#ruth de souza
aplausosbrasil · 1 year
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Damas negras pioneiras da dramaturgia:
Ascendina dos Santos
Rosa Negra
Pérola Negra
Isaura Bruno
Celeste Aída
Horacina Correa
Ruth de Souza
Léa Garcia
Salomé Parísio
Vera Regina
Benedita Rodrigues
Zeni Pereira
Jacyra Sampaio
Cléa Simões
Chica Xavier
Marina Miranda
Luiza Maranhão
Joséphine Hélene
Maria Ribeiro
Yolanda Braga
Áurea Campos
Carmem Palhares
Odelair Rodrigues
Chica Lopes
Esther Mellinger
Aizita Nascimento
Thereza Santos
Esmeralda de Barros
Jacyra Silva
Zezé Motta
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cinemaquiles · 1 year
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companion-showdown · 8 months
Hottest Companion Nominations are Now Open!
You can nominate any character in the Whoniverse, human, alien, robot, it does not matter, the only rule is that they should pass the Harkness test (human intelligence or greater, able to communicate using language, sexually mature for their species)
Current Nominations:
Roberts!Master from MASTER!
Classic Who Characters:
Erato (The Creature from the Pit)
Allison Williams (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Rachel Jensen (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Sara Kingdom
Alternate Universe!Liz
Ramón Salamander
Osgood (no this isn't the new who one)
The Rani
Queen Thalira (The Curse of Pleadon)
Carol (the Sensorites)
Penley (the Ice Warriors)
Isobel (the Invasion)
Kelly (Seeds of Death)
New Who Characters:
Dalek Sec
Tasha Lem
2000s Sarah-Jane (70s Sarah-Jane will be the automatically qualifying Sarah)
Kate Stewart
Jenny Flint
Shakespeare (this is the most recognisable place he appears in Doctor Who)
Danny Pink
Jake (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter)
Jethro (Midnight)
Lady Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead)
Gwen Cooper
Tallulah (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Lynda (Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways)
Liz 10 (The Beast Below)
Frank (Daleks in Manhattan/Evolution of the Daleks)
Heather (The Pilot)
Sally Sparrow (Blink)
Madam de Pompadour
Miss Evangelista (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Ada Lovelace
Billy Shipton (Blink)
Lorna Bucket
Stacy Campbell (Partners in Crime)
Anita (Silence in the Library/Forest of the Dead)
Girl who was the sex gas
Frobisher (Torchwood)
EU Characters:
Fey Truscott-Sade
Hebe Harrison
Tom Campbell (Dalek Invasion of Earth 2150AD)
Valarie Lockwood
Irving Braxiatel
War Queen!Romana
Sibling Different
Chris Cwej (first incarnation)
Father Kreiner
Chris Cwej (second incarnation)
Chris Cwej (third incarnation)
Chris Cwej (V Cwej)
Dalek Prime Strategist (Time Lord Victorious)
The Graak (Destiny of the Doctors)
Sheila (Señor 105's companion)
Carmen Yeh (Companion of the Sixth Doctor in a charity anthology and latter companion of Compassion in Book of the War. Also implied to be a companion of the Eighth Doctor as well)
Scarlette (eight doctors wife)
Nivet (Compassions first companion)
Cousin Eliza (Cousin Justine's companion aka the Grandfather Paradox (who has a slim chance of being the Doctor so that backs it up)
Sally Armstrong (the Master’s companion (the master might also part of the Doctor depending on the source, or at the very least a reincarnation of the same person)
Patience (the Others wife or the first doctors wife or the infinity doctors wife, depends on source)
Daisy Weston the companion of the Robert Banks Stewart Doctor
Alison Cheney
The City of the Saved
Laura Tobin
The War King
Penelope Gate
Captain Scarlet
Doctor Fawn
The Mysterons
Colonel White
Steve Zodiac
Venus (Fireball XL5)
Captain Black
Jane Fonda!Iris Wildthyme
Claudia Marwood
Lauren Anderson
Other polls about the running of this tournament:
splitting up men and women for as long as numbers allow
including or excluding companions it is very difficult or impossible to read as adults (all their actors are adults)
Nominations will be open for 24 hours, closing around 13:30 BST (UTC + 1), 03/09
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bresiltropical · 11 months
Ruth de Souza
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astronautademarmore1 · 5 months
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QUARTO DE DESPEJO (2023) Carolina Maria de Jesus e Ruth de Souza
Quarto de Despejo" é um livro escrito por Carolina Maria de Jesus, uma escritora brasileira nascida em Minas Gerais em 1914 e falecida em 1977. O livro foi publicado pela primeira vez em 1960 e é um relato autobiográfico que apresenta o cotidiano de Carolina Maria de Jesus na favela do Canindé, em São Paulo.
