reylovesren · 6 years
I posted a prompt I desperately wanted to see: a V For Vendetta reylo AU.  I decided to go ahead and give it a shot via a would-be first chapter (in case I decide to continue it).  Would love to hear anyone’s thoughts on it!  Goodness gracious I love V.
The radio was prattling on as it did every night, broadcasting the Parliament’s updates – or rather, mandates – to its dutiful – or rather, indoctrinated – city.
Rey hardly heard a thing, busy as she was.  The new quarantine zones; the forthcoming uplift of the meat rationing that everyone knew wouldn’t actually happen; the raid, incarceration and subsequent deletion of its so-called terrorists.  Eight of the twenty, women.  Probably mothers, daughters, girls like her.
Rey wouldn’t be a girl that night.  Or any night, thereafter.  Perhaps on the outside, but surely not the inside.
Her makeup was fresh-faced and light-handed – partly in consequence to rationing, partly for the role. Pink-lipped and rosy-cheeked. While she preferred to wear her hair in a series of loops by day, by night, she let it loose.  Unassuming.  Brown like a fawn’s new coat, or what she imagined such a thing would look like.  The picture of innocence.  
“It is the duty of every man in this country to seize the initiative and make Chandrila great again.”
Rey switched off the radio with a snap.  That was enough of that.  She’d had enough hearing the contrived words of the face of Chandrila.  She’d hear them again in the morning, and every hour after that.
The curfew was in effect, so Rey took the fire escape down the side of her decrepit apartment building. Each creak of every rusted rung made her second guess not simply waltzing out the lobby.  Below in the gutters of Chandrila, the night would have made no difference to the shadows haunting there.  The clacking of her heels on the alley’s cobblestone, ghostly.  But Rey would find what she was looking for in those trenches.
A man leaned against the brick of her apartment.  He wore a trench coat, its threadbare sleeves barely hidden inside of his pockets and the glow of his cigarette the only light.  The streetlamps had just gone out – no need for them with curfew – so his face was as much shadow as it was man.
Rey parted her own long coat just enough to reveal the dress beneath.  More lingerie than dress and pink, to drive the idea home.
By one word, the man’s interest immediately piqued.
“I’ve not done this before, but was wondering…” Rey sidled in close so the last remnants of her nearly-gone perfume might reach his nose.  “Would you like a night with me?  For money, that is.”
“You are new to this, aren’t you?”
“You would be my first customer.  But I assure you, I know what I’m doing.  I’m sixteen.”  The lie soured on Rey’s tongue, but hey.  It would get her bought.
“No.  You don’t know what you’re doing.”
The man stepped away from the brick wall.  Two others circled the corner, entering the alleyway and surrounding Rey; blocking out what little light came from the stars above.
“Because if you did,” the man growled, a sickening smirk tugging at the corner of his lip.  He pulled a badge from his pocket and flashed it in front of Rey’s face.  “You wouldn’t have propositioned a Trooper on stake-out.  And you would know that prostitution is a Class-H offence, which means –“
“We get to decide what to do with you,” his colleague quipped.
“You’re with the First Order,” Rey hissed, and her back replaced the man’s against the wall.  “Please, i-it’s my first offense.  Please, don’t kill me.”
“Spare the rod, spoil the child.”  The men shared a lascivious laugh.  “We won’t. Yet.”
“Not until we’re finished with you,” the first man added with a nod, and then, the hands of his colleagues were upon her.  They held her to the wall while the first unzipped his fly.
“The multiplying villainies of nature do swarm upon him.”
The men startled, turning on their heels toward the end of the alleyway.  A shadow among shadows entered, drenched in black from head to foot, as though he were meant to be part of the night and never to see the light of day.
“And fortune, on his damned quarrel, smiling, showed like a rebel’s whore.”
“We’re with the First Order.”  The first man didn’t bother with his badge this time.  “Keep walking.”
“Disdaining fortune with his brandished steel, which smoked with bloody execution.”
