#ren and stimpy horse
michaelworthy25 · 5 months
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Mr. Horse
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bobby-sama · 1 month
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Nickelodeon Kart Racers 2: Grand Prix had lots of great art. So, I'm sharing the art of the crew members featured in the game. This post compiles characters from the cartoons Ren & Stimpy and The JoJo & BowBow Show Show.
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taintedpastries · 12 days
So, I was watching clips of Ren and Stimpy and started thinking about Mr.Horse.
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So Uh....shit happened
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So uh have my sona in the shower. in a stupid shower cap.
I am so NOT sorry
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partyexe · 2 years
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captainpirateface · 2 years
I feel off and shitty today.
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interretialia · 2 years
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Minime bone vir, id mihi non placet.
No sir, I don’t like it.
(Fons Imaginis.)
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Mr Horse (Ren And Stimpy) Human Version
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©️ Ren And Stimpy On 1991 By John Kricfalusi
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volleypearlfan · 1 year
Canadian Cartoons Are Great
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Today, the popular cartoon YouTuber Saberspark uploaded a video talking about the infamous “fart episode” of the 2023 Total Drama series. The comments were filled with hatred and generalizations towards Canadian animation. These terrible comments are not the fault of Saberspark, but it is true that the “big users” in the cartoon community are (mostly) Americans who spread myths and stereotypes about Canadian cartoons. This has bothered me and a few others for quite a while, so here, I’m going to prove why Canadian animation is great, actually, and dispel common misconceptions
All Canadian cartoons are about fart jokes - if you say stuff like this, you clearly have never seen a Canadian cartoon outside of Total Drama and Johnny Test. That’s like if I said “all anime is naughty tentacles” or “all American cartoons are about anvils falling on your head.” And don’t act like your precious USA cartoons and anime are exempt from toilet humor. One example of an anime with toilet humor is Panty and Stocking with Garterbelt - their first episode was about a monster made out of shit. And we all know about the gross out cartoons such as Ren and Stimpy.
Canadian cartoons are cheaply mass-produced because of CanCon - No. What CanCon ACTUALLY states is that a certain percentage of content on a Canadian channel has to be Canadian-made. The policy is about supporting Canadian art, not “mass-producing” cartoons, since this applies to ALL Canadian TV and radio content, animated or otherwise.
Now, let me tell you some reasons why Canadian animation is actually great
Some of your childhood shows, such as Arthur, Franklin, and Little Bear are Canadian in origin.
Some of the most acclaimed cartoons within the cartoon community, such as Ed Edd n Eddy and MLP:FIM, were both animated in Canada and had voice actors from there (same talent pool, in fact - Vancouver)
Inspector Gadget and the Beetlejuice animated series helped keep good animation afloat during the 80s. In a decade full of uninspired and insipid cartoons, these were two of the highlights.
Canada is still a great place to outsource animation, as proven with the works of Nelvana, Mercury Filmworks, Jam Filled, and countless others.
If you grew up without cable, you probably watched PBS Kids and/or Qubo a lot. Guess what - lots of the shows on both of those channels were Canadian. For example: the PBS Kids Bookworm Bunch: Timothy Goes to School, Seven Little Monsters, Marvin the Tap-Dancing Horse - these shows are all Canadian! Qubo was also home to Jane and the Dragon, Jacob Two Two, Babar, Spliced, etc - they’re all Canadian too.
Because Canada’s censors are far more lax compared to American ones, Canada has made huge strides in teen and adult animation. Such shows include Total Drama, 6teen, Detentionaire, Undergrads, Producing Parker, etc as well as the movie Heavy Metal.
Also because of the lax censors, Canadian cartoons had positive LGBTQ representation far before the United States did. One episode of 6teen has a character stating “I’m gay,” and in Braceface, the main character assists her gay friend in finding a boyfriend. Unsurprisingly, these episodes never aired in the US.
6teen also dealt with periods before Turning Red, Baymax, and Molly McGee did it (again, the episode was banned in the US).
Finally, here are a few Canadian cartoons I recommend, and where to watch them:
Cybersix (it was a Canadian and Japanese co-production). The whole thing is on TMS’ YouTube channel.
Redwall is on Pluto, and there are episodes of it on YouTube courtesy of Treehouse Direct
Toad Patrol (unfortunately you’re gonna have to resort to low quality YouTube uploads)
Silverwing - again, the complete series is on YouTube
Detentionaire- On Tubi and Pluto!
Ruby Gloom is a great show if you like cute gothic stuff; it too is on Tubi and Pluto
The Adventures of Sam and Max: Freelance Police - on Tubi
One of my favorites, The Raccoons. Basically the Canadian equivalent to The Simpsons, and with a banger ending song. The show’s production company has uploaded episodes of it for free on YouTube.
