#round 2 of the abyss my good fellas
houseisekai · 3 years
House Isekai: A Realm Reborn - Part 2, Through the Maelstrom (2 of 3)
House Isekai ARR Masterlist Here
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Client: Hilda Valentin Goneril
Refusing to work with the newly reformed House Isekai due to Class VII, Duvalie takes her orders and storms off to Goneril territory, trying to get home faster. Not wanting to leave Duvalie completely alone, Raelyn and Fireteam Alpha-Nine accompany her.
Reports indicate of a giant serpent-like beast terrorizing the ocean trade routes near Goneril territory, and an unknown entity accompanying it…
(Raelyn) “I will accompany her to ensure their survival. Until then, House Isekai.”
Raelyn turned to the portal and walked through it.
After getting the minimum knowledge required about the Abyss Mages, Buck and his squad followed her through the portal.
(Kazuma) “…Wait a second, none of them knows anything about Fodlan. Why did we let them go anywhere alone?”
(Sitri) “…That’s a good question.”
When Duvalie stepped through the portal, she was still muttering to herself angrily.
(Duvalie) "Ugh, the nerve of those people! As if we can work hand in hand like nothing's ever happened!"
Her ranting continued, even when Raelyn stepped in behind her, looking around his environment.
(Raelyn) "...Duvalie, was it?"
(Duvalie) "And that jackass, Rean! What on EARTH ever made him think we were friends?! I ought to-"
Raelyn sighed and holstered his bolter. Even his footsteps didn't alert her.
(Raelyn) "Cease your complaints."
Duvalie spun around and opened her mouth about to continue until she realized she was only up to his lower chest. Her head tilted all the way up for her to even see Raelyn's helmet.
(Duvalie) "Listen you giant yellow tin can, you don't know what they're like!"
(Raelyn) "They seem calmer than you."
(Duvalie) "Tch, whatever. Why are you even here anyway? I can handle this on my own!"
(Raelyn) "Ah, then I assume you know the layout of the land? The person we're supposed to meet? What the state of the world even is?"
(Duvalie) "...I-I...I can just figure it out myself!"
(Raelyn) "Indeed."
Raelyn turned to the portal and saw the ODST squad walk in.
(Buck) "Right, we got the information we need. As for lay of the land, think one of the locals is about to tag along."
Aigis and Kazuma were on the other side nodding about to say something before the portal suddenly closed.
(Mickey) "...Or not."
Everyone was confused on why the portal closed.
Sitri made sure no one was looking at her as she whispered.
(Sitri) "Sothis?"
(Sothis) "Uh, don't look at me. I wasn't even the one who opened it."
(Sitri) "Wait, then where did...?"
(Romeo) "Great. Now we gotta wander around and pray to god it's the right way."
(Dutch) "Not even sure the good lord would poke his head out in wherever this is."
(Raelyn) "You were the one who wanted to do this alone."
(Buck) "Enough of the shouting already! Complaining isn't going to do us any good. Besides, we got the data we need, we'll be fine...probably."
(Duvalie) "Fine, whatever."
Duvalie had her hand on the sword sheathe as she stormed off.
(Duvalie) "Let's get going then."
(Mickey) "Wrong way. It's behind us."
Duvalie quickly marched towards the direction Mickey pointed to, muttering something.
Raelyn slowly walked up to the squad.
(Raelyn) "I cannot speak for her, but it is a pleasure to fight alongside you."
(Buck) "Feeling's mutual. Come on, we should hurry before she pops a vein."
The five walked casually behind Duvalie who stayed in the front.
Fodlan, Goneril Territory, Evening...
[Stilness of Night - Trails of Cold Steel 3 OST]
The group eventually found a path leading towards a town inside Goneril territory, and continued on it until the sun began setting.
(Buck) "Huh. Place doesn't look half bad with a sunset."
(Dutch) "Yeah, somethin' you'd see from a storybook."
(Raelyn) "I have not had the pleasure of experiencing a world as quiet as this before."
(Duvalie) "Hm. My world was something kind of like this, but not as primitive to not have lamp posts at least."
(Romeo) "Think you're the most primitive out of all of us here, lady."
(Duvalie) "Excuse me?!"
(Mickey) "Changing the subject, just how far is this place?"
(Buck) "Shouldn't be more than a few minutes. The town according to that Sitri lady is about to come into view right about...Ah, there we go."
They eventually reached the top of a hill and saw a small fishing town with the sunset directly shining on top of it.
(Raelyn) "Excellent. We should reach the town by nightfall."
They all continued walking silently until Dutch spoke up.
(Dutch) "So uh, any idea what that creature is like?"
Everyone had read the report given to them by Sitri, but no one actually knew what they were in for.
(Romeo) "It said a serpent, so maybe an underwater snake or something."
(Mickey) "We aren't strangers to alien life, but I doubt it'd be simple to kill. This place seems to have magic after all."
(Raelyn) "It matters not. If our guns can work, then we can kill it."
(Duvalie) "I'm more concerned about those weird floating chubby things the Knights of Favonius mentioned."
(Buck) "What did they call them...Abyss mages?"
(Dutch) "Think that's it. They don't seem that tough to beat."
(Romeo) "Especially when we can put a round between their eyes from a hundred yards away."
(Duvalie) "If that's the case, then why are they so dangerous?"
(Mickey) "Guess we'll find out soon. Until we actually fight one, don't think we can properly assess the situation."
Finally, they reached the town's entrance. The concrete path shook beneath their equipment, gathering strange looks from the townsfolk.
Some mothers hid their children behind them while some of the men passing by whispered to each other.
(Romeo) "Think we might be standing out a little."
(Duvalie) "You all maybe, I look perfectly fine. Might be mustard bottle over here that's getting all the looks."
(Raelyn) "...You are referring to me?"
(Duvalie) "Duh! Who did you think I meant?"
(Raelyn) "What is 'mustard'?"
(Buck) "Good lord man, just how far in the future are you?"
(Raelyn) "It is the 42nd millennium."
(Dutch) "...Damn. That explains why you don't really seem to lighten up."
They made their way to the center of town, where multiple people kept staring at them.
(Romeo) "Any particular reason why we're standing out in the open like this? Not exactly doing us any favors with the people here."
(Duvalie) "Shut it, trying to find a tavern or something. There's gotta be one here."
Mickey and Buck helped Duvalie look around their surroundings to try and find a tavern. Romeo and Dutch shrugged and made sure the townspeople weren't going to try anything.
Raelyn was about to help when he heard small footsteps approaching.
It was two children who were chasing each other, most likely playing. They had failed to notice the offworlders they were running towards until a girl hit her head on Raelyn's leg.
(Girl) "Ow...! What in-"
Her eyes went wide when she stared up at the 8 foot tall Space Marine looking down on her.
Both the kids look terrified until Raelyn knelt down, trying to get on their eye level the best he could while taking off his helmet. He made sure his Bolter was strapped to his back.
(Raelyn) "My apologies. Are you hurt?"
(Girl) "N-...No sir."
Raelyn offered a hand to the girl. His hand was massive compared to the child, he could effortlessly crush her head with one hand.
Yet, he was extremely gentle in making sure not to harm or intimidate the children, the girl grabbing his hand and standing up.
(Raelyn) "If I can bother you for a moment more, do you know where the Tavern is?"
(Boy) "Um...It's to your right, mister. The building next to the docks."
Raelyn nodded and motioned away from them.
(Raelyn) "Thank you. Get home safe, now."
(Girl) "Thank you, mister."
The two kids appeared to be put at ease despite the size difference, and continued playing as if nothing happened. Something that shocked the adults watching.
The ODST's and Duvalie watched the exchange and were surprised that this walking ton of armor managed not to utterly terrify the two kids.
(Raelyn) "You have your tavern. Let us get to it."
(Duvalie) "...Right."
They continued off to the Tavern, still noticing all the adults watching them, albeit slightly more at ease.
(Romeo) "Now that sweet moment's over, time to see how well you work with a bar full of drunkards, big guy."
(Dutch) "Come on, I'm great with people."
(Mickey) "Sure, you are. How about Raelyn? Actually can he even get through the door?"
Duvalie was the first to enter, followed by the ODST's with Raelyn the last one.
He stared awkwardly at the doorframe, and back to his armor.
Even if he tried to crouch, he would break the doorframe.
(Raelyn) "I...will keep watch out here."
(Romeo) "Put those people skills to work."
(Buck) "Think you should be worried about doing that yourself."
[Another Round - Final Fantasy XIV OST]
Everyone inside the bar stopped talking when they saw Duvalie march in with the ODST's.
Duvalie saw the bartender and sat down on a stool.
The bartender was a bald middle aged man who had clearly seen better days. He had a scar over his left eye and a beard that was barely kept clean.
(Bartender) "...Can I help you with something missie?"
(Duvalie) "We're here on request of...what was her name?"
Buck stood next to Duvalie, making his visor visible so the bartender could see his mouth.
(Buck) "Hilda. Ring a bell?"
(Bartender) "Ah, Lord Holst's sister. And who exactly do I owe the pleasure of speaking to?"
(Duvalie) "I'm Duvalie."
(Buck) "Call me Buck, and this is my Squad. Fella outside is with us too."
(Bartender) "I see. And another question, who exactly ya workin' for? Don't see people dressed like yer group at all."
The people in the nearby tables began whispering. Mickey was the furthest from the group but he was only able to hear snippets of conversations.
(Man) "Hey, you think those are those House Isekai freaks? The ones from the calamity?"
(Man 2) "They sure as hell don't belong here, that's for sure!"
(Man 3) "Worse, they could be spies for the seppies'!"
(Mickey) "Think we might got a problem..."
Duvalie was clearly getting impatient, and before she could open her mouth and start a bar brawl, Buck butted in.
(Buck) "Mercenaries. We work for money."
The bartender raised an eyebrow as he eyed them up and down. Finally shrugging, he dropped the question.
(Bartender) "Fair enough. We'll send a letter to let 'em know people have arrived to take care of the problem. Shouldn't be more than a day or so. Now, ya buying something or am I going to have ta' throw your asses out?"
(Duvalie) "Hmph. Thought bartenders were supposed to be friendly."
(Bartender) "And I thought customers were supposed to be paying."
Now Dutch decided to intervene.
(Dutch) "Apologies for the lady. She's got a temper on her. Surprise us."
(Bartender) "Can do. You got gold?"
Everyone looked at each other awkwardly.
(Romeo) "Oh you have got to be kidding..."
(Buck) "Think we can get this one on the house?"
