#rory harrison
sharry-arry-odd · 3 months
People are who they are. There was never going to be a last minute transformation. My mother was never gonna sit at my graduation, and break down to reveal: she was hard all this time just to save her soft heart. All the horrible things she said were just a shield; she made me drive to my own appointments because she couldn't bear to see me suffer. Et cetera, et cetera, infinity. People want families to fit together perfectly, no matter what, but sometimes they don't. It's when we keep trying to force them together that we get hurt.
Looking for Group, by Rory Harrison
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ao3statistics · 2 months
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Date of creation: 27.03.2024
Includes all ships within the fandom "The Flash (TV 2014)" on Ao3.
Crossovers were included, other Flash media like comics, the movie (2023) etc. were excluded. The fandom "The Flash (TV 2014) RPF" on Ao3 was neither excluded nor included due to the results being too low to matter (below 10 hits most times).
This was originally done because of an anon ask I got but earlier today I answered the ask and then deleted the post because the numbers were completely screwed (I originally did this while watching a movie yesterday and... well). Luckily only seconds after me posting it someone reblogged the old post wondering about a certain ship on the chart that isn't even in the TV show and so I took the old chart down and remade it from scratch (which was a pain, ngl. I evaluated 77 ships because apparently I don't have a life). (I forgot your name, dear reblogger from earlier, but thank you!).
I assume no guarantee or liability for the completeness, correctness and accuracy of this chart despite my best efforts.
Includes fanfictions in all languages available, NOT English only.
Percentages were rounded up or rounded down to natural numbers for easier comprehension.
Poly ships were included.
More charts will follow. :)
Want to have a chart for different pairings, headcanons etc. in your favourite fandom? Send me an ask!
In case you want to compare the ship charts for "The Flash (TV 2014)" and "DC's Legends of Tomorrow":
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simbelmyne20niniel · 9 months
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PART 18 is going to be about the third most voted category:
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eppysboys · 10 months
Sam Leach and Joan McEvoy's Engagement Party, 17th March 1962 🕺💃
Earlier in the evening, The Beatles performed at the Village Hall in Knotty Ash, Liverpool. The evening was billed as a "St. Patrick's Night Rock Gala". Sam Leach, (Liverpool concert booker) booked The Beatles and Rory Storm and The Hurricanes to draw a big crowd so that he could make enough profits to pay for his engagement party, scheduled to follow the night's show. Both bands attended Leach's party, which didn't end until the following afternoon. Also present at the party was Mike McCartney, Paul's girlfriend Dorothy 'Dot' Rhone, Brian Epstein, Bob Wooler and Ted 'Kingsize' Taylor.
In his book Sam Leach has a distinct memory of 'a gang of us' (presumably including Beatles and Hurricanes) travelling to the party from Knotty Ash in a van. Their driver (not Neil Aspinall) pulled out from the Village Hall into the path of a speeding articulated lorry which seemed to have appeared from nowhere. Everyone braced themselves for the inevitable impact but miraculously the lorry, its brakes screeching hysterically, managed to stop less than a foot from the side of the van. Shocked, stunned, shaken and stirred, everyone in the van travelled the 1.5 miles to the party in complete silence. 
Hurricane Johnny 'Guitar' Byrne diary entry for 1962 mentions the party:
"Bought Zodiac. Knotty Ash, Orrell, then Sam Leach's engagement party. Had row with Eileen. Got home 6."
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The party was at the family house in Huyton, thrown by Dolly, mother of Vera and Joan McEvoy.
"I can vouch for the fact that Brian fell in love with Vera and pursued her all night. In fact after the party he wrote more than one letter to Dolly asking her could she help him fix a date with Vera. Unfortunately for Brian she wasn't interested." Sam Leach (She seemed a little interested, as displayed below)
"Brown, who was married (but separated) at the time of her liaison with Epstein in 1962, describes him as "...very emotional. He always gave the impression of being cold and icy, but he was very softhearted, very tender, very gentle, and he had a lot of feelings. And he was all man, I don't care what they say." (Ray Coleman, The Man Who Made The Beatles)
"We’d been to the Knotty Ash Club for my sister’s engagement. The Beatles had played there, as did Rory [Storm] and a few other groups. Afterwards, as usual, we all went back to the house and Brian came along.
