#rora reviews
robotsandramblings · 27 days
watched Tales of the Empire today. in summary... ehhh, good, but not great, imo. SPOILERS BELOW
Barriss' part was good, Morgan Elsbeth's was underwhelming, which disappointed me bc i was really looking forward to it. i really like her as a character and i think her story could be interesting, but i feel like star wars doesn't really know... what they're doing with her?? how to flesh her out?? what her overall motivations are / how to explain them?? idk i just feel like, here we got an additional 45-ish minutes to explore her character, and they did nothing with it, except the really cool fight scenes.
(also, i really loved seeing more of the Fourth Sister, but i hated her sudden change of heart in the end. #unpopularopinion lol)
(really enjoyed seeing Rukh in this animation style though!!)
(but i'm so used to Grand Inquisitor and Thrawn in the Rebels style, it's weird seeing them in this style, even though they're quite similar lol. THOROUGHLY enjoyed hearing Jason Isaacs and Lars Mikkelsen voices again, though!!!)
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I posted 11,572 times in 2022
That's 8,618 more posts than 2021!
53 posts created (0%)
11,519 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 208 of my posts in 2022
#twitch - 14 posts
#twitchstreamer - 13 posts
#edward nashton x reader - 13 posts
#twitchtv - 13 posts
#edward nashton - 13 posts
#arcane - 13 posts
#the riddler x reader - 13 posts
#twitchgamer - 12 posts
#the riddler - 12 posts
#stream - 11 posts
Longest Tag: 92 characters
#this request was on my brain so hard i hope anon can forgive me for switching it up a little
My Top Posts in 2022:
10 Fandoms 10 Characters 10 Tags
Thank you @raemoriendi for the tag! 🖤 Way more than 10 characters, so I apologize, but I’m also not sorry.
Coral Island - Pablo. It’s a fandom of maybe like three people, so is it really a fandom? Probably not, but I’m here thirsting after the cute blacksmith anyway. Come into my house, and kiss me about it. 
@morvantmortuary - Maxi, Hex, and Rora. (Make me choose, I dare you.) If the Morvants have a million fans, I am one of them. If the Morvants have ten fans, I am one of them. If the Morvants have only one fan, that is me. If the Morvants have no fans, that means I’m dead. If the world is against the Morvants, I am against the world. Is this a fandom? It is in my heart, and that’s what matters. 
MCU - Baron Helmut Zemo. Don’t talk to me about Thunderbolts, I’m angy.
The Alienist - Laszlo Kreizler. Love of my life. Instant joy. I wrote a fanfic about him. It was pretty good.
MCU - Jack Russell from Werewolf by Night. I’ve only had this man for 53 minutes, but if anything happened to him I’d burn Marvel to the ground. (I wanna write something for him, but with what free time? Let’s be honest.)
The Addams Family - Morticia and Gomez Addams. Chillest fandom ever. We all just see the Addamses and collectively say “Yeah, I’ll reblog that.” Beautiful. (Legally, I can’t choose between them. Those are my parents.)
The Sandman - Dream of the Endless. I just think he’s neat.
Star Wars - Cassian Andor. I’m not super involved in the fandom, but like I’m still a massive Star Wars nerd. I even went to Galaxy’s Edge, disneybounding as Darth Maul/a generic Sith. (Check out my Instragram somethingthatsaysbubbles for proof.)
Arcane - Viktor. I need Season 2. I need it. Viktor is a comfort character, don’t ask me why. It says nothing about who I am as a person. I promise.
The Batman - Paul Dano’s Riddler. He’s disgusting and vile and pathetic, and I love him.
Bonus: Stranger Things - Eddie Munson. If you know, you know. 🖤
10 tags. No pressure:
@burritoni @lorna-d-m @trelaney @rosemaremembrance @maximoffwxnda @bruhlsbees @lightinthedarkuniverse @spookyspiderboiii @scuttle-buttle @eldritchcircus and anyone else who’s interested!
5 notes - Posted November 5, 2022
This reply is so fucking late, and I'm so sorry <3 Forgive me, for I have sinned, but, boy howdy, I hope you are sinning. I'm not a Silco simp, but you have every right to be. Live your best life, bestie.
8 notes - Posted January 26, 2022
That feel when you have a GI appointment tomorrow (after 4 months of waiting), and the referral department cancels it because the GI department needs time to review your paperwork because your insurance changed, even though everything else is the same...If you need me, I’ll just be over here... 
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13 notes - Posted February 9, 2022
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135 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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611 notes - Posted October 18, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Thanks for the tag @morvantmortuary
no-pressure tags: @trelaney @bigtiddythanos @rosemaremembrance @maximoffwxnda @lorna-d-m @scuttle-buttle @jmathesonandsiblings and/or @lightinthedarkuniverse @norabrice1701 @eldritchcircus and anyone else who wants to!! 🖤
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morvantmortuary · 2 years
🌸, 💐 and ❄️ for the Morvants please! ❤️
Happily! Thanks, babe <3 these got long, so they're going under a cut lmao
🌸- What's this oc's favorite and least favorite color?
for all of them, their actual favorite is the respective color of their necro-magic -- Maxi's aortic red, Hex's neon purple, Rora's phtalo green. no one's ever been entirely sure whether their personalities cause their specific colors to develop (like, this was already their favorite color, so that's how their magic manifested), or whether they're pre-determined at birth. it's not uncommon for there to be resemblances in a family (Vincent's deep rust compared to Maxi's fresh blood, Emile and Hex had similar colors as well). certain color types/families tend to be associated with corporeal and non-corporeal types of magic, and this gets even more varied as you branch out to the other families of They Who Decide, who don't all work with death magic, but have other... specialties, instead.
their second-basically-a-tie favorite, for each of them, would be the color of their Reader's eyes (bc they're all shmoopy dorks lmao).
their least favorite colors are as follows:
Maxi - highlighter yellow. it reminds him too much of studying for mortuary college, which was one of the most unhappy times in his life despite him being really talented at it. If he's making notes on something in his office, or underlining something a decedent's family needs to sign/review, he'll stick to pens as often as he can. Usually red, so he has a habit of including exclamation points/small smiley faces in places when it's not too unprofessional, so people know he's not being critical.
