#sam’s matchmaking service
What is Elvis like as a father in law? I pretty much see him treating Donna and any of the other women who join the family similar to how he talked to fans at times. Everyone is darlin ', sweetheart, honey hahaha. Wanting to take everyone under his wing and spoil em. Especially Donna because she basically saves two of his kids.
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This man -you’ve nailed it.
He loves people. We’ve established this. He adores his kids. Now, people who love his kids? Oh that’s just a beautiful upper tier of love from him. He loves them, he squirrels them away in rooms just one on one to grill them about their interest in a off-putting but lovingly intense way. He inducts them into the family with all the pomp and circumstance of a born performer while also taking care to give them private and subtle assurances of his welcome.
Of course there was Ella‘s fella Johnny, and the time Elvis put his dumb blonde head through the penthouse drywall. But that was no aspersion against Johnny’s good character, his valiant service to the nation as a soldier in ‘Nam or any real man-to-man dislike. It was entirely to do with a red blooded man marrying his 18-year-old baby. Elvis had sworn as a young father he’d kill anyone who came for Ella: Johnny can be glad he only has a permanent goose-egg back there from the incident. A few months of good intentions and proof that Ella is happy with her choice and all can be forgiven. Besides, Elaine seems charmed by Johnny and Elvis hates being anything but on the same page as Tink. 
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Now Jack’s lady, she is a whole Lotta woman, so much Woman that some idiots might call her masculine, but that’s just her broad shoulders and brusque attitude leading you astray. Live and let live, Elvis believes, and he can sympathize with Jack. He knows a thing or two about the positive affects of your lady not letting you get away with shit. Or conversely only allowing you to in her company or under her supervision. It only takes Elvis a few months to get a read on Vic and stop trying to spoil her with jewels or perfume, instead he buys her cigars in the vain hope that she’ll stop swiping his. 
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And then of course there is Danny and his precious Bee, raised most of her summers at Graceland and practically a Presley child until Shiloh had to play matchmaker and Danny had to make it weird and marry her. Oh well, at least they’re compatible and Elvis already approves.
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And there’s Rosalee and her Sam Harrison, who Elvis likes well enough as he’s the son of an army buddy, even if the fool boy married someone else in the interim
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and Daisy’s bloke ain’t half bad for being British, being known as Rosalee‘s kind professor, he’s got brownie points in the Presley family before Daisy attached herself to him, he’s a calming influence on that wild child and the rest of them, someone for Elvis to smoke with and talk about spiritual things.
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And then there’s Donna. Now, Elvis does not have favorites, alright? He really doesn’t, Donna’s not his favorite. Don Don can’t be, as she is not a favorite, she is a fairy, a precious angel sent from above to patch up his babies and bring joy to their household. Whenever sweet Don Don is not being clutched by Jesse or gossiping with Jack or posing for Marie, her tiny self is tucked under Elvis’ armpit while he shows her his latest hyper fixation. She’s written many a caption for a polaroid after he complained of his bad handwriting and morosely wished upon a star within her earshot for some young helper to come along and aid him. Donna didn’t expect Elvis Presley to be so endearingly human -but he is, and it almost makes her forgive that horrid nickname.
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…and then take into account the grand-babies that come from these…
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darkfictionjude · 14 days
Is it normal for me to feel attracted to sam?👉🏻👈🏻
Umm you should tell them this not me I’m not a matchmaking service 💀
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hopeamarsu · 2 years
Paper planes - part 1
Frankie Morales x fem reader
Rating: Mature
Word count 6,3k
Warnings: Soulmate AU, soulmate-identifying marks, single dad!Frankie, minor angst, dating services, TF boys are a family
A/N: I found this one deep into my Google Drive folders and maybe it’s time it sees the light of day. Then I read it through and realised it’s about 12k words so I split it down the middle. I’ll post the second part in a few days. 
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Frankie opened the door to the small bar, enjoying the smell of greasy food and beer wafting to greet him when he stepped inside from the cold. He shook off his coat, draping it over his hand while nodding at Mark behind the counter before heading towards their usual table. 
Soon enough, a glass of cold, golden deliciousness was delivered in front of him while he got himself seated and settled. Frankie was the first of the guys to arrive though that was not unusual; he lived the closest to the bar and Santi was always running late anyways. Checking his phone for messages from the babysitter (none), Frankie scrolled aimlessly for some articles while he waited. 
“Hey man, sorry I’m late,” Benny’s voice pulled him out of his phone and the tall man flopped opposite him. Frankie grinned, pushing his phone closed and taking in the flushed appearance. Benny looked good, his eyes sparkling as he pushed his floppy hair off his face. There was something sparkling in the younger man’s gaze that made Frankie drop his eyes to his hands and when the realisation hit, he grinned wide. 
“No way! When? Who?” 
Benny grinned back, lifting his right hand to show the colourful mark of an envelope on the inside of his wrist. What had once been a faded grey mark under a standard leather cuff was now bare skin with a mark of a mix of blue and green, the vibrancy of them giving away that Benny now had what all they hoped for deep inside.
Benny had found his soulmate. 
“It’s Sam, from the gym. Will usually does my wraps but he was busy doing something,” Benny waggled his eyebrows suggestively and Frankie chuckled low. They both knew that since Will had been introduced to his lady at a corporate event a few months back, they’d been at it like bunnies. 
Frankie couldn’t have been happier for his brother, even if it meant that Will missed a couple of get-togethers because of the love he now had in his life. Will deserved the happiness. And now it looked like he could be similarly happy for his other brother as well. 
“So Sam offered to help me and, you know you can’t do the wraps without touching, and boom! Instant colour and these full-body tingles all over me - thanks Mark - and we were just standing there, all dumbfounded for a moment.”
“I hope you did something more than just stand there, Benjamin,” Frankie couldn’t help but tease a little, hoping that his weak grin would mask the slight pang inside his heart when Benny cackled loudly and confirmed that yes, there had been kissing and confessions and they were going out on a date tomorrow night. 
He knew the likelihood of finding his own soulmate was low; most people never met them in their lifetime. Benny was extremely lucky that way. And with him having a kid and working as a helicopter mechanic full time, the likelihood was even lower since he didn’t have time or funds to attend those lavish matchmaking events that people raved about. Any spare penny he got went to Ella and her future and he wouldn’t have it any other way.
But still, there was the romantic notion inside him that yearned for that sort of connection, that perfect harmony a soulmate love was supposed to bring you. To have that bond and that trust and everything good that came with a soulmate was something Frankie craved deep inside. 
He wanted someone to dote upon, to be himself with - scars and all - and know they had been made to be together with him. He wanted to love and be loved in return, the whole fairytale shebang and happily ever after he often read to Ella as a bedtime story. 
“You okay man?” 
Benny’s voice brought him back to the bar and present and he shook his head to clear out his mind. “Yeah, yeah. Sorry man, I must be still tired of that double shift I pulled.” It was a weak excuse but thankfully Benny got the underlying message and nodded. 
“No worries. I’m babbling anyway, so… There was another reason I asked you here tonight.” Benny dug around his pockets for a moment before pulling out a black envelope, thick and glossy and Frankie’s eyebrows shot up. He didn’t even register that Benny said I, not we. 
“Tell me you didn’t propose to Sam yet.” He blurted out.
“Nah, I want to enjoy dating first. Someone down the line sure, being soulmates and all, but not yet,” Benny grinned before pushing the envelope towards the brunette. Frankie’s fingers shook a little when he took the envelope from Benny and twirled it around. The cardstock was hefty and beautiful and the golden R pressed on the seal made him look at his brother again, this time with suspicion. 
“The Registry? What are you doing with an envelope from the Registry, Benny?” 
“The boys and I, we thought…” The second the words were out of Benny's mouth, Frankie barked one of his own out.
“Just listen, Catfish!”
Frankie huffed, crossing his hands in front of his body. His brown eyes, normally soft and tender, were hard as steel against Benny’s earnest blue ones. He slid the envelope back towards the other man with a frown. 
“I’m not going to let you spend your hard earned money like this, Ben. Just no. Take it back, get a fucking refund.”
The Registry was one of the world's most prestigious love matching companies. Their success rate was phenomenal compared to the others and they were used by celebrities, politicians, and people with deep pockets and way too much money on their hands. They got the best of the best from engineers, doctors, professionals in their payroll and it showed both in the success stories people could read in the newspapers and their stock price. 