If you saw the Beatles in my mother’s they were just a scruffy bunch of boys. And who’d look at them? I wouldn’t bother with them but then Brian stood out and Brian looked like the real thing. He was handsome. He was tall. He was immaculate. That’s why I let Brian get behind the bar with me and help me serve the drinks. He was the best of the bunch.
So we were just behind the bar when Elvis came on, 'Heartbreak Hotel’. He loved it, I loved it, and we started dancing. There wasn’t much room. You know, you could go two steps forward, three steps back and that was it. So we sort of got a bit close and everyone was laughing at us, saying, like, 'What’s going on?’ But if you moved sideways you fell over the crates. There were crates of beer in there and everybody’s coats. We ended up on top of the coats or on top of the crates if we just moved the wrong way. And we got pretty close but I wasn’t surprised by the way he was acting towards me.
We were dancing and kissing at the same time. He was probably one of the sexiest fellas I had ever met. People say, 'Oh well, Brian was gay.’ but he wasn’t very gay with me. He was just like any other man and more. He was very easy-going and casual and funny. He’d make you laugh and he could dance. You know he could move. He said to me, 'I’ve seen you in different places and I thought you were stuck up.’ And I said, 'Well, I thought you were stuck up because I remember being in your shop and you were like the big boss.’
I think he was pretty fresh. In a house where people are looking at you it’s not like a club with all the lights out and people tend to be aware of others but Brian wasn’t that bothered. He was interested and he showed it. Maybe he’d had a bit too much to drink. I don’t know. But I can’t say that because I met Brian afterwards and he was still interested.
The next day he called round to the house. I wasn’t there so he talked to my mother about poetry. I don’t know how they got talking about poems but Brian came the following day with a book of poems for my mother with a little letter. He also gave her a letter thanking her for having the party because everyone had made such a terrible mess of the house. It was full of eggs and rubbish and bottles everywhere and he apologized for the actions of everybody else at the party.
Well, my mother just thought he was the most wonderful person in the world. At last a gentleman has come through this door and not Teddy boys and hooligans and all the rest of it. In the first letter he said he’d enjoyed meeting her, loved coming to the house, felt so welcome and would she mind if he came around again to see me. I said to my mum, 'Well, that’s impossible. How can I see him? You know I can’t go out with Brian.’ She said, 'You will have to’.
My mother was in love with Brian: 'He’s beautiful. He’s wonderful.’ So she sort of arranged it. I didn’t want him to come and pick me up at the house because I didn’t want people to see us going out. I arranged to meet him in a little cafe in Bold Street. We had a coffee and a chat and then I can’t really remember where we went. We went somewhere for a drink around Bold Street where there were all these little dives at the time. But I had to be back for nine o'clock. Another time I met him in the Tower and we had a little chat. We met in the back office and had a talk.
I liked Brian as a man and I think Brian liked me. But then he suggested if we were to go out we’d have to go to Southport or Manchester - anywhere out of Liverpool because he didn’t want to walk into my husband in Liverpool. We were separated at the time but it was a little bit awkward, you know.
It’s hard for me to believe Brian was gay. I think if I had been free and if I’d seen more of Brian I think we could have got serious. I think he was all man. I just can’t accept that he was gay.
In the shop Brian seemed like a man, like your dad shouting at you and superior. He had an attitude of superiority. But later on I discovered he was just like any other man. I thought he was a very passionate, loving person. He was like two different people. So if there’s a third person involved - this gay person - I just say he’s one hell of a man to be able to please everybody. You know, he was just unique. That’s all I can say." Vera Brown, In His Life, The Brian Epstein Story.