It wasn’t a dagger that caught the men’s eyes, but a crossguarded saber of a much older time.  As unworldly as it was, so was the shade of a man as he attacked.  It was a dance more than it was a fight, the heel of his saber sending the first to his knees.  The second was more quick-witted, pulling a gun from his trousers, though the shade sent it flying before the barrel could be spun.  Slicing the man’s trousers and revealing he had not much to work with for his original, deplorable plans, the shade sent the second to land among the first. And the third – well, he surely did try. A punch to the mask rendered a crunch to his knuckles, for there were no means of breaking through the black snout-like steel or silver-rimmed visor.  The poor git was flung like a ragdoll into the very brick wall Rey had pressed against, landing in a heap.  
Alas, the pantsless one was crawling for it, and that would not do.  
“We are oft to blame in this,” the victor said, his breathing steady as he stood over the pitiful thug. “’Tis too much proved that with devotion’s visage and pious action we do sugar o’er the devil himself.”
“What does that mean?” the question asked through drivel and snot.
“Spare the rod,” the victor answered, the heel of his saber connecting solidly to the thug’s temple.
Rey cowered, though she hated to and was not one to do so.  She was a fighter, and her knees would have collided with the groins of the First Order men as well as the masked man’s saber hilt, if that was all that could or would be done.  But when she saw no excess of blood spilt, the chests of the men still rising, Rey stood, unintimidated by her savior.
“I can assure you I mean you no harm,” he said, holstering his weapon.  He stepped over the pile of bodies, the tails of his tunic fluttering over them like the reaper’s shadow.  
“Who are you?”
“Who is but the form following the function of what, and what I am is a man in a mask.”
“Well I can see that.”
“Of course you can.  I’m merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is.  But, for now, let us simply say who and what I am is the villain.”
He bowed his masked face and suddenly, it didn’t look as threatening, genuflected before her.
“And you would be?”
Rey’s lips stammered at his question, but ultimately, her decision was made.  Though she’d later often wonder, Rey knew she never would know why their paths crossed that night.  Or what it was that brought them together.  But in that very moment, Rey knew she could trust him… that she wanted to know him, and for him to know her.
“I’m Rey.”
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agir1ukn0w · 4 years
Attention Everyone!!!
As of this moment, I have just slipped my letter to Lucasfilm into the little slot in my mail box, and very soon it will be on its way to California for the biggest adventure of its little paper life.
I am SOSOSO proud of every one of you. Thank you from the bottom of my heart to everyone who read my letter, left helpful comments on it, and/or asked me to put their names on it to show Lucasfilm that we stand united, come what may. We are one family, we support each other through thick and thin, and we will carry on through our love of Star Wars and this magnificent ship.
Special thanks to everyone who contributed their name to this letter:
Kamille Freske, Caylee Dobbins, Lauren (@hothmess), Roksana K., Natalie Saa, @writer-and-shipper-ofthe-fandoms, Savannah (@darkishreylo), Cassie Fazio, @miinzhideout, @only-tea, @lady-cray, @maythegeekbewithyou, @jongotsupernatural, @princeofalderan, Jackie (@jsosa08), @athenaxco, Kayley Kenny, @virtualreylo, @bookaholic555, @eternalpassions, @angstybadboytrash, Assiya (@ass1ya), @purebloodangel4, Brandi Black (@reyloheyylo), @cherryknots666, Amanda Sennett, @mixedbagofships, @hope-lives-in-the-galaxy, @greyjediwriter, @dezywish, @save-our-solo, @reylomine, @mystagogue, @cherry-bomb74, @cursed-tea101, @shadowworldx, Risa Chen (@dreadwolfhunt), @supremeforcebond, @bensolodidnothingwrong, @sendintheantiheroes, @under-an-amber-sky, @spacetags, @reylo1519, @ma-ntequilla, @reysexualkylo, @clairen45, @diverdeediluce88, @queeninmyrealm, @gingergeekgirl, @ol-ga2, @chandrilawanderer, @lalalovestarwars, @roguewn, @maxitrash, @thethingsihavelost, @ohvictorias, @theforceback, @shruggyben, @arawen898, @bewithmebensolo, @reylovesren, @skywailer, @rinananp, @amethystcat22, @blackwidowsim, @adrearner, @xplrreylo, @rakilein, @stxrshiprincess, @allgirlsareprincesses, @ashley-minoa, @lovinghyacinths, @archesa, @ogenkiyuki, @rabbid-badger, @byungsora, @practica-or-brave, @fire-treasure-iii, @black-facade-writes, @crybercrystal, @thenymphcutter, @get-the-salt-now, @ejli, @nekomajo, @straightouttajakku12, @yellowredlightsaber, @thesithishjedi, @benswolowillturn, @bukaterswanscavenger, @potterrangeravengerkeeperjedi, @wifeofdarklordsworld, @lukes-naughty-nephew, @dragonsbruja, @darkjedilady, @reylo-is-my-shit, @goldsabered, Magnolia Obando (@hms-reyben-n-hms-reylo), @ofserien, Ellie (@welcometothereylotrashcan), @feral-rey, @splintered-souls, @juliaaurelia-blog, @darthoptimisticmuffinexpert, @ariainstars, @honeybeevictory, @queeninmyrealm, Angela Nunez, @monster-lili, @space-finally, @panchibust, @knightsofreyloreborn, @starwars-n-ships, @darthrena, Hinatea Otare, @cutereylochan, Mary Jo Fox (La Jolla, CA), @parttimepadawan, @supremeprince-bensolo, @rushumakeup, @dystopianinterstellar, @topaz-denizens, @13-is-myluckynumber, @mehmegmeh, Andrea Robles (Mexico), @pacinomydear, @erilanya, @pinkleg, @whateverlittleluce, @stars-will-always-shine, @wonders-of-the-multiverse, @myniasstuff, @stayawake-emily, @witchykilljoy, @forcechaser87, Lala Abdullayeva, Emily (@buckybabie), @justagurlwithships, @chel93
In the end, I got 138 signatures on my letter!!! This is beyond inspiring and I wanted to cry seeing how many of you read, loved, and wanted to support my letter. You are truly my family, every single one of you, and I will never stop fighting so that my Reylo family can have the same feeling of unbreakable hope that it had before.
Many thanks,
now I’m gonna blow you all a thousand kisses, ‘cause I love you 😊
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michellestarswept · 4 years
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If he moves the hilt of his “lightsaber” just a little lower...
@franpaw-reylo-creations @bellaren18 @darcyfitz @ajedisgirl @jedimistress @empressdarkren @glitzescape @asalookslikeloki @half-ok @spacemakeouts @save-ben-swolo @monharki @noriselly @psy-kylo-gy @reylovesren @reylocharms @reylospacebear @reyl0o @reyloismyreligion @nite0wl29 @cosmo-gonika @winglessone @shesarebel96 @blackeyedlily @greyforceuser @greyofjakku @lukes-naughty-nephew @seavici @adamdriverismyreligion @xxadamdriverswifexx @reyloarmy @princeofdarkness15 @hope-lives-in-the-galaxy @imperialmarchingthroughthegalaxy @1captainswan1 @reylorianlovechild @reyloblivion @til-lyanae @terestriel @raven-maiden @ravencassidy @millennium-eagle @xanadus-kira @crazyafana @misslilalovesren @chandrilanbensolo @kerylraist @tracy-adkins
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astarion-simp-666 · 4 years
TAGGED!!! By: @augustintodarkness
RULES: Answer 20 questions, then tag 20 bloggers you want to get to know better.
1. NAME: Amy 
3. ZODIAC: Aquarius 
4. HEIGHT:  5′7″
5. LANGUAGES: English ... I can't speak any other language 😂
6. NATIONALITY: British 
7. FAVORITE SEASON: I love the Fall as the clours of the leaves and I also love the summer as its warm and well if you know England we have very shit weather  😂
9. FAVORITE SCENT: I do love the smell of ghost perfume or the smell of a log fire.
10. FAVORITE COLOR: Black or red
11. FAVORITE ANIMAL: Well, I love all big cats and domestic cats, dogs and wolfs. I also love horses. 
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13. COFFEE, TEA, OR HOT CHOCOLATE: Hot chocolate all the way, I can never stand coffee or tea. which is sacrilege because I'm British and I'm supposed to like tea  😂.
14. AVERAGE SLEEP HOURS: Being a college student let just say like 3-6 hours of sleep.
15. DOG OR CAT PERSON: That is such a hard thing to choose as I love cats, my first pet was a cat but dogs are just adorable. So I'm not choosing.  