The Registry was a modern equivalent of a fairy godmother. They did everything, from matchmaking events to DNA testing that could guarantee you your match and stuff in between also. They had wardrobe consultants, makeup artists and counsellors who made sure you knew exactly what you were walking into when meeting a DNA-approved potential soulmate. 
Even if the Registry match wasn’t your soulmate, the match was still solid. People got married, had civil unions that lasted decades when they were matched by the precious algorithm The Registry had developed. Frankie was quite sure the algorithm was more guarded than the Queen of the United Kingdom herself. In normal circumstances, he might’ve laughed about the absurdity of a piece of code being so protected, but not in this case. 
The first time Frankie had had the urge to use a matchmaking company to help, he’d looked up the Registry website and his eyes had nearly bugged out of his head once he saw the price tag that came with the prestige. The cheapest thing, a lottery ticket to enter a draw to potentially attend one of their events cost over 500 dollars and everything just went up from there. Their motto seemed to be that the more you invested in the firm, the more guaranteed the end result was. 
He’d closed out the site pretty quick, not wanting to feel even more depressed, and had quickly tossed out any notion of using an outside consultant in his search. Years later he had nothing to show for it but the idea of what was inside the envelope still made Frankie feel hesitant. 
He wanted love, sure, but not at that cost. Never at that cost. The idea that his brothers had done this, spent their own money on a frivolous thing like a matchmaking service made him shiver. He eyed Benny, working his mouth to not start yelling at him but Benny just looked back with a soft expression. 
“Just listen for a moment, okay? Santi and Will are in this with me. We split the cost, Fish. We just want you to find happiness and they are the best so we thought we could give you something to start with. And you’re not getting Christmas presents for a few years.” 
The weak joke quirked Frankie’s lips a little. Benny latched onto it immediately and pushed the envelope across the table once more. His eyes, the ones Santi had dubbed as puppy dog eyes, were open and honest as they scanned the older man’s face. 
“It’s not the DNA thing, don’t worry. We just, uh, we got you a meeting with one of the Registry consultants who will organise three dates for you with potential candidates. If it doesn’t work out, it doesn’t and we get half of our money back, no harm done.” 
He took a small pause, before continuing. “We know you have Ella and she’s your world, but Fish, we know you. We’ve seen the way you look at Will and his lady and I could see it in your eyes now when I told you about Sam. You’re a fucking romantic and so are we. Let us do this for you, yeah?”
Benny fell silent, letting his words sink in. The boxer watched and waited with bated breath before the pilot slowly picked the envelope into his hands. He turned it over again and flipped it open, letting a folded paper fall out with a small, heavier cardboard certificate. 
Mr. Morales, you are cordially invited to meet with the Registry matchmaking consultant to arrange a set of 3 dates with potential matches. Please book your first appointment at your earliest convenience. 
Frankie lifted his eyes to meet Benny again and the younger man smiled softly. 
“We just want you to be happy, man, that’s all. You deserve all the happiness in the world.” 
How could he say no to that, Frankie thought and rose from his seat, pulling Benny in for a long hug. “Gracias hermano,” He whispered, letting his emotion creep into his voice. He felt Benny grip him tighter, murmuring thank you’s over and over again. 
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You wanted to rub your aching forehead so badly. The last client to walk out your door had been a nightmare, though you couldn’t actually say that out loud. 
Your newest customer was a daughter of a high-ranking politician. She’d shown up in your office at the appointed time with a list of demands for her potential match a mile long, practically slamming the binder on your table. Before you could open your mouth, she was working her way through it, pointing at the list and commenting on each of the bulleted items. 
There had been no time to ask questions, to start on the questionnaire, nothing. She just ploughed on and once your three-hour mark was up, she’d slammed the binder closed and sashayed out of office, leaving only the scent of her expensive perfume to linger. And to think this was only your first appointment with her, the next coming up in two days. You already dreaded it.  
You could hardly blame her though, the search for a good match was hard with people hiding their marks and masking their intentions left and right. And with the spotlight on her it was even harder, but you knew that if you couldn’t produce a miracle, she’d be moving up the chain with her money and find herself in the DNA lab.  
But before that, your job was to locate five candidates for her and arrange dates in discreet locations. The joys of being a matchmaker. 
With a deep sigh, you looked at the clock and shook yourself off your slump. It was nearly time for your final appointment of the day, with one Mr. Francisco Morales. You flipped through his folder, eyebrows raising a little at the lack of information at first but then you saw the little red dot on the upper right corner of the manila folder.
It seemed like Mr. Morales had been brought in via a gift certificate. It wasn’t too rare, but it wasn’t the most common method of how people contacted the Registry to find their match.
Most came on their own or via a referral from an existing client. There were one or two that came because they had to (a testament demanded it, a raise, anything of that sort) but a handful of family members or friends used the gift as a way to make someone happy. 
And that’s where you came in. A consultant in the matchmaking side of the Registry. Someone who would sit down with a client, ask them all the hard and easy questions to get a baseline feel for them before moving into questions about their likes, dislikes, and the whole story. After the interviews, two in total, it would be time for the matching and hopefully, by the end of the number of dates agreed, the client would find their match in one of the prospective dates. 
If they were extra lucky, they would find their soulmate. 
To most, finding their soulmate was a fairytale, a dream songs were made of, but The Registry had done a good job on that front also. It was common knowledge soulmates had matching interests and often gravitated towards the same things. It helped the algorithm forward, but a lot of finding your soulmate boiled down to luck. Which is why most people just wanted to find a suitable match, someone to be happy with. It was good enough. 
Was it a little cynical? Maybe. But you had seen the love blossom in your matches so many times that even your bruised heart couldn’t deny the surge of happiness that came with finding love, even if it wasn’t with your soulmate. But still, you held out a tiny flicker of hope you would find them one day. 
A knock on your door signalled it was time to focus your attention on Mr. Morales. You placed the folder back on your desk and called them in. The man who entered your room was everything you’d ever dreamt of and you had to fight the urge to suck in a surprised breath when he filled the doorway so well. 
Thick, wavy brown hair, brown expressive eyes that looked beautiful, a nose crooked just right, and plump lips surrounded by a little scruff. Not too much, but just the right amount that you knew would feel amazing under your fingertips should you scratch it. He looked warm and cosy despite his nervous eyes that scanned the room.
Simply put, the man was the most beautiful you’d ever seen and for a second, you wished he wasn’t here to meet you in a matchmaking capacity. 
Your eyes travelled down to his exposed forearms and long, thick fingers that wrung an old baseball hat between his paw-sized hands; another clear sign that Mr. Morales was nervous to be here. You cast one final adoring look at the broad shoulders and body hidden under a well-worn T-shirt before adopting a professional smile. 
He was here to find his match, not get ogled by the consultant, you told yourself sternly. You would daydream in private later about those shoulders caging you under him. And that would be all you would be doing. 
“Mr. Morales?”
“Yea-yeah, that’s me.” He breathed, before his eyes widened almost comically as he registered the formal way you addressed him. “Call me Frankie, please. Mr. Morales was my father.” 
“Frankie then. Please, take a seat.” You introduced yourself briefly, very much enjoying the way your name rolled off his tongue with that deep, husky bass tone. It sent shivers down your spine and an absolutely inappropriate thought popped into your head about how he would sound in the throes of passion but you quickly banished that from your mind. Stop being so horny, you scolded yourself again. You can do that in your own time. In your own bed. Alone. 
“So, how’s all this going to work?” 
Frankie looked around the room, taking in all your decorations and the way his eyes moved cataloguing things, you could already tell he was a man who would not miss a single detail. One other thing to file away for later. You smiled softly and pointed towards the folder on the desk. 
“Well, it’s pretty simple really. We talk, I ask about your preferences and history and we’ll go from there. I see here,” you picked up the manila and flipped it open, fishing out a pen from your drawer. 
 “…you’ve been approved for 3 dates. What that means is that after our talks - one for today and the second one… for tomorrow I see - I will compare the info you’ve given me with the information in our databases. Then our algorithm works to find the best match for you.” 
You took a small pause, allowing your words to sink in. “Then I will work to arrange a schedule for you and your potential match. You go on a date and if it feels good, it goes on organically from there. With a little luck, you have matching marks under your cuffs and you have found your soulmate. If not, hopefully you find yourself with a good match with someone who you fall in love with.”
