#s*pernatural parody
I just think that Jeff Blim could play a more iconic version of Lucifer than M*rk Pell*grino ever did. I said what I said.
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gamagoori 4 years
s*pernatural fans r weird and white but im genuinely happy for them like .......if i shipped something that hard for 12 years i'd die from screaming if it actually became canon
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slaygentford 2 years
this is an ask for when you are bored and want to write an essay About nothing. So I鈥檓 stuck in gridlock on an semi rural nc state highway its 1030pm and I鈥檓 thinking wow just like Christopher moltisanti when he got into that cigarette selling deal 馃グ but then I was looking into the woods on the side of the road and also thinking wow an ancient Appalachian monster could come out and murder me in a freak s*pernatural horror accident. So compare and contrast true blood vs sopranos opening credits. Bonus points for use of the word chronotopic. love you bye.
this is the perfect absolute time to answer this because i'm taking a sick day. firstly of all in monster culture Jeffrey Jerome Cohen writes that a monster captures "a time, a feeling, and a place." both of these do this successfully to varying degrees. with the song that sounds like a parody + the kitsch pastiche of the images and THIS IS CRUCIAL the self-referential "god hates fangs" billboard, true blood conjures a feeling and a place, albeit fictional -- fictional because of the gratuitous self-referentiality and pastiche...which is particularly unfortunate because what is more chronotopic than a VAMPIRE?????? how do you not mess with time or establish time if you have a vampire. only the fashion reflects the time it aired and thats an accident, nothing else in that intro is concerned with it. in the sopranos we have a feeling (new Jersey turnpike) and a place (New Jersey TURNPIKE) presented in whats genuinely quite a boring way if the music wasn't over it. docu-like. the only self aware kind of moment is Tonys cigar. but TIME. because we see a documentary of existing physical structure which true blood ignores, time is what stands out most of all in the sopranos. in season one you can see the twin towers in the rearview. the turnpike toll still spits out a ticket. satriales which is now an abandoned lot is present. so on the time/feeling/place Venn diagram, it's exactly in the middle. while true blood only gets two.
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theuniversals 3 years
that reservoir dogs parody/homage/whatever episode of s*pernatural.... this show is catering to me specifically
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jimjamjames 4 years
Hey. I know y'all are having fun making fun of s*pernatural but can y'all be mindful about it and take like two seconds to think about what you're saying. Every other post on my dash rn is some variation of the same "If you're gay you're going to turbo hell" joke. And like. Please take a step back and realize how deeply homophobic that sounds. If it were just one or two people saying that it'd be fine I guess but tbh we're a bit past parody at this point and it's getting to be really triggering to be exposed to so much homophobia so suddenly and all at once.
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No one will ever be able to comprehend how badly I want a Starkid parody of S*pernatural.
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