#rwd mr-sn
blazestar345 · 1 year
Ok, Rolling with Difficulty on the brain and I gotta sleep tonight so I need to get this out somehow.
Here's some RWD hopes for the future
VR-LA eventually comes to bond with all of the old crew members again and on the anniversary of the attack they go out onto the Astral Sea and drop flowers into the astral sea in memory of MR_SN. They all regain the bond they once had as crew and maybe they go back and repair the Ad Astra so the old crew have a spelljammer to call their own and more importantly have a home again. I hope that he can have two found families now even if his boyfriend is dead
Finbar once settling down with Elise will absolutely be opening up a tavern/inn of his at some point in Sigil or take over management of the Sprite Spring once Peaceblossom retires. He's gonna return at some point after he leaves the party I just know it! Like someone is gonna want to go see him, right?
Kyana, after season 3, I hope goes to train with Enok some more. Maybe gets to know the monks from the Cenobium more and finds a common place between them. Maybe she speaks to Ione again and they can hopefully reconcile at least a little bit. Maybe Enok can help Kyana unlock the full Astral Body which should be the next Subclass Feature she gets. I want to see more of Kyana delving into her past to carve out her own future because I really think that'd be dope and super in line with her character progression up until this point. One last thing, I really want to see how that connection Kyana and E-DN sort of started in the finale blossoms if at all because it seems really interesting
Sadly I only have so much for Dani but I do have a few. I WANT HER TO USE THE HELL RIDE AGAIN!! That race scene was so cool and I absolutely adored how into it Dani was. I also want more time with some of the less utilized Heap crew members like Sadie because some of these characters are amazing and need more love! I also want to see Dani bond with K-LB so badly! I need the two Artificers can get along. Who knows maybe Dani can teach K-LB a bit of chaos.
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kathbunny · 1 year
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Felt the need to give this to my good fellows not on the hellsite
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blazestar3450 · 3 months
"We made it MR-SN..."
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astranauticus · 11 months
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Ad astra per aspera
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basil-doing-things · 10 months
vr-la’s season 2 episode 10 season finale monologue am i right folks
i do not normally rely on the faith of gods to be the source of my power. in my brief time across the planescape, i have found that gods hold power beyond compare, yet are still prone to the same mistakes, the same lapses in reasoning as any other mortal, and that combination makes them dangerous. i have read of the destruction they have wrought, i have seen them regard their worshipers as no better than parasites, and i have concluded that in a seascape of gods and monsters, who can tell the difference between one and the other? so in my opinion, gods are to be avoided at all costs. yet i will allow myself this one exception, because i know you are watching. because you called me curious. you call the power i and my ship possess ‘curious’. that must count for something. there must be at least an iota, some atomic speck of my being, that has your attention. mx-im was correct. names hold power. k-lb. c-ra. e-dn. dx-tr. as-tr. mr-sn. i… i do not know them, but when i heard those names, uttered to me since the first time since my awakening, they released in me a wave of emotion; of a care and love i did not know i held, of an ache and longing for the memories and time that have since been taken from me. no name had ever elicited such feelings in me, though i am grateful to have since found three names that do. and if you are who i suspect you are, then i know the power of names is a concept with which you are very familiar. so with the magic stored in this vessel, i craft my wish, and in casting it, i release the energies within back to the weave. an offering, given in faith that it shall be received, and answered in the manner i intend it. there is a part of me that knows i may be simply… speaking to the stars, that i have overestimated my brief importance in the vastness of your knowing, that you have no obligation to respond. but i shall cast it to you all the same. i ask for no riches, i do not vie for power, i am not like those before me who were arrogant enough to think your position could be usurped. i am simply casting my wish to you in faith. consider it a prayer. but in doing so, i will evoke the name you assumed so many eons ago, and, with it, all the power it holds. lady of spells, mother of magic, keeper of the weave, mystra! i wish for you to help me find my old crew. guide me to their locations! if they are lost, i shall find them! if they are imprisoned, i shall free them! if they are dead… i shall bury them.
