petnews2day · 21 days
Marsh renames Isosceles private cat bond platform to Mangrove Risk Solutions Bermuda
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Marsh renames Isosceles private cat bond platform to Mangrove Risk Solutions Bermuda
Isosceles Insurance Ltd., a Bermuda-domiciled platform operated by Marsh McLennan and reinsurance broker Guy Carpenter that has been used for the issuance of private insurance-linked securities (ILS) and catastrophe bonds, has been renamed to Mangrove Risk Solutions Bermuda Ltd.A Class 3 Bermuda registered insurance company, Isosceles has been well-used for issuance of private catastrophe bonds […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/nAoj2 #CatsNews #CatBond, #CatBondLite, #CatastropheBond, #InsuranceLinkedSecurities, #IsoscelesRe, #PrivateCatBond, #PrivateILSTransaction, #Reinsurance, #Retrocession
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finsurlog · 5 months
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What is Retrocession? – It’s the term used to describe the secret payments made by asset managers to advisers or distributors.
These payments, which can be kickbacks, trailer fees, or finders fees, are not revealed to clients, even though their funds are used to cover the costs.
You can read more at my publish here:
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dtaegis · 1 year
also what is happening with the South Park kids huh. last year it was a horrible show and now the kids are treating it as some Indie Masterpiece, as if the show isn't running since like 2000 something and is widely known
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enarei · 1 year
i follow your ex. you follow my ex. your ex follows her ex. tumblr's law of retrocessed polyamory
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apas-95 · 1 year
if you look up the retrocession of taiwan to china after ww2 on wikipedia over half the article is trying to argue against it, which is incredibly funny, because they go, in order:
Some Guy says that actually, it wasn't retrocession, it was just military surrender and occupation, because there wasn't a treaty transferring the territories.
Both the PRC and ROC agree that it was retrocession because there was, actually a treaty, which said "All the territories that Japan has stolen from the Chinese, such as Manchuria, Formosa [the colonial name for Taiwan island], and The Pescadores, shall be restored to the Republic of China." verbatim, and it was signed by every allied power.
The Democratic Progressive Party never said it wasn't retrocession but also they didn't really celebrate it that much when they were in power.
Some Other Guys said the same thing as the first guy.
Some Americans said the same thing as the first guy, and also claimed that 'none of the treaties explicitly ceded sovereignty over Formosa and The Pescadores to any specific state or government', since they can't read or something.
The US and Britain pretended they hadn't promulgated that declaration for a bit, and then went 'well, yes, Taiwan is part of China, but it wasn't until this other treaty was signed.'
And then they devote an entire subsection to:
Some Guys in Japan, the nation that had occupied Taiwan as a colony for fifty years and would like it back, said the same thing as the first guy, with their justification being that Britain Said They Weren't Really Sure.
which is like. guys I don't think you needed this much debate. like you tried stacking the deck by putting six different arguments against it versus one argument supporting it, but the argument supporting it is 'it literally says right here verbatim in the document that everyone signed that it's a transfer of territory'.
like i get you're trying to make it seem like there's real controversy but anyone with half a brain who reads this will go 'huh, so all these opposing viewpoints are just blatantly disproved by this one piece of evidence'. i feel like you should either give up or openly just lie, here instead of doing this halfway attempt at misleading people that falls through if you. actually read it
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francepittoresque · 2 months
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6 avril 1815 : rétrocession de l’île Bourbon (La Réunion) à la France ➽ http://bit.ly/Retrocession-Ile-Bourbon Découverte au XVIe siècle par des navigateurs portugais qui n’y implantèrent aucune colonie, la future île Bourbon devint possession du roi de France un siècle plus tard, et devint bientôt une étape incontournable pour les navires faisant route vers Madagascar
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inky-duchess · 2 years
Currently re-watching The Crown because of the recent events, and there's a scene where a young Queen Elizabeth complains about the fact that she wasn't given a proper education that prepared her to be a ruiling monarch, and Elizabeth Bowes-Lyon replies that she was given the ideal education for a lady of her status and that no one wants a intelectual for a Queen. Yet, former british Queens like Eleanor of Aquitaine, Mary I, Elizabeth I, Catherine of Aragon and Katherine Parr were renowed for their great inteligence and received outstanding educations, similar to the men of their time. Would you say that the lack of care regarding Elizabeth's upbringing, that prepared her to be a good aristocratic lady, but not a politician or a ruler, is a sign of retrocess when it comes to the education of women in the Royal family? If so, when do you think that this retrocess began?
The women you name all came from eras of enlightenment and education, where knowledge was a virtue and a sign of high status and importance. By the beginning of the 20th Century, higher education in aristocratic women was obslete, they didn't need it to advance or impress.