“Sounds simple enough. Why the hefty price tag then?” 
Earlier in your career, when you had just started working, a question like this had made you prickly. But not anymore, it was actually something most people asked. They wanted value for the amount of cash they put on the table so it was understandable. And Frankie looked earnest, something shimmering behind his dark pools that made you think that he just wanted reassurance that whoever shelled out the money to get him this was using it wisely. 
“Well, for starters…” You went on explaining the process in a little more detail, emphasising the number of successes you and your team had had, and told him about all the ways you would hopefully ensure a match. How after each date you would tweak the profile based on the feedback and let the algorithm grow as he spent time with his dates.
You talked about how the session today would focus on him while tomorrow you would talk about his wants and needs for his partner and then you would compile all the information together to create his profile, his baseline. 
After his profile would be finished, it would be entered into the system and the algorithm would do its job. The human factor would come in after the algorithm had given you its recommendations and you would review the material and organise the date. Depending on the person, you could either just give out the phone numbers and they could work all the dates out by themselves or you could do the work for them, they would just show up. 
“Is that something you would be interested in, Mr. Mor… Frankie?”
“I, umm… Yeah? I don’t, I’ve not been on a date in ages, so yeah. Anything you have to suggest, I’ll take it.”
“Wonderful.” You smiled softly, before venturing forward and explaining that he would need to check in with you after each date, as would the other person also, and you’d once again guide him from there. If it wasn’t a mutual thing, all parties would go their separate ways, and if it was a mutual thing, you could either help or fade out and they could begin truly dating.
You took a swig from your water bottle after you finished, watching as Frankie processed all the information he’d just been given. You saw him glance at your walls again, some pictures of the success stories hanging from them; happy couples embracing, some in their wedding attire. There were some landscapes thrown in to balance it all out. It wasn’t about boasting, but having a visual reminder of what you did. You’d noticed having a visual helped some customers. 
“Are we ready to get started?” You smiled after a moment and with his nod, you picked up your pen and notebook. Your notes would go into his folder later, but you didn’t want to make it seem clinical by jotting them straight down to that one. You wanted this to feel more like two people just conversing.
At Frankie’s nod, you began by taking down his basic information; when and where he was born, when the mark had appeared or he’d had it since birth (helped to narrow the age down since the mark appeared within a year of your soulmate’s birth) if there was a time in his life he had felt something major happening with the mark. All the things that could narrow down the pool and timeline.
He spoke calmly, explaining things in detail which you appreciated, the baritone rumbling pleasantly from his chest. You found yourself enamoured by his voice, thinking that he would make an excellent audiobook reader. His voice was like sweet, tangy honey with just a hint of spice underneath. You could listen to him for hours and hours. 
When the basics were covered, you moved into his likes and dislikes. What kind of food he favoured, if he had a favourite band, movie, and book. 
“Any preference over Star Wars and Star Trek?” You threw out, making him laugh out loud. 
“I’m good with both, but I do like what they have done with the new Mandalorian show. The guy’s cool,” Frankie offered and you grinned, almost launching into a conversation regarding the rumours of the new season. Tactfully though you directed the conversation back to topic but based on the twinkling in his eyes, he knew you were a fellow fan too. It made you feel warm all over. 
He spoke animatedly about helicopters, something you marked down and when he shyly confessed that he’d been a professional pilot first in the army, Delta Force of all places, and then briefly as a helicopter tour operator before settling into his job as a mechanic, you looked at him with awe. It had been a dream of yours for so long, taking a ride along the coast and seeing the sunset from the air. You wanted to pick his brain about it more, but knew it would be pointless as it didn’t help with the job you had to do. So you let it go with an internal sigh. 
“Is there anything else you think that might help us find your match? Or something you feel is important that we know when making the choice for you?” You asked eventually when the conversation finally dwindled. 
Mentally you tamped down any thoughts about wanting to place the pad down on the table and take off your cuff to show your own mark. It felt strange, the need inside you something you had never experienced with a client before. Like a burn or an itch under the fabric, almost as if the mark had woken up after being dormant for so long.  
But you couldn’t. It would be highly unprofessional, not to mention rude. Marks were a private thing and not even companies like the Registry had the gall to demand their clients show them. 
It would have been the easiest way to succeed, but since people hid them from the time they appeared, it was not likely the attitude towards something so private would change anytime soon. You settled for placing two of your fingers on the cool cuff around your wrist discreetly, running them up and down the fabric as a way to ground yourself, while waiting for him to answer. 
“I, uh… I have a daughter,” Frankie divulged, a light red tint covering his neck as he rubbed it. You raised your eyes to meet him, registering the love that shone from his brown pools. 
“How old is she?”
“Just turned four, my Ella. She’s my light, my beacon of hope in the universe. I’m the primary parent, since it was, umm, not planned. The pregnancy.” It was clear this was a sore subject for Frankie despite him obviously feeling proud of his daughter. 
You wanted to ask more, maybe see a picture of her, but refrained once more. You could already imagine the dark curls of his girl bouncing when he ran around with him. It was such a lovely mental image, but you couldn’t go there. Not for you, you reminded yourself again. He is not for you.  
Instead, you asked if he wanted to share anything more and when he shook his head, the cap one again between his hands as he kept wringing it, you closed down the cover of your writing pad. Your hand rested on top of it and his eyes honed in on your cuff.
“It’s really beautiful,” Frankie nodded towards it and you looked down with a soft smile. 
“Thank you, my grandma made it for me. The design here,” you showed him the lines and the different colours crisscrossing the material, “it’s for good luck and fortune. This here,” you pointed towards a piece of lace that was sown in, “is from the dress my mother met my father in. It’s to remind me that true love exists out there for all of us.” 
“It hopefully is,” He murmured so quietly you almost didn’t catch the words. You shared a small smile between the both of you, the weight of his words felt around the room.  
“It is, Frankie.” You spoke quietly too. “And hopefully I can help you find it.” 
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He fiddled with the buttons in his cuffs while he sat at the lounge bar, waiting for his date. It was the first of three you had arranged for him and to say he was nervous was an understatement. 
Frankie had not been on a proper first date for ages. Well before Ella was even conceived in fact. Sure, he’d had hookups and one-night stands and brief relationships but putting on the nicest pair of pants he owned with a shirt with actual buttons was foreign territory for him. Santi had suggested a tie with only a small cackle, but Frankie had drawn a line in that; he didn’t want a noose around his throat, thank you very much. 
He glanced at his phone and breathed in deep. No messages from Santi which meant that Ella was fine with her Tio Pope. Only Ella’s face smiling wide looked back at him. The clock above her forehead though told him his date was 15 minutes late and Frankie could feel the cold sweat creep up his spine. Was he really going to get ghosted, he thought, on a matchmaker-made date nonetheless? He took a small swig of his beer, hoping it would calm his nerves.
He looked to his left at the sound, taking in the gorgeous woman that stood by his seat at the bar. Curly hair framed her lovely face and her eyes peered curiously at him behind her glasses. She had rounded cheeks that Frankie just knew would look adorable when she smiled. But she wasn’t smiling now, her face looking more stern than happy to be on a date.
“Yeah, that’s me. Just, uh, call me Frankie. And you are Anna right?” 
“Yes. Listen, I’m in a bit of a time crunch so I’d rather not do the whole wine-and-dine-will-you-come-back-to-mine-and-we-will compare-our-marks-at-date-three -thing, I just want to get it over and done with. So. I show you mine, you show me yours?” 
Her voice was cold and hurried, Frankie barely catching all the words. But as she began to take off her mesh-covered cuff from her wrist, his brain came back online. “Here, now?” He lowered his voice, taking a small look around the room but no one seemed to be watching them, not even the bartender. His own hand rested on top of his own cuff, keeping it secure and hidden. 
“Yes, here. Yes, now.” Anna rolled her eyes, snapping off the final button and folding the cuff in her hand. “Ugh. Don’t tell me you are one of those people.” 
“What people?” 
“You know, those romantic idiots who think it’s all fate and the marks need to be hidden away for eternity. It’s the 21st century. If it wasn’t so frowned upon, I wouldn’t even wear this thing,” she grumbled while shaking her own cuff in the air. She then nodded towards his cuff. 