Hector - the color of a manila folder. he associates it with being stuck in a string of shitty temp jobs for a year after he first dropped out of university in Mexico City. in Hex's mind, nothing good ever comes in a manila folder. when he has to keep paperwork for his freelance photography, he'll make a point to buy literally any other color. usually black, which means that they frequently get misplaced in the mortuary, but purple if he can find them. if he has to use manila folders, he's not above covering them in stickers.
Rora - traffic cone orange. it used to be any shade of pink or powder blue, thanks to her mother Mathilde, but now that she's an adult and these colors aren't being forced upon her, she doesn't mind them so much in small doses (though she usually prefers to avoid bright colors/pastels in her own clothes). but traffic cone orange is everything she hates: it's bright, it's obnoxious, it's official (so in her mind, bureaucratic) and its presence usually means someone or something is getting in her way.
💐- Where is this oc's favorite place to relax?
Maxi: before he had the option of your house, he would go outside and sit in the cemetery next door to the Mortuary. when he was in his late teens/early twenties, he'd usually take a smoke break -- he picked up smoking for years after Hex moved and Rora and his mother died, but only ever close to home, and never anywhere there would be a client. so the cemetery next door became the most logical place, though he did make sure to take care to linger where the smoke wouldn't bother any of the residents. he finally made himself quit bc he was paranoid of someone finding one of his cigarette butts where one of his victims disappeared. before the October Arc, he'd take some lemonade and a couple of that morning's batch of cookies and sit on one of the fallen tombstones or a stone bench in a quieter corner to catch his breath/avoid the louder voices in the House for a while between viewings, embalmings, etc. now, it's mostly wherever you are, but especially your couch in your living room where the two of you can just hang out or your bed, where you can do other things.
Hex: for the longest time, it was whatever car he was using to move around from place to place. he had an older VW van for a while when he lived in Mexico that it made him nearly sick to part with when he moved but it was entirely too recognizable when it came down to hunting the links in his Chain. until he had to leave her at the Greymoon House, it was in the seat of Baby, his motorcycle. before he relocated back to town, he loved going on long rides to clear his mind/shake off any anxiety by literally just trying to outrun it. nowadays, whenever he gets antsy, he'll sneak over to your place where he can watch you go about your routine for a while. even if you guys have a date planned that night, sometimes he shows up early with his camera just to watch you get ready through the lens. your energy is calming for reasons he can't explain, and he's happy to be even just on the edge of your orbit if it means he can chill out a bit.
Rora: before she met you, it was either her garden or the swimming hole out back. when she was alive, going outside and getting sweaty and mussed was a rebellion against her appearance-obsessed mother, who never left the house herself without a sunhat or a parasol. whether it was digging in the dirt or sinking beneath the surface of the water, anything to make her feel like she wasn't just a doll to be dressed helped her release some of the anger she constantly felt coiled inside her. after she came back, she still tends to return to both when her projects or her plans for the mantle have gone awry. planting, weeding, anything on her knees among her flowers reminds her what it means to be on this side of the Veil, able to affect the world around her. she usually only goes to the water alone if things feel entirely out of control, when the silence underneath is the only way she can get her head to be quiet. now, though, she enjoys both much more if you're there - either seated in a chair with a drink she made you, or on your knees in the dirt with her, or with her in the cool of the pond. you make certain things lovely in a way she'd never appreciated before.
❄- What is this oc's favorite and least favorite food?
Maxi: they grew up in Louisiana, so the boy's going to eat anything Cajun eagerly. if he had to pick a favorite-favorite, it'd probably be Grandmere Morvant's gumbo recipe, which he can now replicate almost perfectly (you think it's absolutely delicious, but he swears it's still not as good as hers, which you can't even imagine). for least favorite, it's probably going to be basic ramen; he ate way too much of that during his Bad Spell, as he refers to it. he had hit a point where he was just eating to survive, obsessed with the next link in his Chain, so food and sleep were a matter of obligation only. this left him skinnier than usual and fairly scary looking -- it's probably for the best Hex destroyed most of the photos from this period. he still avoids it whenever he can, but if you made some with enough ingredients to significantly change the flavor, he'd have some bc he loves you and wants to respect anything you cooked for the pair of you. On his own, though, he has to physically suppress a shudder whenever he passes the cases of insta-ramen in the grocery store.
Hex: His mom's sister's chilaquiles verdes, hands down instantly. He basically lived off those when he lived with the Casares side of the family for the first time in his teens, and though he and Ranza have both mastered the recipe, he swears there's something missing from his too. He used to make them only when he really needed a pick-me-up, but now he'll make them whenever you even remotely mention craving some. (They too are absurdly good, Hex now understands that he basically has to double the recipe when he's cooking for both of you lmao.) For least favorite food, it's honest to god any kind of frozen dinner that comes in the plastic trays. Doesn't matter what food's actually involved, he just cannot stomach it. He associates it with the points in his life where he spent most of his time running from one messy crime scene to the next, stuck re-starting his Chain every few months, and that was the thing he usually stashed in his hiding places bc it would keep the longest. The first time he was spying on you and saw you pull one out when you were out of energy to cook, he nearly blew his own cover with how fast he called you to ask if you felt like him spontaneously coming over to make dinner. He refuses to let you resort to that if he can help it, and hates even touching the plastic at this point lmao.
Rora: Ror, as previously mentioned, has a tricky relationship with food. Some things just... taste different, after you're dead. She likes fresh fruit best -- it feels bright in her mouth, still alive. She bounces between the sweetest and sourest she can find, sometimes in the same sitting. Pastries are probably the thing she likes second best, especially if she can eat them one-handed while she reads something or sizes up her next specimen for taxidermy. Idk that she has a least favorite food as much as a spectrum of food she's okay with to foods she actively cannot stand due to how her palate works now. I think if she had to name one, if pressed, she'd say her mother's mashed potatoes. (Maxi and Hex will wholeheartedly agree with her - Mathilde could cook many things, but she seemed to have a jinx where her mashed potatoes always came out glue-y.) Anything you made, though, she'd be willing to eat. Even if it was something that didn't agree with her, she'd find a way to get it down even if it didn't stay there later, just because she appreciates the gesture of you taking the time to cook for her so much.
