philoursmars · 5 months
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Marseille. Balade, il y a une quinzaine de jours, à Sormiou (en hiver, les voitures sont autorisées sur le chemin qui y mène)
Ici la descente vers la calanque, au sein du Parc National des Calanques... Et un Rouge-queue...
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wonderinc-sonic · 1 year
don't cry, okay? listen to me:
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Rouge has really big ears, okay?
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Look at them from the back and side, too - they're satellite dishes. This is helping.
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They might be bigger than a whole resort, yeah?
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They're so big she can hear pearl necklaces, do you understand?
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They're so big she could fly with them if she didn't already have wings. Remember that. Have some more.
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Your problems may feel big, but compared to her ears, they are small. You feel better now.
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Every panel of Silver in Sonic Comic
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disastermanagement · 1 year
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JUNE 2022
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balestrra · 1 year
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Nobody is doing it like her
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teamdarkweek · 8 months
Banned words and phrases in the Team Dark house:
123 Oh-My-Gawd
E-123 O-Megan
E-One Hundred and Twenty Three
E-123 Toasta, Grilla, Refridgerada, or Compuda
Lil Champ. (Sport still accepted)
a list printed by E-123 Omega, placed on the fridge by Shadow, and since used as a daily checklist by Rouge
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naota-gray · 5 months
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bonefall · 8 months
Clanmew Day: Slight Delay!
Hey all, it's been a really rough 48 hours for me. Clanmew Day was meant to happen on the 29th (tomorrow), but I gotta push it back to the 30th (day after tomorrow)!
Funfact it's going to be a 97% illuminated moon so... Clanmew Day Darkmode lmao.
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insert-skill-here · 2 months
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Small league au where Sonic tried to get Shadow into League of legends and he got placed in one of the lowest ranks. Sonic thought Shadow would never play again but Shadow felt an indescribable amount of fury being a lower rank than his rival, so he took three months off of GUN and spent the next year hard-grinding and metamaxing league of legends to beat him.
(day 6)
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philoursmars · 10 months
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La semaine dernière, j'ai retrouvé mes amis Julien et Katie à Remoulins dans le Gard (Languedoc).
Ici, des photos du camping de bungalows avec piscine (où je m'ouvris le nez !) et oiseaux mendiants de miettes, moineaux et rouges-queues.
Sur la dernière, c'est le village...
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gee-arid · 4 months
Rough animation for Ladybug! Naths transformation. First time touching animation in a few years- not like i was any good in the first place lol- so yes its sketchy and stiff but shhhh.
Wanted to do one for Cat! Marc but i cant think of how.. theres definately a kick at the camera at somepoint.
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wonderinc-sonic · 9 months
Now I can't get Sonic character sibling relationships out of my head. I've seen people online say that when they've been adopted for some time, they often forget that they don't share genetic traits eg. Blood disorders, receding hairline, allergy, ect. And for some reason combined it with Characters animal traits.
Sonic: Tails, its late. Put the invention down and go to bed. Don't forget to brush your teeth and sharpen quills while you're at it.
Tails: My quills?
Shadow: Rouge, you don't need to clean my ears every single day.
Rouge: OK then but don't get upset when you can't echolocate properly.
Vector: Charmy, did you brush your scales this morning? You
Charmy: What? No?
Espio: Listen to Vector, Charmy. You need to brush twice a day.
(It's goofy but whatever)
This is so cute oh my gosh
I imagine Sonic has to learn how to brush fur different to quills, cause quill brushes are quite coarse and hurt Tails. But, in a pinch, a hedgehog quill is effective for detangling a knot in those exceedingly furry tails!
The idea of Rouge cleaning Shadow's ears out and trimming the fur, but also her using echolocation in the first place is hilarious. I do think the first time he stayed over she hadn't made up a bed and just gave him, like, a pull up bar. But Shadow doesn't seem to sleep (unsure if that's headcanon or canon lore) so maybe this does not matter.
2/3 Chaotix are scaled animals, but Google says that Crocodiles shed sorta constantly/ not all in one go (?) but Chameleons shed their skin about once a month when they are young, then every 6-8 weeks. Shedding is a bit itchy and uncomfy... so basically what I'm getting at is Espio has like one week every month where he's cranky and uncomfy (haha period joke), but Vector just leaves scales lying around.
That might sound bad, but apparently some bees shed their whole exoskeleton. THAT IS SO MUCH WORSE. Charmy sheds one day and keeps placing this creepy Charmy shell around the house and making the others shit themselves. Cursed child!
I love these, and I also suggest: Amy stayed at Cream's one summer when she was young, and didn't have the heart to tell them hedgehogs are high key not vegetarian. Midnight snacking on bugs in the garden.
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einsatzzz · 1 year
WH Idol AU-ish Log (2020)
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The outfits reference the idol outfits from enstars btw! Ashe gets Leo's (Knights), Wilardo gets Rei's (Undead), Sirius gets Shu's (Valkyrie), Noel gets Eichi's (Fine) and Claire gets Hokke's (Trickstar).
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disastermanagement · 11 months
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two amys
AND WE’RE DONE. I’VE ACRHIVED ALL THE ART I WANTED TO. time to move on to NEW art. whenever this posts.
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balestrra · 2 years
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Sonic Prime more like..... Rouge Prime...... ?!?!
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