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When Steam Powered Giraffe said “and together we’re not alone across the stars” they were actually specifically talking about RWD and the old and new crews of the Per Aspera and the Holodeck and MR-SN. I know because they told me themselves
(Click for better quality)
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coolgoodandfine · 1 year
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Shhh... secret draft designs. Don't tell Twitter yet. Please give me any feedback, and feel free to read my many design thoughts under the cut. Also feel free to use the designs yourself.
Alright! The things right at the top that i wanted to keep in mind were things in the series that are distinct to mechanites vs things warforged have.
As far as I remember, there are only two notable ones. Mechanites have jaws that cannot move, instead they have face plates that can open up. And while the other isn't stated in canon, warforged have crystals in their eyes, and mechanites are never pictured or described in that way.
I almost broke the first rule on purpose with DX-TR, seeing as he's described as human-like and the negotiator, but as I was going through the series again, he was explicitly stated to have the same stiff jaw.
The only heights (I think) we have were that VR-LA got the haha funny meme number at 6'9", MR-SN was a few inches taller, and C-RA is at least as tall as Finbar (7'2"). From there, I wanted DX-TR to be nearly as tall as VR-LA, so he's around 6'6"/6'7". E-DN is about the same height as him because I feel like with her satyr legs, her being taller made sense. I put K-LB around 6'2" because I was originally going to have a slight joke that this height was after he'd already made mods to himself with heels and his mohawk. I didn't like how the heels came out, so I left it out. AS-TR is the shortest at the bare minimum height for warforged at 5'10". I'll get into that in the section discussing her design.
While it didn't really come up in these designs, since VR-LA has been pictured with yellow eyes, and described with blue, I've headcanoned that mechanites eyes change color based on how much processing they're doing. So the default would be blue, when they're calm and just hanging out. Their eyes switch to yellow when they're concentrating or focused on something specific. Orange is when they're flustered or upset. Red is the dramatic color for when they're really angy. I'd imagine someone like DX-TR can deliberately control it to avoid giving away some tell, but I don't think it's common for mechanites to do it.
The designs are mostly based on the same shapes and pieces that VR-LA has, rather than Vice/He-11, as those feel like they're kind of unusual in that regard. And even if they're not, I'd still chalk it up as a difference in their plane of origin. Onto individual character notes!
C-RA was described as being large, having a sort of knights templar, aesthetic, somewhat like living armor but more organic. Mostly what I referenced was plate armor, so pretty straight-forward. That being said, I feel like her design's a little plain. I wanted to add something to her head to help distinguish her head silhouette more. Plus I feel like her colors are too desaturated, and she just doesn't really have a shape that carries throughout her design. Idk, it's fine, but it just doesn't feel striking.
MR-SN was described as being slender, regal, and with a permanent smile in his eyes. I feel like I had a similar issue with him that I had with C-RA where there doesn't seem to be anything that carries through his design. I feel like I captured the face pretty well at least where he looks kind and kind of like a dad who's just proud of you. He's one I kind of feel like with clothes, his design might work better. I had no clue what color to go for, so it's just a color that I thought would be unique enough to the group.
VR-LA is just based on his season 1 art. The only thing I changed from how I drew him before, was mostly just proportions, like around the joints. I wanted him to be a thin, scrawny nerd, so he's also more narrow than before. My goal was half of C-RA's size, and I think C-RA's about 1 1/2 VR-LA's, so it's close enough.
DX-TR was described as human-like and bald with a flesh tone color. He was honestly really easy. As a joke, I referenced Seth Everman for his face sculpt, and I think it came out well. Mostly I referenced human muscles for his sculpt. I considered giving him tattoos, but didn't really have any ideas for that. He's got two notably unique traits from the rest of the group. He's the only one without shoulder pauldrons, which I kinda want to change, but idk there, and the light in his eyes is round rather than the cross design I treated as baseline. I wanted a less human saturation in skin, and I don't think I achieved that, but I'm not sure it'd look as good. I kinda want him more uncanny valley, but idk what to do there.