Thanks so much for these questions, babe! Sorry I got carried away as usual lmao <3
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frontporchconsign · 1 year
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: Eileen Fisher Open Front Cardigan Womens Solid Black Viscose Stretch Size M.
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beckysbook5 · 2 years
Forestborn by Elayne Audrey Becker - Book Review!
Today on my blog I have a review for #Forestborn by Elayne Audrey Becker! The first in an exciting new YA duology filled with magic, romance and political intrigue! #BookReview
Rora is a shifter, as magical as all those born in the wilderness–and as feared. She uses her abilities to spy for the king, traveling under different guises and listening for signs of trouble. When a magical illness surfaces across the kingdom, Rora uncovers a devastating truth: Finley, the young prince and her best friend, has caught it, too. His only hope is stardust, the rarest of magical…
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Review: Roar (Cora Carmack)
Rating: ★★★★★/5
"Sometimes she was Aurora. Confident. Clever. Cultured. Sometimes she was Rora. Afraid. Alone. Ashamed. And more and more, she was Roar - bold, brash, and increasingly baffled by the situation in which she found herself. And sometimes she was none of them, lost and adrift somewhere in between, like the wildlands between Stormling cities." I'm so glad I reread this before getting to the sequel. This was one of my favourite reads of 2017, and I really loved it the second time around too. Aurora is the princess of Pavan, a city in the lands of Caelira that is plagued by storms. The royal family and the military they employ fight the storms, stealing the storms' hearts and using them against them, but Aurora has a secret: she has no magic of her own. When an arranged marriage reveals its sinister nature, Aurora takes matters into her own hands, setting out into the wilds, where she will encounter things far more volatile than just storms - including her own destiny. First off, I absolutely LOVE the magic system at play in this book. Elemental magic is something I always find fascinating, but having everything centred around storms and the weather somehow just grounds the system so well and makes it feel real to me. I love the hints of other kinds of magic as well - Jinx's earth magic, or Avira's spirit magic - but just knowing they exist was enough for this first instalment. The focus on storms and their unpredictability is so much fun to read about. As I said in my earlier (much less wordy) review, the characters here are so wonderful too. Roar is so well-crafted - never annoying, relatable, just searching for something to live for. And the whole crew of hunters provides such interesting comparisons to her; Locke is driven by something much darker, and and I love his journey as he softens and opens up. I want to know more about Jinx and Sly and Bait and all the others as well, and I hope we get more from them in book two. Finally, I enjoy Cora Carmack's writing style so much. This reads like a romance at times, but that is my SHIT, and it once again kept me flying through the pages this second time around. I love when characters are given the time to develop, both on their own and in terms of relationships, and this is really focused on here in a way that it sometimes isn't in fantasy. I want to experience those swoony emotions, I want to really feel it when a character is falling for another, and I do here, every time. Original review: This book was magical. It was so well written and thought out and the characters were SO. GOOD. I am basically at a loss for words and I love it. The originality and creativity were off the charts!
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aliworldtrade · 3 years
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arnoldjaime13 · 3 years
Blog Tour: INTO THE DARK A Superstitious Reverse Harem Romance Anthology With An Excerpt & #Giveaway!
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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the INTO THE DARK A Superstitious Reverse Harem Romance Anthology Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. This is a great anthology with all proceeds going to a mental health charity. In darkness, find light, love, and adventure! Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaways!
  About The Book:
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Authors: Eve Newton, Cate Corvin, Ginna Moran, Melissa Adams, Debbie Cassidy, Mia Harlan, Cali Mann, M. Sinclair, A.J. Macey, R.L Caulder, Stacey Brutger, Jewels Arthur, M. J. Marstens, Eva Delaney, Hanleigh Bradley, Tabitha Barret, J.E Cluney, Imani L. Hawkins, Avery Stone, Amelia K Oliver, Eileen Troemel Lilith Darville
Pub. Date: August 10, 2021
Publisher: Eve Newton
Formats: eBook
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, B&N, iBooks, Kobo
Travel into the dark and discover over a dozen sexy reverse harem stories twisted with superstitious lore. 
Hell's Princess cursed into finding her destiny
 A witch cursed to be mortal. 
 Demons fighting hexes. 
Vampires in need of some luck...and more!
From sizzling slow-burn attraction to steamy-goodness, there is something for every romance lover.
Grab your copy today and don't miss out on this limited-edition collection that will be removed from sale on September 10th 2021. All proceeds benefit a mental health charity. In darkness, find light, love, and adventure!
Includes titles: Hell's Curse by Eve Newton; Curses Bite by Ginna Moran; Lupine: Pigs Might Fly by Hanleigh Bradley; Bloody Lucky by Cali Mann; Dahlia: With a Side of Fries by Tabitha Barret; Sweet Lunacy by Avery Stone; Insurrection Chapters 1-3 by R.L. Caulder & M. Sinclair; Menace to the Assassins (An Academy of Assassin's novel) by Stacey Brutger; My Soul to Keep by Debbie Cassidy; Death's Deeds by A.J. Macey & M.J. Marstens; Deflated by Eva Delaney & Mia Harlan; Dreaming of Me by Melissa Adams; Friday by Amelia K. Oliver & Eileen Troemel; Infernally Taken by Jewels Arthur
Full list of Authors: Eve Newton, Cate Corvin, Ginna Moran, Melissa Adams, Debbie Cassidy, Mia Harlan, Cali Mann, M. Sinclair, A.J. Macey, R.L Caulder, Stacey Brutger, Jewels Arthur, M. J. Marstens, Eva Delaney, Hanleigh Bradley, Tabitha Barret, J.E Cluney, Imani L. Hawkins, Avery Stone, Amelia K Oliver, Eileen Troemel Lilith Darville
May include scenes of M/M & F/F
May contain triggering situations.
