#roxy's just along for the ride
caligvlasaqvarivm · 18 days
ik you mentioned interest in writing out how you'd prefer homestuck ended (though obviously time and money makes that impossible lol), and you touched on it in your big eridan essay at the end, but would you ever consider maybe a more detailed outline? i really enjoy your thoughts on the characters and the abandoned plotlines, i'd love to get a little more of an in depth look at how you wish it went down.
Yeah sure!
For those who aren't sure what the hell I'm talking 'bout, please check out my blog and the various essays I've been writing.
Some of it is contingent on stuff I kind of still need to reread so I'm really sorry to the alpha kid likers but I'm still not totally 100% sure where I want to take them. I'm also going to include quite a few personal preference ships; I'm not interested in arguing what other people should ship or about arguing about the course of action for my dumb fanfic in general. I also tend to discover the plot I want while I'm writing it, which I don't have the luxury of here, so... some of it is going to be kind of sloppy. I'm also a big troll stan so unfortunately the kids are a little bit neglected (sorry!!!!). That said.
So the changes would take place directly after GAME OVER, which is personally the point at which I think the truncation/turning on the fanbase really starts - ships start to get turbo-sped at that point. I'm not even saying I dislike JohnRoxy or JohnRezi, but they just feel oddly rushed the way they're handled in the comic itself. IMO, anyway.
There's not too much I would rearrange during this interstitial segment; I think it's important for Jade to have the experience of loneliness, for Terezi to kick off the retcons by only feeling comfortable fixing her own mistakes. Moreover, there's no reason why other characters can't use her mind beacon abilities to ask John to rearrange the timeline, though their attempts, because they aren't backed by Seer of Mind abilities, are a lot sloppier and come with a lot more unforseen consequences.
But something I would change is that Roxy's deal with Nyx is not to just kind of... sit back and chill in non-space while John does all the work; instead, like Rose in Davesprite's timeline, Nyx puts her to sleep, and when the timeline ceases to be, GameOver!Roxy's memories get transferred to Past!Roxy via her dreamself (which wakes up early), fulfilling a "stealing from void for others" aspect of her abilities, and leads to some important interactions later on down the line.
Also, this timeline's ARquiussprite and Gamzee's corpse (heretofore referred to as (ARquiussprite) and (Gamzee)) need to come along for the ride somehow. Maybe they fall through the sky after LOLAR crashes into LOFAF.
This kicks off a series of retcons, as each troll that gets brought back successively asks for another troll/set of trolls to be brought back. This absolutely RIDDLES Act 5 with password pages, can't go two steps without running into a password page, there are password pages within password pages (which IMO is very funny and very Homestuck).
Meanwhile, a couple other plots are running concurrently - the GameOver!crew (heretofore referred to as (Name)) are now in the dream bubbles, completing their character arcs and preparing to defeat LE. Because time and space are weird in the Furthest Ring, every successive meteor trip that occurs as a result of John's retcons is the first time from the point of view of the meteor, but is a repeating event from the point of view of the people in the bubbles - eg those dead god tier Eridan and Feferi wind up healing the Mayor like seven times from their perspective.
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(Aradia) is fluttering her ASS off to make sure everyone is in the right "place" at the right "time" for this, lmfao.
Roxy gaining future memories also means that the Alpha kids get to complete their arcs in a way they weren't able to prior to Game Over. Because what John's retcons are doing are functionally whiting out and redrawing the past, the Alpha kids are also only seeing a single linear timeline.
One last arc, which is running concurrent to the retconned!trolls and their new meteor trips, is that bringing back each successive character allows them ALL to grow a little more. So it is NOT like they bring back Vriska, and now everyone's problem are fixed and everything is fine; Vriska's still kind of awful, but she gets better after Tavros gets brought back and they have to character develop alongside each other, and same when Aradia and Sollux get brought back, so on and so on. Because it's about BEING FRIENDS and BEING A TEAM. They're all still having interpersonal problems right up until ALL of them get brought back.
But as a side effect of this and the questing done by the GameOver!crew, the Dancestors get more fully utilized as foils, and get their problems addressed. As the retcon!team goes through their character development, they start to tear the Dancestors apart, because the Dancestors represent shitty parents who force their kids to clean up after their messes, and refuting them works both literally and symbolically as rejecting their irresponsible way of being in lieu of responsibility, accountability, empathy, and compassion.
So here's the series of retcons, and the absolute bullshit that accompanies each decision:
Terezi asks John to save Vriska, and prevent herself from getting too spades with Gamzee, as these are her two greatest regrets.
Pretty much just what her canon iteration asked for; I don't see any problems with the actions she asks John to do for her.
HOWEVER, we'd get more than just a montage of Vriska's time on the meteor, because in this version of events, we're taking our time and letting plot points breathe. Neither does she magically fix everything just by being around when she's very much herself still going thru it by the time the Meteor trip pops off. In any case, she brings with her some new complications:
Karkat still winds up having to play moirail and keep Gamzee calm. This still ends up breaking down by the halfway point of the comic, because they're kind of just not good for each other, but Karkat's personal shitty relationships are going to become A Theme, so it's important to make note of it here.
Vriska and Terezi don't fully make up on this iteration of the trip, since from Terezi's point of view, she was still actively about to kill Vriska before John intervened; however, we get more hints, now that they have to spend three years together, that not only does Vriska really miss Terezi (which is pretty well-established, given how she can't seem to leave Terezi alone), but Terezi actually misses Vriska, too - she's just really bad at separating her own feelings and desires from her instinctive grasp of karma and justice, a very Mind player-type problem to have.
At least with Vriska around, Terezi's able to nip her Gamzee habit in the bud, but this kind of leads to Gamzee feeling worse and more alone.
Something Really Messy happens between Vriska, Rose, and Kanaya when Rose starts her drinking habit, and it's pretty toxic for all involved, and Karkat is kind of stuck playing auspice. Vriska already expresses not liking Rose much and develops some flushed feelings for Kanaya after being watching her murder Eridan, so "It's Really Messy" is kind of all I can say on the matter. The girls are fightiiinnnnggggg
Dave and Terezi get close again, but given the weirdo vibes he notices between her and Vriska, and the fact that he's really not down with quadrants (YET.), means they still end up not getting together.
Sorry DaveKat likers but I am not one. They do not ever get together, so if you are hoping for that, I am sorry and you don't have to keep reading if you don't want to, it's OK.
On a note about Vriska and Terezi - personally, I do think their moirallegiance is endgame; Vriska clearly misses her terribly, constantly trying to bug her into making the Scourge Sisters a Thing again, and she even expresses feeling really bad about the Team Charge Debacle to Terezi explicitly, before directly foreshadowing how awful Terezi will feel after killing Vriska:
AG: Cause even though you got all these highfalutin morals and fancy reserv8tions, you know as well as me that a killer is a killer is a killer! AG: There 8n't no ch8nging your ways for good, and one d8y you're going to flail that silly l8ttle cane of yours and not find n8thin to 8ump into, and fall f8ce first into the shit ag8in. AG: And you're going to do something t8rri8le to some8ody and wish you could t8ke it 8ack 8ut you c8n't!!!!!!!! AG: And then you'll work hard to win 8ack their trust, and you'll try and try and tr8, and you'll see how hard it is! AG: You'll seeeeeeee!
We know that she starts using 8's where they don't make sense phonetically when she gets really agitated, so it's pretty safe to say that she's displaying genuine emotional distress here. When combined with the way she tells John about feeling absolutely horri8le about killing Tavros, it's pretty clear she's genuine about feeling really bad about the Team Charge debacle, and sincere about wanting to somehow make amends and get back into Terezi's good graces, at times trying rivalry, at times trying to prove that she's trying to fix her mistakes.
Terezi also vehemently denies them having a kismesistude and directly mirrors Vriska's hesitance about all the murder:
AG: On my world, I would 8e completely vindic8ed for killing him! He is far lower on the hemospectrum than me. He managed to disrespect me time and time again, 8ut I kept letting him live! In fact, the amount of slack I cut him would 8e considered scandalous 8y those in my class. AG: I had every reason to kill him. And yet... AG: I feel 8ad a8out it like a lame weak fudge8lood, just like he was. AG: And the fact that I feel 8ad is why I'm sort of freaking out right now!
They're basically two toxic girls who CANNOT be honest with their real feelings, and wind up hurting each other. They need therapy badly, but given the fact that they also mirror each other positively - Terezi feels grateful to Vriska for blinding her, and Vriska mentions she ought to thank Terezi for killing her, which set her up on a date with the dead John Terezi also killed - I think they have a lot of potential to be genuinely kind to each other once they work through their individual issues.
Anyway. We're keeping the Roxy stuff under wraps for now - last we saw of her, she went to go see her denizen, and her planet exploded, and John was really bummed about it. HOWEVER, we are going to check in with our GameOver!crew, although only lightly for now:
Meenah and (Vriska) have fully disappeared, and (Tavros), (Nepeta), and (Feferi) are looking for them because they've got the FUCKING TREASURE???
Everyone else from the Game Over timeline has landed in the afterlife, to varying degrees.
Shortly after entering the afterlife, (Eridan) fucked off somewhere to be alone. Last anyone heard from him was (ghost!Sollux) and him being Erisolsprite, but neither (ghost!Sollux) nor (alive!Sollux) have seen him since Erisolsprite died in Game Over.
(Karkat) is also brooding off on his own, feeling really shitty and sorry for himself. He's always felt personally responsible for everything going wrong for his team, and now that his team is basically entirely dead, he feels extra shitty.
Mostly just setting up that these guys are still relevant to the story, despite now being (irrelevant).
That brings us to the second retcon. Vriska obviously had great regrets about killing Tavros, both pre- and post-retcon, so she asks for his death to be prevented.
Tavros is back.
Vriska's requested fix is a very simple one - after all, Karkat makes mention about how Vriska's always had a competitive streak with Terezi, admiring/being jealous of her ability to manipul8 people; I think an ultimate culmination of that is her insisting that insisting to John that he do a retcon to stop her from killing Tavros - which, as covered above, she regrets greatly - but to do a much sloppier job of it, simply having John pop into [S] Wake and knock Tavros the fuck out.
Vriska herself doesn't believe this will have any unintended side effects, because her opinion of Tavros is still really low despite her genuine desire to make amends, and she's wrong.
Tavros's stay on the meteor has a major effect on Gamzee. I'm not entirely sure how it would pan out exactly, but I think Gamzee would step in between Dave and Tavros, into a situation none of them are happy with. This starts Tavros on a path of realizing that his inability to stand up for himself not only hurts him, but people he cares about (Gamzee, whom he ghosted).
Vriska is mostly uninterested in Tavros now, as the moment has kind of passed, and Terezi keeps getting on her ass about going after him (which brings the two of them closer).
Previous Messy romantic situations are still active. Karkat is going thru it.
Dave feels bad about tormenting Tavros but he kind of can't help himself, especially because Tavros keeps going up to him for some reason. The fact that he gets trapped in an auspice with Tavros and Gamzee kind of reinforces that he does NOT vibe with troll quadrants. Dave becomes MORE xenophobic.
On a note regarding Gamzee and Tavros: while I generally try to avoid relying on Hussie's commentary too much, as he likes to play his cards close to his chest, his note about Gamzee in the Act 5 book is actually significant enough to me to include:
The best explanation for why Gamzee says he's scared of Vriska, in my opinion, is this: he's flat-out lying. It's a good way for him to maintain his cover as 'Soft Gamzee.' It also provides some ammunition for those who, against all sense of good taste and judgment, want to continue to believe and assert that Gamzee is a decent guy with sensitive emotions and vulnerabilities before he undergoes his Muderstuck awakening. He was none of those things, ever.
Hussie likes to play coy, and you can't really trust anything he says after Act 6 because he's fed up with the fandom, but I think this comment comes early enough, and is made assertively enough, that it can be taken at face value. I know that "Soft Gamzee" is actually extremely popular in the fandom, so this may be controversial, but I do think there's more evidence for him being kind of nasty and manipulative than not, and having that always be a part of him brings more cohesiveness to his character. For example, he seems to have a pale crush on Karkat, trying to assert that Karkat is his best friend and changing the topic when Sollux gets brought up and he recognizes Karkat is closer to Sollux than him, and if you read his first log with Terezi as if he's hiding being nasty under a soft veneer, then his comments do read as pretty passive-aggressive.
TC: yOu KnOw HoW iT iS wItH fAmIlY. GC: NO, NOT R34LLY! GC: 4DURRRR DURR DURP TC: Oh YeAh... ... TC: I sPaCeD oUt, DiD yOu KnOw HoW bEaTuFuL tHe SoUnD oF tHe OcEaN iS? TC: hAvE yOu EvEr EvEn SeEn ThE oCeAn? TC: oR i MeAn SmElLeD iT... TC: SoRrY. GC: >:[
Maybe most damningly, his narration calls dealing with Eridan's genuine emotional distress "indulge emotional theatrics," an implication of his true feelings. Karkat and Eridan are heavily foreshadowed to be moirails, and Gamzee seems to have a pale crush on Karkat. What does Gamzee do in this conversation? He chases Eridan away from comforting Karkat - using the same excuse as he uses to avoid dealing with Vriska.
CA: put kar on TC: UuUuH, i cAn't rEaLlY ThInK AbOuT InTeRvEnInG, tHe bLaCk fRoWnInG MoThErFuCkEr kInDa sCaReS Me
Moreover, he does NOT seem to like Jack comforting Karkat instead, either.
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THIS IS NOT TO SAY I DON'T THINK GAMZEE ALSO DESERVES A SHOT AT KINDNESS AND REDEMPTION. Gamzee is clearly a very troubled youth, between his absentee lusus, his indoctrination into a fundie doomsday cult, and his sopor usage. The fact that having his faith shattered by Dave makes him snap implies that, one, he was already unstable and teetering on the edge, and having his faith fucked with was the last straw, and two, that until he lost that last shred of hope, he was still pretending to be nicer than he was for a reason, and given that his LE worship doesn't start up until after the snappage, I think it can be extrapolated that that reason is that he genuinely wants to get along with his friends.
