#ricky gets to keep the cat ears and tail
blossomgutz · 11 months
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i drew the rest of the choir as that one other meme from tails gets trolled
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seokmattchuus · 2 months
Pet Play with ZB1 - Reaction
A/n: I was too scared to proofread so I'm sorry for any typos. I tried to get things right the first time ;-;
Jiwoong: *Wasn't all that into it until you sent him photos of you dressed up. Can't get over it.*
"And you're wearing that right now?" He replied almost immediately. "What a tease."
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Hao: *Loves to dote on you when you're in kitten space. Head pats, slight scratches.*
"Pretty kitty?" He tried, a shy smile forming as you blushed. "My pretty kitty."
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Hanbin: *Finds the idea of bunny ears cute but once he sees you wearing them, they're never coming off.*
"I never said I was getting into it." He scoffed, covering the smile that broke out. "They just look good on you, that's all."
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Matthew: *Loves to keep you under the desk with an extra large pet bed; your kitten ears on with a collar and leash. Will give a loving tug every now and then.*
"How's my baby doing?" He smiled lovingly at you while you rested against his shoe. "Let me know if you need anything, okay?"
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Taerae: *Loves to see you wearing your puppy ears, especially when you're on his lap looking up at him.*
"Don't look at me like that." He blushed as you batted your lashes. "I'm still getting used to how cute you look."
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Ricky: *Loves the cat ears, tails, collars. Even likes holding on to a leash while you ride him so he's still in control.*
"My pretty little kitty." He smiled up at you as he wrapped the leash around his hand to pull you closer. "Just like that."
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Gyuvin: *Wasn't expecting you to go shopping the moment he agreed to try it. Immediately gets giddy when he sees what you bought.*
"And you're going to put...all of..that on?" He held back his smile as you nodded. "Like, right now?"
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Gunwook: *Immediately thought you were talking about fursuits and has a world-crashing experience when it is, in fact, nothing like that.*
"Wait a minute-" His face fell into his hands as you turned to show him your tail. "I wasn't expecting it to be hot!"
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clairethecutepup · 1 year
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Chapter 2: Antidote for an Angry Goat?
Click "keep reading" for chapter and author's notes...
We go back to Cio’s, the next day, so we can see how he’s doing with Rocko. Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you, but I’m calling the goat that. I did it ‘cause he’s got gray fur, like a rock. I thought about calling him “Rüpel” (it means, “Bully” here), but that’s not really creative. Plus, “Rocko” just sounds better. What doesn’t sound good, though, is the fact Cio says he hasn’t been able to get rid of the goat ‘cause of the email he got back: they won’t take Rocko back ‘cause discounted items are “final,” and they don’t usually take any animal back ‘cause something could’ve happened to them and made them get stuck with a “damaged product” that they can’t sell anymore.
“Man, what am I gonna do now…?” Cio groans and holds his face, while his fox ears hang down, “Even if I actually take the offer for a new goat, I’ll still be stuck with that jerk out there…”
Faxie whimpers and looks sorry for Cio, while he’s sitting on the computer desk beside him.
“Well…” Sparky tries making Cio feel better, “At least they’re willing to fix their mistake, in some way…?”
“Oh, I know!” Leena raises a finger, “Let us just release him into the wild, where he can be free to do all the things he wants and will be away from everyone that he can hurt.”
Faxie yips a little, while he sits straight up and looks super scared.
“Dude,” Cio looks at Leena and is also really scared, “that’s a terrible idea: that’d be both a death sentence for him and everyone else around here-- no matter how far we’d take him!”
“He’s right, Leena,” Sparky looks scared, too, “‘instincts’ and other things like it aren’t enough to help a kept animal survive out there, especially when they’re used to being taken care of. That, and I also fear the idea of him jumping an unsuspecting person-- or people…”
I suddenly remember the Beast of Gevaudan: Eleana once told me a long story about a wolf that would attack only people and eat just them, back when France had kings. I don’t wanna cause the “Goat of Wolfuchs” by letting Rocko be free!
“Come on, guys,” Cio groans, “we need to think of a real solution here! How do you get rid of a goat-- and without destroying the entire town?”
“Well, I’m sure someone might be… um, ‘nice’ enough to offer him a good home?” Sparky nervously grins and rubs the back of his head, “I’m sure Rocko has some qualities that’ll make him appealing to someone…”
Cio frowns at him, “Like what, man: some masochist’s dream?”
That’s it, we could give him to Ricky! Oh, wait, no… Then, that’d mean Rocko would have to live with me instead… I don’t want him to put the rest of my family in danger, either. Well, I guess Sparky might be right, and we could find some way to convince someone else to take Rocko away. I look out the back window and stare down at him, while he’s eating some grass inside the pen. I have to hide in one of the window’s corners, though, when he notices me and glares at me. I-It doesn’t help he looks extra scary, w-when he’s pawing up the ground and aiming his horns at me…
Well, that can be a “good quality”: he’s scary, so he’d probably do a good job for someone that’d want a guard goat instead of a guard dog. Actually, guard animals are supposed to make noise, instead of just attack intruders, and Rocko’s “baaa” sounds aren’t really loud. I can barely hear him doing that now, while I watch him wave his tongue around, too. I have to laugh a little and wag my tail, ‘cause goats can sure look and be funny like that, sometimes. I wonder if he’s trying to clean his nose, since goats probably can’t just lick part of their front legs and rub it against their face, like cats can? Huh, maybe being “funny” could be one of those “appealing” traits! Maybe the Smith Sisters can use him for their clown stuff?
Nah, he’d probably get his horns stuck in a hoop during tricks, or have to get “put down” for attacking some of the hecklers they get ‘cause of his bad temper… Maybe something with digging? He’s definitely good at that, since he’s able to dig out a way ou--... Uh oh… I lean out the window, so I can watch Rocko easier. Everyone runs to the window, after they hear him start ramming into the back of the pizzeria.
“Hey, stop!!” Cio yells at him, “What are you doing-- Why are you doing--?!”
Cio runs away and we all follow him down the steps, before we run into the “restaurant” part of his building and out the back kitchen door. Well, Leena and Cio ran out to face Rocko, while Sparky and I look out from the side of the doorway. Rocko is still ramming into the wall, making it crack a whole bunch!
“I said knock it off, ya jerk!!” Cio yells, “What the heck is your problem, man?!” he suddenly looks pale and his fox ears fall down, “Oh crap…”
He jumps out of the way, before Rocko rams into Leena instead. Sparky manages to pull me back, while we watch Leena fly back and Cio land. Rocko stops in front of the doorway, so he can glare at us and lower his head. Sparky screams and picks me up, before jumping onto the kitchen island. We’re stuck up here, while Rocko walks around us and even tries to jump up after us! H-How do we make him stop…? Hey, Ryuketsu just walked in, he can help!
“Kenny, help!” Sparky seems to think so, too, “Y-You’re strong, right?!”
“Huh, weird…” Ryuketsu scratches his fox ear, “I normally have to close my eyes first, before I have weird dreams like this… Did I fall asleep in the booth?”
Rocko tries to attack him, but Ryuketsu manages to grab his horns and keep him pinned down. Well, as much as he can, anyway, ‘cause Rocko could probably even be trouble for a giant bear.
“Uh, hey, Kenny,” Cio looks in from the doorway, “how would you like a promotion to: ‘goat manager’...?”
“Not really…” Ryuketsu sighs and keeps fighting Rocko, “I don’t think I like this goat: it seems like too much work and too mean…”
“Come on, man,” Cio holds his hands together, “please…?”
Ryuketsu agrees ‘cause he can tell Cio’s really desperate for help, even if he’s sighing and doesn’t look happy about it. He drags Rocko back into the pen and keeps him there, while Cio nails boards onto the bottom gaps of the fence walls. Faxie managed to finally catch up with all of us and walked over to Cio, so he could sit by him.
“Aw man,” Cio sighs, “forget not being able to make ingredients, I won’t even be able to make pizza or do anything, as long as this jerk’s around…”
“If we cannot release him into the wild,” Leena suggests, “maybe we can keep him in a fence, in the wild? That way, he will be far away, and we do not have to worry about him being dead or making others that way instead.”
“Sorry, man,” Cio looks at her, “but I don’t think your ideas are really something we can do…”
Leena still smiles and salutes, “I try my best, and that is all that matters!”
“Still, man,” Cio stands up, after he finishes nailing everything, “we need an actual solution to get rid of this guy. Got any ideas, you guys? I can’t really think of anyone who’d want that crazy thing instead…”
Hmmmm, who would want a crazy goat; what kind of places usually like having goats? Wait… That’s it!
“A ‘ar’!” I tell them, “Se’ ‘o a ‘ar’!”
“What is it, Claire?” Sparky smiles and crouches down, so we can look into each other’s eyes, “What’re you trying to say?”
“I think she’s trying to suggest something,” Cio stands beside me, “What do you think would work, buddy?”
Hmm, might be easier to use my phone. I pull it out and unfold it, before I start searching for a farm picture and show them.
“Good idea, little buddy,” Leena grins at me and pats my head, “farms love animals-- even mean and nasty ones!”
“That might not be a bad idea, buddy,” Cio thinks a little, “I’m sure people like that are used to handling animals like him, too.”
Everyone ducks or steps back, after Rocko jumps over the fence. I think he used the water-crate-thing to make it possible ‘cause it’s where he came from.
“Sorry,” Ryuketsu runs after him, but looks tired, “he managed to slip away…!”
We watch Rocko run through the back door, again, and he even knocks it down. Ryuketsu runs inside, too, and promises to get him back. We hear Rocko make a big mess inside, while Ryuketsu is yelling at him to come back. The rest of us just stand outside and look at the pizzeria.
Cio finally asks, “... Do you think we’ll get rid of him faster, if I’m the one paying the other guy instead?”