(Bartender) "This isn't a charity. And you're mercenaries, right? Surely you got some gold on you to get all the equipment on yourselves."
This got more people talking, and it was clear some of them were getting riled up.
Raelyn could hear the conversation from outside, and saw some of the adults from earlier getting a closer look at him.
(Raelyn) "..."
Raelyn's visor picked up more signatures. Some of them were armed. He used one hand to knock on the doorframe, alerting Romeo and Mickey.
(Romeo) "Hey, Gunny. Think things are about to get real ugly."
One of the customers stood up from his table and shouted with an ale cup in hand.
(Man) "Come on, pay the damn drink and quit causing a scene! Mercs always got coin on them! You one of those damn offworlders?!"
(Man 2) "Nah, worse than one, he's a seppie!"
More and more people riled up, making the ODST's keep a finger on their triggers.
Duvalie kept her cool on the outside, ready to lash out if someone dared make a move.
Raelyn grabbed his Bolter and calmly held it in his hands, watching everyone suddenly stiffen up.
(Bartender) "...Well?"
(Woman's voice) "Sorry, sorry. We'll pay, they're with us."
Everyone suddenly turned to a girl who seemingly appeared out of nowhere, putting gold onto the table.
Duvalie made a noise that no one could decipher if it was a swear or a gasp.
Buck turned to the girl who had just saved them from a potential firefight.
[End Song]
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(White-haired girl) "They just forgot to bring their gold with them...Again."
(Bartender) "Hmph. Aren't you a little young to be the boss of a mercenary team, kid?"
(White-haired girl) "Could say the same for the second Blade Breaker."
(Bartender) "Hah, got me there."
(Duvalie) "I...You...!?"
(White-haired girl) "If you wanna complain, do it later and not in front of customers. Gives us a bad rep."
(Buck) "...Thanks boss."
Everyone quickly played along.
As Raelyn was about to point the Bolter at everyone, two more people got in front of him, motioning to the left.
(Blue haired girl) "Hey, got our room. Quit standing around all scary-like."
(Orange haired boy) "Come on, it's this way!"
The orange haired boy winked at Raelyn, and having no better idea, he played along.
The blue haired girl looked at Fie and nodded.
The white haired girl slid the gold to the Bartender and sighed.
(White-haired girl) "We'll take it to go. Keep the change."
The white haired girl turned to the group and pointed at the blue haired girl.
(White-haired girl) "Follow her and don't cause a scene again."
Duvalie looked like she was about to scream when she saw the blue haired girl. Not wanting to deal with this mob, Buck shoved her along.
(Duvalie) "H-Hey, what the?!"
(Buck) "Shut the hell up and move it, the last thing we want to do is start a fight!"
The ODST's, Raelyn, and Duvalie followed the orange haired boy to what appeared to be a rented out building. Amazingly, Raelyn could actually fit through the door.
When everyone was situated, the blue haired girl put a device on the door and window, and with a little static noise, she nodded in satisfaction.
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(Elliot) "Whew, man! Things looked SUPER bad there..."
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(Laura) "Oh...It's you. That would explain how the townspeople became aggravated so quickly."
(Duvalie) "Believe me, you lot are doing the same to me...!"
(Elliot) "Wait...Duvalie?!"
(Romeo) "Jesus lady, just who DON'T you know?"
(Raelyn) "More friends like Rean, I presume?"
(Buck) "Clearly. Anyways, thanks for pulling our asses out the fire. Where's that white haired one?"
The door opened, and she was carrying some mugs of ale in her hand.
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(Fie) "...Hey."
She casually gave most of the group their mugs, leaving Duvalie without one.
(Duvalie) "...Really?"
(Fie) "Figured you didn't want one...Actually, we didn't figure you'd be here at all."
(Romeo) "That's great and all, but mind explaining just who you people are?"
(Elliot) "I'm Elliot! That's Fie and Laura, and we were part of the original House Isekai. Class VII, to be specific."
(Dutch) "And clearly you know Duvalie."
(Laura) "For better or worse..."
(Raelyn) "Seeing the situation we are in, I would rather not alienate the only help at talking to the locals here."
Despite the fact he had a helmet, she could feel a piercing gaze shoot straight through her.
(Buck) "Agreed. So, what brings people such as yourselves here?"
(Fie) "Hm. Long story short-..."
Doomguy's Base, 1 Day Earlier...
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[Briefing Time - Trails of Cold Steel 3 OST]
(VEGA) "All attempts of establishing a secure line has failed. It appears something is blocking our ability to respond."
Doomguy frowned as he checked the screens. Nothing was damaged on anyone's end, yet he was only able to receive Sitri's distress call.
He said nothing as he turned to the teleporter. It appears someone was finally arriving.
(VEGA) "Signatures detected. Class VII members: Elliot, Laura, and Fie. Authorize access?"
Doomguy nodded as he put his helmet on, letting the three former House Isekai members materialize onto the pad.
The first one was Laura, quickly followed by Elliot and Fie. Elliot appeared to be staggered while the other two were barely fazed.
(Elliot) "Oh man, still not used to that!"
(Fie) "Doubt we ever will."
(Laura) "Instructor. It's been quite some time."
They turned their attention to Doomguy who gave them a nod.
(VEGA) "It is a pleasure to see you all well."
(Laura) "Likewise. I only wish the circumstances were better."
(Fie) "Tried contacting everyone else we could, but they were either busy or didn't respond at all, so for now we're all you're getting.
(Elliot) "We received a distress call from Sitri. Is everything alright in Fodlan?"
Doomguy shrugged and motioned for them to follow him out the room.
(VEGA) "A distress signal was sent out, and normally we would have been able to respond, but an unknown variable has been preventing us from doing so. However, we are still able to keep track of any movement via teleportation of former House Isekai members."
(Fie) "If it has the ability to block dimensional calling, that's pretty strong, whatever it is."
(Laura) "Has anyone else been able to respond this entire time?
(VEGA) "Yes. Rean Schwarzer, Towa Herschel, Satou Kazuma, and Aigis have been the only four to do so."
(Elliot) "That explains why we couldn't call Rean and Towa."
(Laura) "Aigis I can understand, but for Kazuma to show up? That surprises me."
(Fie) "Guessing you haven't been able to ask them what's going on either?"
(VEGA) "Your assumption is correct."
(Fie) "Guess that means we gotta get our hands dirty."
Fie checked her gunblades and stretched her arms.
(Laura) "Hopefully combat won't be necessary."
(Elliot) "Buuut that doesn't really seem possible, if I'm being honest. Trouble tends to follow us no matter where we go."
Doomguy checked his shotgun's ammo as he opened up the door to another teleportation chamber.
(VEGA) "We thank you for responding regardless, but we will ask if you may investigate this phenomenon on our behalf."
(Fie) "Sure. Things are pretty stable back home."
(Elliot) "So, if we're going into Fodlan, how are we going to keep in contact?"
(VEGA) "We are assuming there will be a total communications blackout. If you do not respond within a week in Fodlan's time, we will directly intervene."
(Laura) "All right then. Looks like our goals are to find former House Isekai members and find out what's going on."
(VEGA) "Affirmative."
(Fie) "Mission parameters established then. Let's begin."
(VEGA) "...Strange. There appears to be a teleportation to the Goneril territory."
(Elliot) "What's so weird about it?"
(VEGA) "It was not activated by Sothis, but rather the tower itself."
(Everyone) ?
(Laura) "But there is no one there. Right? Instructor Byleth made sure of that."
(Fie) "Guess that's another thing we gotta investigate. First let's head to where that teleportation took place.."
(Elliot) "That's Hilda's last name, isn't it?"
(VEGA) "Hilda Valentine Goneril. Unofficial retainer to Claude Von Riegan."
Doomguy stood behind a console and pressed several buttons and looked at the members of Class VII.
(Elliot) "So three things to do, got it! We'll see you soon!"
(VEGA) "Good luck, Class VII."
Doomguy gave them a thumbs up before he pulled the lever.
They were absorbed into a beam of light and were taken to the location VEGA reported...
(Buck) "So...that portal wasn't theirs?"
(Fie) "No. Something else pulled you here, and we came to find out why, among other things."
(Elliot) "On top of that, we have to find out specifically why you all were brought here. Our group didn't have much reason other than it being chance but yours it seems almost deliberate."
(Raelyn) "I fail to think of anything unique happening to where I'd be brought into a world like this."
(Dutch) "Same with us."
(Duvalie) "Agreed..."
(Laura) "Well, despite the unusual circumstances that has brought us here, the former members of House Isekai ask to join forces with your group."
(Raelyn) "No objections here."
(Romeo) "It's either work together or be stuck in this place forever, so we might as well."
(Mickey) "You got our support."
The ODST's and Raelyn turned to Duvalie.
She crossed her arms, barely able to keep her anger down.
(Buck) "How old are you, exactly?"
(Elliot) "Hah...g-glad to see she hasn't...changed?"
(Raelyn) "There is nothing about her personality that I have seen thus far that you should be glad about, Elliot."
(Duvalie) "EXCUSE ME?!-"
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tigerkirby215 · 4 years
5e Mordekaiser, the Iron Revenant build (League of Legends)
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Guess I just don’t really want to make nothing but K-Pop builds. Been playing Morde a lot and he’s fun, and Morde in D&D is actually a build I’ve been thinking about for awhile. I don’t have to use Tasha’s content either for this build so I figured I’d make something other than eGirls in anticipation for Pentakill’s comeback album.
Please for the love of god give us a new Pentakill Mordekaiser skin, and actually turn his mace into a guitar!
Shed the frailty of flesh; embrace the cold edge of iron - The iron revenant needs iron, with a giant mace and armor that can block even the strongest sword. For iron stands eternal.
In my clutches! - Those who try to flee will be brought back by Death’s Grasp. There is no escaping fate.
Accept your demise - Tired of your foes running? Bring them to a Realm of Death where they’ll have to fight.
I know that Mordekaiser is technically a revenant but in my continued attempts to make my builds “Adventurer’s League legal” while not using Adventurer’s League rules we’re going to go with a Warforged, because of course we’d pick the race made of metal. As a Warforged your Constitution increases by 2 and you can increase another stat of your choice by 1: bump up your Charisma to be just a little bit scarier.
As iron stands eternal you have Constructed Resilience for advantage against being poisoned, resistance to the poisoned condition, immunity to disease, and no need to eat, drink, or breathe. You also don’t need to sleep and can’t be put to sleep by magic: instead to sleep you enter a Sentry’s Rest, where you stand motionless for hours but are still fully aware of your surroundings.