Given that Gamzee's issues largely stem from his neglectful lusus, it's not a stretch to say that Gamzee does not take well to abandonment and isolation. So here's kind of where Tavros comes in:
Gamzee mentions that he feels "So aT ChIlL WiTh yOu" while talking to Tavros, and Tavros reciprocates the friendship and also - interestingly - acknowledges Gamzee's religion, calling it beautiful even if he doesn't necessarily believe in it. I call it interesting because Karkat's inability to do so is explicitly one of the reasons their moirallegiance broke down. Moreover, in their first conversation together, Gamzee explicitly praises Tavros for his "gumption" for stealing his clown nose, when Tavros's avoidance of his problems is one of his biggest personal issues. So yeah, personally, I'm all for moirallegiance.
But Tavros started ghosting him after Gamzee offered to make out a little, another symptom of his avoidance issues. I'm sure that, even in this meteor trip, the fact that Gamzee killed Equius and Nepeta really scares him. In his conversation with Terezi, Terezi outright says "NO WOND3R V4NT4S C4NT ST4ND YOU"; Equius is constantly yelling at him; lots of people on their team seem to genuinely just sort of dislike him.
CG: MIRACLES ARE LIKE POOP STAINS ON GOD'S UNDERWEAR. TA: eheheh makiing fun of people2 reliigiion2 i2 the be2t thiing two do.
So having one of the few people he does really like also ghost him probably did... bad things to his mental health. Especially so when said person wound up dead. But now that he isn't dead, I think they have a shot - they just need to address their personal problems. Tavros with his avoidance, and Gamzee with his resentment toward the world, and reliance on substances and religion to take the edge off. In this meteor iteration, that doesn't quite happen - their toxic auspicetism succeeds in letting them air out their dirty laundry to the audience, but doesn't bring full reconciliation.
In any case, this meteor trip is fairly short, and uneventful from the dream bubbles side, although I do think Tavros should get a talking-to from (Tavros) about real self-esteem and self-worth.
Still, being back in contact with Tavros again, even if in kind of a messed-up way, does make Gamzee start to reconsider some of his past actions. This brings us to:
Gamzee Asks for Equius and Nepeta back.
Gamzee's not as nice as he lets on, but he does genuinely care about his teammates, and for the people he really cares about, like Karkat or Tavros, I think he's willing to stick his neck out. Bringing back Nepeta and Equius is more for Tavros than himself, really, because Tavros is scared of him for doing that, and he motherfuckin' misses Tavros, okay? John mostly agrees because he's kind of scared of Gamzee.
Some really fun stuff starts happening this go around.
The Gamzee-Tavros situation becomes resolved because this time, Equius steps in as an auspice between Tavros and Dave, and this auspicetism is COMPLETELY HEALTHY (with the bonus of being extremely funny, and what is the point of a Homestuck ship if it is not deeply funny).
Gamzee and Tavros are able to enter into a totally healthy moirallegiance once the auspicetism builds up Tavros's self-confidence, much to Karkat's relief.
Being stuck in the auspicetism makes Dave go crawling back to Terezi on his hands and knees. I'm sorry, Terezi. I'll do anything if you take me back. Just don't let me die as the guy stuck in a threesome with the two worst trolls. Dave has overcome his xenophobia.
Dave and Terezi becoming official does make Karkat sad, however, so when Nepeta finally works up the courage to confess to him, he accepts the offer to date her, thus fulfilling Jaspersprite's musing that she might only be able to date him after she dies.
They also break up. We're keeping up this trend of Karkat and his disastrous relationships. He's still involved in the Rose/Kanaya/Vriska drama, too.
With GamTav and Dave/Tavros/Equius cinched, Tavros and Vriska reach a sort of truce with each other. Not really friends, since they kind of still dislike each other, but Vriska would genuinely be glad to see Tavros getting more actually confident, and muster up the energy to genuinely apologize for almost killing him, so there's a sort of mutual respect there now. Vriska and Terezi are even closer because of this, but still not fully over their problems.
On the topic of the Dave/Tavros/Equius auspicetism: Dave still can't stop bothering Tavros, but the lewdness of it sets Equius off, so he feels like he has to intervene. Dave also can't stop himself from bothering Equius, which ALWAYS BACKFIRES, and since Tavros has a weird fondness/rivalry with Dave, he'd find it within himself to ask Equius to back off (which would work, because of Equius's... Equius). And every time Equius gets too overbearing toward Tavros, Dave feels COMPELLED to intervene, because he's like, my fucking god, you are the two worst trolls, why must weirdos fight. Dave desperately wants out, but he can't stop staring at these two.
And weirdly enough, it's beneficial for all of them. With two people to yell at him for being weird, Equius becomes less weird. With a rival in Dave and more contact with Equius, Tavros becomes more confident. And Dave has two people to rap against and feel good about his art with, something he more or less had to deal with alone during previous trips.
On the topic of Karkat and Nepeta, there are quite a few implications that they wouldn't necessarily work out. For citations, let me just link my Nepeta essay, where I go over what the comic says about their relationship from a storytelling perspective; here, I'll talk about their relationship from a more interpersonal perspective.
Karkat's signals are mixed as fuuuuuuck. While I don't necessarily think this will be an issue for Nepeta, as - as a Heart player - she's preternatually gifted at understanding motivations, the thing is... I think Nepeta can do better, and deserves better, a sentiment echoed by Jasprosesprite^2. She certainly deserves better than being second to Terezi, at the very least, even if she states she likes his outbursts.
And the thing is, Karkat is pretty explicit about saying that he doesn't return her feelings; in a world where they date, there's always going to be a sense that she's his second choice. And, just... my girl deserves better, okay? Moreover, while he respects her personhood, he's also pretty nasty to her when he DOES talk to her, implying he doesn't necessarily respect her choices. And also, she's actually really bad at shipping, so there will be this extremely weird tension of like... a hobbyist vs. a professional. I don't think Karkat would be able to stop himself from mocking some of her shipping choices if she ever opened up to him about that.
But I think them getting together is important for Nepeta, developmentally - I talk about this in my essay for her, but shipping is something I think she does need to outgrow, since it's kind of a replacement she's using for her loneliness. Moreover, I say in that essay that the issues she has in her moirallegiance with Equius warrant relationship counselling - and that's what Karkat is uniquely qualified to dispense, as the team's Blood player. Although they end up not working out, Nepeta would take several valuable lessons from this relationship - that she's kind of bad at shipping, that Equius is being kind of a shithead to her, and that she needs to start making friends with other people.
Now then. We're finally getting into some drama in the bubbles.
Please imagine for me Equius and Horuss talking, and Equius being aghast at the way Horuss is so derisive towards his matesprit and moirail. Now imagine him pulling a mic out of nowhere and rapping at him about how his problem is that he does not respect his partners. Now imagine Tavros and Dave joining in, also out of nowhere, with Tavros adding bars about how the hemospectrum is, not a good thing, he thinks. And Dave adding bars about how he does not have a fucking dog in this race. He's not even a troll. He doesn't understand their hemospectrum. Let him out of here. The fine fucking art of Alternian slam poetry. I think Horuss would start crying. So would I if three people including my grandkid started rapping at me.
Nepeta's uncanny emotional acumen leads to her wanting to befriend Damara, but being unable to speak her language.
GameOver!crew is up to something, IDK, probably showing (Tavros) inspiring people and rebuilding the ghost army, to tell a parallel story to Tavros becoming more genuinely self-confident.
We check in with the Alpha kids, too, who have some group therapy sessions led by Roxy.
Vriska and Tavros confront Rufioh together, a final culmination of their no-longer-enemiesship, and together, they steal Rufioh's ones. Like, Tavros starts speak1ng w1th ones, something he always had in him, and they also roast Rufioh so badly that he stops speaking in ones. But the way it's presented to the audience, Vriska outright just says that Tavros should steal his ones. And Tavros does. This carries over to successive retcons, as it's implied that Tavros just kind of starts naturally being more confident as healthy relationships are established sooner and sooner.
Anyway, a final note about Equius - his problems are mostly due to being sheltered. Although he is probably the most casteist highblood, he's not really that casteist, as what's really going on is just that he's got a BDSM kink. But because he's sheltered, he does not realize that it's a kink. And a fetishist who does not realize that they're a fetishist has more power than God.
His protectiveness of Nepeta does come from a good place; preventing her from playing FLARP was actually in her best interest, given what happens to people who play FLARP. But he's very much going overboard with it, likely an extension of his own lack of understanding of how much sheltering is good and how much becomes detrimental. What he really needs is for someone to point it out to him, which I think he gets via Nepeta or via Karkat, and then have a reaaaaally long think about it. He's genuinely a polite and helpful soul, who doesn't WANT to make people uncomfortable. The auspicetism is very good for him in this regard, as is his moirallegiance once Karkat talks him and Nepeta through their issues.
The point is, once he's forced to reckon with the fact that the degeneracy is coming from inside the house, I think he'd have a LOT of regrets about the way he treated Aradia. Which leads us to:
Whoops That Robot Thing Was Really Inappropriate Huh
Equius approaches John to ask him to make Past!Equius reconsider the Aradiabot Thing. John's getting kind of impatient with all these trolls who keep asking him to go back through time, but given that everyone seems a little happier each time, he can't help but agree.
So he goes back to the past, before Equius can give Aradia her robot body with the love chip in it, and something really fun gets to happen here: first of all, Equius's Void status makes him really hard to place, so John winds up missing by a bit, time-wise, so Aradia's already in the body. This is the first time that retconning!John and Aradia have been in the same place together, and when she meets him and finds out that he can time travel without causing paradoxes, she demands (with her Aradiabot deathmurderkill intensity) to be taken back in time to before she died.
John's retcon powers explicitly ignore the usual rules of paradox space - he describes it as a "fresh start". Given that Breath is associated with choices and freedom, his retcon powers are kind of the ultimate culmination of his abilities as a breath player. Although doomed timelines can and will still result from paradoxes caused by players when John isn't there, anything he directly interferes with is totally a-okay.
So all Aradiabot asks him for is passage back in time, in order to sanction her interference in the past. After she dismisses him, she still more or less has to adhere to events in the original timeline, for two reasons - the first being that she doesn't want to risk a new doomed timeline, and the second so she can keep the timeline predictable.
So even though she's basically asked for passage to the time period before SGRUB, it's basically outright stated that the progression of events has to be more or less the same, up until the point where John's other retcons take place. So here are the cascading effects of Aradiabot preventing her own death:
Aradiabot takes Aradia's place in the Team Charge debacle, being blown up/"killed" (as a sprite) by Sollux's eye beams, so that she can take Aradia's place as Doc Scratch/the Handmaiden's servant and "carry out" their orders.
Meanwhile, Aradia seeks refuge with Equius, whose void powers keep her hidden from Doc Scratch's omnipotence.
Because Sollux never actually killed Aradia, and Aradia communicates with him via Equius's account, Sollux is less depressed and self-loathing. He no longer predicts a future where all of them die and he has to be blinded. It's left deliberately vague whether this future comes to pass because he's less pessimistic, so his Mage powers are calling a happier future into being, or if his future changed, so his Mage powers are prophesying something new.
Nepeta starts regaining memories of alternate timelines and past retcons, as an extension of her Rogue of Heart powers. This includes the relationship counselling she received from Karkat.
Between Nepeta and Aradia yelling at him, Equius's character development starts sooner, so he's squared away for future events, and ends up not making the creepy Aradiabot, making a non-creepy one instead.
Aradia and Equius do not strike up a relationship, and become uneasy enemies/friends.
Aradia secretly god tiers well in advance of Jack's arrival, and meets him at Derse rather than awakening on her crypt there.
Aradia and Sollux continue a loving matespritship, leading to Sollux settling into a moirallegiance with Feferi. He's devastated when she dies, which still happens along with the rest of Eridan's freakout; Aradiabot doesn't intervene because she's needed for:
Aradiabot winds up being the one to sacrifice herself piloting the meteor, allowing Sollux to stay with the rest of the team when he meets up with Aradia, (Aradia), and (Sollux) at the Green Sun. Aradiabot winds up with the GameOver!crew.
With the 1337 hackers back in commission, Sollux and Roxy are able to establish a server connection with each other, allowing them to communicate during the 3-year meteor trip.
Aradia involves herself in the Rose/Kanaya/Vriska Mess, and I kind of can't decide what I like better - a vascillatory pitch/flush threeway between Rose, Kanaya, and Vriska, now that Vriska's near the end of her character development, with Aradia serving as a stabilizing force as Kanaya's on-again off-again moirail, or Aradia stepping in as an auspice. Either way, it's out of Karkat's hands.
This has a knock-on effect of finally giving Vriska the chance to fully make amends with Aradia, which winds up cinching the Vriska/Terezi moirallegiance. The scourge sisters are back baybee. And between a healthy moirallegiance for Terezi and a healthy moirallegiance for Gamzee, I think pitch Terezi/Gamzee could work as a healthy ship this time around. I'm not married to it, but they did always seem to hate each other well before SGRUB.
Nepeta has LEARNED HER LESSON regarding dating Karkat, so that does not happen.
Karkat now has no quadrants. He winds up desperately throwing himself at Sadstuck Sollux to try and help him get over his breakup. It's not a good look. Sadkat. He also takes up talking to the alpha kids for emotional support, which puts them off, too. Still gives really good relationship advice. He's clearly one of the more unstable members of the retcon!crew at this point.