“As much as I don’t like being sneaky,” Sparky looks at him, “I’m worried it might warn them enough to refuse him…”
[End Chapter 2]
Author's Notes:
Welp, I'm at least using that comic cover for something, even if it's for pure literature instead. It turns out, just posting the chapter text alone is boring and not very eye-catching. Why didn't I do the same with the previous chapter, on terms of literal imagery? Well, I didn't think people would care for a repetitive image for Getting Your Goat chapters-- especially when the revisions of this story are getting repetitive, even though I promise this will be the last time.
Then, I thought a bit and realized it'd be the perfect way to distinguish stories more easily. I mean, you don't want to be looking forward to the next chapter of my fan fiction for the Ed Edd n' Eddy: Assassin AU, only to realize you're actually looking at the next chapter for Artificially Demonic, right? Plus, it's a little more eye-grabbing; and I doubt most people had actually seen and especially even remembered the original GYG chapters, so it'll be like seeing it for the first time-- especially with the major differences that make it feel like a new tale.
Also, be warned, Claire's Companions is rich in a cast of characters; although, you'll only focus on a few at a time, even if others are simply mentioned or decided to pop in for a spell. Trust me, you will never see more than five actually starring in a tale, alongside Claire, at a time. Wait, why am I saying, "alongside"? The kid's a sidekick more than anything, even when her name's in the title and she's the sole 1st person perspective in CC...
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whump-the-caretaker · 4 years
Shifter pt. 13
start / previous / about the characters / next "We have a live event next week."
Beck's head came up sharply. In the form of a wolf, he was standing guard at Avery's bed, curled pressed to his side, head resting on his arm. 
"You've been being so good since all that,” he gestured vaguely to Avery’s back, which was only half healed. “Do you think you can behave yourself, or do I need to be creative?"
Beck’s lip pulled back in a snarl, ears flat. It was hollow defiance, though, and he gave in quickly when Ricky stepped towards the door, lifting a leg and tipping his head to show that he would do as he was told. 
He hated it, but he would do as he was told.
The baying of dogs and the stomping of hooves overwhelmed his senses. Dizzy with the adrenaline coursing through him, he tried everything he could to free himself--from the starting box, from his fox shape, from the reality of what he was facing--but he was locked this way by the blocker and by the wood panels were scratched with claw marks. His paws scrambled uselessly in the splintered grooves. Even after everything they’d put him through, he was in disbelief.
Avery had tried to demand they tell him what would be happening when Ricky came to take him. Even then, as clueless as he’d been about the afternoon’s events, Beck had known he didn’t want him to know. He could only imagine what his husband would be going through if he knew. 
He’d been shocked to be brought outside, but less so when he was reminded of the blocker on his neck and informed that they were miles from the nearest town. A fox could survive in the woods, but there would be no getting to help before they got to Avery’s cell. And they would go straight for Avery’s cell. Ricky had told him that when he grabbed him by the scruff of his neck, shaking him roughly when he snapped, and tossed him into a dark wooden box.
“I have some guests here,” he said, knocking on the top of the box. “We’re going on a fox hunt.”
Beck froze. 
“You’ll give us a good chase, won’t you?” He snorted to himself. “Of course you will. The people might know you’re not just a fox, but the dogs don’t. Make this fun for everyone and I’ll make sure you don’t get hurt too bad.”
Time blurred after that. The horror of the situation never lessened, but he had enough of his senses left to hear Ricky counting down. 
His heart hammered.
He braced himself.
The box snapped open, blinding him as it flooded with light, and he took off like a shot, fear driving him into the underbrush and away from the hunting party. 
Twigs snagged at his fur and skin, thorns scratching his ears. He was immediately lost. Never much of an outdoors person, he had to rely entirely on the fox’s instincts to guide him. His heart was going to explode. Was he headed back towards the hunters?
He could hear the dogs and dashed for the thickest thorns he could find, shoving the human part of himself down, out of the way of surviving.
Into the trees. The thicker the better. 
Search for cover. Anything the dogs couldn’t get through.
There wasn’t any water to cover his scent.
No running forever. He was already tiring. 
Each time he thought he’d lost them, he heard Ricky shout. He didn’t know the words, but they were directions. Somehow, they knew where he was.
His skin, his paws were scratched and bleeding. The dogs were crashing through the undergrowth behind him, slowed but hardly stopped by the thorns.
The fallen tree was a miracle
He was out of breath and trembling. There wasn’t any more running.
His heart was going to burst. 
Inside the rotting log was a hollow, and he pressed himself up into it just in time for the snapping jaws of the hounds to appear at the entrance. 
Back. Back. 
He snapped back at them, growling over their howls, and flattened himself as far back as he could go.
A crowd gathered, shouting and laughing.
He burrowed deeper, digging in.
Someone by the entrance, the dogs being called away.
Then smoke.
Panic gripped him.
He clawed back, spinning in search of another way out. Spun. Dug. 
Out. Out!
Metal, blood, pain.
There were hands, his teeth sinking into thick leather gloves. There was blood, but it was his, coming from the teeth of the trap that had snapped his leg.
Somewhere in the haze, the toothed jaw was removed and a muzzle of cold, shifting material was tightened over his snout and a collar forced over his head. Then, somehow, he was mostly human again, fox tail whipping behind him, but the blood gone from his wrist. His wrists, aching but whole, were gathered and bound while he tried to claw with blunted human nails.
A woman with dark eyes and a cruel smile had a hold of his leash.
Ricky was grinning at her, saying something about a prize.
Telling her to enjoy her trophy.
He fought, screaming wordless noise into the muzzle. He wouldn’t go, forcing them to hobble and carry him just to get him onto the woman’s horse. 
Her hand was in his hair, keeping him curled in front of her on the saddle, his head in her lap. She didn’t go back to the building. Not immediately.
Not for a long while.
Avery lay on the bed, eyes pressed tightly closed as he strained breath in and out of his nose and tried not to stress about Beck. He was going to make himself sick if he couldn’t calm down. 
A knock on the door startled him out of his stupor. His eyes snapped open, and he threw himself off the bed.
Ricky stood at the door, holding something gingerly in front of him. It was a vivid reminder of the night he’d taken over, a wildcat this time, still penned into a tiny cage, growling and striking with every movement around it.
“I’m done with this bullshit,” Ricky grumbled, shoving the cage at Avery and slamming the door. “Get him to calm down.”
Beck howled.
Avery waited to open the cage until the man had gone, unnerved by the way Beck didn’t seem to recognize him, still snarling and scratching even in his hands. Cautiously, he unlatched the door, jerking out of the way before he could get mauled. The cat streaked out and past him, up into the bedframe. 
“Beck?” he whispered, getting on his knees to look in for him. “Are you there?”
Two glowing eyes stared out of him from where he’d wedged himself in between the frame and the mattress. 
“What happened to you?”
Gentle coaxing failed to get him out. Asking only got growls in response. So he just lay down where Beck could see him, looking in another direction, and started to talk.
He rambled about nothing until his throat went dry. 
It was more than an hour before he looked over and saw Beck curled beside him, human now, but still under the bed. 
“Hey, babe,” he said gently, reaching under towards him. 
Beck flinched back and Avery jerked his hand away. 
“It’s okay, it’s okay. You stay under there. I won’t touch you.” He turned on his side. “Are you hurt?”
Glassy eyes blinked at him without comprehension.
There was a lump in his throat that he couldn’t seem to clear, choking his words. “What did they do to you?”
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lady-divine-writes · 6 years
Kurtbastian one-shot “Spooktastic” (Rated PG13)
Summary: Sebastian fantasizes about Kurt showing up at the rink in the costume of his dreams.
And he does, but that depends on the type of dream ...
Notes: For those of you who will inevitably ask, yes, we had someone dressed in a giant lavender inflatable unicorn at our rink this Halloween xD
Part 49 of Outside Edge
Read on AO3.
“A bloody hockey mask?” Blaine snickers, sliding to a stop with enough force to spray Sebastian’s skates with snow. “As far as Halloween costumes go, isn’t that a little too on the nose for you?”
“What are you talking about?” Sebastian raises the red streaked and busted mask so Blaine can hear him clearly. “I’m not wearing a costume.”
“A-ha. Okay, Captain Edgy,” Blaine says rolling his eyes.
Sebastian doesn’t defend his costume choice. Easy is as easy does, and he’d rather be on the ice than wasting his time dressing up. He knows he copped out. So what that his costume is a little low maintenance? He doesn’t want to admit that he’s not into the gory side of Halloween. It’s a carefully guarded secret (so guarded, not even Kurt knows) that he hangs out at the rink and coaches on Halloween because blood and gut costumes freak him out – a residual fear from an episode years ago when Sebastian, alone at home while his folks were off on another of many ‘important’ business trips, decided to spend Halloween in his parent’s wine cellar watching every horror movie the satellite TV could pick up.
After the fifth movie, he’d wanted to call it quits, but he couldn’t bring himself to walk through the cold, dark cellar upstairs to the main house, so he hunkered down under the blankets he had brought with him and stayed there, eyes wide open, watching cartoons on repeat till his uncle came home in the morning.
Three straight nights of zero sleep followed, and he swore he’d never watch another horror flick again.
The rink goes all out on Halloween to give kids a safe place to Trick or Treat and enjoy themselves. The kids who attend more or less stick to store bought, cutesy costumes that are easy to skate in, so Sebastian’s hockey mask is pretty much the grossest thing out on the ice.
“What about you?” Sebastian gestures to Blaine’s gelled hair, his leather jacket, and his tighter than necessary (especially for skating) jeans. “You dressed like Elvis?”
“What?” Blaine looks down at his clothes, then back at Sebastian and grins. “I’m not wearing a costume.”
Sebastian scowls, but then bounces his head in agreement. “You’re right. I don’t think you are wearing a costume.”
“Hey! Have any of you guys seen Kurt? He’s supposed to check in by now,” Chandler asks, skating over with roster in hand, and wearing a giant, inflatable, lavender unicorn costume. Blaine, Sebastian, and the other coaches with them can’t help chuckling every time he waddles over. The consensus is it’s literally the most ridiculous thing anyone has ever seen.