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datasoong47 · 2 years
Micronations based on contorted historical claims are an interest of mine. And one that I came across a few years ago that has a personal interest to me is the so-called Dominion of British West Florida, as I once lived in the area they claim. Its claim is based on a rather odd reading of historical events, but they basically claim that the old British colony of West Florida (I’m not sure under what borders as it changed a few times) is rightfully British still, and thus they claim to seek recognition as part of the Commonwealth. Needless to say, their claim has not been acknowledged by any nation, much less the UK itself or the US
A quick synopsis of the real history before going into their claim. Florida began as a Spanish colony, first claimed in the 16th century. The Spanish claims, as was common with colonial claims, initially overlapped with Britain’s claims. Eventually, however, a boundary between British and Spanish colonial claims was agreed to after the amusingly-named War of Jenkins’ Ear, which was similar to the modern US state of Florida, but extending further west to the Mississippi River. The border that was agreed to, on a modern map:
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Thus including parts of what are today Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana (that portion of Louisiana is still referred to as the West Florida Parishes). This is one of several places where modern state boundaries reflect old international borders, in this case, between the Spanish and British empires
After the Seven Years’ War, Spain ceded Florida to Britain. The British divided Florida into two colonies, East Florida and West Florida, with the boundary being the Apalachicola River. In addition, West Florida’s northern border was moved significally northward, to a line defined by the confluence of the Yazoo and Mississippi Rivers
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Which included a significant portion of modern-day Mississippi and Alabama. By an odd coincidence, that northern border actually passes through those states’ capitals. The capital of West Florida was the city of Pensacola, which is today the westernmost city in Florida, just a few miles from the state’s western border
When the Revolutionary War broke out, the Floridas remained loyalist. The Continental Congress send delegations to try to get them to join the revolution, but they both chose to remain loyalist. At the end of the Revolutionary War, Spain, which had been an ally of the colonists, regained the Floridas (West Florida had actually been captured by Spain, while East Florida had remained in British control, but was traded to Spain in exchange for the return of the Bahamas). This actually created a border dispute between the United States and Spain, as the treaty between the US and the UK explicitly defined the southern border of the new nation, using the old border of Florida, but the treaty between the UK and Spain did not define boundaries, only ceding the Floridas. Spain thus (not unreasonably) interpreted it to mean that Britain was ceded all of the Floridas as they were defined prior to the treaty (thus including that post-1763 expansion), but in 1795, Spain agreed to the old boundary of West Florida in the Treaty of San Lorenzo, AKA Pinckney’s Treaty. Spain retained the division between East and West Florida, although they moved the boundary between the two to the Suwanee River, further east
In 1819, Spain sold the Floridas to the US (which had already seized the westernmost part of West Florida, the portions now in Louisiana, Mississippi, and Alabama, under dubious justifications) as part of the Adams-Onís Treaty. The US then merged the two colonies into the Florida Territory, which eventually became the modern state
Now, the so-called Dominion of British West Florida agrees with the real history through the 19th century. They accept the retrocession back to Spain after the Revolutionary War, and presumably they accept that the post-1763 expansion was not included in West Florida. Their claim is that when King Charles IV of Spain abdicated in 1808, West Florida reverted to British control, which would thus mean that it was not ceded to the US in the Adams-Onís Treaty
This is a really peculiar claim. A monarch’s abdication doesn’t void any treaties made in that monarch’s name, and they make no defense of that claim, they simply assert it. And even weirder, even if there were some clause that could be twisted to justify that claim, they don’t claim the same for East Florida. Surely if there were some weird clause in that treaty to that effect, it would’ve affected all of the territories that changed hands in the treaty?
Also, the former British West Florida had been divided up between the US and Spain, but presumably, since the claim relates to Spanish politics, they’re only claiming the portion that was ceded to Spain. And presumably not including the eastern portions added to it under Spanish rule? So presumably like this:
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Needless to say, their claims have precisely 0 change of ever being acknowledged by either the US or the British government
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gendersanciau · 2 years
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Row 1: Royal Genders: Retro 🌴🌴-🦩🦩-🌴🌴-🦩🦩-🌴🌴
1. Priretro: a gender connected to being a retro prince; this gender is connected to retroness, retro aesthetics, prince aesthetics, and non-binary boyhood.
2. Retrocesse: a gender connected to being a retro princess; this gender is connected to retroness, retro aesthetics, princess aesthetics, and non-binary girlhood.
3. Royalretro: a gender connected to being retro royalty; this gender is connected to retroness, retro aesthetics, royal aesthetics, and being non-binary.