We're light on the dream bubble drama this time around because of how MUCH is happening for the retcon!crew, but there's going to be a reference in there of Nepeta learning East Beforan.
Aradia expresses outright that she hated the feeling that she was set up and that she wishes someone would have stopped her from being so reckless. And although she seems to find some satisfaction in being the stewardess of the afterlife, there's clearly some resentment there that she's been forced into that role, as she expresses that what she's really looking forward to is watching it all break apart. There's also kind of an orphaned plot thread where Aradia is spending a lot of time in the afterlife putting knowledge together, which never really directly pays off except to the audience, and I think a really good way to bring that back in would be for her to be communing with (Aradia) in the dream bubbles in order to make sure the timeline flows as smoothly as possible.
As for Aradia/Kanaya - they're actually really good friends, and Aradia expresses that she's flattered that Kanaya wants to talk to her so much. There is a tone here that matches the way Vriska thinks about Kanaya when Kanaya is still ostensibly Vriska's moirail, and Kanaya herself admits to being attracted to people who are reckless. In fact...
AA: i just wish AA: back when i was behaving recklessly AA: i had s0me0ne t0 tell me t0 st0p listening AA: even if i ended up ign0ring their advice AA: it w0uld have been nice
GA: It Must Be A Certain Madness Im Afflicted By GA: To Orbit Those More Reckless And Dangerous Than I And More Daring For It GA: I Guess I Want To Help Them But They Never Can Be Helped It Seems
So I'm just kind of saying... Aradia and Kanaya moirallegiance... is not entirely unfounded. And a moirail stabilizes a troll's other relationships; if we have a moirail for Kanaya and a moirail for Vriska, then the Mess that is whatever's going on with Kanaya, Vriska, and Rose would probably resolve itself, I think. Either way, Rose is surrounded by SUCH a girl's night of emotional support to help her with sobriety now.
As for whatever's going on between her and Equius, I tend to believe the comic when it tells me relationships don't work out, and Aradia expresses regret for kissing him during the Ministrife. I think they could be good vitriolic frenemies, though.
Okay, onto Sollux.
In the same panel where Eridan and Karkat are implied to be "hatched for each other" pale-wise, Feferi and Sollux are foreshadowed in the same way:
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They also spend a LOT OF TIME curled up in a pile together talking about their feelings, which we don't see with matesprits, but we DO see with moirails. Nepeta and Equius do the same thing, and they are kind of THE moirails. So I think Sollux and Feferi were always meant to be pale, but because Aradia died, Sollux wound up taking Feferi on as a matesprit instead. Between EriFef, SolFef, and GamTav, people getting flushed and pale feelings entangled is like, a Running Thing, so it's not really surprising to me.
Now, here's the thing. We already know that Sollux likes to cope with a rebound, since he went flushed with Feferi after Aradiabot exploded and was presumed dead. And Karkat cares very fucking much about Sollux, to the point where Gamzee speculates that he's actually Karkat's best friend, and Karkat even calls him that (although Karkat also kind of just calls anyone his best friend, lol).
This crab's got so much love in him. In any case, I mostly just want to keep sticking Karkat in these extremely unhealthy relationships for a while. It makes it sweeter when he finally winds up with Eridan LIKE HE WAS ALWAYS MEANT TO... but yeah.
Cross-session communication is also entirely possible, as Sollux set up chat clients between the trolls and the kids in the first place, and even without that, Kanaya found Rose's old GameFAQs on a server in the Furthest Ring. With both Sollux and Roxy on the case, there's no way they can't somehow establish communications way sooner.
Regarding Nepeta regaining her memories, let me once more point you towards the Nepeta essay. She's on track to become the one who attains Ultimate Selfhood, and comforts people like Jade and John about not really knowing their friends or being lonely.
But yeah, obviously Sollux asks for Feferi to be brought back.
F-EF-ERI!!!! 38D
Mostly Sollux just asks to be prevented from provoking Eridan so harshly. Eridan still winds up blowing up the matriorb, and thus, still getting killed by Kanaya in retribution, but this means that Eridan is now the only member of the team left dead.
Pitch FefNep leads to Feferi letting slip something casteist where Sollux can hear; he doesn't personally care because he's heard much worse, but puts them on a break while she sorts herself out. They get back together after that.
Karkat alone :'( he's mostly just talking to the alpha kids at this point, trying to hide from all the happy fucking relationships happening all around him.
If the last retcon was really heavy on the retcon!crew, then this one is much more about what's happening in the bubbles. We get most of our dancestor development this go around. Do not read if you like the dancestors! I go very in-depth about how most of them are horrible people on purpose here, so their arcs are mostly about them being pulled up on their abject awfulness.
Nepeta, who has learned East Beforan, is able to talk to Damara and have an earnest heart-to-heart with her about how awfully she was treated. They hug and cry. Damara, finally validated, gives everyone a big middle finger.
Feferi heals Mituna's brain injury, because literally why the FUCK has nobody else done that. Now once more in control of his faculties, he breaks up with Latula, pissed off that she took advantage of him all those eons to boost her own ego. He also gives everyone a big middle finger. Damara steals her skateboard and high fives Mituna.
Porrim's basically the only dancestor who grew as a person so I think she mostly escapes unscathed.
Latula gets chased around by Sollux and Aradia, who basically just bully her for being bad at games. This is a date to them.
Gamzee completely refutes Kurloz, with his newfound clarity about the real miracle being friendship and the real dark carnival being the world he and his friends will build, not that LE noise.
In a double team between Terezi and Rose, Meulin gets eviscerated for the way her own Issues have made her ships deliberately awful, that she could have simply Not, and she has a bit of a breakdown.
As Feferi is grappling with her privilege and internalized casteism, Cronus wanders up to try and hit on her, and she goes "oh my god... when people look at me, are you what they see? A friendless loser that nobody likes? A total waste of seawater who's only pretending to be cool with the lower castes? A totally fake poser? 38(" Cronus just goes "..." and starts crying and Feferi ends the convo oblivious to that, just going "wow... thanks for talking with me! really gave me a lot to think about" imagine how funny it would be -
Karkat finds and talks to (Eridan), where he fully admits to missing the guy. His mopiness is so extreme that (Eridan) takes issue with it and punches him, before basically yelling at him to get his shit together. Karkat then yells at HIM for him to get HIS shit together, and they both leave, intent on getting their shit together.
We also get an update on Vriska and Meenah at this point, where Meenah is starting to seem more into how they totally ditched their responsibilities than Vriska is.
So the thing with this update is that most of the trolls have sorted their shit out; even Karkat has had a lot of introspection about how he really just fucking loves his friends and should have been more honest about it, not worried so much about appearing weak or lame. With the double Aradias in play to kind of handwave that the timeline will be stable because they're ensuring all loops get completed and all necessary conversations happen, and with everyone's successful relationships on display, we can kind of truncate the next leg of the journey:
Karkat Fixes Everything
Karkat is the Friendship Troll. Karkat is the Romance Troll. Karkat is the Bonds troll. He is their team's Blood player, and as the Blood player, he's been shown to deeply love all of his fucking friends - yes, even the assholes. Maybe even especially them.
As such, it's vitally important for the last push - last leg of the journey - to belong to Karkat. Where would our Blood player be without his bonds? Well, we actually have the answer to that. It's knocked out and prevented from joining in any of the important boss battles. LAME!
So in the last retcon, Karkat hears from Nepeta about the retcons that have been happening, and he really starts digging through his own past. If every retcon so far has been each troll only feeling comfortable undoing their own personal mistakes, then what of the guy who feels personally responsible for everything, all the time, forever?
Look, I'm not saying that a shipping chart saves Homestuck, but... by the time this last retcon is through, every Alternian troll is alive and god tiered. And he is dating Eridan.
If you have any questions about him dating Eridan, please refer to the link above. That essay is nearly as long as this one. There's SO MUCH FUCKING FORESHADOWING.
I don't think the god tiering needs to be explained, because if we hear that Karkat basically made his past self a shipping chart, and we've seen everybody's character development as they've gone through this journey, and we have Aradias on timeline duty and Nepeta with memories of past retcons and her alternate selves, I think we can more or less gloss over exactly how they go about earning their wings while maintaining timeline integrity. The important thing is that Karkat is dating Eridan now.
Because that leads to the last few bits of dream bubble stuff, but before we get into that...
Miscellaneous Plot Things That Need To Happen But I Don't Know Where To Put Them
Yeah there's just some ideas that I have floating around that need to be placed somewhere but IDK exactly where, or exactly how they shake out.
Hal becomes a real boy. And by that I mean as part of their character development, Jake makes Hal "real" a la brain ghost Dirk, and then the rest of them have to scramble against the clock (Jake's ability to maintain Hal's realness) to god tier him and make his existence permanent. He's a Sylph of Mind, which allows him to negate Condy's mind control. And maybe a GCATboy?
(Tavros) becomes the new leader of the ghost army.
Davesprite winds up dead at some point in the bubbles and doesn't explain how he died, but he and (Dave) get to fight each other and hash out their Realness and Relevance issues, before facing their final boss fight as bros once more.
Jade and Nepeta get to talk, and Nepeta gives Jade the reassuring speech about Ultimate Selfhood and how she won't be lonely forever. Maybe it's flushed. Might leave it ambiguous.
Somebody needs to auspicetize Dirk and Jake holy shit. Dunno who. Maybe Karkat, but I kind of like him pitch with Dirk, so IDK really.
Dad needs to die. Sorry Dad. If I can find a way to kill off all of the sprites besides ARquiusprite, I will. It's explicitly stated that sprites are drawn to the battlefield during the Reckoning, presumably to die, as part of the coming-of-age themes - losing one's guardians. It's sad but it's gotta happen.
All the Godtier!Calliope stuff basically happens as-is.
Can you tell I need to do more research on the alpha kids...
Ok Back To Karkat And Eridan
I think I'm going to leave their moirallegiance fairly ambiguous, but when Eridan is brought back, he and Karkat are basically together all the time. Karkat's signals are mixed even on the best of days, so I don't know how easy it'll be to tell that these two assholes slinging death threats at each other are pale, but *I* will know, and that's what matters.
This leads to the last two dancestor takedowns:
Karkat and Eridan (mostly Eridan) round on Kankri. Eridan calls him SO MANY SLURS. The fact that Karkat not only condones this, but is DATING ERIDAN, kind of makes Kankri lose it a bit.
(Karkat) and (Eridan), who have reconciled in the bubbles, finally find (Vriska) and Meenah. (Karkat) gives the two of them the speech that retcon!Vriska gave (Vriska) in the comic's original ending, but this time around, (Vriska) actually agrees with him. This serves as a conclusion to (Karkat) and Meenah's arc, and causes Meenah to feel so bad that she walks back to the other dancestors in shame, as (Vriska) leaves with him with the treasure to finally fight LE.
When Meenah returns to the dancestors, the first one she finds is Aranea, who's really sad about her own little escapade, blaming herself for the way Game Over went. This prompts Meenah to go, no, it was probably my fault, shouldn't have let you run off like that. And this would, from all the sobbing dancestors, prompt a string of "no, I'm the reason we failed"s, eventually culminating in Meenah rallying them together to do one last good thing before everyone gets sucked into the black hole and go join the fight against LE. Everyone agrees.
(Gamzee) is revived by the life players and cursed with immortality, so he can go on to become LE and complete that time loop. He is immediately locked in the fridge. This is also why he can't fucking die no matter what you do to him.
This also leads us into the final boss fights.
The twelve trolls. The Condesce represents tyranny, the worst aspects of the trolls' old society, and as such, is most thematically taken down by them. While she did fuck up the alpha kids' lives, too, I just personally think it's so much more thematic and satisfying to watch her be beaten down by the trolls.
The eight kids plus Hal plus Davesprite. With Bec Noir specifically, it's fucking PERSONAL, as this guy killed their parents. This is where Dave fulfils his destiny of killing an iteration of English with his sword, when he decapitates Jack English; the person in the middle of that sandwich is Davesprite, which is how he dies and winds up in the bubbles. The iteration of Jack that survives to date Ms. Paint is Spades Slick, as he's the most sympathetic out of all of them and didn't kill anybody's parents.
At some point during this fight, I like the idea that they get zapped away by Jack English, John zaps them to the Godtier!Caliborn fight where he gets sealed in the juju, and then we cut back to the fight with Jack English, where, inexplicably, they all zap right back in.
The spares - ARquiussprite, (Gamzee) in the fridge (who has since been revived by the life players and blessed/cursed with eternal life so he can go on to fulfill his role in the timelines and become part of LE), Dad, and the other sprites (if any of them are left alive).
The GameOver!crew, the ghost army, the dancestors (they have a Big Damn Heroes moment right near the end, buying Jake time to deploy the Weapon), Aradiabot, and Davesprite.
Jake fulfills his destiny to defeat the Lord of all Angels by being the one to deploy the weapon, which deposits the beta kids, who knock LE in to the black hole. They then zap out of there, collecting the alpha kids from after the Caliborn fight, and zap back to the fight with the Jacks.
This specific configuration of boss battles winds up leaving Lord English entirely up to dead characters, who are then implied to all eventually get sucked into the black hole - their memories to live on through the living characters via Ultimate Selfhood, which only Nepeta achieves on screen, but implies that they will all achieve eventually.
It's important to me that the GameOver!crew is the one leading the fight against Lord English, as they're the ones who were the most screwed over by LE and his machinations - manipulated into killing each other, used as servants of his will, dying ignobly in a doomed timeline filled with special stardust. Meanwhile, the retcon!kids and trolls prove what they've learned - about compassion, kindness, equality, and forgiveness - by beating the shit out of the Condesce, who represents the horrors of Alternia, and the Jacks, especially Bec Noir and Jack English - the latter of which is a shadow of what Lord English represents - immaturity, cruelty, hatred - and the former of which is a culmination of all the failures they committed to get to this point, a symptom of their universal cancer.