But the kids love it so, in that respect, Chandler wins coach of the month.
Sebastian is grateful Chandler has the skating skills to keep him upright in that thing. It would suck to have to pick him up off the ice every five feet.
“I haven’t seen him yet,” Blaine answers, which annoys Sebastian thoroughly. In Kurt matters, Sebastian should always get the first say.
“He didn’t come to the rink with us,” Sebastian adds when Chandler looks at him with confusion. “He was still working on his costume when we left. He said he wanted it to be a surprise.”
“Ooo la la!” Chandler coos, grinning behind the clear panel in the unicorn’s chest that allows him to see. “I can’t wait to see what he comes up with this year! He has the best skating outfits on the ice. His Halloween costume must be epic!”
“Yeah,” Sebastian mutters dreamily, biting his lower lip and imagining the kind of costume his boyfriend might have come up with. Like Blaine, he favors tight shirts, even tighter pants, and dramatic makeup, which Sebastian never thought for the life of him would be a thing that would get his engine going. Makeup on boys seemed unnatural to him - a desperate cry for attention. But after seeing the looks Kurt comes up with, boy has Sebastian changed his mind! And not just about Kurt. About every boy who wears makeup. It never dawned on Sebastian how freeing makeup could be, how expressive, how unique.
And in Kurt’s case, how erotic.
Quite a one-eighty for a boy who never thought he’d date in high school, not to mention Ice Queen Kurt Hummel.
Sebastian can picture Kurt dressing up as a fox in a sleek velvet bodysuit with a fluffy tail. Or an elf, Lord of the Rings style - regal and strong in a tailored tunic and silver-blond wig. Or maybe something with Spanish flair, like a flamenco dancer or a Matador. (Kurt’s been really into Ricky Martin lately …. obnoxiously so …) Another coach on the ice is dressed as a peacock – teal blue spandex unitard covered in crystals and sequins, with a full tail of feathers attached to the rear that shimmies when she skates. Sebastian can see Kurt rocking that look, no question. That shade of blue would make his eyes pop.
And that fan of feathers would make his ass look fantastic!
Sebastian shifts from skate to skate, becoming antsy as images of his boyfriend in sexy Halloween costumes flood his brain, some of them as unoriginal as a box of bricks - sexy doctor, sexy lit professor, sexy crossing guard. But that wouldn’t matter, because on Kurt, a burlap potato sack would look hot as hell. Sebastian doesn’t think Kurt would opt for store bought though. Whatever he’s come up with has to be glamorous, elaborate, and bedazzled within an inch of his life. But if he shows up dressed as a sexy police officer, wearing aviator shades and carrying handcuffs, they may have to take off their skates and call it a night, because Sebastian wouldn’t be able to stop tripping over his tongue.
“Uh … Sebastian? Are you in there? Are you still with us?” Blaine says, waving his fingers in front of Sebastian’s eyes. Sebastian went catatonic the second Chandler mentioned Kurt’s costume, staring off into space and licking his lips as if he’s daydreaming about his favorite ice cream flavor. Blaine can’t help envying Sebastian’s relationship with Kurt. He does every single day.
Watching tough guy Sebastian Smythe drool over his boyfriend is too jealousy-inducing for words.
Sebastian shakes his head, snapping out of his stupor as a whiff of Blaine’s aftershave invades his nostrils with its overpowering scent of ‘tree’. “Ugh,” he groans, turning his head and scanning the rink, jumping from costume to costume, searching for his boyfriend. “Can you lay off the cologne a bit? I know it might be too late for you, but I want to keep my brain cells.”
“Fuck you, too, dude.”
Blaine spots him first. Of course he does. Sebastian knows Blaine sees him by the way his stupid eyes grow wider and wider until they take up three-quarters of his face, squeezing his mouth down to the vicinity of his chin.
“Oh … my … God …” Blaine chuckles, eyes darting from behind Sebastian’s back to his face. “Hi, Kurt.”
“Hello, boys.”
Sebastian hears his boyfriend’s voice and he smiles. His man is here. His moment has arrived. Sebastian glares at Blaine, who’s already backing away, a look on his face that Sebastian doesn’t know how to interpret.
“I think I’ll just … go this way.” Blaine laughs into his hand as he joins a small group of starter tots on center ice.
“See that you do,” Sebastian says, glad that, for once, Blaine can take a hint and skedaddle. He feels Kurt’s hands slide up his arms to his shoulders, caressing gently from behind. He can’t see Kurt’s hands, but that’s okay. He doesn’t want to see anything that will give Kurt’s costume away before he can turn around and get the full effect.
Sebastian tilts his head to talk over his shoulder. “Hello, handsome.”
Kurt drops a subtle kiss onto Sebastian’s ear. “Hello, yourself. So, what do you think of my costume?”
“I haven’t seen it yet,” Sebastian teases.
“Oh,” Kurt says, probably assuming Sebastian had caught a glimpse in the reflection of the windows as he approached. “Well, turn around and take a look.”
Sebastian doesn’t need to be told twice. He spins around with the enthusiasm of a kid hoping for a bike on his birthday but expecting a car. He’s prepared to see Kurt in skin tight spandex of some variety, with a wicked cat’s eye liner, and cheekbones contoured to cut glass. Kurt probably shimmers like a disco ball, a God in Swarovski crystals and mesh paneling.
It takes a few moments of staring, blinking, and gaping to comprehend the look that Kurt has put together.
When Sebastian does, he recoils.
“Oh my God, Kurt!” he squawks, stumbling backward over his heels and falling on his ass. “What the … what are you!?”
“I’m a zombie!” Kurt raises his arms and turns on his toe picks to give Sebastian a look at the final product.
“A zom---wha-what?” Sebastian’s eyes work overtime racing up and down Kurt’s body – the filthy rags hanging off his limbs, gaping holes torn through the fabric; his skin greying and ashen, the makeup done (brilliantly, Sebastian has to admit) to make his eyes and cheeks look sunken and rotting; his hair darkened and plastered to his skull. Considering how voluminous his hair normally is, it must have taken gobs of product to get it flat like this. Then there’s the blood - thick, black, greasy blood crusting at the corners of his mouth, leaking from his eyes, oozing out his ears and nose. He’d glued pieces of organs bulging from cracks in the exposed sections of his torso, a fractured bone splitting the skin of his forearm.
This look, so far removed from his usual makeup creations, definitely showcases the incredible talent of Kurt Hummel. It could have been done by a professional effects artist, it’s that detailed.
And it’s repulsive!
“Why would you wear that?” Sebastian cries, scooting backward to keep his boyfriend at arm’s length.
“Duh! It’s Halloween!” Kurt giggles. “It’s not like it’s Christmas or the fourth of July! We’re supposed to dress scary! You’re wearing a bloody hockey mask!”
A hundred remarks flash through Sebastian’s brain, but he can’t get a single one past his tongue, not with his boyfriend standing above him looking exactly like a putrid corpse! It’s not Kurt’s fault. Sebastian never told him how much ghouls and spooks and zombies terrify him. Still, he never pictured Kurt going full out gore for Halloween, not in a million years. Sebastian plans to tell him as soon as he can get Kurt alone, but that’s provided he takes that makeup off first. But Sebastian can’t ask Kurt to do that. It must have taken ages to do! He has to find a middle ground. He glances with his eyes from side to side until he finds what he’s looking for.
“Uh, I’ve got to … there’s somewhere … I’m going to the locker room,” Sebastian says, scrambling to his feet. “But, uh … I’m going to text you, so keep your phone on. Okay?”
Yeah. That’s it. He’ll text him an explanation. Through a locked door from fifty feet away! Not like that’s lame or anything.
“Come on, Sebastian.” Kurt puckers black, broken lips and obliviously gives chase. “Stop playing hard to get and give me a kiss!”
“Nope. No. No way, no how!” Sebastian says, crawling on his hands and knees when he finds he can’t stand, clawing at the ice to evade his boyfriend. “Kurt! Get away from me, Kurt, or I’m gonna cancel my ten o’clock!”
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tyrustrash · 4 years
Summary of chapters 1-8: TK comes from an abusive home and struggles opening up to his roommates, Leon and Layla. He thinks Leon will be the typical straight guy he had to deal with in high school, but TK eventually comes out when he is proven wrong. During a Zumba class with Layla, TK learns to try new things because he’ll never know what he’ll enjoy. Along the way in his college experience, he meets Orion, Ricky, and Kyle, a group of friends that seem odd. After Orion and Ricky have a huge fight during Greek Week on campus, Orion moves into TK’s dorm to avoid sharing a room with Ricky. When the roommates get high, TK starts showing his feelings for Orion and the others pick up on his crush. TK learns that Orion was responsible for the car accident that gave Kyle severe brain damage. During their time together, TK starts thinking about his crush on him but doesn’t want to do anything about it because Orion is straight, and he just recently broke up with his girlfriend. He decides to step out of his comfort zone to impress Orion by getting a tattoo. Other information that might be useful: Regina and Kyle are dating, Layla and Regina are mortal enemies, TK is out to only Leon, Layla, and Orion.
 9. Dark Angel
           My first Halloween experience is something that I’m not prepared for. Growing up, my family never allowed me or Brighton to celebrate it because father didn’t want us to have any fun, or that it’s a Devil’s holiday, or whatever excuse he gave. To make up for it, Brighton would buy the two of us bags of candy and we would watch the Disney Channel Halloween movies because I was too young to watch the actual scary movies.
           We’re at this rich kid’s mansion and it’s already a mess. The night is dark with only the laser beams lighting up the outside. The music seems to be on a shuffle of the worst dance music, which probably doesn’t matter because most people will be focused on getting drunk or laid. There are piles of plastic cups and beer cans in the yard. There’s a girl being carried out by her friends because she’s passed out from drinking too much.