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lowercastle · 2 years
book ive ever read.
Series The Chronicles of Audy by Orizuka [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Ganjil Genap by Almira Bastari [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Progresnya Berapa Persen? by Soraya Nasution [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
The Name of The Game by Adelina Ayu [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Konstelasi Rindu by Farah Hidayati [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Resign! by Almira Bastari [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Tarian Bumi by Oka Rusmini [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Retrocession by Ayunita Kuraisy [⭐️⭐️]
Di Tanah Lada by Ziggy Zesyazeoviennazabriezkie [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Seribu Wajah Ayah by Azhar Nurun Ala [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Laut Bercerita by Leila S. Chudori [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Perempuan yang Menangis Kepada Bulan Hitam by Dian Purnomo [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Semua Ikan di Langit by Ziggy Zesyazeoviennazabriezkie [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Silsilah Duka by Dwi Ratih Ramadhany [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Seperti Dendam Rindu Harus Dibayar Tuntas by Eka Kurniawan [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Origamiara by Rezza Dwi [⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Denting Lara by K. Fischer [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas by J. S Khairen [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Kami (Bukan) Jongos Berdasi by J. S Khairen [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
Catatan-Catatan dari Bulan by Rieke Saraswati [⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️]
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I live in a country where the abortion is prohibited, unless the person got raped or the pregnancy is dangerous. But even in thoses cases is difficult to get an abortion. You can see the news about a young girl who got pregnant and the judge forbade her to get the abortion. It pains me seeing what's happening in the US. It is a huge retrocess.
And just saying, people will not stop the abortion, but more people will die because of it. Mostly poor people because rich people will keep paying for it or being able to travel to places where is it allowed to get one. That's how it works here in Brazil. This is the motive why we the pro-choice says that abortion is a topic for human rights and public health.
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petnews2day · 21 days
SCOR seeks $125m Atlas Capital 2024-1 multi-peril retro cat bond
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/3KexB
SCOR seeks $125m Atlas Capital 2024-1 multi-peril retro cat bond
France-headquartered global reinsurance company SCOR is back in the catastrophe bond market in search of more peak catastrophe peril retrocession, looking to secure $125 million or more in North America focused coverage from an Atlas Capital DAC (Series 2024-1) issuance.SCOR last sponsored a catastrophe bond one year ago, from which it secured $75 million in […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/3KexB #CatsNews #AtlasCapitalDAC, #AtlasCapitalDACSeries20241, #CatBond, #CatastropheBond, #InsuranceLinkedSecurities, #Reinsurance, #Retrocession
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alessandro54-plus · 5 days
Serie A 2023/2024, tutti i verdetti: campione, qualificate in Europa, retrocesse e promosse
articolo: https://www.goal.com/it/liste/serie-a-2023-2024-tutti-i-verdetti-campione-qualificate-in-europa-retrocesse-e-promosse/blt71dfa97dd4251985#cs386485fdf853ffc1 La Serie A 2023/2024 ha emesso i suoi verdetti: lo ha fatto al termine di un lungo cammino iniziato lo scorso 19 agosto. La Serie A 2023/2024 si prepara ad andare in archivio. Manca infatti una sola partita, ovvero il recupero…
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agiliuxcloudinsurance · 2 months
5 Ways Insurance Brokerage Software can Streamline your Business and Ensure IFRS Compliance
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The world of insurance brokerage can be fast-paced and demanding. From managing client details to tracking policies and commissions, staying organized is crucial for success. This is where accounting software designed specifically for insurance brokers comes in.
More than just crunching numbers, this software streamlines your entire operation and ensures compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS). Here’s why having the right accounting software for insurance brokers is essential.
Table of Contents
•          Introduction
•          Core Features
•          Financial Strength
•          Specialized Features
•          Agiliux for Brokers
•          Conclusion
Core Features Tailored for Insurance Brokers
•          Client Management: Maintain a structured database with comprehensive client details, including contact information, purchased insurance plans, premium payments, and claim history.
•          Insurance Policy Management: Effortlessly create, renew, and manage all aspects of insurance policies, including adding coverages and maintaining detailed records.
•          Premium Management: Track premium payments, due dates, payment methods, and unpaid premiums. Generate reminders and reports for late payments.
•          Claims Management: Efficiently record, process, and track all client claims, including approvals/rejections, payout calculations, and related documentation.
Check how Agiliux Commercial Insurance Brokers can help your business.
Financial Strength: The Backbone of Your Business
Financial accounting is a core module that adheres to IFRS standards and handles your income, expenses, assets, liabilities, and equity. Here’s a breakdown of the key functionalities:
•          Bookkeeping: Record all financial transactions accurately, with automatic categorization based on IFRS.