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  Infernally Taken Excerpt
By Jewels Arthur
As we get closer, I see a flash of blue and start running, entirely ready to ambush my best friend. But I freeze when I get closer. Rora stands in the tiniest bikini I have ever seen. She should probably be naked for all the good the bikini is doing to cover her. And not a pool in sight.
“Mar!” she yells, running over to me and throwing her arms around my neck. “I am so happy you are here! I didn’t even know you were coming.”
Galan comes out of the house and chuckles, walking straight to my men to shake their hands in greeting. “I thought it’d be a nice surprise. It gets pretty lonely out here, and I think Rora has been feeling the effects of our seclusion.”
Rora nods, smiling at me cheerfully, but I notice a stiffness she usually doesn’t have.
“Are you going swimming?” I ask, stepping back to take in her swimsuit again. “I don’t see a pool anywhere.”
“No, I was just lying out in the sun for a bit. There isn’t much else to do around here. It’s fun to mess with Cian as he works; he is expanding the cabin a bit. There is a little lake down the hill in the woods that we can swim in, which I sometimes do,” Rora explains with a shrug.
“Yes, she seems quite partial to sunbathing,” Galan says, his voice slightly strained.
I force my lips to remain impassive when all they want to do is smile widely. I am sure that the skimpy bathing suit has a purpose, and that aim seems to be working.
“Come on, I’ll show you around,” Rora says, pulling me away. “The boys can talk while the girls go play.”
Check out the INTO THE DARK Facebook Page!
About The Authors:
Click on the links to be taken to the authors websites or Facebook pages!
Eve Newton
Cate Corvin
Ginna Moran
Melissa Adams
Debbie Cassidy
Mia Harlan
Cali Mann
M. Sinclair
A.J. Macey
R.L Caulder
Stacey Brutger
Jewels Arthur
M. J. Marstens
Eva Delaney
Hanleigh Bradley
Tabitha Barret
J.E Cluney
Imani L. Hawkins
Avery Stone
Amelia K Oliver
Eileen Troemel
Lilith Darville
  Giveaway Details:
There are 2 giveaways. One ends August 16th and one ends on September 4th
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1 winner will win a Kindle Paperwhite, US Only. Ends 8/16
1 winner will receive a $10 Amazon GC. International, Ends 9/4
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
Rockstar Book Tours
Kickoff Post
Jaime's World
Instagram Post
Two Chicks on Books
The Momma Spot
Week Two:
Don’t Judge, Read
#BRVL Book Review Virginia Lee Blog
Reveal & Review
Week Three:
TLC Book Nook
Books a Plenty Book Reviews
More Books Please blog
Tea Party Princess
Week Four:
Writer of Wrongs
Rajiv's Reviews
The Reading Devil
Week Five:
Reese's Reviews
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robotsandramblings · 11 months
so i went and saw "Transformers: Rise of the Beasts" today!!!
and it was AH - MAY - ZINGGGGGGGGG 💖💖💖
the CGI, the transformation sequences, the battle scenes -- *CHEF'S KISS* *10/10 from the judges across the board*
i wasn't sure about how i'd like Mirage going into this, but i was surprised by how much i enjoyed him! i also think Ron Pearlman did a FANTASTIC job as Optimus Primal. and i had no idea Peter Dinklage did Scourge's voice, he was awesome too!
admittedly, i didn't find the overall writing to be strong... but then again, i got into this franchise through Bayformers, so i'm used to it by now lmao. (still wishing it was a bit better though...)
but if my favourite robutts are kicking ass and getting plenty of screentime, which they definitely did in this movie!!, then i leave the theatre a happy woman. which i am after this :D
(and yet, despite a proper and great amount of screentime for all the TF characters, i think we didn't see nearly enough of Rhinox, and arguably Cheetor. maybe because Rhinox's colour scheme was so grey and blended in??, but i had a hard time finding him in scenes. if he was even there to find lmao.)
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fantasy-be-real · 6 years
Roar Review
Title: Roar | Author: Cora Carmack | Edition: Hardcover | Language: English
Rating: 4 out of 5
“You are lightning made flesh. Colder than falling snow. Unstoppable as the desert sands riding the wind. You are Stormling, Aurora Pavan. Believe it.”  ― Cora Carmack, Roar
Plot/Storyline:The story follows a girl named Aurora, who is the sole heir of Pavan, as Rora is soon to be queen she is expected to…
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selinaneveahcrystal · 6 years
A/N: Alright. I’d like to thank @themutantunderground and @blink-when-it-thunders for betaing this one shot Catharsis for me :3 I was terribly unsure of the ending itself, and didn’t know what things to cut or leave. Anyway, all the thanks to the prompts from the reblog of @quintessentiallygifted , which gave me the right inspiration from the word prompts I saw. (I even screenshot the post in my phone xD And I look through all 100 of them everyday to see which prompts stand out as inspirations before I form the prompt idea in my brain lol)
Now, a good warning ahead of time. A whole load of angst, and well..you guys would probably be able to guess what else from the compilation of word prompts I chose how this one shot will go.
Enjoy and Comment/Review! 
61. We need to talk.
58. I made a mistake.
36. I think I’m in trouble.
79. I don’t feel well.
19. Just breathe, okay?
91. I can’t breathe.
54. Talk to me.
82. I’m on my way.
85. I need to tell you something.
100. I love you
He calls her in the middle of a Hellfire Club meeting, at the most inopportune time possible.
She's been arguing with the snotty higher brass about the direction they wanted to take the Hellfire Club, and is pissed, because she can't believe he's managed to wheedle out her newest phone number from Sage (somehow, because she's been keeping tabs on him through Sage.).
So she snaps at him as soon as she picks up the phone, the embarrassingly loud ringtone bouncing off the walls of the whitewashed meeting room, the bright phone screen flashing the old nickname and his current number she couldn't bear to discard even after she left.