When we enter the house, there are more lights thanks to the disco balls and strobe lights. I notice that everyone from the campus is here, even Bubbles, who is dressed like Taylor Swift. I notice Ricky, in a terrible mafia boss outfit, trying to get girls. The only person I don’t see is Kyle, which is understandable. Orion can’t be here because he says he has assignments to do.
I turn to Leon and Layla and admire their costumes. Leon is in a skin-tight black latex catsuit, which includes a tail and a pair of cat ears. The suit fits him so well that it outlines all his features, including the parts of the lower half of his body. Layla is dressed as Harley Quinn from the Suicide Squad movie with the bat as a prop. She’s been using the bat as a dancing partner, which makes the others watch out.
My costume is an elegant white suit that has sparkles of glitter that shimmers when light hits it. I have a pair of angel wings attached to the jacket. The wings are made of the realistic prop feathers from the theatre department that are attached to plastic wiring. I’m also wearing a mask identical to the one Hilary Duff wears in A Cinderella Story, one of my favorite movies.
I walk around a bit before heading into the kitchen to get something to drink. Different brands of beer are covering the island and none of them seem good. I don’t care for the taste of beer and would rather enjoy a Seagram. I open the fridge and I’m not surprised to see that it’s mostly vodka and tequila.
“Looking for something?”
I turn around and see a guy wearing a black version of my costume. His entire suit looks like it’s made of the most expensive silk. It’s plain, yet charming. His wings appear to be a mix of angel and crow. His mask screams nothing but satisfaction from a BDSM night of fun. His slick back hair finishes the costume as a nice touch.
I shut the fridge and lean against the nearby counter. He has this aura that pulls me in. I can’t describe it, but I know I don’t have anything to worry about because I’m too busy swooning over him. I kind of think he’s sexy, even though a good bit of his face is covered.
“Just for something better to drink. I don’t like beer, or any hard stuff.”
“There’s wine in the top right cupboard, next to the oven.”
I open the cupboard and there’s an arrangement of different kinds of wine. My fingers graze the labels trying to find the right one, even though I’ve never had wine. I choose one of the last ones and show it to him.
“Is Pink Moscato any good?”
“How about we find out.” His voice and charisma are so striking that I can’t believe I’m about to drink with him. He grabs two wine glasses from under the island and takes the bottle and pours.
“Is that enough?” I ask while looking at my nearly full glass. I take it from him, along with grabbing the bottle, and go back to the counter and lean against it. “Don’t you think it’s too much?”
“You seem like you can handle it. Besides, it’s wine. You’ll need a lot to feel a buzz.”
I spin the glass a little before raising it to my lips. I hesitate for a second but start drinking when he gives me a comfortable head nod. It tastes semi-sweet as it goes down easily. I can’t stop drinking. I pick up the bottle and pour me some more.
“Woah,” he says while laughing. “Slow down, tiger.”
“I’m an angel,” I say childishly with a smirk.
“Sure as hell ain’t acting like one.”
He smiles as he comes towards me. The way he walks exudes swagger. His hips swerve in a motion that get me hypnotized and thinking what else he can do with his hips. He adjusts the cuffs of his jacket and I can only imagine what else he can do with his hands. When he gets barely inches away from me, I don’t know what’s going to happen. However, I do know that I want him to be closer.
He presses his chest on mine as he reaches over me to grab another bottle. I’m pleasured by taking in the scent of his Eternity by Calvin Klein cologne. He has taste, but I’ll forever prefer the American Eagle fragrances. His shirt lifts when he reaches, allowing me to see the waistband and some of his American Eagle Pride boxer briefs. My God. He just got even more attractive.
A guy in his underwear has always been my biggest turn on, but I never got this turned on, or turned on at all because I’ve never experienced anything other than when I was fourteen, and that’s still a confusing time. The closest that I’ve been was watching all the videos that I found online. Seeing that it’s Pride themed gives me reassurance. Everything about this sends blood rushing through my body.
My hand starts shaking and I accidentally grab his shirt and pull it down to cover up his underwear. I gasp when I realize what I did. “I’m sorry. I don’t know why I did that.”
“It’s alright,” he tells me as he slightly backs up, a new bottle of Pink Moscato in hand. “You can do whatever you want. It’s a party after all.”
I smirk. “But I barely know you. Hell, I just met you.”
“We can get to know each other.” He bites on his bottom lip and it’s enough to make me quiver. “There’s a room in the back that we can go to for some privacy. Only if you’re comfortable with that.”
I don’t know what’s coming over me. Maybe it’s the wine already taking its effect. Maybe it’s the thrill of our identities being a mystery that’s making this more exciting. But I take the risk of being bolder than I have ever been. Remembering Layla’s advice, I take the chance to venture out and do something that I have never done. I hope this plays out well.
I nod and say, “Only if we take things slow.”
He softly smiles as he grabs the first bottle and heads out. I follow him after chugging the rest of what is in the glass. When we go through the main room where people are, I glimpse at Leon and Layla on the dance floor. They see me going to the back with the guy and they both give different reactions. Leon gives me an approving thumbs up while Layla seems concerned.
The guy and I enter a dark room in the back of the mansion. He turns on the lights, which doesn’t help much given that the only light source are the rainbow LED lights scattered across the walls. For some reason there’s a pool table with a fish tank on top. There are some expensive looking fish swimming around. The only other thing in the room are assorted bean bag chairs arranged in a circle in a corner with what seems to be a box full of products pertaining to weed. I assume this room is used for nothing but a good time.
I go on one side of the pool table and rub my fingers across the velvet. The softness feels nice. I reach the fish tank and bend down to get a closer look. I see a little clownfish swimming around. I try waving to it, but it swims off. Looking forward, I see the guy on the other side looking straight at me. He smirks.
“You like fish, don’t you?” he asks while straightening up.
“I like a lot of things.” I walk to the edge of the pool table as he makes his way to the diagonal edge. I keep my expression and voice as seductive as I can be, which isn’t great, but I can tell he’s liking this. “I like exploring my interests.”
“How about we explore something together?” His voice is a little shaky. “We can possibly try something new.”
“What do you have in mind?”
I make my way over to him, strutting and making sure to use my hips. He bites his lip and some beads of sweat start forming on his forehead. I place my hand on his shoulder and I slowly make my way down his arm until I reach his hand. I hear a slightly audible moan that sounds so adorable. I then snatch the open bottle of wine from his hand and start drinking.
           I don’t know if it’s the wine, excitement, secrecy, or a combination of it all, but I’m in ecstasy right now and I don’t want it to stop. A mysterious man is making me feel wanted. Finally, a chance at a relationship if this goes somewhere. The only thing I’m worried about is messing it up by doing the wrong thing. That’s a later problem. Right now, I’m wanting to see how far I’m willing to go because I don’t know if I’ll ever see him again.
           He places the new bottle of wine on the pool table. “What do you want to do? I’m open for anything.”
           “Let’s just talk for a moment.” Even though I do like the idea of doing things with him, I’d rather know more about him. “First question. Why did you bring me to this room?”
           “I’ve been to a few parties here and this is typically one of the least used rooms because it doesn’t have a bed.”
           “So you don’t want to take me to bed?”
“I do!” he quickly shouts. I give a sarcastic expression and he reassembles his thoughts. “I mean, I do, but only if you want to. I figured you wanted to privately talk first.”
“I do want to talk.” I rub my fingers on part of his wings and appreciate the feeling of it. “Let’s talk about your wings for a second. They’re so big. Definitely bigger than mine. I was embarrassed to go with these because I thought they wouldn’t be big enough.”
“Size doesn’t matter to me,” he says in a reassuring voice. “It’s all about how they’re used.”
“The bigger the better they say,” I say teasingly. “I bet when you fly you soar long and forcefully.”
“I can slow down if I’m with somebody. Gotta make sure we’re on the same pace.”
“You might have to teach me how to fly, I’m still learning.”
“That can be arranged.” He takes a hand and caresses the side of my face. He places the other on my back. He pulls me in closer and says, “What do you want to do?”
I lean over to his ear and whisper, “Let’s talk some more.”
“How exciting.”
I walk back to the back edge of the pool table and drink some more. He smiles harder and straightens his jacket. I check him out a little more and my mouth drops when I see something. “Looks like you’re really excited.”
He looks down and notices the big tent in his pants. He chuckles. “Yeah, I am. It’s because of you.”
“How sweet. You’re not going to try hiding it in embarrassment?”
“There’s nothing to be embarrassed about. It’s just the two of us and you already noticed.”
“Moving on,” I say while wanting to change the subject. I know if we continue like this, I might do something I’ll regret. “What really made you come on to me? Like, half my face is covered, and I know we’ve never met before because I never go out.”
“Probably the same reason you agreed to come here with me. You have this aura about you that wants to make me get to know you more. Your smile is beautiful, along with your bright blue eyes that are like orbs of the ocean.”
“Poetic. Must be an English major.”
“Nah, just really cheesy.”
“I like cheese. It goes great with wine.” We laugh as I drink more.
“And I like your sense of humor.”
“Please. I’m awkward in these types of situations and I just say shit.”
“Why are you awkward?” he asks in a sincere tone. “Are you afraid?”
I chug the rest of the bottle and toss it to the side. The emotions from my past start coming back. All this wine in me isn’t helping to keep my emotions stable.
“Not of you, well, for the most part I’m not,” I say without looking at him. I turn my head to the side to keep him from seeing me getting emotional. “But it’s just that I’ve never had people care about me. I mean, I had one person, but it took me too long to realize it because of the mistreatment I received growing up. I’ve been outcasted, bullied, and I have no social skills. I’ve never had anyone show romantic interest in me and I don’t know what to do. I’m just trying to do what I see in movies in hopes of it working. I’m afraid I’m going to mess this up somehow and that you’ll end up hurting me.”
He rushes over to me and takes both my hands and looks me in the eyes. “I will never hurt you. I’m not that type of person.”
“You may not get the chance to since I doubt that we’ll meet again. Unless you’re willing to show me who you are.”