O título "Quarto de Despejo" refere-se ao local onde Carolina vivia, um barraco precário na favela. No livro, ela descreve as condições de vida difíceis, a pobreza extrema, a fome e as lutas diárias para sobreviver. Carolina registrava suas experiências em diários, nos quais ela expressava seus pensamentos, emoções e observações sobre a realidade à sua volta.
O livro ganhou destaque por retratar a vida de uma mulher negra e pobre no Brasil durante os anos 1950 e 1960. Carolina Maria de Jesus foi uma das primeiras escritoras negras a alcançar reconhecimento no país, e "Quarto de Despejo" é considerado um importante documento histórico e literário que oferece uma visão única das condições de vida nas favelas brasileiras naquela época.
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drwho-shipbracket · 11 months
Initial Brackets!
[ID: All images in this post are brackets of the pairings listed below]
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Bracket A Pairings:
Doctor/Corsair vs Caleera/Padrac
Donna Noble/Rose Tyler vs Valeyard/Vansell
Six/Peri Brown vs Rose Tyler/Raffalo
Rose Tyler/Gwenyth vs Six/Charley Pollard
Doctor/The Eleven vs The Eleven/Miskavel
Rose Tyler/Ianto Jones vs Valeyard/Master
Valeyard/Matrix vs Donna Noble/Stacey Campbell (Partners in Crime)
The Eleven/Helen Sinclair vs Doctor/Romana
Doctor/River Song/Rose Tyler vs Abby McPhail/Cleo Proctor/Shawna Thompson
Donna Noble/Lee McAvoy vs Valeyard/Death
Six/Hebe Harrison vs Rose Tyler/Toshiko Sato
The Eleven/Kandyman vs Seven/Ace McShane
Seven/Beevers!Master vs Rose Tyler/the TARDIS
Rose Tyler/Erisa Magambo vs Six/Mel Bush
Valeyard/Inspector Darkel vs Donna Noble/Rose Tyler/Martha Jones
Mel Bush/Ace McShane vs Doctor/Doctor
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Bracket B Pairings:
Thirteen/Ada Lovelace vs Caleera | The Sonomancer/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
Thirteen/Rose Tyler vs Thirteen/River Song
Thirteen/Jamie McCrimmon vs Thirteen/Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler
Thirteen/Yasmin Khan/River Song vs Thirteen/Jack Harkness
Thirteen/Clara Oswald vs Ryan Sinclair/Sonya Khan
Thirteen/Nikola Tesla vs Thirteen/Astos
Thirteen/Missy!Master vs Thirteen/Ace McShane
Ryan Sinclair/Trixabelle vs Thirteen/Claire Brown
Thirteen/Lord Byron vs Leela/Romana II
Thirteen/Solitract vs Thirteen/Mels Zucker
Thirteen/Swarm vs Thirteen/Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler
Ryan Sinclair/Yasmin Khan vs Thirteen/Delgado!Master
Thirteen/Kate Stewart vs Ryan Sinclair/Tibo
Thirteen/Missy!Master/Rose Tyler vs Thirteen/Lumiat
Thirteen/Martha Jones vs Thirteen/Simm!Master
Leela/Vega vs Thirteen/Bill Potts
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Bracket C Pairings:
Twelve/Nardole vs River Song/Martha Jones/Rose Tyler
Five/Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken vs Five/Tegan Jovanka
Twelve/Jack Harkness vs River Song/Liv Chenka
River Song/Martha Jones vs Twelve/Simm! Master
Twelve/Missy!Master/Simm!Master vs River Song/Jack Harkness
River Song/Clara Oswald vs Twelve/Rose Tyler
Twelve/River Song/Jack Harkness vs Four/Sarah Jane Smith
River Song/Jenny Flint vs Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song/Clara Oswald
Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song vs River Song/Madame Vastra
Four/Romana vs Twelve/Missy!Master/River Song/Rose Tyler
Twelve/Psi vs River Song/Kate Stewart
River Song/Toshiko Sato vs Twelve/Mels Zucker
