#saay stuff
sailorjisunq · 2 years
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straightyuri · 9 months
It's so weird people talk abt pyro as if they don't talk or their voice is so muffled it's always nonsense but like ??? To ME pyro has a very distinct voice?? Like????? Pyro voicelines voice performance is very specific to me under the muffle
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fisheyezzz · 29 days
ive really enjoyed seeing you progress from like having your characters be specifically splatoon ones and have it slowly turning into its own thing entirely. your care and love for them shines through so brightly in everything you draw and say about them and it makes me really happy to see you enjoying creating so much 💜
AGHH thank u.. i appreciate it.. i love splatoon sobad its a very important part of my life and always will be but im currently more than satisfied w the way things r going im having alot of fun and i feel very free #ithink. would like to shoutout for the millionth and definitely not last time ever my awesome best friend @vilegato THIS STUFF BELONGS TO HIM AND ME BOTH HES HAD SUCH A BIG . IMPACT ON IT i could not have drawn so much things im happy wiht without him i love to play and draw i love to frolic wouldnt have ever had this much fun doing stuff like this wihtout him shout out to drawing these two assholes together five million times per week big fan of that everyone saay thanj yiu dan
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thank u for the messge
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nsfwflint · 1 year
it is time to introduce some new tiddies for the boobs man...
the solo artist, Saay (Ex-Evol). Trust me bruv, she big...
Also check out Hyeme (former blackswan) that girl is huge too
Yeah I remember seeing some stuff about Saay back when I used to check kpf before it got bombarded with nothing but barely legals.
Yeah Saay's pretty hot.
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Hyeme doesn't have much on her insta but did find this on it, which is pretty fucking great.
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Great recommendations. Thanks!
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yenqa · 2 months
replying to all the 10tihay rbs here because i dont want to spam reblog it LMFAO
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@jlheon LITERALLY THANJ YYOU SO MUCH FOR READING FIRST OF ALL. im glad he is so bf!! i tried my best :(( but we both single girl 🤞🤞 you’ll find someone! i actually thought about making yn hit sooyun but i felt like it wouldnt have made much sense for the story or for the character (but honestly i wanted her to) thank you so much for reading!
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@luvyizhuo again, thank you for reading! im glad you liked the progression (also complimenting small details like that is so helpful so thank you!!) im glad you enjoyed <3
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@minnies-duo thank you for reading! i’m glad you enjoyed hehe ^_^ but the drunk scene is my favorite considering its kind of like a turning point for our y/n !! im glad you caught that the guys were over because i wanted to make it seem like he would drop anything for y/n (even if she hated him at the time) thank you for reading love!
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@star-sim hi my vanya, thank you for reading!! ALSO SAAYING ITS LIKR A 90’S ROMCOM?? biggestt compliment ive ever gotten oh lord thats so sweet. thank you for noticing the soft spoken part! i wanted to make heeseung like a total opposite to y/n but he still loves her anyway and would do anything for her. ex : yn being a b word and heeseung still thinking shes like a god almighty that is privileged to be in her presence (hence the nickname angel ^_^) anyways sorry for ranting, i’m glad you enjoyed!
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@hanniluvi has anyone told you youre the sweetest person ever. UGH THANK YOU FOR READING. also heeseung is an unbothered king! ignorance is bliss right ^_^ but yes without sooyun heeyn would be nothing but DUST like i hate u but… also im glad you understood everything! i tried my best (because sometimes i read stuff and im like what tf does that mean half the time) so i’m glad you enjoyed! ><
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@faerinini hello!! i am infact reading this, and i want to thank YOU for reading my works!! ugh things like this motivate writes so much! so thank you so much for being so sweet and enjoying my silly little fics !! ^_^
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@hysgf hellooo thank you so much for reading!! SOOYUN HATER CLUB FOR LIFEEE >< but omg guys it is actually like a 2000 romcom.. i think i blushed T^T anyways thank you so much for enjoying it!! youre comments are very appreciated ^_^
more will be added on <3
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ultimateplaylistmaker · 7 months
can u imagine DICE is dead though. like hear me out, DICE died for different reasons, accidents, stuff, after kokichi leaves for DR, they really couldn't function without their leader the idiots
can you just imagine, kokichi calls for them, tentatively and they come, they come and they're flickering in and out but they've always answered their leader
it's a reckoning and a reunion balled up in one but they tease and go, of course our leader here is the best and we did saay even death couldn't stop us, wouldn't it?