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"George always fancied Joan and when I began dating her, he asked her to let him know when she finished seeing me. 'But don't tell Sam', he added. 'He’d batter me!' Today she probably feels like battering me for spoiling her chances." Sam Leach, The Rocking City
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"Later in the evening, Joan had a headache and said she was going upstairs for a lie down. I went to fetch a couple of aspirins from the kitchen and said I'd follow her. Bob Wooler then made a typically cheap remark about pre-marital sex. Before I had a chance to sort him out, Paul and George grabbed him and made him personally apologise to Joan." Sam Leach, The Rocking City
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"Rory Storm was lying on the floor hopelessly drunk. He shouted up to Paul, 'I wanna be in the picture'. So, as you can see, Paul bent down and lifted his foot into the shot." Sam Leach
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"The night rolled on and I found Lennon, completely sloshed, sitting in the kitchen rolling raw eggs down Ann Barton's birds-nest hairstyle. Each time one broke, he gave a gasp of astonishment at the gooey yellow mess spreading across the tiled floor. Dolly found out and gave him a severe rollicking, which sobered him up enough to utter a sincere, 'Sorry, Mrs Mac'. Everyone liked and respected Dolly McEvoy and that was the only time I ever saw Lennon genuinely humbled. He disappeared for a while after that and was found later fast asleep in the bath.
When he finally came downstairs, he once again started to apologise. Dolly had forgotten all about it, but he was still apologising as he left at nine the next morning. As we stood outside, he shook my hand gravely. 'That was the very best party I've ever been to . . . honest,' he croaked. I was pleased everyone had enjoyed themselves, but when John started thanking me for a third time, I put him in a taxi and packed him off home. As he left, I slipped an egg into his pocket. He never did tell me how that hatched out." Sam Leach, The Rocking City
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beatsfornone · 3 months
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queerchoicespb · 1 year
brain rotting over finishing hss and hss:ca after not having played choices forever ago and thinking about what they'd all do in the long run (main characters/lis for now bc listing everyone would be a lot)
hss mc - took me forever to figure out what they could possibly do but when i thought of this idea, it just clicked. hss mc is a pr specialist. whether for solo clients or big companies, with the jack of all trades personality, natural charm and charisma, and their penchant for falling into drama, this mc would make a GREAT pr person.
maria flores - while a politician might be the typical choice, i actually think maria would hate politics. she's too straightforward for that shit. for maria, i think she might go into a mix of law and social work or law that leans towards helping communities.
emma hawkins - what with her involvement in the yearbook and love for fanfic, i think emma might lean towards a writing job. maybe it's as a copywriter, a game writer, a novelist, or a magazine journalist, no matter her choice, she'd definitely be able to adapt to whatever her environment is
michael harrison - film bro. but not in the douchey way, i'm p sure. michael would def lean more towards filming docuseries like emerald's show or something attenborough-esque. he's also more the type to learn through experience over school (i don't think he'd spend on a film degree if he doesn't think he has to)
caleb mitchell - a coach. a coach for what? beats me! if he gets a football scholarship and manages to go pro, then he'd probably be like a college coach or something, if he doesn't get a scholarship, then i think he'd still end up becoming a coach but for high school/grade school phys ed. i don't think he'd want to stay pro tho bc the environment is A Lot and caleb is a p chill dude
aiden zhou - pbviously a composer. he'd def get snatched up by an orchestra and sometimes get hired to compose for films and video games. he's also my bet for Most Likely To Be Busy All The Fucking Time
hss:ca mc - television and stage actress. i don't think the hss:ca mc would enjoy the never-ending spotlight of being a movie star. as dramatic as they are, they'd def be the type to want more stability in their life, which is why choosing an acting career that spans months and, oftentimes, years, is exactly their pace of work
rory silva - stage and film actor/actress. while rory might say they're loyal to the stage, they'd also be the type to want more of a platform. not necessarily because they have a huge ego (their ego is slightly above passable size), but because they're the type to have Things to fight for (their mom's cancer, the toxic masculinity their dad grew up with that affected their family, more scholarship/funding opportunities for students, etc.)
