#repetition is your friend
tomorrowusa · 5 months
« Trump can’t beat Biden, but apathy just might. And the stakes are far too high to let that happen. »
— Columnist Eugene Robinson at the Washington Post. (archived)
Engagement is the opposite of apathy. Both engagement and apathy are contagious. We set the tone for people around us. Even boosting our signals can have an effect over time.
Be constant about messaging, this is a ten month project. Voters need to be continuously and creatively reminded of the stakes this year. If you don't remind them, who will?
Liberals tend to be squeamish about repetition; but repetition is the best friend of campaigners and advertisers. It doesn't matter if people you know get tired of your message as long as your message sinks in and becomes regarded as common knowledge.
Chances are that you still remember advertising jingles and slogans that you heard on TV when you were 7 or 8. That's how effective repetition is.
Ronald Reagan, no fan of the Evil Empire, was apparently fond of the Russian proverb "Доверяй, но проверяй" (Trust but verify). We should keep a different Russian proverb in mind this year: "Повторение - мать учения" (Repetition is the mother of learning).
We have it easy compared to Ukraine. They need to shoot down deadly missiles and drones Russia buys from North Korea and Iran. We only need to publicly and repeatedly shoot down MAGA bullshit and conspiracy theories while robustly firing back with our defense of democracy.
Of course things like voter registration and GOTV are still absolutely essential. But those are facilitated when there's a constant background vibe that freedom and democracy are on the line in November.
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formulapisces · 8 months
reblog or <horrific thing will happen to parent>
reblog to get <specific amount of money>
reblog for <luck and something about a crush>
reblog if you aren’t <racist, homophobic, etc>
reblog or else <terrible tragedy happens>
reblog if you care about <obviously a good cause but is baiting you to look like a horrible person if you don’t reblog it>
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wooooo warlock Wally and his delightful totally normal patron
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angrybatart · 5 months
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Karma Doge
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blacksailsgf · 23 days
it's funny when you can tell which people have never analyzed media in their life based on how they view the world & how they speak or think. saying this because i'm still so mentally tired from a trip i had with a friend group where literally every single conversation revolves only on two things: (1) romantic relationships with men, (2) work. you might say those things are not correlated at all but personally, i think that people who are largely incurious or uninterested in taking apart text & subtext on a fictional scale will also have trouble analyzing their own experiences or relationships & so cannot make space for anything that doesn't directly affect them
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parola-di-winx · 3 days
I am not an Israeli, much less a Zionist, but I have Jewish friends who face hatred and intolerance from Palestinian supporters. Some of their messages incite hatred and encourage anti-Semitism. And this is personally unpleasant for me.
In any case, Hamas attacked first, so Israel has the right to defend itself.
fuck you. "hamas attacked first" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nakba
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dragonbleps · 9 months
Heart of Stone
You wake.
Stars still twinkle overhead, and the crickets chirping around you promise several more hours before dawn. Soft breaths and the occasional snore from your various companions puts you at ease. No excitement for tonight.
Heard even over the sounds of the nightly insects is the grating rhythm of stone against grit. Dalamus works at his tent, grinding a piece of agate into a cabochon. Unlike the others, Dalamus had set up his tent far from the center, presumably to have a full view of the camp, either out of protectiveness or distrust. You presume the latter. He never left the tent for long, not even to sleep. Do Drow sleep?
Astarion is awake, as well, yet remains at his own tent, implying that nocturnal camaraderie is not the reason for his and Dalamus' overlapping watch. Why, then, waste sleeping hours? A generous onlooker might interpret their tandem watchfulness as an overabundance of caution, having backup should a problem arise. The occasional annoyed glance from Astarion in Dalamus' direction pushes the thought from your mind.
Sounds of grinding stone and crunching sand stop as Dalamus inspects his gem for scratches and inclusions. He takes a moment to observe his surroundings, red eyes scanning the campsite and beyond for any signs of disturbance. For your protection? Or his own? You cannot say for certain. His eyes meet yours, and for a moment your pulse quickens, filling with apprehension from a source unknown and unwanted. Unfortunately, you cannot say it is wholly unwarranted, either.
Dalamus' gaze leaves your face and he returns to his task, allowing you the chance to breathe. If any would-be attackers felt half of the apprehension you had in the gaze of your supposed companion, none would dare approach. Dalamus cleans his work station with some water and lays out the next level of grit, wets the agate, and begins grinding once more.
There is a groan of exasperation from Astarion, followed by him complaining about the grating noise. Dalamus is unfazed and, decidedly unwilling to give the High Elf the courtesy of eye contact, responds lowly in Drowic. "Dosst ssivah jaaele mzildur."