But most importantly to resist all blows you have Integrated Protection. It flat out increases your AC by 1, and also makes it so that instead of “wearing” armor you integrate it into your body. While the armor is integrated into you it can’t be removed by any means.
Finally you have Specialized Design for a skill, tool, and language of your choice. For your skill I opted for Performance to show that you’re the chosen: you are the guardian, the guardian. (But feel free to take something more practical.) For your tool a Lute is the closest you’ll get to a guitar to lead a Yordle city destroying band. And for your language choose whatever you think the spirits of the dead would speak: I opted for Abyssal personally. Definitely not because Abyssal is the first option alphabetically.
15; STRENGTH - Iron stands eternal, and iron is heavy.
14; WISDOM - Morde speaks in very sagely ways, and this is a rather big requirement for one of our classes.
13; CHARISMA - Charisma is tied directly to being the scariest revenant around, and indirectly tied to kick-ass guitar solos.
12; CONSTITUTION - Twice slain and thrice reborn doesn’t happen if you’re not a sturdy fella.
10; INTELLIGENCE - Being alive for eons means that you would know a thing or two about history.
8; DEXTERITY - Iron stands eternal, and iron is heavy.
There’s a lot of potential backgrounds for Mordekaiser (I honestly really like the Knight background because Retainers are fun) but the most accurate one for abilities and lore would be a Soldier. You gain proficiency in Athletics but I’m going to suggest swapping Intimidation out for History proficiency, since you’re an ancient being who was around for many wars. You also gain proficiency with land vehicles and a gaming set of your choice, both of which don’t matter much: see if you can maybe grab another metal instrument instead.
Your background with a Military Rank means that your followers recognize you as their general (or possibly a lower rank if your DM isn’t a fan of OP level 1 backstories.) They defer to you if they are of lower rank, and you can use your military influence to requisition supplies as needed.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
An oath sworn to death is still an oath. Paladins get proficiency in two skills from the Paladin list: this is where we’ll actually be grabbing Intimidation, and we’ll also take Religion. Yeah turns out that Morde’s obsession with death is actually a religion.
Regardless Paladins at level 1 have Divine Sense. You can spend an action to sense any celestial, fiend, or undead within 60 feet of you that is not behind total cover. You know the type of being but not its identity, and you can also use this ability to determine if an area has been consecrated or desecrated. You can use this feature a number of times equal to your Charisma modifier plus one, and regain all uses at the end of a Long Rest.
You also have some healing for your Indestructible body with Lay on Hands. You have a pool of healing power equal to five times your Paladin level that you can spend to heal anyone you touch (including yourself.) You can spend any number of your remaining hitpoints on the heal, or you can spend 5 hitpoints to cure a disease or neutralize a poison. You can stop multiple poisons and diseases at a time (spending 5 hitpoints for each) but seeing as iron resists poison and disease you should be fine. Your puny allies however may need the help.
Now may also be a good time to mention what weapons and armor to take. For a giant two-handed mace take a Maul, and for heavy armor take heavy armor. For now that will just be Chainmail (granted by default with Paladin starting equipment) but you can transition to Platemail in the future hopefully.
Second level Paladins get to choose their Fighting Style to augment their non-abilities. To be completely unbreakable take Defense for another +1 to your AC.
You also get access to Spellcasting. You can prepare a number of spells equal to your Charisma modifier plus half your Paladin level (rounded down.) The main spell we’re here for is Compelled Duel to force foes to face you and make it a lot harder for them to fight. It’s not a full 1v1 dimension but it works pretty well. Other than that if you want some Nashor’s Tooth damage Divine Favor will make your strikes a lot more painful, and if you want even more defense Shield of Faith will block any blow that may come your way.
Of course you can ignore all this and Obliterate your foes with Divine Smite, spending a spell slot and turning into magic Radiant damage. A smite with do 2d8 for a first level slot plus an additional d8 per slot above first, up to a maximum of 5d8 with a 4th level slot. If you hit an undead or fiend however the damage increases by another d8, for a maximum of 6d8.
Third level Paladins get Divine Health which literally doesn’t impact you since you’re a Warforged, so instead we’ll talk about your Sacred Oath. As fun and flavorful as an Oathbreaker would be that subclass is kinda... bad? So instead look to the Oath of Conquest to shatter your foes!
You get the Armor of Agathys spell for some Thornmail, and the Command spell for Death’s Grasp. Telling someone to approach doesn’t have the same impact as grabbing them with a spooky ghost claw but it works just as well. You also get two Channel Divinity options. Conquering Presence will make everyone near you frightened, and Guided Strike will let you add +10 to an attack roll which will guarantee that you’ll hit in most if not all situations.
4th level Paladins get an Ability Score Improvement: seeing as our Strength is uneven we can take a Feat like Heavy Armor Master, increasing our Strength by 1 and making it so that our foes’ puny non-magical weapons bounce off us like nothing.
You can also prepare another spell but we’re going to wait a bit on that.
5th level Paladins get an Extra Attack, giving you enough attack speed to swing Nightfall twice before your opponent starts to run.
You also get access to second level spells. Oath of Conquest gives you Hold Person to keep your foes in place and Spiritual Weapon for a ghostly soldier to fight alongside you. You can also prepare a spell like Aid to further boost your health, making it even harder to slay you once more.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
Despite being a big metal man Mordekaiser is an AP champ, but he also hits people quite a lot with his mace. Hence we’re going into the AP class that also hits people with a mace. Now you may think that we’d want to go into Death Cleric for a revenant... THAT’S WHERE YOU’RE WRONG FOOLISH MORTAL! IRON STANDS ETERNAL! FORGE DOMAIN! At level 1 you get Blessing of the Forge allowing you to turn a weapon or piece of armor into a magical +1 weapon or armor. My tip? More armor. Iron stands eternal.
As a Cleric you also get Spellcasting that relies on your Wisdom instead of your Charisma. You also actually get cantrips! You are the master of death and you choose when people die, so take Spare the Dying to make them not die. To make sure your subjects hear your words Thaumaturgy will let all hear you. And just because Mordekaiser is a melee champ doesn’t mean you can’t have a ranged damage option, so take Toll the Dead so none can escape what comes for all.
Check page something-or-other to see how many spell slots you have, but what’s important to know is that you can prepare a number of spells equal to your Wisdom modifier plus your Cleric level. As a Forge Cleric you also get Identity to find the perfect weapon, and Searing Smite to seal your foes away with Nightfall’s Kiss. To keep usurpers away Protection from Good and Evil will make it nye-impossible for them to harm you, and to command your allies as an army Bless will strengthen their weapons and resolve. Other than that? I mean someone should probably have Detect Magic. Truthfully there isn’t much we need from first level spells.
Second level Clerics get Channel Divinity options that use the same Channel Divinity charges that your Paladin Channel Divinity uses. Luckily these ones are a little more situational: Turn Undead lets you... turn undead. (Please just read the ability’s description as I’m sick of explaining it in every Cleric build I make.) Artisan's Blessing meanwhile lets you craft something from eternal iron... or whatever other metal you may have. The cost can’t exceed 100 gold, but you can arm your soldiers with weapons and armor... within reason.
You can also prepare another spell but we’re going to wait for...
Third level Clerics can prepare second level spells. As a Forge Cleric you have Heat Metal innately prepared, as well as Magic Weapon. This is why I suggested you use your Blessings of the Forge on your armor, because Magic Weapon will let you improve Nightfall. And Heat Metal is surprisingly one of the best spells to counter you, so good thing you have it in your arsenal.
Speaking of arsenal: for the power to carry all that iron Enhance Ability will make you the perfect being for anything you may wish to do. Warding Bond is perhaps not as useful for you, but strengthening your allies strengthens you through relation.
4th level means more Ability Score Improvements. Strength is tied to just about everything we do currently (and is notably needed if we want Platemail) so increase that by 2, making Nightfall all the deadlier.
You could also prepare another spell but there isn’t much to take from second level either, so it would be good to wait for third level spells. You do get another cantrip though and even the strongest warriors can use some otherworldly aid, so take Guidance for that aid.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
5th level Clerics can Destroy Undead of CR 1/2 with their Turn Undead Channel Divinity. Perhaps it’s odd for a revenant to destroy undead, but I’d rule it as culling the weak.
But more importantly you can prepare third level spells! Forge Clerics get Elemental Weapon for an upgrade to Magic Weapon, and Protection from Energy for an Adaptive Helm. May you rest in peace in Season 11. We’ve yet to get our passive yet, so to make Darkness Rise take Spirit Guardians to damage foes near you. And you know what we don’t have a lot of as an undead revenant? Undead minions. Animate Dead will bring forth your legion, so they can’t bring you down easily.
6th level Clerics can use their Channel Divinity twice per Short or Long Rest, which is nice because this also affects your Paladin Channel Divinities. Additionally Forge Clerics get the Soul of the Forge for resistance to Fire damage and EVEN. MORE. AC!
And you can prepare more spells! Want to keep your domain safe? Glyph of Warding will deter anyone trying to stop you before you can awaken again.
Level 7 in Cleric? Level 4 in spells. Forge Clerics get Fabricate to craft tools of war. But more importantly you can stop people from interrupting your 1v1s with a Wall of Fire! People can still butt in, but being surrounded by flames definitely makes it harder!
Additionally you can grab Death Ward, to stop anything from taking you down... at first. You may crack iron, but you can never break it.
Level 8 gives another Ability Score Improvement which means it’s finally time to max out your Strength! This is great because you now also have Divine Strike to make Nightfall do an additional d8 of Fire damage on hit!
And how about more spells? Banishment is like your ultimate but you can’t join them in the Death Realm. And without you there isn’t much death. It’s honestly fairly harmless. But at least if they don’t belong in this realm you can hopefully lock them away for good.
Oh and your Turn Undead now can Destroy Undead of CR 1 or lower. So mind your minions.
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(Artwork by Teddy Tarnando.)
Who likes 5th level spells? As a Forge Cleric you know Animate Objects to bring unholy life to iron, and Creation to create said iron. For a burst of darkness that does Radiant damage Flame Strike is a good tool to level any battlefield.
10th level Clerics may be blessed with Divine Intervention. You may pray to the god of death (or I guess the god of the forge too) for assistance before rolling on a percentile die. If you roll a number equal to or lower than your Cleric level, the gods intervene. If you receive aid you can’t use this ability for 7 days. If you aren’t heard the ability comes back on a Long Rest.