I wrote a little snippet of Aradia once, and I think I'll use that to end this essay:
(ARADIA): ok now that we are all done being stupid (ARADIA): im sure enough people here remember the plan that i dont need to explain it again (ARADIA): so instead i just wanted to say (ARADIA): leave your backs to us and face forward without fear (ARADIA): the dead and irrelevant will slay the demon of double death while you unmake the threats of the living (ARADIA): and personally i think it's very fitting that he will perish here as nothing more than a bad dream (ARADIA): this will be the last time we see each other (ARADIA): so on behalf of everyone that you are going to be leaving behind (ARADIA): live (ARADIA): and be happy!
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mouschiwrites · 2 months
Hi I was wondering if you could do roxie richter x fem!reader headcanons please
She has no fanfics at all 😭😭
I sure can!!
Scott Pilgrim - Dating Roxie Richter Headcanons
Gay panic. That’s all she felt the first time she saw you
The next thing she felt was the overwhelming urge to go speak to you
She approaches with an air of complete confidence, cleverly masking the gay panic that is still very much present in her mind
She literally has to restrain herself from jumping up and yelling “YIPPEE” when you respond well to her flirting
She’s only partly successful; she still has to pump her fist and go “YEAH” when you agree to a date
Leading up to the date, she’s secretly riddled with anxiety
She’d never let it show, but ever since Ramona she’s had doubts about herself
She doesn’t think that anyone would want to date her :(
So she’s all the more baffled when the date goes well (you guys went roller skating) and you imply you’d like another
You guys go to the roller rink for a lot of your dates
Even if you’re bad at skating, Roxie just loves to show off and hold your hand while wheeling along
Actually, if you’re bad at skating, that’s even better in her eyes; she gets to hold both your hands to steady you
And you might even trip and fall, which means she can swoop in to catch you 😵‍💫
She’s very touchy, and that only amplifies when you’re officially dating
She’s always got a hand on your waist, your thigh, or around your shoulder
She prefers any one of those to hand holding, but she’ll hold your hand as a last resort
If you’re uncomfortable with PDA, she tries to dial it back, but it’s hard for her
Physical affection is just her love language, and she wants to show you how much she cares ALL THE TIME
Because she cares for you all the time ;)
Though she’s super generous in giving affection, she will explode if you give literally any back
And by “explode” I mean she’ll jump up, run around, giggle like a madwoman, etc, etc…
As mentioned before, she can’t believe that anyone would want to date her, so she goes nuts at the mere notion that she’s wrong
Cuddling is a must; she prefers to be the big spoon, but she’s cool with whatever
She smells like chalk and a little sweat
She’s very sporty and refuses to take showers unless she “needs” one (her standards on what necessitates a shower are outrageous)
But she will shower if you ask
She’ll literally salute you like “YES MA’AM”
On that note, she’ll pretty much do anything you ask, just like that
You hold high power over her… be careful with how you use it
You once dared her to jump down a flight of 12 stairs as a joke and you literally had to hold her back while she was screaming “NO BALLS, ILL DO IT, LET ME GO”
You are her impulse instigator as well as her impulse controller
Basically you guys are ride or die; even if you’re not as crazy as Roxie, you’ll have to reassure her that you’re just as devoted to her (but you do it in your own way :) )
She does need a lot of reassurance, so whether you try to jump down flights of stairs or you just hold her and tell her you love her, you’ll need to do it often
And she’ll melt every time <3
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Thank you for this request!! I was glad to give Roxie some much needed attention 😤 And thanks for reading, take care doves!!
(divider by saradika)
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alexzalben · 1 year
Netflix Announces All-New Scott Pilgrim Anime Series, Original Cast of 2010 Cult Film Returns to Voice
The original cast of SCOTT PILGRIM will return for a new anime series on Netflix, from writers/showrunners/EPs Bryan Lee O'Malley and BenDavid Grabinski, as well as EP Edgar Wright.
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Michael Cera is SCOTT PILGRIM and Mary Elizabeth Winstead is RAMONA FLOWERS
Satya Bhabha is MATTHEW PATEL
Kieran Culkin is WALLACE WELLS
Chris Evans is LUCAS LEE
Anna Kendrick is STACEY PILGRIM
Brie Larson is ENVY ADAMS
Alison Pill is KIM PINE
Aubrey Plaza is JULIE POWERS
Brandon Routh is TODD INGRAM
Jason Schwartzman is GIDEON GRAVES
Johnny Simmons is YOUNG NEIL
Mae Whitman is ROXIE
Ellen Wong is KNIVES CHAU
“We’re getting the band back together! Cera and Winstead, Bhabha, Culkin, Evans, Kendrick, Larson, Pill, Plaza, Routh, Schwartzman, Simmons, Webber, Whitman and Wong. A stellar cast, perfectly assembled by Edgar Wright. And, with Science SARU leading the phenomenal animation, we couldn’t ask for a better team for this adventure,” said Bryan Lee O’Malley and BenDavid Grabinski. “We can’t wait for fans and newcomers alike to see what we and our partners at Science SARU have been cooking up. It’s going to be a wild ride.”
Executive Producer Edgar Wright added, “One of the proudest and most enjoyable achievements of my career was assembling and working with the dynamite cast of Scott Pilgrim. Since the film’s release in 2010 we’ve done Q&A’s, remembrances and charity read throughs, but there was never the occasion to reunite the whole gang on an actual project. Until now... Original creator Bryan Lee O’Malley, along with writer BenDavid Grabinski have conjured up an anime series of Scott Pilgrim that doesn’t just expand the universe, but also…well, just watch it. I’m more than happy to announce that I have helped coax the entire original cast back to voice their characters on this epic new adventure. You are in for a treat.”
“It's official: we've been obsessed with Scott Pilgrim! This series has been a wild ride, full of fresh and thrilling experiences for everyone at Science SARU. Working with such amazing artists and animators under the visionary leadership of director Abel Gongora has been an absolute dream come true,” said executive producer Eunyoung Choi. “Our team is over the moon about bringing the Scott Pilgrim world to life. We can hardly contain our excitement - this is going to be epic!”
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anthonydrawstuff · 9 months
What I think was was the story of Bonnie’s death.
I think Monty caused Bonnie’s death, BUT WAIT FELLOW MONTY ENJOYERS!!! I think it was an accident on Monty’s part. Also, before we begin please keep in mind that this is my first time posting a theory. So I just want to apologize if I get some details wrong or if I just sound stupid in general. My first reason for this is because I believe that monty idolized bonnie.
If the cutouts in the DLC have some truth to them, then we can assume that before monty was tough gator who liked to rock and roll and was a part of the main band, he was just a chill gator who looked up to the glamrocks, and probably especially bonnie. They also parallel eachother, sort of. (I think that because he and Bonnie have some similarities: the eye color and their instrument.)
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I’m assuming the pizzaplex operated normally (or whatever is "normal" for the pizzaplex lol), with the band performing and entertaining around the establishment while Monty sat in gator golf alone, maybe performing his own little concerts for golfers with his own small bass. Suddenly, one day, Monty got lucky and became friends with his idol, Bonnie. The two probably got along fine, and became close.
Now some people won’t believe this and would say that Monty was actually jealous of Bonnie (which could be the reason he killed Bonnie) or even Freddy because of their status/spots in the band, but I don’t think that’s true. Though I can see why others think that. In the gator golf minigame, you can see Freddy in the dumpster that is slightly hidden to the side of the main stage where Monty, Roxy, and chica are performing.
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Also, Freddy’s light below his cutout isn’t on during the cutout ride in the RUIN DLC. Monty also takes Freddy’s place in the loading dock ending.
But I don’t believe Monty has control over these things. The first example is in a arcade machine which monty definitely didn’t make. Unless he held the coders captive and made them put Freddy in there, I don’t think he did that.
The second example of the cutout ride is a little harder for me to explain, but it could just be a result of the ruins of the pizzaplex taking effect on the lighting in the ride.
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The third example is the loading dock ending, but I feel like I can shut that one down because Monty isn’t fazbear entertainment and he doesn’t have that much power over who chooses his position.
Also, if Monty really was jealous of Freddy or Bonnie and really wanted power in the band to the point where he would kill one of the members, I think he would go for freddy, the leader of the band. I’ve heard others say that Monty went for Bonnie’s spot first just to get at Freddy, but that doesn’t make sense. Monty would want to go straight to the top, which is Freddy. Even if it was dangerous and would make people suspicious he would still do it cause he’s pretty dumb.
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This is why I think the evidence of Monty hating freddy is actually just another thing from fazbear entertainment. I believe that ever since bonnie disappeared and Monty was put in his place, the company is starting to set up these things to give customers the idea that freddy and Monty are rivals, or frenemies. I think fazbear entertainment are trying to make Freddy and Monty the new main “Duo” of the pizzaplex, or maybe even in future faz-ent schemes, just like how Freddy and Bonnie were in earlier generations. (Fredbear & Spring-Bonnie, Funtime Freddy & Bon-Bon) MAYBE they recognized this could help the company move away from the stigma of earlier times by creating a new duo.
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They took advantage of Bonnie’s disappearance.
But that’s just stretching it a little, and I’m getting off track. Basically, Monty isn’t jealous of Freddy nor Bonnie. He has no reason to as far as I’m concerned, and it doesn’t give him a reason to kill Bonnie or Freddy. Unless he’s, like, jealous of what those two have going on.. then I doubt it. And as much as how fun it would be to write about that, I would be diving into heavy fan-fiction territory.
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Now, onto how I believe Bonnie died, and how I think his body was moved back to that secluded area in Bonnie bowl you see in the RUIN DLC.
I’m guessing that at 4:12 AM, when Bonnie headed to gator golf, he wanted to just hang out with his friend after staying in the east arcade for a bit. (He stayed in the arcade for a little over an hour and a half.)
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Bonnie and Monty then decided to just stand around at the catwalks, doing whatever they do. Then, something happens, and in an outburst, Monty snaps and shoves Bonnie off the catwalks, leaving the poor bunny in the broken state we see him in ruin.
Then Monty slowly realizes what he has done. He killed his friend. He heads down to the ground of gator golf and finds Bonnie’s body laying down, shattered and snapped apart. Monty panics and thinks of the consequences of what just happened. He then gets an idea. He somehow finds a way to move all of Bonnie back to the bowling attraction (People say that he used a piece of the carpet in gator golf, as the one underneath Bonnie’s corpse matches the one in gator golf.) He then drags Bonnie into Bonnie bowl, then into that secluded room in RUIN, and sprawls him out to be laying down on the ground.
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Now this could explain Monty’s aggressive behavior in the game. He just lost a friend to himself and now has to live with it. Aggression is one of the symptoms of losing a close friend/relative. And when the mimics virus comes over the animatronics it probably makes things worser for him, as I'm pretty sure the virus amplifies your worst traits.
This event could also explain why Monty is seen at the catwalks at Monty golf skipping shows, breaking down fences with his claws, and other reckless behavior. He’s acting out! And when he skips performances to go on the catwalks, he probably goes there to just sulk or just replay that moment in his head. Or he maybe just likes it up there. It's a safe place for him.
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Also, about the claw marks. I don’t think it was Monty. I think his claws at the time were maybe too dull to make a big impact in Bonnie’s chest as Monty didn’t get the claw upgrades until after Bonnie went missing.
The green paint on Bonnie’s scratched chest might actually be the star that was on the center of Bonnie’s leotard, now discolored.
And the smashed bowling ball at Bonnie’s corpse. I’m thinking Monty possibly smashed it against the wall (there’s a mark) until it broke open just to make it look like an accident.
But uhhh yeah that’s all. I probably got some things wrong or missed some things AND I feel like I could’ve done more work near the ending but that’s what I think happened. I’ll see if I could improve this theory in the future. Maybe one day I can make a better theory. I guess we’ll have to wait till help wanted 2 for hopefully more glamrocks! (Oh god please steelwool show them more you cant just have them for a game and a half and ditch them like that)
If you couldn’t tell I really like Bonnie and Monty 😭
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karkatting · 8 months
ROXY: hey kranki i brought ur guy DIRK: You didn’t “bring me” anywhere. I was already on my way here and you just tagged along for the ride. KANKRI: N9, actually, I think I 6elieve her, and R9xy I must thank y9u f9r 6ringing me my… KANKRI: My. KANKRI: My… Dirk.  DIRK: Dude.  ROXY: ur dirk huh  ROXY: *eyebrows wagglin all over the damn place rn* KANKRI: I missp9ke, alright? It happens t9 the 6est 9f us. Let’s n9t pay t99 much attenti9n t9 it.  KANKRI: Dirk, c9me sit with me. I have a l9t t9 discuss with y9u. DIRK: Sigh.  ROXY: lmfao
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shi-daisy · 15 days
Flower Mischief
If you can't tell I'm currently bouncing! Day 3 and I been waiting for this prompt cuz Florist Tamlin AU is giving me life. Today on the agenda, Tamcien being cute and petty. Readers will recognized the boquet described here from the old flower language insult post that's floating around Tumblr. Hope you all like!
Tamlin Week 2024 -Day 3: Flower Language
Flower Mischief
Tamlin perked up when he saw his favorite costumer, and good friend coming down the road. He was about to greet Lucien with the biggest smile he could until he noticed the redhead's russet eyes were puffy and reddened and his pretty face had tears tracks. A far cry from his usual beautiful smile.
"Lucien! What happened? Do you need water?! Should I call someone?"
"No...It's fine. I was just hoping Andras was still clocked in. I need a ride."
"I think he left an hour ago, but I can help if you'd like. What happened?"
He sighed not wanting to look at him. "Elain cheated on me."
Tamlin nearly screamed. He froze for a moment and then put down the pot of lilies he was holding.
"I'm sorry. Did you just say Elain cheated on you?!"
