ankharel · 1 month
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multiple people unrelatedly tell the exact same lie unplanned to lucius to get him to not smoke cigarettes
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nospersonnages · 1 month
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pokevism · 3 months
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Kalosians say that Geosenge Town is haunted by Lysandre and the Heroes of Kalos, a group of trainers on their Pokémon journey who had bravely tackled Lysandre and stopped his plans. They were all presumed dead after the Ultimate Weapon tried to fire, causing the entire town to collapse inward from physical stress, seemingly crushing them all underneath. Thus, the town was abandoned. Nobody wanted to think about the significant loss of life that had occurred there. Years and years had gone by, before reports started coming in about the town. People were going into the now overgrown Geosenge, as part of an internet challenge, in an attempt to see the spirits of the damned. a good portion would survive, being too scared to go any further than they did. All the brave souls that chose to venture deeper into it looking for the abandoned lair, well... None of them ever came back out. Specialized Authorities in teams of 20 explored the area safely with no incidents, but no bodies were discovered. They had seemingly vanished into thin air. Which is where Valerie comes in. One day, a call came in from the detective Valerie works under, a request to accompany her to this very investigation. Valerie shuddered in the cold of night, chuckling quietly, "... Is it too late to quit my job, eh?" She nudged at her superior with her elbow. Adalida did not acknowledge her. Valerie sighed, more tense than she'd ever been, and moved some shrubbery to shine her phone light through absentmindedly. She knew she couldn't abandon the investigation, but... anybody would be anxious about the possibility of becoming a missing person. Valerie can't help but think of Mélodie, sleeping back at home. Surely she's just working herself up for no reason, right?
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rosario-aurelius · 6 months
Books and Paintings
I’ve recently been engaged in the production of paintings using different techniques and exploring different themes. Much of my work focuses on a practice known as Spirit Paintings. Spirit Painting enables me to engage in a one-on-one basis with clients to assist them with their own self exploration of the subconscious realms. Please check out the shop to see what’s new at Studio Rosalva.
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gayhomestuck · 1 year
anyway actual intro below the cut 🤗
yanna / maiwenn / aethyr / heather / rosalva
il dottore enjoyer
i actually have more names than i can put here withot extending the post to a ridiculous amount so you can probably just call me any name you can think of
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kariachi · 2 years
Realized I didn’t have an official list of daemons for the Plumber Brat parents, so may as well fix that. And add some grandparents where they’re still around and in the area, for reasons. And siblings in Alan’s case, again for reasons. In it’s own post because these fuckers are barely canon where they are at all.
Mendevin- Jubilation (unnamed sea serpent of Osmosian origin) [they/them] Eva Jones- Rufus (Snowcap Hummingbird) [he/him]
Marcela Wheels- Toni (Great Grey Owl) [he/his]
X10A Wheels- Adomi (unnamed ungulate of Kinet origin) [he/his] Tristan Wheels- April (Black Francolin) [she/her] Maria Wheels- Xavier (Malnad Gidda) [he/his] Kyxan Wheels- Thaia (unnamed predatory avian of Erinaen origin) [they/them]
Ramona Armstrong- Seve (Broad-Snouted Caiman) [he/his]
Armando Armstrong- Rosalva (Lesser Roadrunner) [she/her] Oumbia Armstrong- Margiav (unnamed small mammal of Khoron origin) [he/his]
Mercedes Validus- Pánfilo (Yellow-Headed Caracara) [he/his] Victor Validus- Miela (Tarantula Hawk) [she/her]
Selan Albright- Lassi (unnamed chiton of Pyros origin) [she/her] Lamar Ellis- Ola (Bean Weevil) [she/her] Felicia Ellis- Chrys (Poodle) [he/his]
Jessica Albright- Silver (Klipspringer) [he/his] Kayzisk Albright- Nial (unnamed reptile of Pyros origin) [she/her]
Christopher Albright- Duchess (unsettled- settles as Barking Gecko) [she/her] Jason Albright- Prince (unsettled- settles as Bat Hawk) [he/his] Sarah Albright- Queen (unsettled- settles as Cockatrice) [she/her]
Fiby- Jie (unnamed avian of Anodine origin) [they/them] Gabriel Morningstar- Serafina (Cape Fox) [she/her]
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Doodle Dump #2
Oh my god I’ve been forgetting to upload again
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Anyway I’ve been tinkering around with my OC’s lately
  I really wished I put dates on when I started doodling each drawing. Some of them don’t even have a watermark. Damn   OC’s in order: Salvadore Ashford, Rosalva Villanueva, Jacob Carmel
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jarwoski · 2 months
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mabelmagic1 · 3 months
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My character Blair
She/her bi
PERSONALITY: kind / shy / Quiet girl / obsession / mental health probléms / fear of losing everything specially her boyfriend kaden and her Girlfriend Rychelle
LOVES: pastel pink / her boyfriend and girlfriend / muffins / snow / drawing / skating / strawberries
FAVORITE COLOR: white / pink / pastel pink / Orange / black
BFF: Mary / Rosalva
SIBLINGS:Clara (older sister)
LOVERS: Rychelle (created by mé) and KADEN (created by @jayarts)
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dimensiontotal · 5 months
La pospandemia y la relocalización están transformando la visión logística de las empresas
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ROSALVA MORALES BENÍTEZ Fantasía: ZIBÁ Diseñada por: Cristian Santana Representando a: REPSOL GRUPO GONZÁLEZ CANARIAS Mi nombre es Rosalva Morales Benítez, tengo 23 años de edad y actualmente, a nivel académico, he sido graduada en Psicología por la Universidad de La Laguna, además, desde el 2022, presento también el título de Grado Elemental en
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irl-l-l-o-y-d · 6 months
Family tree continued
- Nya and Jay are the sweet and hot uncle and aunt duo
- Jay Junior or JJ is the buns' shy younger cousin
- Cole is that one uncle that lives far away, but brings amazing gifts every time he comes around, so the kids love him
- Zane is the friendly neighbor that's practically family at this point
- Rosalva(Rose's mom) is the creepy, but loving grandma.