You know what else comes back after a Long Rest? Spell slots. You know what doesn’t come back after a Long Rest (normally)? The dead. So grab Raise Dead to bring the dead after a notably Long Rest. You can also add another cantrip to your list, and for times when iron doesn’t stand eternal you may want some Mending.
11th level Clerics can prepare 6th level spells. Blade Barrier is perhaps not the most practical spell but it’s metal as fuck in more ways than one, blocking your foes with whirling death. Say it with me now: iron stands eternal! You can also now Destroy Undead of CR 2.
At level 12 you get another Ability Score Improvement or a Feat... hey wouldn’t it be funny if we literally completely ignored our spellcasting modifiers in favor of just hitting things harder with our mace? This perhaps would’ve been stronger to take earlier but we’re finally grabbing Great Weapon Master for the hardest, most deadly strikes with Nightfall’s Kiss.
And more spells prepared? Well it’s perhaps not the most practical more undead minions from Create Undead will serve you well.
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(Artwork by Sunny Pandita, Concept Artist at Riot Games.)
13th level presents you with 7th level spells and damn there are a lot of good ones, but I’m actually going to suggest Regenerate to keep you or any allies in the fight.
Another level, another spell. Even though there’s some really great stuff at 7th level you don’t have many spell slots there, so I’d instead suggest going back to fountain to resupply. Word of Recall (a 6th level spell) can help in a pinch to escape from danger and retreat to regroup.
Your Turn Undead now can Destroy Undead of CR 3 or lower. But most importantly: your Divine Strike now increases to 2d8 fire damage! So if Nightfall is a regular maul it’s doing 2d6 bludgeoning and an additional 2d8 fire damage on your first hit!
15th level gives you an 8th level spell! You’ll only have one of these so make sure it counts! Clerics don’t have that many 8th level spells to choose from but you may be surprised to hear that I’m suggesting Holy Aura. Why? It’s the ultimate spell to stand eternally, making your foes attacks bounce off you like nothing while the weapons of your legion strike hard and strong!
Flesh constrains; iron liberates - You know what’s fun? Having 20 AC with just (+1) Chainmail, and up to 22 AC with standard (+1) Plate! All I can say is that your DM will be thanking the gods that you didn’t decide to grab a shield.
Thus begins the slaughter - Ha ha Nightfall go bonk. If your sick of hearing people say that Martial classes don’t do a lot of damage show them a Martial character with Smites, Divine Strike, spells to boost their weapons, and Great Weapon Master to add a flat +10 to your damage! Not to mention that Guided Strike practically guarantees that you’ll land your blows, and you have two Channel Divinities per Short Rest!
I’m actually making a second paragraph for this: the most damage you can do in a turn (using two fourth level spell slots on Smites, a 7th level Elemental Weapon spell applied to your weapon, and assuming you use Great Weapon Master on both attacks) is... 4d6 + 36 Bludgeoning damage, 2d8 Fire damage, 6d4 Elemental Weapon damage (of your chosen damage type), and 10d8 Radiant Damage. This, on average, will do 130 damage! (Not accounting for Resistances.) To put this into perspective: Tiamat has 615 HP. A lot of resistances too yes, but not accounting for those resistances you in-theory are doing 20% of Tiamat’s health in one attack!
Power eternal - You may not have 9th level spells but you have 9th level slots, and tons of spells that will level the battlefield no matter how likely they are to hit. Buffing spells work regardless of your spellcasting modifier, and do so to great effect.
A fleeting delay of the inevitable - Hey you know what’s good to do as a spellcaster? Cast spells. Both your spellcasting modifiers are at the bare minimum required to multiclass. Perhaps see if you can build this character with Point Buy so you can dump every stat except for Strength, Wisdom, and Charisma. (Well Constitution is still good too.)
Such meaningless struggle - Dumping ability scores also means that your own saving throws are subpar, and unlike usual with Paladins you don’t have Aura of Protection to save you. Notably a -1 to DEX means you won’t be dodging any skillshots anytime soon.
Enter the crucible of anguish - You are a big, slow, bulky lad who needs to rely on a big smacc sticc to do just about everything. Anyone who can outrun you will quickly make you useless as you have to get closer to beat the shit out of people.
But you needn’t come to them: death shall befall them either way. They can stay away and hide from the inevitable, or approach and accept their fate. Nothing will break you, nothing will stop you. Twice slain, thrice reborn, you are Mordekaiser, and you stand eternal. Along with your kickass metal album.
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(Artwork made for Riot Games.)
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capricornus-rex · 4 years
Inseparable Dyad (1)
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Cal Kestis x Reader
Summary: When Cal follows his instincts to revisit Zeffo, you sense a great disturbance and urgency in the Force. A trap was set by bounty hunters who wanted either—or both—of your heads, but no one knows who has put the price.
Notes: This is all part of an elaborate story I have been working on. Thanks again for liking my stuff! I hope you guys still like my stories~ :3
Masterlist | Part 2
1 of ?
The sun is still asleep. The stars retain their glittering presence in the sky. The clouds were painted a dim indigo and orange—dawn was just about to break. And the morning fog is beginning to lift.
Before the great Binog could even crane its neck up to greet the sun, or before the colonies of Boglings could pop out of their burrow holes to do the same, you and Cal have already started your sparring session. The humming of lightsabers and the gasps of breaths echoed in the horizon until the abyss drowned out the sound. The wind was invigorating, in addition to the beads of sweat trickling down your necks that gave both of you chills.
But the hostile creatures did not take kindly to your early morning activity. Bog rats have sprouted out of their burrows and Sploxes crawl hastily towards the both of you to bring their message across. You and Cal are against each other’s backs, lightsabers at the ready, while the animals have you surrounded and they’re waiting for their chance of attack.
A bog rat jumps and you immediately sliced it in half. The moment its pieces fell to the ground, another has made its move on Cal. The attacks were in succession and in no particular pattern—any animal who took initiative immediately met their demise.
“Huh, that was easy,” you casually commented.
Suddenly, the earth under your boots shook, the quake was so strong that the puddles have spilled out water.
“I wouldn’t be too sure this time!”
Three Oggdos have emerged from the sinkholes that led to their den. Nine eyes blinked mindlessly and alternately as they caught sight of the cause of their disrupted slumber.
“Morning fellas!” you greet with your trademark sarcasm.
The Oggdos grunted as they heard your voice. They have made it their goal to show you a thing or two about disturbing their sleep right before daybreak. One of them was too eager to make that point already. These three large, triple-eyed frogs have you surrounded. Both of you worked together to take each and one of them down.
As the first Oggdo jumped, you and Cal dodge-rolled away from its landing spot and immediately went for the attack. It was surprisingly quick on its feet and had no problem targeting either of you—its only goal was to get rid of the two of you. Cal focused for a quick moment and was able to execute his stronger Force-push that could stagger large beasts. With very little window time of reaction, he did not spare any moment in weakening the creature before it could come up with another attack. His dual-lightsaber did a number on the large beast, releasing a string of pattern attacks until the split-lightsaber attack delivered the finishing blow.
In your periphery, you saw the second one preparing to use its tongue. You rolled over Cal’s back and then—in the most perfect of timings—Cal slowed down the second Oggdo, then your lightsaber severed the tongue before it could even stretch out to its full length.
The third Oggdo focuses on Cal and prepares for a jump attack. Cal saw the opportunity. He runs up to it while it was still in mid-air, he slides underneath the creature and slices it on the underside when it was about to land. The creature thumps hard on the ground and gave out its last breath.
The second one was very aggressive, which was completely understandable since its tongue has been brought out of commission—all thanks to you. Out of anger, it repeatedly snaps its jaws until it could chomp off a leg. Cal gave you a jump boost, you made a stepping stone out of the Oggdo’s boulder of a snout, and pithed your lightsaber on its spine. It wildly whipped left and right, not caring that you’re still aboard its back, hoping to fling away the saber that has been driven deep into its flesh.
“[y/n], look out!”
It eventually flung you away—along with your lightsaber—and you hurled towards Cal to the ground. It was still standing, though it didn’t have much fight in it left but it was still very angry. You lobbed your lightsaber towards it and the Oggdo falls dead on the grass.
Seeing that your targets are not moving anymore, you two propped yourselves up and took a good look of the hot mess you’ve made. You catch you breath and fall flat on the morning-chilled grass.
“Well, that’s one hell of a workout, if I should say so myself,” Cal huffed. “Round two?”
You turn your head to him and saw that smirk on his face, you playfully raised your brow at him, and he received a chuckle as an answer. You gently headbutted him and he stole a quick kiss.
“Race you to breakfast?” you whispered teasingly.
“Aww, it’s on!”
In that split second, you two were already racing your way back to the abode. Little did you know that you were already racing the sun in its rise. You felt compelled to stop and you were just meters away from the entrance of the hut too. Cal stood by your side and followed where your gaze was pointed.
The sky has begun to change color. The indigo was now turning into a powder blue gradient, the vibrant orange went into a soft yet bright yellow. The silhouette of the silver clouds were now lined with sunshine gold.
You headed for one of the huts on the plateau that led back to the workshop, Cal was hot on your trail but you beat him to the pulley. No matter, he thought, and he just immediately jumped down. You were just ten paces away from the kitchen but Cal snatched you by the waist and hoisted you up.
“Aww no you don’t!” he playfully exclaimed.
“Put me down, Cal!” You laughed, making little effort to make your escape.
He twirled you around in the air while he had you hoisted up in his arms. Your shared laughter rang and echoed loudly across the walls. When he finally puts you down, he still did not release you from his grasp, he kept you close to his hip before you convinced him to let you go because still needed to make breakfast.
A serving of Phillak chops helped you get your fill for the morning. The rigorous exercise from earlier this morning did a number on your stamina. You stand by the open entryway of the abode, watching the sun shine brightly on the planet, casting light in every nook and cranny. Cal knew you loved the morning, the sun, and watching the dawn break.
He remembered your first few days together in the abode, he found you up and early to watch the sunrise—you were sitting by the edge of the abode with your legs suspended in the air, swinging them as if you weren’t on the verge of nothingness. You did this often for a few weeks, until he had the chance to ask you why you were always doing this.
“I feel like I need to memorize the light more, because I’ve been sitting in darkness for way too long.”
That was your answer. It was a riddle of sorts, but an easy one to crack. Cal did not need much explanation, he knew the feeling all too well—for he, too, once lived in a dark place. He’s just glad that the darkness is gone and wakes up by your side every morning.