The original Clone High was animated by the legendary Nelvana (if you’re wondering, the new season is not outsourced to Canada 😔) It is on Paramount Plus and HBO Max
Undergrads - yet again on YouTube, in low quality unfortunately. Like Clone High, it was on MTV.
I also recommend watching some short films from the National Film Board of Canada. My personal favorite is the Log Driver’s Waltz.
Tl;dr - American cartoons are not bad because of Allen Gregory, anime is not bad because of Pupa, and Canadian cartoons are not bad because of Johnny Test or fart jokes.
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punkitt-is-here · 1 year
gonna be sappy in ur asks for a sec transfem big mac literally means so much to me. it makes me so happy as a trans girl who’s closeted and not visibly a girl to watch a character who is canonically male and who has a deep voice and who is bigger/not at all dainty be commonly hced as transfem. it just feels rlly freeing i adore it. it makes me feel more seen than most canon trans rep lol
aaa gosh!!! that's why i'm so for the idea. Big Mac IS the peak of "masculinity" (not counting the ren and stimpy buff horse) in the show, so showing that even someone that outwardly masculine could still find joy and comfort in the idea of being trans is something i value greatly. im happy folks resonate with the idea.
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ilovescaredysquirrel2 · 3 months
Unpopular opinion: Dirty Dan shows should be banned
Okay, I felt this way for a long time but I feel like after that "Quiet on the set" documentary, we ALL know what Dirty Dan Schneider did to the children who worked on his nasty, perverted shows and movies. I'm sorry if these were your "childhood favorites" which is a bunch of bullcrap because it was part of my childhood too. My grandma and I used to think Cat was so cool on Victorious, and we liked the songs, although there were some moments that made us question why people would put such rubbish jokes in a kids show. The songs are great, but if you watch it for "nostalgia", which I can't do after knowing what Dan did, just search the songs up in the nightcore playlists on YouTube. Victorious should be BANNED along with all of Dan's sows and and movies. I think iCarly and Good Burger were the worst of all, and those of you who say otherwise, I think you don't realize how much abuse these kids went through on set and how disgusting the "humor" was in these shows. I think iCarly should get banned first, but everything that Dan Schneider worked on should be banned. and I mean EVERYTHING!
Okay, I'm 21 and hate adult humor shows... I know it's weird but I'm from the generation that had shows like Little Bear, Maggie and the Ferocious Beast, Marvin the Tap-Dancing, and ToddWorld (those last two shows you probably never heard of, look them up) and I'm not used to that Family guy/Ren & stimpy type humor. In fact, Ren & Stimpy is another show I think should be banned. John K was just like Dan Schneider in a way, he was a huge p*do too. I'm also not saying that dirty jokes in kids shows are a bad thing, subtle dirty jokes are okay, but don't take the "adult humor" too far. They take the dirty jokes way too far in those shows. I hope one day we will stop putting perverted, fetishy stuff in kids shows. Some example of subtle dirty jokes would be like the "Could you imagine teaching those kids how to ride a corndog?" thing from Marvin the tap-dancing Horse, and the "I'm trying to admire some heavenly bodies" "Wow you can see the beach through that thing? Let me look" from CatDog. Those were subtle dirty jokes for parents, but we know they were talking about something that wasn't for kids. The shows like iCarly and Ren & Stimpy just had the most perverted, fetishy crap ever that it wasn't even watchable.. especially since iCarly characters were underage. There's other Nickelodeon shows I do have problems with, but that's for a different day.
Jeanette McCurdy wasn't the only victim and just because she spoke out and wrote a book about it, doesn't mean that it only happened to her. The other girls were offered hush money. I do think Jeanette probably suffered the worst, though. I think Amanda Bynes (voice of Piper in Robots, if you don't know who she is) had it bad too. I'm sure she had fun voicing in Robots, but she obviously went through abuse on the Dirty Dan shows that she was on. Dirty Dan gave her "The Amanda show" so that she could be the star because that creepy jerk was obsessed with her. Also, Miranda Cosgrove (if you don't know who that is, she was Margot in Despicable Me and Sam in Mouse Tale) also went through abuse by Dirty Dan too. Practically everyone was abused by Dirty Dan Schnieder. He didn't just have a foot fetish either, he literally R*PED underage girls! He also held pool parties and refused to invite their parents... if that doesn't sound suspicious, I don't know what does.
I also have opinions on Disney movies I think we should cancel, however, those are old movies and I know more people have nostalgia for them, and they could be a good learning point for people to see how far we've come (like, Peter Pan and Song of the South absolutely disgust me, but they can be used as a learning thing on why we shouldn't make movies like this anymore). I'd like to see them get banned eventually though, however more people have nostalgia for those than iCarly and stuff, and I just think we need to ban iCarly (and Dan's other shows) first.