17. DREAM TRIP: My dream trip would be to go to Disney World and go to galaxy edge all because it looks amazing!!!   
18. BLOG ESTABLISHED: I established this blog in 2018 
19: FOLLOWERS: 1,050, and I'm soo thankful for you all to be following me!!
20. RANDOM FACT: I have six older siblings and sometimes its either a curse or a blessing
TAG, YOU’RE IT!!!: @skywalking-across-the-galaxy , @misskitty86 , @vintageseawitch , @azinaukgnet , @accioscabior , @ibenskjern , @hiddlestonedlokid , @reypalpatinekenobi , @reylovesren , @voidery , @sassqueenblake , @innocent-maze , @paranoid-calm , @classeyspanks​ , @hearts-keep-going​ , @sweetchelseamae​ , @darylhook40​ , @reylo-of-light-blog​ , @abstractlysydney​ , @aeliaprvdentilla​ 
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reyloisblessed · 6 years
Title: More Rain [Reylo]
Theme: Modern AU // Halloween Theme // Kylo + an old Victorian house on the lake 
Word Count: 1,395
Rating: T [Angsty]
Song Inspiration: The Approaching Night - Philip Wesley 
It’s been a month. A month since he’d left the city, a month since he forfeited what could have been the most prestigious and lucrative career move of his life and had come here to this place. 
Kylo looks out across the water to the indomitable wall of fog and the hazy outline of trees on the other shore. It’s unearthly, calming--this quiet. He'd promised himself he would never come back here, but he had never realized how much he craved it while trapped in that barren space known as his apartment. He sees himself at his window, a stark ghostly refection overlooking the structures below, contemplating his rise to power for an empty master with an empty vision. 
The rotting dock creaks as a whisper of autumn wind skims across the water and disturbs the fog. Tendrils of gauzy powder blue coil and dance, giving the mist an eerily lifelike appearance of some blood-curdling monster from the depths of a Lovecraftian Horror. The Shoggoth, maybe. 
He shakes his head. Tempting those old fears from his childhood always proves to rob him of sleep. One never truly forgets their fears. Such things merely lie dormant, waiting for you to find them again.
Midday thunder sounds overhead. More rain. 
He leans forward with his elbows on his knees and his chin resting in his palms, eyes purposely scanning the fog, the water, looking for her. The first time he’d seen her happened on the third night, a soft figure out over the lake as he’d glanced through the living room window. Then, gone. 
After convincing himself it had been nothing more than a hallucination, he’d tossed it from his mind. Insomnia and loneliness could make people see lots of things. 
But a second time...?
It had happened on the seventh morning, predawn, a scalding mug of coffee in his hand and his thoughts agitated, restless as he stood on the dock, a wool blanket wrapped around his hulking shoulders and his hair in disarray. Still, no sleep. Thoughts of his father had plagued his mind, confrontations with his mother, ugly confrontations. His uncle and the night when everything that could have gone wrong had. Vile shame had skewered him like a poisoned lance and he’d nearly thrown the coffee, cup and all, into the placid black water, but...
There she was again. 
Faint and ethereal. Hands at her sides. Watching him.
Kylo had felt her gaze, a strange magnetic thing that seemed to dredge up something secret inside of him, some forgotten emotion that made his heart ache. An eternity had passed until at last, the sun broke through the trees, casting its soft golden rays atop the water, and she’d vanished, like smoke on a breeze. The ache in him magnified tenfold and he had found himself reaching out to her. It was only later when thinking back that he realized he’d spoken, seconds before she disappeared, three mundane little words. 
“It is you.”
He looks out across the water to that wall of fog again, waiting. He will wait all day today. Maybe even tomorrow. It’s not like he has any pressing affairs in his schedule. A sardonic part of him chuckles bitterly. No, you made sure of that.  
In a sudden burst of rage, Kylo swipes his hand out to the side, knocking the cold cup of coffee from the bench and sending it flying into the water before grabbing his hair and pulling in frustration.
“What am I doing?!” 
His outburst ruptures the stillness, a violent smear on an otherwise picturesque scene.
You’re losing your mind, Ben. That’s what.