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burkedeboer · 6 years
North to the Abyss
2 F, 1 M.
During the gold rush, a woman travels to the coastal Alaskan town from which her husband sent his last letter. She intends to track him down, but instead finds greater mystery in the nature of his disappearance.
A note on the text: though only her opening monologue is in verse, you may notice that all of Rachel’s dialogue is timed to iambic pentameter. She is the only character that does so, and should help to distinguish her class from the other characters.
This 10 Minute Play was written in spring of 2018. The full text is below the break.
At center stage - RACHEL VASSALL. A well-to-do young woman, educated in turn of the century universities. She reads from a letter.
RACHEL “My dearest Rachel, the light of my life, Our time apart has only just begun And already I long for my return. I remind myself of what’s to be had: How better we shall live with these riches, That is, should this journey north prove fruitful. Yet, though I am confident in myself As I now have arrived in Alaska And look to the next steps of my travels, I would that my feet could now beat southward.
Every night I spend in a lonely bed And awake beside an empty pillow Is another sunset and rise wasted. I know we shall be together quite soon - As soon as the springtime, I’ll come to you. And yet it is not nearly soon enough.
I curse what this world requires of us, That it should require us be apart. But we shall overcome this great distance, As distance only is measured on maps, And there’s no mortal measure for our love. I am yours eternal. All my love, Claude.”
This was the first letter from Alaska. He said he would write whenever he could. I have a letter too from Seattle, where he waited ashore all of one night, a night he spent writing his love to me. That was Claude’s way; he always kept his word. So how, I wonder, did it come to pass that this letter should also be his last?
(A post office in a coastal Alaskan town. The 20th century has barely just begun; this is the sort of town that barely knows it, and won’t catch up with new century for some time. It is minded by the lone clerk and postmaster, BILL SAYER, an older man who stands behind a desk. He groans loudly as RACHEL enters. She looks at him alarmed.)
SAYER Sorry, miss, sorry to growl at ya, it’s just my back. I got them floating kidneys, y’know. Makes the lower back hurt something fierce. I got a balm for it though. But that’s talk for the apothecary not the post office. What can I do for you?
RACHEL What does the name Claude Vassall mean to you?
SAYER Both a lot and not much. From the look about you, I’d say he means more to you.
RACHEL I’d certainly hope so - he’s my husband.
SAYER Is that so? Well. It’s nice to meet you. Though it could have been under nicer circumstances.
RACHEL What do you mean? I haven’t heard from him; not hide nor hair nor whisper since the fall. I’ve no idea or notion how he is.
SAYER Yes, that’s right.
RACHEL Excuse me?
SAYER I’m terribly, awfully sorry, Mrs. Vassall. I didn’t realize, I-... Well. Easiest way to put it is that I know as much as you. Or as little, as it were. Nobody else has seen him either, not in this town. Not on this realm.
RACHEL What do you mean by “realm?” When did he leave?
SAYER In the fall.
RACHEL When he arrived? I have his last letter. I’ve kept it by my heart these last few months.
SAYER I’m sorry. We tried to warn him against staking that claim.
RACHEL Yes-- his claim, on some island in your bay.
SAYER Not just some island. Abaddon Island. That’s what the Russians called it anyway, and we may have changed a lot with this territory but that’s one thing we kept our hands off of. It’s better that way.
RACHEL I’m afraid I don’t understand, Mister-...?
SAYER Oh, of course, where are my manners. Sayer, ma’am. Bill Sayer. I’m the postmaster here. When your husband came and dropped off the letter, I didn’t realize who he was or where he was going or I would have talked to him myself. Maybe I should have gone out of my way to find him afterwards. After I heard from Eliza - she’s the lady what runs the inn he stayed at, and I heard from her that he had the Abaddon claim. And he planned to stake it. Then he was gone.
RACHEL Please don’t say it like that, Mr. Sayer. “Gone,” it just sounds so terribly final.
SAYER I’m sorry Mrs. Vassall, I know he was your husband. But let me-- I’m sorry. There’s something you need to know.
RACHEL I only need to know where to find him.
SAYER No-- I-- Listen. If I may: The man that sold him that claim sold it to him in California.
RACHEL I recall; I did share a house with him.
SAYER I only bring it up because the man who sold it was some sort of swindler.
RACHEL Was he so ignoble? Was the claim false?
SAYER No, the claim was true.
RACHEL Then tell me how my husband was “swindled?”
SAYER It’s just a matter of the fact being that no one around here would sell or advise the sale-of the claim on Abaddon Island. It was first staked back in the day when all the claims around here were getting staked. The old boy who took it up never came back. Things were in such a boom in those days, the town was just starting to spring up, not even platted yet, people coming and going every which way and nobody thought much of anything when a year passed and the claim wasn’t renewed so it defaulted back to the office. They figured he must’ve just left town, like so many others. Sold it again. But this time it was sold to a man who staked the Klondike and the Fortymile and had had himself a whole bunch of success. And he had struck gold outside of town here again, and folks in town knew him, so when spring turned to summer and we hadn’t seen him a search party got rounded up. Then these Chugach came to town, they got some villages down the coast both ways, been here for longer than any white folks, this is their land and their culture. They come out to sell their wares. So the posse asked them about that island, if they had any advice. And they told those men the same thing I’m gonna tell you: stay away.
RACHEL Is there some Native folklore about it?
SAYER Yes ma’am. It’s a forbidden land, in their eyes. I guess way back when the Russians were here, fur trapping expeditions sent attachments there, and it’s the same story. Same story as what happened to the posse too. Same story way back a thousand years. It’s been told too many times and I hate to tell it again. This time about your poor husband. I’m just afraid that when it comes to Abaddon Island, that’s the only way the story gets told.
RACHEL Then how did the rights to such an island, home to only warnings and precautions, come to be in the Lower Forty-Eight? Traded from a swindler to my husband?
SAYER Couldn’t tell ya. Don’t know. After the rights expired for the second time, a man named Chuch Buckford bought it. By that time I was working here. But I wasn’t postmaster yet, or else I would’ve refused to sell it to him. He went on and on about how all of this was only superstition. About how he was a man of reason, and a positivist, and how he would prove to us that there was nothing to fear. He had some sort of plan about it, or so he said. And he said it a lot. But he never went. After Chuch, I don’t know exactly how it changed hands, other than through poker games and maybe barters of some other sort. The state of things came to be that if a man put up a gold claim as part of a bet, then his opponent would demand to read it over and make double sure it wasn’t The Island. Or, if the opponent was a fresh-faced greenhorn, then everyone else around the table would intervene on his behalf and inspect the claim themselves. See, that’s why I say when Mr. Vassall arrived so keen to take on Abaddon Island I knew for a fact that it had been sold to him elsewhere. Every year, through the years, a different face would come into the office and renew the claim before it expired. A different man, every year, with all sorts of plans and ideas about how to get in and get out. One boy said he was gonna just row out there at dawn and back before dusk each day. I don’t know if he did it. It carried on this way for some time.
RACHEL And so it did, ‘til my husband arrived.
SAYER Yes ma’am, so it did.
(Enter RUTH, carrying a hefty bag of postage.)
RUTH Good fuckin’ shit, Bill, they must be thawing out up north, look at this load of postage! Snowbanks still up past your tits though, but looks like them logging camps finally got their shit down here. Good Lord, I’ve packed bears out of the backcountry that were lighter than this. (She slams the bag down. Beat) Who is this, why’s she crying?
RACHEL Oh am I really? Please, I don’t mean to.
SAYER No, there’s no reason to be embarrassed. I apologize for my courier. Ruth.
RUTH Yes Bill?
SAYER I’d like you to meet Mrs. Vassall.
RUTH ...Vassall? That’s not--
SAYER That is.
RUTH Oh hon.
RACHEL There’s been plenty of pity for me now, I’d appreciate it if you spared it.
RUTH Well alright. So Bill gave you the low-down then?
RACHEL He did.
RUTH I’m sorry, Mrs. Vassall. We tried to warn him.
RACHEL And tried to warn me, but I’m undeterred. I intend to travel to your island, and I intend to see it for myself.
SAYER Ma’am-- Nobody’s seen The Island for theirselves and came back to talk about it.
RACHEL I understand.
SAYER Nobody knows what happened to your husband, specifically, but let me tell you, everyone knows the general notion.
RACHEL I cannot believe that unless I see.
RUTH I’d go after my fella if he pulled a similar stunt.
SAYER Ruth… Ma’am, please, have a good think about this idea. Even if it wasn’t Abaddon Island. No offense, but you seem very well educated.
RACHEL I fail to see how that could bring offense.
SAYER It’s just I’m inclined to think you might not have a whole lot of experience in the woods. In the woods, alone, tracking a man. Would I be right?
SAYER Just consider what this whole undertaking would mean for you.
RACHEL Of course I have already, before I left. I took a ship up from San Francisco; I would not have made this trip hastily, but only after a winter of thought.
RUTH What you’ll wanna do, if you’re gonna head on out there, is pick yourself up a hired gun here in town.
SAYER Don’t tell her that.
RUTH Well she needs some sort of somebody helping her out. And I don’t rightly know, could be you go get a trapper or a mountaineer or some sort of timber fella. Someone that knows the wilderness real well and how to survive in it.
SAYER Nobody knows what The Island holds.
RUTH See, that’s what I’m thinking. Which is why I think of all the burly young bucks wasting their time in our taverns that would be raring to go. Remember that night when Joey Stokes walked down main street with his cap and ball Colt and shot out all the street lights one by one? Sheriff didn’t even arrest him on account of the fact that he was so impressed with Joey popping bulbs from a count of sixty paces.
SAYER Don’t ask her to talk to Joey Stokes.
RUTH Why not? It’s a heroic hunt, I’m sure he’d jump at the invitation.
SAYER Yes he would. And I like Joey Stokes. What you’re suggesting is instead of Mrs. Vassall dying alone, that Joey goes and dies with her.
RACHEL I trust it’s not as dire as all that. If it so worries you, Mr. Sayer, then I resolve to leave on my lonesome. I did not come to our Final Frontier with intent to rob you of your neighbors.
SAYER Much obliged. Much as I can oblige it.
RACHEL But your advice, much as I value it, can not be followed to its last letter. I did not sail north to turn south at port. I only want my husband home and safe, or, failing that, have him home and buried. Whichever fate the good Lord wills it be.
RUTH One way or another you’ll meet again.
RACHEL Yes. And meet in this world; I will find him.