“Come on, I haven’t got all day.” When he hesitated, she reached forward, making him pull back instinctively. She huffed again, rolling her eyes. 
“Fine. Just look and tell me if this is your mark,” she thrust her hand towards him, palm up and Frankie looked down, taking in the small dove on the left side of her wrist. He thought about his small mark and shook his head. 
“No, that’s not mine.” 
“Oh well. Good luck to you then, Francisco.” Anna spoke and turned on her heels, walking out briskly. All business that woman was. He sat back down on his seat dumbfounded. In all his nervous thoughts this was definitely not what he had envisioned his first Registry arranged date would go. 
He drowned the rest of the beer in a haze, tipping the bartender before walking out to his truck. Once he was driving down the roads, away from the inner city, he called Pope. The man picked after just one ring. 
“Hermano, tell me this is you calling that you won’t be home tonight and mi princesa can spend time with Tio Santi tonight?” 
“Unfortunately not.” His voice was flat. 
“Lo siento. What happened?” 
“She demanded I show her my mark after barely changing names first. She also left the second I told her her mark wasn’t mine.” 
“Sheesh. She’s no good for you then Fish. But you have two more dates left, don’t let this bring you down.”
He knew that, but his heart ached for what had happened now that he could think about what had transpired in the minutes they’d been in each other's company. He’d been rejected on sight almost and while he could understand the need to find The One, Frankie still felt his confidence plummet with the blatant rejection. 
“Yeah, well… I’ll be there soon, okay?”
“See you soon. I’ll heat up some grub for you.” The phone line cut and Frankie was left alone with his thoughts. 
When he reached Pope's house, Frankie killed the engine of his truck on the driveway and remained seated there. He could see lights in the kitchen, a shadow of Pope dancing around with Ella in his lap through the thin curtain and he couldn’t help the small smile forming on his face. Even if he never found his true love, his soulmate, he would still have his brothers and Ella. It would be okay. And Pope was right, someone like the lady tonight was not for him. 
He dug out his phone and shot a quick message to you to let you know what had gone down. When Frankie pressed send, your kind eyes drifted to his mind. He recalled how delighted you’d been when he had shown you a photo of Ella at your second consult meeting, your soft tone in his ears asking about her. He’d been more than happy to talk about her to you and not once had you seemed to dislike the topic or the pride he felt at his baby’s achievements. 
You’d been so kind and compassionate as you listened to him stumble his way through your questions. Your comments had been thoughtful and encouraging when he divulged some of the tainted sides of his history. You’d never once mentioned all the time he took from your other clients and meetings, letting him work through the words and bad memories at his own pace. 
Maybe it was your warmth, and your attitude that made him feel at ease, talking about those hard moments in his life. Frankie wanted to bask in your light and enjoy it indefinitely. Even if you were way out of his league with how beautiful you looked and how gorgeous you were inside and out. If he would meet you at a bar, he’d definitely ask you out on a date. 
Would it be against the rules to ask you out if none of the dates panned out? Was it wrong of him to wish the dates didn’t pan out so he could do it? What would the date look like, if he got to take you out? Frankie let his mind wonder about it, just for a moment.
He would take you somewhere nice, but not too upscale of a place. Somewhere where you could have fun together. He’d trade stories with you all throughout the evening, make you laugh and witness how the laughter would light you up. He’d hold your hand during dessert, run his thumb across your knuckles. He’d ask to kiss your pretty lips at the end of the date because he wouldn’t be able to resist you. 
He could trail his hands on your arms, trace your spine as he pushed you against the side of this truck when he couldn’t get enough of you and the way your body melted into his. He could drink down all your moans and sighs and whimpers when he backed you to his bedroom after making out with you on the driveway. He could wake you up in the morning with his head between your legs as the first rays of sunshine cast a warm glow on your naked skin, illuminating it in a divine light. 
Frankie's eyes widened when he realised just what route his brain had gone down. Here he was, sitting in his truck on his brother's driveway and sporting a semi because the consultant assigned to his case was hot and beautiful and everything he’d ever desired. He was such a pervert. 
Shaking his head, Frankie stepped out of the truck, tucked himself in more firmly, and walked briskly towards the front door. He delighted in the way salsa music poured out of the house, and Ella’s giggles reached his ears when he stepped inside the warm house. He didn’t even notice that his phone pinged with a reply from you. 
Hey, the date went bust. Will you let me know when the next one is? 
I’m so sorry to hear that Frankie. Give me a call if you wish to talk about it, but I’ll get to work finding the next date for you in the morning. Have a lovely evening.   
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“Hey Frankie, how are you?” Your voice was warm over the phone a week later. “How’s Ella?” 
“I’m good, thanks. She’s thriving. Apparently they learned a new song in the nursery today and she’s been singing it all evening.”
You chuckled, hearing faintly a kid's voice singing loudly in the background. It was definitely off-key but endearing and you warmed up from the inside every time you could hear a glimpse from her.
You had been talking almost daily with him since his disastrous date, polishing and perfecting the algorithm. You finally felt comfortable in your decision and wanted him to know quickly so he could plan for Ella while he went out. Despite the small pang in your heart about sending him out with another potential match, you knew it was your job to make good, valid choices from the pool the algorithm had chosen for him. And if you had gone a little over what was normally considered a good job with a client, no one had to know. 
“I actually have news for you, Frankie. I think I have a potential match for you and would like to arrange a date for you two.”
“That’s, ummm, that’s good. When, when would this date happen?” 
If there was a slight tremor in his voice, you chose to ignore it. Everyone got little cold feet at times, right? And his first attempt hadn’t been that good so it was only natural, you told yourself. There was no reason to get worried. 
“I was thinking this Friday, if you can swing it.”
“Yeah, I’ll ask Benny to come over with Ella. Or maybe Will. But yeah, I can do Friday. Just… just no fancy dates this time, okay? I don’t…” His voice died off and you could hear how uncomfortable he was. Your mind raced through some possibilities until it clicked and you smiled warmly. He’d mentioned that truly competitive sports weren’t his thing, but he enjoyed a little friendly competition from time to time. 
“How about glow-in-the-dark putt-putt golf? I know this great place, a little off the beaten path but it would give you guys a chance to talk and get to know one another while playing and having some drinks on the side. Very low-key and low-effort.” You waited anxiously for his answer. It was definitely not something the Registry sent their dates to normally, but you had a feeling that Frankie might appreciate it. 
“Glow in the dark? Can’t say I’ve done that before so sure, why not. Just as long as I can wear jeans.” 
“Jeans and comfortable shoes. I’ve been to the track before and you’ll enjoy it, promise. I’ll text you the details tomorrow when I’ve spoken to your date and organised everything , okay?” You knew he could hear you smile, you’d always been told you had a very expressive voice. 
“Sounds good, can’t wait. Thank you,” he spoke your name with his low tone and it made you smile even wider. How your name rolled off his tongue had nothing to do with it, you were just excited he was eager for the date.    
“Great! I’ll send you the details tomorrow. Have a good night, Frankie. And have fun on Friday!” 
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Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed it! 
(please let me know if you want to be added or removed from the list any time!)
Everything taglist @clydesducktape​ @miraclesabound​ @10blurredsmoke10​  @caillea​ @princessxkenobi​ @sixshooter665​  @amneris21​ @greeneyedblondie44​
PPCU taglist @littlemisspascal​ @darklingveracruz​ @tintinn16​  @evyiione​ @beecastle​ @marvelousmermaid​ 
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themculibrary · 1 year
Angst Masterlist
part one
All Good Things Must (ao3) - burning_nova clint/phil, phil/steve T, 23k
Summary: Clint wasn't sure when it had changed. When Phil and Clint had become Phil and Steve.
always winter, always spring (ao3) - Mizzy steve/tony E, 4k
Summary: (groundhog day) trapped in an ever-replenishing room with an impossible puzzle to solve, Steve and Tony learn a thing or two about each other and about themselves
Casualty of war (ao3) - wolfypuppypiles M, 22k
Summary: Peter got knocked down in Civil War, but when Tony went to check on the baby Avenger, he realized he was more badly hurt than first realized.
There wasn't meant to be any casualties, but there always is in war.