Their little girl has been keeping her up all night with her demands to see her father, her nights ending with scream fests from a five year old who has nothing but an old photo she printed out for Aurora to keep as a keepsake of her father at her daughter's demand. "What?" She snaps, regrets almost immediately, her harsh tone, because he's done almost nothing to deserve it. "We need to talk."
All her guilt at snapping at him rushes away as soon as he opens his mouth, and those words spill from his lips. Lorna heaves a deep breath. "Can't it wait? I'm in the middle of something important here." "Yeah, uh, about that. Nope. I don't think it can wait." He sounds off. No, just wrong, and Lorna can't put a finger on it. "Lorna, I think I made a mistake." "What?" Her stomach drops into a pit, because she suddenly hears his heavy breathing, laboured and tense, as though he's hurt. "Uh, I think I’m in trouble." He coughs, and she hears him curse slurrily, a suppressed groan barely transmitting over the line. Just barely. "I..don't feel well. And um, there's a lot of glowing blood." Her fingers tremble as they clutch the phone, almost crushing it in her tight grip. "Just breathe okay?" She's panicking inside, and it shows in her wide eyes, because suddenly Sage flies to the computer and starts hacking into the Mutant Underground servers that they've hooked to an open line. "Yeah about that." He draws another wheezing breath. "Can't breathe." There's a shuffle and clatter of objects as Marcos curses lowly over the line, his slurring lisp becoming more pronounced by the minute. There are shouts of other human voices over the line, and Lorna fights the urge to choose a direction and just run blindly, hoping to reach him. "I found them. They're being targeted by Hounds." Sage's urgent voice is loud in her ear. "Is that Sage?" He slurs at her over the line. "Yeah. Yes. Um yes." She's suddenly frightened and at a loss of what to say. This couldn't be happening. She'd left them for exactly the reason to prevent something like this from ever happening. To prevent herself from losing him to those anti-mutant renegades that hunted their kind. Her eyes burn, and her fingers slide away wet at the corners. She's shaking, but her voice is nothing but strong and firm. The line falls silent for a while, and her heart trips, her hysterics threatening to rise to the surface as she fails to hear the comforting rough pained breaths of his over the line. "Talk to me!" It's a desperate demand, and the barest thread of her hysterical fear slides through her words. "Marcos!" "Hmm?" He's always been compelled to answer her when she needed him, and he slurs out a low affirmative response. Lorna almost imagines him, down on the floor, encircled by a spreading pool of glowing blood, his lashes fluttering close as the pool of blood expands. That image horrifies her, because there's no way she was ever, ever gonna let that happen. She glares at Esme. Why weren't they sending some members of their team to help rescue their fellow mutants? Was she so incapable as to wait for every instruction to fall from her own lips? Lorna gritted her teeth angrily. "Aurora's been asking to see you, you know?" Her voice betrays a tiny tremble, and she shakes slightly. "She has a photo of you, and she's been screaming at me to let her meet you." A low watery chuckle flutters over the line. "Really?" "Really." She almost whispers, tears burning in her eyes. "I was thinking..uh, thinking about letting her meet you this Saturday." She makes up a wild decision last minute, grasping at ends of straws just to make a conversation with him, to keep him awake longer, until they could get a team and reach him. "Sounds good." He mumbles into the phone. "If I can make it of course." "What are you talking about? Of course you can." They both know what he's talking about, but Lorna refuses to consider it, no, she can't consider it, because losing him might just break her beyond repair. "Hmm." He hums, too tired to give her a snarky response that she knows must be on the tip of his tongue. "We've got the team ready. They're ready to get there. Five minutes tops." Sage reports back to her, eyes flashing, and Lorna strips her jacket from her shoulders, ignoring the meeting to stride out of the doors after Sage. It’s a given that she's coming with them, no questions asked. "Hey. I need to tell you something." Relief fills her chest as she hears him shift slightly, breathing deep into the phone. His voice is thick with tears and emotion, and she grits her teeth. "No, you can tell me when I get there. Yourself." Her voice is almost hysterical. She can sense him slipping from the edges, barely holding on. "I'm not listening to you!" She doesn't care that the rest of the team are shooting her curious and odd glares at her rare display of explosive emotion. "Can you tell this to 'Rora for me?" "You can tell her yourself!" She's nearly screaming into the phone, trying to stop him from saying those last few words and slipping away. "You just need to hold on, you hear me? I'm on my way!" Marcos inhales slightly, a bubble of soft laughter rising from his chest. "That's good to know." She doesn't need to be there to know he's holding the phone close to his chest---she can hear the pounding of his heartbeat vibrating through the phone. "I love you." There's a loud crash and whirring of mobile machinery that transmits over the line---and Lorna screams and screams and screams----till there's nothing left responding over the line to her voice but loud buzzing static, and the lack of the sound of his heartbeat. ... The funeral held for him is silent, simple, and tight knit.
No one questions the presence of the HellFire Club at the wake, and her daughter refuses to talk or even look at her throughout the funeral. Aurora simply sits on the chair next to the casket, her knees tucked to her chin as she stares wordlessly at the body lying in the casket, far too tearless, silent for a five year old who lost a father, and far too solemn for a child her age. There's nothing but a gaping hole in Lorna's chest as she gazes at her daughter, her eyes just staring emptily at the casket and the body. It aches, but she's Lorna Dane, and Lorna Dane no longer cried for a simple (life-shattering) loss of a loved one.