•          General Ledger: Maintain an accurate record of all financial transactions using double-entry bookkeeping.
•          Accounts Receivable: Manage amounts owed by clients, generate invoices, send payment reminders, and provide detailed reports. Recognize revenue according to the accrual basis of accounting (as recommended by IFRS).
•          Accounts Payable: Manage amounts owed to suppliers, process invoices, make payments, and avoid late fees. Recognize expenses when incurred (as per the accrual basis).
Financial Statement Generation
This critical module automatically creates major financial statements like:
•          Balance Sheet: Provides a snapshot of your company’s financial health at a specific point in time.
•          Income Statement: Shows your company’s revenues and expenses, resulting in net profit or loss over a period.
•          Cash Flow Statement: Categorizes changes in cash and cash equivalents into operating, investing, and financing activities.
Specialized Features to Give You an Edge
On top of the core functionalities, accounting software designed for insurance brokers offers specialized features to enhance your operations
•          Commissions Management: Track commissions earned based on policies sold, maintain records of paid and pending commissions, and generate commission reports.
•          Reinsurance Management: Manage the transfer of portions of risk to reinsurers. Key sub-modules include cession management, retrocession management, claims recovery, and reinsurance contract management.
•          Risk Management: Identify, assess, and mitigate risks associated with the policies you sell. This might include features for risk identification, risk assessment, risk mitigation strategies, and risk reporting.
•          Audit & Compliance: Ensure your company adheres to IFRS and local regulations. This includes features for audit trails, compliance monitoring, and regulatory reporting.
Agiliux Solutions for Insurance Industry
How Agiliux Streamlines Insurance Broker Operations
Agiliux Broker Solution offers end-to-end automation for both direct and reinsurance brokers. Their platform streamlines everything from risk coverage requests to debit note generation, payment management, and regulatory reporting.
Here’s how Agiliux empowers brokers:
•          Increased Efficiency: Manage operations more efficiently, allowing you to focus on exceptional client service.
•          Seamless Processes: Automate workflows for a streamlined experience from quote generation to policy issuance and claims processing.
•          Compliance Ensured: Built-in features help ensure adherence to IFRS and local regulations.
Embrace Efficiency and Growth with Agiliux By leveraging Agiliux’s accounting software, insurance brokers can gain a significant advantage in today’s competitive landscape. Let’s book a free demo now to explore their comprehensive solutions and transform your insurance brokerage for the digital age.
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lamilanomagazine · 2 months
Serie A, 31^ giornata: l’Inter ribalta l’Udinese nel recupero, scudetto a un passo
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Serie A, 31^ giornata: l’Inter ribalta l’Udinese nel recupero, scudetto a un passo.   Salernitana-Sassuolo (2-2) La Salernitana rimonta nella ripresa le due reti di svantaggio al Sassuolo ed esce dall'Arechi con un punto. Laurientè e Bajrami segnano per i neroverdi al termine dei primi 45 minuti. I granata accorciano dagli 11 metri con Candreva a inizio secondo tempo e poi trovano il pareggio con Maggiore nel finale. Gli ospiti rischiano di passare nuovamente in vantaggio allo scadere, ma Costil salva il pari su Pinamonti. Un punto che risulta inutile ai fini della classifica dei ragazzi di Colantuono e che smuove poco la classifica della truppa di Ballardini.   Milan-Lecce (3-0) Il Milan di Pioli domina a San Siro e batte 3-0 il Lecce di Gotti. Pulisic, Giroud e Leao segnano le tre reti decisive. I rossoneri passano in vantaggio al 6': Chukwueze scatena il panico nella difesa giallorossa e serve Pulisic, che col mancino batte Falcone con un tiro a giro. Al 20' arriva il raddoppio del Milan. Sul calcio d'angolo di Adli, Giroud salta più in alto di tutti e segna il 2-0.  Al 45' Krstovic entra a gamba tesa su Chukwueze e viene espulso dall'arbitro Massimi. Nella ripresa, i rossoneri segnano il 3-0 al 57': splendida imbucata di Adli per la corsa di Leao che supera Falcone con un tunnel nell'uno contro uno.   