Twelve/Dhawan!Master vs River Song/Rose Tyler
River Song/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair vs Twelve/Robin Hood
Five/Ainley!Master vs Four/Ainley!Master
River Song/Christina de Souza vs Twelve/Missy!Master/Clara Oswald
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Bracket D Pairings:
Eleven/Amy Pond vs Craig Owens/Sophie
Missy!Master/Helen Sinclair vs Theta Sigma/Koschei (Academy Era)
Eleven/Handles vs Missy!Master/Petronella Osgood
Missy!Master/Martha Jones vs Eleven/Rosanna Calvierri
Eleven/Rory Williams vs Irving Braxiatel/Leela/Narvin/Romana
Master/Master vs Three/Jo Grant
Two/Jamie McCrimmon vs Missy!Master/Liv Chenka
Inquisitor Darkel/Pandora vs Eleven/Dhawan!Master
Eleven/Craig Owens vs Graham O’Brien/Dhawan!Master
Missy!Master/Kate Stewart vs One/Ian Chesterton/Barbara Wright
Three/Delgado!Master vs Missy!Master/Nardole
Missy!Master/Rose Tyler vs Eleven/Rose Tyler
Eleven/Lorna Bucket vs Missy!Master/Donna Noble
Missy!Master/River Song vs Three/Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart
Theta Sigma/Vansell vs Simm!Master/John Hart
Graham O’Brien/Grace O’Brien vs Eleven/Amy Pond/Rory Williams
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Bracket E Pairings:
Ten/Clara Oswald vs Prem/Umbreem (Demons of the Punjab)
Yasmin Khan/Gat vs Ruth!Doctor/Yasmin Khan
Ten/Jackson Lake vs Bel/Inston-Vee Vinder
Alison Cheney/Bill Potts vs Ten/Jacobi!Master
Ten/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness vs Ashildr/Orson Pink
Yasmin Khan/Martha Jones vs Ruth!Doctor/Lee Clayton
Ruth!Doctor/River Song vs Yasmin Khan/Clara Oswald
Heather/Bill Potts vs Ten/River Song
Ten/Missy!Master vs Jo Grant/Sarah Jane Smith
Yasmin Khan/Sally Sparrow vs Ruth!Doctor/Rose Tyler
Ruth!Doctor/Gat vs Rachel Jensen/Allison Williams
Alice O’Donell/Mason Bennet (Under the Lake) vs Ten/Simm!Master/Rose Tyler
Ten/Vislor Turlough vs Alice Cassini/May Cassini
Barbara Wright/Ian Chesterton vs Ruth!Doctor/Dhawan!Master
Ruth!Doctor/Lee Clayton/River Song vs Yasmin Khan/Rose Tyler
Jo Grant/Liv Shaw vs Ten/Donna Noble
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Bracket F Pairings:
Nine/Missy!Master vs Livia/Romana
Martha Jones/Riley Vashtree vs Martha Jones/Tom Milligan
Bill Potts/Yasmin Khan vs Lucy Fletcher/Grant Gordon (The Return of Doctor Mysterio)
Sarah/Nick (Eve of the Daleks) vs Bill Potts/Rose Tyler
Nine/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness/Mickey Smith vs Tania Bell/Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair
Martha Jones/The Hath (The Doctor’s Daughter) vs Martha Jones/Donna Noble
Martha Jones/Clara Oswald vs Martha Jones/Bill Potts
Tim Lunn/Cass (Under the Lake) vs Nine/Rose Tyler/Jack Harkness
Nine/Rose Tyler/Mickey Smith vs Liv Chenka/Molly O’Sullivan
Martha Jones/Chantho vs Martha Jones/Rose Tyler
Bill Potts/The TARDIS vs Martha Jones/Mels Zucker
Liv Chenka/Helen Sinclair vs Shalka!Doctor/Shalka!Master
War!Doctor/War!Master vs Ivan/Ellie (Oxygen)
Elton Pope/Ursula Blake (Love and Monsters) vs Bill Potts/Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Martha Jones/Verity Newman vs Martha Jones/Jenny (The Doctor’s Daughter)
Tania Bell/Liv Chenka vs Nine/River Song
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Bracket G Pairings:
Eight/Charley Pollard vs The Master/The Eleven
Jack Simmonds/Mickey Smith vs Jack Harkness/Amy Pond/Rory Williams
Ace McShane/Tegan Jovanka vs Nardole/Narvin
Nardole/Ramone vs Eight/Roberts!Master
Eight/Jack Harkness vs Sally Sparrow/Billy Shipton
