didnt already include nonbinary people considering there are nonbinary lesbians#also for the fucking record you calling yourself a bi lesbian isnt the same thing as an elder queer calling themselves a bi lesbian because#that was their life several decades ago. things were different then. things have changed. ignoring that is retroactive#txt#rant#seriously dni with me idc what you have to say
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YouTube Horror channels be normal about indigenous American cultures challenge
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redjennies · 4 months
me, talking to my friends from the mutual aid collective: yeah, obviously revolution begins not in destruction, but in gardens. destroying the exploitative system we live under is necessary, of course, and effective organizing especially by those who most need it will inevitably bring down state violence and we should be prepared for that in order to protect each other, but anarchism is not about violence. it is about building a community outside of hierarchies where everything is for all, and yes, fighting for it both in defense and through the very act of creation. still, it pisses me off so much that so-called leftists on Twitter were so comfortable making guillotine jokes to union organizers instead of learning absolutely anything that helps and applying it to their lives. like god, equating anarchism with just throwing bombs and nothing else is, counter-productively, exactly what the State wants you to believe anarchism is.
me, possessed by the spirit of Louis Lingg the second i see the basic principles of anarchism smeared by a useless left-of-lib: [...] It is not murder, however, of which you have convicted me. The judge has stated that much only this morning in his resume of the case, and Grinnell has repeatedly asserted that we were being tried not for murder, but for anarchy, so the condemnation is—that I am an anarchist!
What is anarchy? This is a subject which my comrades have explained with sufficient clearness, and it is unnecessary for me to go over it again. They have told you plainly enough what our aims are. The state’s attorney, however, has not given you that information. He has merely criticized and condemned, not the doctrines of anarchy, but our methods of giving them practical effect, and even here he has maintained a discreet silence as to the fact that those methods were forced upon us by the brutality of the police. Grinnell’s own proffered remedy for our grievances is the ballot and combination of trades unions, and Ingham has even avowed the desirability of a six-hour movement! But the fact is, that at every attempt to wield the ballot, at every endeavor to combine the efforts of workingmen, you have displayed the brutal violence of the police club, and this is why I have recommended rude force, to combat the ruder force of the police. [...]
While I, as I have stated above, believe in force for the sake of winning for myself and fellow-workmen a livelihood such as men ought to have, Grinnell, on the other hand, through his police and other rogues, has suborned perjury in order to murder seven men, of whom I am one. Grinnell had the pitiful courage here in the courtroom, where I could not defend myself, to call me a coward! The scoundrel! A fellow who has leagued himself with a parcel of base, hireling knaves, to bring me to the gallows. Why? For no earthly reason save a contemptible selfishness — a desire to 'rise in the world“ — to ”make money," forsooth.
This wretch — who, by means of the perjuries of other wretches is going to murder seven men — is the fellow who calls me “coward”! And yet you blame me for despising such “defenders of the law” such unspeakable hypocrites! Anarchy means no domination or authority of one man over another, yet you call that “disorder.” A system which advocates no such “order” as shall require the services of rogues and thieves to defend it you call “disorder.” [...]
I tell you frankly and openly, I am for force. I have already told Captain Schaack, “if they use cannons against us, we shall use dynamite against them.” I repeat that I am the enemy of the “order” of today, and I repeat that, with all my powers, so long as breath remains in me, I shall combat it. [...] You laugh! Perhaps you think, “you’ll throw no more bombs”; but let me assure you I die happy on the gallows, so confident am I that the hundreds and thousands to whom I have spoken will remember my words; and when you shall have hanged us, then — mark my words — they will do the bombthrowing! In this hope do I say to you: I despise you. I despise your order, your laws, your force-propped authority. Hang me for it! [x]
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landlordevil · 6 months
I like that all my tavs/durges have romanced different ppl i can't imagine making another tav that works so well w asty considering it seemed like a total fluke. Consistently battling between approval n disapproval, they regularly challenged each other (and that included times eins was callous without realizing just how much their words meant to asty)... like I truly think just playing the game as close to what I *think* my character would do worked so well I would just be trying to recapture that magic if I tried 2 romance him again
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evidently-endless · 8 months
i personally think it would be funny if we brought back the kind of preface where authors simply shit on the bad reviews they got on the last edition
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jupitermelichios · 8 months
I am not going to respond to the specific post, because it was otherwise making valid points about the way reduced production timelines in modern hollywood impacts costume design (it impacts all pre and post production, this is also why CGI seems to be getting worse, but camera work and stunt work doesn't, the actual filming process isn't super impacted but all the prep and the post-filming work are), but I just saw someone cite Cruela as evidence that the quality of film costumes has gone down
fucking cruela
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this cruela.