She'd bigger things that she needed must complete. Especially after this. Marcos had been out getting supplies for the Underground when he'd been ambushed by two teams of Sentinel Services, eight evolving Sentinel Machineries and two sets of Hounds that prevented his escape. All for one man. Just because he was a mutant, and that he had relations to her. (That was your fault) The attack had been planned, targeted, and they all had been far too careless, too caught up with their differences to note the impending danger. (Your fault) And because of that, he was gone, and her daughter was robbed of a loving father she'd never met. (All your fault) Lorna's hands clenched as she patted Aurora's shoulders. They'd overstayed their welcome with the Mutant Underground by attending the wake. It was time to leave. For a moment, her daughter's angry eyes meet her own, similarly coloured and flashing with surging disobedience that Lorna thought she would flare and throw a tantrum to stay, but the little five year old simply slips off the chair to stand next to her. She holds out a hand gently, waiting for Aurora to place that small too warm hand in her own, and is startled when her daughter glances down at the offered hand, before sprinting off in the direction of the van, her offered hand foolishly held out in the cold open air. Lorna sighed lightly, eyes catching John's sad ones, before leaving. .... "Aurora..." Her daughter's door slams right in her face as she follows her little girl with quick rapid footsteps. She inhales a deep breath, and knocks, entirely out of politeness. "Go away." Her little girl's voice is muffled. "Aurora.." "I hate you! Hate you ! Hate you! Hate you! It's all your fault!" The sudden burst of loud screaming from behind Aurora's door sends a punch to Lorna's gut. (Told you, all your fault) Tears well in her eyes. She's hurting too, couldn't her daughter see? She loved Marcos too. "I'm sorry." Her voice with choked with emotion. "He wanted to say something to you. He told me to tell you when he was on the phone." Aurora's quiet now, and Lorna feels the electrical energy belonging to her daughter plastered to the door, so close and yet so far. "He said, Tell Aurora 'I love you.'" The words were whispered loud enough for her daughter to hear, Lorna's own hands pressed tightly against the door. There's a silent beat as the words sink in. Then her own tears fall as Aurora bursts into tears. …
Life goes on after that.
It has to. They never had a choice about that.
Lorna picks herself up, and so does Aurora, though everyone can tell that gaping space that lies in their hearts. Their smiles are never the same.
Aurora spends most of her time beside that small box of recordings that John gave her back at the wake. They used to record back in the good old days. Playing the old cheesy songs that were Marcos' favourite, hearing him belt out alongside Lorna’s own soft soprano,the strains of music on repeat.
Her daughter joins their fight far too young, at the age of ten, despite Lorna's own protests, her sword sharpened by years of training and a well cultivated hate of losing a loved one far too young.
She's inherited her father's love and talent for art, and her walls are decorated with pictures she's taken, paintings and drawings made by her own hand. Her masterpiece hangs in their hallway, a grey pencilled drawing of a deep pit, filled with hands reaching upwards for a light they could never reach. It's a work in progress, because it's a art piece that will never finish till their war finishes. Countless hands with small printed names in her daughter's handwriting reach up in that picture, detailed to the horrifying point of the recognizable scars on Lorna's own hands, from a fight that almost went wrong, Fade's own hands, half hazy just like his invisibility, and Sage's hands, toughened with the calluses.
Lorna's eyes always looks for one, right in the centre, dark, glowing and blazing, full of Hope that Marcos always held to when he was alive. Everyone's hands were there, all those that fought and were fighting this war between mutants and humans. She recognised John's and Clarisse's twined hands, joined in a fervent clasp amidst all the countless hands that reached upwards to the circle of light. Andy. Lauren. Reed. Caitlin. Carmen. Her stomach drops as she sees a pair of hands that do not belong, large, male, with a SS tag twined around his fingers. SS Services. Jace Turner. Her daughter's neat print flowered at the side of the drawing of his hands. Footsteps echo in their hallway, and Lorna recognises the familiar footfalls of her ten year old daughter that just finished her first mission. She stays silent as she sees the reddened circles under her daughter's eyes, and the tremble of Aurora's fingers, stained with blood. Aurora steps forward slightly, her hands shaking, before she adds another pair of hands to the deep pit.
They're pale, small, and delicate, fingers slightly callused with the regular gripping of a sword, with small splatters of blood patterning on the wrist and fingers---residues of taking a life, hands that were younger, far far younger than most hands reaching up in the dark pit. The pencil that her daughter holds stops, and both of them glance at each other slightly.
The pencil flickers between her daughter's fingers, and she feeds another name to the pit. Aurora. ~~~~
@eclipsepolarisxauroraborealis @themutantunderground @btahmisyan @thegiftedpredictions @dairdevil @countryole
@behappyitsemmalie This was the one shot I wanted reviewed and betaed xD But by the time you replied it was already betaed xD Well, if you have any comments or feedback, I’d be really glad to hear it :)
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thecomicon · 3 years
Review: Racing To Central City In A Flash In 'Challenge Of The Super Sons' #2
Review: Racing To Central City In A Flash In ‘Challenge Of The Super Sons’ #2
Tasked by the mysterious Rora to stop the power of the Doom Scroll, the Super Sons head into action. That means saving the Flash’s life by any means necessary. All in a days work for this new version of the World’s Finest. Where Challenge of the Super Sons #1 re-introduced us to Jon Kent and Damian Wayne, this one jumps ahead to the point where it feels like we’re missing a chapter in between.…
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2017 Writing Review
Tagged by @ma-sulevin, who tagged everyone, and who am I to refuse the call?
Total Number of Stories Completed
I have 15 stories from 2017 on AO3, but that’s not counting the stories and prompts from Tumblr that haven’t been published there (which is like 23). So, in total it’s like 38 (though maybe, like, 35 of those are actually finished...)
Total Word Count
Looks like I wrote... 25,060 words, give or take a few.
Fandoms Written In
DA only, but all three games got covered.
Looking Back, Did You Expect To Write More Fic Than You Thought You Would This Year, Less, Or About What You’d Expected?
I wrote more than expected, or at least more than I realized I had.
What’s Your Own Favorite Story Of The Year?
I still really like A Ritual. It was the first story I wrote where I felt like I really got Alistair and Rora’s relationship. I also like this DWC prompt about Cullen and Aylwen sparring. It was also one of the very last things I wrote this year, so a good way to end 2017.
Did You Take Any Writing Risks This Year?
I branched out a bit in terms of subject matter. I wrote a few more stories that were romance free and focused on one character, and I wrote about some new pairings.
Do You Have Any Fanfic Or Profic Goals For The New Year?