RUTH I believe you when you say it. I just don’t believe me when I think it. Maybe since it’s springtime it’ll be easier. I wish you luck, ma’am.
RACHEL And you as well.
(RUTH exits. SAYER sighs, produces a box from under the desk.)
SAYER You’re set on it then?
RACHEL Yes, Mr. Sayer, I am resolute. In both my decision and intentions.
SAYER (He produces a revolver from the box.) Now I know this isn’t much. It’s just the post office pistol, issued to us should we need to defend ourselves. It’s a Peacemaker. They call it the gun that won the west, and The Island is west of here, technically. Cartographically. It would ease my mind if you had some sort of protection. (He produces a box of ammunition, sets it next to the gun on the table.) Now, legally, I’m not allowed to give this to you. Unless I deputized you a post carrier, I suppose. Not sure I’m allowed to do that either. But what I can do is leave it on the table here and step into the back. And if it was gone by the time I came back, I wouldn’t have a clue who took it. My own fault. Doubt anyone from the government would come checking on it anyway.
RACHEL I appreciate the offer-
SAYER No, now this one I’m firm on. All right, that’s my ultimatum. Either don’t go or take the gun. And I am the postmaster, I carry words and my words carry. Now it was nice meeting you, Mrs. Vassall. You are a determined sort, and that is respectable.
RACHEL And nice to meet you too, Mr. Sayer.
SAYER I just gotta pop into the back real quick. Hope to see you around.
SAYER exits to the back. There is a long silence as RACHEL considers. She then takes the gun and the ammo. She exits.
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neoraven · 5 years
NWA TNA Episode 1, June 19th 2002
17 years ago NWA TNA started the weekly PPV experiment. I went to every single one. Now I'm going to watch them for the first time since I was there.
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(this review brought courtesy of Toby Keith and the red white and blue)
In 2002, I was a teenager set adrift by 9/11 and the alienation from starting high school. For better or worse, every week I started going to National Wrestling Alliance - Total Nonstop Action shows on Wednesday night. I loved WCW and was bitter about the botched invasion going on, and here was a new WCW in my backyard.  It looks like there were 111 weekly PPVs, I'm not sure exactly how many taped ones / clip shows ended up happening, but I never missed one for injury, illness, or even vacation for the better part of two years. It was basically my ECW, for someone who was too young to follow ECW when it first aired.
I'm not really sure what the format of these is going to be. It's kind of a recap + live blog + review,  I'll give matches the standard 0-5 star ratings with 1/4*'s possible, so it's really a 20 point scale. I'm going to hopefully figure out a better way to get screen captures going forward. Also, these first couple were taped in Alabama, not at the TNA Asylum in Nashville. Hopefully if my memory holds up, I'll be able to give some live notes and memories from being there for some of these. I have an old hard drive of pictures taken that I hope I can recover. I won the "Best Fan of the Night" and "Best Sign" contests a couple times to get to go backstage, and I also generally hung out before the shows and after the shows to talk to the wrestlers coming and going like a groupie. Later on, I was even on the TNA "Street Team" helping to market TNA and hand out flyers/ads during Smackdown tapings.  I was also the moderator for the brief TNA Online Message Board, which I truly wish I had screencaps/archives somehow of all the…wildness there.
NWA TNA #1 June 19th 2002
Don West is the first person out of the gate, introducing Ed Ferrara after pyro and a brief introduction. Ed's all about TNA and introducing the girls dancing in cage as some sleazy music plays. Appropriately, he throws it to Mike Tenay, all business at ringside. TNA chants kick us off. Don West's hawaiian shirt is a thing of legend, and it's distracting me from Tenay's long explanation of the "Gauntlet For The Gold".
Jeremy Borash eventually is in ring announcing a parade of legends. Harley Race, Dory Funk, Jr, Jackie Fargo, Bullet Bob Armstrong, Corsica Joe & Sarah Lee, Bill Behrens, Ricky Steamboat. "All Our Base Are Belong To Us" shirt spotted in the stands. The Dragon compares the belt to every major championship in pro sports, the Stanley Cup, etc. He will special referee the finals of the match, and that brings out the one and only - Jeff Jarrett. His TNA theme "My World" is a lowkey banger that nevertheless completely haunted my life for 2 years. His big mouth earns him the first spot in the match. Ken Shamrock is here after that, and he joins Jarrett in burying the Battle Royal match. Finally, Scott Hall saunters through the crowd in a strip club(!!!) t-shirt as his awesome theme "Marvelous Me" plays. To round up, Ken Shamrock's theme wasn't great. "Hey Yo" sign spotted.
Goldylocks is backstage with Total Nonstop Action and the original midget killer "Puppet the Psycho Dwarf". Oh no. He's gonna spill some midget blood. Jeff Jarrett angrily kicks over a tiny music stand in the background hilariously. Then we go to the girls in cages and honest to goodness our first wrestling match -
6 Man Tag Team X Division Showcase AJ Styles, Low Ki, and Jerry Lynn vs The Flying Elvii (Sonny Siaki, Jimmy Yang, and Jorge Estrada)
An X Division showcase awaits. The legends surround a tiny monitor backstage. The generic faces' intro music is bland. The flying Elvii have a nice little knockoff theme at least. Siaki has Big The Rock Energy while the other two mug. The Elvii refuse handshakes and all hell breaks loose. Triple dropkicks and flying splashes to the outside. Styles reverses a back suplex into a phenomenal forearm, and I'm not going to attempt to catch every move. As an aside - Total Nonstop Action has taken a full 18 minutes on air before someone punched someone. Siaki and LowKi is a pretty appealing matchup. The former does a crisp Samoan Drop. Styles and Yang get in and have a very crisp, quick flurry of moves together. Jerry Lynn crushes a cradle Piledriver, and Siaki runs in and hits his neckbreaker finisher. LowKi accidentally brains AJ, and Yang capitalizes with the Yang Time for the pin. Considering who went on to hold the X Title, this is an odd result, but commentary was generally putting over how the mismatched team was going to compete in the X Title Round Robin coming up.
The Flying Elvii in 7 minutes, Yang Time pins AJ Styles **3/4
Midget Showcase Teo vs Hollywood
Hollywood starts it before the bell. From the promo, I thought this was a triple threat with Puppet. Hollywood kicks out of the "Tadpole Splash" from the top rope. Ed Ferrara says in response to Teo's claims to be a ladies' man - "He's the right height". Teo finishes Hollywood with an ugly swanton.
Teo in 3 minutes, Swanton?, 1/2*
Now West and Ferrara are in the ring hyping the Lingerie Battle Royal next week. The New Francine, Miss Joanie, Shannon (Daffney?), Alexis Laree (Mickie James!), The Incredible Sasha, Erin (Baltimore Cheerleader?), Elektra from ECW, Miss Taylor Vaughn, Darisa Da?? I didn't catch her name as Ed starts rambling about a kid in a candy store. Maybe I'll catch all the names if they're introduced with title cards next week. Francine grabs a mic and calls Ed "pudgy" and says none of the women compare to her. Elektra stands up to Francine and starts a catfight.
Goldylocks is in the back with Mortimer Plumtree. His character peaks with his name. He manages a tag team that bullied him in high school for reasons that are never explained. He leaves to walk "The Johnsons", Richard and Rod, to the ring.
Tag Team Match The Johnsons w/ Mortimer Plumtree vs Psychosis and James Storm
The latter is an odd pairing for a few reasons. I honestly didn't remember James Storm started off without Chris Harris and America' Most Wanted. He even has the prop guns firing blanks in the ring, which was always a nice touch. I feel like this is where I mention that the Johnsons are in full body suits and masks that make them look like walking penises. In other news, Psychosis is going without his trademark horned mask. Alicia from WCW is on the stage scouting the match. There's a fella in an XFL jersey in the stands. What year is it? "Buff your(sic) still the stuff" sign spotted. Ferrara "These Johnsons just look good". They hit simultaneous clutching suplexes to take control of the good guys, but Mortimer interferes to let one of the Johnsons hit their finisher on Cowboy. Post match, the ref pays off the lady watching the action.
The Johnsons in 4 minutes, Samoan Drop into Neckbreaker, *
Stan and Bo Dupp harass Goldylocks in the back until they run into the brothers' shared girlfriend in a quick nothing segment.
Borash introduces 1993 Rookie of the Year and Winston (yes, cigarettes) Cup Points Leader Sterling Martin. K-Krush is out to save us from the race car drivers. He's getting booed, but this would be a face promo anywhere other than Huntsville Alabama. K Krush "Damn you, and Damn Alabama" Brian Lawler is out to save the NASCAR dopes from the angry black man. He cuts an angry promo about "your kind" while the crowd howls in racist jeer. It's a pretty ugly segment considering "Grandmaster Sexay" Lawler is still clad in his Too Cool black rapper cosplay outfit.
Backstage, Jeff Jarrett is choking Jackie Fargo.
Tag Team Match Christian York & Joey Matthews vs The Dupps w/ Fluff Dupp
For better or worse, now I know their girlfriend/cousin's name now. After the crowd roared for the pasty white NASCAR duo, commentary is really going in on how these two wrestlers are completely fucking stupid and southern. The Dupps' intro is very boring twangy banjo crap, and they're not much better in the ring. Matthews hits a move called the Virginia Necktie that looks pretty nice. I think the non-Dupp team is working face, but it's hard to tell who the crowd is popping for. The Dupps win with some cheating and Fluff interference.
The Dupps in 4 minutes, Crotch shot, 1/2*
Before the Gauntlet For The Gold, we get a Toby Keith music video. He is singing "Angry American". Jeff Jarrett walks out and pushes Toby Keith off his little stupid stool and the crowd goes wild and honestly, I screamed in joy and Jeff Jarrett turned face for my money when he says "Nobody wants to hear that damn song, and take your Angry American Ass OUTTA HERE".