Okay, you're right and I'm angry because it's too right?? I don't know how to explain it.
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nospersonnages · 4 months
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pokevism · 4 months
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girl 1
[Handwriting bc it's not the neatest i will admit: Valerie Rosalva She/her - Cis - Lesbian League Enforcer - 25 years old Team: Gardevoir (Starter), Exagide, Libégon, Milobellus, Raichu, and Démolosse Born and raised in Kalos Kalosian/Hoenn -Inherently kind-hearted. -A bit snarky, and rough around the edges. -Respects until she is disrespected. -Strong sense of justice, morality.]
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rosario-aurelius · 6 days
Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology on Priestesses
Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology on Priestesses is available on Rosalva Studio Art. It’s a wonderful compilation featuring poetry and essays by anthropologists, psychologists, writers, artists, teachers, and priestesses; edited by Goddess Ink. Please check it out! Stepping Into Ourselves: An Anthology of Writings on Priestesses – Etsy
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ocombatente · 6 months
CAPACITAÇÃO Servidores da Semusa recebem certificado de conclusão do curso de Libras
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A capacitação é oferecida a servidores do município através da Semad Mais de 60 certificados do curso de Libras, oferecido a servidores da Secretaria Municipal de Saúde (Semusa), foram entregues na manhã desta sexta-feira (10) por representantes da Secretaria Municipal de Administração (Semad) e Escola do Legislativo, parceira da Prefeitura de Porto Velho na capacitação. O trabalho, já realizado há dois anos com os servidores da saúde, veio da necessidade de acolhimento e atendimento dos pacientes da comunidade surda. O curso é oferecido pela Semad através do Departamento de Capacitação e Treinamento (DCT), para servidores de unidades de básica, média e alta complexidade de atendimento. São pessoas que já receberam algum treinamento e decidiram atualizar o conteúdo, e também servidores que fizeram pela primeira vez. Mais 25 alunos passarão pela capacitação até o final deste mês. “A necessidade deste curso foi detectada através dos nossos próprios servidores da saúde, que precisam trabalhar diariamente com a inclusão. A partir disso, nós iniciamos o trabalho de treinamento com eles de dois anos pra cá, já que libras se tornou essencial para quem tem contato com o público. Nas unidades de saúde os pacientes têm dificuldades, presenciamos isso no dia a dia, para se expressar, precisando muitas vezes levar outras pessoas que entendam ou possam explicar o atendimento necessário de alguma forma. Então, ao saber que na unidade há um profissional capacitado, quem precisa acaba se sentindo mais seguro”, explica Hailton da Luz, diretor de capacitação e treinamento da Semad. O objetivo é capacitar 100% dos servidores, número que chegou aos 30% com esta última turma. Foram capacitados servidores da saúde e de atendimento direto ao público. A Rosalva Barros é técnica de enfermagem e é servidora na UBS Castanheira, localizada na zona sul de Porto Velho. Funcionária do local há 21 anos, ela conta que no dia a dia a demanda pela capacitação em libras tem sido cada vez maior. “Foi excelente fazer esse curso, pois há uma necessidade maior do que se imagina para que nós servidores tenhamos esse conhecimento. Quando o paciente chega à nossa comunidade, se nós não estivermos preparados para recebê-lo, não tem como haver atendimento. A dificuldade na comunicação era real e evidente, das duas partes. Em alguns casos a pessoa desistia do atendimento, pois o servidor não conseguia entender o que ele precisava. Mas essa é uma realidade que tem mudado e estamos felizes por isso”. Texto: Larissa Vieira Foto: Ana Flávia Venâncio Superintendência Municipal de Comunicação (SMC) Fonte: Prefeitura de Porto Velho - RO Read the full article
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