The silence in the room allows me to hear the fish swimming in their tank. He looks conflicted as he scratches the back of his head. I don’t know why I brought that up. I’m more than likely not going to reveal myself.
“I would love to,” he says, “but I prefer to keep the secrecy for now. I’ve been going through some stuff lately. I’ve been having fun, I have. I don’t want this to end. But I promise we’ll meet again.”
“I know that the people over at student life are planning a huge party later in the semester. How about we show up in costumes to it. I’m sure I’ll be ready by then.”
I smile. “Sounds like a plan. So, what now?”
“I heard that the fireworks will be going off in a few minutes.”
“Fireworks? For a Halloween party?”
“The host is rich, they don’t care.”
“Makes sense.”
“Meet me on the balcony in five minutes.”
We make our way out of the room, but I make sure to take the new bottle of wine, open it, and start drinking. He takes the bottle from me and takes a sip. I tilt the bottle, resulting in some dripping down his chin and onto his outfit. I laugh as he tosses some of the wine at me and I get wet. He runs away while laughing as I meet up with Leon and Layla.
Layla comes to me and seems worried. “Are you alright? Did he do anything to you?”
“Yeah, he’s alright,” Leon says. “He looks like he enjoyed himself.”
“Oh, I did,” I tell them with the biggest smile on my face. “It was refreshing.”
“Nice. Let me know if you need the room later.”
Layla slaps his chest. “Leon, something could’ve happened.”
“And it seems like something did.”
“Guys,” I say. They stop and look at me. “Nothing like that happened. All we did was talk and it was great. I’m fine. He was a great conversation partner.”
“I’m glad you’re okay and enjoying yourself,” Layla says as she prepares to go back on the dance floor. She swings her bat around for a second. “But let me know if you need my help with anything.”
Leon places a hand on my shoulder. “Good for you for meeting someone. I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks.” I make my way upstairs. “I’m going to the balcony to watch the fireworks. See you guys afterwards so we can go back to the dorm.”
Ten minutes go by and I start to think if I’m being stood up. I’m afraid to leave because if I leave and he comes then he’ll think the same. The night breeze chills my face and all I want is to feel the warmth of his arms around my waist, his breath running down my neck.
As I’m thinking about him, I hear the door open. A person stands next to me and I know it’s him. I want to hug him, but don’t want to risk someone seeing. We don’t look at each other, we just keep staring forward as the fireworks begin.
“You know,” I start saying, “tonight has been the most fun that I’ve had ever.”
“Really?” he asks as if I’m lying. “It can’t be. You seem to be the type to have tons of fun times.”
“I wish that were the case, but my childhood was rough. My parents, mainly my father, wouldn’t let me do anything. And since I started college, I haven’t really had that many experiences.”
“Well, I’m glad I was able to make you have fun. I wish I could do more.”
“Me too,” I sigh. I know how hard it is to figure things out, so I don’t want to make him feel like we have to rush things. “And we will have more fun later. Right now, let’s just enjoy the moment.”
We watch the fireworks as they go off in sets of bright colors. From red, to blue, to even multicolored explosions. The spectacular is amazing. This is my first time seeing fireworks in real life since father never allowed us to have them.
In the corner of my eye, I see his hand slowly making its way across the railing and coming towards me. It’s like he’s hesitant, not wanting to do something big in case someone sees. I return the action and I start moving mine. My hand starts shaking as our fingers touch. There’s a spark of electricity running through my veins and I hope he feels it in him too.
He places his hand on top of mine and holds it. At this moment, I feel like I’m in heaven. Holding a boy’s hand in public has always seemed so far out of reach for me. I start thinking about where this could lead us. We could eventually hold hands out of costume, then start a relationship, then kiss, then hopefully move on to more exciting moments.
I’m getting too far ahead of myself. Not even an hour of knowing this guy and I’m having these thoughts. I wonder if Leon thinks like this whenever he meets a new girl, or if it’s just me since I don’t know what it’s like.
His hand is soft and secure. I want to stay like this the whole night, but it’s cut short when we hear someone stomping towards us. We quickly retract our hands and hope the person doesn’t notice.
Regina soon steps between us. She’s dressed like Regina George from Mean Girls. How fitting. She reeks of alcohol and she appears a little tipsy. She has a plastic cup in her hand that’s half empty. She gives me a nasty stare before acting thirsty for the guy. She uses her free hand to rub his arm.
“Hey, handsome,” she says. “Angels are supposed to be pure, but how about we get a little dirty.”
He huffs. He’s annoyed by her and tries stepping back. “You have a boyfriend, Regina.”
“Please, Kyle’s so stupid that he’ll just think I was having a playdate if he finds out.” She doesn’t care about him at all, so it questions me why she’s still with him.
“Don’t call him that,” he angrily says. He’s hot when he’s passionately angry. “Besides, I would never want to do anything with you.”
“Don’t say that.” She reaches out and grabs his arm, squeezing his muscles. “I can give you things no other girl can.”
“No means no,” he says sternly. “Like I said, I don’t want to do anything with you. You’re not my type.”
She gasps as if it’s surprising a guy wouldn’t want to do her. “You come to my party and refuse me. You’re a bad guest.”
“And you’re a bad girlfriend. And a bad person.”
“How dare you say that to me.”
“How dare you think that I’m interested in you. How dare you continue stringing along Kyle making him think that you’re innocent. You’re nothing but a selfish bitch who doesn’t care about who you hurt as long as you get what you want.”
He storms off. Regina is left with me with her mouth hanging so low that her jaw could snap off. She then looks at me as if she’s considering lowering her standards. I don’t say anything to her, I just walk off.
When I go back inside the mansion, I don’t see the guy anywhere. I go check the room we were in and it’s the way we left it. I return to the main room and meet up with Leon and Layla. They see my worried expression and stop dancing.
“What’s wrong?” Layla asks.
“I’m sorry,” I say. “Can we go back now?”
“Don’t apologize,” Leon tells me. “It’s okay. We can leave if that’s what you want.”
I nod and we go to Layla’s car. On the drive back, all I can think about is why the guy got so intense with Regina. Do they know each other? They must if he said all that to her with such passion. Now I’m thinking if he’s okay and where he went. I hope he’s safe.
We enter our dorm with bags of Taco Bell that we picked up. Orion is sitting on the living room floor with his laptop on the table. His hair is wet, presumably he just got out of the shower. Leon tosses him a bag of burritos.
I take off my jacket with my wings and I remove my mask to throw them into my room. I plop on the couch and grab a burrito from the bag. I take a bite as I look at what Orion is doing. He has his email up and is writing something to Sora.
“What’ve you been doing tonight?” Layla asks.
“Mainly getting work done,” he quickly responds as if he’s ready to be asked. “Now I’m trying to figure out what I want to say to Sora, but I can’t think of the right words.”
“It’ll come to you,” Leon says as he begins taking off his costume. He brings the top part down to just below his waist. “Girls are complicated, that’s why I like to keep things simple.”
“Says the guy who’ll drop to his knees just for an ounce of attention from a girl and won’t stop crying until she notices you” Layla jokingly comments as she goes to her room.
Leon goes to our room and I remain on the couch next to Orion. He looks at me and shuts his laptop. “You had fun?”
“A blast,” I tell him. “Best night of my life.”
“Glad to hear. By the way, why did you go with the angel costume?”
“I was living my Violetta fantasy,” I say in slight embarrassment.
“What’s that?”
“Violetta is a Disney Channel show. It’s from Argentina, so you probably never heard of it. The main character dressed up as an angel and I wanted to resemble her because it’s one of my favorite shows.”
“Cool. How come you’ve never mentioned it before?”
I shrug my shoulders. “I always thought it was something to be embarrassed about. I always had to keep it hidden when I was at home because I knew my father wouldn’t approve of me watching a show in Spanish.”
“Well, you don’t have to be embarrassed about anything with us. We won’t judge you.”
“Thanks. Then I can tell you that I met this guy at the party. Now I’m really happy that I decided to dress up as the angel because the guy dressed up as a black angel. I think it’s a sign.”
“What happened between you two?”
“We just talked, but he made me feel special. We kinda flirted a bit, and I got turned on a little. He just knew how to draw me in and make me feel desired. Now I know what Leon must feel like with Stephanie, or what you had with Sora. Oh, sorry.”
“Nah, it’s fine,” he says as though it isn’t fine. “I need to learn to move on.”
“I hope you get the chance to. Even though I don’t know what it must feel like, I can listen anytime you want to talk. But I might not be the right person since, you know, I’m gay and all that.”
We chuckle a little as we eat our burritos. Orion scoots a little closer to me. He seems nervous to say something. He shakes his head as though he doesn’t want to say what’s on his mind. He doesn’t look at me as he says, “I have a question, and I don’t mean to sound offensive. I’m just curious.”
“What is it?” I ask while gaining concern for my friend.
“What’s it like being gay?”
That shakes up my brain. “What do you mean?”
“Like, when did you know you were gay?  What are the feelings?”
I shrug because I really don’t know. I never had to think about this. “I knew I was gay in the eighth grade, but I guess it’s the same feelings that you have for girls. It just so happened my feelings were with boys.”
“Were you ever confused?”
“Not really. Up until then, I never had any sort of feelings for anyone. It wasn’t until the end of middle school where it just clicked and my brain told me I was feeling things for a boy in my class. I did question why I had feelings for boys, but I never was confused. I just knew I liked them.”
“Ok, thanks.” He finishes up the burrito and grabs another.
“Why do you ask? I don’t mind answering, but is there a reason?” 
He shakes his head. “It’s just that I never knew any gay people before and I wanted to know more about them and what it’s like for them. There weren’t really any gay people back in my high school. There was one, but the moment he told people he was severely beaten up and sent to the hospital. He ended up being homeschooled for the rest of high school. When I heard the news that he was gay, I wanted to talk to him to ask why he was gay, just because I only knew what the media told me and I wanted the perspective of an actual gay person.”
“Well, you have me. I don’t mind answering any questions.”
