#russian scientist
illusbyliz · 2 years
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Alexei and his cherry slurpee on my etsy now: https://etsy.me/3yYIEve
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2023: Russia, A Prime Chinese Spying Target
The PRC and the Russian Federation have drawn closer in recent years facing as they do the perfidious ‘Western bloc’. Nonetheless, Russia has long been a top target of Chinese espionage. I remember reading on the PRC Commission for Science, Technology and Industry for National Defense (COSTIND) website when I worked in China at U.S. Embassy Beijing in a late 1990s about a Chinese soldier who got…
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toni-onone · 7 months
👀What the what ❓
Would you take it ❓🫣
Ummm No 🚫 God hasn’t mentioned anything about this to me soooo, yeah 🙅🏾‍♀️ I’m good.
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He suspected these cute features were merely by-products of something else, a metamorphosis that happens organically if over a sufficiently long period of time animals are consistently selected for one specific quality: Friendliness.
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"Humankind: A Hopeful History" - Rutger Bregman
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krazyshoppy · 2 years
रूस ने राजद्रोह के शक में जिस वैज्ञानिक को किया था गिरफ्तार, दो दिन में ही जेल में हो गई मौत
रूस ने राजद्रोह के शक में जिस वैज्ञानिक को किया था गिरफ्तार, दो दिन में ही जेल में हो गई मौत
<p style="text-align: justify;"><strong>World News:</strong> विदेशियों को कथित रूप से संवेदनशील सामग्री देने के आरोप में देशद्रोह का आरोप लगाकर रूस में हाल के वर्षों में कई रूसी वैज्ञानिकों को गिरफ्तार किया गया है. उनमें से ए�� रूसी वैज्ञानिक दमित्री कोलकर की गिरफ्तारी के दो दिनों के भीतर जेल में ही मौत हो गई. उन पर राजद्रोह का आरोप लगाया गया था और उन्हें&nbsp; पिछले सप्ताह साइबेरिया से गिरफ्तार…
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breadcrumbonbed · 2 years
He deserves everything . I am not even joking that if I got the opportunity I'll sacrifice myself then this pure angle .
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daincrediblegg · 4 months
Me: *casually puts on a couple episodes of chernobyl while I do some homework*
Me 2 hours later and deep into episode 5:
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stormyoceans · 9 months
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doodlebloo · 9 months
you didnt make it up he was canonically like 8'3" when he got mad but 6'8"ish normally. hulk smash i fucking guess
Hulk Smash is sending me. In a way c!Beeduo are very Black Widow and The Hulk..........
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wulfhalls · 2 years
Personally I’d prefer if he’d be the one to go for her just cause they’ve made a point of having him abandon her every time she shows she’s interested to the point where he went across the friking ocean n started a family to distance himself from her. It be a nice change if this is that moment where he stops running away
yeah like we as the audience know how much he wants her but I need her to know how much he wants her too because as u said all he ever did was run from her and his feelings for her but knowing matt smith he's gonna make ever single second count even if we don't get an actual verbalisation of the fact he's gonna make it obvious we know he will:
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like shaking crying quaking wailing weeping gnashing gnawing biting maiming killing howling
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pyreblob · 1 year
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Bonus of the Marshals but specifically how I imagine their heights (with hat) compared to each other. The lines could be more specific but there are three general height ranges. (CB would be Arctic's height btw)
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otter-pop · 6 months
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Big post about Victor!!
First of all, changes are taking place in Victor's biography. I also redid what is written under the full-fledged story posts. As a child, Vitya was a healthy, curious and sociable boy. Of course, not everyone wanted to communicate with him because of his strangeness, but he managed to find companions. The traumatic train accident occurred when the boy was 10 years old. His friends called the boys to go for a walk on the railway. When they were playing, the company ran across the street, bragging about their bravery, including Victor. Only the kid and his friends did not notice how his foot got stuck between the sleepers. As a result, he fell, and they helped him only when a train passed and cut off Vitya's leg. This case affected the whole family. His parents divorced, and Vitya stayed with his father. He grew up in love and care, graduated from school and university with honors and became an abdominal surgeon, just as he dreamed. After the traumatic incident with the train, a deviation appeared in his psyche, which turned into a disease – bipolar affective disorder. Gradually, it developed and it became more difficult for Victor to control himself. His father noticed his strange behavior, but Vitenka waved away his advice about going to a psychiatrist. It ended with the surgeon having a fight at a corporate party with the head of another department and being fired. This affected the emotional state of the man and he went to a psychiatrist, where he was prescribed treatment. He was in the psychiatric hospital itself for 3 months and was under the active supervision of doctors for 3 years. After treatment, Victor went to the hospital himself and at that time Grigory (a volunteer) was attached to him, who was supposed to monitor the ward's visits. It lasted two years. At first, Grisha treated the former surgeon indifferently, but as they talked, they became good acquaintances or even friends. Two years went by, and Vita needed a job. He worked as a handyman, but he didn't like it. At that moment, Grisha got a job at the morgue as an assistant. When he saw that his friend could not find his place in life, he helped his friend find a job as a pathologist. A year later, Victor loses his pills, but is in no hurry to buy new ones, as he was sure that he no longer needed treatment. Also, one of the reasons is the lack of time due to work. But Victor forgot that the disease returns if you do not take medication. Therefore, he gradually lost stability. Morgue workers began to notice his strange behavior, but Vitya didn't care. Gradually, crazy ideas about reviving a corpse appeared in his head, like in the movie Frankenstein. In two weeks, he had planned the perfect plan and even experimented on frogs. Nevertheless, he needed helpers and turned to Grigory. Upon learning his friend's crazy plan, Grisha thought it was just a big joke and nothing more. It turns out that Victor was not joking, and for three weeks they were making equipment for the experiment. When it came to the corpse, Grigory realized that the case smelled fried and tried to convince Vitya that this experiment would not work. The mad scientist did not believe him and there was a strong quarrel between them, and then a conversation. Vitenka calmed down and on the morning of the storm they brought him to a psychiatrist for treatment and scheduled sessions with a psychotherapist. Now Vitya is being treated and learning to accept himself as he is.
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wibble-wobbegong · 2 years
i love how nobody ever theorizes about the russia plotline cause nobody knows where the fuck they’re taking that. not even they know. the biggest wildcard every season since s3 is the fuckibg russians
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spybiote · 1 year
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The fact april was in and out of stasis since she was a baby is fucked up
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mynamesnotdahlia · 9 months
one day someone’s gonna point out the common thread of the fictional men im attracted to and i’ll be in shambles
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badly-drawn-inkt · 11 months
Anyone can answer but thoughts on the background color underground members? (Bif, Zip and the other two)
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CB: [I hate them all] K: [They Suck], A: [They get in the way. The blue one is interesting], D: [The rebels? not my job], Sci: [The green one is scary], R: [Don't touch my cola factory], C: [They ain't gonna be a problem], Ski: [Why are we wasting company time?] vB: [That robot is awful. She foiled my plans]
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