"Yes. Let's just say I came home early from college and had a surprise visit. Sorry to say the floral orders will stop for a while."
"Forget about that! I'm so sorry to hear that. Let me get you some water. Here sit down and I'll be right with you."
Tamlin rushed back to the breakroom where Dorevan was raiding the mini fridge.
"If you took my ice water I'll kill you."
"Chill, pipsqueak. I took some soda and stole the salami sandwich Hart left there. Roxy packed us salads for lunch, you can have mine if you want, too much lettuce."
"You're gonna get scurvy if you don't eat at least a leafy green a week!" Tamlin chastised his brother as he grabbed two ice water bottles. "Are you gonna close up?"
"Yeah, Ciaran and Roxanne have date night but they're leaving the kiddo with mom and dad. I'll close shop late, maybe get the wedding order done too. Thesan is my friend but if he changes colors one more time Khalid will be a widow before the wedding."
"Go easy on him! Those two are hopeless."
"Like you and your pretty redhead?"
Dorevan smiled. "I can hear you all the way down here. Just be nice. He's single now, isn't he?"
"Shhhh. He is but the poor man was just cheated on! I'm not going to take advantage fo that."
Dorevan rolled his brown eyes so far Tamlin thought he'd go blind. "You're such a goody two shoes. Go get that man and help him get revenge. Perfect first date!"
"If Alis was on shift she'd kick ya."
"Good thing she's off today. Now run along before your fire fox leaves."
"Stay quiet or I'm telling Cresseida you don't really like seafood and go to the restaurant just to have her as your waitress."
"Tamlin I swear to fuck if you do that I'll beat you up!"
Tamlin just laughed as he walked out with the water and went back to Lucien's side. "Here you go!"
The two had a nice drink and Tamlin began putting everything away everything before his shift ended.
He noticed Dorevan had left the orange lilies out on display and he had an idea.
"Lucien, you once told me your ex knows flower language, correct?"
"Yes. I often suggested themed boquets for that reason. Why do you ask?"
Tamlin smirked mischievously. "We could give her a little parting gift to ease your sorrows. Free of charge of course."
"Tamlin, I can't ask that of you!"
"Hey if it bothers ya just take me out for coffee sometime."
It made him giddy to see a slight blush take over the redhead's dark skin. Tamlin took out the flowers a day explained their meaning to Lucien as he arranged them.
"These are geraniums they represent stupidity, the yellow carnations mean disapointment, the foxglove is insincerity, and finally the orange lilies represent hatred."
The end result was a beautiful boquet that was full of loathing. Lucien seemed impressed. "Too good of a parting gift but it's a nice way to be petty silently. Thank you."
The pair heard a honking from outside the door. Tamlin recognized it as Arryn Vanserra's red SUV.
"Ugh! The twins found me? No doubt they'll want gossip."
"You know them?"
"We're siblings."
"Oh...Oh right you have the same last name. You just look very diffrent."
Lucien smirked. "I was the cuck baby. Ask mom."
He nearly busted a lung laughing at that.
"Luciiiiii, I'll become an old lady honking outside. Oh hi Tami!"
"Hey Tanya. Congrats on the transition, you're looking lovely."
"Thanks blondie! Just came to pick up the baby, Eris and Nesta sent me to take you out for treats with Arryn."
"You all know already?!"
"Eris is a bigger gossip than me, dummy. We went to get your things. Gideon and Nemesis would've beaten Az up if Eris didn't stop em and let Nesta unleash a yelling reckoning instead. It was glorious!
The boys are setting everything up for ya at Cedric's place. Unless you wanna go stay with mom and Helion. Feyre said you can stay with her and Bryaxis too, she's pretty livid at flower girlie too."
"Ugh no, mom and dad will get over emotional and I don't wanna worry them. Feyre's family and roommates are fun to hang out with but their house is a permanent rave. I'll stay with Ced."
"Wise choice, now get to it! We can go clubbing after the ice cream! Wanna come along Tamlin?"
"Well, I'd love to but I have to make a delivery before that." He said while glancing at
"That can be done tomorrow, I'd rather have you out for some ice cream and dancing if you're still interested." Lucien said.
Tamlin smiled. "Then let me clock out and I'll be right with ya."
With the Vanserras heading for the car, Tamlin put away his apron, clocked out and got a small flower for the road. He and Lucien went to the backseat while twins sat in the front, before they headed out he put a small bloom on Lucien's hair.
"What's this?"
"A little pick me up for the road."
"A daffodil? What does this one mean?"
"New beginnings."
Tamlin was overjoyed to see Lucien smiling sweetly at him, already in a better mood. He'd make sure the redhead was the one receiving flowers this time.
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caledfwlchthat · 15 days
Fandom: Homestuck Rating: Not Rated Archive Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Category: F/F Relationship: Rose Lalonde/Kanaya Maryam Characters: Rose Lalonde, Kanaya Maryam, Roxy Lalonde, Dave Strider, Rose's Mom | Beta Roxy Lalonde Additional tags: Post-Sburb/Sgrub, Non-Epilogues AU, Child neglect (mentioned), Past Alcohol Abuse/Alcoholism, Lalonde Personpain, Xenobiology, Trolls Are Weird Bugs, Aspect Meta, Philosophy, Angst with a Happy Ending, Snarky Broads
A few months out of SBURB, Kanaya walks beside Rose as she takes a trip down memory lane.
Finally now getting to shill some other fics I read from the recent 4/13 crop, and y'all. Y'all. Have I got the Rosemary for you.
Do not get taken in by the anodyne simplicity of the summary here. This fic is a masterclass, a real love letter to the Snarky Broads. It covers so much ground it makes 15 kw seem short in comparison to what I learned about the characters by reading it. The most I think I can say other than just "read it" is that I was totally along for the ride the whole time, and at no point was I totally sure either what would come next on this psychological journey or where it was going to end up. Not because I didn't see the "Angst with a Happy Ending" tag, although I didn't, but because it was that immersive and convincing. Even if you are not die-hard Rosemary fans as the author and myself are (full disclosure), I think there is plenty to get excited about.
I'm also very excited about there being a series called "epilogues minus epilogues" to which this fic belongs. It suggests there will be possibly quite a bit more where this came from.
Enough blather. Click sooner rather than later and go show this excellent fic some love. Please and thank you!
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Cassie might not hate Monty
When I looked at the AR Monty Plush, I also looked at Cassie's interactions with him too.
At first it seems she hates him.
With Chica, and Roxy you hear words of worry and sympathy from her
with Monty he's refereed to as "that Monty thing"
Then later on when you see him again in the sewers. She sounds surprised to see him. The way she says Monty doesn't sound like "Oh my goodness how did you get here?" it sounds like "That's actually you?!"
another thing, even if she hated him. That doesn't mean she knows anything about what happened to Bonnie. There are other reasons for her to hate Monty without knowing why Bonnie was gone.
One is that, even if you assume Monty is innocent or was forced to destroy Bonnie, or no connection at all. He still replaced him.
Have you seen how people reacted when a ride at a theme park is replaced? There's a chance Cassie hates Monty because him replacing Bonnie likely hurt her. Think about it. Her father has a large favoritism towards Bonnie. There's a chance she had a good relationship with Glamrock Bonnie. Just like with Roxy. Remembering times where she bonded with her father in Bonnie bowl.
Then along comes this gator, and the next thing she knows. Bonnie is gone.
Also, I think your interpretation makes sense too.
That's the fun of theorizing.
a simple description of
"It's hard to look at"
can have countless interpretations, based on the context clues around it and how individuals interpret them.
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starrspice · 2 years
Thank you for answering my other ask! I am curious about everyone's events, and if you're still willing to put together a list I'd love to read it! I was a girl scout when I was younger, so that's my camp experience, but I'm really interested in summer camps so this au is very interesting to me lol. Oh, and do they have charging stations there for everyone? And can you tell us more about the other two humans aside from Y/N and Vanessa?
Yes yes yes yes ABSOLUTELY Thank you for asking!!!!
Ok to Start, everyone's events
Freddy- Play activities! This usually involves a variety of props and toys, like jumpropes, hula hoops, foam balls, and a variety of other stuff. Most times he'll have some fun creative game to play, but his events are basically just recess.
Chica-Snacks. Usually involves teaching the campers to make different fun snacks and having all the groups make different variations of snacks! (The camper's favorite to make is ice cream) and these snacks are usually enjoyed that night at a big bon fire!
Foxy and Bonnie- Team activities. Foxy and Bonnie co-lead these events and its usually team games like capture the flag and kickball! The two are very close friends but also very competitive with eachother.
Roxy- Nature activities. Usually a Hike, rock climbing, or camping lessons like how to start a fire. She also sets up occasional nature scavenger hunts.
Monty- Water activities. As I said on the last post, anything involving water is Monty's forte, sometimes this is just a big swim day at the camp's lake, or an extra long afternoon in the pool! He's the camp favorite on hot days.
Sun- Crafts! Of course Sun is in charge of campwide crafts, usually teaching the kids how to tie dye, or make lanyards! He also has a box full of friendship bracelets (at least one from every camper). His best event was when he lead the camp in making custom flags for each cabin!
Moon- Camp songs! He teaches the entire camp songs, and usually has fun song-based games for campers to do! He also passes out small instruments like tambourines and maracas for the kids to play along with! Unlike the other counselors though, Moon's event day is reserved for the Friday night bonfires!
Y/N and Delilah- Educational interactive activities! Usually involving some cool sciencey medical fact, Delilah and Y/N usually team up to teach the kids something cool and new, although it can sometimes be boring (like their lesson on poison Ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac. But sometimes they're a big hit, like teaching the kids how to ride horses or showing them snakes from the reptile house.
As for the rest of your question
Charging stations, YES! They do have charging stations! Just like in the pizzaplex they each have their own rooms (albeit less fancy than those of the plex as they're remodeled cabin rooms that the human counselors used to stay in) They do have charging stations! However, as part of their outdoor upgrades, they can go about two and a half days without charging, although it isn't recommended. The counselors (human and animatronic) all stay in a very large cabin that rests kind of in between all the camper's cabins so they can hear and rush to the kids aid should something happen! Y/N, Delilah, and K.C. Stay here but Vanessa has her own quarters.
Also I'd LOVE to tell you about Delilah and K.C.
K.C. is actually Y/N's roommate! The two were dormmates In their early college days and got along so well they just moved into an apartment together! K.C. Is a mechanical engineering major and was actually really excited about having animatronics at the camp! K.C. is also the one who convinced Y/N to come back to work at the camp this year (after they swore up and down that last year would be the last time they worked at a summer camp)! K.C. is actually their initials and their name is Kasey Caldwell. (They go by K.C. because they think its funny that it sounds just like their normal first name)
As for Delilah, she has been a counselor at the camp for years! She's studying to become a zoologist and has a LOVE for animals. She takes care of the animals they keep there at camp, and is happy to teach the kids about them. She also happens to be the granddaughter of the camp's previous owners and went to the camp since she was a little kid! She's a bit more hesitant around the animatronics at first, but quickly becomes friends with them, and loves having them around! She's very friendly but also kind of oblivious. Y/N and K.C. love her dearly though and the three of them like to call themselves "The Terrible Trio" even though they're really not that bad
Vanessa is kind of a mystery to Y/N. She does her job and keeps the camp stocked full of supplies and operational, but she never seems to be around. Whenever Y/N HAS talked to Vanessa she's very wishy washy, sometimes being very friendly before suddenly being very cold and threatening. (and Y/N Swears they've heard her talking to herself a few times) very freaky Lady. Gives Y/N bad vibes
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Tom Verlaine - The Roxy, West Hollywood, California, October 17, 1981
Something very special to close out our Tom Verlaine appreciation week on Doom & Gloom (though there will probably be more next week!). An extremely kind anonymous donor passed along this previously uncirculated soundboard recording of Verlaine on his very first solo tour. A treasure from start to finish, with Tom, Jimmy Rip, Fred Smith and Jay Dee Daugherty in incredibly fine form on the Sunset Strip. Limited time lossless upload, so grab it now.
It's a fierce performance, showcasing the best of Verlaine's solo career up to that point — his self-titled debut and Dreamtime. Daugherty is a different drummer than Billy Ficca, but his rock-solid rhythmic sensibility keeps things grounded marvelously. And let's hear it for Fred Smith. An understated presence, maybe, but you get the feeling that he truly understands Verlaine's music and knows how to support it perfectly.
Meanwhile, Tom and Rip get into it on their guitars, clearly having a blast as they blast off into orbit. For me, the high point is the eight-minute, two-chord "Breakin' In My Heart" with Verlaine erupting into an ecstatic solo, just riding an immense, unstoppable wave. Wow! "Marquee Moon" is unbelievable too, naturally; the moment where everyone else drops out, leaving Verlaine for a few minutes of unaccompanied improv is breathtaking. And as if to suggest that it's not all that serious, they follow it up with the goofiest song in their repertoire, "Yonki Time," leading into a raucous version of "Wild Thing." You make my heart sing ...
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summocrap · 1 year
aight, since it's based and all that now, i would need headcannons on Gabriel X  Amduscias
You ask and you shall receive:
They met at a concert and just sort of hit it off
From there, they just keep appearing together more and more even singing duets.
The relationship never goes public, but there are rumors.
Gabriel's the one to start it with a peck on the cheek.
Going outside and hanging out together is really hard when you're both public figures.
Amduscias' is mostly along for the ride, going where Gabriel takes him, but he also looks up to her as a role model.
Being so shy, the only way Amduscias is able to show affection is through getting her gifts,
Due to a lack of money, it's often AMVs to her music.
Someone other than Gabriel would probably find that cringe, but she thinks it's sweet.
Becuase there only really able to hangout backstage there's only a few people who even know about it
Like their DJ Nyarlathotep and her bodyguard Nomad, and Amduscias' mentor Barong.