skye crandall - businesswoman. skye would be Super Against It at first, but when she learns of all the things she can do as a businesswoman, then she starts leaning into it. she very much aims to be HBIC and maybe she pulls it off at work! but she is still v much the softie skye outside of work
ajay bhandari - stage director. ajay would focus mostly on off-broadway shows but every now and then he'd direct a mind-blowing broadway and sometimes even west end show. he would prefer off-broadway bc of more creative liberty but he would also like it bc it's a better place to find surprising talent
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I think it's soooooo funny that jeremiah's friends hate harrison like they all hate him like not a single person in jeremiah's life likes harrison and my question is like what impression did you give these people. like what did you do
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forevaelle · 1 year
i really do have a new bf every week jesus christ
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sharry-arry-odd · 3 months
You're going to turn the next page, because you still have hope. You hope there's a little something more, and it's nothing personal. People do it at the end of every book. I think that's why publishers put all those extra pages. So you have a chance to shuffle and flip through them while it sinks in. It's over. The trip is done. You know it's over, but you're going to turn the page anyway. I'll tell you right now, there's nothing on it.
Looking for Group, by Rory Harrison
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rolloroberson · 1 year
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Rory Storm with his drummer, Ringo Starr and a Liverpool mate named George Harrison from a rival band, called the Beatles. Circa Autumn 1961 photo: Dick Matthews.
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markusrings · 1 year
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Favorite Ringo Starr photos 🐙🐙
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beatlesdiscord · 2 years
George, after Ringo's first week as a Beatle: yeah, sorry, John and Paul can be a bit much
Ringo: [thinking about Rory always breaking shit, Johnny constantly screaming, Rory painting his own name on walls, Lu threatening to go solo over cold coffee, Rory nonstop running around Hamburg instead of taking motor vehicles, and Ty trying to bang everything that moved]
Ringo: yeah no its cool
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weird-kid-maxx · 6 months
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pastelbatfandoms · 14 days
The Flash dr memories/shifts
Save for one, I've never posted about my shifting to The Flash (which isn't as often as I'd like) which was one of the first one's I consciously shifted to. Aside from dreams. So here's my first one...
Dec 11, 2023
I went to earth 2 (My name is Renee West there) to see Harrison Wells, I could see the buildings & the large bullet train tracks. Then I was at Star Labs, Harry greeted me wearing a suit.
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We went to his office/penthouse, I noticed how clean & polished everything was, there was a sunk in living room with a large flat screen tv and these dark red couches & chairs. the square ones that don't look comfortable.
I don't remember everything but Harry said, "It's been awhile I missed you." I couldn't believe I was actually here. Yes Harry knows I shift.
I sat on Harry's lap on one of the chairs. I told him I needed to get away for awhile.
Harry nodded in understanding, "Ah yes the demons." Harry shook his head but didn't say anything else. (A bit of context. I've told Harry almost everything about my cr self & I channeled him so much his higher self know everything anyway.)
I gave him a look, "Hey they're not all that bad." We then proceeded to make out.
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We did go to the bedroom but it was just to get dressed up and go out. Two sliding frosted over glass doors led to the entrance of the room, but you don't have to open them manually, they slide open at a touch.
The bed had black sheets and a headboard and was on a raised carpeted dias.
Harry was already dressed but I wasn't. At first I was in a blue business dress, realizing that was more Renee than me, Harry smiled and brought me a tight black dress with mesh cutout details. He then fastened a large gem necklace around my neck (either obsidian or onyx)
I don't remember us going out because it shifted and we were in bed together but it kept changing from Harry to Thawne when he looked like Harrison. I had a feeling Eobard wanted my attention and thinking it a bit rude since I was supposed to be with Harry atm I shifted back before he could whisk me away.
Dec 13, 2023
Another one I had was after I meditated. This time I woke up in a large bed with a plush white comforter. I threw the covers to one side and stood up to look into a large full length mirror that hanging on the wall.
I was wearing a medium length blue denim dress & long black boots (I'm assuming I was just resting not actually sleeping) My hair (brown with lighter highlights) was half up and messy which I put a claw clip in.