The voice cuts through his thoughts like an intruder and he recoils at once. It’s been a year since that voice had haunted his mind, infesting him like a bad dream. Longer still since the owner of that voice had spoken to him at all.
“Shut up! It’s not Ben. I told you to stop calling me that!”
Yeah, yeah. Keep lying to yourself, kid.
Combing rough hands through his hair, Kylo launches to his feet and walks out on the edge of the dock, walks back, glowers at the treeline, the fog, then repeats. He does this several more times until a jarring boom of thunder startles him out of his skin and he bites down hard on his tongue. Cursing aloud he dabs an index finger into his mouth and comes away with blood. A wild fork of lightning suddenly fractures the sky followed by another roll of snarling booms. It beats like a war drum and roars, out to the farthest reaches of the horizon and back. 
“More rain.” he mutters.
He is answered seconds later by a torrential downpour. It soaks his shirt, his pants, leaving him a soggy mess of exposed muscle lines and sticky fabric, and he resists the urge to howl madly at the sky. What use will it do?
Besides, she didn’t come.
Kylo leaves the dock, embittered, forlorn.
He sits for the rest of the afternoon in his father’s old arm chair located by the fireplace, not even bothering to remove his wet clothing. He chooses this spot because it gives him an unimpeded view of the lake and he holds out hope, but the hours drag on. The storm drags on. Darkening.
Soon enough his eyes begin to droop. The crackling fire gives way to lethargic glowing embers and the early night sets in. A chill invades his body, making his bones ache, but he’s too stubborn to grab a blanket, or maybe just too tired. Either way...
He feels his head falling back, slowly, slowly -- then, the soft cushion of leather, the phantom caress of small fingers, a moist breath on his brow --
His eyes snap open.
A face hovers before his, a soft face with a pert nose, modest lips, a dust of freckles. She has freckles. 
“You.” he murmurs, bewitched.
She leans down to his lips, skimming her fingertips over his mouth, his jaw line, his ears. 
“I like your ears.” she comments tenderly.
“I knew you were real.” Kylo reaches forward, seizing her with no intention of letting her go.
She straddles him, curling her arms around his head and bringing it to her chest, pressing it to her heart. “Do you think you’re dreaming?”
“No.” he asserts firmly.
“Are you sure?” she asks as she kisses his hair, her warm breath tickling his scalp.
“What if you are?” Her tone laces with sorrow. He allows her hands to pull his head back, to comb through his hair and cradle his skull. “What if you’re dreaming, Ben?”
The sound of his name on her lips shocks him with heat. It spreads from his chest through his extremities like a burgeoning flame and he pulls her down, kissing her at last. She tastes like summer, like afternoon walks and daisies, like the rich burnt yellow of the evening sun. He relishes it, claiming her mouth with his tongue and pulling her closer. Always closer. 
“You’re real. I know you’re real.” he professes between kisses, his words uneven and sharp -- desperate. 
She clasps his face. “It’s not fair.”
He clings to her, unsure of what she means, but knowing in his bones that he agrees. It’s not fair. None of it. After all this time, they’ve finally found one another. And then, he knows. He’s seen this woman before, somewhere far and distant, somewhere forgotten. In a day dream. In a nightmare.
“Stay with me.” he begs.
She looks away, unshed tears shivering at the corners of her eyes. “You know I can’t. You know the rules don’t work that way.”
“Fuck the rules!” he hisses as he grabs her cheeks, his powerful hands dwarfing her face.
Just a little longer, his mind beseeches. Just a little longer!
She holds to him, but he can already feel the dream fading, he can feel her warmth fading. All too soon his mind is filled with the black emptiness of dreamless sleep and he howls in anguish. 
Waking the next morning to an empty house, cold, predawn again, he gets up from his father’s chair and showers, puts on one of his father’s flannel shirts and rekindles the fire. He goes out to the dock with a scalding cup of coffee and sits. 
He sits all morning. 
Wanna support my work? Reblogs help immensely. Or if you desire, you can donate to my paypal ---> paypal.me
A/N: Well, this got finished before Curious Fortune. I was really inspired by an image of Kylo sitting out on a lonely, rotting dock in the middle of the tranquil waters of a lake with a large two-story Victorian in the background. I didn’t mean for this to end on such a somber note. ^^; My apologies. 