Now for things to get knotty naughty
Gabriel's always on top. Amduscias just don't have the will or the skill for otherwise.
He's so big and she's so small you can literally see the bulge in her stomach.
You know how Ramona touched Roxy's inner thigh in Scott Pilgrim? Amduscias is like that when Gabriel pulls his tail.
He often returns the favor by touching her wings.
They usually try to sneak some time together after performances due to what happened the last time they tried before
Once, one of their shows got delayed for some reason. Those behind the scenes had to literally pry her off the knot.
It probably would've been better to just let time do its thing 'cause Gabriel wasn't able to sit or stand, let alone dance, for a week after that.
That's why they're not allowed to be in a room alone together before performances.
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monty-glasses-roxy · 2 months
Idk way but I can see cassie father building a hidden room in Roxy raceway for animatronics wolf cassie and Roxy/Roxanne wolf.
Like a small hidden appartment within the close raceway that also act as a safe room.
Oh I've talked about these before!
The construction team that didn't get killed by Mimic have set up multiple little spots for her around the Raceway and Salon areas. The storage room next to the garage on the far side of the Raceway has a little space set up for her, as well as the room in the back of the Salon where Princess Quest 1 is. I like to think someone made her a hammock between two big, metal shelving units that she and the Minis adore. That's like her own special room now and the one in the garage storage room is an extra, cosy hiding spot, that's a bit more tucked away. It's more secure in there and it helps to have multiple safe spots to go take a nap in with her spider friends if she needs to.
Another spot they could give her is in the Raceway office. It's right next to the dodgems and is more frequented by staff but hey, sometimes she likes being cosy near people she can trust. It may take a while before she trusts any of them so it's not very frequently used, but it's always an option if she needs it. And the Plex manager never thinks to look for her there so...
They could have also made some modifications to the canyon decoration for her to have a very secret hiding place along the track beneath the stands. Could also help her set up another hiding spot along the log flume ride, and the various other storage areas in the nearby staff areas.
In terms of completely secret rooms, Roxy doesn't need one built. If she can figure out she already has one behind the giant poster outside of her green room on Rockstar Row? She's set. You've also got any other abandoned or discontinued areas she finds that she can use. She'd have to make those herself though.
And before Ruin came out, I decided that the closed off area where the log flume is would be cool if it was a kids play area. Like a twisty cave system style soft play area with air canons, ballpits, slides, and other such stuff. I had Roxy hide one of the tunnel entrances near the back and claim the rooms beyond as hers during construction. She just had her own den back there in the caves that staff members don't even know is there because they never really go in there.
Anyway, if you were to add animatronic Cassie to the mix, she could have her own hiding spots as well! She'd probably only have one or two of her own though. Roxy has enough that even if they both sneak off and hide, the odds of them picking the same spot are incredibly low lmao
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chaoticlicense · 1 year
Something Different (Viktor x Roxy)
Summary: Viktor and Roxy come home after a long match in the ring, but neither one of them is particularly tired...So, Roxy suggests trying something a little different in the bedroom...
Word Count: 4K
Tags: Viktor x OC, Arcane AU, Sonnie's Edge AU, Light Bondage, Light BDSM, Light Slapping, Use of a Whip/Riding Crop, Blowjobs, Doggy Style, NSFW
This fic is a gift for my dear @grumpyoutlaw who entrusted me with writing her OC, Roxy. It takes place in an AU she created set in the world of Sonnie's Edge (an episode on Love, Death, and Robots) where Viktor is a beast fighter like Sonnie. Her OC, Roxy, and Viktor are in a romantic relationship and are the absolute cutest pair I have ever written.
Now, let's get into the 'fic' of it...(see what I did there?)
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The match was long that night. Long, exhausting, and debilitating. It took its toll on Viktor and Apex, physically draining them until they barely stood. But despite the pain, despite the fatigue that threatened to take over, Viktor pulled through. A voice, her voice, brought him back to life when Viktor was on the brink of keeling over. A lifeline. His lifeline. She had all but saved him as she stood at his back cheering him on. And it was not the first time. 
The intent behind Roxy leading a tired, but content, Viktor back to her apartment is to let him crash and recover. But when they arrive, the door closing softly behind them, Viktor finds himself rejuvenated. Roxy notes this sudden increase in energy as he quickly disappears around the corner to the kitchen. She smiles to herself as she follows suit. It’s funny, she thinks, all it took to bring Viktor back to life was for him to cross the threshold of her home. 
Their home.
Viktor has spent many late nights at the apartment after training, studying, or fighting. It came down to what he was doing during the day. Even if the two of them were spending the day together, he would sometimes come back to her place just so he didn’t have to leave her. Early in their relationship, it was clear Viktor was always welcome in her home. 
As Viktor takes a seat at the kitchen island, Roxy joins him in the space where she’s met with the familiar scent of warm apple cinnamon and vanilla, with a hint of grease. The grease, naturally, is courtesy of Viktor. The man in question watches Roxy as she grabs a glass from one of the cupboards hanging over the stove. 
“Thirsty?” She looks over at him, eyes soft, concerned.
Viktor nods. “Very much so.”
While she turns on the tap, testing the temperature of the water with her fingers until it’s cool enough for drinking, Viktor slides off the barstool. Roxy watches him out of the corner of her eye as he walks around the island. He stops just behind her, breath hot against the back of her neck. Hands ground themselves on either side of her on the edge of the sink. A shiver runs through her, quickly turning warm as Viktor rests his chin on her shoulder.
“Hello,” Roxy greets as the glass fills up.
“Hello, my love.” 
His lips ghost over her neck as his hands move to her waist. Fingers slide along the soft curves of her stomach, her waist, her hips, and finally, her ass. He gives her a soft squeeze. Teasing her. Testing her reaction. 
“Can I help you with something?” 
Viktor just moans in reply as he presses his lips to her neck below the ear. Roxy can’t help but sigh a little at the contact. His hands give her another soft squeeze before they begin to roam again. This time, his cold metal fingers slide up under her shirt to her breasts. She allows herself to lean into him as he palms them over her bra, teasing her nipples through the fabric. Roxy gets lost in his touch. She allows herself to experience the warm ache building in her lower belly each time Viktor pinches her nipples, playing with the hardened buds. 
But she is quickly brought back to reality when cold water runs over the top of the glass and onto her skin. The shock of the temperature, and the sudden wetness, make her jump. It takes her a minute to regain herself but when she does, she turns off the tap with a soft huff . 
“You’re distracting me, Vik,” she scolds lightly.
“Mm. Good. That is the idea.” 
Rolling her eyes, Roxy dumps some of the excess water back into the sink before turning on Viktor. The man smirks, eyes alight with amusement. Roxy is less amused as she hands him the glass. She eyes him with raised brows, unimpressed by his antics. 
“Drink up.”
Viktor chuckles as he takes the glass and brings it to his lips. The water is cool against his tongue as it trickles down his throat in a few slow gulps. His eyes flutter and he sighs, refreshed. 
Once the glass is empty, he hands it back to Roxy who places it on the counter beside her. They stare at each other for a while; grey, unimpressed eyes gazing at amused ochre ones. But despite the irritation that she felt moments ago at Viktor’s attempts to seduce her by the kitchen sink, Roxy can’t help but smile.
“You know-” she bites her lower lip as she brings her hands to his chest. “-since you’re feeling so energised, I wonder if you might be willing to let me try something different with you tonight?”
Furrowed brows meet raised, expectant ones as Viktor works through every scenario imaginable. There were an infinite number of things she could be suggesting. And every single one of them revolved around something sexual in nature in his mind. Not that he would complain, but the ideas rolling around inside his head only lead to his heart racing in his chest, cheeks flush with colour. 
“What did you have in mind?” he asks, trying to maintain some composure.
Without missing a beat, she says, “I want to take control, and I want to tie you up.”
If it were at all possible, Viktor might have short-circuited at the suggestion. 
“You want to tie me up?” he repeats.
“Only if you would be up for it,” she confirms. 
With a low growl and a wicked grin, Viktor grabs her hips and pushes her back against the edge of the countertop. Roxy gasps then giggles as he leans in close. 
“I would love nothing more than for you to tie me up and have your way with me, my love,” he sighs, brushing his lips over hers before kissing her hard. Their lips meld together easily, filled with desperation as their tongues slide against each other. But before things get too far, Roxy decides to take things into her own hands. 
She gives Viktor a gentle shove backwards. His eyes go wide with surprise and arousal as he takes a step back. Breathless, chest heaving, he licks his lips as though preparing for a delicious, mouth-watering meal. 
“If this is going to work…we need to have a safe word. Just in case things become too overwhelming for either of us,” Roxy suggests, still panting from the heat of the kiss. “What do you think?”
“Yes,” Viktor agrees. “Absolutely.”
“Okay. Um…what about ‘red’?” she offers.
Viktor smiles. “Your favourite colour.” 
“Well, yes. But in this case, it means full stop, no questions asked when and if we use it.”
“That is perfectly agreeable, my love.” 
Without another word, she takes his hand and leads him from the kitchen to their bedroom. Ushering him inside, she shuts the door behind them and points to the bed. Viktor follows her direction without question and goes to the bedside. It’s there he awaits her next command with lustful anticipation. But she leaves him there while she goes to the closet, rummaging around for a few moments before emerging with a bundle of black clothes in her arms. 
“Take off your clothes, and get on the bed. I’ll be right back.”
Viktor watches with raised brows as she disappears into the attached bathroom. 
The door clicks shut behind her, and he takes it as his queue to undress. Once his clothes are discarded on the floor, he crawls up onto the bed and makes himself comfortable. He spreads his legs out wide, his half-hard cock springing to attention while he brings his arms up behind his head. He rests back against the pillows, sighing contentedly.
Though he had never breached the subject with Roxy before, he couldn’t deny he had fantasised about her taking control in the bedroom on more than one occasion. There was something about her taking control of him and his pleasure, using his body for her own drove him mad with want. It had certainly made those lonely nights without her a little less lonely as he got off the image of her teasing him, overstimulating him, and riding him until he came. And now, to have this image turn into reality…well, it was enough to make his cock fully erect by the time the bathroom door opened again.
Turning his head at the sound, he is met with the beautiful visual of Roxy in a stunning set of lingerie. Viktor sits up a little as she steps out in a black leather underbust corset that accentuates the curves of her waist and her hips. Her breasts, exposed and emphasised by the shape of the corset, are soft and perky. As his eyes make their way down her figure, he notices the black thong she wears with a pair of garters holding up sheer black stockings.
Gods how he wanted those thighs wrapped around his waist while he fucked her slow and deep. 
“Well, well…you look absolutely delicious , my love.” Viktor purrs. “But, if I may ask, what is that for?”
He gestures with his head to the black leather riding crop she holds in her right hand. Shaking her head of unruly curls tied in a high ponytail, Roxy smiles knowingly. She takes a few steps towards where he lounges naked on the bed.
“What do you think it’s for?” she asks.
“Hm. Well, if I were to venture a guess I would say it’s for me.”
“Only if you misbehave.”
“Oh, I fully intend to.” 
Viktor laughs at the way Roxy’s brow raises when she retorts, “Then I fully intend to use it.”
But before she gets the chance to do so, she moves to the bedside table where she pulls out some rope and two leather cuffs. With those in hand, she works on binding him to the bedframe. Much to her dismay, Viktor does not make it easy for her to do so. He reaches for her every chance he gets. He pinches, nips, and grabs at her while she loops the rope between the bars of the headboard. Then, when it’s time for her to place the cuffs on his wrists, he pulls at them while leaning in for a kiss. His disobedience is met with light slaps to his cheeks until, at long last, she has him where she wants him.
Once he is fully bound, Roxy joins him on the bed and straddles his hips. With the whip in one hand, she smiles down at him. Without breaking eye contact, she trails the tip of the crop across her collarbone, shivering at the contact of the hard leather. Viktor, entranced, follows the whip with his eyes as she brings it down between her bare breasts, over the laces of her corset and then between her legs before repeating the motion back up. His cock twitches when she skims the whip over her nipples. 
“Now-” Roxy brings the whip down on his chest, leather slapping against metal. “-are you ready to be a good boy for me?”
For a moment, he forgets how to speak. His eyes linger on her face for far longer than he realises. All he can think about is, if he had his way, he would stare at her for eternity if only to ensure he never forgets her beauty. While she awaits his reply, Viktor just stares in awe at the gods’ handiwork reflected in the goddess before him. 
Clearing her throat, Roxy brings the whip close to his face and taps his nose with it. Viktor begrudgingly snaps out of his trance and eyes the leather crop now hovering over his mouth.
“Lick it,” she demands.
All he can do is lock eyes with her as he opens his mouth, tongue darting out without hesitation to lick the tip of the whip in her hand. Roxy’s eyes light up at his obedience. 
She smiles, content.
“Good boy.”
The praise is music to his ears. Music that ignites a fire of desperation within him. His hips buck lightly upwards, cock pressing against the curve of her ass. Roxy smirks at Viktor whose eyes burn with lust. 
“Patience,” Roxy murmurs. 
She removes the whip from his mouth and leans over him. A few loose curls fall from her updo, tickling his face as she nuzzles his nose Viktor lifts his head to kiss her but falls short when she sits up again. 
As if to emphasise his lack of control, Roxy places her hands on his chest—whip still in one hand—and holds him down while adjusting her position. She moves a few inches back until his cock springs forward to rest against his stomach. With a small smile, she lifts herself up, moves her panties to the side, and settles on the underside of his cock. 
Viktor groans, head falling back against the headboard when she starts to grind against his cock. 
“You-” he sighs, “-are a fucking tease.”
He pulls at his restraints, eager to break free—which they both know he could do without difficulty—which earns him a light slap to the cheek with the leather whip. Viktor’s nose scrunches when he growls. 