In terms of fanfic, I’d love to finish up Rora’s canon story, and make more progress in Avenie, Hawke, and Aylwen’s stories. Having fewer OCs bouncing around in my head would be nice ^^;
In terms of... profic? (this is a new term to me...) I want to start writing more of it on a regular basis, and start working on a couple novels I have ideas for.
Best Story Of The Year?
Ahhh.... I don’t know. How are we defining best? I think What the Future Holds is a pretty good one.
Most Popular Story Of The Year?
Looks like Helpless was my most popular story on AO3 (and my second most popular on Tumblr). The most popular on Tumblr was Best of Friends.
Story of Mine Most Under-appreciated By The Universe, IMO:
A New Start and The Best Days went nearly unnoticed, which is unsurprising given that they feature more obscure characters.
Most Fun Story To Write:
All the stories written for theme weeks (i.e. the Cullen/Cullavellan and Alistair weeks) were a lot of fun, but I especially enjoyed the story Emilia. Also, everything for DWC!
Story With The Single Sexiest Moment:
I didn’t write as much smut, or even romance, this year, but I guess Hands was pretty sexy.
Most Sweet Story:
I feel like I wrote a lot of sweet stories this year. I’d say Best of Friends again, or Shapes. Or the one where Aylwen sings to Cullen.
“Holy Crap, That’s Wrong, Even For You!” Story:
I don’t think I really had a story like that this year... Maybe the closest would be The Hawke Sisters, what with mage!Hawke promising to always protect Bethany at the end of it (T_T)
Story That Shifted My Own Perceptions Of The Characters:
Adjustments and Apologies, which was my first time writing for Alistair x Anora.
Most Unintentionally Telling Story:
First Crush. That’s basically just a story about me in middle school.
Hardest Story To Write:
I guess I’ll say Walls of Stone. It wasn’t exactly hard to write, but it was based around a concept I’d tried and failed to do multiple times in the past.
Biggest Disappointment:
I don’t think I really had one.
Biggest Surprise:
Writing pairings I’d never expected to write about, like Alistair x Anora and Morrigan x Amell.
I’m gonna pass it forward and say, anyone who wrote in 2017, please feel free to do this!
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dentalimplanthisar · 2 years
Tooth Impaction and RCT treatment of Suraj's Parents by Dr. Tanu Rora Review from Dr. Sachin Mittal's Advanced Den on Vimeo.
Tooth Impaction and RCT treatment of Suraj's Parents by Dr. Tanu Rora | Review #tooth #impaction #rct #dentistry #drsachinmittal #hisar #hissar #haryana
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The Killing of Rhonda Hinson Part 24
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Detective James “Flash“ Pruett, formerly of the Burke County Sheriff’s Department, and his dog, Paiute.
Special Investigative Reporter
For The Record
 When presented with competing hypotheses that make the same predictions, one should select the solution with the fewest assumptions. – Occam’s Razor
 It was in mid-December 1994, when 44-year-old Detective James “Flash” Pruett of the Burke County Sheriff’s Department began to look into the killing of Rhonda Hinson.  
Arguably the most perspicacious of all the investigators to scrub the case, Detective Pruett commenced his inquiries subsequent to an order from Sheriff Richard Epley.  “…Sheriff Epley instructed all investigators to look into the Rhonda Hinson homicide,” he wrote in his extensive case notes.  
Immediately, he located Rhonda’s grandmother, Julia Price—Judy Hinson’s mother—and interviewed her on Monday Dec. 19, 1994, six days after what would have been her granddaughter’s 32nd birthday. At the time, the 89-year-old lived alone in a home located on Rora Avenue in Valdese, approximately a mile from the Hinsons’ residence on Hillcrest Street.  
During the interview, Detective Pruett mainly listened as Ms. Price talked.  She provided little more than biographic information about her granddaughter; but Flash did inquire as to Rhonda’s confidantes.  “…I did ask who Rhonda would confide in or tell her innermost thoughts.  Julia said Rhonda was very close to Chris Price [Dr. Christina Hardin], her first cousin who is a schoolteacher in either South Jefferson or North   Augusta, S.C.  She said Rhonda told her problems to her during a family visit.  Another friend of Rhondas’s, Jill Turner [Mull] is married and living in Charlotte, NC.”
Additionally, Ms. Price did confirm that her granddaughter “spent a lot of time with the McDowell Family, would go to church, eat lunch, and come back home on Sundays.”
On Tuesday, Jan. 3, 1995, Detective Pruett purposed to locate a blue Chevy Nova that the McDowell Family owned in 1981. His objective:  to examine the automobile for any traces of Rhonda Hinson’s blood.
Flash contacted Shelia Robinson, secretary at Wilkies Grove Church, to inquire after a similar car belonging to her father-in-law, Jack Robinson.  She recalled observing a vehicle matching the description at his house but averred that he had sold it a year earlier.  
“I decided to talk with Jack today, and I located him at East Burke  High School.  He is a teacher there, and I was able to talk with him in a conference room near the front office.  Jack said he indeed had a blue 1969 Nova, but he had purchased it new.  It was never owned or used by the McDowells.”
Mr. Robinson confirmed that he had sold the automobile a year earlier to a Harold Cantrell; and, he had no recollection of a similar car being owned or utilized by the McDowells.  [Note:  In 1969, Mr. Robinson was teaching at Drexel High School.  He taught mathematics and physics to this writer who graduated in the same year that he purchased his blue Nova.]
According to Mr. Pruett’s case notes, it was during his first interview that Charles McDowell confirmed owning a blue four-door 1976 Chevy Nova.  Burke County property records, reviewed on Thursday, July 12, 1984, corroborated his claim.  Previously reported was a statement by Tonya Benge [Featherby]—who worked with Rhonda at Hickory Steel and attended the Dec. 22, 1981, company Christmas party with her and Sherry Pittman [Yoder]—in which she averred that she saw Greg McDowell picking up Rhonda Hinson at noon on the same day. The car was parked next to the building at Hickory Steel at lunchtime when Tonya and Rhonda exited the building together.