Curious Fortune - Modern AU // Reylo [TO BE POSTED]
Quaint Little Candy Shop -  Modern AU // Finnrose
Tags: @stvrmbreaker​ @raven-maiden​ @lilyevansreyjakuu @daily-reylo​ @reylovesren​ @reyloromance​ @reylofic​ @geekyflute​ @welsharcher​ @michellestarswept @cleverpudding @prince-and-scavenger @the-fabulous-book @reyloaddict @reybenrose @percontaion-points @pacificwanderer @mab-hatter @reylogivesmelife2 @cuddlekylo @darthdarceyy @xxdustnight88 @reyloshipper @fangirl-potential @benperorsolo
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benlonely · 6 years
thank you @leofgyth for the tag! i love doing these! rules: answer the 20 questions below and then tag 20 bloggers that you want to get to know better. name: nina nicknames: bean (don’t ask unless you want a long story sdfdsd) height: 5′0” orientation: heterosexual nationality: usa, baby! favorite Fruit: peaches or green grapes favorite season: autumn favorite flower: hibiscus favorite scent: old books and a certain kind of chocolate milk favorite colors: orange and blue favorite animal: elephants coffee, tea or hot chocolate: sweet, iced tea average hours of sleep: ha idk cat or dog person: dog person!! favorite fictional character: too many favorites <3 number of blankets you sleep with: normally just one but sometimes two dream trip: travel the world with my s.o. that doesn’t exist yet (i’m a heartbroken hopeless romantic, k?) blog created: June 29, 2016 (shipped reylo since january 2016 when i saw tfa for the first time but discovered the fandom on tumblr in june!) number of followers: 772 random fact: my dog’s name is crocodile dundee. tagging: @oculifunesto @theaberrantwritergirl @obiwanxkannoli @angstyrey @thewayofthesith @reylovesren @theporgsnest @crosbyeh @forestelf86 @loveofescapism @j-dryless @amarisde11 @bellaren18 @ramuleking   @reylosaurus
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kylo--reyn · 6 years
Tagged by @lilyevansreyjakuu thank you :)
Rules: tag 15 people you would like to get to know better.
Relationship status: Single, not really lookin for anything right now
Favorite color: dark blue, silver, and deep purple
Lipsticks or chopstick: oh. lipstick all the way. i have waaay too much haha
Three favorite foods: chicken friend rice, kolaches(like. the authentic Czech and Polish ones.), and salsa(my Texan is showing)
Last movie I watched: I’m currently watching Desendants(i like the songs)
Books I’m currently reading: mostly fanfics, but like. physical book.. Shatter Me by Taherah Mafi(for the unth time)
Things I googled: how far from the beach my house is haha
Time: if it doesn’t hurt anyone, do what makes you happy
Song that is stuck in my head : Houston, We Got a Problem
what are you wearing : jeans, and I’m currently looking for a shirt for work xD
How many blankets do you sleep with : one, but it’s really fluffy
Dream trip : all of Europe 
Tagging people: mostly sometimes I tag few , yeah I like hearing about new people very interesting I know there’s fun people out there.
@reylovesren @princeofdarkness15 @faithren @benlonely
I don’t have many followers, so that’s all ima tag haha 
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reylo-inspo · 6 years
Prompt #13
Hux releases the Throne Room Scene and the following repercussions in the Resistance. Rey’s got some ‘splaining to do.
Submitted by the-poets-muse
Canon, Throne Room
Fulfill this prompt  //  Submit a prompt of your own
Open to Interpretation by @reylovesren
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reysexualkylo · 6 years
Could you give a shout out for "The Red String" by KristinaMarie on AO3? You directed me to it in the summer. It's a great bit of writing and I can't believe more people haven't found it. It deserves more love. 'She's' not my best friend or anything - I'm just a fan.
@reylovesren is precious and I love her. And her fic is wonderful!
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michellestarswept · 5 years
I cried though when I saw Handsome Ben’s struggle!!!!