Mel Bush/Hebe Harrison vs Jack Harkness/Lord Byron
Jack Harkness/Rose Tyler vs Ace McShane/Kate Stewart
Sally Sparrow/Larry Nightingale vs Eight/Grace Holloway
Eight/Fitz Kreiner vs Saibra/Psi (Time Heist)
Ace McShane/Yasmin Khan vs Jack Harkness/Martha Jones
Jack Harkness/Graham O’Brien vs Mike Yates/BOSS
Olistra/Veklin vs Eight/Jacobi!Master
Eight/River Song vs Tegan Jovanka/Nyssa of Traken
Marco Poly/Susan Foreman vs Ace McShane/Graham O’Brien
Jack Harkness/Ianto Jones/Rose Tyler vs Jack Harkness/Ashildr
Rigsy/Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart vs Eight/Dhawan!Master
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Bracket H Pairings:
Clara Oswald/Ashildr vs Fourteen/Jack Harkness
Kate Stewart/Sarah Jane Smith vs Kate Stewart/Petronella Osgood
Clara Oswald/Mels Zucker vs Dhawan!Master/Yasmin Khan
Missy!Master/Clara Oswald vs Clara Oswald/Rigsy
Clara Oswald/Madame Vastra/Jenny Flint vs Gwen Cooper/Jack Harkness/Owen Harper/Ianto Jones/Toshiko Sato
Vansell/Sentris vs Dan Lewis/Karvanista
Dan Lewis/Diane vs Vansell/Narvin
Fourteen/Dan Lewis vs Clara Oswald/Rose Tyler
Clara Oswald/Jane Austen vs Fourteen/Rose Tyler
John Benton/Mike Yates vs Dan Lewis/Sarah Jane Smith
Dan Lewis/Graham O’Brien/Grace O’Brien vs Helen Sinclair/Jean (The Love Vampires)
Owen Harper/Norton Folgate vs Clara Oswald/Psi
Clara Oswald/Saibra vs Rani Chandra/Clyde Langer
Master/Alison Cheney vs Dan Lewis/Graham O’Brien
Kate Stewart/Jacqui McGee vs Romana/Vansell
Tenteen/Rose Tyler vs Clara Oswald/Clara Oswald
I hope you all enjoy!!
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bpod-bpod · 1 year
Light-activated Bacteria
Neuroscientists have had the monopoly on using light-activated proteins to induce electrical impulses in cells. This ability to control cell firing at the flick of a switch has revolutionised research into the brain, but brain cells are not the only electrical cells in nature. It’s understood, for example, that changes in microbial cell electrophysiology regulate all sorts of processes including spore production, biofilm formation and susceptibility to antibiotics. With this in mind, researchers have now adapted tools previously used in neurons for use in bacteria. The bacteria in the video contain such photoswitch proteins and, when exposed to light for 10 seconds (every 10 minutes), become negatively charged (hyperpolarised) – seen as a pulse of blue colour. As a proof-of-concept experiment, these flashing bacteria open the door for research into various aspects of microbial electrophysiology and pave the way for developing synthetic bacteria whose functions can be controlled by light.
Written by Ruth Williams
Video from work by Tailise Carolina De Souza-Guerreiro and colleagues
School of Life Sciences, University of Warwick, Coventry, UK and Center for Nanoscience and Technology, Istituto Italiano di Teconologia, Milano, Italy
Video originally published with a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
Published in Advanced Science, January 2023
You can also follow BPoD on Instagram, Twitter and Facebook
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Companion Bracket 2: Companionbait Bracket!
here we go another one of these BUT this time, it's companionbait, i.e. characters who are introduced and portrayed as characters that could be companions, potentially even offered the role by the Doctor at some point, but for one reason or another never appeared past their first serial.