Kokichi hates that theyre dead, but he can feel them being bound to him, souls connected, like strings around his fingers, and its...its nice, its calming, he tries to find their bodies, at least one, the latest dead, still in a morgue, and he breaks in, and he stuffs the soul inside and forces it to spring back to life, and it works, and he can still feel the connection and kokichi cackles, the ultimate supreme leaders true powers starting to show
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asterofthedeepforest · 9 months
sometimes I worry that the stuff I reblog here is not appropriate for the minors who might be following me
but then I have to remind myself that teenagers arent and shouldnt be completely naive to anything vaguely inappropriate
not saaying teens should see outright porn, im not gonna fucking do that, but to act like and treat teens like they cant and shouldnt know a litte dirty humor is infantilizing to them IMO
idk just something I think of from time to time
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louceph · 2 years
i think you'd like the spirit hunter series. (death mark and NG) the spirits seem right up your alley.
ive never played but i saay this design from NG a few years ago and i think it inspired a lot of my stuff tbh
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omoghouls · 1 year
aare ethlam, cullen and dorian all boyfriends? pls saay yes
Aaaa unfortunately they're not all boyfriends together ;0; everyone just like pulling Cullen into sexual stuff in a fwb way and bc/ they love to get Cullen all hot n' bothered xD (thooooough, I've highkey been thinking about poly Dorian/Ethlam/Iron Bull- 👀👀)
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semi-sentient · 25 days
haii im stanley/liam/scag/player (n more)! ^_^ or semi if you want!
i use he/she/kills/they/it/fur EHM i use any but those r my favs.. pleaz alternate pronounz instead of only using 1 set if possible… ehehe
i like object shows, rain world, regretevator, phighting, among us logic (SIIGHHH I KNOWWW) and a lot of other stuff!!
i sometimes use a typing quirk but i dont use it in posts! just keeep this in mind if we talk privately
i wish to scurry around on all fours and hiss like a wild animal…. (im a therian) (this is how i say im a therian)
battle for yaoi - MY PERSONAL OBJECT SHOW PROJECT!! this is my ocs and stuff
bfy [character name] - ONE OF MY OCS FROM BATTLE FOR YAOI!!!!!
bloodcraft [char name] - ONE OF MY OCS FROM BLOODCRAFT!!!
(or bc [char name])
semi’s stimboard collection - STIMBOARDS I LIKE…. im very normal
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sunmiyane · 5 months
Sistar19 comeback: Bora.
Seola solo debut...
I think 2024 is the year my women i'm unhinged about do stuff so let me manifest ✨️✨️
SAAY, concert in Europe + full album
Eunji, full album
Sunmi, leaving Abyss + new agency + full album 🙇‍♀️🙏🛐
Chungha, full album
Jiyeon, even a single song ma'am...
Bibi, concert or festival in Europe
CL, concert AND festival in Europe + full album
LeeHi, full album
Sooyoung, Yuri, YoonA and Seohyun... I want a mini from each of you at the very least
Hani, an intro? Idek ma'am give me anything with your singing voice on it
Kard girlies, unit album
WJSN, comeback with anything. Actually, like a maxi single is fine at this point
Jennie, her full album with many many songs bc fuck yge and ily mon sucre 💖
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the-firebird69 · 6 months
Republican Group Uses Donald Trump's Words Against Him in Scathing Ad (msn.com)
and he whales away on all and this proof the gop will ddrop him and the republicn committee and he is out. not on the ballot walks aorund embarrasses all of them humiliates rats tells on theim is a mess loser miscreant sleeps wiht everyone and farts out loud duirng meetings loudly and laughs says it i farted. true too. he is so obnoxious he got beaten up after a board meeting no after a repblican meeting. they finally asked how did you get in here and he rattled off stuff and our son...could not be by force he is joel watts...and he sat lifted his head you wnna know i used you. like im using you now. alnd htey said what do you mean and to do my dirty work and walk around proud for it. lowered his head and siad wait for it.and noppe. and oh my gosh.adn his son breathed easy no. said what are you dong now. sinking us fully you faggot. and dan saais it to hoim quietly. a nd he arose you will not use that languag on me. and sat. and they said get out you nutcase we had you do it. your anutccase and whimp are like the boy small and iritated. fn fag. he got up and said this he and i are not alike and htey said sure but your dead and in code for what your doing. out now. and the gop kicked him out. and they said fart again on your way out we book you. and for tresspassing. and they said it we make the order stick and heard him mumble no did the work. and he is out poublicly soon....many states say it now and file it.