Clint's Hugging Service (ao3) - pherryt bucky/clint G, 7k
Summary: Bucky really, really wants to know what a Clint Barton hug feels like. Everyone else seems to swear by them.
even when you lie, even when you hide (you mean everything to me) (ao3) - AceofWands bucky/steve/tony E, 30k
Summary: All these years he’d wondered, that little childish part of him that loved his mother’s stories, what his soulmate was going to be like. Even as his father made sure he knew there were more important things he had to accomplish, told him over and over that he’d be better off without a soulmate at all – to the point where Tony had wondered if maybe he’d be one of those people whose soulmate had died young - he’d secretly hoped and wondered if he’d be one of the lucky ones.
And now he knew.
His father had been right all along.
Tony had two soulmates, who already knew each other.
He decided then and there that he was never, ever going to tell them he existed.
And then he woke up in a cave in Afghanistan.
From The Ashes, We Rise Like The Phoenix (ao3) - SpiderWidowFam88 peter/gwen, pepper/tony, steve/bucky T, 110k
Summary: *Tony Dusted instead of Peter*
Peter spent three weeks on that ship, the only thing he has to occupy him is the really old music, paper football, and the ever expanding expanse of space. Peter is pretty sure he’s gonna die up there before they even get close to Earth. So with his final moments he records his final words and goes to sleep, even though he knows he might never open his eyes again.
Carol Danvers shows up 30 minutes later…
Holiday Spending (ao3) - isfan bucky/tony T, 70k
Summary: Winteriron collage au w/fake relationship; Tony asks Bucky to be his fake boyfriend, either to shake off some matchmaking friends or to piss off Howard. Turns out Bucky is all Tony ever wanted in a boyfriend. Too bad it’s not real (extra angst if Tony paid for Bucky to act as his boyfriend, now Tony wonders if it was all for the money). Happy ending?
(i will) leave a light on (ao3) - crinklefries steve/bucky E, 36k
Summary: Twice a day, every day, Steve lights the lantern at the top of the lighthouse.
One day, every year, a door opens and Bucky steps through.
This is the story of how Steve and Bucky reclaim all of the years they've lost and what Valhalla means to someone who's willing to wait for it.
let me down gently (ao3) - theclaravoyant leo/jemma T, 3k
Summary: FitzSimmons struggle with the pain and the joy of wanting the best for each other, but not being able to embody it. They learn that not all great friendships are destined to be great romances, but that doesn’t mean there’s not a lot of love there.
Master of Communication (ao3) - somanyfeels (orphan_account) steve/tony T, 10k
Summary: Tony didn’t like being touched, on the rare occasions he wanted physical contact he would initiate it. It was how things were, how it had always been, and he was fine with it. His new team didn’t know, they just kept touching and Tony wasn’t quite sure how to ask them to stop.
Mokusatsu (ao3) - shadesfalcon bucky/clint/steve, background sam/natasha E, 125k
Summary: Clint Barton has been strung along from abusive relationship to abusive relationship all his life. Not that he would use the word “abusive”. He would argue that, as a sub, he was born to take whatever it is his dom feels like throwing at him.
But even with that attitude, he’s nervous about his current situation. Trapped in a bureaucratically mandated relationship with not one but two doms is going to be difficult and dangerous. Especially since these two doms are both members of the Avengers themselves.
He hopes that whenever he disappoints them, they’ll have at least a little pity on him, even though he knows he won’t deserve it.
More Than Meets the Eye (ao3) - LokiNeedsHugs1031 loki/tony, steve/bucky E, 249k
Summary: Tony Stark and Loki have known each other long before the attack on New York. Tony is shocked to find that Loki doesn’t remember him at all, that hence the reason Tony being thrown out the window, that is until he’s slammed to the ground by The Hulk. When Tony sneaks a peek at the beginning of interrogations he discovers that the Loki that attacked New York has seemingly woken up from some kind of mind control, and is begging for help.
Never Mine to Hold (ao3) - Petuniagirl steve/bucky M, 21k
Summary: Steve didn't know the name of Bucky's soulmate. He wasn't even sure when it had appeared across Bucky's heart.
But Steve knew it wasn't his name hidden under that patch.
Ouch. (ao3) - Static_Starfish steve/bucky M, 3k
Summary: Steve follows Bucky when he falls. Things happen from there.
peter’s stars (ao3) - IronPengu, parkrstark steve/tony T, 175k
Summary: Steve and Peter lose their apartment and are kicked out on the streets. Steve has to juggle between jobs to earn whatever money he can, take care of his son while resfusing to let him realize how much they’re trouble in, and keep them warm and safe on the city streets in winter.
So, he really doesn’t have time to date the billionaire that flirts with him everyday as he buys his cup of coffee. Even if he did, he can’t let himself fall for the man. Because if he knew that he lived from a backpack and showered in a public bathroom there’s no way he’d still want him…right?
Publicity Parent (ao3) - Bowtiez G, 36k
Summary: Tony's losing his credit with the public. Pepper's got a plan to fix it.
Enter Peter Parker, eight-year-old orphan from Queens, New York.
Tony has no idea how children work, so why is he so drawn to little Peter Parker?
tell me we're dead and i'll love you even more (ao3) - inevitablemeow steve/bucky E, 51k
Summary: It’s the eyes that do it. Molten silver in the moonlight. Steve could never forget them.
He stands up straighter, and his fear bleeds away. “You.”The man stops a few paces from Steve, eyes flicking around his face as if in search of something. “Me,” he says. His voice is low, soft as velvet. Steve knows from one word that he would listen to this man talk for hours.“From the train,” Steve says as he shifts his weight to one leg. “Like a week ago?”
The man cracks a slow smile that makes his eyes shine. The barest hint of his sharp canines peeks between his full lips. “From the train. Yeah. Didn’t think I’d ever run into you again.”
“Yeah, I…,” Steve murmurs, lips parted as he looks for words, any words to convey the strange feeling in his chest. It feels like the culmination of searching for someone you never knew, or that maybe you did a lifetime ago. He doesn’t know this man’s name, but he feels like he should. And he wants to, so badly he can’t think around it. “I’m Steve.”
The man’s smile brightens, and he seems to relax. “Bucky."----
or; sunlight, and his shadow.
Who Saves The Hero (ao3) - CamelotQueen T, 15k
Summary: May brings home her new boyfriend. Something about him makes Peter feel nervous, but he makes May happy. And if May’s happy, then Peter is happy.
Then it escalates.
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primary-visions · 2 years
Do you have any OC's to share? 👁️👁️
(If so I am very much so interested)
Oh I have a million OCs (if you want to know about my stories outside of FNAF I am always happy to talk about them as well) and I’ve made a few of my Primary Colors fic in the form of handlers and managers.
Abby is Monty’s handler. She is the gremlin of the group and she keeps trying to play matchmaker with everyone, especially Sun/Moon when she learns that they like Reader. She tries to see the good in everyone, but isn’t afraid to fight either. She can get overwhelmed by new people though and is rather shy when meeting someone for the first time. When she first joins the plex (a bit of time after the reader does) she is so nervous about the job and doesn’t know how to interact. She is a closeted Monty super fan, but begins to open up about that too as time goes on.
Samantha (Call her Sam) is Freddy’s handler. She originally does not believe that the animatronics have feelings or are more than just robots she has to work with. She really likes Freddy though and thinks he is easy to work with in the plex. After befriending Reader and spending time with them she begins to notice that the the animatronics really do have their own feelings and thoughts outside of their programming. She is also the mom friend of the group of handlers.
Daniel (Dan) is the manager of the plex. He knows that the animatronics are sentient and that makes him nervous. He knows they are strong and could hurt someone if they really wanted to. He is all about safety in the plex though and runs a tight ship. He keeps an eye on everyone to make sure there are no malfunctions or issues. Though, as long as the plex is running smoothly he is happy. His favorite animatronic is Bonnie.
Justin becomes DJ’s handler. He is a musical prodigy from a musically inclined family. When he got the job as handler it is part time because he is still finishing school. He heard about the job as handler for DJ Music Man, got excited because he loves music. He and DJ rock out together often and Justin tries to help plex guests learn that DJ and Mini MM are not scary. Justin is about as much of a gremlin as Abby but he is more chill about things.
Susie is our resident parts and services engineer. She knows the ins-and-outs of each animatronic within the plex. She does not believe they are more than just their code. To her, their code allows the growth of the AI so that it can adapt to certain situations, but they are not people and can easily be replaced. As soon as she learns about Bonnie having the virus she decommissions him and is prepared to get a new Bonnie because he is ‘nothing special’. All of the pizzaplex’s have one. It is her dream to create animatronics that might someday be added to the plex’s cast.