The Gauntlet For The Gold 20 Man Battle Royal for the NWA Heavyweight Championship Of The World
Buff Bagwell runs down for number 2 and the bell rings. Maybe it was for the main event finally starting but honestly the crowd goes pretty wild for Buff Bagwell laying hands on Double J. Buff hits a couple signature moves, but gets tossed before the next entrant. Ragin' Cajun Lash Laroux Is 3. He falls victim to The Stroke and is eliminated fast. "Somebody pissed in Jeff's Cheerio-s this morning!" Here comes Screamin' Norman Smiley at 4. The second largest pop of the night so far comes for the Big Wiggle. Jarrett tosses him anyways. Apolo comes down at 5, getting more offense than the previous entrants combined. K-Krush is 6. His signature axe kick gets tremendous boos, they hate him. Slash w/ James Mitchell is 7. Del Rios is 8. He is some kind of bodybuilder and it shows. Slash bites his way out of a belly to belly suplex as the announcers stress everything is legal. Justice is 9, I think this Is the future Abyss, but I can't swear to it. He hits a Black Hole Slam and now I'm 99% sure. Konnan is 10, yelling "Arriba La Raza" on his way to the ring. Abyss sells Konnan's facebuster a la HBK vs Hogan and I love it. 11 brings out Joel Gertner "I'm gonna be with 5 girls in Huntsville because I don't settle for less" He gives an X-rated introduction for the man they call Bruce of the Rainbow Express, led out by Lenny Lane. I'm not gonna bother listing all of the homophobic euphemisms the announce team runs through explaining who the Rainbow Express are. Rick Steiner is 12. He dumps Slash and Abyss with a couple impressive shows of strength. Malice is 13, dealing out chokeslams. Bruce, K-Krush, Del Rios,  Konnan, and Steiner go out quickly thereafter. Scott Hall is 14. Toby Keith? is 15. He suplexes and tosses Jarrett. Not that anyone cares, but Toby Keith leaves through the middle rope to chase Jarrett and is never officially eliminated. 16 brings Wildcat Chris Harris. Vampire Warrior, former Gangrel, runs down seemingly early as an entrant with no music? The on screen countdown timer disappeared during the Toby Keith situation. Dangerous Devin Storm, aka Crowbar, is probably 18. Steve Corino comes in at 19, the only former NWA Champ. Ken Shamrock is out at 20. "Hall was framed" sign spotted. Brian Christopher/Lawler is number 20 and I realize now that Toby Keith was not an official entrant. Brian clears out Chris Harris, Vampire Warrior, and Crowbar mostly by holding the top rope down when they ran by. He dumps Corino shortly after. Christopher and Apolo get dumped by Malice next. Then the cameraman somehow misses Malice back body dropping Scott Hall over the top, leaving Malice vs Ken Shamrock to go to a  pinfall or submission.
Malice vs Ken Shamrock, Special Referee Ricky The Dragon Steamboat
Malice gets some advice from Father James Mitchell at ringside.  After going back and forth, Shamrock gets an awesome cross arm breaker reversal of a choke slam. After a long tease of tapping, he gets the rope, maybe with James Mitchell pushing it a little toward his client. A big boot leads into the Ankle Lock and Shamrock refuses to break it on the ropes, after even a 7 count, leading to heated words with Steamboat. Shamrock wins with a Belly to Belly to a big pop despite his heel tactics. Cue pyro, and hoisting the tiny gold belt.
Ken Shamrock wins a 5 minute match following a 33 minute battle royal, Belly to Belly. **
The match was a little too long, even with Jarrett speeding up the beginning by tossing the opening entrants as fast as possible. Speaking of Double J, he fights with legends and security backstage before emerging with a microphone. He punches the legends after moaning about the battle royal until Toby Keith and Jackie Fargo come back out to book Scott Hall vs Jeff Jarrett next week, the show ends with them brawling up the ramp.
That wraps up episode 1! They have some marquee singles matches next week in addition to crowning the first X Division champ, I'll see you then to wrap up the two first Alabama shows before settling into The Asylum.
0 notes
kadobeclothing · 4 years
Bob Geldof opens up about ‘unbearable’ grief of losing a child in emotional Tommy Tiernan Show appearance
LEGENDARY rocker Bob Geldof has opened up about the “unbearable” grief after losing a child in an emotional interview on Irish television last night. The Boomtown Rats singer lost his daughter Peaches to a heroin overdose in 2014 when she was just 25. 2 Bob Geldof opened up about dealing with grief on Irish television2 The rocker also spoke about life on the road and growing upTonight, the 68-year-old spoke to presenter Tommy Tiernan about how the “ever-present” loss has affected him. He said: “Last week I went to the funeral of my mate’s son. And he didn’t want me to come for fear that I had to relive it. But I had to be there for him because it is unbearable. “Time doesn’t heal, time accommodates and it’s ever present. “You’re driving along and you’re at the traffic lights and for no reason whatsoever, the person in question inhabits you and I’ll cry. “And then I’ll look around to make sure the people next door don’t see me or are taking a photo and posting it or something. “But that happens and that happens to everyone. And so you say, ‘ok it’s time to cry now’. “You just do it to the maximum because there’s no use holding it in. “Lights are green, or whatever, and then you go. That’ll always be there and you accommodate that. “Once you understand the nature of this because it is boundless and it is bottomless. The grief and the abyss is infinite.” SEX AT 68 The music icon also revealed that he doesn’t believe in afterlife. He said: “Blessed oblivion and that’s what I hope and I will be very disappointed if there’s something afterwards.” Tommy asked Bob about his sex life at 68 and he opened up about feeling lonely after his first wife Paula Yates left him. He said: “You know that laser driven drive of a 16 year old clearly isn’t there. And as you age it tempers, which you must understand at 50. “By 68, it doesn’t always need chemical assistance but it f***ing helps. “And also you must be very careful because the beauty of a long married wife hides in plain sight and you must always look to that woman who animates you so that she once again electrifies you. “And It’s very easy with my Mrs who I’ve been with for 25 years. I’m sort of a one-woman geezer. “And I’m not being soppy here but being happy together is such a turn on.” FEELING LONELY He added: “When Paula left me and it became almost impossible to live and I was kept going by some close friends, Pete briquettes from the Rats being one of them. “I remember a futile flight from some thing in Europe and I was going back to nothing because my home, my family and everyone I’d loved… had gone like that. “And I really didn’t understand why I’d lost everything I took to be true. “And I was on this plane back to nothing and I was like, ‘Why am I flying back to nothing?’ “And it was so disorientating, discombobulating and I was sitting there really, sad just doesn’t do it, and again I’m very aware that lots of you have been through this. “Sitting in the plane and there was this couple bickering non-stop and he got stuck into a book and she was reading a mag. “Ten minutes to landing so everyone starts doing the belt and then you hear the wheels going down and as the wheels came down, she just put out her hand and he covered it. And I was so envious of that unacknowledged intimacy. “That they’d been arguing.. I wanted to have someone who got on my nerves even. I wanted someone who could do that and there’s nothing, you put out the hand and there’s nothing. “The other end of that is when you do have that it’s sexy.” GROWING UP He also admitted that his lifestyle as a rocker meant he had a busy sex life. He said: “If you’re in a rock and roll band, literally you shagged the world, literally. It’s not even a question of believing your luck, you get so used to it. “And I don’t know about the other guys, but sometimes I didn’t even want to, I just felt like I had to. You’re all so lonely. You’re going, ‘How many months have we been out now, here’s someone to hold onto for the night. I suppose I’ve got to shag them, f**k it.” And Geldof spoke about his life growing up in Dun Laoghaire and how dinner times would provide the opportunity for some heated debates. He said: “When we were children we didn’t have TV and stuff and my dad would come home on Friday, he’d be away all week working. “It was difficult trying to establish a relationship with his three children again. It’s boring. I didn’t have a mum. “So it was difficult to try and get a family vibe happening. Seven, eight o’clock on Friday night, he’d do the cooking because he used to be a chef before he was a traveller. “It was always good the food at the weekend because dad cooked. There’d be silence, you know, we were kind of embarrassed and awkward with this semi-stranger who we loved. strictly perfectOla and James Jordan welcome baby daughter after IVF struggledoting dadJeremy Kyle pictured with new baby for the first time after confirming comebackCHANGE OF HEARTCan you work out who this former sex symbol TV star and singer is?un-bear-ableHolly makes desperate appeal after daughter loses teddy and ‘best friend’ExclusiveTHRONE TOGETHERAndrew let Caprice sit on Queen’s throne during date at Buckingham PalaceExclusiveI’M O’KAYPeter Kay went to Irish bolthole to get his smile back after cancelling £40m tour “I didn’t love, I feared and had angst with him. But we both ended up loving each other, of course. I was being grumpy and sullen and the aul fella would sit there. “He’d put down his knife and fork and say… something so manifestly outrageous that all hell would break loose around the table. You had to make your point, impassioned as it might be. “Conversation was nurtured, it was organised, it was structured. You won the teatime round, sort of, if you could argue the others into submission.”