“You’re adorable when you try to act tough, my love.” Roxy giggles. “But tonight, you’re mine to play with.”
As much as he wished she would take him in her hand and get him off, he couldn’t deny he enjoyed this side of her. Commanding, confident, delightfully teasing. But gods how he wanted to break free of his bonds and fuck her into the mattress until all she could think about was him and his cock. The thought alone is enough to make him twitch beneath her. 
She continues for a while, sighing softly, but Viktor is already close to coming undone and Roxy knows it. Smiling, she places a kiss on the tip of his nose and slowly moves down his body. She leaves soft, tender kisses along his jaw and neck, his chest, his stomach, and his hips before she pauses. Placing the whip on the bed at her side, Roxy grabs his legs and gently parts them so she can kiss his inner thighs. The metal of his body is cold yet comforting, and while different from flesh, all she wants is to kiss every inch of him.
A soft moan leaves Viktor’s lips as she returns to his hips, hands digging into his flesh—one of the only remaining aspects of his human body. Her lips are warm against his skin. Gods how he wanted to kiss them. That desperate thought disappears the second her hot breath fans against his cock. Viktor lifts his head enough to look down between his legs. As though in some kind of dream, he finds Roxy eagerly attending to him. 
One hand strokes his shaft, thumb swiping over his leaking tip and spreading his own wetness over him. Meanwhile, her other hand presses firmly against his hips, holding him down. Had she not been, Viktor would have given in to the urge to fuck up into her mouth. Lifting her gaze, they lock eyes for a moment and she smiles. 
“You’re doing so good for me, Viktor,” she moans, pressing a kiss to the head of his cock. “Keep this up and I might just let you cum for me.”
The very idea of not being able to orgasm after being so well attended to has Viktor nearly in tears. Especially when Roxy wraps her lips around the tip of his cock and sucks hard…the thought of not being able to cum drives him mad. 
Laughing, Roxy continues to suck him off. Her mouth is warm and wet, tongue swirling deliciously around his hot, leaking tip. Every time she lifts up and off of him with a pop! Viktor squeezes his eyes shut so hard he sees stars. And though he remains as well-behaved for her as he can, he can’t help the occasional tug at the rope keeping him from touching her.
And oh, how he wants to touch her. His fingers dig into the palm of his hand, itching to pull free and grab hold of whatever part of her he can get at. But at the risk of her ruining his orgasm, he restrains himself. 
Roxy takes note of how close he is to losing control. The sight of him slowly unravelling while she gets him off with her mouth and her hand—eyes squeezing shut, breaths slowly turning ragged, cheeks flush with colour—makes her wet. With a low moan, she moves the hand holding Viktor’s hips down and brings it between her legs. She shifts her panties aside and slides two fingers along her pussy. Her aching clit throbs at her touch. Each time the tips of her fingers circle the sensitive nub, she moans around Viktor’s cock. 
The sound brings Viktor back to reality. Opening his eyes, he looks down at her and watches as her hand does quick work between her legs. Her eyes flutter closed with each stroke of her clit, expressions of pure pleasure crossing her face. There is a moment when Roxy nears orgasm where she grips his length a little too hard and Viktor is certain he won’t be able to last much longer. 
He is slowly slipping away, tempted to give into the parts of him that seek control. He wants to be the one to make her eyes squeeze shut with pleasure, to make her cry out his name in ecstasy. Not her hand, not those beautifully artistic hands of hers working to get both of them off simultaneously. But no. No, he will wait, he will be good. He has to be good. For her…
Tears prick at the corners of Viktor’s eyes as he nears his climax. 
Anything for her…
As though sensing how close he is, Roxy—now panting, breathless from her orgasm—pulls off and sits up. She wipes the back of her hand over her mouth and pauses to catch her breath. Before her is a sight to behold: Viktor, cheeks flushed red, brow covered in sweat, eyes burning into hers when she lifts her gaze to his. 
“Hm…” Her head tilts to the side while taking him in. 
“You’re beautiful like this.” She observes.
Viktor raises a brow.
“Like what?” 
“Completely and utterly at my disposal.” 
She laughs when Viktor rolls his eyes. 
Before either of them have a chance to fully recover, Roxy crawls up Viktor’s body. She straddles him again, hands on his chest while she finds her balance. Viktor watches her the entire time she adjusts herself, hand reaching between them to grab hold of his cock. She teases her entrance with the tip, gathering some of her wetness and dragging it up across her clit.
“Please…” Viktor moans. “Please, my love…do not tease me any longer.”
“I will tease you as much as I want,” she retorts with a sigh. 
When Viktor grimaces her expression softens. She reaches out a hand to stroke his cheek, wiping away the few tears that have formed. 
“You have been so good for me, my love,” Roxy praises. 
Keeping her eyes on him, she aligns the head of Viktor’s cock with her pussy and lowers herself onto him. The two sigh unanimously as he fills her. It takes everything in Viktor’s power not to yank himself free of the restraints. All he wants as Roxy slowly rocks her hips, his cock slipping in and out of her, is to grab her by the hips and hold her down while he fucks into her. He wants to dig his fingers into her, feel her soft skin as she rides him with slow, near-torturous movements. 
All he has to do is be patient…
Patience flies out the window when Roxy picks up the pace with which she fucks him. Hips grind harder and faster as she rides his cock. 
“Roxy…my love…please,” Viktor tries and fails to gain her attention as he feels himself close to the edge once again. But she is so deep in her own pleasure as her thighs squeeze his hips, that she doesn’t hear him. Her lips part as she moans his name, eyes closed so tight she can see galaxies behind her eyelids.
The moment his name leaves her lips like a prayer to the gods, Viktor snaps. Every ounce of self-control disappears and is replaced with this unshakable desire to take back control. Not because he doesn’t enjoy having her take things into her own hands but because he can’t go a second longer without being able to touch her. And so, he gives the ropes one good yank. The cuffs remain tight around his wrists but the rope holding up his arms to the headboard snap . 
No longer restrained, Viktor grabs Roxy by the hips and quickly flips her over onto her back. Roxy gasps, startled. 
“Viktor!” she laughs.
“My turn,” Viktor growls.
He flips her onto her stomach in one easy motion that leaves Roxy breathless. Once on her hands and knees, Viktor grabs the riding crop that remained untouched on the bed for a while and brings it down over her ass. She barely has time to cry out at the tingling sensation before he grabs her hips and pulls her back against his cock. Viktor thrusts deep inside of her in one long stroke that has them both lingering in ecstasy.
“That’s it, my love. Take it deep.”
Roxy turns her head to look back at Viktor who roughly thrusts himself inside of her, hitting that sweet spot over and over. Their eyes meet for a moment before Viktor gently pushes her head back down. He keeps his hand on the side of her head while the other rests against the pillow. 
“Tell me if it’s too much,” he groans through gritted teeth.
But it’s not too much. 
It’s not enough, Roxy thinks to herself. 
It’s never enough, not with him. Especially now when there is nothing else but him and the way his cock hits deep over and over, filling her to the brim. He is all she wants, all she needs, all she can think about as her second orgasm crashes down around her. 
Viktor can feel the way she clenches around him and it’s enough to send him over the edge too. He’s close, he can feel it building in the pit of his stomach, threatening to overtake him.
“My love,” he grunts. “I am close, so close…I need…will you let me cum inside of you?”
It’s an easy answer.
“Yes,” she sighs. “Yes, Viktor, please.”
The moment permission is given, Viktor gives a few rough final thrusts before coming completely undone deep inside of her. 
After taking some time to recover from their respective highs, they fall onto the sheets wrapped in each other’s arms. They lay together with their legs crossed over one another as they gaze into each other’s eyes. Viktor has one hand on the back of Roxy’s neck as she rests her forehead against his. It takes time for them to catch their breath, to find the energy to speak but there are no words that a single look can’t express. 
Their gazes are soft despite the rough nature of the evening. Reassurance that what transpired was not too much for them. 
“That was fun,” Roxy says eventually. 
“Mmm, I am inclined to agree with you.”
“Most definitely. It was a great joy to witness such a…commanding side of you,” Viktor assures.
Roxy chuckles softly and nuzzles her nose against his. “Thank you.”
“For what?”
“For trusting me,” she says.
Viktor smiles a little, bringing a hand to cup her chin.
“You, my dearest Roxy, are the only one in this world I trust with my entire being. I love you.”
“I love you, too, Vik.”
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jjtheresidentbaby · 2 years
Oh dude i’m back with brainrot and must ask; Do you have hcs for CG!Penelope? I’m re-watching season 4 and firmly believe she is the best😭
Caregiver Penelope Garcia Headcaons
(She is the best and I love her sm💕)
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She loves to cook/bake with you
Many many park picnics
Let’s you choose her outfits and help pick out all the jewelry
Holding your hand anytime you’re outside
Many late night pillow forts and pillow fights
Totally makes Derek give you piggy back rides when he tags along to the park with you guys
She has a whole album filled with just you being little
Dress up is her favorite game to play with you but tea parties are a close second
All the stuffed animals!!
Always does your makeup anytime you ask
Sets up play dates between you and Jj
Will watch every single Disney movie with you at least a hundred times
Makes sure you see nothing work related when you’re regressed
Kisses your owies better
Tucks you into bed with a story and book every single night, reading to you even if you’re not regressed
Will drag Luke away from his weekend plans so the three of you can watch movies at his place with Roxy
If you ever slip at work she is right there to help get you somewhere safe and will gladly explain to Hotch what’s going on
Adores any nickname you ever call her
Let’s you play games on her computer that she knows are safe
Teaches you little bits and pieces of code
Kisses your cheeks to stain them with lipstick
Buys you the cutest clothes and accessories, no matter what aesthetic you have
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AAAAANNND here are the OCs I’ve been drawing all week every single day! Posting this early without the third character cuz I got tired and impatient. I’ll probably add him in later though, so don’t worry bout him just yet :)
(Also, yes these are fnaf ocs because I'm not original...)
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Soooo this is Loup Doop, Otherwise known as Loop de Doop/ Loop to kids. (She doesn’t like her name much, but it’s what the company branded her as and she can’t exactly change it.) I have a few bullet points about her: *pulls out list and clears throat*:
She’s 6”7, a tall one!
Her hands are not attached to her body, they’re more 3d holograms you can feel (don’t ask me how it works, I dunno either). it does take some conscious effort to have them out, so she doesn’t usually unless she’s with someone or needs to convey something. If you grab her hands, though, she can feel it and it does have a similar effect as pulling a real connected hand: if you’re strong enough, you can drag her along with it. (And yes, she has four fingers and they're never properly drawn, I'm sorry I can't draw real hands...)
She doesn’t have a voicebox. She communicates with sounds and simple pictures (you’ll see what I mean if/when I post comics of her).
She used to belong to a different company before being sold into Fazbear in some merger between the companies. (which comes in later, hehe…)
She was originally built with an outgoing, extroverted personality, but it developed into something more meek and quiet.
Her lil orange cheek things get bigger or smaller depending on her emotions.
She doesn’t usually hang out with the main star animatronics because they treat her badly. She prefers chillin with the mapbots, staffbots and wet floor bots, or the DJ if she has the chance. Because of her affiliation with the staffbots, it leads a lot of members of staff and guests to believe she is one, and they treat her as such often.
She is a bit of a people pleaser, and feels there's something wrong with her when she gets told off for not 'wiping the floors and doing her @$#% job'.
She cannot curse, by the way, it carries into her speech pictures as signs, sorta like the smurf comics. She doesn't like cursing much anyways, so it's not something that usually happens.
When kids come up to her on occasion (because she is sort of a performer), she'll ask them for their autograph on a picture with them, then print two. One for the kid, and one for her personal collection. She remembers every kid she's ever talked to before.
Her charging port is in the 2nd lil ball on the left side of her head.
The balls aren't anything special, just some soft, styrofoam-like material for kids to enjoy.
She doesn't interact with other animatronics, as said before, but is occasionally forced to by Bloo (see his description below) and puts up with it. On that note:
- She doesn't like Monty or Roxanne very much, but she does interact with Monty the most. Although most wouldn't call 'grabbing your younger brother to keep him away from the big scary bot he sees as an idol' an interaction.
- She's never actually met Freddy before, but she hears that he's nice from the Wet Floor bots. She personally doesn't want to meet him, either, assuming he's just like Monty and Roxy but worse because he's the face of the company.
She's seen Chica around, but...Chica means well, but she treats Loup Doop more like a kid than like an equal.
- She loves the DJ. They're best buddies in her eyes. They'll do remixes together, she'll ride on his back, babysit the minis, anything.
-She...doesn't really know what to think of the Daycare Attendant. The yellow one seems okay, just a bit too loud for her liking. The dark one, on the other hand...she's heard the stories from the STAFFbots and decides to steer clear of him if she can.
-Unfortunately, she can't stay as far away as she'd like cuz her brother in bolts has to look up to the strangest role models.
She actually meets them before Bloo does.
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Thiiiiis is Bloo! He's a slightly newer model from the same company that Loup Doop is from, also from before the merger.
He's Loup Doop's lil brother.
He's around 3''4, depending on the shape of his droplets. The body itself is maybe 2''10.
He's mentally about 8 years old.
He's...not really sure what his job is. Neither does staff, so they just let him do whatever. He's pretty sure he was just supposed to be a sign to encourage kids to stay hydrated, but he tries not to think about it too much.
He doesn't have a voicebox, either, so he also communicates through pictures.
The droplets on his head move without conscious effort, but he can move'em around if he wants to as well.
His left hand has a bubble shooter, his right is his charging port or USB drive.
His left hand can also serve as a tazer, but Loup Doop won't tell him why he ccan't see his own blueprints, so he doesn't know about that.
No incident has ever happened where he finds out thus far.