So these are just a few of my OCs for the story. More are in the works, but these are my more fleshed out ones. I’m hoping to finish drawing them all soon so I can post images of them.
Thank you so much, Anon, for taking interest in them!
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rosesonbreeze · 1 year
OPEN (M/F/NB): A modern, arranged marriage. Longtime bachelor and career-minded, my muse is finally ready to settle down. With help from his parents, colleagues, and a matchmaking service - he’s paired with your muse. Character: Derrick Woodsen, Sam Claflin FC, Mechanical Engineer and CEO of a major car and tech innovator, J&J.
There was always going to be a time and place for love. At least, that’s what Derrick said every time a relationship fizzled out or his family voiced their concerns. Besides, he had more important and urgent matters to attend to. A new product launch, a new investment to make. Derrick lined his days and nights around his work. And true to form, his career followed. A hard-earned triumph, fostered over his twenties and cultivated in his thirties. In matters financial or influential, Derrick was a success. Top 30 under 30, Forbes 100 Most Influential, and even a humorous foray into viral TikTok sensation! His first love was his career, and Derrick had almost no regrets.
At least, not until he woke up alone on the morning of his 40th birthday and realized where his life had taken him. A grand success - with no one to share it with.
One has to wonder if it’s desperation or commitment that leads him to the dining room of his ‘love match.’ Likely both, definitely at least one. But Derrick wasn’t getting any younger, and everything he did in his bachelor youth proved unsuccessful. His parents loved him, and knew his heart. His colleagues knew his quirks and his ambitions. And the matchmaking service? Well, they seemed to know just about everything else - from how he took his coffee to what he found attractive in a partner. When all three signed off on his match, all that was left was for him to lay eyes on them.
“You must find this all a little… Odd.” One way of putting it. How many could say their first date hung with the promise of an engagement? “I know I do.” Derrick admits, scratching the back of his neck. “I guess the first, maybe most important question… What made you sign up for the service in the first place?”
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Navigating the Legal Labyrinth: Your Guide to Digital Drop Servicing Legality
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The allure of digital drop servicing is undeniable. The freedom, flexibility, and potential for substantial income draw aspiring entrepreneurs like moths to a flame. But amidst the entrepreneurial glow, legal considerations often shimmer in the shadows, waiting to catch the unprepared off guard. Fear not, intrepid business builders! This comprehensive guide unveils the legal intricacies of drop servicing, empowering you to navigate the labyrinth with confidence and build a thriving, compliant business.
1. Demystifying the Model: Understanding Your Legal Role
At its core, digital drop servicing involves acting as a middleman, connecting clients with skilled freelancers to fulfill their digital needs. While seemingly straightforward, your legal role as a "drop servicer" is nuanced. You're not just a matchmaker; you're potentially playing several roles depending on the specifics of your business and client contracts.
Independent Contractor: You engage freelancers as independent contractors, meaning they're responsible for their own taxes and benefits. This requires clear contracts outlining roles, responsibilities, and independent contractor status.
Employer: In some cases, your relationship with freelancers could be classified as an employer-employee relationship, imposing additional tax and benefit obligations. Seek legal advice to avoid misclassification.
Agency: If you manage and control the work of freelancers, you might be considered an agency, responsible for withholding taxes and complying with employment regulations. Consult legal counsel to determine your agency status.
2. Contractual Candor: Forging Agreements that Protect You
Ironclad contracts are your legal shields. Clearly define the scope of services, payment terms, intellectual property rights, confidentiality obligations, and dispute resolution procedures with both clients and freelancers. Utilize standardized agreements for efficiency, but tailor them to each project's specific needs.
Client Contracts: Specify deliverables, timelines, revision policies, and fee structures. Outline potential liability limitations and termination clauses. Ensure clients understand your role and any limitations of relying on freelance work.
Freelancer Contracts: Clearly define project scope, expected quality standards, communication protocols, and payment schedules. Specify ownership of intellectual property created by the freelancer and include non-compete clauses if necessary.
3. Tax Transparency: Rendering unto Caesar (and the IRS)
Uncle Sam expects his share. As a business owner, you're responsible for reporting your income and paying taxes, including self-employment taxes. Keep meticulous records of income and expenses, consult with a tax professional, and comply with all relevant filing requirements.
Independent Contractor Taxes: Ensure your freelancers understand their responsibility to report and pay taxes on their earnings from you. Provide them with independent contractor forms (1099-NEC) at year-end for accurate tax reporting.
Sales Tax: Depending on your location and service offerings, you might be subject to sales tax collection and remittance. Research your local regulations and comply with all applicable sales tax laws.
4. Intellectual Property Intrigue: Who Owns the Creation?
The ownership of the intellectual property (IP) created by your freelancers can be a tangled web. Clearly define who owns the copyright, trademarks, and other IP rights in your contracts with both clients and freelancers.
Client Ownership: Typically, clients own the IP rights of the final deliverables created by freelancers under your service. Ensure freelancers assign their IP rights to the client through the contract.
Freelancer Ownership: If freelancers retain ownership of their work, clarify how clients can use it and establish limitations to prevent potential copyright infringement.
5. Data Dilapidation: Safeguarding Sensitive Information
In today's digital age, data security is paramount. Implement robust data protection measures to safeguard client and freelancer information, including:
Data Confidentiality Agreements: Include confidentiality clauses in your contracts to protect sensitive information from unauthorized disclosure.
Secure Data Storage: Utilize password-protected cloud storage solutions and implement data encryption technologies to secure stored information.
Privacy Compliance: Review and comply with relevant data privacy regulations, such as GDPR and CCPA, if applicable to your business.
Case Study: Content Crafting with Clarity (and Compliance)
Meet John, a budding digital drop servicer specializing in content creation. John outsources writing gigs to talented freelancers while ensuring legal compliance in his business:
Independent Contractor Contracts: John uses standardized independent contractor agreements with his freelancers, clearly outlining project expectations, roles, and tax responsibilities.
Client Scope of Work: John defines deliverables, ownership of content, and revision policies in his client contracts, protecting both parties and clarifying expectations.
Tax Transparency: John maintains organized financial records and consults with a tax professional to ensure accurate reporting and compliance.
IP Ownership: John assigns ownership of copyrighted content created by freelancers to his clients through a clause in their contracts.
Data Security: John utilizes password-protected cloud storage for client and freelancer information, encrypts sensitive data
6. Legal Limbo: Avoiding Liability Landmines
Understanding and mitigating potential legal risks is crucial for a thriving drop servicing business. Proactive measures can shield you from unwanted liabilities:
Insurance Protection: Consider liability insurance to cover potential claims arising from errors or omissions in deliverables provided by your freelancers.
Dispute Resolution Mechanisms: Outline dispute resolution procedures in your contracts to address potential conflicts with clients or freelancers in a structured manner.
Client Communication Transparency: Maintain clear and consistent communication with clients, setting realistic expectations and promptly addressing any concerns to avoid misunderstandings and potential legal disputes.
7. Local Landscape: Understanding Regional Regulations
The legal landscape regarding digital drop servicing varies across geographical locations. Be aware of and comply with local laws and regulations pertaining to:
Business Licensing and Permits: Check whether your drop servicing activities require specific licenses or permits to operate in your region.
Employment and Tax Laws: Familiarize yourself with local regulations regarding freelance workers, independent contractor classification, and relevant tax obligations.
Data Privacy Laws: Depending on your location and client base, compliance with specific data privacy regulations like GDPR and CCPA might be necessary.
8. Professional Partnerships: Seeking Counsel and Support
Navigating the legal intricacies of drop servicing can be daunting. Don't hesitate to seek professional guidance from:
Business Lawyers: Consult with a business lawyer experienced in digital business and freelance agreements to ensure contractual clarity and compliance.
Tax Professionals: Collaborate with a tax professional to understand your tax obligations, ensure proper reporting, and optimize your tax strategy.
Industry Associations: Join relevant industry associations or online communities for professional insights, support, and access to educational resources.