There's many characters who I consider absolutely perfect examples of this trope, and some who are essentially stand-in companions who kinda have to go in here, but then there's also a bunch of characters who I'm not entirely sure about, and therefore to narrow down the numbers and also allow for extra submissions, I'm gonna run some polls to see who gets in before I start the bracket itself.
Before I set those up tomorrow though this is the opportunity to send me asks about who you think should be included under the definition of "single-use almost-companion - a character who acted as a temporary companion to the Doctor and perhaps was even invited onboard, but who was never in more than one episode"
The list of ones I'll be putting to a vote and the one's I'm 100% using is below:
Already absolutely using:
Lynda (Bad Wolf) Mrs Moore (Rise of the Cybermen) Rita (The God Complex) Astrid Peth (Voyage of the Damned) Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter) Clara Oswin Oswald (The Snowmen) Madge Arwell (The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe) Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead) Jackson Lake (The Next Doctor) Chief Engineer Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Express) Grace O'Brien (The Woman Who Fell to Earth) Cass (Under the Lake) Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet)
In the vote tomorrow:
Nasreen Chaudhry (The Hungry Earth) The Tardis / Idris (The Doctor's Wife) Owsin Oswald (Asylum of the Daleks) Ruth Clayton (Fugitive of the Judoon) The Ghost (The Return of Doctor Mysterio) Erica (The Pyramid at the End of the World) Agent O (Spyfall) Claire (Flux) Karvanista (Flux) Jabe (The End of the World) Joan Redfern (Human Nature) Madame de Pompadour (The Girl in the Fireplace) Sally Sparrow (Blink) Maebh Arden (In the Forest of the Night) Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut) Psi (Time Heist) Saibra (Time Heist) Elton Pope (Love & Monsters)
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wannab-urs · 4 months
rules: pick a song for each letter of your URL and tag that many people
I do this every time it pops up because I'm annoying. Thanks for the tag Emmie baby @hyzer34
w - where eagles dare - misfits
a - arabella - arctic monkeys
n - natalie portman 2002 - jason is
n - now THIS is podracing - mom jeans
a - apaloosa bones - gregory alan isakov
b - blister in the sun - violent femmes
u - until then - feed me jack
r - ruth- michael cera
s - sick in the head - indigo de souza
i tried to grab a few different genres since i listen to so many. highly recommend all of these songs <3
@theywhowriteandknowthings @pr0ximamidnight @prolix-yuy @pedgito @whatsnewalycat @atinylittlepain @dancingtotuyo @jksprincess10 @fhatbhabie
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wallacyanchieta · 1 year
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Seria o dia da consciência humana, se humanos a tivessem. Viva Zumbi, Dandara, Aqualtune, Aleijadinho, Tereza de Benguela, Mestre Valentim, Padre José Maurício Machado de Assis, Barbosa, Pelé, Luís Gama, Maria Firmina do Reis, Marielle Franco, Daiane dos Santos, Ruth de Souza, Estêvão Silva, André Rebouças, Grande Otelo, José do Patrocínio, Nilo Peçanha, Angela Davis, Muhammad Ali, Malcom X, Martin Luther King, Francisco José do Nascimento, Louis Armstrong , B.B. King, Steve Biko, Nelson Mandela, Mãe Menininha do Gantois, Pixinguinha, Gilberto Gil, Cartola, D. Zica, Jamelão, a poesia de Carolina de Jesus, Abdias do Nascimento, Adhemar Ferreira da Silva, Moacir Santos, a irreverência de Mussum, viva... como diria Jorge Ben Jor: “Negro é Lindo”... orgulho dos meus antepassados, do meu avô, do meu pai!#diadaconsciêncianegra #diadaconsciêncianegraétododia #preconceitonão #racismonão #racismoécrime #respeito https://www.instagram.com/p/ClMTnzXvk0Q/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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aplausosbrasil · 1 year
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Começando as postagens com uma das nossas maiores damas da dramaturgia brasileira, a minha favorita entre todas, a saudosa e inigualável Ruth de Souza (1921-2019), estrela de primeira grandeza do teatro, cinema e televisão, uma das mulheres que abriu os caminhos para toda uma infinidade de outras atrizes negras do nosso país.