next group the republcian committee and he pissed htem off but good today. in ameeting. went around the room to have people introduce themeselves. said it is due to me not knowing you. and he got angry. and said this i am not your whipping boy no he saat they said this. we heard your side of the story now hear ours. we hate you your an ingrate loser. you murder us and our wives and take our things lose them to an enemy you are fighting and due to massive iincompetence cowardice and lame systems and poor judgemet and you try to extort from them threatening himand dragged us into it. and he burst out aughing i extort and he wants to know why. adn they said yeh why you are aalmost on empty and we xcludde you rip all your stuff out need to your sucha faggot. and he smirked to do this tomyself i guess. and the said why. and he said dunno thought i could do it and get away wiht it. at that point he got uop banged theteble and said this meting is adjounred your the same way. and he tried to walk out and was stopped. no you are werong you did this. you and your idiot clans. your responsible. you sold it out to the clones and macs. and him too you outrageious shit. h started to mumble and they said no. you shut up. your an adult you did this aand messed up we need to know why. and he sat down showed them his idea. and they said not bad but what re these threee huge groups doing with you.and said i did nto know they were there. and they said we have notes said you knew. and they asked again. and to se tthem up agiants each other and then this...laughter no. and so. and htey said what do you mean so. so he is right. and they smiled and said it they do say that you suck and it shows. an were at it ike thiis for along time suck. and then this. we want our stuff back...and he walked out said good i know i am right...and then this. and he was at the door and they sai one more thing your fired. and he left angry....saw our son in the parking lot explaining it. you dont wake us and certainly dont scream it at us. we rule at the start. and he says no you dont and ok haha and bowed an said sure. so he wept said how should i know you friend toldyou. and so what i did it on purpose and he now is wanted globably for questioning. dave did say it yes and it is a secret place he told him in.
he is fired from the republican committee
we saidthe last fou sentances
Thor Freya
we monotre and it is acurate they all will say. and yes our son appeared in an apparation. dead darth vaders all around and he alone tall not humungous that what they think
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seokbam · 2 years
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esp • eng ~ ok!
otoño, frunas, vainilla, música, cantar, hacer playlist(s), lq pics, vocaloid, utaites, bmw/gmw, 00s/10s cartoons & movies
akgaes, saessangs, company stans, capacitismo, xenofobia, racismo, hipocresia, personas sin criterio propio, western stans
flashing lights. bizarre sounds/pictures
BYF !!
no only pero priorizo a bts por sobretodo, espanglish involuntario, bangtan 7/7 stan pero hablo mucho del jinkook, kinda vulgar, hablo de mi vida y lo que veo en la tl, generalizo en femenino pero respeto pronombres, me la paso más en la side, a veces MUY inactiva por estudios o irl stuff
DFI !!
-15, basic dfi criteria, edgy como el resto de stan twt y su pick me up personalidad, te relacionas con solos intensas, no vas a interactuar, no tenemos nada en común
seokjin, jk , yoongi, soohyun, taemin, momo, jihyo, jieun, soraru, mafumafu
— ☆ STAN LIST └(・◡・)┐♪
#방탄소년단 : #BTS (OT7)
#샤이니 : #SHINee (OT5)
After The Rain 🇯🇵
som hevin . younha . le sserafim . NewJeans . stayc . billie . shuya . soffee . red velvet . bibi . izykite . seori . suran . heize . stella jang . saay . (g) i-dle . youha . jo yuri . kwon eunbi . fromis_9 . loona . taeyeon . mamamoo (+soloists) . enhypen . kenshi yonezu . eve . back number . aurora . megan thee stallion
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sailorjisunq · 3 years
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Wrap me in plastic and make me shine We can make a dollhouse, follow your design
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flowerrose14 · 3 years
How old would you say Apple, Julian, and Emortus are in Human Years?
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I couldn't say SO it's best for these three to explain!:'D
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amorphine · 4 years
Hyunjin - Circle
Vlive 201106
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