@franpaw-reylo-creations @darcyfitz @half-ok @bellaren18 @ajedisgirl @jedimistress @save-ben-swolo @asalookslikeloki @glitzescape @shesarebel96 @winglessone @nite0wl29 @angrydragonpuppy @buffshipper8490 @akylodarkly83 @misslilalovesren @lukes-naughty-nephew @blackeyedlily @noriselly @greyforceuser @chandrilanbensolo @my-chemical-reylomance @reylospacebear @terapid @galatians4-6-reylo-only @cosmo-gonika @crazyafana @reyloalldaylo @jediknightress @reylovesren @boomdafunk @spacemakeouts @monharki @dr4wn-to-y0u @reylolives17 @reyl0o @princeofdarkness15 @cmb8892 @monsterscavenger @brideofkylosolo @lilyevansreyjakuu @knightsofreyloren @starwarsfangirl @dark-side-hoe @reyloarmy @hope-lives-in-the-galaxy @empressdarkren @welsharcher @thelonelypadawan @til-lyanae
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michellestarswept · 5 years
A Kylo Quickie
before Uncle Luke—OOPS!!!!
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@franpaw-reylo-creations @bellaren18 @darcyfitz @ajedisgirl @asalookslikeloki @lukes-naughty-nephew @buffshipper8490 @spacemakeouts @save-ben-swolo @jedimistress @reyloarmy @reylorianlovechild @noriselly @half-ok @monharki @winglessone @dr4wn-to-y0u @reylovesren @reyloblivion @reyloismyreligion @princeofdarkness15 @empressdarkren @nite0wl29 @greyforceuser @shesarebel96 @reyloalldaylo @psy-kylo-gy @brideofkylosolo @blackeyedlily @welsharcher @terestriel @thesecondlastjedi @walkingwookie @raven-maiden @imperialmarchingthroughthegalaxy
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michellestarswept · 5 years
Sad moment about Peter Mayhew. But then many funny moments regarding Harrison, and Mark Hamill!!!
@half-ok @bellaren18 @ajedisgirl @lukes-naughty-nephew @jedimistress @franpaw-reylo-creations @thesecondlastjedi @noriselly @asalookslikeloki @obiwantwothree @darcyfitz @blackeyedlily @monharki @save-ben-swolo @greyforceuser @welsharcher @comicnerdy-blog @pandoraspocksao3 @reylospacebear @newerconstellations @shesarebel96 @khulscdkj @dr4wn-to-y0u @looc-at-me @akylodarkly83 @welsharcher @buffshipper8490 @empressdarkren @reylorianlovechild @terestriel @glitzescape @reylovesren
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michellestarswept · 5 years
@half-ok @bellaren18 @darcyfitz @ajedisgirl @jedimistress @franpaw-reylo-creations @asalookslikeloki @empressdarkren @save-ben-swolo @nite0wl29 @cosmo-gonika @winglessone @greyforceuser @greyofjakku @buffshipper8490 @akylodarkly83 @brideofkylosolo @monharki @reyloalldaylo @reylorianlovechild @reyloblivion @noriselly @looc-at-me @spacemakeouts @raven-maiden @reyloismyreligion @psy-kylo-gy @pandoraspocksao3 @reylovesren @glitzescape @millennium-eagle @desertcirce @unapologeticreylotrash @hope-lives-in-the-galaxy @certainshadeofadorable @shesarebel96
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michellestarswept · 6 years
This film is OUTSTANDING!!!! 😃I HIGHLY RECOMMEND seeing it!!!! 💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙💙
@reylocharms @half-ok @darcyfitz @bellaren18 @jedimistress @ajedisgirl @reylospacebear @reygirloflight @glitzescape @nite0wl29 @monharki @noriselly @reylovesren @pandoraspocksao3 @spacemakeouts @khulscdkj @kylocatqueen @knightsofreyloren @roselinathart @certainshadeofadorable @shesarebel96 @walkingwookie @psy-kylo-gy @reylocalligraphy @thesecondlastjedi @unapologeticreylotrash @hope-lives-in-the-galaxy @raven-maiden @imperialmarchingthroughthegalaxy @desertcirce @justcallmesandwich
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michellestarswept · 7 years
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Why do I feel these two pics go together?!!! 😏👅👅👅👅👅👅😂😂😂 @darcyfitz @rekaaa96 @reylospacebear @reylovesren @my
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