Final Verdict: Legality – The Cornerstone of a Thriving Drop Servicing Empire
Building a successful drop servicing business requires more than just marketing savvy and client management skills. A solid understanding of the legal aspects fosters ethical business practices, protects you from unforeseen liabilities, and paves the way for long-term success. Embrace transparency, prioritize compliance, and invest in expert guidance to navigate the legal labyrinth with confidence. Remember, a legally sound foundation is the cornerstone of a thriving and sustainable drop servicing empire.
Quote to Ignite Your Path:
"The best and safest thing is to dare to try." - Helen Keller
Don't Miss the Opportunity:
As you embark on your drop servicing journey, remember the wealth of resources available at https://digitaldropservicing.com/: Discover comprehensive legal guides, downloadable templates, and expert insights to empower your every step. With dedication, strategic planning, and a dash of legal wisdom from https://digitaldropservicing.com/, you can build a drop servicing empire that stands tall amidst the legal labyrinth, fueled by integrity and destined for success.
People Also Ask:
Is digital drop servicing illegal? While not inherently illegal, operating a drop servicing business requires compliance with relevant laws and regulations regarding taxes, data privacy, and intellectual property. Consult with legal professionals to ensure your business operates within legal boundaries.
What are the biggest legal risks of digital drop servicing? Misclassification of freelancers, intellectual property disputes, data breaches, and potential liability for freelancer work are some common legal risks. Implementing contractual clarity, data security measures, and compliance with relevant regulations can mitigate these risks.
How can I protect my drop servicing business from legal issues? Clearly define roles and responsibilities in contracts, prioritize data security, implement risk management strategies, and seek professional guidance from legal and tax experts. Remember, prevention is always better than cure in the legal realm.
By embracing legal transparency and navigating the labyrinth with knowledge and proactive measures, you can transform your drop servicing aspirations into a legally sound and flourishing reality. So, step into the world of digital drop servicing with confidence, knowing that you're equipped to handle the legal twists and turns, and embark on a journey of entrepreneurial freedom and success!
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ctweddingdj · 10 months
Unlock Your Perfect Wedding Look and Discover the Secrets to Finding Your Dream Hairstylist with Dominique Renee - #55
Are you ready to unlock the secrets to your perfect wedding look?  Finding a professional hairstylist for the big day revolves around more than merely selecting someone who's experienced and skilled at their craft.
  This podcast is for engaged couples who are stressed out with wedding planning and family expectations but want a fun wedding day.
  After checking their availability and cost, you need to ask what's included in your hair services. Can you work on location? Can you do an entire wedding party? Can I see your portfolio work?
  With expert tips and invaluable insights, Dominique Renee, founder of Elan by Dominique Rene Salon, empowers you to radiate with confidence on your special day. Our captivating guest takes you on a journey to finding the ideal hairstylist who will transform your dream wedding hairstyle into a stunning reality. 
  Say "I do" to the wedding look of your dreams and let your beauty shine like never before. 
  Get ready to make a statement as you walk down the aisle, turning heads and leaving a lasting impression. Your perfect wedding look awaits, and Dominique Renee is here to make it a reality.
  The Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast Edition #55 - Unlock Your Perfect Wedding Look and Discover the Secrets to Finding Your Dream Hairstylist with Dominique Renee
Host: Sal & Sam Music: "Sam's Tune" by Rick Anthony
Guest: Dominique Renee, founder of Elan by Dominique Rene Salon
0:00:00 Introduction: Unlock Your Perfect Wedding Look and Discover the Secrets to Finding Your Dream Hairstylist with Dominique Renee
0:03:00 Introduction and chat with Dominique Renee
0:05:00 More a matchmaker than an hairstylist?
0:06:00 Why it's important to get a professional bridal trial before your wedding
0:07:00 Discussion about extensive training of stylists
0:09:00 Wedding Tip Wednesday: Make It legal
0:13:00 Dominique Renee social media for founder of Elan by Dominique Rene Salon
0:14:15 Discussion about bridal educator and different makeup and hairstyles
0:15:00 Safe space for LGBTQ community
0:16:00 What makes Elan by Dominique Rene Salon so special
0:18:00 Close
  Get your FREE no-obligation report TODAY:
"8 QUESTIONS YOU MUST ASK A WEDDING PROFESSIONAL BEFORE BOOKING THEM" http://forms.aweber.com/form/55/756659955.htm
Music List Giveaway  https://www.afterhourseventsofne.com/guestcontact
*** Join us in the Stress-free Wedding Planning Facebook group https://urlgeni.us/facebook/stress-free-wedding-planning
Sponsored in part by Clear Vision Productions and the Wedding Styles of CT Wedding Shows.    https://www.weddingstylesofct.com/   https://www.theclearvisionagency.com/
Wedding Tip Wednesday on the Stress-free Wedding Planning Podcast is sponsored by EMERGE Cosmetics – 10% OFF promo code: SF1 https://shopemergecosmetics.com/ Copyright © 2023 Atmosphere Productions LLC All Rights Reserved. Produced By Atmosphere Productions in association with After Hours Events of New England https://atmosphere-productions.com https://www.afterhourseventsofne.com #stressfreeweddingplanning #stressfreeweddingplanningpodcast #ctweddingdj #atmosphereproductions #afterhourseventsofne #cvpevents #clearvisionproductions #theclearvisionagency #dreamwedding
Check out our FREE wedding podcast
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laresearchette · 1 year
Saturday, June 10, 2023 Canadian TV Listings (Times Eastern)
MLB BASEBALL (SN) 3:00pm: Twins vs. Jays (SN1) 7:30pm: Red Sox vs. Yankees (SN Now) 10:00pm: Mariners vs. Angels
BLUE'S BIG CITY ADVENTURE (YTV) 6:00pm: Josh and Blue head to New York City to audition for a big Broadway musical.
CFL FOOTBALL (TSN) 7:00pm: Redblacks vs. Alouettes
MLS SOCCER (TSN3/TSN4) 7:30pm: Toronto FC vs. Nashville
NHL HOCKEY (CBC/SN) 8:00pm: Knights vs. Panthers vs. - Game #4
THE LOVE CLUB: LAUREN (Global) 8:00pm: When Lauren and Peter are on the brink of divorce, the Love Club steps in to help them rediscover a love that was never really lost.
NATION UNTAMED (APTN) 8:00pm: Sam and Chuck travel to southwestern Colorado to learn about the Southern Ute Tribe; they encounter a mountain lion.
LOVE, GAME, MATCH (Super Channel House & Home) 8:00pm: When economics teacher Liz challenges her students to create business plans, they start their own matchmaking service. Asked to create her own profile and team up with tennis coach Ted, Liz must navigate the algorithms of her own heart.
BACK TO ROOTS (APTN) 8:30pm: Matricia describes the healing properties of roses and rosehips; she makes potatoes, ketchup and rosehip tea; she sings a special healing song.
A MAN CALLED OTTO (Crave) 9:00pm: When a lively young family moves in next door, grumpy widower Otto Anderson meets his match in a quick-witted, pregnant woman named Marisol, leading to an unlikely friendship that turns his world upside down.
STUPID FOR YOU (Super Channel Fuse) 9:00pm: In order to impress their crush, Kat asks their mother to reform her 1990s punk rock band and play at an upcoming high school dance.
NWSL SOCCER (TSN3) 10:00pm: OL Reign vs. Kansas City Current
CATWOMAN: HUNTED (adult swim) 10:00pm: Catwoman attempts to steal a priceless jewel.
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jasminewilson143 · 2 years
Virtual dates and video speed dating: Dating.com Group launches a $50 million corporate venture fund
Dating.com Group, a division of IAC/InterActiveCorp that owns OkCupid, is launching a corporate venture fund with an initial $50 million in funding. The new division hopes to revitalize the online dating industry by bringing back real-life interactions between potential partners through virtual dates and video speed dating.
Dating.com Group, which started in 1995 as a matchmaking service, launched a division in 2006 with the goal of revitalizing the online dating industry.
Dating.com Group, which started in 1995 as a matchmaking service, launched a division in 2006 with the goal of revitalizing the online dating industry. The company’s new corporate venture fund will focus on investments and acquisitions that align with its strategy to invest in new technologies and products that help build out its global dating network.
The $50 million fund is being led by new CEO Christian Rudder (pictured above), who joined the company last year after co-founding OkCupid, now owned by IAC/InterActiveCorp (IAC). Dating.com Group was created through an acquisition of MatchNet Inc., dating sites for professionals launched by Rudder and Sam Yagan who later went on to start online dating site OKCupid LLC before selling it for $50 million themselves last year.”