(the petals on that skirt are hand sewn. there are more than 5,000 of them. the leather jacket was made by hand from scratch for the movie because jenny beavan couldn't find a jacket that matched her incredibly specific requirements. the epaulettes alone are tiny works of art. the outfit is on screen for a couple of minutes at most as part of a montage. she did not have to go that hard for a montage, but god i'm glad she did)
i'm all for talking about how condensed timescales and pressure from shareholders can result in costume designers and creators to not have the time and budget they need to make good costumes. i too think rings of power and the witcher both look like shit.
but fucking cruela?!
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(yes that is all one garment which emma stone is really wearing. the train is 40 foot long.)
it's not the stupidest take i've seen on film costumes this year, but only because there are still people loudly insisting black panther 2 didn't deserve its best costume oscar because the costumes were all cgi. (none of the costumes were cgi).
i kinda thought the best costume oscar, vogue spread, display of the costumes at the new york fashion institute, and 47 handmade costumes for the main character alone spoke for themselves, but no, apparently these costumes are bad because they're not sparkly enough...
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tea-of-destiny · 9 months
category 5 "realized my set class analysis is wrong and now i can't make this post-tonal variation say something noteworthy relative to the theme" event
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vampacidic · 1 year
every once in a while i like to listen to conservatives talk. just to see how they're doing over there. and the absolute double think necessary to be a conservative is mind boggling
like one of the big things with conservatism is "keeping up the past" right. and that "past" is just western european ideals which is its own bucket of worms but the gist is "individualism good, sharing bad". however right wingers (specifically trans ones. think blaire white) will talk about how "the majority is cis so we should make sure they're the most comfortable :)" THAT JS THE OPPOSITE OF INDIVIDUALISM. WHICH YOU WERE JUST TELLING ME IS GOOD. THESE THINGS MEAN THE OPPOSITE THINGS AND I AM CRYI G
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
god im so mad at myself rn. i have multiple assignments and i SHOULD be doing them or sleeping or doing the Massive Neglected Amount Of College Stuff or making my mom's bday present (it's tomorrow, haven't started). you wanna know what i did instead? you wanna know what I've been sitting on the floor doing for the past hour and a half?
i (non-polish speaker but interested in the concept of being one) decided I'm gonna learn all the words to hej sokoły. yeah the folk song. this is not the first time this has happened with this song either. I'm so mad what the fuck is happening. i would still like to kiss whoever made the word skowroneczku on the mouth with tongue bc it's the best vocal stim but fuck off othwrwise you're ruining my LIFEEE
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Sometimes people will have theee most pedestrian “breakthroughs” of feminist consciousness and it’s like, women were talking about this decades ago, just go read their writings and stop with this weird navel gazing.
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psalmsofpsychosis · 1 month
My sincere condolences —and i can't stress this enough— if you're anything like me and your primary source of joy in life is seeking novelty and engaging in unconventional, distinct and subversive hobbies and activities, because theoretically and realistically, right now is one of the worst times to be alive regarding creativity and novelty.
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lyriumsings · 7 months
keep thinking about blood choke and on one hand the poly route looks so good i’ve never been so interested in one before but on the other hand the drama of a newly risen mc falling for a human they just met over their several life long centuries old vampire partner is so good.
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