Astarion makes a scandalized huff. Whether he understands Drowic or simply assumes insult, you do not know. Either way, he settles back into his tent with a sour expression, arms crossed, and you cannot help the amusement that tugs at the corners of your mouth.
You roll onto your back and stare up at the stars again, closing your eyes. It takes a moment for Dalamus' red eyes to fade from your memory, but you force yourself to relax. You should be safe at least for tonight.
Chips Away
You wake.
Clouds obscure the stars, but the moon's glowing silhouette directly overhead assures you there is still plenty of time to sleep. Most of your companions doze quietly around you. One person turns from their back onto their side, but does not wake. It is peaceful.
The steady rhythm of stone against stone tells you Dalamus is polishing yet again tonight. Something green, judging by the flashes in the torchlight. His tent remains far from the center where everyone else has gathered, but you suspect it is to prevent disturbing the others' sleep. Perhaps.
Except for Astarion, also awake, reading a book at his tent. Or trying. It seems he and Dalamus are both night owls, and refuse to give up their nocturnal quiet time to the other. You suppose, in the end, two pairs of eyes are better than one for keeping watch in the dark.
Sudden silence, as Dalamus picks up his stone and cleans it of grit to determine his progress. He peers up from his work to survey the grounds, making sure his focus on his hobby does not blind him to dangers. His eyes come to rest on your face, and he tilts his head slightly, perhaps wondering why you are awake. If only you had an answer for him. Instead, you smile.
Dalamus' pointed ears prick upwards ever so slightly, but he looks away, unsure how to respond. His attention returns to the stone in front of him, but not before you catch him glancing furtively in your direction once. And then again. He scrubs the grit from his stone with a small brush and some water, resetting his work station to begin the next stage of polishing. It might be a trick of the light, but you could swear his shoulders are not as stiff as before.
Astarion pushes himself to his feet and asks how much longer the accursed screeching will last. Dalamus regards him with a mild scowl, but answers. "An hour at most. You will survive."
The High Elf drags a hand down his face and begins walking off, mumbling about getting something to eat. Now that he mentions it, hunger is beginning to gnaw at your stomach, as well. But the call of sleep is stronger.
You wriggle yourself into a comfortable position on your side and close your eyes, trying to imagine what shape the stone will take when Dalamus is done. The sound of stone polishing is far from melodic, yet it is familiar, and therefore comforting. It means he is awake, and watching. And you feel safe.
To Reveal Gold
You wake.
The stars are bright in the sky, and the moon full enough to light the camp without the need for fire. Grasses sway and trees rustle in the cool midnight breeze. The only thing punctuating the relative silence is the soft snore of a companion opposite the snuffed campfire from you. It is too quiet.
You sit up and wipe the sleep from your eyes. Gone is the grinding noise which you had begun to find comfort in. Dalamus' tent is set up, and his stone polishing materials are out, but the Drow himself is nowhere to be seen. The only thing keeping you from fearing the worst is Astarion, awake and relaxed at his own tent.
The sound of faint crunching reaches your ears, of dirt and grass under boots, and you look over your shoulder to find Dalamus approaching. At his side is a small waterskin still dripping from immersion in the nearby river. He stops once he notices you, red eyes scanning your face. "Is something the matter?" he asks, possibly the first time you have heard him express explicit concern for another outside of injury in combat.
"I'm fine," you assure. "I'm so used to hearing you work, that when I awoke to silence I became worried. I didn't know where you had gone, is all."
Dalamus appears surprised at your concern. After all, there are plenty of others in camp. Astarion is awake to keep watch. He knows you are capable of defending yourself.
"I am here," he says finally, but confusion colors his tone, as if he has never considered his presence might be desirable. Not in a genuine sense, anyway. Useful, perhaps, with his darkvision and heightened hearing. But this is not that. He senses it. And he does not know what to do with it.
"I'm glad you're here. Goodnight, Dalamus."
His eyes widen and his pointed ears swivel away. Rather than say anything and risk revealing emotions he has no name for, Dalamus nods and begins towards his tent.
You lay down on your back and close your eyes, listening. He is at the final stage of polishing for tonight's stone; no more harsh grinding. But it is enough to know that he is there.
You hear a teasing comment from Astarion, followed by an exclamation of pain and a clatter from something small Dalamus has thrown at him. You smile. You are safe.
You wake.
It is the early hours of dawn. The moon and stars have almost disappeared entirely, but the sun is not yet risen and neither have your companions. The birds are beginning their calls as the air begins to warm.