Roma-Lazio (1-0) La Roma porta a casa con merito il derby della Capitale. Decisiva la rete di Mancini al minuto 42. Nella ripresa giallorossi si rendono ancora pericolosi con il palo colpito da El Shaarawy e con la punizione di Pellegrini. La Lazio creato molto poco nel corso dei 90 minuti. Continua il trend positivo della formazione di De Rossi, che in classifica sale a quota 55 punti. La Lazio resta ferma a 46: c'è tanto da lavorare per Tudor, che dovrà migliorare soprattutto la fase offensiva dei suoi.   Empoli-Torino (3-2) L'Empoli torna a vincere e batte 3-2 il Torino. Apre le marcature Cambiaghi nel primo tempo con un bolide dalla distanza. La pareggia Zapata di testa all'ora di gioco. Poi torna davanti la squadra di Nicola, grazie al diagonale del subentrato Cancellieri, ma la doppietta del bomber colombiano del Toro ristabilisce la parità nel primo minuto di recupero. Quando sembra che il pareggio sia inesorabile, Bellanova compie una leggerezza in fase difensiva, Cacace gli porta via palla e serve Niang per la palla della vittoria.   Frosinone-Bologna (0-0) Frosinone e Bologna si dividono la posta in palio. Nonostante un ottimo Frosinone, il Bologna avrebbe la chance per vincerla a recupero inoltrato: prima un intervento miracoloso di Turati devia sulla traversa la prima conclusione di Ndoye, poi è proprio Ndoye a sprecare da due passi. Con questo punto i padroni di casa smuovono di poco la loro classifica, restando in terzultima posizione. Mentre il Bologna resta a +3 sulla Roma e di poco dietro la Juventus.   Monza-Napoli (2-4) Dopo un primo tempo poco entusiasmante, chiuso in vantaggio dal Monza grazie alla rete di Djuric, la ripresa offre 45 minuti decisamente più divertenti. Il Napoli, sfruttando i cambi dalla panchina, ribalta completamente il match. Nel giro di nemmeno 15 minuti, arrivano le reti di Osimhen, Politano, Zielinski, Colpani e Raspadori. Il punteggio finale regala ai partenopei 3 punti importanti per sognare ancora l'Europa e probabilmente chiudono le speranze del Monza di ottenere qualcosa di più di una tranquilla salvezza.   Cagliari-Atalanta (2-1) Finisce 2-1 la partita tra Cagliari e Atalanta. I padroni di casa, dopo esser passati in svantaggio al 13' a causa della rete di Scamacca, riescono a recuperare il risultato al minuto 42, grazie al gol di Augello. Gli uomini di Ranieri riescono a completare la rimonta al minuto 88, grazie alla rete decisiva del subentrante Viola che segna con un gran colpo di testa su assist di Luvumbo. Grazie a questa vittoria, il Cagliari si porta a quota 30 punti, allontanandosi dalla zona retrocessione. L'Atalanta, a causa di questa battuta d'arresto, rimane ferma al sesto posto, a quota 50 punti.   Verona-Genoa (1-2) Il Genoa espugna il Bentegodi e conquista una vittoria che rafforza ulteriormente una classifica già ampiamente positiva. Gli uomini di Gilardino salgono a quota 38 punti. Resta fermo a 27 punti il Verona, che aveva bisogno di fare punti per allontanarsi dalla zona calda della graduatoria. Gli uomini di Baroni hanno giocato un buon primo tempo ma non hanno retto nella ripresa. Decisiva la rete di Gudmundsson al 58'. Hellas impegnato a Bergamo nel prossimo turno di campionato: vietato sbagliare ancora.   Juventus-Fiorentina (1-0) La Juve, dopo la bella vittoria sulla Lazio in Coppa Italia, sembra mettersi alle spalle il momento difficile anche in campionato, superando 1-0 la Fiorentina. Il successo vale il +4 sul Bologna e il +7 sul quinto posto occupato dalla Roma. Gli uomini di Allegri mostrano una delle loro migliori versioni stagionali nella prima frazione. Ben tre reti annullate ai bianconeri nei primi 45 minuti. La rete convalidata, quella decisiva, è firmata in tap-in da Gatti dopo il palo di Bremer. Nella ripresa, la Fiorentina spreca delle occasioni importanti per trovare il pareggio.   Udinese-Inter (1-2) La squadra di Cioffi gioca una gara di grande cuore ma non riesce a portare a casa un punto prezioso, nonostante il vantaggio maturato nel primo tempo grazie ad un tiro cross di Samardzic. Nella ripresa l'Inter risponde con Carlos Augusto, ma il gol del brasiliano viene annullato per offside. Nella ripresa, Thuram si procura un rigore che Calhanoglu trasforma per l'1-1. I nerazzurri attaccano fino alla fine e al 95' passano in vantaggio con Frattesi: è dell'azzurro il gol che regala i 3 punti alla squadra di Inzaghi.... #notizie #news #breakingnews #cronaca #politica #eventi #sport #moda Read the full article
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ladybugssong3 · 2 months
Radical Healing through Retrocession
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