“Thanks, man. I got one more question. Am I a bad person?”
“What? What makes you say that?”
“That gay guy in high school. When he was getting beat up, I just stood there and watched. I was afraid of stepping up because I thought people would think I was like him and then turn on me. I would’ve said or done something, I swear, but I was too scared. I felt like I had to choose a side: do the right thing or stick with my pack. I didn’t feel like I could do both. Does what I did in high school make me a bad person?”
I place a hand on his shoulder. “No, it doesn’t. I’m sure we all did things in high school we regret. What we did in high school doesn’t define who we are. It’s what we do as adults that matter.”
“Thanks for that.”
“No problem. Anything else on your mind?”
“Nah,” he says while shaking his head. “Everything else that’s on my mind I have to figure out myself.”
“Okay.” I grab the remote. “How about we watch TV to clear our minds.”
“Sounds perfect, but I pick what we watch.”
He takes the remote from my hand and pulls up YouTube. He quickly searches for Violetta videos and I get excited at the idea of him possibly liking something else that I like. He clicks the first video, which is one of the performances of “Underneath It All”, one of my favorite songs. It’s the performance where Violetta is singing as an apology to her boyfriend in hopes of him forgiving her.
Next, he chooses “Habla Si Puedes”, the one where it’s like a music video where Violetta is stuck between choosing two lovers and doesn’t know what to do. Orion knows how to get me in my feelings because these two songs are what I listen to the most as they’re what I imagine a future love interest of mine singing to me. I even want “Underneath It All” to be played at my wedding.
We end the night by putting on a playlist of the performances from the show as I explain the plot to him. Without realizing it, I get a blanket and cover us up as we settle for bed. I’m too tired to walk over to my room and I’m sure he won’t mind sharing the couch.
0 notes
raindrenchedstories · 7 years
Forever home pt. 11
at long last
Curled up in his newest creation, the book and blanket fort, Richter heaved a sigh. He’d had to frantically pile the books together as he’d been caught trying to read them. He didn’t want Bear to know. Not yet. He had to know what the guy was saying every nightly visit.
Just another hour or two. That was all he needed to move things forward. Fingering through one particular book he glanced up every so often to see if Bear was coming. Not that it would have mattered. This book was focused on paintings and sketches. A book of various art.
He lingered on a particular piece. One of a familiar looking man, sitting among a field of flowers. Beside him, a woman laying over his lap. They seamed happy. Checking the title and description, Richters suspicions were confirmed.
Sketched by Worm The mighty. A portrait of his pets, Powder and Puff. Done entirely by claw. “When I saw how often the two cuddled like this, I knew I just had to put it on paper. They always seam so happy during art time. So I made them the focus.” Seen in the corner is a mark Powder left herself.
He checked said mark. It wasn’t some nonsensical scratch or even a little hand-print. It was a short note. Tiny in comparison to the rest of the artwork. But blaring to Richter. ‘We’re okay.’ was scrawled over the corner, in his mothers handwriting.
His mother, and his father smiling. Tears started to pull at his eyes, as Richter curled up around the book it’s self. Quietly whispering to himself. “I’m safe mom. I’m s-” Footsteps approached him. A little faster than normal. Swiftly, Richter dried his tears on the hem of his shirt, and set the book down.
He poked his head out of the fort as soon as he was ready. Bear was leaned up against the wall with a huge grin on his face. Both elbows poking just over the sides. He lowered his hand outside the shelter snickering a bit. “Ricky~ C’mere!”
Slowly, Richter made his way out of the fort, staggering on sleeping legs. Generally being called out was a good thing. Usually it meant Bear had bought him something he thought the man would like. And he’d humour the giant, even if he didn’t care for the item.
Slowly climbing into the mans palm, Richter sat himself down smiling. He wanted to ask what was up, but worried the spell would translate him. Instead he just sat politely as the giant fished something out of his pocket. “Remember this little guy?”
Richter eyed the set of cat ears Bear held before him. Oh yes, he remembered those. He’d hated them the first time Bear stuck put them on him. Now, though... He ducked a little as they were pressed over his head. Still uncomfortable. His scalp hurt a little, but it was bearable. No worse than a light pressure on a bruise.
He’d take them off later, on his own. Right now, Bear was grinning, clearly in a good state of mind. He ‘took pictures’ of Richter quickly, then reached to remove the little cat ears. Richter opted to do it himself. It didn’t matter how gentile Bear was with him. His sensitive scalp, mixed with the sheer size of the big guy made any contact to the head terrifying.
He shook his head violently and leaned back, away from the offending hand. “Come on. I know you don’t like those things. Just let me-” Richter batted them off with his own hand. He could handle petting or other contact anywhere but THERE. He only wished Bear would catch on to that fact.
“Well that’s one way to do it.” The ears were removed from his palm while one of the fingers behind Richter rubbed soothingly against his back. A great comfort. Today was becoming overwhelming. He knew his mother and father were safe snow.
That said, he couldn’t even SEE them. Let alone speak to them. And Avery’s panic attack. Richter was starting to break down. Even with the tender moment he was currently experiencing. If Bear knew he was feeling this way, would he do anything? Taking a shuddering breath, Richter leaned into Bears thumb.
The giant gave pause, then pulled the man close. Causing an uncomfortable flail. Richter flung his arms around Bears ring finger as he was pushed flush against the big guy’s chest. Okay, so he could pick up on some things. Probably thought he was scared or something.
After a few minutes of being rocked to and fro, accompanied by quiet shushing, he was set back in the enclosure. Richter staggered on to his little hiding place among the blankets and books. Preferring it marginally to the dome.
He should have done this earlier to be honest. Dozing lightly under the tender light flitting though the blanket, Richter found himself shifting slightly. Somewhat recalling his little ‘lesson’ about sleeping during the day. He pushed himself up a little, eyeing out of the enclosure.
No Bear. Good. He could sleep as much as he wanted until the floor started shaking.
Something was up. Ricky was behaving differently the whole day. Perhaps Avery upset him. He could see that. He caught the little guy napping in his new construct. Bear had to admit, he liked this one better. It let him check in on the little guy.
He was half tempted to pet the tiny being. Though, he held off. For one, he didn’t want to collapse the carefully made construct. That said, he had to take more pictures. Taking in the adorable scene. Richter appeared none the wiser. Napping his day away without much of a care.
He’d get his cuddles in later. When things wound down for the day. Archibald sent him a quick messenger orb, scolding Bear for bothering Richter. ‘He’s had an eventful day, Will. Give him a bit of time to wind down alright?’ It was cute. Archibald seamed to be far more attentive now that he had Neil with him.
He was glad to be able to bounce back and forth with his friend about tiny care. Even if Archibald were more concerned about Neils health at the moment. What, with the tail end of his cold.  Bear could understand. He sent a quick ‘alright’ reply and made his way to the living room. The day was winding down. The sun was setting.
Leaning on the windowsill, Bear heaved a long sigh. Life wasn’t perfect, not yet. But little by little things got easier.  It would never be ‘better’ but it gradually became more manageable. He could recognize when his panic attacks would start.
He could turn to others for help. Even managed to do so more often. Things were getting better. Though, a chunk of him kept thinking back to Richter. His little buildings could well be him making a home of the materials given. Though, he hadn’t seen any pillow forts in the sleeping room.
Perhaps it was due to the nature of the room. It may have already been dark enough for Richter. Perhaps they were a burrowing species. He sent that thought in Archibalds direction through an orb. Then made his way to bed. Turning in early. Things were just... A little too much today.
A little too jarring. He really wished Avery hadn’t been that ‘new pet’ of Levs. He really wished he’d been more prepared to house the little guy. Most of all, he wished Richter could understand what just happened.
He knew well those men were like brothers to Avery. He knew well that his tantrum had cost them their pacifist victory. But... He pressed a hand over the spot his boys were hit. Those dwarves had been like brothers to him. He took a shaky breath. Making his way to the shower.
Richter hadn’t realized, but he rather enjoyed making forts. It brought him back to his childhood.  He’d made one or two small ones in the bedroom now, smiling with satisfaction. He should have been embarrassed, even a little ashamed of just giving in like this. Basically acting as a child again.
A part of his mind told him that Avery and Neil were right. He shouldn’t like this as much as he did. Another part popped up and promptly sung that yes. He should like it this much. Because it made things a lot easier to deal with. It made everything a game. And games were fun.
Heaving a sigh, Richter tapped one of the mini forts with his foot. It collapsed in a satisfying way, leaning the pillows and blankets all to one side. Absently, he wondered how Avery was getting on. Perhaps he was already picking a fight with his new keeper.
Or maybe she was super nice, and Avery could relax. That was a nice thought. Richter latched on to that as he curled up in preparation for sleep. Pulling his favourite blanket over himself. With the conditions Bear kept him in, Richter didn’t actually need the light bit of fabric. But he enjoyed it.
That said, he lay in wait. Listening. Sure enough, about an hour after, Bear arrived. The hatch opened slowly, And a hand drifted in. Richter rolled over in his ‘sleep’ and lay to face Bear fully. A large digit hooking around him.
There were times now, Richter actually slept through the visits. Given his lack of understanding. There was no point, he just needed to be there for Bear. This time, he could understand what was wrong. Though he had a sneaking suspicion Avery had let everything slip. He had to hear it for himself.
“Well, I’m back. I don’t know how you put up with me all the time.” The even petting almost lulled Richter to sleep right there. He had to remind himself to keep awake. Focusing on the mildly too loud town of Bears voice.
Even whispering, he resonated around the room. “Still thinking of the boys. I just... I feel like I let them down ya’ know? Like....That was MY armour they were running on. I should have reacted sooner. Maybe I could have saved them. Dammit it was as simple as lifting my damn arm.”
Richter wanted to say ‘you couldn't have known’ or some other form of comfort. Instead, he was silent. Silent and relatively still. He couldn’t help one or two little squirms in response to the delicate contact. Why had it taken him so long to warm up to this?