E-DN was described as a similar mechanite design as VR-LA, but with satyr legs. I gave her horns and horizontal pupils, mostly just for variety. I gave her a little more of just a round shape compared to VR-LA's more angular shapes. Her design I like over all. I like the colors, and I think the mint accents help her stand out. She's got good shapes and a good silhouette. And everything feels like it came out pretty well with her.
K-LB I'm torn on. I almost feel like he stands out too much. As far as what's described, I had the hardest time figuring out his design. He's described as a standard mechanite that's gold with fine gold filigree that looks like wire mesh, as well as a blue glow from his arms. I was going for somewhere around a punk-ish Rodney Copperbottom from Robots kind of idea. The filigree mesh I just used a nonsense text brush because i didn't have any specific ideas there. I like how the yellows/blues look together. I like the hexagon shape that carries throughout. His silhouette's mostly different enough from everyone else. I don't think he's too saturated. Yet I just don't feel like his design fits him, and I don't know what to do. He's the one I feel like scrapping and redoing the most.
AS-TR was described with long hair, and a slight glow, but didn't have much of a description as far as I remember otherwise. She had two notable design inspirations. Selûne and my cat who coincidentally has the same name (mostly my cat lol). One of Selûne's avatar's is described as long limbed (which is kind of how I just drew the mechanites), with pale hair, dusty skin, and green eyes. The pattern around her eyes is a less exaggerated version of some of her iconography. Her eyes are tinted green with her holy symbol as the shape of the lights. If I were smart, I'd actually have put all seven of the stars that are a part of Selûne's holy symbol (and I might change that later). Aster (my cat) is a tiny little black cat with a grey undercoat and two tiny lil white spots. So from there, I made AS-TR the smallest mechanite, she's two different shades of grey, and she has two little white spots on her chest in a similar size, shape, and location as Aster's. As a result of the name coincidence, and from what we've seen, similar personality, AS-TR is required to be my favorite, lol. Even excluding that though, I do like how her design came out too. Like I said, I might change the design slightly to have the seven stars across her, and I might change the greys to have more contrast because they're too similar, but the whole design came close to what I had in mind.
Over all, I'm pretty satisfied with all of these designs, and while there's things I'm going to change, I think these are all pretty solid.
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moltengoldveins · 11 months
“Do me a favor? Bury me at sea. I always thought it was poetic, being buried at sea. And if I’m gonna sleep forever… I want to do it where I can see the stars.”
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my-humble-abode · 1 year
i’ve cried over the robots for the past five days, will we make it to six???
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kathbunny · 1 year
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Posting more art to resurrect it from the dead! A dramatic MR-SN and a silly lil VR-LA :3
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blazestar3450 · 2 months
My first try at fanfiction that I actually finished.
Have some VR-LA and MR-SN... fluff? angst? I don't know what it is.
It was done pretty quickly so constructive criticism is accepted as I want to get better at writing
Newfound Memories
As VR-LA walks through the ship, his newly found memories start springing back to him. Talking to K-LB about the mechanics of the ship, playing a game of Dragon chess with C-RA, learning about what it’s like being devoted to a deity from AS-TR and enjoying some calm silence with E-DN. Yet one memory seems to be nagging at him the most.
So he goes up to the deck. He walks over to the railing and looks out on the Astral Sea. The reflective surface showing just his own face. Until something else comes up next to it, a familiar face. One he’s only seen a handful of times before regaining his memories. The calm yellow eyes of one of his best friends, MR-SN, stare back at him.
“So, still trying to get used to the sea huh?” he says to VR-LA. VR-LA sort of stands there stunned for a second, unsure of what to say, his face still showing that inquisitive look he always sports. “Yes. It is strange yet… comforting. Just a new feeling to try and understand”.