He's very social, loves messing around with kids even though he isn't an actual featured attraction. He does push out a ton of bubbles for kids 'like him' to pop and play with.
He reaally wants to play with other kids, but he doesn't see much of them too often.
He likes being in the spotlight.
He, like Loup Doop, hangs out with the STAFFbots and Wet Floor bots. Unlike her, however, he doesn't mind hanging out with the other animatronics.
- He thinks Chica's great, he doesn't mind being treated like a kid. They paint nails together and play with dolls sometimes.
- He doesn't talk to Roxy much, only when he's with Chica.
- He thinks Monty is super cool, despite his sister's discouragement. He snuck into Monty's room to try on his glasses once and got caught. Turns out Monty didn't really mind, he liked having another fan. He tries to teach Bloo to play bass when he's not busy.
-Bloo hasn't seen Freddy much, either. He's watched all the performances, though, so he's pretty informed. He thinks that Loup Doup's a bit too cynical towards Freddy. He's sure Freddy's just as nice as everyone else.
- His relationship with the DJ is sort of like how kids talk to their friend's parents. He'll say hi, give all the pleasantries...and then immediately go off to mess around with the minis once he's finished talking.
He loves engaging in harmless pranks, so anyone else who does is a solid bud in his book.
He's the reason Loup Doop ever sets foot in the Daycare at all. He loves Sun and Moon, thinks they're very cool. He collects candy wrappers, keeps old worn plushies he finds in storage, drew the poster to hang in his 'room'...
-He doesn't get to see Sun much, mainly cuz Sun's busy with the kids and he can't be in there with them for fear of Management raising complaint. If he goes in real quick before closing, though, he might be able to pop in and say hi. Maybe a quick game of checkers if he's lucky.
- He sees Moon much more often because he catches him on his night patrols. Moon doesn't mind the company, apparently, because he actually engages with the kid when he talks to him. It's been a while since he was able to take care of kids...
Bloo likes cheerleading.
He wishes he could eat. He wants to try the cupcakes and cookies at Chica's bakery, she talks them up and he wants to know for himself. She's not really supposed to eat, either, but he's good at keeping secrets.
Aaaand I think that's all for now! I'll update this if I come up with more, but here's that.
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funky-gobbo-art · 8 months
Disclaimer and CW: Okay so I'm a sap and I like corny sweet endings for ships I like. It's been really therapeutic making this cause it makes me happy, minus the internal cringe feeling I got. Okay so this AU has trans male pregnancy and themes related. I will tag this as both "mpreg" and "tmpreg" so it can be blacklisted from those who do not want to see. Past references to a toxic relationship, the Vietnam war, bigoted views of the time period and everything that Mafia 3 and the game series already has. Okay so that's the warning I'm gonna go into it now!
So, my previous post went into my trans headcanon for John Donovan and explaining how it works. Now I'm gonna go into shipping stuff and fan-kids/love children (whatever that trope is called).
Lincoln and Donovan met in 1966 in Vietnam under the same circumstances like in canon, they got along well and became close friends. Donovan thought Lincoln was trustworthy enough and decided to come out to him, Lincoln took it well, had some questions but he adjusted with no problems.
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Since they worked one-on-one a lot, they decided to have a "stress relief" arrangement only when they're working alone together. (You know what I'm talking about lol).
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Never got caught, used protection and other methods. Were able to focus on their tasks as they were ordered. Worked out for the most part. Kind of started to catch some feelings but nothing was ever acted on but it only hit when Lincoln was sent back home Feb. 1968.
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Lincoln got swept up in everything when he was back in New Bordeaux, reconnecting with his family and friends. This part still plays out like in canon, dealing with the Haitian mob on Sammy's behalf, the Federal Reserve heist, and finally the betrayal that same night.
Lincoln lost his family, friends, and was left for dead. Father James saved him from the burning bar and he was in a coma for a few months.
Before Lincoln went unconscious, he told FJ to call Donovan
Wherever John was and was doing, he dropped everything and went to Louisiana.
During Lincoln's time recovering, John got files on the Marcano's and anyone affiliated, stole from the F.B.I, etc.
By the time Lincoln's conscious and walking again, he starts his revenge plan to take out the people that took out his family and build his own criminal organization ontop of the ashes.
John promises to help anyway he can , despite not really being C.I.A business.
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Shortly after all that, Lincoln and John go back to the "stress relief" thing. Lincoln's other excuse for it is wanting to feel another person close, kind of coping with loss.
Game plays out, Lincoln is able to recruit Cassandra, Vito and Burke as his underbosses. Lincoln takes over territories that the Marcano's had control over.
The DLC stories play out in between the main events of the game, starting with Sign of the Times, Faster Baby!, and Stones Unturned. Lincoln still has a thing with Roxy, but nothing more comes between them, she leaves Sinclair Parish and the state and her and Lincoln just end as "just friends".
Stones Unturned is mostly the same but near the end of the storyline, Lincoln becomes fed up with John being so secretive and wasn't satisfied with what John told him earlier.
John finally reveals that him and Aldridge used to have a relationship years back and it wasn't the best, got worse actually when Connor started working for the NVA, he really messed with John's head during the time. Once he started catching a whiff that Aldridge might be working as a double agent, Aldridge "distracted" him and afterwards disappeared shortly after. Lincoln can tell John's holding back on some more details but is satisfied for now that John opened up that much to him.
Once Aldridge was dead and the warhead was secured, on the boat ride back to New Bordeaux, John finally tells Lincoln that him and Connor had an illegitimate child that Connor didn't know about.
The kid, a boy, was born a bit before Donovan and Aldridge's confrontation in that alley in Saigon. John had the kid in secret while working in his own to track down what Aldridge was really doing.
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John contacted Jackie back in the states so he can send the kid to her and she can find the baby a good home. She'll occasionally give updates with how he's doing these days, like when he got in contact with her in New Bordeaux, she told him how the boy, now named Jesse, is doing with his adopted family, before Lincoln comes to her for help in Frisco Fields.
After Lincoln left the submarine and before Aldridge is officially finished off, John drops the bombshell on Connor telling him finally he has a son and then leaving it there.
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Understandably this was a lot for Lincoln to take in, since earlier him and John were talking about this penpal girlfriend John had for a short time. Lincoln was just finally relieved that John was fully honest and vulnerable with him while telling him all this and Lincoln did his best to comfort him.
They get back to New Bordeaux and Lincoln finally makes to the Hotel Paradiso to finish off the Marcano's and complete his revenge.
Lincoln meets Donovan and Father James at the church, FJ tells him to leave, Donovan tells him to take out his underbosses. Donovan leaves first to leave Lincoln and Father James alone.
Eventually Lincoln decides to go to the Eaglehurst plantation to meet the underbosses, he spares them and they all celebrate their newfound success and their new crime family becoming official, the underbosses leave and Lincoln stays behind to think on things late into the night. Donovan drove past the plantation and noticed Lincoln's car was still parked in front and being as nosey as he is, he goes into the driveway to poke around to see if there's anyone alive in there.
Lincoln's pleased to see Donovan again, they talk, have a little argument about Lincoln sparing the underbosses but settled it cause Donovan ultimately trusts Lincoln's final decision and drops it. Lincoln tells him to stay awhile to celebrate since he still has some liquor left over and he knows John has more in his care. They can have a proper send off and goodbye without the place burning around them or Father James' prying eyes.
They drink throughout the night, get into their feelings, and....you know... get into it. Since it was kind of not planned and messy, there wasn't any protection or precautions. It was very much in the moment.
They wake up later hung over but Donovan finally says goodbye because he really wants to go back to Virginia to finally separate from the C.I.A, and they don't know honestly when they'll see each other again.
Lincoln goes back to The Hollow to get settled into his new life as the crime boss of New Bordeaux.
Since leaving the C.I.A takes a lot of paperwork and bureaucracy, John had some time to clean out his old living space and tuing up loose ends, he did start feeling sick during this and figured since he's not out yet, he might as well see the special doctors there before it's to late. One doctor he knows who knows about him being a trangendered man was the only one he trusted with full check ups. John thought he had some weird sickness he caught from the Louisiana swamp and did a few tests. After some time the doctor called him back to the office with some news.
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John knew it was Lincoln's because he hasn't been with anyone else and the timeline just makes sense. He had a lot of thoughts, whether or not he should keep it, or put it up for adoption, etc.
He was finally separated with the C.I.A in 1969, and gave Lincoln a call to tell him he's coming back down to New Bordeaux, he didn't say much else because he doesn't want Lincoln to worry but he'd rather also tell Lincoln in person, he feels he has a right to know.
Lincoln's still living in the basement of the now renovated Sammy's Bar, living relatively comfortably all things considered, all the bosses deliver on their kickback, Burke passed away and his daughter Nicki takes over the Irish Mob, which Lincoln likes cause now he actually has a FRIEND he likes as one of his underbosses. He has a lot of plans for New Bordeaux, he wants to use his ill gotten gains for some good. Of course after he gets the call from Donovan, he's happy he's going to see him again and he really wants to to ask him if he'll stick around to officially be his long term advisor since he helped so much.
John comes back and decides to stay in another motel, since he set fire to the last one and calls Lincoln again telling him to meet him there. Lincoln shows up happy to see Donovan again but he can tell John's a bit uneasy. They have a quick catch up and John finally cracks and tells Lincoln the news.
Despite what John was anxious about, Lincoln was surprisingly happy with this news, he's always wanted his own kids someday and despite having a Crime Family now, he still wants to have an actual family as well, he just wasn't sure when it was going to happen. Since John wasn't sure what to do with this, seeing Lincoln's reaction gave him some relief and they both talked things out on what to do and how to handle this.
John also said he was going to come back to Louisiana anyways since he had some leads pointing back to the state for his side project he's been working on. Lincoln convinces John to live with him in Sammy's and tells him it's not a problem since John doesn't really have a lot of personal things to move in with. He just wants John close by so he can keep an eye on him and help him if he needs anything.
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John becomes a shut in once he starts obviously showing, which works for him cause he usually likes working behind the scenes, and also he doesn't want to be outside when it's hot out. Lincoln gets really protective and even smacks cigarettes out of John's hands if he catches him trying to smoke. John calls back on getting help from Robert Marshall on his side project and any time Lincoln isn't around to help him with errands and stuff. Marshall pokes fun at him, making some comments that annoy John a lot but he is used to it cause he's known Marshall for awhile. He'll tolerate being called a "cranky mom" if it means he can get drive through food.
Lincoln also eventually introduces John to Nicki Burke, making her the only underboss that knows about the gangs advisor, but Lincoln just wanted to introduce a friend to his partner and knowing she'll be understanding and supportive of the situation. They withhold the information that he's now an ex g-man though, maybe later.
During the whole pregnancy, Donovan was very moody/cranky and was forced to switch from cigarettes to chewing gum, drove Lincoln nuts with all the popping. But when it got closer to the time, Lincoln knew it would be safer if he just got one of his doctors to come to his house for the delivery. He was very anxious and kept telling the doctor if he makes any out of pocket comments about any of this, he will make him regret it.
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Their baby girl was born September 1st 1969. Her name is Danielle Clay, not named after anyone, John just thought it sounded nice. They call her "Dani" for short.
After she's born, John sleeps in for a bit and once he's feeling normal, he stretches his legs out by going on walks around the Hollow. If anyone gives him weird looks and asks questions, he'll either say he's a single father or lie and say Dani is his niece he's watching for his nonexistent twin sister. If Lincoln goes out with her, he'll proudly say that she's his daughter but then gets quiet when people ask who her mom is. Lincoln could use his newfound power to tell the truth and not let anyone try to attack him about it but he wants to do more good things for the community first before he does that, also him and John need to get their stories straight.
Despite how scary her parents are, Dani is a pretty happy little girl, she stares at people and smiles and once she can talk she says hi to a lot of people.
Even though Lincoln is happy he has a family now, he knows a lot of people wouldn't approve of them, and ofc since he's a powerful crime boss now, he knows he has enemies and if they find out about this, they will target them. He's not that worried about Donovan on his own since he can handle himself, he saw all he did in Vietnam, he knows what he's capable of, but if people set their sights on his baby.... it's something that stresses him out, he doesn't want to lose his new family. He will not let that happen again.
Donovan on the other hand has a lot of mixed feelings, he feels weird feeling settled and comfortable for once, he's happy he can keep this kid, but he also thinks back to his childhood, he wants to be the opposite of how his parents were, but he also keeps having things his mom said to him play on repeat over and over. Which flairs up his identity issues. For now he keeps trying to keep Dani from getting into his files while he works and he picked smoking back up but goes outside so it's not in Dani's face.
Lincoln, despite being told by the Father that they are done when he last saw him, goes back to FJ's house to ask for help. James refuses to talk to him until he hears Lincoln tell him he has a baby now and needs help with caring for her. FJ begrudgingly hears him out. Lincoln kind of helped with the younger kids back when he was in the orphanage but hasn't had much experience with babies before, he knows FJ is a good person to go for this since he's good with kids. Of course he wants to know who the "mother" is but Lincoln is apprehensive to tell him right away.
FJ does agree to ONLY be involved in Lincoln's life again just for the kids sake. Donovan loudly announces his presence by going "HAHA I GUESS WERE ALL FAMILY NOW PADRE!" and it's like FJ ages 20 years right there as soon as he hears Donovan's voice again. FJ has no problems with Lincoln being in a relationship with another man and that man being transgender, it's just....why did it have to be him??
Those 2 will never get along but FJ gets attached to Dani right away. He talks Lincoln into sending her to Catholic school when she's older because he knows people there that will keep and eye on her. Donovan hates that but allows it to happen.
During all this, Donovan keeps working on his side project and getting closer to discovering more about Senator Blake.
Will add more about Dani's childhood and what happens after the senate hearing.
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