Aplausos, Ruth de Souza!
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shaddad · 9 days
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ruth de souza, à deriva
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bamboomusiclist · 28 days
4/3 おはようございます。 Judy Garland / Judy T734 等更新しました。
Judy Garland / Judy T734 Ruth Asenlund / with Kurt Jarnberg Quintet cooplp280 Bud Powell / Bud rlp-2224 Jack Montrose / Jack Montrose Sextet pj-1208 Bill Evans / Since We Met F-9501 Zoot Sims / The Art Of Jazz CELP-4520 Dusko Goykovich / Ten To Two Blues eny45 Hampton Hawes / Two Sides of Hampton Hawes jas-4004/2 Music Minus One / Swing With A Band MMO1022 Chico Hamilton / Jazz Milestones Series pj10108 Swedish Radio Jazz Group / Rainbow Sketches Cmlp590 Paul Butterfield / Better Days br2119 Eric Quincy Tate / Drinking Man's Friend CP0104 Third World / All The Way Strong bl38687 John Holt / Time Is The Master ctlp109 George McCrae / Rock Your Baby tk501 Wilson Simonal / Alegria Alegria Mofb3508 L'Ensemble Amaro De Souza / Saudades Do Brasil ARN33198
~bamboo music~
530-0028 大阪市北区万歳町3-41 シロノビル104号
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blogoslibertarios · 3 months
Nina Souza diz que, com Álvaro, Natal ficou “estagnada”: “Obras só existem por causa de Rogério Marinho”
  A vereadora Nina Souza (PDT) fez, nesta terça-feira (23), duras críticas à gestão do prefeito Álvaro Dias (Republicanos). Em entrevista à jornalista Anna Ruth Dantas, na Rádio Cidade, a parlamentar declarou que as obras realizadas atualmente pela Prefeitura do Natal, sob a gestão de Álvaro Dias, só estão sendo executadas por ação do senador Rogério Marinho (PL) na época em que era ministro do…
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beforethepoison · 4 months
Wow I loved learning about her she seemed pretty talented but still humble unlike most American icons and the photos of her over the years were remarkable thank you for sharing ❤️
Oh you're welcome. Reading this makes me SO happy. <3 <3
Talking about your own country can be very ambiguous cause, people are getting like very patriotic in a extreme way that is not very healthy...(And sometimes is contradictory ). There are some things of my country that I dislike alot or better saying: I do not relate to it. Like the hot weather, samba (I don't listen to samba much...Only a few few times with some very very specific artists), Anitta (eaehch...I dont like how she is making music all about sex sex sex sex sex...she poorly talented and she is very arrogant and she thinks she is like some pioneer of something lol), soccer (I hate soccer, it brings me a bad vibes and I hate hate hate hate very much).
But there are great things in my country that are nice: We have a great nature in some places (we dont live in the jungle lol) (but people are destroying :( ) , we have great actresses and actors like Ruth de Souza she was a brazilian who was running for best actress for the Leone d'Oro awards. (she passed away), Fernanda Montenegro (the only brazilian to run in the oscar with best actress), Tais Araujo and Lazaro Ramos (they are the Beyoncé and the Jay Z of the movies and soap operas), they are GREAT people.
We have a classical must-see movie called: A Dog's Will (O Auto da Compadecida)
This movie is a MUST SEE to any brazilian. To me this movie is like, Parasite, Past Lives level of SO GOOD. Its very funny and smart. We have some great musicians. I told about Rita Lee, she was the greatest, also there is Elza Soares who was almost a saint. She was amazing as well. (she also passed away)
sorry, I crossed cause if you let me, I just feel like a host introducing my own house lol
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sandrazayres · 6 months
Um mergulho na MPB e no Jazz: Segundo Set Instrumental apresenta o show "Imaginatividade" no Teatro Ruth de Souza
Segundo Set Instrumental apresenta o show “Imaginatividade” no Teatro Ruth de Souza Turnê de lançamento do álbum da renomada banda chega a Santa Teresa no dia 24 de novembro, sexta-feira, às 19h A banda Segundo Set Instrumental vai encantar o público com uma experiência sonora que une MPB e Jazz no Teatro Municipal Ruth de Souza, em Santa Teresa, no dia 24 de novembro, sexta-feira, às 19h. O…
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