“I know I can’t change anything now. But I still...I cost us a pacifist victory.” Okay, THIS had to stop. Richter rolled again. However, this time, he caught Bears finger. The giant squeaked before heaving a sigh. “Again?”
Yes, again. He wasn’t going to speak it out loud. But Richter was determined to keep Bear from bursting into tears once more. He got it. The giant was not in a good way. Guilt probably loomed over the big guy all the time.
He held on as the titan began to move his hand away, being dragged along. Bear huffed, cupping a hand and lowering Richter deftly into place. They had gone through this over and over by now. Both men were adept at manoeuvring around one another.
Bear gave a huff. Staring at Richters room a moment. He smirked, tired. Bringing the man over to sit with him at the table. Much like Archibald had. Richter was laying on his back once more, eyes firmly on Bears left eye. The one that was out of his way to stare at.
They spent a little over an hour. Bear just talking about his experiences. His feelings on the battle Avery spoke of. The Guilt, the anger, the horror. Richter couldn’t help a shudder as Bear described the feeling of crushing an army with just his physical abilities. Because of loss, of heartbreak.
Bear spoke of every dwarf by name. Their hobbies, their interest, their families and how some of the wives blamed him for the loss. How every year, one of the kids writes him a letter, talking about how much they miss their father. How, progressively, the child stopped blaming him.
Richters hand ran along Bears thumb, he huffed sadly. Would it hurt to talk now? Maybe later. When Bear had settled down. That seamed about right. He pointed to the table with a pleading look. Tired. Bear lifted him with a sad smile, bringing the man closer.
Next thing Richter knew, he was being nuzzled softly by that shaggy, frazzled beard. It was oddly soft, despite its appearance. Carefully he was brought home, tucked in with one of his more frequently used blankets, and bid goodnight.
“Night, big guy.” He froze, it slipped out. Slowly looking upwards, he could see Bear, frozen.
Bear had just tucked Richter back in, feeling guilty for waking him up so late in the evening. He’d just turned to leave when... “Night, big guy.” It was a small, innocent sounding squeak. However, the resulting expression on Richters face told him the little guy either hadn’t meant to speak, or was just as shocked as Bear was that he Could.
“...Ricky? Did you just-” Richter scuttled back, instantly blurting out apologies. He still sounded small, hardly audible. The only reason Bear heard him was the open access hatch. Slowly, the giant reached in. Shushing him softly.
“I-It’s okay Ricky...Richter. It’s alright. May I pick you up?” Not today. PLEASE not when he was on the verge of breaking down again. First Avery then THIS.
Richter hesitated a moment, then crawled into Bears palm. Clearly shivering. “Okay... Okay there’s some progress.”
Richter pulled himself to the middle of Bears palm, clearing his throat. “w-well... I guess it’s out. Umm.” He hugged his arms. Bear had to strain to hear his little friend. Bringing him closer.
“So ah... How long have you been able to-”
“J-just today. Well... To understand you... and be understood. I’ve ah... I don’t know how to say this.” Bear grimaced. He could put it all together. Richter wasn’t just ‘too smart’ he was a person. A tiny person. Like an elf.
And he’d been treating this man like an animal. Really, he should have known better. His first clue was Richter insisting on his name. He heaved a long sigh, trying to calm himself. He’d messed up. Big time. But there was something he could do about it. “Rick... I’m so...I-I’m sorry. I didn’t-”
“You didn’t know! How could you have? It’s fine.” Richter shot in quickly. Patting Bears palm. He seamed just as fidgety and uncomfortable. Bears hand was shaking. He didn’t know how long he could hold Richter steady. He took a sharp breath.
“Richter. It’s not fine. But... Let’s take this to the table, or... the sofa... Or somewhere that doesn’t suspend you at a dangerous elevation.” He started for another area of the house. Legs shaking, anxiety growing in his chest. “I’m so sorry.”
Richter seamed to relax a bit, nodding quickly. “Bear, please don’t apologize. I’m not angry over all that’s happened. Hell, I’m glad for a lot of it.”
Bear set him on the table, allowing the little one to crawl off at his own pace. Richter sat on one of the little nests Bear had made for him. He inhaled and shook his head. “NO Rick. I should apologize. I’ve stripped you of your dignity, imprisoned you, and degraded you without even knowing!”
Richter winced, as Bear raised his voice, causing a jolt of guilt to ring through him. “Oh! Oh no. That was probably really loud huh?”
With a puppy dog stare, Richter nodded. Then seamed to remember himself. “Ah...yeah. But it’s okay. No harm done.”
“No harm done? Richter, has some of the stuff I’ve been feeding acted as a narcotic? I could deafen you by accident. More over, how are you so okay with this?” He tried to keep quiet, collected, and calm. He managed the first bit, not so much the last two.
Richter leaned in. Folding his hands as though he were breaking hard news to Bear. “William.” He started.
“Don’t call me that.” Bear couldn’t help the growl in his voice.
“...Bear... This is honestly a hell of a lot better than things before now.” Richter motioned to the enclosure.
“I know, the shelter was shit. But you can’t let that set your standards.” He leaned in a bit.
Richter pinched the bridge of his nose. “It’s not just that. Bear, before the shelter, I was going through an apocalypse. Literally I was too afraid to sleep. For the off chance something tried to eat me!”
Bear froze up. Eyes wide. He leaned in further, cupping a hand behind Richters back without truly thinking. To his surprise, Richter still leaned into it, sighing happily. He continued. “I mean, wild life, rival troupes, hell even the damn weather. My girlfriend and her family drowned...most of them. And my parents were captured. It ended with me alone and cold for three days, unable to defend myself.”
Richter threw his hands up. “this is the most relaxed I’ve been in over ten years.” He finished. Leaning in to Bears fingers, as though nothing had changed. Bear felt as though he needed to cradle Richter close. And just... cry.
“...Ten years? Ricky, how old are you?” Richter perked up. Blinking slowly. It was clear he was starting to doze off, regardless of the circumstances.
“Twenty five.” He smiled sheepishly. Bears heart just broke. So young.
“Okay... How long to your people live?” He eyed Richters dome. Perhaps if he modified it a bit, the little guy could relax and sleep there tonight. Bear didn’t want to leave him in the enclosure again.
“Mmm... Well it used to be well into the nineties.” He yawned. Trying to fight off sleep. It was... adorable, but in the wrong way.
“Okay... last question. Do you mind sleeping elsewhere tonight? I...I feel wrong leaving you alone.” Bear huffed. Richter hummed, eyes forcibly drooping despite his apparent efforts. He nodded sleepily. Soon enough, the tiny man was scooped, and carried off.
The dome was made into a nest with a few soft cloths. Bear put some of Richters things in there as well, for comfort. The man just lazily flopped back in the giants palm, curling on his side and nodding off. Bear tucked him in, carrying Richter to his room and setting him on the nightstand he never used.
“Alright. Busy... eventful day... goodnight, Richter.” Bear rolled onto his side. He could hear the smallest response, then, it was lights out.
He had to do something about this though. Richter couldn’t live like this anymore. He needed the ability to climb out of his enclosure, if it were used at all. He needed to have more options in his life; in food, clothing, and activities. He NEEDED-
“Bear?” The call was loud enough Bear could hear it. But he didn’t respond. He felt too weak to respond. How could he have just treated Richter like some common animal. There was a slight sigh.
“I know you feel like crap for all this, but I like it here. Hell. I didn’t want to speak, because I was afraid it would all change... Any ways. Thank you.” Silence re-entered the room. And Bears mind flickered over something. Yes, it would work, but he’d need time.
But, it would work. Richters life was about to get much better.
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darkbeauty100 · 7 years
Chris Motionless Imagine Single Parent
~Chris~POV~ It’s not easy being a parent,especially a single parent. It doesn’t help when you have constant bashing about how your not a good parent. It’s stressful and hurtful,despite all of the hate my little girl is the best thing that happened in my life.
Lily is 6 months old and she’s a little ball of energy. When were on tour taking care of an infant does get difficult,her sleeping schedule gets off from all the time zones. Her getting sick or being extremely fussy. The beautiful thing is that I can spend more time with her and fans meeting her.
We’re preforming in Atlanta, Georgia the show is going amazing. I see Sabrina holding Lily they’re both smiling and laughing,it warms my heart to see that sighs. We finish our song I decided to bring Lily on the stage. “Hey guys you all have been an amazing crowd and we appreciate that. But I want you to meet someone,she’s super special and dear to my heart, my daughter Lily Luna Cerulli! Now you all have to be really quite so you don’t scare her please.” I walked to the side of the stage and took Lily out of Sabrina’s arms. She was wearing a Motionless In White shirt and a pink tutu skirt with a black bow in her hair. We I walked back to the stage the crowd began to aww at us. “Alright people this is Lily” I said into the mic. They awwed again and took pictures and videos. Lily smiled and dropped her pacifier. She looked down at it then back at me. She didn’t cry next she began pulling at my hair and snakebites. After the show was over we thanked to crowd and walked off stage. We were scheduled for an interview with Bryanstars. -Interview Time- Bryan,Balz,Ricky and myself are in the front lounge waiting for the interview to start. “Hey everyone it’s Bryanstars and I’m here with Motionless In White could you guys introduce yourself and tell us your role in the band.” “I’m Balz and I keyboard.” “I’m Ricky and I play guitar” “I’m Chris and I sing.” The interview went on Bryan asked us some funny questions. We laughed and told him some funny tour stories. It was a fun interview. “So Chris you’re a dad now,how do you manage to keep up with touring and being a parent.” “It is very stressful taking care of an infant and touring. Like my mistakes can affect someone else’s life. It would a lot better if I didn’t have people constantly bashing on social media.” So sooner than I finished my answer Lily starts to cry. I excuse myself and went to my bunk to check on her. I pick her up and brought her back to the front lounge. “Chris Motionless and Lily Motionless everyone.” So we finished the interview and Lily chewed on my coffin ring and made little noises through out the interview. We thanked Bryanstars again once he left we turned on the Xbox and played some Halo. An hour or so later later I got up and gave Lily a bath. After her bath I put some lotion on her,put her in a fresh diaper. I went into my suitcase case and found some cat feetie pajamas with ears on the hood and a tail. I dressed her then wrapped her in a fuzzy blanket. I picked her up and started to rock her. I placed a purple pacifier in her mouth. She was trying to fight the sleep eventually she was sound asleep. I looked at my phone the time was 11:30 I sighed. I look back at my baby girl who was sleeping in my bunk. I took a picture of her and uploaded it to Instagram I captioned it:Daddy’s little princess I love you so much. You are my heart and soul you keep me motivated to keep making music. You are my princess I love you Princess Lily Motionless. I kissed her goodnight and went back to the front lounge. I love my little princess.