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source https://www.kadobeclothing.store/bob-geldof-opens-up-about-unbearable-grief-of-losing-a-child-in-emotional-tommy-tiernan-show-appearance/
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wickedweeklywonders · 6 years
Movies to watch
-virtigo -green room
-gangs of new york -drive -the master -interstellar -django unchained -cannibal holocaust -audition -apocalypse now -natural born killers -gummo -300 -gladiator -phantom of liberty -enter the void -tree of life -8 and a half -the mirror -resevoiur dogs -mishima -slaugter house 5 -the sweet here after -inside luan davis -dead of night -before the ring -basic -last year at mariumba -go -mr nobody -hero -j f k -rashmon -5 by 2 -eternal sunshine -irreversible -memento -peppermint candy -casino -melancholia -eve -good fellas -citizen kane -amande chord -nashville -short cuts -babble -21 grams - paris jai taime -AJAMI -the godfather -the fountain -the atlas -dias de gracias -intolerence -woyoming for men -before sunset -Broke -1993 -high noon -jaws -neighbors -young and beautiful -the raid -ginger snaps -the nice guys -the shallows -ginger and rosa -frank -sinister -predestination -another earth -chappie -enemy -the girl king -the danish girl -hush -chicago -sucker punch -spy -the boy -carrie -lights out -wolf of wall street -Apocalypse Now -Childhood of a Leader -the fugitive -under seige -coal miners daughter -the client -no country for old men -hope springs -cobb -miami connection -upstream colour -tickled -kingdom of heaven -hoffa -the producers -blazing saddles -young frankenstein -minority report -shaun of the dead -the kingdom of dreams and madness -the story of jt leroy -hunger -alien -boogie nights -primer -children of men -127 hours -zombie man -lights out -jason bourne -dances with wolves -memoires of a geisha -ex machina -the witch /the vvitch -battle royal -star wars series -the departed -moneyball -oceans eleven -pretty woman -edge of tomorrow -hercules -muppets movie series -the fugitive -disco pigs -peaky blinders -breakfast on pluto -girl with the pearl earring -the wind that shakes the barley -following -momento -mr man -anthropoid -when the wind blows -friends of H -west world -cloverfield -chronicles of riddick -pitch black -the blair witch (2) -30 days of night -event horizon -pandorum -Blade -amityville horror -children of the corn -hell raiser -night of the living dead -dawn of the dead -survival of the dead -day of the dead -psycho sequels -final destination -army of darkness -texas chainsaw massacre -resident evil -paranormal activity sequals 4 and 5 -the omen -28 weeks later -hostel -fright night -sinister -sausage party -moana -pk -ran de basanti -about elly -the chaser -godzilla -dredd -oceans 11 -true grit -10 to yuma -footloose -the departed -thing -the fly -cape fear -brave heart -what a way to go -25th hour -annie -good fellas -weird science -wallstreet -point break -all that jazz -the apartment -resevoir dogs -royal tanonbombs -river runs through it -true romance -colour of night -rocky -first blood -back to school -raging bull -full metal jacket -vanilla sky -dogville -big fish -virgin suicides -planes trains automobiles -shattered glass -the last seduction -12 angry men -network -before the devil knows ur dead -the killing -paths of glory -ace in the hole -the rules of attraction -sulivans travels -oh brother where art tho -that thing you do -dog tooth -lobster -make this town go round and round -payback -the 5th eye -after the storm -all these sleepless nights -another country -apple pie -aquarius -as i open my eyes -author the jt leroy story -bacon and gods wrath -being 17 -beware the slenderman -bleak street -burden -captain fantastic -certain women -chevalier -dont call me son -the butterfly effect -the eagle huntress -endless poetry -figure -the first monday in may -the first the last -green room -happy hour -the heart of the matter -high rise -julieta -les demons -long way north -lost and beautiful -love song -the lure -michael smither the portrait -neruda -the pissy tits street gang/ -personal shopper -the qeen of ireland -the red turtle -sixty six -suburra -tanna -ten years -a touch of zen -under the shadow -variety -when two worlds collide -the wounded angel -zero dark thirty -the killing joke -sicario -napoleon dynamite -north by north west -aqua marine - nu pogodi -MARIE ANTOINETTE -SPICE GIRLS -13 GOING ON 30 -BREAKFAST AT TIFFANYS -CLUELESS -THE CLIQUE -LIZZIE MCGUIRE -southbound -once -kubo -the lobster -neighbors -nice guys -ex machina -morgan -cash only -creative control -low and behold -embers -kicks -dont think twice -sleep walk w me -the strangers -joy -american hustle -imagine you and me -life partner -the abyss -dr strangelove -bronson -cool hand luke -the good the bad the ugly -once upon a time in the west -lolita -gilda -goodfellas -dirty harry -sexy beast -M -laurence of arabia -young frankenstein -the producers -bonnie and clyde -suffragette -the danish girl -nathan barley -the lobster -cloud atlas -im not there -bright star -brideshead revisited -paddington -lilting -holiday -ginger snaps -blaire witch 2 -we are what we are -southbound -green inferno -knock knock -they look like people -hush -the hallow -the darkness -the other side of the door -the boy -the forest -the nightmare -the houses october built -the visit -sinister -eden lake -honeymoon -the lazarus effect -starry eyes -the village -the sacrement -american mary -the woman in black 2 -haunt -all the boys love mandy lane -tale of two sisters -uninvited -true lies -the revenant -operation avalanche -fear -boogienights -rumble fish -something wild -manhatten -mad max originals -great gatsby original -the champ -midnight express -the deer hunter -eyes of laura mars -lenny -lifeforce -the black cauldren -desperately seeking susan -purple rose of cairo -arrival -hocus pocus -what lies beneath -a dangerous method -like crazy -jeff who lives at home -young adult -stand by me -gone with the wind -the third man -lost in translation -la dolce vita -me and you and everyone we know -harold and maude -departures - The Librarians -Warehouse 13 -The River -Paranormal Witness -american horror story - Specter -Splinter -The Autopsy of Jane Doe -american horror story -star wars - Session 9 - The Call of Cthulhu - Martin - Cemetery Man - At Midnight I’ll Take Your Soul - Let’s Scare Jessica to Death -Ouija -Silent Night, Deadly Night -Only God Forgives -Amelie -The Royal Tenenbaums -The Tempest -Upstream Color -Event Horizon -From Dusk Till Dawn -The Devil Inside -Below -Hush -return of the living dead -the town the feared sundown -30 days of night -the invitation -the woman -my bloody valentines -grabbers -invasion of the body snatchers -the gift -12 angry men -anomalisa -young frankenstein -ex machina -das boot -under the shadow -blackfish -the bicycle thieves -city of god -old boy -downfall -holy motors -blue is the warmest color -i am love -beyond the hills -a hijacking -lore -the great beauty/ -the hunt -amour -Transsiberian -Robot & Frank -the bay -celeste and jesse forever -like crazy -perfect gateway -europa report -hard boiled -el mariachi -the hunt for red october -apocalypto -super 8 -close encounters of the third kind -melancholia -upstream colour -primer -buried -primal fear -sicario -the gift -bound -millers crossing -the firm -jackie brown -almost famous -american psycho -high fidelity -AI -memento -city of god -million dollar baby -children of men -the departed -this is england -zodiac -boys in the hood -men of children -shawshank redemption -the departed -on the waterfront -snatch -my cousin vinny -true grit -big lebowski -hunger -the naughty nineties -lucky number sleven -guildernstern are dead -grand budapest hotel -inglorious bastards -the third man -double indemnity -true romance -resevoiur dogs -hateful 8 -the master -the lion in winter -doubt -glengarry glen ross -steve jobs -the big chill -magnolia -end of tour -coffee and cigerettes -my dinner with andre -before sunrise -primer -before -end of watch -you can count on me -house of games -manhatten -the nice guys -heist -get shorty -lethal wepaon -kiss kiss bang bang -lock stock and two smoking barrels -withnail and i -in bruges -seven psychopaths -casablanca -the apartment -the girl on friday -the big sleep -horse feathers -duck soup -animal crackers -kind hearts and corronets -monty python -day of the triffids -assault on precinct 13 -chinatown -the invaders -nightmares -fear and loathing in las vegas -dr katz professional therapist -the big sleep -leviathan -earth vs the flying saucers -american graffitti -things to come -terror vision -the dain curse -brazil -the towering inferno -the third man -dead ringers -dark star -midnight cowboy -spies like us -get crazy -the dirty douzen -little shop of horrors -the man who wasnt there -rumble fish -gleaming the cube -fruitvale station -dancer in the dark -cries and whispers -in the mood for love -oceans eleven -the gold rush -spartacus -gladiator -platoon -do the right thing -saving private ryan -swingers -marathon man -nightcrawler -happiness -10 cloverfield lane -anomalisa -do lavon -room -waltz with bashire -blower -inside lou and davis -blow up -a serious man -mirror -synochechy new york -stalker -spring summer fall winter spirng -gataga -the fountain -devils rejects -half baked -jupiter ascending -devils advocate -the abyss -the accountant -american honey -iron fist -ipman -dragon -green hornet -chocolate -kungfu hustle -the man from nowhere -awake -creep -the girl in the photographs -beneath -honeymoon -let us prey -the houses october built -starry eyes - Lawrence of Arabia (1962) -Amelie (2001) -Withnail and I (1987) -Do the Right Thing (1989) -Hairspray (1988) -The Virgin Suicides (1999) -Morvern Callar (2002) -American Psycho (2000) -Life is Sweet (1990) -Barry Lyndon (1975) -The Riot Club (2014) -Samsara (2011) -BBC Panorama: Inside North Korea (2013) -The First Movie (2009) -Lessons of Darkness (1992) -Wadjda (2012) -From Russia with Love (1963) -Meek’s Cutoff (2010) -Selma (2014) -Moana (2016) -Tale of Tales (2015) -A Matter of Life and Death (1946) -Two Days One Night (2014) -Leviathan (2014) -The Passion of Joan of Arc (1928) -A Clockwork Orange (1971) -Ed Wood (1994) -Final Segment: The First Movie (2009) -man on the moon -magnolia -beginners -wet hot american summer -hot rod -airplane 1 and  ii -blazing saddles -dr strangelove -steamboat bill jr -when harry met sally -my cousin vinny -the jerk -the discreat charm of the bougousie -pineable express -theres something about mary -monty python football -young frankenstein -inglorious bastards -rat race -weekend -in bruges -animal cracker -naked gun -the naughty nineties -spaceballs -harold and kumar -planes trains and automobiles -super troopers -his girl friday -ace ventura -doubtfire -high fidelity -anchorman -caddyshack -best in show -some like it hot -top secret -hot rod -this is spinal tap -the producers -22 jump street -bruce almighty -office space -city lights -project a -kung fu hustle -duck soup -pork pie -lego batman -fences -hidden figures -moonlight -it comes at night -cure for wellness -kedi -i dont feel at home in this world anymore -the lure -okja -john wick -trainspotting 1 and 2 -baby driver -it -hell or high water -the bad batch -split -the belko experiment -the accountant -lion -embers -under the skin -stalker -adaptation -the taking of deborah logan -noroi -invisible 2: chasing the ghost sound -the good neighbor -they look like people -monkey bones -the searchers -shane -forty guns -high country -high plains drifter -the ox bow incident -rancho notorious -winchester 73 -unforgiven -the assissination of jesse james -one eyed jacks -outlaw josey wales -pat garret and billy the kid -butch cassidy and the sun dance kid -high noon -tombstone -my darling clementine -true grit -rio bravo -the man who shot liberty valance -the shootist -the wild bunch -el topo -hell or high water -lonesome dove -paris texas -mccabe and mrs miller -a bullet for the general -the great silence -fistful of dollars -once upon a time in the west -sholay -tears of the black tiger -good the bad and the weird -sons of great bear -the proposition -sukiyaki western django -black god white devil -whity -yojimbo -shanghai noon -red sun -serenity -big trouble in little china -serenity -from dusk till dawn -cow boys and aliens -my left foot -spotlight -hush -magic -dead of night -may -hannibal rising -red dragon -youree next -the step father -halloween -night of the living dead -john wick -counte of monte christo -the sacrement -the wicker man -the craft -are you afraid of the dark -wayward pines -texas chainsaw mascare -invasion of the body snatchers -alien -jacobs ladder -return of the living dead -the thing -audition -the mist -martyrs -let the right one in -monty pythons meaning of life -cemetary man -the frighteners -bill and teds bogus journey -the adventures of barron ma -skyfall -a few good men -training day -the last of the mohecans -the omen -
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