A glint of light catches your eye and you turn your head to find a brilliantly polished opal cabochon beside your bedroll. A gift. Even more astounding, Dalamus sleeps facing you but a few feet away. You have never seen him sleep until now. Sleep meant vulnerability, and Dalamus trusts almost no one.
Except you.
You dare not touch him for fear of breaking this trust. Perhaps when he wakes he will distance himself again. But for now, he is here, and he is safe.
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musashi · 6 months
now that the dust has settled and i am fully confident i was not in the wrong i can say for certain the funniest thing anyone has ever spitefully said about me post-friendship-breakup is "you made the conversation feel like a cross-examination"
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kanene-yaaay · 1 year
So I got tickled dfghjhgfghj never give up from your dreams I guess SDFGHJ. Okay okay, lemme give you some context: just like the universe intended when it gave me all the opportunities to be a AGENT OF CHAOS and a proud GREMLIN I was hiding away my friend’s car key and using his distraction as he looked for his keys to hide eve more of his stuff (friendship <3) but the thing is, a few months ago, that human discovered that I was ticklish so rip me and my entire bloodline I guess because he keeps looking for opportunities to, ya know, ATTACK ME with one or two pokes but until that point he never took it farther than that. So. He already knew where this was going, you already know where this is going, I somehow DIDN’T HAVE A SINGLE IDEA of where this was going because the moment he realized that my overalls had pockets perfect for hiding stuff and I was refusing to take my hand out of one of them he began tickling my sides until I - in my dying breath, my last moments, with the last drop of coordination in my body - decided to give him his keys back so FGHJKJHGGHJK
 I lasted like 10 seconds like COME ON KANENE PULL IT TOGETHER MAH GURL
 Anyways I also discovered that I actually have TWO responses to being unfairly attacked with wiggly fingers and it’s pretending that nothing is happening while gradually getting more and more giggly and to try to become a ball which yeah it’s just as unsuccessful as fics describes so. there’s that.
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aftermathing · 1 month
The worst thing about suffering is that it still hurts when the danger is over but no one cares about it anymore because it shouldn't hurt. No one will ever say "I'm sorry that happened to you" especially when they barely say "I'm sorry that's happening."
#Okay to tb btw all the personal stuff is in the tags#Like. Not eating for a week because you couldn't get groceries hurts#and people will say 'oof sorry that's happening' but then#after you're able to get food no one will ever say 'I'm sorry that happened' even though you think about it and hurt from it constantly.#No one will ever say ':( that must have been so hard' because you're fine now right???? No psychological damage there?????#This example is stupid but I do think about it every time I feel hungry. I told people I wasn't able to get groceries#and there was no food in my house. And they said. Oof.#Instead of idk Oh God Are You Okay ??#No one cares when you've been abused your entire life and behave the way you do out of genuine terror because your brain is fucked forever#They don't say 'I'm sorry that happened it must have been really scary to turn you into Such An Asshole. I pity you like a dog :('#Speaking of man everyone loves fucked up abused terrified dogs and wants to be the one who makes them open up#And shows them that people can be good and kind and that touch doesn't have to hurt#But everyone is scared of fucked up abused terrified people#Humans are capable of harm even more than dogs and fear is understandable but.#Can you please call me good boy and shush me and tell me nothing's going to hurt me and let me curl up on your lap#And not hit me if I get scared and start to growl and feed me good and take me on walks and play with me#Even though I'm not very fun to play with and I'm still learning what's fun and what's mean and what's a toy and what's a hand#Plleeeaaase don't be jealous of a dog that doesn't eat good don't say 'tch he's so thin what am I doing wrong'#I want to eat good and grow and gain fat and be warm and be comfortable I don't want this#Don't say 'if abused dogs don't eat good then I don't deserve to either' no no no no eat good so you can take care of us both#Please please please I learned so many tricks to make people happy and call me smart but I don't actually know how to do anything I'm#Literally like such a stupid dog it takes me like one day of no one paying attention to me for me to become un-housebroken#I make a lot of mistakes even though I know better or I really should know better#And sometimes do things wrong on purpose to get attention either yelling or showing me how to do it right#But most of the time I genuinely don't know how to do stuff because I was never taught or I was taught and#My previous owners said 'this is how it is. It is this way because it is and it is forever. The answer is Because.'#'now quit asking repetitive questions before I pop you'#If I do something Because and not know the reason why I'm doing it that's not learning that's acting#Especially habits taught specifically to hurt me and not being allowed to question it or know why I'm being hurt#Oh my god I acted out so much when I was younger and all my friends were so disgusted and hurt by me and yelled at me every day
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To practice doing marker portraits I thought it was a good idea to do stormlight main characters. So i did shallan, which was easy. Followed by dalinar as a challenge. I can do kal last, kal is easy right? WRONG I’ve tried multiple times and it just isn’t working.