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mckaylas-musings · 6 years
Knights of Kifalme Part 4
“So, why do you have these just queued up and ready to go for us?” Rick says as a small creature strangely resembling an elf rushing between picking up armor from a table, and fastening it to him. “Don’t get me wrong, it’s sick as heck, but….to our specific measurements?”
“I told you,” Valtoi says, watching us get decked out, “The prophecy said that three warriors would fall from the sky. This has been predicted for eons.”
“Prophecy is such an overused trope.” I mutter.
“The prophecy came with a set of our exact measurements?” Alex said, squinting at her. She blushes and turns away.
“I’m not the one who made the prophecy, or the armor. I don’t know.” She huffs out a breath, moving a few springy strands from her hair.
“And done!” Squeaks the elf who was fitting me. I check the mirror, and damn, I look good. The subtle lines and accents of navy blue start to glitter and glint as I move. They compliment the silver of the rest of the armor. The chainmail underneath is a snug black. It lets me move a lot freer than Earthen history of suits of armor did. I hold the helmet in the crook of my armor. It is shaped like a lizard’s head, the helmet turning into three parts at the end. The mouthpiece covered the entire mouth. There was a little microphone so that we could communicate without having to expose our mouths.
“Oh-ho-ho! Check me out!” I do a little spin.
“Don’t need to.” I look over at Rick and Alex. They have nearly identical suits, but Alex has green accents, and Rick has red.
“Cooooool.” Rick says, moving his arms and legs.
“This is mixing medieval armor and technological engineering. It’s not just amazingly functional, it’s aesthetic as hell.” Alex says, fiddling with the microphone.
“Glad you like it.” Valtoi says, smirking over at us. “I think we should go meet up with everyone else.” “Everyone?” I ask, as the elf starts dismantling my newly formed robot body.
“Axel, Prilla, and Rex.”
“Rex?” I look over at my friends. They just shrug and shake their heads. “Who’s Rex?”
“The yellow knight.” She says as she examines her fingernails. “He has been here for a couple weeks now. He’s pretty eager to meet you.” She pauses, looking up. She stares absently at a wall, picking at her fingernails. “He’s pretty eager about most things, really.”
“He’s waiting to meet us?” Rick says, voice muffled as the elf pulls his chestplate off.
“What’s he like?” Alex says, hopping out of his boots.
“Cheerful.” She mutters, looking away. “Just….don’t stare.” She stands and walks off as we follow her.
“What? Why’s that?” I ask, jogging a little to catch up with her.
“Just,” She stops and spins to look at me. “Trust me. Just don’t.”
We walk into a sort of lounge, and Alex squeals instantly. I look over and see a husky head resting just on the back of a couch that’s facing away from us. As Alex rushes over, it drowsily opens one eye and blinks at us. It yawns, and Alex stops right in front of it.
“It has a blanket on!” Alex shouts back to us, smiling like a maniac. He starts rubbing the dog’s head and scratching under its chin. “Who's a good puppy?! Who's a good puppy?!”
“Myself, I would presume.” The dog says in a deep, slightly husky, (rather appropriate), voice. The dog stands up and reveals that under the blanket, is a grown, pretty buff man, about 7 feet tall.
Rick faints.
“Well, that. That, certainly, is….unexpected.” I stutter, catching Rick.
Alex does what he does best, and starts backpedaling like there’s no tomorrow. “I, uh, I'm sorry. I didn't mean that, well, I mean, I'm, I’m sure-”
“What, am I no longer a good boy?” The dog says, cocking his head. He grins, revealing a snout full of sharp canines, (hah), and he laughs. He grabs Alex around his shoulders, and drags him into a noogie, pulling curly strands from the short ponytail holding all his hair back. “I'm joshing ya, kids. No harm done. I'm the yellow knight, Rakalexo, you can just call me Rex.” He has a real fatherly air about him.
“Well, it's just that, Valtoi warned us that-”
“Ooooooof course she did.” He says, rolling his eyes. “Don't worry, I'm aware of my face.”
“I didn't realize werewolves were a thing.” He sighs, and lets Alex go.
“They are, but I'm not one. Werewolves are people who turn into wolves on full moons, new moons, and other major lunar events. I, on the other hand, am cursed. I don't ‘turn’ or anything, I'm just a husky head on a very furry man’s body.” He lets loose a whine, and his ears droop. “I didn't even deserve it, either.”
“How did it happen?” I ask, lowering myself into a seat adjacent to Rex, laying Rick down on the couch Rex was just on.
“There’s a dumb fairy on the loose. She’s a self-appointed demigod, particular to Aphrodite.” He growls. “You say you don’t want to date someone and it’s a personal offense, and she ships it too hard, and then she gets angry and-” He closes his eyes and steadies his breathing. “Let’s just say, I’m not a fan.”
“Wow, sounds like a jerk.” I say. Alex pats his back.
“Yeah.” He shrugs. “C’est la vie.”
“There’s French people here….?” Rick mutters, slowly gaining consciousness. He sits up, holding his head.
“French?” Rex says, perking up. I think I can see a tail thumping just behind him. “I didn’t know you knew French!”
“I didn’t know there was French people here. I not really fluent in French, though.”
“I know two languages.” Alex pipes up. He smiles over at me mischievously. “Don’t think Luz knows any.”
I puff out a breath of air. “Cabrónes.”
“Okay, Knights, listen up.” Prilla says, walking in. Axel and Valtoi follow behind her. Axel comes to stand next to me.
“Hi, Princey.” I say, snickering up at him.
He scoffs. “Alien.”
Oh. Ouch. I wince.
“We need to get everything assessed. First, all your suits fit?” We all nod. “Great. Now that we all know each other, time to know the enemy. These photos are the results of the tyranny of a prince from three galaxies away. His name is Revlon.”
We stop. I look over at my friends. Rick stares at her with a confused look on his face. Alex just blinks at me. After a moment, Rick lets out a snort. Alex and I slowly laugh with him, and suddenly, we’ve devolved into a giggling mess.
“His-*Wheeze*-His name is Revlon?!” I wipe the tears from my eyes.
“Wha-yes?” Valtoi looks at her siblings. “What’s funny about that?”
Our laughs are cut short by the pictures put up on the large screen behind her. Thousands of soldiers marching through forest, fires set upon trees and villages, families running for their lives, children being carried off by soldiers, villagers dragged by their hair, and gruesomely detailed executions. Rick looks away. Alex looks like he’s gonna be sick. I can feel the blood draining from my face.
“My God.” I mutter.
“Quite.” Prilla says, sliding the pictures away. I look over and Rex has his head in his hands, whining. Axel is looking away, and Valtoi looks like a woman who’s become numb. That’s the most horrifying part of all of this.
Suddenly, there’s a pinging sound coming from the screen behind Prilla, scaring us from our stiff terror. It’s a request link. Slowly, she presses the ‘accept’ button. A face pops up, and grins down at us.
“Well, hello there~.” The face from the screen is gorgeous. Sharp jawline, sharp cheekbones, sharp noses, sharp look in his turquoise eyes. His hair is brushed to one side, and looks so beautiful it really explains his name. His plump lips stretch over his porcelain skin, exposing shining white teeth.
“Ohhhh, sí Papí. Puedes hacer a me ronronear como un gato todos días.” I speak before I can stop myself. I still have my angry, steel face on, but I'm super grateful none of the people present can speak Spanish.
“What, what did you just say to me?” His British accented voice asks.
“All I understood was cat.” Alex says. The face on the TV scrunches into a sneer. A beautiful sneer.
“How dare you. What kind of first impression is that?” He takes a moment and collects himself. “So, these are the legendary Knights of the Kifalme Force.” He looks over us condescendingly. “I must admit, I didn’t expect the Knights to look so….diverse.” He grins over at Rex. His ears flatten.
“Steady boy.” Alex says, reaching over to pat his back. He bares his teeth, and snarls a little, but for the most part holds back.
“What do you want?” Rick says, standing up and crossing his arms.
“It’s important to get a good look at my ‘arch-enemies’.” He smirks.
“You have no reason to be calling us.” Axel walks forwards to stand by his sister. Prilla just keeps staring in slight shock.
“I have plenty of reasons.”
Valtoi scoffs. “Name one.”
“Well,” He tilts his head, locks slightly moving, and looks thoughtful for a second, before grinning. “If nothing else, I’m a sucker for a red-head.”
It’s my turn to scoff. “Thanks, but no thanks.” God, I want to, but morals come first. “Not interested, pal.”
“I’m not talking to you.” He looks past me and winks. I turn, and see Rick with the same sour expression on his face.
“Well, guess I’ve overstayed my welcome. Can’t wait to see you on the battlefield.” He leaned back and threw his arms out. “Revlon, out!” The feed cuts out.
“My God, he’s just about twelve, isn’t he?” I mutter to myself. I turn to where Alex is shaking Rick by the arm.
“Rick. Rick. Ricky. Rick-a-roo. Sean-sauce. Rick.” Rick still has the same stone face on, and….Yeah, he probably isn’t breathing
I turn to Valtoi. “When do we start training?” I ask as I hear a muffled thump from behind me followed by a quiet squeak of, “Rick!”
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