Before he concluded his interview with Mr. Robinson, Flash asked if Greg had ever “target practiced” around the church’s parsonage or near Jack’s home.  The pedagogue indicated that he was unaware of any firearms or target shooting by the neighboring McDowells.  
In an interview with Detective Pruett and—eventually—this writer, Judy Hinson maintained that Jack Robinson and student, Greg McDowell, were close.  Initially, Flash delayed talking with Mr. Robinson because of the alleged relationship between him and Greg; however, he decided to proceed.  
At the inception of his investigation, James Pruett was partnered with Detective Gene Franklin—the assignment was made by Richard Epley, Flash recollected, when asked about it over the weekend past.  In fact, on Friday Jan. 20, 1995, the sheriff issued an official case reassignment memorandum.  It read:
“On today’s date, Sheriff Richard Epley, Major Robert Lane and Lieutenant Greg Calloway assigned Detective James Pruett to be the lead investigator in the thirteen year old [sic] homicide of Rhonda Annette Hinson. Major Lane will assign Gene Franklin to assist Detective Pruett in the continuation of the investigation.”
Flash’s first mention of Detective Franklin, in his copious notes, was dated Monday, Jan. 30, 1995—10 days subsequent to the reassignment notice.  
“I met with Gene Franklin today to discuss his opinions on the case and to plan the re-creation of the crime scene…I was curious if Gene would come to the same conclusions I reached…. Gene’s conclusions were almost identical to mine.  He and I felt the previous investigators did an outstanding job, but were constantly under pressure to prove they were creditable.”
After a brief discussion of possible suspects and noting that the McDowells had credible alibis because “each member verifies where the other was at the time of the shooting,” the detective duo turned attention to re-creating the crime scene, aspiring to ascertain from which location the fatal shot had been fired.  They first visited the office of Norman Long in the county Tax Office.
“…[We] requested him to plot a rough field of fire from the angles I obtained from the photographs.  He made a large copy of the area and plotted the angles supplied. The 70-degree horizontal angle would have placed the gunman on the east side of [Hwy] 350 [Eldred Street] in a wooded area between Perkins Road and the off ramp at I-40.  The five-degree vertical angle was not plotted because of the lack of topographical maps.”  
After observing Mr. Long completing the map by marking off 25-foot increments from the exit ramp and extending north on Eldred St approximately 250 feet, the two detectives drove to the crime scene where they verified that it would be almost impossible to shoot into the vehicle on the 70-degree angle—the terrain was too steep.  They concluded that the fatal shot would have had to come from the eastside of Eldred Street.  
In 1995, Gene Franklin’s ex-brother-in-law, Jack Andrews maintained a surveyor’s office at 113 West McDowell Street in the city of Morganton.  Flash and Franklin visited the office to request that a survey team meet them on-site to plot the field of fire—a task that Mr. Andrews and his crew averred would be easy to complete with a scant few measurements.  It was agreed that all would meet at the location the next afternoon at 3:30 p.m.  
 The detective duo decided to meet the next day, in-advance of the crew’s arrival, to re-create the crime scene.  They also planned to wear off-duty casual clothes to conceal the renewed interest in the Hinson case.  There were two objectives to be attained:  First, determine the location at which the weapon fired the fatal shot; and two, to extensively comb the area for a shell casing that could have potentially been ejected from a rifle.  
Detectives, Pruett and Franklin arrived the next morning to stake-out the crime scene per their plans.  They also devoted some time to listening to motorists change gears as they navigated the incline of Eldred Street, after turning right off the I-40 Westbound exit ramp.
“We determined most of the time the drivers changed into third gear near the old torn down home driveway or near the power pole [where] the crime scene measurements were taken.  Gene and I feel the victim was in motion and changing the gears from second to third; but the shift was not complete when the projectile immediately killed the victim.”  
The survey team-of-three arrived at approximately 3:38 p.m.  The crew sprang to work immediately taking measurements from a previously located control point. Then, a moment of disappointment for Flash.  
“I immediately became disappointed when the vertical angle cleared the southern-most bank near the exit ramp.  I was wanting to completely discount the random-shooting from I-40 [theory].”  
The crew and the investigators left the scene approximately 5:14 PM, after deciding that they needed to reflect upon their angle logic.
Flash and Gene drove east on I-40, exited via the Rutherford College off-ramp before returning to the I-40 westerly direction from whence they came.  
“We were discussing the angle problems when suddenly Gene realized no one had compensated the six-percent grade into the formula.  We rushed to the surveyor’s office in Morganton and caught [two of the surveyors] in the parking lot.  We informed them of Gene’s finding, and they agreed the corrected formulas would lower the trajectory at least six-feet from the stake of the control 00 location. Due to that fact, it would be impossible for the projectile to have been fired from either Elmer Buff’s [located on a ridge south of the I-40 W off-ramp toward Mineral Springs Mountain and on the opposite side of the road from Hazel Street and Holly Hills] or I-40.  The angle would indicate it was absolutely possible the shooter could have ambushed the victim from or near the old logging road.”
For all intents and purposes—over 24-years ago—Detectives Pruett and Franklin eliminated the possibility that the killing of Rhonda Hinson was a random act.  
On Feb. 10, 1995, Gene Franklin wrote a synopsis of the Rhonda Hinson case, that not only questioned the efficacy of the investigation, but cast doubt upon its solvability.
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robotsandramblings · 11 months
i forgot to say!! the Maximal designs!! they were SO. GOOD. 10/10.
honestly like probably up until the RotB trailers were released, i was doubtful about the success of having Beast Wars characters in live action, with their mixture of animal and robot physical features.
but they nailed it for RotB! it looked great, it looked believable, it didn't jar me or distract me by its awfulness (unlike some previous Bayformers designs) (hell unlike this movie's Wheeljack design...ugh). it was a perfect blend.
(i'll have to go find official or concept art to see their "Maximized" robot designs - i feel like we only got a really good look at Primal's, but everything was moving too fast to really see Cheetor's or Rhinox's. but from the glimpses i got, they looked pretty good!!)
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