The company that owned Dating.com sold it to an investment firm for an estimated $100 million in 2007 and the division was renamed OkCupid.
In 2007, the company that owned Dating.com sold it to an investment firm for an estimated $100 million and the division was renamed OkCupid. The new division aimed to create a place where members could come together through the Internet, but actually meet in person instead.
OkCupid is one of several examples where people have created businesses based on dating apps and services.
The idea behind the new division was to create a place where members could come together through the Internet, but actually meet in person instead, according to CEO Sam Yagan.
The idea behind the new division was to create a place where members could come together through the Internet, but actually meet in person instead, according to CEO Sam Yagan.
“We wanted to make a platform that would bring people together,” he said. “There’s so much noise on dating websites and apps today. We wanted something that was more intimate.”
The first step was creating something that resembled a dating site, so it partnered with Zoosk to set up speed dating events where users could go through some of the site’s features.
The first step was creating something that resembled a dating site, so it partnered with Zoosk to set up speed dating events where users could go through some of the site’s features.
Zoosk is a dating app that lets users set up a profile, browse profiles and send messages. In addition to being able to access the website from anywhere in the world using any device or browser, Zoosk boasts millions of members and uses an algorithm to pair people based on interests and preferences.
The company raised $35 million in venture capital from firms like Bessemer Venture Partners and Silver Lake Partners from 2008–2010 before going public on Feb. 22.
The company raised $35 million in venture capital from firms like Bessemer Venture Partners and Silver Lake Partners from 2008–2010 before going public on Feb. 22.
The corporate venture fund will invest in seed-stage companies that are aligned with the online dating service’s business objectives, according to a statement released by the company Thursday.
A virtual date is different than meeting someone at an event like speed dating or at work, and you can use these services to find what works best for you
With the rise of technology, it has become easier to find love. What used to be a high-stakes activity requiring you to know someone in common and go through extensive vetting is now much more casual. Nowadays, you can use these services to find what works best for you: whether that’s a date, friend or relationship.
We’re excited to be able to support our own company with the launch of a corporate venture fund. Our goal is to invest in companies that share a similar vision and values as Dating.com Group, while also being innovative in their own right. We’ll be providing funding for startups with an initial investment of up to $50 million as part of our commitment to helping companies grow into successful organizations.
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KOA Campgrounds offer a range of hookups for RV camping, including: Full hookups: Full hookups let you directly connect your RV to water, electricity and sewer, allowing you to enjoy the great outdoors without giving up any of the basic conveniences of home. The steady supply of water comes in handy when bathing and cooking, and the sewer. Mount gambier full hook up campsites Surfers paradise free hookup... In Kensington Sa, Date Spots In Westmead Nsw, Caboolture Dating, Carindale 100 Free Dating Apps, Port Pirie Casual Hookups. Best Date Ideas Near Altona Sa, Native Dating Caboolture, Dating App 2021 Kilsyth, Grovedale Online Dating, Hookup Websites In Mount Isa Queensland, Gay. Even though most RVs are set up to function without a hookup, having a full hookup can be nice and can help your vacation feel stress-free without worrying about power or water levels. Campgrounds often offer two different levels of hookups for their RV campers. These can include a partial or full hookup.
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rosesonbreeze · 2 years
OPEN (M/F/NB): A modern, arranged marriage. Longtime bachelor and career-minded, my muse is finally ready to settle down. With help from his parents, colleagues, and a matchmaking service - he’s paired with your muse. Character: Derrick Woodsen, Sam Claflin FC, Mechanical Engineer and CEO of a major car and tech innovator, J&J.
There was always going to be a time and place for love. At least, that’s what Derrick said every time a relationship fizzled out or his family voiced their concerns. Besides, he had more important and urgent matters to attend to. A new product launch, a new investment to make. Derrick lined his days and nights around his work. And true to form, his career followed. A hard-earned triumph, fostered over his twenties and cultivated in his thirties. In matters financial or influential, Derrick was a success. Top 30 under 30, Forbes 100 Most Influential, and even a humorous foray into viral TikTok sensation! His first love was his career, and Derrick had almost no regrets. 
At least, not until he woke up alone on the morning of his 40th birthday and realized where his life had taken him. A grand success - with no one to share it with. 
One has to wonder if it’s desperation or commitment that leads him to the dining room of his ‘love match.’ Likely both, definitely at least one. But Derrick wasn’t getting any younger, and everything he did in his bachelor youth proved unsuccessful. His parents loved him, and knew his heart. His colleagues knew his quirks and his ambitions. And the matchmaking service? Well, they seemed to know just about everything else - from how he took his coffee to what he found attractive in a partner. When all three signed off on his match, all that was left was for him to lay eyes on them. 
“You must find this all a little... Odd.” One way of putting it. How many could say their first date hung with the promise of an engagement? “I know I do.” Derrick admits, scratching the back of his neck. “I guess the first, maybe most important question... What made you sign up for the service in the first place?”
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zinzinina · 3 years
SAM AAAAAHHH CONGRATS ON 500 YEEHAW i'm so excited for this matchmaking truly. maybe u can give me someone who will break my streak of no long term relationships 😌 okay here r my answers:
i'd probably a cat. most days i just wanna chill out and lie in the sun and not be bothered. i can be particular about things like who i want to interact with, what i want to eat, etc. people have told me i come off as intimidating, but in reality i just want to be loved and held and cherished.
ideal night out: i’m out with my friends, people who know me, and maybe some strangers mixed in. we are sitting at an outdoor table, knees knocking into each other because we are so close, gabbing about things that don’t really matter but are important Right Now. string lights illuminate our faces, flushed with the buzz of alcohol. someone lets me try their raspberry marg. it’s warm but not hot enough to make me sweat. i feel like i’m a part of something.
ideal day in: either by myself or with the person i cherish the most, lazily sprawled on the couch or bed as we watch our favorite movies. it’s raining, but no thunder rolls by. just the pitter-patter of rain on the windows and the din of the television fills the room. the bass is turned up way too loud so when the sound hits that low pitch, the whole house shakes. i’ve seen all these films before, but i never tire of them. we're at a part that makes me cry and i don't feel embarrassed.
3 qualities: Good communication, emotional competency, hardcore stroke game JUST KIDDING uuuhh not afraid to laugh at themselves
sam u must know this song one is the hardest question for me so i’m gonna give u 3 options: Don’t Delete The Kisses by Wolf Alice, Pool by Samia, and Susie Save Your Love by Allie X & Mitski.
personal hell: none of the people i care about remember me, or else they tell me they don’t actually like me and they ignore me
Vee, my love! We have a match!
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Okay, hear me out on this. Poe has absolutely no problem with telling you everything about how he feels. There’s a common misconception that he’s avoidant or flippant somehow when it comes to emotional connection; not so. He feels everything -- deeply, and doesn’t believe in wasting time fucking around. He’ll tell you the second he realises he’s falling in love with you without even a twinge of embarrassment or hesitation, and he won’t be offended when you laugh at his earnestness, grinning back at you, waiting for your response. One thing that makes Poe so effortlessly cool is that fact that he isn’t. He’ll laugh at his own stupid jokes and let you tease him relentlessly for trying to look suave in some vintage jacket from the old Empire days, insisting it’s fashionable despite the musty smell, interrupting you to kiss you when he gets caught up in the way your eyes flash whenever you’re giving him shit. (And let’s not pretend the stroke game doesn’t matter, babe, trust me. I got you on that.)
For your date, he’s taking you back to his family’s old place on Yavin 4, still stocked with retro hologames and (slightly musty) Jawa juice. The colony is still fairly small here; a few other families you nod to in the evenings as you pass, sandals in your hands, but for the most part you’re alone. You’ve got the whole weekend together in the rainforest; laying for warm, lazy hours beside one of the shallow pools under the roar of a waterfall, sticky with humidity and each other’s limbs. He'll be loudly indignant at how well you kick his ass at the hologames, demanding to switch controllers more than once before he decides the problem isn’t the controller after all, it’s you -- which is when he adopts a tactic of sabotage, trying to make your concentration slip in an entirely new way. He is Very competitive, after all.
Thank you for using Sam’s Star Wars Matchmaking Service™️! Click here to see testimonials from more of our happy customers. May the Spires Keep You! x
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