So now I have shallan and dalinar on my wall, which is probably the weirdest combo of characters that you could choose. Like if it was someone like lift and either you would just assume it was random characters. Or if it was kal and either it would be the main protagonist and another main protagonist. Even jasnah would work with either. But now it's just weird
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martyrbat · 1 year
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ghosts – batman confidential #41
[ID: eight year old Bruce Wayne kneeling disconsolately on the ground between his parents corpses after they were murdered in front of him. His face is mostly concealed by shadow, blocking his eyes and lower face as he hauntedly stares ahead. END ID]
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3vocatio · 1 year
peeped here out of curiosity (i know u have good takes and rb good/interesting takes + filtered words don’t work when viewing blogs and i’ve filtered every single om tag ever) and uknow what? while there’s aspects of the (supposedly) satan-focused i greatly enjoyed (mostly as writing inspo and just the enjoyment of the moment itself more than its part in the overall narrative tbh) i was endlessly frustrated by the fact that diavolo got the true highlight. i couldn’t place why the hell it made me so annoyed but you’re right—the real main character of the story was diavolo and it annoys the hell out of me that satan was painted as more of the bad guy. despite having the most screen time, satan felt like he was simply a means to an end, with the end being some way to show/remind the audience all of diavolo’s princely qualities that often get sidelines in favor of his usual behavior in events.
like. i greatly enjoyed seeing satan lose his shit to the point of terrifying crowds of demons. i liked seeing him lock himself away after to try and process everything by himself. the bits of vulnerability when mc finally manages to speak to him? love. (not that much of it is actually new info but i do enjoy that it’s there)
but the rest of everything else has me pulling at my hair. especially the ending… i wanted mc to ask for something that would be primarily to satan’s benefit after all the bullshit that happened. (and also satan thanking diavolo for giving mc his stars felt… idk. it felt like it encapsulated how a lot of the story key part felt; reminding us that diavolo’s the actual ‘hero’ here and not satan.)
ahdksjakdja so yknow. just some thoughts i wanted to send you. i didnt wanna log into my om blog even though i probably should for thoughts like this >.>;; once again a majority of my real fun came from rewriting everything, which i guess is something since almost all of the non-bday om content for the last several months hasn’t even gotten me inspired enough to bother rewriting anything.
/end yet another rant abt om content shdjssjs
hello...pretend i responded to this first /j
to validate what you mentioned, i also only enjoyed snippets of that event (though as we know, it's been like this for most obey me events for a long time); diavolo aside, witnessing satan compose himself with such sincerity and generousity felt like a blessing tbh. he knows his limits, he knows what upsets him and he should be listened to, even if he gets emotional about it. so what! most of us become emotional when defending something we hold close to our hearts, and satan was no different.
i've said this in the other ask you sent, but you came back right on time as the new lore-focused obm game has been announced! satan was one of their focal points that they mentioned, as well as lore surrounding the (pre & post) celestial realm, solomon, and the attic. it's gotten the entire fandom riled up including myself, and everything looks promising so far :)
i was wondering why the spacing between events in-game have been getting longer and longer, and i'm glad to know it's because they're putting importance on quality over quantity. they began making baby steps in the previous "single character-focused" events, but i'd like to mention that i am very satisfied with the release of simeon's new birthday event, especially when you compare it to the first one for symbolism reasons.
i won't go in-depth about it now unless someone asks me to share my thoughts, but it was the right amount of promising writing i needed to give me hope. for you specifically, satan didn't delve into any cat shenanegains and when he confronted lucifer & brought up a good point, he was acknowleged and listened to. everyone did such a good job...aaaa <3
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ireonic · 10 months
just for undiagnosed by a uquiz 🙏🙏💀💀 I am not longer AUTISTIC 🙅🙅❌❌❌🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫🚫 I am BASIC🥰🥰👍🙌🙌🙌🙌🙌🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺 I'd like to thank everyone who has been with my on my autism phase and I'll be going to touch some jean textured fabric since that's not an issue n e more
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n7viper · 10 months
people outside of the US just cannot resist a chance to make a joke about our temperature scale or imperial measurements as if we get a choice in the matter. y'all sound like those people who cannot resist making a "haha if it doesn't scan, that means it's free!" joke to the cashier at the store as if they're not the 5th person to say that in the last hour
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lottiecrabie · 10 months
I’d honestly rather you say throbbing bc it’s getting a bit repetitive
ok well you write the smut lol
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