If you disagree I'd like to hear your opinion on why you disagree with me. If you agree, let me know your thoughts. I'm still mad that they removed an innocent episode of SpongeBob from Paramount plus, yet you can watch Victorious and iCarly on there. It doesn't make sense... we should start a riot or boycott for Paramount Plus or something. WE NEED TO COMPLAIN! I don't want any other kid in the world to see an episode of iCarly, Victorious, Sam & Cat, Henry Danger, All That, Kenan & Kel, Thundermans, whatever else Dan Schneider worked on! PLEASE! If you see your kids or younger sibling watching one of those shows, turn it off immediately and try to get those awful shows removed for good!
Yeah, sorry for the rant, again, if you disagree, I'd like to hear why. Try convincing me that these shows don't need to be banned.
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renpimpiblog · 4 months
Yello..how are you guys doing today?
The next episode iisssss....
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The one where they say nipple a lot, that is almost like, the entire point of the episode??? I'm not complaining either way, It's funny
I really like this one, the premise is pretty simple, Ren and Stimpy try another idea to get rich, they become door to door salesmen of rubber nipples, encountering a good part of the supporting characters, like the fire chief, Mr horse, and others, even though the idea of the episode is pretty mundane, they use it to twist and stretch the crazyness and insanity that characterizes the show so much, so many bizarre things happen, and it all encapsulates so well in Vincent Waller's artstyle, which is my favorite artstyle from these episodes from season 2 (you know, before him and others ended up quitting alongside John K's firing..buh)
Despite all, I think that the ONLY bad point this episode has is the ending, I get that it's supposed to be a reference to the Three stooges??? So it's supposed to be nonsensical and out of place, but I don't knooooowwww, maybe the could've made a ending that blended a lot better with the episode itself and still maintaining the reference?, but overall I really love this episode (bonus POSITIVE points goes to the Latin American dub..I love how Ren sounds so pissed off there)
I give this episode a 9/10, amazing episode, I recommend it greatly teehee
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Join us next time where we'll be taking a look at "Sven Hoek" ooohohohohohhhh that one it's pretty well known so...I hope you're looking forward to it
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monkeytrick · 2 months
This song is ren yelling at stimpy
And this one is them going on some sort of rubber nipple salesman esque adventure endeavor and encountering various horse and george liquor type figures along the way DO YOU SEE IT
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weaselbeaselpants · 8 months
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In other news, I'm personally sad and happy in a way about Hazbin coming out tbh. It just doesn't have the same life to it and mostly I just don't know if I want to hear Horse from Centaurworld swear or Keith David as Husk. That's gonna be too much of trip for me.
I also saw the Ren and Stimpy documentary last week which I have some thoughts on. like, a lot of thoughts. Too many to recount and tell you all in just this one post.
and yes, I am going on about shows to distract myself from the screenshots here because
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Ren: Fuck everything.
Stimpy: What about unicorns?
Ren: Fuck those pointy horses.
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restinpiss · 1 year
Ren and Stimpy had the same amount of psychological merit as Rick and Morty or Bojack Horseman whatever the fuck but what sets the show apart from them was the feeling of isolation and sometimes the sense of loneliness of watching the show. You are pulled into their cycle of madness and made to vicariously observe their abusive relationship. Their outside world such as the cop or the businessman or Mr. Horse etc always felt hollow and one-dimensional. The world revolved around them and you couldn't say a single thing.
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Ren Seeks Help makes me sad. The amount of potential the episode had just gets to me, I feel like it was wasted for nothing. It’s pretty clear that Ren has a grudge on anything that’s childish (like cartoons for example) so it probably shows that he grew up fast and never had much of a childhood. Also, there were times they would mention his mom and him getting offended over it for an unknown reason. There were a lot of little bread crumbs that could lead to a bigger story but instead we just got animal torture instead. Then again maybe the Ren Seeks Help I’m insinuating could ruin the comedic tone that the show was trying to set. Anyway sorry for the rant I just like talking about Ren and Stimpy stuff.
no apologies necessary! obvs you can tell talking about them is always welcome here.
yep, 'sad' is a perfect way to articulate it. the ep is a narrative disaster and a monstrous misfire on character development. like they really thought they anchored his violent pathology to getting slapped as an infant? the pacing plus substance are like you said, just so wasted on gross exhibitionism. the action moves in the most clumsy way around so many ripe tropes that would have worked if only they tried - i.e. an overprotective labile mother x an overzealous authoritarian father. the animal brutality has zero gravity bc the atmosphere was never tempered for it in the storyline.
i think you're alluding to the fact that dark comedy has triumphed elsewhere. the meaningless dialogue, Stimpy's unrewarded anguish for what appears to be a significant relationship transgression, a miserably unfunny take on mental health, the complete departure from Ren's character as a sympathetic petty asshole to a vindictive POS beating a horse w his bits out (uh yes that is seared into memory now, no thanks.) this ep just plain hurt us all.
major appreciation for all the fanfics out there that endeavored to right the wrongs of what could have been. if a reboot happens, which i'm honestly still a bit mixed on, i do hope they overwrite this one into oblivion.
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