I smiled excited then walked down the hall when I heard some male voices.
The main colors were white & tan, the floors a light brown wood. Everything was clean, fancy & tastefully decorated. Very Harry.
I walked into the kitchen/living room which was large and kitchen had modern fancy lights, a counter in the middle which Harry was sitting at with his computer & HR was cooking breakfast. They smiled when they saw me.
The dining room was raised a bit with small steps leading up to it. Harry started to give HR a hard time about not burning down the kitchen this time, which HR in turn said, "Just for that Harry I'm burning yours." Harry just rolled his eyes but smirked.
There was a long glass dining table in the center of the dining room with matching chairs and a large crystal chandelier above. I gave Harry & HR kisses good morning.
Noticing Sherloque who was sitting in the sunken living room reading on an overstuffed armchair.
I sat down as HR set the table. Then we heard Nash enter, I was half expecting him to use the balcony but he came in through the door.
I heard Harry yell at him to take his muddy boots off, "I just cleaned in here!" Nash had just come back from an expedition. He bounded up the stairs, sans shoes, and gave me a kiss on the cheek hello as did Sherloque who had sat down at the table with a cup of tea in his hand.
The table was now set and I marveled at how good everything looked. Sherloque had made the raspberry tea but HR had made expensive rich coffee, bought the best fruit (bright oranges & purple grapes) as well as made bacon & a huge platter of honey pancakes which already had a perfect slab of butter on them and were super warm & fluffy.
They were also delicious. We talked, laughed and argued over who did what, until I shifted back. I wish I could have stayed longer.
DR Memories
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Had a short little memory of myself (Renee West), Leonard Snart and Mick Rory. They liked carrying me around the waverider especially Mick cause he could, and Snart would carry me around piggy back style. He also used to give me one of those hugs where your picked up and spun around lol it was so cute and fun!
I had another one with just Snart which was a bit more NSFW. We were on the wave rider in the medical bay and Leonard was patching me up after a fight. It was just a few scrapes and cuts nothing too serious but one did require stitches, it was a small but deep cut on my inner thigh, Leonard was helping me with it, as he applied a bandage after we sewed it up. His fingers running along my thigh as he did so,giving me a suggestive look.
I moved his hand a bit grinning, "I can handle it from here."
Leonard smirked, "Why don't you like letting others take care of you?" He asked in that smooth voice of his.
"I'm just not used to it…" I reply, yes Joe and Barry had tried but they always went overboard.
Leonard gave me a look, grasping one of my arms gently, he brushed a thumb over the scrapes there, kissing them. "Let me take care of you…" He murmured, never letting his eyes off me. As I ran my free hand down his head,caressing his cheek.
That's all I remember but it was sweet and hot.
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dilf-dr-wells · 2 years
trans arrowverse headcanons bc i'm bored
Cisco Ramon - nonbinary trans man (he's just got that tboy swag, y'know?)
Leonard Snart - trans man
Lisa Snart - trans woman (SNART backwards is literally TRANS. need i say more?)
Ray Palmer - trans masc (the trans masc himbo of my dreams)
Mick Rory - nonbinary (nb bitches love arson)
Wally West - nonbinary (literally every version of Wally is nb idc)
Jesse "Quick" Wells - trans girl (her and Wally were t4t babyyy)
Harry Wells - agender (you think this bitch has time or care for gender? incorrect)
Caitlin Snow - trans woman
Killer Frost - trans woman (ESPECIALLY earth 2 killer frost)
Felicity Smoak - transfem demigirl
Laural Lance - nonbinary trans woman
HR Wells - nonbinary (probably a neopronoun user as well)
Eobard Thawne - nonbinary trans masc (he literally stole a man's gender. also, seems to be the only member of TF that knows what they/them pronouns are)
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ilovedig · 2 years
Do either of these boys think before they speak?
Many many things said in this sound far gayer than intended. Or, maybe exactly as gay as intended.
Also, the fact that they both almost cried saying John and Geo's names.
If you haven't watched this before, you should.
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