“Good”, MR-SN replies. “I’m glad it’s not too uncomfortable. It took a couple other members some time to get used to the sea.” VR-La stands there, still trying to process what he’s seeing. “You know I’m glad we found you. You’ve been a fantastic scribe VR-LA. I imagine Vigil would be proud”.
VR-LA seems shocked to hear the name of an Ad Astra crew member. “Vigil?” he questions. “Oh yes!” MR-SN exclaims. “I haven’t told you about that yet have I? Well, you remember the Ad Astra right? The ship we found in Thuldanin. Well, it’s my theory that each of us are descendants from that crew. While I can’t confirm it, I still feel we all have a part to play in finding where they all came from.” MR-SN explains.
VR-LA sort of sits with that for a moment. “Hm… It’s certainly possible. They did seem to all scatter after they crashed the ship” he says. “Exactly!” MR-SN exclaims. “Plus it would explain at least the subject of my dreams”. VR-LA remembers when MR-SN first confided in him about the fact that he could dream. It was something he had never heard of before. Mechanites couldn’t dream, right? Yet he trusted MR-SN. He hadn’t lied to him yet.
“Do you think we’ll actually do it? Break through the Blue Veil?” VR-LA asks. “Of course we will. We haven’t failed at any task put in front of us yet. This crew is set for anything. All of you are fantastic at what you do and I have no doubt that you’ll all make it to where we need to be.”
“MR-SN…? I um… I don’t know what to say except thank you. I really appreciate your confidence in me.” VR-LA says. MR-SN smiles. “Of course. You’ve shown time and time again that you’re skills are needed on this ship and that you’re a perfect fit for this crew”.
At this moment VR-LA reaches out to try and hug MR-SN. But before he makes contact a voice breaks through. “VR-LA!! We’re here!!”. As the memory fades away and MR-SN disappears much the same way his Starry Apparition faded a couple months prior, VR-LA looks to the helm to see Kyana looking back at him. “Get the others!” she calls out to him.
VR-LA, trying to hold back tears, nods and goes to find Dani and Vhas. “Thank you Mystra. It was nice to see him again” he says as he descends back into the lower decks of the ship.
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astranauticus · 10 months
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Do mechanites cry?
#rolling with difficulty#vrla rwd#mrsn rwd#vr la rwd#mr sn rwd#art i made#yet another thing i drew then just fully forgot to post LMAO#man i had to listen to 3.7 like 3 times for this. goddammit#easter egg: the 4 big infernal books in the shelf all say contract law like its a textbook series i guess#the small one next to them says Doctor Faustus bc i was looking to my irl bookcase for inspiration#and the christopher marlowe play was one of my alevel lit texts#also i think it would be really funny if the devils have their own version of the story of the deal with the devil guy#honestly this may have been the kinda. last straw of my burnout cuz this was a lot of time spent on a lot of stuff im really not good at#and none of it turned out... exactly how i wanted but oh well. it is what it is#ok the kinda annoying thing about me spending far too fucking long drawing super emotional scenes like this is i kinda#desensitise myself to whatever im drawing. like i felt it the most with the demon possession comic i casually tossed into the discord#bc thats the exact kinda angst i personally LOVE but it just doesnt have the same punch after ive been staring at it for 5 hours straight#(anyway go read cal's fic about it its on ao3 and its bloody good)#all this to say. when i first listened to 3.7 and austin had that exchange of like#'noir can i ask you a lore question' 'sure..?' 'do mechanites cry?'#i straight up got fuckin CHILLS. and sometimes i forget that but i try to force myself not to
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donttellmyroommate · 11 months
“…it was my joy to be with you”
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strange-lamp-stranger · 10 months
baby's first fic on AO3... and it's about the robits, who else? big thanks to @/kathbunny for letting me use the MR-SN survives AU!
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